
  Program:   CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
  Module:    $RCSfile$
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date$
  Version:   $Revision$

  Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium.  All rights reserved.
  See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef cmLocalGenerator_h
#define cmLocalGenerator_h

#include "cmStandardIncludes.h"

class cmMakefile;
class cmGlobalGenerator;
class cmTarget;
class cmSourceFile;

/** \class cmLocalGenerator
 * \brief Create required build files for a directory.
 * Subclasses of this abstract class generate makefiles, DSP, etc for various
 * platforms. This class should never be constructued directly. A
 * GlobalGenerator will create it and invoke the appropriate commands on it.
class cmLocalGenerator
  virtual ~cmLocalGenerator();
   * Generate the makefile for this directory. 
  virtual void Generate() {};

   * Process the CMakeLists files for this directory to fill in the
   * m_Makefile ivar 
  virtual void Configure();

   * Perform any final calculations prior to generation
  virtual void ConfigureFinalPass();

   * Generate the install rules files in this directory.
  virtual void GenerateInstallRules();

   * Generate the test files for tests.
  virtual void GenerateTestFiles();

  ///! Get the makefile for this generator
  cmMakefile *GetMakefile() {
    return this->m_Makefile; };
  ///! Get the GlobalGenerator this is associated with
  cmGlobalGenerator *GetGlobalGenerator() {
    return m_GlobalGenerator; };

  ///! Set the Global Generator, done on creation by the GlobalGenerator
  void SetGlobalGenerator(cmGlobalGenerator *gg);

   * Convert something to something else. This is a centralized coversion
   * routine used by the generators to handle relative paths and the like.
   * The flags determine what is actually done. 
   * relative: treat the argument as a directory and convert it to make it
   * relative or full or unchanged. If relative (HOME, START etc) then that
   * specifies what it should be relative to.
   * output: make the result suitable for output to a...
   * optional: should any relative path operation be controlled by the rel
   * path setting
  enum OutputFormat { UNCHANGED, MAKEFILE, SHELL };
  std::string Convert(const char* source, 
                      RelativeRoot relative, 
                      OutputFormat output = UNCHANGED,
                      bool optional = false);
   * Convert the given path to an output path that is optionally
   * relative based on the cache option CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS.  The
   * remote path must use forward slashes and not already be escaped
   * or quoted.
  std::string ConvertToOptionallyRelativeOutputPath(const char* remote);

  // flag to determine if this project should be included in a parent project
  bool GetExcludeAll()
      return m_ExcludeFromAll;
  void SetExcludeAll(bool b)
      m_ExcludeFromAll = b;
  ///! set/get the parent generator 
  cmLocalGenerator* GetParent(){return m_Parent;}
  void SetParent(cmLocalGenerator* g) { m_Parent = g; g->AddChild(this); }

  ///! set/get the children
  void AddChild(cmLocalGenerator* g) { this->Children.push_back(g); }
  std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>& GetChildren() { return this->Children; };

  void AddLanguageFlags(std::string& flags, const char* lang);
  void AddSharedFlags(std::string& flags, const char* lang, bool shared);
  void AddConfigVariableFlags(std::string& flags, const char* var);
  void AppendFlags(std::string& flags, const char* newFlags);
  ///! Get the include flags for the current makefile and language
  const char* GetIncludeFlags(const char* lang); 

  ///! for existing files convert to output path and short path if spaces
  std::string ConvertToOutputForExisting(const char* p);
  /** Called from command-line hook to check dependencies.  */
  virtual void CheckDependencies(cmMakefile* /* mf */, 
                                 bool /* verbose */,
                                 bool /* clear */) {};
  /** Called from command-line hook to scan dependencies.  */
  virtual bool ScanDependencies(std::vector<std::string> const& /* args */) {return true;};

  /** Construct a script from the given list of command lines.  */
  std::string ConstructScript(const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines,
                              const char* newline = "\n");

  ///! Fill out these strings for the given target.  Libraries to link, flags, and linkflags.
  void GetTargetFlags(std::string& linkLibs, 
                      std::string& flags,
                      std::string& linkFlags,
  ///! put all the libraries for a target on into the given stream
  virtual void OutputLinkLibraries(std::ostream&, const char* name,cmTarget &);

  /** Get the include flags for the current makefile and language.  */
  void GetIncludeDirectories(std::vector<std::string>& dirs);

  // Expand rule variables in CMake of the type found in language rules
  void ExpandRuleVariables(std::string& string,
                           const char* language,
                           const char* objects=0,
                           const char* target=0,
                           const char* linkLibs=0,
                           const char* source=0,
                           const char* object =0,
                           const char* flags = 0,
                           const char* objectsquoted = 0,
                           const char* targetBase = 0,
                           const char* targetSOName = 0,
                           const char* linkFlags = 0);
  // Expand rule variables in a single string
  std::string ExpandRuleVariable(std::string const& variable,
                                 const char* lang,
                                 const char* objects,
                                 const char* target,
                                 const char* linkLibs,
                                 const char* source,
                                 const char* object,
                                 const char* flags,
                                 const char* objectsquoted,
                                 const char* targetBase,
                                 const char* targetSOName,
                                 const char* linkFlags);
  ///! Convert a target to a utility target for unsupported languages of a generator
  void AddBuildTargetRule(const char* llang, cmTarget& target);
  ///! add a custom command to build a .o file that is part of a target 
  void AddCustomCommandToCreateObject(const char* ofname, 
                                      const char* lang, 
                                      cmSourceFile& source,
                                      cmTarget& target);
  // Create Custom Targets and commands for unsupported languages
  // The set passed in should contain the languages supported by the
  // generator directly.  Any targets containing files that are not
  // of the types listed will be compiled as custom commands and added
  // to a custom target.
  void CreateCustomTargetsAndCommands(std::set<cmStdString> const&);
  virtual void AddInstallRule(std::ostream& fout, const char* dest, int type, 
    const char* files, bool optional = false, const char* properties = 0);

  cmMakefile *m_Makefile;
  cmGlobalGenerator *m_GlobalGenerator;
  // members used for relative path function ConvertToMakefilePath
  std::string m_RelativePathToSourceDir;
  std::string m_RelativePathToBinaryDir;
  std::vector<std::string> m_HomeDirectoryComponents;
  std::vector<std::string> m_StartDirectoryComponents;
  std::vector<std::string> m_HomeOutputDirectoryComponents;
  std::vector<std::string> m_StartOutputDirectoryComponents;
  bool m_ExcludeFromAll;
  cmLocalGenerator* m_Parent;
  std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*> Children;
  std::map<cmStdString, cmStdString> m_LanguageToIncludeFlags;
  bool m_WindowsShell;
  bool m_UseRelativePaths;
  bool m_IgnoreLibPrefix;
  bool Configured;
