/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmMakefileTargetGenerator.h" #include "cmAlgorithms.h" #include "cmComputeLinkInformation.h" #include "cmCustomCommand.h" #include "cmCustomCommandGenerator.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpression.h" #include "cmGeneratorTarget.h" #include "cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefileUtilityTargetGenerator.h" #include "cmOutputConverter.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmState.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cm_auto_ptr.hxx" #include "cmake.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif cmMakefileTargetGenerator::cmMakefileTargetGenerator(cmGeneratorTarget* target) : cmCommonTargetGenerator(target) , OSXBundleGenerator(CM_NULLPTR) , MacOSXContentGenerator(CM_NULLPTR) { this->BuildFileStream = CM_NULLPTR; this->InfoFileStream = CM_NULLPTR; this->FlagFileStream = CM_NULLPTR; this->CustomCommandDriver = OnBuild; this->LocalGenerator = static_cast(target->GetLocalGenerator()); this->GlobalGenerator = static_cast( this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()); cmake* cm = this->GlobalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance(); this->NoRuleMessages = false; if (const char* ruleStatus = cm->GetState()->GetGlobalProperty("RULE_MESSAGES")) { this->NoRuleMessages = cmSystemTools::IsOff(ruleStatus); } MacOSXContentGenerator = new MacOSXContentGeneratorType(this); } cmMakefileTargetGenerator::~cmMakefileTargetGenerator() { delete MacOSXContentGenerator; } cmMakefileTargetGenerator* cmMakefileTargetGenerator::New( cmGeneratorTarget* tgt) { cmMakefileTargetGenerator* result = CM_NULLPTR; switch (tgt->GetType()) { case cmState::EXECUTABLE: result = new cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator(tgt); break; case cmState::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmState::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmState::MODULE_LIBRARY: case cmState::OBJECT_LIBRARY: result = new cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator(tgt); break; case cmState::UTILITY: result = new cmMakefileUtilityTargetGenerator(tgt); break; default: return result; // break; /* unreachable */ } return result; } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CreateRuleFile() { // Create a directory for this target. this->TargetBuildDirectory = this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); this->TargetBuildDirectoryFull = this->LocalGenerator->ConvertToFullPath(this->TargetBuildDirectory); cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(this->TargetBuildDirectoryFull.c_str()); // Construct the rule file name. this->BuildFileName = this->TargetBuildDirectory; this->BuildFileName += "/build.make"; this->BuildFileNameFull = this->TargetBuildDirectoryFull; this->BuildFileNameFull += "/build.make"; // Construct the rule file name. this->ProgressFileNameFull = this->TargetBuildDirectoryFull; this->ProgressFileNameFull += "/progress.make"; // reset the progress count this->NumberOfProgressActions = 0; // Open the rule file. This should be copy-if-different because the // rules may depend on this file itself. this->BuildFileStream = new cmGeneratedFileStream(this->BuildFileNameFull.c_str()); this->BuildFileStream->SetCopyIfDifferent(true); if (!this->BuildFileStream) { return; } this->LocalGenerator->WriteDisclaimer(*this->BuildFileStream); if (this->GlobalGenerator->AllowDeleteOnError()) { std::vector no_depends; std::vector no_commands; this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule( *this->BuildFileStream, "Delete rule output on recipe failure.", ".DELETE_ON_ERROR", no_depends, no_commands, false); } this->LocalGenerator->WriteSpecialTargetsTop(*this->BuildFileStream); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteTargetBuildRules() { const std::string& config = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"); // write the custom commands for this target // Look for files registered for cleaning in this directory. if (const char* additional_clean_files = this->Makefile->GetProperty("ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES")) { cmGeneratorExpression ge; CM_AUTO_PTR cge = ge.Parse(additional_clean_files); cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config, false, this->GeneratorTarget, CM_NULLPTR, CM_NULLPTR), this->CleanFiles); } // add custom commands to the clean rules? const char* clean_no_custom = this->Makefile->GetProperty("CLEAN_NO_CUSTOM"); bool clean = cmSystemTools::IsOff(clean_no_custom); // First generate the object rule files. Save a list of all object // files for this target. std::vector customCommands; this->GeneratorTarget->GetCustomCommands(customCommands, config); for (std::vector::const_iterator si = customCommands.begin(); si != customCommands.end(); ++si) { cmCustomCommandGenerator ccg(*(*si)->GetCustomCommand(), this->ConfigName, this->LocalGenerator); this->GenerateCustomRuleFile(ccg); if (clean) { const std::vector& outputs = ccg.GetOutputs(); for (std::vector::const_iterator o = outputs.begin(); o != outputs.end(); ++o) { this->CleanFiles.push_back(this->Convert( *o, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::UNCHANGED)); } } } std::vector headerSources; this->GeneratorTarget->GetHeaderSources(headerSources, config); this->OSXBundleGenerator->GenerateMacOSXContentStatements( headerSources, this->MacOSXContentGenerator); std::vector extraSources; this->GeneratorTarget->GetExtraSources(extraSources, config); this->OSXBundleGenerator->GenerateMacOSXContentStatements( extraSources, this->MacOSXContentGenerator); std::vector externalObjects; this->GeneratorTarget->GetExternalObjects(externalObjects, config); for (std::vector::const_iterator si = externalObjects.begin(); si != externalObjects.end(); ++si) { this->ExternalObjects.push_back((*si)->GetFullPath()); } std::vector objectSources; this->GeneratorTarget->GetObjectSources(objectSources, config); for (std::vector::const_iterator si = objectSources.begin(); si != objectSources.end(); ++si) { // Generate this object file's rule file. this->WriteObjectRuleFiles(**si); } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteCommonCodeRules() { const char* root = (this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_MAKE_INCLUDE_FROM_ROOT") ? "$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR)/" : ""); // Include the dependencies for the target. std::string dependFileNameFull = this->TargetBuildDirectoryFull; dependFileNameFull += "/depend.make"; *this->BuildFileStream << "# Include any dependencies generated for this target.\n" << this->GlobalGenerator->IncludeDirective << " " << root << this->Convert(dependFileNameFull, cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::MAKERULE) << "\n\n"; if (!this->NoRuleMessages) { // Include the progress variables for the target. *this->BuildFileStream << "# Include the progress variables for this target.\n" << this->GlobalGenerator->IncludeDirective << " " << root << this->Convert(this->ProgressFileNameFull, cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::MAKERULE) << "\n\n"; } // make sure the depend file exists if (!cmSystemTools::FileExists(dependFileNameFull.c_str())) { // Write an empty dependency file. cmGeneratedFileStream depFileStream(dependFileNameFull.c_str()); depFileStream << "# Empty dependencies file for " << this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() << ".