/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2::cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2::~cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2::Generate(bool fromTheTop) { // TODO: Account for control-c during Makefile generation. // Generate old style for now. this->cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator::Generate(fromTheTop); // Generate the rule files for each target. const cmTargets& targets = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::const_iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t) { this->GenerateTargetRuleFile(t->second); } // Generate the main makefile. this->GenerateMakefile(); // Generate the cmake file that keeps the makefile up to date. this->GenerateCMakefile(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2::GenerateMakefile() { std::string makefileName = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); makefileName += "/Makefile2"; std::string cmakefileName = makefileName; cmakefileName += ".cmake"; // Open the output files. std::ofstream makefileStream(makefileName.c_str()); if(!makefileStream) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error can not open for write: ", makefileName.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReportLastSystemError(""); return; } // Write the do not edit header. this->WriteDisclaimer(makefileStream); // Write some rules to make things look nice. makefileStream << "# Disable some common implicit rules to speed things up.\n" << ".SUFFIXES:\n" << ".SUFFIXES:.hpuxmakemusthaverule\n\n"; // Write standard variables to the makefile. this->OutputMakeVariables(makefileStream); // Build command to run CMake to check if anything needs regenerating. std::string runRule = "@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR)"; runRule += " --check-rerun "; runRule += this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(cmakefileName.c_str()); // Most unix makes will pass the command line flags to make down to // sub-invoked makes via an environment variable. However, some // makes do not support that, so you have to pass the flags // explicitly. const char* depRule = "$(MAKE) -f Makefile2 $(MAKESILENT) all.depends"; const char* allRule = "$(MAKE) -f Makefile2 $(MAKESILENT) all"; if(m_PassMakeflags) { depRule = "$(MAKE) -f Makefile2 $(MAKESILENT) -$(MAKEFLAGS) all.depends"; allRule = "$(MAKE) -f Makefile2 $(MAKESILENT) -$(MAKEFLAGS) all"; } // Write the main entry point target. This must be the VERY first // target so that make with no arguments will run it. { std::vector depends; std::vector commands; commands.push_back(runRule); commands.push_back(depRule); commands.push_back(allRule); this->OutputMakeRule( makefileStream, "Default target executed when no arguments are given to make.", "default_target", depends, commands); } // Write special target to silence make output. This must be after // the default target in case VERBOSE is set (which changes the name). if(!m_Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE")) { makefileStream << "# Suppress display of executed commands.\n" << "$(VERBOSE).SILENT:\n\n"; } // Get the set of targets. const cmTargets& targets = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); // Output top level dependency rule. { std::vector depends; std::vector commands; for(cmTargets::const_iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t) { if(t->second.IsInAll()) { std::string dep = this->GetTargetDirectory(t->second); dep += "/"; dep += t->first; dep += ".depends"; depends.push_back(dep); } } this->OutputMakeRule(makefileStream, "all dependencies", "all.depends", depends, commands); } // Output top level build rule. { std::vector depends; std::vector commands; for(cmTargets::const_iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t) { if(t->second.IsInAll()) { depends.push_back(t->first+".requires"); } } this->OutputMakeRule(makefileStream, "all", "all", depends, commands); } // Write include statements to get rules for each target. makefileStream << "# Include target rule files.\n"; for(cmTargets::const_iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t) { std::string ruleFileName = this->GetTargetDirectory(t->second); ruleFileName += "/"; ruleFileName += t->first; ruleFileName += ".make"; makefileStream << m_IncludeDirective << " " << this->ConvertToOutputForExisting(ruleFileName.c_str()).c_str() << "\n"; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2::GenerateCMakefile() { std::string makefileName = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); makefileName += "/Makefile2"; std::string cmakefileName = makefileName; cmakefileName += ".cmake"; // Open the output file. std::ofstream cmakefileStream(cmakefileName.c_str()); if(!cmakefileStream) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error can not open for write: ", cmakefileName.