#include "cmPolicies.h" #include "cmake.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmVersion.h" #include "cmVersionMacros.h" #include "cmAlgorithms.h" #include <map> #include <set> #include <queue> #include <assert.h> static bool stringToId(const char* input, cmPolicies::PolicyID& pid) { assert(input); if (strlen(input) != 7) { return false; } if (!cmHasLiteralPrefix(input, "CMP")) { return false; } if (cmHasLiteralSuffix(input, "0000")) { pid = cmPolicies::CMP0000; return true; } for (int i = 3; i < 7; ++i) { if (!isdigit(*(input + i))) { return false; } } long id; if (!cmSystemTools::StringToLong(input + 3, &id)) { return false; } if (id >= cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT) { return false; } pid = cmPolicies::PolicyID(id); return true; } #define CM_SELECT_ID_VERSION(F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) F(A1, A3, A4, A5) #define CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_ID_VERSION(POLICY) \ CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_TABLE(POLICY, CM_SELECT_ID_VERSION) #define CM_SELECT_ID_DOC(F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) F(A1, A2) #define CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_ID_DOC(POLICY) \ CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_TABLE(POLICY, CM_SELECT_ID_DOC) static const char* idToString(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) { switch(id) { #define POLICY_CASE(ID) \ case cmPolicies::ID: \ return #ID; CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_ID(POLICY_CASE) #undef POLICY_CASE case cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT: return 0; } return 0; } static const char* idToVersion(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) { switch(id) { #define POLICY_CASE(ID, V_MAJOR, V_MINOR, V_PATCH) \ case cmPolicies::ID: \ return #V_MAJOR "." #V_MINOR "." #V_PATCH; CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_ID_VERSION(POLICY_CASE) #undef POLICY_CASE case cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT: return 0; } return 0; } static bool isPolicyNewerThan(cmPolicies::PolicyID id, unsigned int majorV, unsigned int minorV, unsigned int patchV) { switch(id) { #define POLICY_CASE(ID, V_MAJOR, V_MINOR, V_PATCH) \ case cmPolicies::ID: \ return (majorV < V_MAJOR || \ (majorV == V_MAJOR && \ minorV + 1 < V_MINOR + 1) || \ (majorV == V_MAJOR && \ minorV == V_MINOR && \ patchV + 1 < V_PATCH + 1)); CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_ID_VERSION(POLICY_CASE) #undef POLICY_CASE case cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT: return false; } return false; } const char* idToShortDescription(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) { switch(id) { #define POLICY_CASE(ID, SHORT_DESCRIPTION) \ case cmPolicies::ID: \ return SHORT_DESCRIPTION; CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_ID_DOC(POLICY_CASE) #undef POLICY_CASE case cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT: return 0; } return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void DiagnoseAncientPolicies( std::vector<cmPolicies::PolicyID> const& ancient, unsigned int majorVer, unsigned int minorVer, unsigned int patchVer, cmMakefile* mf) { std::ostringstream e; e << "The project requests behavior compatible with CMake version \"" << majorVer << "." << minorVer << "." << patchVer << "\", which requires the OLD behavior for some policies:\n"; for(std::vector<cmPolicies::PolicyID>::const_iterator i = ancient.begin(); i != ancient.end(); ++i) { e << " " << idToString(*i) << ": " << idToShortDescription(*i) << "\n"; } e << "However, this version of CMake no longer supports the OLD " << "behavior for these policies. " << "Please either update your CMakeLists.txt files to conform to " << "the new behavior or use an older version of CMake that still " << "supports the old behavior."; mf->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool GetPolicyDefault(cmMakefile* mf, std::string const& policy, cmPolicies::PolicyStatus* defaultSetting) { std::string defaultVar = "CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_" + policy; std::string defaultValue = mf->GetSafeDefinition(defaultVar); if(defaultValue == "NEW") { *defaultSetting = cmPolicies::NEW; } else if(defaultValue == "OLD") { *defaultSetting = cmPolicies::OLD; } else if(defaultValue == "") { *defaultSetting = cmPolicies::WARN; } else { std::ostringstream e; e << defaultVar << " has value \"" << defaultValue << "\" but must be \"OLD\", \"NEW\", or \"\" (empty)."; mf->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str()); return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmPolicies::ApplyPolicyVersion(cmMakefile *mf, const char *version) { std::string ver = "2.4.0"; if (version && strlen(version) > 0) { ver = version; } unsigned int majorVer = 2; unsigned int minorVer = 0; unsigned int patchVer = 0; unsigned int tweakVer = 0; // parse the string if(sscanf(ver.c_str(), "%u.%u.%u.