/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator.h" #include "cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmCacheManager.h" cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator() { } cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::~cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator() { } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::Generate(bool /* fromTheTop */) { this->OutputVCProjFile(); } // TODO // for CommandLine= need to repleace quotes with " // write out configurations void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::OutputVCProjFile() { // If not an in source build, then create the output directory if(strcmp(m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(), m_Makefile->GetHomeDirectory()) != 0) { if(!cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory())) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error creating directory ", m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory()); } } m_LibraryOutputPath = ""; if (m_Makefile->GetDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH")) { m_LibraryOutputPath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH"); } if(m_LibraryOutputPath.size()) { // make sure there is a trailing slash if(m_LibraryOutputPath[m_LibraryOutputPath.size()-1] != '/') { m_LibraryOutputPath += "/"; } } m_ExecutableOutputPath = ""; if (m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH")) { m_ExecutableOutputPath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH"); } if(m_ExecutableOutputPath.size()) { // make sure there is a trailing slash if(m_ExecutableOutputPath[m_ExecutableOutputPath.size()-1] != '/') { m_ExecutableOutputPath += "/"; } } // Create the VCProj or set of VCProj's for libraries and executables // clear project names m_CreatedProjectNames.clear(); // build any targets cmTargets &tgts = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::iterator l = tgts.begin(); l != tgts.end(); l++) { // INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT command only affects the workspace // so don't build a projectfile for it if ((l->second.GetType() != cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES) && (l->second.GetType() != cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS) && (strncmp(l->first.c_str(), "INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT", 26) != 0)) { this->CreateSingleVCProj(l->first.c_str(),l->second); } } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::CreateSingleVCProj(const char *lname, cmTarget &target) { // add to the list of projects std::string pname = lname; m_CreatedProjectNames.push_back(pname); // create the dsp.cmake file std::string fname; fname = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); fname += "/"; fname += lname; fname += ".vcproj"; // save the name of the real dsp file std::string realVCProj = fname; fname += ".cmake"; std::ofstream fout(fname.c_str()); if(!fout) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error Writing ", fname.c_str()); } this->WriteVCProjFile(fout,lname,target); fout.close(); // if the dsp file has changed, then write it. cmSystemTools::CopyFileIfDifferent(fname.c_str(), realVCProj.c_str()); } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::AddVCProjBuildRule(cmSourceGroup& sourceGroup) { std::string dspname = *(m_CreatedProjectNames.end()-1); if(dspname == "ALL_BUILD") { return; } dspname += ".vcproj.cmake"; std::string makefileIn = m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory(); makefileIn += "/"; makefileIn += "CMakeLists.txt"; makefileIn = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(makefileIn.c_str()); std::string dsprule = "${CMAKE_COMMAND}"; m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(dsprule); dsprule = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(dsprule.c_str()); std::string args = makefileIn; args += " -H"; args += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(m_Makefile->GetHomeDirectory()); args += " -S"; args += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory()); args += " -O"; args += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory()); args += " -B"; args += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory()); args += ""; m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(args); std::string configFile = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT"); configFile += "/Templates/CMakeWindowsSystemConfig.cmake"; std::vector listFiles = m_Makefile->GetListFiles(); bool found = false; for(std::vector::iterator i = listFiles.begin(); i != listFiles.end(); ++i) { if(*i == configFile) { found = true; } } if(!found) { listFiles.push_back(configFile); } std::vector outputs; outputs.push_back(dspname); cmCustomCommand cc(makefileIn.c_str(), dsprule.c_str(), args.c_str(), listFiles, outputs); sourceGroup.AddCustomCommand(cc); } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteConfigurations(std::ostream& fout, const