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReportLastSystemError(""); return; } // Write the do not edit header. this->WriteDisclaimer(cmakefileStream); // Get the list of files contributing to this generation step. // Sort the list and remove duplicates. std::vector lfiles = m_Makefile->GetListFiles(); std::sort(lfiles.begin(), lfiles.end(), std::less()); std::vector::iterator new_end = std::unique(lfiles.begin(), lfiles.end()); lfiles.erase(new_end, lfiles.end()); // Save the list to the cmake file. cmakefileStream << "# The corresponding makefile\n" << "# \"" << makefileName << "\"\n" << "# was generated from the following files:\n" << "SET(CMAKE_MAKEFILE_DEPENDS\n" << " \"" << m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory() << "/CMakeCache.txt\"\n"; for(std::vector::const_iterator i = lfiles.begin(); i != lfiles.end(); ++i) { cmakefileStream << " \"" << i->c_str() << "\"\n"; } cmakefileStream << " )\n\n"; // Set the corresponding makefile in the cmake file. cmakefileStream << "# The corresponding makefile is:\n" << "SET(CMAKE_MAKEFILE_OUTPUTS\n" << " \"" << makefileName.c_str() << "\"\n" << " )\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2 ::GenerateTargetRuleFile(const cmTarget& target) { // Create a directory for this target. std::string dir = this->GetTargetDirectory(target); cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(dir.c_str()); // First generate the object rule files. Save a list of all object // files for this target. std::vector objects; const std::vector& sources = target.GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator source = sources.begin(); source != sources.end(); ++source) { if(!(*source)->GetPropertyAsBool("HEADER_FILE_ONLY") && !(*source)->GetCustomCommand() && !m_GlobalGenerator->IgnoreFile((*source)->GetSourceExtension().c_str())) { // Generate this object file's rule file. this->GenerateObjectRuleFile(target, *(*source)); // Save the object file full path. std::string obj = dir; obj += "/"; obj += this->GetObjectFileName(*(*source)); objects.push_back(obj); } } // If there is no dependencies file, create an empty one. std::string depFileName = dir; depFileName += "/"; depFileName += target.GetName(); depFileName += ".depends.make"; if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(depFileName.c_str())) { std::ofstream depFileStream(depFileName.c_str()); this->WriteDisclaimer(depFileStream); depFileStream << "# Empty dependencies file for target " << target.GetName() << ".\n" << "# This may be replaced when dependencies are built.\n"; } // Open the rule file. This should be copy-if-different because the // rules may depend on this file itself. std::string ruleFileName = dir; ruleFileName += "/"; ruleFileName += target.GetName(); ruleFileName += ".make"; cmGeneratedFileStream ruleFile(ruleFileName.c_str()); std::ostream& ruleFileStream = ruleFile.GetStream(); if(!ruleFileStream) { // TODO: Produce error message that accounts for generated stream // .tmp. return; } this->WriteDisclaimer(ruleFileStream); ruleFileStream << "# Rule file for target " << target.GetName() << ".\n\n"; // Include the dependencies for the target. ruleFileStream << "# Include any dependencies generated for this rule.\n" << m_IncludeDirective << " " << this->ConvertToOutputForExisting(depFileName.c_str()).c_str() << "\n\n"; // Include the rule file for each object. if(!objects.empty()) { ruleFileStream << "# Include make rules for object files.\n"; for(std::vector::const_iterator obj = objects.begin(); obj != objects.end(); ++obj) { std::string objRuleFileName = *obj; objRuleFileName += ".make"; ruleFileStream << m_IncludeDirective << " " << this->ConvertToOutputForExisting(objRuleFileName.c_str()).c_str() << "\n"; } ruleFileStream << "\n"; } // Write the dependency generation rule. { std::vector depends; std::vector commands; std::string depComment = "dependencies for "; depComment += target.GetName(); std::string depTarget = dir; depTarget += "/"; depTarget += target.GetName(); depTarget += ".depends"; for(std::vector::const_iterator obj = objects.begin(); obj != objects.end(); ++obj) { depends.push_back((*obj)+".depends"); } depends.push_back(ruleFileName); this->OutputMakeRule(ruleFileStream, depComment.c_str(), depTarget.c_str(), depends, commands); } // Write