/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.  See accompanying
   file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details.  */

#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep

#include "cmList.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>

#include <cm/memory>

#include "cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx"

#include "cmAlgorithms.h"
#include "cmGeneratorExpression.h"
#include "cmListFileCache.h"
#include "cmRange.h"
#include "cmStringAlgorithms.h"
#include "cmStringReplaceHelper.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"

cm::string_view cmList::element_separator{ ";" };

cmList cmList::sublist(size_type pos, size_type length) const
  if (pos >= this->Values.size()) {
    throw std::out_of_range(cmStrCat(
      "begin index: ", pos, " is out of range 0 - ", this->Values.size() - 1));

  size_type count = (length == npos || pos + length > this->size())
    ? this->size()
    : pos + length;
  return this->sublist(this->begin() + pos, this->begin() + count);

cmList::size_type cmList::find(cm::string_view value) const
  auto res = std::find(this->Values.begin(), this->Values.end(), value);
  if (res == this->Values.end()) {
    return npos;

  return std::distance(this->Values.begin(), res);

cmList& cmList::remove_duplicates()
  auto newEnd = cmRemoveDuplicates(this->Values);
  this->Values.erase(newEnd, this->Values.end());

  return *this;

namespace {
class MatchesRegex
  MatchesRegex(cmsys::RegularExpression& regex, cmList::FilterMode mode)
    : Regex(regex)
    , IncludeMatches(mode == cmList::FilterMode::INCLUDE)

  bool operator()(const std::string& target)
    return this->Regex.find(target) ^ this->IncludeMatches;

  cmsys::RegularExpression& Regex;
  const bool IncludeMatches;

cmList& cmList::filter(cm::string_view pattern, FilterMode mode)
  cmsys::RegularExpression regex(std::string{ pattern });
  if (!regex.is_valid()) {
    throw std::invalid_argument(
      cmStrCat("sub-command FILTER, mode REGEX failed to compile regex \"",
               pattern, "\"."));

  auto it = std::remove_if(this->Values.begin(), this->Values.end(),
                           MatchesRegex{ regex, mode });
  this->Values.erase(it, this->Values.end());

  return *this;

namespace {
class StringSorter
  using StringFilter = std::function<std::string(const std::string&)>;

  using OrderMode = cmList::SortConfiguration::OrderMode;
  using CompareMethod = cmList::SortConfiguration::CompareMethod;
  using CaseSensitivity = cmList::SortConfiguration::CaseSensitivity;

  StringFilter GetCompareFilter(CompareMethod compare)
    return (compare == CompareMethod::FILE_BASENAME)
      ? cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName
      : nullptr;

  StringFilter GetCaseFilter(CaseSensitivity sensitivity)
    return (sensitivity == CaseSensitivity::INSENSITIVE)
      ? cmSystemTools::LowerCase
      : nullptr;

  using ComparisonFunction =
    std::function<bool(const std::string&, const std::string&)>;
  ComparisonFunction GetComparisonFunction(CompareMethod compare)
    if (compare == CompareMethod::NATURAL) {
      return std::function<bool(const std::string&, const std::string&)>(
        [](const std::string& x, const std::string& y) {
          return cmSystemTools::strverscmp(x, y) < 0;
    return std::function<bool(const std::string&, const std::string&)>(
      [](const std::string& x, const std::string& y) { return x < y; });

  StringSorter(cmList::SortConfiguration const& config)
    : Filters{ this->GetCompareFilter(config.Compare),
               this->GetCaseFilter(config.Case) }
    , SortMethod(this->GetComparisonFunction(config.Compare))
    , Descending(config.Order == OrderMode::DESCENDING)

  std::string ApplyFilter(const std::string& argument)
    std::string result = argument;
    for (auto const& filter : this->Filters) {
      if (filter != nullptr) {
        result = filter(result);
    return result;

  bool operator()(const std::string& a, const std::string& b)
    std::string af = this->ApplyFilter(a);
    std::string bf = this->ApplyFilter(b);
    bool result;
    if (this->Descending) {
      result = this->SortMethod(bf, af);
    } else {
      result = this->SortMethod(af, bf);
    return result;