char *libName, const cmTarget &target) { std::vector *configs = static_cast(m_GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); fout << "\t\n"; for( std::vector::iterator i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { this->WriteConfiguration(fout, i->c_str(), libName, target); } fout << "\t\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteConfiguration(std::ostream& fout, const char* configName, const char *libName, const cmTarget &target) { const char* mfcFlag = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_MFC_FLAG"); if(!mfcFlag) { mfcFlag = "0"; } fout << "\t\t\n"; fout << "\t\t\tGetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS"); } else { if(m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_C_FLAGS")) { flags = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_C_FLAGS"); } } cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flags, "\"", """); fout << flags; fout << " -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\\"" << configName << "\\"" << "\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tAdditionalIncludeDirectories=\""; std::vector& includes = m_Makefile->GetIncludeDirectories(); std::vector::iterator i = includes.begin(); for(;i != includes.end(); ++i) { std::string ipath = this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(i->c_str()); fout << ipath << ";"; } fout << "\"\n"; // Optimization = 0 None Debug /O0 // Optimization = 1 MinSize /O1 // Optimization = 2 MaxSpeed /O2 // Optimization = 3 Max Optimization /O3 // RuntimeLibrary = 0 /MT multithread // RuntimeLibrary = 1 /MTd multithread debug // RuntimeLibrary = 2 /MD multithread dll // RuntimeLibrary = 3 /MDd multithread dll debug // RuntimeLibrary = 4 /ML single thread // RuntimeLibrary = 5 /MLd single thread debug // InlineFunctionExpansion = 0 none // InlineFunctionExpansion = 1 when inline keyword // InlineFunctionExpansion = 2 any time you can if(strcmp(configName, "Debug") == 0) { fout << "\t\t\t\tOptimization=\"0\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tRuntimeLibrary=\"3\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tInlineFunctionExpansion=\"0\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"WIN32,_DEBUG,_WINDOWS"; } else if(strcmp(configName, "Release") == 0) { fout << "\t\t\t\tOptimization=\"2\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tRuntimeLibrary=\"2\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tInlineFunctionExpansion=\"1\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"WIN32,NDEBUG,_WINDOWS"; } else if(strcmp(configName, "MinSizeRel") == 0) { fout << "\t\t\t\tOptimization=\"1\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tRuntimeLibrary=\"2\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tInlineFunctionExpansion=\"1\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"WIN32,NDEBUG,_WINDOWS"; } else if(strcmp(configName, "RelWithDebInfo") == 0) { fout << "\t\t\t\tOptimization=\"2\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tRuntimeLibrary=\"2\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tInlineFunctionExpansion=\"1\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"WIN32,NDEBUG,_WINDOWS"; } if(target.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY || target.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { fout << "," << libName << "_EXPORTS"; } this->OutputDefineFlags(fout); fout << "\"\n"; if(m_Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_CXX_USE_RTTI")) { fout << "\t\t\t\tRuntimeTypeInfo=\"TRUE\"\n"; } fout << "\t\t\t\tAssemblerListingLocation=\"" << configName << "\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tObjectFile=\"" << configName << "\\\"\n"; if ( m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_WARNING_LEVEL") ) { fout << "\t\t\t\tWarningLevel=\"" << m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_WARNING_LEVEL") << "\"\n"; } fout << "\t\t\t\tDetect64BitPortabilityProblems=\"TRUE\"\n" << "\t\t\t\tDebugInformationFormat=\"3\""; fout << "/>\n"; // end of \n"; fout << "\t\t\tConvertToXMLOutputPath(i->c_str()); fout << ipath << ";"; } fout << "\"\n/>\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\n"; fout << "\t\t\tOutputTargetRules(fout, target, libName); fout << "/>\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\n"; this->OutputBuildTool(fout, configName, libName, target); fout << "\t\t\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::OutputBuildTool(std::ostream& fout, const char* configName, const char *libName, const cmTarget &target) { std::string temp; switch(target.GetType()) { case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: { std::string libpath = m_LibraryOutputPath + "$(OutDir)/" + libName + ".lib"; fout << "\t\t\tConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(libpath.c_str()) << ".