the requires rule. { std::vector depends; std::vector commands; std::string reqComment = "requirements for "; reqComment += target.GetName(); std::string reqTarget = target.GetName(); reqTarget += ".requires"; for(std::vector::const_iterator obj = objects.begin(); obj != objects.end(); ++obj) { depends.push_back(*obj); } depends.push_back(ruleFileName); this->OutputMakeRule(ruleFileStream, reqComment.c_str(), reqTarget.c_str(), depends, commands); } #if 0 // Write the build rule. { std::vector depends; std::vector commands; std::string buildComment = " target "; buildComment += objName; for(std::vector::const_iterator obj = objects.begin(); obj != objects.end(); ++obj) { depends.push_back(*obj); } depends.push_back(ruleFileName); std::string touchCmd = "@touch "; touchCmd += this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(obj.c_str()); // TODO: Construct build rule and append command. commands.push_back(touchCmd); this->OutputMakeRule(ruleFileStream, buildComment.c_str(), obj.c_str(), depends, commands); } #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2 ::GenerateObjectRuleFile(const cmTarget& target, const cmSourceFile& source) { // Identify the language of the source file. const char* lang = this->GetSourceFileLanguage(source); if(!lang) { // If language is not known, this is an error. cmSystemTools::Error("Source file \"", source.GetFullPath().c_str(), "\" has unknown type."); return; } // Get the full path name of the object file. std::string objName = this->GetObjectFileName(source); std::string obj = this->GetTargetDirectory(target); obj += "/"; obj += objName; // Create the directory containing the object file. This may be a // subdirectory under the target's directory. std::string dir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(obj.c_str()); cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(dir.c_str()); // If there is no dependencies file, create an empty one. std::string depFileName = obj; depFileName += ".depends.make"; if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(depFileName.c_str())) { std::ofstream depFileStream(depFileName.c_str()); this->WriteDisclaimer(depFileStream); depFileStream << "# Empty dependencies file for object file " << objName.c_str() << ".\n" << "# This may be replaced when dependencies are built.\n"; } // Open the rule file for writing. This should be copy-if-different // because the rules may depend on this file itself. std::string ruleFileName = obj; ruleFileName += ".make"; cmGeneratedFileStream ruleFile(ruleFileName.c_str()); std::ostream& ruleFileStream = ruleFile.GetStream(); if(!ruleFileStream) { // TODO: Produce error message that accounts for generated stream // .tmp. return; } this->WriteDisclaimer(ruleFileStream); ruleFileStream << "# Rule file for object file " << objName.c_str() << ".\n\n"; // Include the dependencies for the target. ruleFileStream << "# Include any dependencies generated for this rule.\n" << m_IncludeDirective << " " << this->ConvertToOutputForExisting(depFileName.c_str()).c_str() << "\n\n"; // Create the list of dependencies known at cmake time. These are // shared between the object file and dependency scanning rule. std::vector depends; depends.push_back(source.GetFullPath()); if(const char* objectDeps = source.GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS")) { std::vector deps; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(objectDeps, deps); for(std::vector::iterator i = deps.begin(); i != deps.end(); ++i) { depends.push_back(this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(i->c_str())); } } depends.push_back(ruleFileName); // Write the dependency generation rule. std::string depTarget = obj; depTarget += ".depends"; { std::string depComment = "dependencies for "; depComment += objName; cmOStringStream depCmd; // TODO: Account for source file properties and directory-level // definitions when scanning for dependencies. depCmd << "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_depends " << lang << " " << this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(obj.c_str()) << " " << this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(source.GetFullPath().c_str()); std::vector includeDirs; this->GetIncludeDirectories(includeDirs); for(std::vector::iterator i = includeDirs.begin(); i != includeDirs.end(); ++i) { depCmd << " -I" << this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(i->c_str()); } std::vector commands; commands.push_back(depCmd.str()); std::string touchCmd = "@touch "; touchCmd += this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(depTarget.c_str()); commands.push_back(touchCmd); this->OutputMakeRule(ruleFileStream, depComment.c_str(), depTarget.c_str(), depends, commands); } // Write the build rule. { // Build the set of compiler flags. std::string flags; // Add the export symbol definition for shared library objects. bool shared = ((target.