  StringFilter Filters[2] = { nullptr, nullptr };
  ComparisonFunction SortMethod;
  bool Descending;

cmList::SortConfiguration::SortConfiguration() = default;

cmList& cmList::sort(const SortConfiguration& cfg)
  SortConfiguration config{ cfg };

  if (config.Order == SortConfiguration::OrderMode::DEFAULT) {
    config.Order = SortConfiguration::OrderMode::ASCENDING;
  if (config.Compare == SortConfiguration::CompareMethod::DEFAULT) {
    config.Compare = SortConfiguration::CompareMethod::STRING;
  if (config.Case == SortConfiguration::CaseSensitivity::DEFAULT) {
    config.Case = SortConfiguration::CaseSensitivity::SENSITIVE;

  if ((config.Compare == SortConfiguration::CompareMethod::STRING) &&
      (config.Case == SortConfiguration::CaseSensitivity::SENSITIVE) &&
      (config.Order == SortConfiguration::OrderMode::ASCENDING)) {
    std::sort(this->Values.begin(), this->Values.end());
  } else {
    StringSorter sorter(config);
    std::sort(this->Values.begin(), this->Values.end(), sorter);

  return *this;

namespace {
using transform_type = std::function<std::string(const std::string&)>;
using transform_error = cmList::transform_error;

class TransformSelector : public cmList::TransformSelector
  ~TransformSelector() override = default;

  std::string Tag;

  const std::string& GetTag() override { return this->Tag; }

  virtual bool Validate(std::size_t count = 0) = 0;

  virtual bool InSelection(const std::string&) = 0;

  virtual void Transform(cmList::container_type& list,
                         const transform_type& transform)
    std::transform(list.begin(), list.end(), list.begin(), transform);

  TransformSelector(std::string&& tag)
    : Tag(std::move(tag))

class TransformNoSelector : public TransformSelector
    : TransformSelector("NO SELECTOR")

  bool Validate(std::size_t) override { return true; }

  bool InSelection(const std::string&) override { return true; }
class TransformSelectorRegex : public TransformSelector
  TransformSelectorRegex(const std::string& regex)
    : TransformSelector("REGEX")
    , Regex(regex)
  TransformSelectorRegex(std::string&& regex)
    : TransformSelector("REGEX")
    , Regex(regex)

  bool Validate(std::size_t) override { return this->Regex.is_valid(); }

  bool InSelection(const std::string& value) override
    return this->Regex.find(value);

  cmsys::RegularExpression Regex;
class TransformSelectorIndexes : public TransformSelector
  std::vector<index_type> Indexes;

  bool InSelection(const std::string&) override { return true; }

  void Transform(std::vector<std::string>& list,
                 const transform_type& transform) override

    for (auto index : this->Indexes) {
      list[index] = transform(list[index]);

  TransformSelectorIndexes(std::string&& tag)
    : TransformSelector(std::move(tag))
  TransformSelectorIndexes(std::string&& tag,
                           std::vector<index_type> const& indexes)
    : TransformSelector(std::move(tag))
    , Indexes(indexes)
  TransformSelectorIndexes(std::string&& tag,
                           std::vector<index_type>&& indexes)
    : TransformSelector(std::move(tag))
    , Indexes(indexes)

  index_type NormalizeIndex(index_type index, std::size_t count)
    if (index < 0) {
      index = static_cast<index_type>(count) + index;
    if (index < 0 || count <= static_cast<std::size_t>(index)) {
      throw transform_error(cmStrCat(
        "sub-command TRANSFORM, selector ", this->Tag, ", index: ", index,
        " out of range (-", count, ", ", count - 1, ")."));
    return index;
class TransformSelectorAt : public TransformSelectorIndexes
  TransformSelectorAt(std::vector<index_type> const& indexes)
    : TransformSelectorIndexes("AT", indexes)
  TransformSelectorAt(std::vector<index_type>&& indexes)
    : TransformSelectorIndexes("AT", std::move(indexes))

  bool Validate(std::size_t count) override
    decltype(this->Indexes) indexes;

    for (auto index : this->Indexes) {
      indexes.push_back(this->NormalizeIndex(index, count));
    this->Indexes = std::move(indexes);

    return true;
class TransformSelectorFor : public TransformSelectorIndexes
  TransformSelectorFor(index_type start, index_type stop, index_type step)
    : TransformSelectorIndexes("FOR")
    , Start(start)
    , Stop(stop)
    , Step(step)

  bool Validate(std::size_t count) override
    this->Start = this->NormalizeIndex(this->Start, count);
    this->Stop = this->NormalizeIndex(this->Stop, count);