\n" << "# This may be replaced when dependencies are built." << std::endl; } // Open the flags file. This should be copy-if-different because the // rules may depend on this file itself. this->FlagFileNameFull = this->TargetBuildDirectoryFull; this->FlagFileNameFull += "/flags.make"; this->FlagFileStream = new cmGeneratedFileStream(this->FlagFileNameFull.c_str()); this->FlagFileStream->SetCopyIfDifferent(true); if (!this->FlagFileStream) { return; } this->LocalGenerator->WriteDisclaimer(*this->FlagFileStream); // Include the flags for the target. *this->BuildFileStream << "# Include the compile flags for this target's objects.\n" << this->GlobalGenerator->IncludeDirective << " " << root << this->Convert(this->FlagFileNameFull, cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::MAKERULE) << "\n\n"; } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteTargetLanguageFlags() { // write language flags for target std::set languages; this->GeneratorTarget->GetLanguages( languages, this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE")); // put the compiler in the rules.make file so that if it changes // things rebuild for (std::set::const_iterator l = languages.begin(); l != languages.end(); ++l) { std::string compiler = "CMAKE_"; compiler += *l; compiler += "_COMPILER"; *this->FlagFileStream << "# compile " << *l << " with " << this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(compiler) << "\n"; } for (std::set::const_iterator l = languages.begin(); l != languages.end(); ++l) { std::string flags = this->GetFlags(*l); std::string defines = this->GetDefines(*l); std::string includes = this->GetIncludes(*l); // Escape comment characters so they do not terminate assignment. cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flags, "#", "\\#"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(defines, "#", "\\#"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(includes, "#", "\\#"); *this->FlagFileStream << *l << "_FLAGS = " << flags << "\n\n"; *this->FlagFileStream << *l << "_DEFINES = " << defines << "\n\n"; *this->FlagFileStream << *l << "_INCLUDES = " << includes << "\n\n"; } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::MacOSXContentGeneratorType::operator()( cmSourceFile const& source, const char* pkgloc) { // Skip OS X content when not building a Framework or Bundle. if (!this->Generator->GetGeneratorTarget()->IsBundleOnApple()) { return; } std::string macdir = this->Generator->OSXBundleGenerator->InitMacOSXContentDirectory(pkgloc); // Get the input file location. std::string const& input = source.GetFullPath(); // Get the output file location. std::string output = macdir; output += "/"; output += cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(input); this->Generator->CleanFiles.push_back( this->Generator->Convert(output, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT)); output = this->Generator->Convert(output, cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT); // Create a rule to copy the content into the bundle. std::vector depends; std::vector commands; depends.push_back(input); std::string copyEcho = "Copying OS X content "; copyEcho += output; this->Generator->LocalGenerator->AppendEcho( commands, copyEcho, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::EchoBuild); std::string copyCommand = "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E copy "; copyCommand += this->Generator->Convert(input, cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); copyCommand += " "; copyCommand += this->Generator->Convert(output, cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); commands.push_back(copyCommand); this->Generator->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule( *this->Generator->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, output, depends, commands, false); this->Generator->ExtraFiles.insert(output); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteObjectRuleFiles( cmSourceFile const& source) { // Identify the language of the source file. const std::string& lang = this->LocalGenerator->GetSourceFileLanguage(source); if (lang.empty()) { // don't know anything about this file so skip it return; } // Get the full path name of the object file. std::string const& objectName = this->GeneratorTarget->GetObjectName(&source); std::string obj = this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); obj += "/"; obj += objectName; // Avoid generating duplicate rules. if (this->ObjectFiles.find(obj) == this->ObjectFiles.end()) { this->ObjectFiles.insert(obj); } else { std::ostringstream err; err << "Warning: Source file \"" << source.GetFullPath() << "\" is listed multiple times for target \"" << this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() << "\"."; cmSystemTools::Message(err.str().c_str(), "Warning"); return; } // Create the directory containing the object file. This may be a // subdirectory under the target's directory. std::string dir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(obj); cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory( this->LocalGenerator->ConvertToFullPath(dir).c_str()); // Save this in the target's list of object files. this->Objects.push_back(obj); this->CleanFiles.push_back(obj); // TODO: Remove // std::string relativeObj //= this->LocalGenerator->GetHomeRelativeOutputPath(); // relativeObj += obj; // we compute some depends when writing the depend.make that we will also // use in the build.make, same with depMakeFile std::vector depends; // generate the build rule file this->WriteObjectBuildFile(obj, lang, source, depends); // The object file should be checked for dependency integrity. std::string objFullPath = this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(); objFullPath += "/"; objFullPath += obj; objFullPath = this->Convert(objFullPath, cmOutputConverter::FULL); std::string srcFullPath = this->Convert(source.GetFullPath(), cmOutputConverter::FULL); this->LocalGenerator->AddImplicitDepends( this->GeneratorTarget, lang, objFullPath.c_str(), srcFullPath.c_str()); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteObjectBuildFile( std::string& obj, const std::string& lang, cmSourceFile const& source, std::vector& depends) { this->LocalGenerator->AppendRuleDepend(depends, this->FlagFileNameFull.c_str()); this->LocalGenerator->AppendRuleDepends(depends, this->FlagFileDepends[lang]); // generate the depend scanning rule this->WriteObjectDependRules(source, depends); std::string relativeObj = this->LocalGenerator->GetHomeRelativeOutputPath(); relativeObj += obj; // Write the build rule. // Build the set of compiler flags. std::string flags; // Add language-specific flags. std::string langFlags = "$("; langFlags += lang; langFlags += "_FLAGS)"; this->LocalGenerator->AppendFlags(flags, langFlags); std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(this->LocalGenerator->GetConfigName()); // Add Fortran format flags. if (lang == "Fortran") { this->AppendFortranFormatFlags(flags, source); } // Add flags from source file properties. if (source.GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS")) { this->LocalGenerator->AppendFlags(flags, source.GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS")); *this->FlagFileStream << "# Custom flags: " << relativeObj << "_FLAGS = " << source.GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS") << "\n" << "\n"; } // Add language-specific defines. std::set defines; // Add source-sepcific preprocessor definitions. if (const char* compile_defs = source.GetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS")) { this->LocalGenerator->AppendDefines(defines, compile_defs); *this->FlagFileStream << "# Custom defines: " << relativeObj << "_DEFINES = " << compile_defs << "\n" << "\n"; } std::string defPropName = "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_"; defPropName += configUpper; if (const char* config_compile_defs = source.GetProperty(defPropName)) { this->LocalGenerator->AppendDefines(defines, config_compile_defs); *this->FlagFileStream << "# Custom defines: " << relativeObj << "_DEFINES_" << configUpper << " = " << config_compile_defs << "\n" << "\n"; } // Get the output paths for source and object files. std::string sourceFile = this->Convert( source.GetFullPath(), cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); // Construct the build message. std::vector no_commands; std::vector commands; // add in a progress call if needed this->NumberOfProgressActions++; if (!this->NoRuleMessages) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::EchoProgress progress; this->MakeEchoProgress(progress); std::string buildEcho = "Building "; buildEcho += lang; buildEcho += " object "; buildEcho += relativeObj; this->LocalGenerator->AppendEcho(commands, buildEcho, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::EchoBuild, &progress); } std::string targetOutPathReal; std::string targetOutPathPDB; std::string targetOutPathCompilePDB; { std::string targetFullPathReal; std::string targetFullPathPDB; std::string targetFullPathCompilePDB; if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmState::EXECUTABLE || this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmState::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmState::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmState::MODULE_LIBRARY) { targetFullPathReal = this->GeneratorTarget->GetFullPath(this->ConfigName, false, true); targetFullPathPDB = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPDBDirectory(this->ConfigName); targetFullPathPDB += "/"; targetFullPathPDB += this->GeneratorTarget->GetPDBName(this->ConfigName); } if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() <= cmState::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { targetFullPathCompilePDB = this->GeneratorTarget->GetCompilePDBPath(this->ConfigName); if (targetFullPathCompilePDB.empty()) { targetFullPathCompilePDB = this->GeneratorTarget->GetSupportDirectory() + "/"; } } targetOutPathReal = this->Convert(targetFullPathReal, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); targetOutPathPDB = this->Convert( targetFullPathPDB, cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); targetOutPathCompilePDB = this->Convert(targetFullPathCompilePDB, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); if (this->LocalGenerator->IsMinGWMake() && cmHasLiteralSuffix(targetOutPathCompilePDB, "\\")) { // mingw32-make incorrectly interprets 'a\ b c' as 'a b' and 'c' // (but 'a\ b "c"' as 'a\', 'b', and 'c'!). Workaround this by // avoiding a trailing backslash in the argument. targetOutPathCompilePDB[targetOutPathCompilePDB.size() - 1] = '/'; } } cmLocalGenerator::RuleVariables vars; vars.RuleLauncher = "RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE"; vars.CMTarget = this->GeneratorTarget; vars.Language = lang.c_str(); vars.Target = targetOutPathReal.c_str(); vars.TargetPDB = targetOutPathPDB.c_str(); vars.TargetCompilePDB = targetOutPathCompilePDB.c_str(); vars.Source = sourceFile.c_str(); std::string shellObj = this->Convert(obj, cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); vars.Object = shellObj.c_str(); std::string objectDir = this->GeneratorTarget->GetSupportDirectory(); objectDir = this->Convert(objectDir, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); vars.ObjectDir = objectDir.c_str(); std::string objectFileDir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(obj); objectFileDir = this->Convert(objectFileDir, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); vars.ObjectFileDir = objectFileDir.c_str(); vars.Flags = flags.c_str(); std::string definesString = "$("; definesString += lang; definesString += "_DEFINES)"; this->LocalGenerator->JoinDefines(defines, definesString, lang); vars.Defines = definesString.c_str(); std::string const includesString = "$(" + lang + "_INCLUDES)"; vars.Includes = includesString.c_str(); // At the moment, it is assumed that C, C++, and Fortran have both // assembly and preprocessor capabilities. The same is true for the // ability to export compile commands bool lang_has_preprocessor = ((lang == "C") || (lang == "CXX") || (lang == "Fortran")); bool const lang_has_assembly = lang_has_preprocessor; bool const lang_can_export_cmds = lang_has_preprocessor; // Construct the compile rules. { std::string compileRuleVar = "CMAKE_"; compileRuleVar += lang; compileRuleVar += "_COMPILE_OBJECT"; std::string compileRule = this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition(compileRuleVar); std::vector compileCommands; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(compileRule, compileCommands); if (this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS") && lang_can_export_cmds && compileCommands.size() == 1) { std::string compileCommand = compileCommands[0]; this->LocalGenerator->ExpandRuleVariables(compileCommand, vars); std::string workingDirectory = this->LocalGenerator->Convert( this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::FULL); compileCommand.replace(compileCommand.find(langFlags), langFlags.size(), this->GetFlags(lang)); std::string langDefines = std::string("$(") + lang + "_DEFINES)"; compileCommand.replace(compileCommand.find(langDefines), langDefines.size(), this->GetDefines(lang)); std::string langIncludes = std::string("$(") + lang + "_INCLUDES)"; compileCommand.replace(compileCommand.find(langIncludes), langIncludes.size(), this->GetIncludes(lang)); this->GlobalGenerator->AddCXXCompileCommand( source.GetFullPath(), workingDirectory, compileCommand); } // Maybe insert an include-what-you-use runner. if (!compileCommands.empty() && (lang == "C" || lang == "CXX")) { std::string const iwyu_prop = lang + "_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE"; const char* iwyu = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty(iwyu_prop); std::string const tidy_prop = lang + "_CLANG_TIDY"; const char* tidy = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty(tidy_prop); if ((iwyu && *iwyu) || (tidy && *tidy)) { std::string run_iwyu = "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E __run_iwyu"; if (iwyu && *iwyu) { run_iwyu += " --iwyu="; run_iwyu += this->LocalGenerator->EscapeForShell(iwyu); } if (tidy && *tidy) { run_iwyu += " --tidy="; run_iwyu += this->LocalGenerator->EscapeForShell(tidy); run_iwyu += " --source="; run_iwyu += sourceFile; } run_iwyu += " -- "; compileCommands.front().insert(0, run_iwyu); } } // Maybe insert a compiler launcher like ccache or distcc if (!compileCommands.empty() && (lang == "C" || lang == "CXX")) { std::string const clauncher_prop = lang + "_COMPILER_LAUNCHER"; const char* clauncher = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty(clauncher_prop); if (clauncher && *clauncher) { std::vector launcher_cmd; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(clauncher, launcher_cmd, true); for (std::vector::iterator i = launcher_cmd.begin(), e = launcher_cmd.end(); i != e; ++i) { *i = this->LocalGenerator->EscapeForShell(*i); } std::string const& run_launcher = cmJoin(launcher_cmd, " ") + " "; compileCommands.front().insert(0, run_launcher); } } // Expand placeholders in the commands. for (std::vector::iterator i = compileCommands.begin(); i != compileCommands.end(); ++i) { this->LocalGenerator->ExpandRuleVariables(*i, vars); } // Change the command working directory to the local build tree. this->LocalGenerator->CreateCDCommand( compileCommands, this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT); commands.insert(commands.end(), compileCommands.begin(), compileCommands.end()); } // Check for extra outputs created by the compilation. std::vector outputs(1, relativeObj); if (const char* extra_outputs_str = source.GetProperty("OBJECT_OUTPUTS")) { // Register these as extra files to clean. cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(extra_outputs_str, outputs); this->CleanFiles.insert(this->CleanFiles.end(), outputs.begin() + 1, outputs.end()); } // Write the rule. this->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, outputs, depends, commands); bool do_preprocess_rules = lang_has_preprocessor && this->LocalGenerator->GetCreatePreprocessedSourceRules(); bool do_assembly_rules = lang_has_assembly && this->LocalGenerator->GetCreateAssemblySourceRules(); if (do_preprocess_rules || do_assembly_rules) { std::vector force_depends; force_depends.push_back("cmake_force"); std::string::size_type dot_pos = relativeObj.rfind('.'); std::string relativeObjBase = relativeObj.substr(0, dot_pos); dot_pos = obj.rfind('.'); std::string objBase = obj.substr(0, dot_pos); if (do_preprocess_rules) { commands.clear(); std::string relativeObjI = relativeObjBase + ".i"; std::string objI = objBase + ".i"; std::string preprocessEcho = "Preprocessing "; preprocessEcho += lang; preprocessEcho += " source to "; preprocessEcho += objI; this->LocalGenerator->AppendEcho( commands, preprocessEcho, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::EchoBuild); std::string preprocessRuleVar = "CMAKE_"; preprocessRuleVar += lang; preprocessRuleVar += "_CREATE_PREPROCESSED_SOURCE"; if (const char* preprocessRule = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(preprocessRuleVar)) { std::vector preprocessCommands; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(preprocessRule, preprocessCommands); std::string shellObjI = this->Convert(objI, cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); vars.PreprocessedSource = shellObjI.c_str(); // Expand placeholders in the commands. for (std::vector::iterator i = preprocessCommands.begin(); i != preprocessCommands.end(); ++i) { this->LocalGenerator->ExpandRuleVariables(*i, vars); } this->LocalGenerator->CreateCDCommand( preprocessCommands, this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT); commands.insert(commands.end(), preprocessCommands.begin(), preprocessCommands.end()); } else { std::string cmd = "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_unimplemented_variable "; cmd += preprocessRuleVar; commands.push_back(cmd); } this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, relativeObjI, force_depends, commands, false); } if (do_assembly_rules) { commands.clear(); std::string relativeObjS = relativeObjBase + ".s"; std::string objS = objBase + ".s"; std::string assemblyEcho = "Compiling "; assemblyEcho += lang; assemblyEcho += " source to assembly "; assemblyEcho += objS; this->LocalGenerator->AppendEcho( commands, assemblyEcho, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::EchoBuild); std::string assemblyRuleVar = "CMAKE_"; assemblyRuleVar += lang; assemblyRuleVar += "_CREATE_ASSEMBLY_SOURCE"; if (const char* assemblyRule = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(assemblyRuleVar)) { std::vector assemblyCommands; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(assemblyRule, assemblyCommands); std::string shellObjS = this->Convert(objS, cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); vars.AssemblySource = shellObjS.c_str(); // Expand placeholders in the commands. for (std::vector::iterator i = assemblyCommands.begin(); i != assemblyCommands.end(); ++i) { this->LocalGenerator->ExpandRuleVariables(*i, vars); } this->LocalGenerator->CreateCDCommand( assemblyCommands, this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT); commands.insert(commands.end(), assemblyCommands.begin(), assemblyCommands.end()); } else { std::string cmd = "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_unimplemented_variable "; cmd += assemblyRuleVar; commands.push_back(cmd); } this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, relativeObjS, force_depends, commands, false); } } // If the language needs provides-requires mode, create the // corresponding targets. std::string objectRequires = relativeObj; objectRequires += ".requires"; std::vector p_depends; // always provide an empty requires target this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, objectRequires, p_depends, no_commands, true); // write a build rule to recursively build what this obj provides std::string objectProvides = relativeObj; objectProvides += ".provides"; std::string temp = relativeObj; temp += ".provides.build"; std::vector r_commands; std::string tgtMakefileName = this->LocalGenerator->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); tgtMakefileName += "/build.make"; r_commands.push_back( this->LocalGenerator->GetRecursiveMakeCall(tgtMakefileName.c_str(), temp)); p_depends.clear(); p_depends.push_back(objectRequires); this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, objectProvides, p_depends, r_commands, true); // write the provides.build rule dependency on the obj file p_depends.clear(); p_depends.push_back(relativeObj); this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, temp, p_depends, no_commands, false); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteTargetRequiresRules() { std::vector depends; std::vector no_commands; // Construct the name of the dependency generation target. std::string depTarget = this->LocalGenerator->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); depTarget += "/requires"; // This target drives dependency generation for all object files. std::string relPath = this->LocalGenerator->GetHomeRelativeOutputPath(); std::string objTarget; for (std::vector::const_iterator obj = this->Objects.begin(); obj != this->Objects.end(); ++obj) { objTarget = relPath; objTarget += *obj; objTarget += ".requires"; depends.push_back(objTarget); } // Write the rule. this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, depTarget, depends, no_commands, true); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteTargetCleanRules() { std::vector