\"/>\n"; break; } case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: fout << "\t\t\tOutputLibraries(fout, configName, libName, target); fout << "\"\n"; temp = m_LibraryOutputPath; temp += configName; temp += "/"; temp += libName; temp += ".dll"; fout << "\t\t\t\tOutputFile=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(temp.c_str()) << "\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tLinkIncremental=\"1\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tSuppressStartupBanner=\"TRUE\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tAdditionalLibraryDirectories=\""; this->OutputLibraryDirectories(fout, configName, libName, target); fout << "\"\n"; this->OutputModuleDefinitionFile(fout, target); temp = m_LibraryOutputPath; temp += "$(OutDir)"; temp += "/"; temp += libName; temp += ".pdb"; fout << "\t\t\t\tProgramDatabaseFile=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(temp.c_str()) << "\"\n"; if(strcmp(configName, "Debug") == 0 || strcmp(configName, "RelWithDebInfo") == 0) { fout << "\t\t\t\tGenerateDebugInformation=\"TRUE\"\n"; } fout << "\t\t\t\tStackReserveSize=\"" << m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_STACK_SIZE") << "\"\n"; temp = m_ExecutableOutputPath; temp += configName; temp += "/"; temp += libName; temp += ".lib"; fout << "\t\t\t\tImportLibrary=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(temp.c_str()) << "\"/>\n"; break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: case cmTarget::WIN32_EXECUTABLE: fout << "\t\t\tOutputLibraries(fout, configName, libName, target); fout << "\"\n"; temp = m_ExecutableOutputPath; temp += configName; temp += "/"; temp += libName; temp += ".exe"; fout << "\t\t\t\tOutputFile=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(temp.c_str()) << "\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tLinkIncremental=\"1\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tSuppressStartupBanner=\"TRUE\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tAdditionalLibraryDirectories=\""; this->OutputLibraryDirectories(fout, configName, libName, target); fout << "\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tProgramDatabaseFile=\"" << m_LibraryOutputPath << "$(OutDir)\\" << libName << ".pdb\"\n"; if(strcmp(configName, "Debug") == 0 || strcmp(configName, "RelWithDebInfo") == 0) { fout << "\t\t\t\tGenerateDebugInformation=\"TRUE\"\n"; } if( target.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { fout << "\t\t\t\tSubSystem=\"1\"\n"; } else { fout << "\t\t\t\tSubSystem=\"2\"\n"; } fout << "\t\t\t\tStackReserveSize=\"" << m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_STACK_SIZE") << "\"/>\n"; break; case cmTarget::UTILITY: break; } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::OutputModuleDefinitionFile(std::ostream& fout, const cmTarget &target) { std::vector const& classes = target.GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = classes.begin(); i != classes.end(); i++) { if(cmSystemTools::UpperCase((*i)->GetSourceExtension()) == "DEF") { fout << "\t\t\t\tModuleDefinitionFile=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath((*i)->GetFullPath().c_str()) << "\"\n"; return; } } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::OutputLibraryDirectories(std::ostream& fout, const char*, const char*, const cmTarget &tgt) { bool hasone = false; if(m_LibraryOutputPath.size()) { hasone = true; std::string temp = m_LibraryOutputPath; temp += "$(INTDIR)"; fout << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(temp.c_str()) << "," << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(m_LibraryOutputPath.c_str()); } if(m_ExecutableOutputPath.size()) { hasone = true; std::string temp = m_ExecutableOutputPath; temp += "$(INTDIR)"; fout << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(temp.c_str()) << "," << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(m_ExecutableOutputPath.c_str()); } std::set pathEmitted; std::vector::const_iterator i; const std::vector& libdirs = tgt.GetLinkDirectories(); for(i = libdirs.begin(); i != libdirs.end(); ++i) { std::string lpath = *i; if(lpath[lpath.size()-1] != '/') { lpath += "/"; } if(pathEmitted.insert(lpath).second) { if(hasone) { fout << ","; } std::string lpathi = lpath + "$(INTDIR)"; fout << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(lpathi.c_str()) << "," << lpath; hasone = true; } } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::OutputLibraries(std::ostream& fout, const char* configName, const char* libName, const cmTarget &target) { const cmTarget::LinkLibraries& libs = target.GetLinkLibraries(); cmTarget::LinkLibraries::const_iterator j; for(j = libs.begin(); j != libs.end(); ++j) { if(j->first != libName) { std::string lib = j->first; if(j->first.find(".lib") == std::string::npos) { lib += ".lib"; } lib = this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(lib.c_str()); if (j->second == cmTarget::GENERAL || (j->second == cmTarget::DEBUG && strcmp(configName, "DEBUG") == 