%u", &majorVer, &minorVer, &patchVer, &tweakVer) < 2) { std::ostringstream e; e << "Invalid policy version value \"" << ver << "\". " << "A numeric major.minor[.patch[.tweak]] must be given."; mf->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str()); return false; } // it is an error if the policy version is less than 2.4 if (majorVer < 2 || (majorVer == 2 && minorVer < 4)) { mf->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, "Compatibility with CMake < 2.4 is not supported by CMake >= 3.0. " "For compatibility with older versions please use any CMake 2.8.x " "release or lower."); return false; } // It is an error if the policy version is greater than the running // CMake. if (majorVer > cmVersion::GetMajorVersion() || (majorVer == cmVersion::GetMajorVersion() && minorVer > cmVersion::GetMinorVersion()) || (majorVer == cmVersion::GetMajorVersion() && minorVer == cmVersion::GetMinorVersion() && patchVer > cmVersion::GetPatchVersion()) || (majorVer == cmVersion::GetMajorVersion() && minorVer == cmVersion::GetMinorVersion() && patchVer == cmVersion::GetPatchVersion() && tweakVer > cmVersion::GetTweakVersion())) { std::ostringstream e; e << "An attempt was made to set the policy version of CMake to \"" << version << "\" which is greater than this version of CMake. " << "This is not allowed because the greater version may have new " << "policies not known to this CMake. " << "You may need a newer CMake version to build this project."; mf->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str()); return false; } // now loop over all the policies and set them as appropriate std::vector<cmPolicies::PolicyID> ancientPolicies; for(PolicyID pid = cmPolicies::CMP0000; pid != cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT; pid = PolicyID(pid+1)) { if (isPolicyNewerThan(pid, majorVer, minorVer, patchVer)) { if(cmPolicies::GetPolicyStatus(pid) == cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS) { ancientPolicies.push_back(pid); } else { cmPolicies::PolicyStatus status = cmPolicies::WARN; if(!GetPolicyDefault(mf, idToString(pid), &status) || !mf->SetPolicy(pid, status)) { return false; } } } else { if (!mf->SetPolicy(pid, cmPolicies::NEW)) { return false; } } } // Make sure the project does not use any ancient policies. if(!ancientPolicies.empty()) { DiagnoseAncientPolicies(ancientPolicies, majorVer, minorVer, patchVer, mf); cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); return false; } return true; } bool cmPolicies::GetPolicyID(const char *id, cmPolicies::PolicyID &pid) { return stringToId(id, pid); } ///! return a warning string for a given policy std::string cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Policy " << idToString(id) << " is not set: " "" << idToShortDescription(id) << " " "Run \"cmake --help-policy " << idToString(id) << "\" for " "policy details. " "Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy " "and suppress this warning."; return msg.str(); } ///! return an error string for when a required policy is unspecified std::string cmPolicies::GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) { std::ostringstream error; error << "Policy " << idToString(id) << " is not set to NEW: " "" << idToShortDescription(id) << " " "Run \"cmake --help-policy " << idToString(id) << "\" for " "policy details. " "CMake now requires this policy to be set to NEW by the project. " "The policy may be set explicitly using the code\n" " cmake_policy(SET " << idToString(id) << " NEW)\n" "or by upgrading all policies with the code\n" " cmake_policy(VERSION " << idToVersion(id) << ") # or later\n" "Run \"cmake --help-command cmake_policy\" for more information."; return error.str(); } ///! Get the default status for a policy cmPolicies::PolicyStatus cmPolicies::GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::PolicyID) { return cmPolicies::WARN; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmPolicies::GetRequiredAlwaysPolicyError(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) { std::string pid = idToString(id); std::ostringstream e; e << "Policy " << pid << " may not be set to OLD behavior because this " << "version of CMake no longer supports it. " << "The policy was introduced in " << "CMake version " << idToVersion(id) << ", and use of NEW behavior is now required." << "\n" << "Please either update your CMakeLists.txt files to conform to " << "the new behavior or use an older version of CMake that still " << "supports the old behavior. " << "Run cmake --help-policy " << pid << " for more information."; return e.str(); } cmPolicies::PolicyMap::PolicyMap() { this->UNDEFINED.set(); } cmPolicies::PolicyStatus cmPolicies::PolicyMap::Get(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) const { PolicyStatus status = cmPolicies::WARN; if (this->OLD[id]) { status = cmPolicies::OLD; } else if (this->NEW[id]) { status = cmPolicies::NEW; } else if (this->REQUIRED_ALWAYS[id]) { status = cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS; } else if (this->REQUIRED_IF_USED[id]) { status = cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED; } return status; } void cmPolicies::PolicyMap::Set(cmPolicies::PolicyID id, cmPolicies::PolicyStatus status) { this->UNDEFINED.reset(id); this->OLD[id] = (status == cmPolicies::OLD); this->NEW[id] = (status == cmPolicies::NEW); this->REQUIRED_ALWAYS[id] = (status == cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS); this->REQUIRED_IF_USED[id] = (status == cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED); } bool cmPolicies::PolicyMap::IsDefined(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) const { return !this->UNDEFINED[id]; } bool cmPolicies::PolicyMap::IsEmpty() const { return !this->UNDEFINED.none(); }