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (target.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)); if(shared) { flags += "-D"; if(const char* custom_export_name = target.GetProperty("DEFINE_SYMBOL")) { flags += custom_export_name; } else { std::string in = target.GetName(); in += "_EXPORTS"; flags += cmSystemTools::MakeCindentifier(in.c_str()); } } // Add flags from source file properties. if(const char* compileFlags = source.GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS")) { flags += " "; flags += compileFlags; } // Add language-specific flags. std::string langFlagsVar = "CMAKE_"; langFlagsVar += lang; langFlagsVar += "_FLAGS"; const char* langFlags = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(langFlagsVar.c_str()); if(*langFlags) { flags += " "; flags += langFlags; } std::string buildType = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"); if(buildType.size()) { buildType = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(buildType); langFlagsVar += "_"; langFlagsVar += buildType; langFlags = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(langFlagsVar.c_str()); if(*langFlags) { flags += " "; flags += langFlags; } } // Add shared-library flags if needed. if(shared) { std::string sharedFlagsVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_"; sharedFlagsVar += lang; sharedFlagsVar += "_FLAGS"; const char* sharedFlags = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(sharedFlagsVar.c_str()); if(*sharedFlags) { flags += " "; flags += sharedFlags; } } if(cmSystemTools::IsOn(m_Makefile->GetDefinition("BUILD_SHARED_LIBS"))) { std::string sharedFlagsVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_BUILD_"; sharedFlagsVar += lang; sharedFlagsVar += "_FLAGS"; const char* sharedFlags = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(sharedFlagsVar.c_str()); if(*sharedFlags) { flags += " "; flags += sharedFlags; } } // Add include directory flags. const char* includeFlags = this->GetIncludeFlags(lang); if(includeFlags && *includeFlags) { flags += " "; flags += includeFlags; } // Get the output paths for source and object files. std::string sourceFile = this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(source.GetFullPath().c_str()); std::string objectFile = this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(obj.c_str()); // Construct the compile rules. std::vector commands; std::string compileRuleVar = "CMAKE_"; compileRuleVar += lang; compileRuleVar += "_COMPILE_OBJECT"; std::string compileRule = m_Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition(compileRuleVar.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(compileRule, commands); for(std::vector::iterator i = commands.begin(); i != commands.end(); ++i) { this->ExpandRuleVariables(*i, lang, 0, // no objects 0, // no target 0, // no link libs sourceFile.c_str(), objectFile.c_str(), flags.c_str()); } // Write the rule. std::string buildComment = lang; buildComment += " object"; this->OutputMakeRule(ruleFileStream, buildComment.c_str(), obj.c_str(), depends, commands); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2::WriteDisclaimer(std::ostream& os) { os << "# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT!\n" << "# Generated by \"" << m_GlobalGenerator->GetName() << "\"" << " Generator, CMake Version " << cmMakefile::GetMajorVersion() << "." << cmMakefile::GetMinorVersion() << "\n\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2 ::GetTargetDirectory(const cmTarget& target) { std::string dir = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); dir += "/"; dir += target.GetName(); dir += ".dir"; return dir; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2 ::GetObjectFileName(const cmSourceFile& source) { // If the full path to the source file includes this directory, // we want to use the relative path for the filename of the // object file. Otherwise, we will use just the filename // portion. std::string objectName; if((cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath( source.GetFullPath()).find( m_Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory()) == 