0) || (j->second == cmTarget::OPTIMIZED && strcmp(configName, "DEBUG") != 0)) { fout << lib << " "; } } } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::OutputDefineFlags(std::ostream& fout) { std::string defs = m_Makefile->GetDefineFlags(); std::string::size_type pos = defs.find("-D"); bool done = pos == std::string::npos; if(!done) { fout << ","; } while(!done) { std::string::size_type nextpos = defs.find("-D", pos+2); std::string define; if(nextpos != std::string::npos) { define = defs.substr(pos+2, nextpos - pos -3); } else { define = defs.substr(pos+2); done = true; } cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(define, "\"", ""); fout << define << ","; if(!done) { pos = defs.find("-D", nextpos); } } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteVCProjFile(std::ostream& fout, const char *libName, cmTarget &target) { // get the configurations std::vector *configs = static_cast(m_GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); // We may be modifying the source groups temporarily, so make a copy. std::vector sourceGroups = m_Makefile->GetSourceGroups(); // get the classes from the source lists then add them to the groups std::vector const& classes = target.GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = classes.begin(); i != classes.end(); i++) { // Add the file to the list of sources. std::string source = (*i)->GetFullPath(); if(cmSystemTools::UpperCase((*i)->GetSourceExtension()) == "DEF") { m_ModuleDefinitionFile = (*i)->GetFullPath(); } cmSourceGroup& sourceGroup = m_Makefile->FindSourceGroup(source.c_str(), sourceGroups); sourceGroup.AddSource(source.c_str(), *i); } // add any custom rules to the source groups for (std::vector::const_iterator cr = target.GetCustomCommands().begin(); cr != target.GetCustomCommands().end(); ++cr) { cmSourceGroup& sourceGroup = m_Makefile->FindSourceGroup(cr->GetSourceName().c_str(), sourceGroups); cmCustomCommand cc(*cr); cc.ExpandVariables(*m_Makefile); sourceGroup.AddCustomCommand(cc); } // open the project this->WriteProjectStart(fout, libName, target, sourceGroups); // write the configuration information this->WriteConfigurations(fout, libName, target); fout << "\t\n"; // Find the group in which the CMakeLists.txt source belongs, and add // the rule to generate this VCProj file. for(std::vector::reverse_iterator sg = sourceGroups.rbegin(); sg != sourceGroups.rend(); ++sg) { if(sg->Matches("CMakeLists.txt")) { this->AddVCProjBuildRule(*sg); break; } } // Loop through every source group. for(std::vector::const_iterator sg = sourceGroups.begin(); sg != sourceGroups.end(); ++sg) { const cmSourceGroup::BuildRules& buildRules = sg->GetBuildRules(); // If the group is empty, don't write it at all. if(buildRules.empty()) { continue; } // If the group has a name, write the header. std::string name = sg->GetName(); if(name != "") { this->WriteVCProjBeginGroup(fout, name.c_str(), ""); } // Loop through each build rule in the source group. for(cmSourceGroup::BuildRules::const_iterator cc = buildRules.begin(); cc != buildRules.end(); ++ cc) { std::string source = cc->first; const cmSourceGroup::Commands& commands = cc->second.m_Commands; const char* compileFlags = 0; std::string additionalDeps; if(cc->second.m_SourceFile) { // Check for extra compiler flags. compileFlags = cc->second.m_SourceFile->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS"); // Check for extra object-file dependencies. const char* deps = cc->second.m_SourceFile->GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS"); if(deps) { std::vector depends; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(deps, depends); if(!depends.empty()) { std::vector::iterator i = depends.begin(); additionalDeps = this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(i->c_str()); for(++i;i != depends.end(); ++i) { additionalDeps += ";"; additionalDeps += this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(i->c_str()); } } } } if (source != libName || target.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY) { fout << "\t\t\tConvertToXMLOutputPath(source.c_str()); // remove double quotes from the string cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(d, "\"", ""); // Tell MS-Dev what the source is. If the compiler knows how to // build it, then it will. fout << "\t\t\t\tRelativePath=\"" << d << "\">\n"; if (!commands.empty()) { cmSourceGroup::CommandFiles totalCommand; std::string totalCommandStr; totalCommandStr = this->CombineCommands(commands, totalCommand, source.c_str()); const char* comment = totalCommand.m_Comment.c_str(); this->WriteCustomRule(fout, source.c_str(), totalCommandStr.c_str(), (*comment?comment:"Custom Rule"), totalCommand.m_Depends, totalCommand.m_Outputs, compileFlags); } else if(compileFlags || additionalDeps.length()) { for(std::vector::iterator i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { fout << "\t\t\t\t\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t\n" << "\t\t\t\t\n"; } } fout << "\t\t\t\n"; } } // If the group has a name, write the footer. if(name != "") { this->WriteVCProjEndGroup(fout); } } fout << "\t\n"; // Write the VCProj file's footer. this->WriteVCProjFooter(fout); } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteCustomRule(std::ostream& fout, const char* source, const char* command, const char* comment, const std::set& depends, const std::set& outputs, const char* compileFlags) { std::string cmd = command; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(cmd, "\"", """); std::vector::iterator i; std::vector *configs = static_cast(m_GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); for(i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { fout << "\t\t\t\t\n"; if(compileFlags) { fout << "\t\t\t\t\t\n"; } fout << "\t\t\t\t\t::const_iterator it; for ( it = outputs.begin(); it != outputs.end(); it ++ ) { fout << " " << *it; } fout << "\"\n" << "\t\t\t\t\tCommandLine=\"" << cmd << "\n\"\n" << "\t\t\t\t\tAdditionalDependencies=\""; // Write out the dependencies for the rule. std::string temp; for(std::set::const_iterator d = depends.begin(); d != depends.end(); ++d) { fout << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(d->c_str()) << ";"; } fout << "\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\t\tOutputs=\""; if(outputs.size() == 0) { fout << source << "_force"; } bool first = true; // Write a rule for every output generated by this command. for(std::set::const_iterator output = outputs.begin(); output != outputs.end(); ++output) { if(!first) { fout << ";"; } else { first = false; } fout << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(output->c_str()); } fout << "\"/>\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\t\n"; } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteVCProjBeginGroup(std::ostream& fout, const char* group, const char* ) { fout << "\t\t\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteVCProjEndGroup(std::ostream& fout) { fout << "\t\t\n"; } std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::CombineCommands( const cmSourceGroup::Commands &commands, cmSourceGroup::CommandFiles &totalCommand, const char *source) { // Loop through every custom command generating code from the // current source. // build up the depends and outputs and commands std::string totalCommandStr = ""; std::string temp; for(cmSourceGroup::Commands::const_iterator c = commands.begin(); c != commands.end(); ++c) { temp= cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(c->second.m_Command.c_str()); totalCommandStr += temp; totalCommandStr += " "; totalCommandStr += c->second.m_Arguments; totalCommandStr += "\n"; totalCommand.Merge(c->second); totalCommand.m_Comment = c->second.m_Comment.c_str(); } // Create a dummy file with the name of the source if it does // not exist if(totalCommand.m_Outputs.empty()) { std::string dummyFile = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); dummyFile += "/"; dummyFile += source; if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(dummyFile.c_str())) { std::ofstream fout(dummyFile.c_str()); fout << "Dummy file created by cmake as unused source for utility command.\n"; } } return totalCommandStr; } // look for custom rules on a target and collect them together void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::OutputTargetRules(std::ostream& fout, const cmTarget &target, const char *libName) { if (target.GetType() >= cmTarget::UTILITY) { return; } // Find the group in which the lix exe custom rules belong bool init = false; for (std::vector::const_iterator cr = target.GetCustomCommands().begin(); cr != target.GetCustomCommands().end(); ++cr) { cmCustomCommand cc(*cr); cc.ExpandVariables(*m_Makefile); if (cc.GetSourceName() == libName) { if(!init) { fout << "\nCommandLine=\""; init = true; } std::string args = cc.GetArguments(); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(args, "\"", """); fout << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(cc.GetCommand().c_str()) << " " << args << "\n"; } } if (init) { fout << "\""; } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteProjectStart(std::ostream& fout, const char *libName, const cmTarget &, std::vector &) { fout << "\n" << "\n" << "\t\n" << "\t\t\n" << "\t\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteVCProjFooter(std::ostream& fout) { fout << "\t\n" << "\t\n" << "\n"; } std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::ConvertToXMLOutputPath(const char* path) { std::string ret = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(path); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "\"", """); return ret; } std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(const char* path) { std::string ret = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(path); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "\"", ""); return ret; }