    // Does stepping move us further from the end?
    if (this->Start > this->Stop) {
      throw transform_error(
        cmStrCat("sub-command TRANSFORM, selector FOR "
                 "expects <start> to be no greater than <stop> (",
                 this->Start, " > ", this->Stop, ")"));

    // compute indexes
    auto size = (this->Stop - this->Start + 1) / this->Step;
    if ((this->Stop - this->Start + 1) % this->Step != 0) {
      size += 1;

    auto start = this->Start;
    auto step = this->Step;
    std::generate(this->Indexes.begin(), this->Indexes.end(),
                  [&start, step]() -> index_type {
                    auto r = start;
                    start += step;
                    return r;

    return true;

  index_type Start, Stop, Step;

class TransformAction
  virtual ~TransformAction() = default;

  void Initialize(TransformSelector* selector) { this->Selector = selector; }
  virtual void Initialize(TransformSelector*, const std::string&) {}
  virtual void Initialize(TransformSelector*, const std::string&,
                          const std::string&)
  virtual void Initialize(TransformSelector* selector,
                          const std::vector<std::string>&)

  virtual std::string operator()(const std::string& s) = 0;

  TransformSelector* Selector;
class TransformActionAppend : public TransformAction
  using TransformAction::Initialize;

  void Initialize(TransformSelector* selector,
                  const std::string& append) override
    this->Append = append;
  void Initialize(TransformSelector* selector,
                  const std::vector<std::string>& append) override
    this->Initialize(selector, append.front());

  std::string operator()(const std::string& s) override
    if (this->Selector->InSelection(s)) {
      return cmStrCat(s, this->Append);

    return s;

  std::string Append;
class TransformActionPrepend : public TransformAction
  using TransformAction::Initialize;

  void Initialize(TransformSelector* selector,
                  const std::string& prepend) override
    this->Prepend = prepend;
  void Initialize(TransformSelector* selector,
                  const std::vector<std::string>& prepend) override
    this->Initialize(selector, prepend.front());

  std::string operator()(const std::string& s) override
    if (this->Selector->InSelection(s)) {
      return cmStrCat(this->Prepend, s);

    return s;

  std::string Prepend;
class TransformActionToUpper : public TransformAction
  std::string operator()(const std::string& s) override
    if (this->Selector->InSelection(s)) {
      return cmSystemTools::UpperCase(s);

    return s;
class TransformActionToLower : public TransformAction
  std::string operator()(const std::string& s) override
    if (this->Selector->InSelection(s)) {
      return cmSystemTools::LowerCase(s);

    return s;
class TransformActionStrip : public TransformAction
  std::string operator()(const std::string& s) override
    if (this->Selector->InSelection(s)) {
      return cmTrimWhitespace(s);

    return s;
class TransformActionGenexStrip : public TransformAction
  std::string operator()(const std::string& s) override
    if (this->Selector->InSelection(s)) {
      return cmGeneratorExpression::Preprocess(
        s, cmGeneratorExpression::StripAllGeneratorExpressions);

    return s;
class TransformActionReplace : public TransformAction
  using TransformAction::Initialize;

  void Initialize(TransformSelector* selector, const std::string& regex,
                  const std::string& replace) override
    this->ReplaceHelper =
      cm::make_unique<cmStringReplaceHelper>(regex, replace);

    if (!this->ReplaceHelper->IsRegularExpressionValid()) {
      throw transform_error(
        cmStrCat("sub-command TRANSFORM, action REPLACE: Failed to compile "
                 "regex \"",
                 regex, "\"."));
    if (!this->ReplaceHelper->IsReplaceExpressionValid()) {
      throw transform_error(cmStrCat("sub-command TRANSFORM, action REPLACE: ",
                                     this->ReplaceHelper->GetError(), "."));
  void Initialize(TransformSelector* selector,
                  const std::vector<std::string>& args) override
    this->Initialize(selector, args[0], args[1]);

  std::string operator()(const std::string& s) override
    if (this->Selector->InSelection(s)) {
      // Scan through the input for all matches.
      std::string output;

      if (!this->ReplaceHelper->Replace(s, output)) {
        throw transform_error(
          cmStrCat("sub-command TRANSFORM, action REPLACE: ",
                   this->ReplaceHelper->GetError(), "."));

      return output;

    return s;

  std::unique_ptr<cmStringReplaceHelper> ReplaceHelper;