0) || (cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath( source.GetFullPath()).find( m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory()) == 0)) { objectName = source.GetSourceName(); } else { objectName = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(source.GetSourceName()); } // Append the object file extension. objectName += m_GlobalGenerator->GetLanguageOutputExtensionFromExtension( source.GetSourceExtension().c_str()); // Convert to a safe name. return this->CreateSafeUniqueObjectFileName(objectName.c_str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2 ::GetSourceFileLanguage(const cmSourceFile& source) { // Identify the language of the source file. return (m_GlobalGenerator ->GetLanguageFromExtension(source.GetSourceExtension().c_str())); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2 ::ScanDependencies(std::vector const& args) { // Format of arguments is: // $(CMAKE_COMMAND), cmake_depends, , , , [include-flags] // The caller has ensured that all required arguments exist. // The file to which to write dependencies. const char* objFile = args[3].c_str(); // The source file at which to start the scan. const char* srcFile = args[4].c_str(); // Convert the include flags to full paths. std::vector includes; for(unsigned int i=5; i < args.size(); ++i) { if(args[i].substr(0, 2) == "-I") { // Get the include path without the -I flag. std::string inc = args[i].substr(2); includes.push_back(cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(inc.c_str())); } } // Dispatch the scan for each language. std::string const& lang = args[2]; if(lang == "C" || lang == "CXX") { return cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2::ScanDependenciesC(objFile, srcFile, includes); } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2ScanDependenciesC( std::ifstream& fin, std::set& encountered, std::queue& unscanned) { // Regular expression to identify C preprocessor include directives. cmsys::RegularExpression includeLine("^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*[<\"]([^\">]+)[\">]"); // Read one line at a time. std::string line; while(cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, line)) { // Match include directives. if(includeLine.find(line.c_str())) { // Get the file being included. std::string includeFile = includeLine.match(1); // Queue the file if it has not yet been encountered. if(encountered.find(includeFile) == encountered.end()) { encountered.insert(includeFile); unscanned.push(includeFile); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2 ::ScanDependenciesC(const char* objFile, const char* srcFile, std::vector const& includes) { // Walk the dependency graph starting with the source file. std::set dependencies; std::set encountered; std::set scanned; std::queue unscanned; unscanned.push(srcFile); encountered.insert(srcFile); while(!unscanned.empty()) { // Get the next file to scan. std::string fname = unscanned.front(); unscanned.pop(); // If not a full path, find the file in the include path. std::string fullName; if(cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(fname.c_str())) { fullName = fname; } else { for(std::vector::const_iterator i = includes.begin(); i != includes.end(); ++i) { std::string temp = *i; temp += "/"; temp += fname; if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(temp.c_str())) { fullName = temp; break; } } } // Scan the file if it has not been scanned already. if(scanned.find(fullName) == scanned.end()) { // Record scanned files. scanned.insert(fullName); // Try to scan the file. Just leave it out if we cannot find // it. std::ifstream fin(fullName.c_str()); if(fin) { // Add this file as a dependency. dependencies.insert(fullName); // Scan this file for new dependencies. cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator2ScanDependenciesC(fin, encountered, unscanned); } } } // Write the dependencies to the output file. std::string depMakeFile = objFile; depMakeFile += ".depends.make"; std::ofstream fout(depMakeFile.c_str()); fout << "# Dependencies for " << objFile << std::endl; for(std::set::iterator i=dependencies.begin(); i != dependencies.end(); ++i) { fout << objFile << " : " << i->c_str() << std::endl; } fout << std::endl; fout << "# Dependencies for " << objFile << ".depends" << std::endl; for(std::set::iterator i=dependencies.begin(); i != dependencies.end(); ++i) { fout << objFile << ".depends : " << i->c_str() << std::endl; } return true; }