depends; std::vector commands; // Construct the clean target name. std::string cleanTarget = this->LocalGenerator->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); cleanTarget += "/clean"; // Construct the clean command. this->LocalGenerator->AppendCleanCommand(commands, this->CleanFiles, this->GeneratorTarget); this->LocalGenerator->CreateCDCommand( commands, this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT); // Write the rule. this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, cleanTarget, depends, commands, true); } bool cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteMakeRule( std::ostream& os, const char* comment, const std::vector& outputs, const std::vector& depends, const std::vector& commands, bool in_help) { bool symbolic = false; if (outputs.empty()) { return symbolic; } // Check whether we need to bother checking for a symbolic output. bool need_symbolic = this->GlobalGenerator->GetNeedSymbolicMark(); // Check whether the first output is marked as symbolic. if (need_symbolic) { if (cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource(outputs[0])) { symbolic = sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SYMBOLIC"); } } // We always attach the actual commands to the first output. this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(os, comment, outputs[0], depends, commands, symbolic, in_help); // For single outputs, we are done. if (outputs.size() == 1) { return symbolic; } // For multiple outputs, make the extra ones depend on the first one. std::vector const output_depends(1, outputs[0]); for (std::vector::const_iterator o = outputs.begin() + 1; o != outputs.end(); ++o) { // Touch the extra output so "make" knows that it was updated, // but only if the output was acually created. std::string const out = this->Convert(*o, cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); std::vector output_commands; bool o_symbolic = false; if (need_symbolic) { if (cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource(*o)) { o_symbolic = sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SYMBOLIC"); } } symbolic = symbolic && o_symbolic; if (!o_symbolic) { output_commands.push_back("@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E touch_nocreate " + out); } this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(os, CM_NULLPTR, *o, output_depends, output_commands, o_symbolic, in_help); if (!o_symbolic) { // At build time, remove the first output if this one does not exist // so that "make" will rerun the real commands that create this one. MultipleOutputPairsType::value_type p(*o, outputs[0]); this->MultipleOutputPairs.insert(p); } } return symbolic; } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteTargetDependRules() { // must write the targets depend info file std::string dir = this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); this->InfoFileNameFull = dir; this->InfoFileNameFull += "/DependInfo.cmake"; this->InfoFileNameFull = this->LocalGenerator->ConvertToFullPath(this->InfoFileNameFull); this->InfoFileStream = new cmGeneratedFileStream(this->InfoFileNameFull.c_str()); this->InfoFileStream->SetCopyIfDifferent(true); if (!*this->InfoFileStream) { return; } this->LocalGenerator->WriteDependLanguageInfo(*this->InfoFileStream, this->GeneratorTarget); // Store multiple output pairs in the depend info file. if (!this->MultipleOutputPairs.empty()) { /* clang-format off */ *this->InfoFileStream << "\n" << "# Pairs of files generated by the same build rule.\n" << "set(CMAKE_MULTIPLE_OUTPUT_PAIRS\n"; /* clang-format on */ for (MultipleOutputPairsType::const_iterator pi = this->MultipleOutputPairs.begin(); pi != this->MultipleOutputPairs.end(); ++pi) { *this->InfoFileStream << " " << cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(pi->first) << " " << cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(pi->second) << "\n"; } *this->InfoFileStream << " )\n\n"; } // Store list of targets linked directly or transitively. { /* clang-format off */ *this->InfoFileStream << "\n" << "# Targets to which this target links.\n" << "set(CMAKE_TARGET_LINKED_INFO_FILES\n"; /* clang-format on */ std::vector dirs = this->GetLinkedTargetDirectories(); for (std::vector::iterator i = dirs.begin(); i != dirs.end(); ++i) { *this->InfoFileStream << " \"" << *i << "/DependInfo.cmake\"\n"; } *this->InfoFileStream << " )\n"; } /* clang-format off */ *this->InfoFileStream << "\n" << "# Fortran module output directory.\n" << "set(CMAKE_Fortran_TARGET_MODULE_DIR \"" << this->GeneratorTarget->GetFortranModuleDirectory() << "\")\n"; /* clang-format on */ // and now write the rule to use it std::vector depends; std::vector commands; // Construct the name of the dependency generation target. std::string depTarget = this->LocalGenerator->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); depTarget += "/depend"; // Add a command to call CMake to scan dependencies. CMake will // touch the corresponding depends file after scanning dependencies. std::ostringstream depCmd; // TODO: Account for source file properties and directory-level // definitions when scanning for dependencies. #if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) // This platform supports symlinks, so cmSystemTools will translate // paths. Make sure PWD is set to the original name of the home // output directory to help cmSystemTools to create the same // translation table for the dependency scanning process. depCmd << "cd " << (this->LocalGenerator->Convert( this->LocalGenerator->GetBinaryDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::FULL, cmOutputConverter::SHELL)) << " && "; #endif // Generate a call this signature: // // cmake -E cmake_depends // // // --color=$(COLOR) // // This gives the dependency scanner enough information to recreate // the state of our local generator sufficiently for its needs. depCmd << "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_depends \"" << this->GlobalGenerator->GetName() << "\" " << this->Convert(this->LocalGenerator->GetSourceDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::FULL, cmOutputConverter::SHELL) << " " << this->Convert(this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentSourceDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::FULL, cmOutputConverter::SHELL) << " " << this->Convert(this->LocalGenerator->GetBinaryDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::FULL, cmOutputConverter::SHELL) << " " << this->Convert(this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), cmOutputConverter::FULL, cmOutputConverter::SHELL) << " " << this->Convert(this->InfoFileNameFull, cmOutputConverter::FULL, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); if (this->LocalGenerator->GetColorMakefile()) { depCmd << " --color=$(COLOR)"; } commands.push_back(depCmd.str()); // Make sure all custom command outputs in this target are built. if (this->CustomCommandDriver == OnDepends) { this->DriveCustomCommands(depends); } // Write the rule. this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, depTarget, depends, commands, true); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::DriveCustomCommands( std::vector& depends) { // Depend