/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmMacroCommand.h" bool cmMacroFunctionBlocker:: IsFunctionBlocked(const cmListFileFunction& lff, cmMakefile &mf) { // record commands until we hit the ENDMACRO if (!m_Executing) { // at the ENDMACRO call we shift gears and start looking for invocations if(lff.m_Name == "ENDMACRO") { std::vector<std::string> expandedArguments; mf.ExpandArguments(lff.m_Arguments, expandedArguments); if(!expandedArguments.empty() && (expandedArguments[0] == m_Args[0])) { m_Executing = true; return true; } } // if it wasn't an endmacro and we are not executing then we must be // recording m_Functions.push_back(lff); return true; } // otherwise the macro has been recorded and we are executing // so we look for macro invocations if(lff.m_Name == m_Args[0]) { std::string tmps; cmListFileArgument arg; std::string variable; // Expand the argument list to the macro. std::vector<std::string> expandedArguments; mf.ExpandArguments(lff.m_Arguments, expandedArguments); // make sure the number of arguments matches if (expandedArguments.size() != m_Args.size() - 1) { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << lff.m_FilePath << ":" << lff.m_Line << ":\n" << "Invocation of macro \"" << lff.m_Name.c_str() << "\" with incorrect number of arguments."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); return true; } // Invoke all the functions that were collected in the block. cmListFileFunction newLFF; for(unsigned int c = 0; c < m_Functions.size(); ++c) { // Replace the formal arguments and then invoke the command. newLFF.m_Arguments.clear(); newLFF.m_Arguments.reserve(m_Functions[c].m_Arguments.size()); newLFF.m_Name = m_Functions[c].m_Name; newLFF.m_FilePath = m_Functions[c].m_FilePath; newLFF.m_Line = m_Functions[c].m_Line; for (std::vector<cmListFileArgument>::const_iterator k = m_Functions[c].m_Arguments.begin(); k != m_Functions[c].m_Arguments.end(); ++k) { tmps = k->Value; for (unsigned int j = 1; j < m_Args.size(); ++j) { variable = "${"; variable += m_Args[j]; variable += "}"; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(tmps, variable.c_str(), expandedArguments[j-1].c_str()); } arg.Value = tmps; arg.Quoted = k->Quoted; newLFF.m_Arguments.push_back(arg); } if(!mf.ExecuteCommand(newLFF)) { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << lff.m_FilePath << ":" << lff.m_Line << ":\n" << "A command failed during the invocation of macro \"" << lff.m_Name.c_str() << "\"."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); } } return true; } // if not an invocation then it is just an ordinary line return false; } bool cmMacroFunctionBlocker:: ShouldRemove(const cmListFileFunction&, cmMakefile &) { return false; } void cmMacroFunctionBlocker:: ScopeEnded(cmMakefile &mf) { // macros never leave scope but we should have seen the ENDMACRO call by now if (m_Executing != true) { cmSystemTools::Error("The end of a CMakeLists file was reached with a MACRO statement that was not closed properly. Within the directory: ", mf.GetCurrentDirectory(), " with macro ", m_Args[0].c_str()); } } bool cmMacroCommand::InitialPass(std::vector<std::string> const& args) { if(args.size() < 1) { this->SetError("called with incorrect number of arguments"); return false; } // create a function blocker cmMacroFunctionBlocker *f = new cmMacroFunctionBlocker(); for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = args.begin(); j != args.end(); ++j) { f->m_Args.push_back(*j); } m_Makefile->AddFunctionBlocker(f); return true; }