// Descriptor of action
// Arity: number of arguments required for the action
// Transform: Object implementing the action
struct ActionDescriptor
  ActionDescriptor(cmList::TransformAction action)
    : Action(action)
  ActionDescriptor(cmList::TransformAction action, std::string name,
                   std::size_t arity,
                   std::unique_ptr<TransformAction> transform)
    : Action(action)
    , Name(std::move(name))
    , Arity(arity)
    , Transform(std::move(transform))

  operator cmList::TransformAction() const { return this->Action; }

  cmList::TransformAction Action;
  std::string Name;
  std::size_t Arity = 0;
  std::unique_ptr<TransformAction> Transform;

// Build a set of supported actions.
using ActionDescriptorSet = std::set<
  std::function<bool(cmList::TransformAction, cmList::TransformAction)>>;

ActionDescriptorSet Descriptors([](cmList::TransformAction x,
                                   cmList::TransformAction y) {
  return x < y;

ActionDescriptorSet::iterator TransformConfigure(
  cmList::TransformAction action,
  std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector>& selector, std::size_t arity)
  if (Descriptors.empty()) {
    Descriptors.emplace(cmList::TransformAction::APPEND, "APPEND", 1,
    Descriptors.emplace(cmList::TransformAction::PREPEND, "PREPEND", 1,
    Descriptors.emplace(cmList::TransformAction::TOUPPER, "TOUPPER", 0,
    Descriptors.emplace(cmList::TransformAction::TOLOWER, "TOLOWER", 0,
    Descriptors.emplace(cmList::TransformAction::STRIP, "STRIP", 0,
    Descriptors.emplace(cmList::TransformAction::GENEX_STRIP, "GENEX_STRIP", 0,
    Descriptors.emplace(cmList::TransformAction::REPLACE, "REPLACE", 2,

  auto descriptor = Descriptors.find(action);
  if (descriptor == Descriptors.end()) {
    throw transform_error(cmStrCat(" sub-command TRANSFORM, ",
                                   " invalid action."));

  if (descriptor->Arity != arity) {
    throw transform_error(cmStrCat("sub-command TRANSFORM, action ",
                                   descriptor->Name, " expects ",
                                   descriptor->Arity, " argument(s)."));
  if (!selector) {
    selector = cm::make_unique<TransformNoSelector>();

  return descriptor;

std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector> cmList::TransformSelector::NewAT(
  std::initializer_list<index_type> indexes)
  return cm::make_unique<TransformSelectorAt>(
    std::vector<index_type>{ indexes.begin(), indexes.end() });
std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector> cmList::TransformSelector::NewAT(
  std::vector<index_type> const& indexes)
  return cm::make_unique<TransformSelectorAt>(indexes);
std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector> cmList::TransformSelector::NewAT(
  std::vector<index_type>&& indexes)
  return cm::make_unique<TransformSelectorAt>(std::move(indexes));

std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector> cmList::TransformSelector::NewFOR(
  std::initializer_list<index_type> indexes)
  if (indexes.size() < 2 || indexes.size() > 3) {
    throw transform_error("sub-command TRANSFORM, selector FOR "
                          "expects 2 or 3 arguments");
  if (indexes.size() == 3 && *(indexes.begin() + 2) < 0) {
    throw transform_error("sub-command TRANSFORM, selector FOR expects "
                          "positive numeric value for <step>.");

  return cm::make_unique<TransformSelectorFor>(
    *indexes.begin(), *(indexes.begin() + 1),
    indexes.size() == 3 ? *(indexes.begin() + 2) : 1);
std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector> cmList::TransformSelector::NewFOR(
  std::vector<index_type> const& indexes)
  if (indexes.size() < 2 || indexes.size() > 3) {
    throw transform_error("sub-command TRANSFORM, selector FOR "
                          "expects 2 or 3 arguments");
  if (indexes.size() == 3 && indexes[2] < 0) {
    throw transform_error("sub-command TRANSFORM, selector FOR expects "
                          "positive numeric value for <step>.");

