
  Program:   CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
  Module:    $RCSfile$
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date$
  Version:   $Revision$

  Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium.  All rights reserved.
  See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#include "cmLoadCommandCommand.h"
#include "cmCPluginAPI.h"
#include "cmCPluginAPI.cxx"
#include "cmDynamicLoader.h"
#include <signal.h>
extern "C" void TrapsForSignalsCFunction(int sig);

// a class for loadabple commands
class cmLoadedCommand : public cmCommand
  cmLoadedCommand() {
    this->info.CAPI = &cmStaticCAPI;
  ///! clean up any memory allocated by the plugin
   * This is a virtual constructor for the command.
  virtual cmCommand* Clone() 
      cmLoadedCommand *newC = new cmLoadedCommand;
      // we must copy when we clone
      return newC;

   * This is called when the command is first encountered in
   * the CMakeLists.txt file.
  virtual bool InitialPass(std::vector<std::string> const& args);

   * This is called at the end after all the information
   * specified by the command is accumulated. Most commands do
   * not implement this method.  At this point, reading and
   * writing to the cache can be done.
  virtual void FinalPass();

   * This determines if the command gets propagated down
   * to makefiles located in subdirectories.
  virtual bool IsInherited() {
    return (info.m_Inherited != 0 ? true : false);
   * The name of the command as specified in CMakeList.txt.
  virtual const char* GetName() { return info.Name; }
   * Succinct documentation.
  virtual const char* GetTerseDocumentation() 
      if (this->info.GetTerseDocumentation)
        const char* ret = info.GetTerseDocumentation(); 
        cmLoadedCommand::InstallSignalHandlers(info.Name, 1);
        return ret;
        return "LoadedCommand without any additional documentation";
  static const char* LastName;
  static void TrapsForSignals(int sig)
      fprintf(stderr, "CMake loaded command %s crashed with signal: %d.\n",
              cmLoadedCommand::LastName, sig);
  static void InstallSignalHandlers(const char* name, int remove = 0)
      cmLoadedCommand::LastName = name;
        cmLoadedCommand::LastName = "????";
        signal(SIGSEGV, TrapsForSignalsCFunction);
#ifdef SIGBUS
        signal(SIGBUS,  TrapsForSignalsCFunction);
        signal(SIGILL,  TrapsForSignalsCFunction);
        signal(SIGSEGV, 0);
#ifdef SIGBUS
        signal(SIGBUS,  0);
        signal(SIGILL,  0);
   * More documentation.
  virtual const char* GetFullDocumentation()
      if (this->info.GetFullDocumentation)
        const char* ret = info.GetFullDocumentation();
        cmLoadedCommand::InstallSignalHandlers(info.Name, 1);
        return ret;
        return "LoadedCommand without any additional documentation";
  cmTypeMacro(cmLoadedCommand, cmCommand);

  cmLoadedCommandInfo info;

extern "C" void TrapsForSignalsCFunction(int sig)

const char* cmLoadedCommand::LastName = 0;

bool cmLoadedCommand::InitialPass(std::vector<std::string> const& args)
  if (!info.InitialPass)
    return true;

  // clear the error string
  if (this->info.Error)
  // create argc and argv and then invoke the command
  int argc = static_cast<int> (args.size());
  char **argv = 0;
  if (argc)
    argv = (char **)malloc(argc*sizeof(char *));
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
    argv[i] = strdup(args[i].c_str());
  int result = info.InitialPass((void *)&info,(void *)this->m_Makefile,argc,argv); 
  cmLoadedCommand::InstallSignalHandlers(info.Name, 1);
  if (result)
    return true;

  /* Initial Pass must have failed so set the error string */
  if (this->info.Error)
  return false;

void cmLoadedCommand::FinalPass()
  if (this->info.FinalPass)
    this->info.FinalPass((void *)&this->info,(void *)this->m_Makefile);
    cmLoadedCommand::InstallSignalHandlers(info.Name, 1);

  if (this->info.Destructor)
    this->info.Destructor((void *)&this->info);
    cmLoadedCommand::InstallSignalHandlers(info.Name, 1);
  if (this->info.Error)

// cmLoadCommandCommand
bool cmLoadCommandCommand::InitialPass(std::vector<std::string> const& args)
  if(args.size() < 1 )
    return true;

  // Construct a variable to report what file was loaded, if any.
  // Start by removing the definition in case of failure.
  std::string reportVar = "CMAKE_LOADED_COMMAND_";
  reportVar += args[0];

  // the file must exist
  std::string fullPath = cmDynamicLoader::LibPrefix();
  fullPath += "cm" + args[0] + cmDynamicLoader::LibExtension();

  // search for the file
  std::vector<std::string> path;
  for (unsigned int j = 1; j < args.size(); j++)
    // expand variables
    std::string exp = args[j];
    // Glob the entry in case of wildcards.
    cmSystemTools::GlobDirs(exp.c_str(), path);

  // Try to find the program.
  fullPath = cmSystemTools::FindFile(fullPath.c_str(), path);
  if (fullPath == "")
    fullPath = "Attempt to load command failed from file : ";
    fullPath += cmDynamicLoader::LibPrefix();
    fullPath += "cm" + args[0] + cmDynamicLoader::LibExtension();
    return false;

  // try loading the shared library / dll
  cmLibHandle lib = cmDynamicLoader::OpenLibrary(fullPath.c_str());
    std::string err = "Attempt to load the library ";
    err += fullPath + " failed.";
    const char* error = cmDynamicLoader::LastError();
    if ( error )
      err += " Additional error info is:\n";
      err += error;
    return false;

  // Report what file was loaded for this command.
  m_Makefile->AddDefinition(reportVar.c_str(), fullPath.c_str());

  // find the init function
  std::string initFuncName = args[0] + "Init";
  CM_INIT_FUNCTION initFunction
    cmDynamicLoader::GetSymbolAddress(lib, initFuncName.c_str());
  if ( !initFunction )
    initFuncName = "_";
    initFuncName += args[0];
    initFuncName += "Init";
    initFunction = (CM_INIT_FUNCTION)(
      cmDynamicLoader::GetSymbolAddress(lib, initFuncName.c_str()));
  // if the symbol is found call it to set the name on the 
  // function blocker
    // create a function blocker and set it up
    cmLoadedCommand *f = new cmLoadedCommand();
    return true;
  this->SetError("Attempt to load command failed. "
                 "No init function found.");
  return false;