on all custom command outputs. std::vector sources; this->GeneratorTarget->GetSourceFiles( sources, this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE")); for (std::vector::const_iterator source = sources.begin(); source != sources.end(); ++source) { if (cmCustomCommand* cc = (*source)->GetCustomCommand()) { cmCustomCommandGenerator ccg(*cc, this->ConfigName, this->LocalGenerator); const std::vector& outputs = ccg.GetOutputs(); depends.insert(depends.end(), outputs.begin(), outputs.end()); } } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteObjectDependRules( cmSourceFile const& source, std::vector& depends) { // Create the list of dependencies known at cmake time. These are // shared between the object file and dependency scanning rule. depends.push_back(source.GetFullPath()); if (const char* objectDeps = source.GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS")) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(objectDeps, depends); } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::GenerateCustomRuleFile( cmCustomCommandGenerator const& ccg) { // Collect the commands. std::vector commands; std::string comment = this->LocalGenerator->ConstructComment(ccg); if (!comment.empty()) { // add in a progress call if needed this->NumberOfProgressActions++; if (!this->NoRuleMessages) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::EchoProgress progress; this->MakeEchoProgress(progress); this->LocalGenerator->AppendEcho( commands, comment, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::EchoGenerate, &progress); } } // Now append the actual user-specified commands. std::ostringstream content; this->LocalGenerator->AppendCustomCommand( commands, ccg, this->GeneratorTarget, false, cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT, &content); // Collect the dependencies. std::vector depends; this->LocalGenerator->AppendCustomDepend(depends, ccg); // Write the rule. const std::vector& outputs = ccg.GetOutputs(); bool symbolic = this->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, CM_NULLPTR, outputs, depends, commands); // If the rule has changed make sure the output is rebuilt. if (!symbolic) { this->GlobalGenerator->AddRuleHash(ccg.GetOutputs(), content.str()); } // Setup implicit dependency scanning. for (cmCustomCommand::ImplicitDependsList::const_iterator idi = ccg.GetCC().GetImplicitDepends().begin(); idi != ccg.GetCC().GetImplicitDepends().end(); ++idi) { std::string objFullPath = this->Convert(outputs[0], cmOutputConverter::FULL); std::string srcFullPath = this->Convert(idi->second, cmOutputConverter::FULL); this->LocalGenerator->AddImplicitDepends(this->GeneratorTarget, idi->first, objFullPath.c_str(), srcFullPath.c_str()); } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::MakeEchoProgress( cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::EchoProgress& progress) const { progress.Dir = this->LocalGenerator->GetBinaryDirectory(); progress.Dir += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); std::ostringstream progressArg; progressArg << "$(CMAKE_PROGRESS_" << this->NumberOfProgressActions << ")"; progress.Arg = progressArg.str(); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteObjectsVariable( std::string& variableName, std::string& variableNameExternal, bool useWatcomQuote) { // Write a make variable assignment that lists all objects for the // target. variableName = this->LocalGenerator->CreateMakeVariable( this->GeneratorTarget->GetName(), "_OBJECTS"); *this->BuildFileStream << "# Object files for target " << this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() << "\n" << variableName << " ="; std::string object; const char* lineContinue = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_MAKE_LINE_CONTINUE"); if (!lineContinue) { lineContinue = "\\"; } for (std::vector::const_iterator i = this->Objects.begin(); i != this->Objects.end(); ++i) { *this->BuildFileStream << " " << lineContinue << "\n"; *this->BuildFileStream << this->LocalGenerator->ConvertToQuotedOutputPath( i->c_str(), useWatcomQuote); } *this->BuildFileStream << "\n"; // Write a make variable assignment that lists all external objects // for the target. variableNameExternal = this->LocalGenerator->CreateMakeVariable( this->GeneratorTarget->GetName(), "_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS"); /* clang-format off */ *this->BuildFileStream << "\n" << "# External object files for target " << this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() << "\n" << variableNameExternal << " ="; /* clang-format on */ for (std::vector::const_iterator i = this->ExternalObjects.begin(); i != this->ExternalObjects.end(); ++i) { object = this->Convert(*i, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT); *this->BuildFileStream << " " << lineContinue << "\n" << this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition( "CMAKE_OBJECT_NAME"); *this->BuildFileStream << this->LocalGenerator->ConvertToQuotedOutputPath( i->c_str(), useWatcomQuote); } *this->BuildFileStream << "\n" << "\n"; } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteObjectsString(std::string& buildObjs) { std::vector objStrings; this->WriteObjectsStrings(objStrings); buildObjs = objStrings[0]; } class cmMakefileTargetGeneratorObjectStrings { public: cmMakefileTargetGeneratorObjectStrings(std::vector& strings, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3* lg, std::string::size_type limit) : Strings(strings) , LocalGenerator(lg) , LengthLimit(limit) { this->Space = ""; } void Feed(std::string const& obj) { // Construct the name of the next object. this->NextObject = this->LocalGenerator->Convert( obj, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::RESPONSE); // Roll over to next string if the limit will be exceeded. if (this->LengthLimit != std::string::npos && (this->CurrentString.length() + 1 + this->NextObject.length() > this->LengthLimit)) { this->Strings.push_back(this->CurrentString); this->CurrentString = ""; this->Space = ""; } // Separate from previous object. this->CurrentString += this->Space; this->Space = " "; // Append this object. this->CurrentString += this->NextObject; } void Done() { this->Strings.push_back(this->CurrentString); } private: std::vector& Strings; cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3* LocalGenerator; std::string::size_type LengthLimit; std::string CurrentString; std::string NextObject; const char* Space; }; void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteObjectsStrings( std::vector& objStrings, std::string::size_type limit) { cmMakefileTargetGeneratorObjectStrings helper(objStrings, this->LocalGenerator, limit); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = this->Objects.begin(); i != this->Objects.end(); ++i) { helper.Feed(*i); } for (std::vector::const_iterator i = this->ExternalObjects.begin(); i != this->ExternalObjects.end(); ++i) { helper.Feed(*i); } helper.Done(); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteTargetDriverRule( const std::string& main_output, bool relink) { // Compute the name of the driver target. std::string dir = this->LocalGenerator->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); std::string buildTargetRuleName = dir; buildTargetRuleName += relink ? "/preinstall" : "/build"; buildTargetRuleName = this->Convert(buildTargetRuleName, cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::UNCHANGED); // Build the list of target outputs to drive. std::vector depends; depends.push_back(main_output); const char* comment = CM_NULLPTR; if (relink) { // Setup the comment for the preinstall driver. comment = "Rule to relink during preinstall."; } else { // Setup the comment for the main build driver. comment = "Rule to build all files generated by this target."; // Make sure all custom command outputs in this target are built. if (this->CustomCommandDriver == OnBuild) { this->DriveCustomCommands(depends); } // Make sure the extra files are built. depends.insert(depends.end(), this->ExtraFiles.begin(), this->ExtraFiles.end()); } // Write the driver rule. std::vector no_commands; this->LocalGenerator->WriteMakeRule(*this->BuildFileStream, comment, buildTargetRuleName, depends, no_commands, true); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::AppendTargetDepends( std::vector& depends) { // Static libraries never depend on anything for linking. if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmState::STATIC_LIBRARY) { return; } // Loop over all library dependencies. const char* cfg = this->LocalGenerator->GetConfigName().c_str(); if (cmComputeLinkInformation* cli = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkInformation(cfg)) { std::vector const& libDeps = cli->GetDepends(); depends.insert(depends.end(), libDeps.begin(), libDeps.end()); } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::AppendObjectDepends( std::vector& depends) { // Add dependencies on the compiled object files. std::string relPath = this->LocalGenerator->GetHomeRelativeOutputPath(); std::string objTarget; for (std::vector::const_iterator obj = this->Objects.begin(); obj != this->Objects.end(); ++obj) { objTarget = relPath; objTarget += *obj; depends.push_back(objTarget); } // Add dependencies on the external object files. depends.insert(depends.end(), this->ExternalObjects.begin(), this->ExternalObjects.end()); // Add a dependency on the rule file itself. this->LocalGenerator->AppendRuleDepend(depends, this->BuildFileNameFull.c_str()); } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::AppendLinkDepends( std::vector& depends) { this->AppendObjectDepends(depends); // Add dependencies on targets that must be built first. this->AppendTargetDepends(depends); // Add a dependency on the link definitions file, if any. if (this->ModuleDefinitionFile) { depends.push_back(this->ModuleDefinitionFile->GetFullPath()); } // Add a dependency on user-specified manifest files, if any. std::vector manifest_srcs; this->GeneratorTarget->GetManifests(manifest_srcs, this->ConfigName); for (std::vector::iterator mi = manifest_srcs.begin(); mi != manifest_srcs.end(); ++mi) { depends.push_back((*mi)->GetFullPath()); } // Add user-specified dependencies. if (const char* linkDepends = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("LINK_DEPENDS")) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(linkDepends, depends); } } std::string cmMakefileTargetGenerator::GetLinkRule( const std::string& linkRuleVar) { std::string linkRule = this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition(linkRuleVar); if (this->GeneratorTarget->HasImplibGNUtoMS()) { std::string ruleVar = "CMAKE_"; ruleVar += this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkerLanguage(this->ConfigName); ruleVar += "_GNUtoMS_RULE"; if (const char* rule = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(ruleVar)) { linkRule += rule; } } return linkRule; } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CloseFileStreams() { delete this->BuildFileStream; delete this->InfoFileStream; delete this->FlagFileStream; } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::RemoveForbiddenFlags( const char* flagVar, const std::string& linkLang, std::string& linkFlags) { // check for language flags that are not allowed at link time, and // remove them, -w on darwin for gcc -w -dynamiclib sends -w to libtool // which fails, there may be more] std::string removeFlags = "CMAKE_"; removeFlags += linkLang; removeFlags += flagVar; std::string removeflags = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(removeFlags); std::vector removeList; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(removeflags, removeList); for (std::vector::iterator i = removeList.begin(); i != removeList.end(); ++i) { std::string tmp; std::string::size_type lastPosition = 0; for (;;) { std::string::size_type position = linkFlags.find(*i, lastPosition); if (position == std::string::npos) { tmp += linkFlags.substr(lastPosition); break; } else { std::string::size_type prefixLength = position - lastPosition; tmp += linkFlags.substr(lastPosition, prefixLength); lastPosition = position + i->length(); bool validFlagStart = position == 0 || isspace(linkFlags[position - 1]); bool validFlagEnd = lastPosition == linkFlags.size() || isspace(linkFlags[lastPosition]); if (!validFlagStart || !validFlagEnd) { tmp += *i; } } } linkFlags = tmp; } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CreateLinkScript( const char* name, std::vector const& link_commands, std::vector& makefile_commands, std::vector& makefile_depends) { // Create the link script file. std::string linkScriptName = this->TargetBuildDirectoryFull; linkScriptName += "/"; linkScriptName += name; cmGeneratedFileStream linkScriptStream(linkScriptName.c_str()); linkScriptStream.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); for (std::vector::const_iterator cmd = link_commands.begin(); cmd != link_commands.end(); ++cmd) { // Do not write out empty commands or commands beginning in the // shell no-op ":". if (!cmd->empty() && (*cmd)[0] != ':') { linkScriptStream << *cmd << "\n"; } } // Create the makefile command to invoke the link script. std::string link_command = "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_link_script "; link_command += this->Convert( linkScriptName, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); link_command += " --verbose=$(VERBOSE)"; makefile_commands.push_back(link_command); makefile_depends.push_back(linkScriptName); } static size_t calculateCommandLineLengthLimit() { #if defined(_SC_ARG_MAX) return ((size_t)sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX)) - 1000; #else return 0; #endif } bool cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CheckUseResponseFileForObjects( std::string const& l) const { // Check for an explicit setting one way or the other. std::string const responseVar = "CMAKE_" + l + "_USE_RESPONSE_FILE_FOR_OBJECTS"; if (const char* val = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(responseVar)) { if (*val) { return cmSystemTools::IsOn(val); } } // Check for a system limit. if (size_t const limit = calculateCommandLineLengthLimit()) { // Compute the total length of our list of object files with room // for argument separation and quoting. This does not convert paths // relative to START_OUTPUT like the final list will be, so the actual // list will likely be much shorter than this. However, in the worst // case all objects will remain as absolute paths. size_t length = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = this->Objects.begin(); i != this->Objects.end(); ++i) { length += i->size() + 3; } for (std::vector::const_iterator i = this->ExternalObjects.begin(); i != this->ExternalObjects.end(); ++i) { length += i->size() + 3; } // We need to guarantee room for both objects and libraries, so // if the objects take up more than half then use a response file // for them. if (length > (limit / 2)) { return true; } } // We do not need a response file for objects. return false; } bool cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CheckUseResponseFileForLibraries( std::string const& l) const { // Check for an explicit setting one way or the other. std::string const responseVar = "CMAKE_" + l + "_USE_RESPONSE_FILE_FOR_LIBRARIES"; if (const char* val = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(responseVar)) { if (*val) { return cmSystemTools::IsOn(val); } } // We do not need a response file for libraries. return false; } std::string cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CreateResponseFile( const char* name, std::string const& options, std::vector& makefile_depends) { // Create the response file. std::string responseFileNameFull = this->TargetBuildDirectoryFull; responseFileNameFull += "/"; responseFileNameFull += name; cmGeneratedFileStream responseStream(responseFileNameFull.c_str()); responseStream.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); responseStream << options << "\n"; // Add a dependency so the target will rebuild when the set of // objects changes. makefile_depends.push_back(responseFileNameFull); // Construct the name to be used on the command line. std::string responseFileName = this->TargetBuildDirectory; responseFileName += "/"; responseFileName += name; return responseFileName; } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CreateLinkLibs( std::string& linkLibs, bool relink, bool useResponseFile, std::vector& makefile_depends, bool useWatcomQuote) { std::string frameworkPath; std::string linkPath; this->LocalGenerator->OutputLinkLibraries(linkLibs, frameworkPath, linkPath, *this->GeneratorTarget, relink, useResponseFile, useWatcomQuote); linkLibs = frameworkPath + linkPath + linkLibs; if (useResponseFile && linkLibs.find_first_not_of(' ') != linkLibs.npos) { // Lookup the response file reference flag. std::string responseFlagVar = "CMAKE_"; responseFlagVar += this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkerLanguage(this->ConfigName); responseFlagVar += "_RESPONSE_FILE_LINK_FLAG"; const char* responseFlag = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(responseFlagVar); if (!responseFlag) { responseFlag = "@"; } // Create this response file. std::string link_rsp = this->CreateResponseFile("linklibs.rsp", linkLibs, makefile_depends); // Reference the response file. linkLibs = responseFlag; linkLibs += this->Convert(link_rsp, cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CreateObjectLists( bool useLinkScript, bool useArchiveRules, bool useResponseFile, std::string& buildObjs, std::vector& makefile_depends, bool useWatcomQuote) { std::string variableName; std::string variableNameExternal; this->WriteObjectsVariable(variableName, variableNameExternal, useWatcomQuote); if (useResponseFile) { // MSVC response files cannot exceed 128K. std::string::size_type const responseFileLimit = 131000; // Construct the individual object list strings. std::vector object_strings; this->WriteObjectsStrings(object_strings, responseFileLimit); // Lookup the response file reference flag. std::string responseFlagVar = "CMAKE_"; responseFlagVar += this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkerLanguage(this->ConfigName); responseFlagVar += "_RESPONSE_FILE_LINK_FLAG"; const char* responseFlag = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(responseFlagVar); if (!responseFlag) { responseFlag = "@"; } // Write a response file for each string. const char* sep = ""; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < object_strings.size(); ++i) { // Number the response files. char rsp[32]; sprintf(rsp, "objects%u.rsp", i + 1); // Create this response file. std::string objects_rsp = this->CreateResponseFile(rsp, object_strings[i], makefile_depends); // Separate from previous response file references. buildObjs += sep; sep = " "; // Reference the response file. buildObjs += responseFlag; buildObjs += this->Convert(objects_rsp, cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); } } else if (useLinkScript) { if (!useArchiveRules) { this->WriteObjectsString(buildObjs); } } else { buildObjs = "$("; buildObjs += variableName; buildObjs += ") $("; buildObjs += variableNameExternal; buildObjs += ")"; } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::AddIncludeFlags(std::string& flags, const std::string& lang) { std::string responseVar = "CMAKE_"; responseVar += lang; responseVar += "_USE_RESPONSE_FILE_FOR_INCLUDES"; bool useResponseFile = this->Makefile->IsOn(responseVar); std::vector includes; const std::string& config = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"); this->LocalGenerator->GetIncludeDirectories(includes, this->GeneratorTarget, lang, config); std::string includeFlags = this->LocalGenerator->GetIncludeFlags( includes, this->GeneratorTarget, lang, false, useResponseFile, config); if (includeFlags.empty()) { return; } if (useResponseFile) { std::string name = "includes_"; name += lang; name += ".rsp"; std::string arg = "@" + this->CreateResponseFile(name.c_str(), includeFlags, this->FlagFileDepends[lang]); this->LocalGenerator->AppendFlags(flags, arg); } else { this->LocalGenerator->AppendFlags(flags, includeFlags); } } void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::GenDefFile( std::vector& real_link_commands, std::string& linkFlags) { if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS")) { std::string name_of_def_file = this->GeneratorTarget->GetSupportDirectory(); name_of_def_file += std::string("/") + this->GeneratorTarget->GetName(); name_of_def_file += ".def"; std::string cmd = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand(); cmd = this->Convert(cmd, cmOutputConverter::NONE, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); cmd += " -E __create_def "; cmd += this->Convert(name_of_def_file, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); cmd += " "; std::string objlist_file = name_of_def_file; objlist_file += ".objs"; cmd += this->Convert(objlist_file, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); real_link_commands.insert(real_link_commands.begin(), cmd); // create a list of obj files for the -E __create_def to read cmGeneratedFileStream fout(objlist_file.c_str()); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = this->Objects.begin(); i != this->Objects.end(); ++i) { if (cmHasLiteralSuffix(*i, ".obj")) { fout << *i << "\n"; } } for (std::vector::const_iterator i = this->ExternalObjects.begin(); i != this->ExternalObjects.end(); ++i) { fout << *i << "\n"; } // now add the def file link flag linkFlags += " "; linkFlags += this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_LINK_DEF_FILE_FLAG"); linkFlags += this->Convert(name_of_def_file, cmOutputConverter::START_OUTPUT, cmOutputConverter::SHELL); linkFlags += " "; } }