  return cm::make_unique<TransformSelectorFor>(
    indexes[0], indexes[1], indexes.size() == 3 ? indexes[2] : 1);
std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector> cmList::TransformSelector::NewFOR(
  std::vector<index_type>&& indexes)
  if (indexes.size() < 2 || indexes.size() > 3) {
    throw transform_error("sub-command TRANSFORM, selector FOR "
                          "expects 2 or 3 arguments");
  if (indexes.size() == 3 && indexes[2] < 0) {
    throw transform_error("sub-command TRANSFORM, selector FOR expects "
                          "positive numeric value for <step>.");

  return cm::make_unique<TransformSelectorFor>(
    indexes[0], indexes[1], indexes.size() == 3 ? indexes[2] : 1);

std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector> cmList::TransformSelector::NewREGEX(
  std::string const& regex)
  std::unique_ptr<::TransformSelector> selector =
  if (!selector->Validate()) {
    throw transform_error(
      cmStrCat("sub-command TRANSFORM, selector REGEX failed to compile "
               "regex \"",
               regex, "\"."));
  // weird construct to please all compilers
  return std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector>(selector.release());
std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector> cmList::TransformSelector::NewREGEX(
  std::string&& regex)
  std::unique_ptr<::TransformSelector> selector =
  if (!selector->Validate()) {
    throw transform_error(
      cmStrCat("sub-command TRANSFORM, selector REGEX failed to compile "
               "regex \"",
               regex, "\"."));
  // weird construct to please all compilers
  return std::unique_ptr<cmList::TransformSelector>(selector.release());

cmList& cmList::transform(TransformAction action,
                          std::unique_ptr<TransformSelector> selector)
  auto descriptor = TransformConfigure(action, selector, 0);


    this->Values, [&descriptor](const std::string& s) -> std::string {
      return (*descriptor->Transform)(s);

  return *this;

cmList& cmList::transform(TransformAction action, std::string const& arg,
                          std::unique_ptr<TransformSelector> selector)
  auto descriptor = TransformConfigure(action, selector, 1);

    static_cast<::TransformSelector*>(selector.get()), arg);

    this->Values, [&descriptor](const std::string& s) -> std::string {
      return (*descriptor->Transform)(s);

  return *this;

cmList& cmList::transform(TransformAction action, std::string const& arg1,
                          std::string const& arg2,
                          std::unique_ptr<TransformSelector> selector)
  auto descriptor = TransformConfigure(action, selector, 2);

    static_cast<::TransformSelector*>(selector.get()), arg1, arg2);

    this->Values, [&descriptor](const std::string& s) -> std::string {
      return (*descriptor->Transform)(s);

  return *this;

cmList& cmList::transform(TransformAction action,
                          std::vector<std::string> const& args,
                          std::unique_ptr<TransformSelector> selector)
  auto descriptor = TransformConfigure(action, selector, args.size());

    static_cast<::TransformSelector*>(selector.get()), args);

    this->Values, [&descriptor](const std::string& s) -> std::string {
      return (*descriptor->Transform)(s);

  return *this;

std::string& cmList::append(std::string& list, std::string&& value)
  if (list.empty()) {
    list = std::move(value);
  } else {
    list += cmStrCat(cmList::element_separator, value);

  return list;
std::string& cmList::append(std::string& list, cm::string_view value)
  return cmList::append(list, std::string{ value });

std::string& cmList::prepend(std::string& list, std::string&& value)
  if (list.empty()) {
    list = std::move(value);
  } else {
    list.insert(0, cmStrCat(value, cmList::element_separator));

  return list;
std::string& cmList::prepend(std::string& list, cm::string_view value)
  return cmList::prepend(list, std::string{ value });

cmList::size_type cmList::ComputeIndex(index_type pos, bool boundCheck) const
  if (boundCheck) {
    if (this->Values.empty()) {
      throw std::out_of_range(
        cmStrCat("index: ", pos, " out of range (0, 0)"));

    auto index = pos;
    if (!this->Values.empty()) {
      auto length = this->Values.size();
      if (index < 0) {
        index = static_cast<index_type>(length) + index;
      if (index < 0 || length <= static_cast<size_type>(index)) {
        throw std::out_of_range(cmStrCat("index: ", pos, " out of range (-",
                                         this->Values.size(), ", ",
                                         this->Values.size() - 1, ")"));
    return index;

  return pos < 0 ? this->Values.size() + pos : pos;
cmList::size_type cmList::ComputeInsertIndex(index_type pos,
                                             bool boundCheck) const
  if (boundCheck) {
    if (this->Values.empty() && pos != 0) {
      throw std::out_of_range(
        cmStrCat("index: ", pos, " out of range (0, 0)"));

    auto index = pos;
    if (!this->Values.empty()) {
      auto length = this->Values.size();
      if (index < 0) {
        index = static_cast<index_type>(length) + index;
      if (index < 0 || length < static_cast<size_type>(index)) {
        throw std::out_of_range(cmStrCat("index: ", pos, " out of range (-",
                                         this->Values.size(), ", ",
                                         this->Values.size(), ")"));
    return index;

  return pos < 0 ? this->Values.size() + pos : pos;

cmList cmList::GetItems(std::vector<index_type>&& indexes) const
  cmList listItems;

  for (auto index : indexes) {

  return listItems;

cmList& cmList::RemoveItems(std::vector<index_type>&& indexes)
  if (indexes.empty()) {
    return *this;

  // compute all indexes
  std::vector<size_type> idx(indexes.size());
  std::transform(indexes.cbegin(), indexes.cend(), idx.begin(),
                 [this](const index_type& index) -> size_type {
                   return this->ComputeIndex(index);

  std::sort(idx.begin(), idx.end(),
            [](size_type l, size_type r) { return l > r; });
  auto newEnd = std::unique(idx.begin(), idx.end());
  idx.erase(newEnd, idx.end());

  for (auto index : idx) {
    this->erase(this->begin() + index);

  return *this;

cmList& cmList::RemoveItems(std::vector<std::string>&& items)
  std::sort(items.begin(), items.end());
  auto last = std::unique(items.begin(), items.end());
  auto first = items.begin();

  auto newEnd = cmRemoveMatching(this->Values, cmMakeRange(first, last));
  this->Values.erase(newEnd, this->Values.end());

  return *this;

cmList::container_type::iterator cmList::Insert(
  container_type& container, container_type::const_iterator pos,
  std::string&& value, ExpandElements expandElements,
  EmptyElements emptyElements)
  auto delta = std::distance(container.cbegin(), pos);
  auto insertPos = container.begin() + delta;

  if (expandElements == ExpandElements::Yes) {
    // If argument is empty, it is an empty list.
    if (emptyElements == EmptyElements::No && value.empty()) {
      return insertPos;

    // if there are no ; in the name then just copy the current string
    if (value.find(';') == std::string::npos) {
      return container.insert(insertPos, std::move(value));

    std::string newValue;
    // Break the string at non-escaped semicolons not nested in [].
    int squareNesting = 0;
    auto last = value.begin();
    auto const cend = value.end();
    for (auto c = last; c != cend; ++c) {
      switch (*c) {
        case '\\': {
          // We only want to allow escaping of semicolons.  Other
          // escapes should not be processed here.
          auto cnext = c + 1;
          if ((cnext != cend) && *cnext == ';') {
            newValue.append(last, c);
            // Skip over the escape character
            last = cnext;
            c = cnext;
        } break;
        case '[': {
        } break;
        case ']': {
        } break;
        case ';': {
          // brackets.
          if (squareNesting == 0) {
            newValue.append(last, c);
            // Skip over the semicolon
            last = c + 1;
            if (!newValue.empty() || emptyElements == EmptyElements::Yes) {
              // Add the last argument.
              insertPos = container.insert(insertPos, newValue);
        } break;
        default: {
          // Just append this character.
        } break;
    newValue.append(last, cend);
    if (!newValue.empty() || emptyElements == EmptyElements::Yes) {
      // Add the last argument.
      container.insert(insertPos, std::move(newValue));
  } else if (!value.empty() || emptyElements == EmptyElements::Yes) {
    return container.insert(insertPos, std::move(value));
  return container.begin() + delta;

std::string const& cmList::ToString(BT<std::string> const& s)
  return s.Value;