/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #ifndef cmPolicies_h #define cmPolicies_h #include "cmCustomCommand.h" #include <bitset> class cmMakefile; class cmPolicy; #define CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_TABLE(POLICY, SELECT) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0000, \ "A minimum required CMake version must be specified.", \ 2, 6, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0001, \ "CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY should no longer be used.", \ 2, 6, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0002, \ "Logical target names must be globally unique.", \ 2, 6, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0003, \ "Libraries linked via full path no longer produce linker search paths.", \ 2, 6, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0004, \ "Libraries linked may not have leading or trailing whitespace.", \ 2, 6, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0005, \ "Preprocessor definition values are now escaped automatically.", \ 2, 6, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0006, \ "Installing MACOSX_BUNDLE targets requires a BUNDLE DESTINATION.", \ 2, 6, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0007, \ "list command no longer ignores empty elements.", \ 2, 6, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0008, \ "Libraries linked by full-path must have a valid library file name.", \ 2, 6, 1, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0009, \ "FILE GLOB_RECURSE calls should not follow symlinks by default.", \ 2, 6, 2, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0010, \ "Bad variable reference syntax is an error.", \ 2, 6, 3, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0011, \ "Included scripts do automatic cmake_policy PUSH and POP.", \ 2, 6, 3, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0012, \ "if() recognizes numbers and boolean constants.", \ 2, 8, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0013, \ "Duplicate binary directories are not allowed.", \ 2, 8, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0014, \ "Input directories must have CMakeLists.txt.", \ 2, 8, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0015, \ "link_directories() treats paths relative to the source dir.", \ 2, 8, 1, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0016, \ "target_link_libraries() reports error if its only argument " \ "is not a target.", \ 2, 8, 3, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0017, \ "Prefer files from the CMake module directory when including from " \ "there.", \ 2, 8, 4, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0018, \ "Ignore CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_<Lang>_FLAGS variable.", \ 2, 8, 9, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0019, \ "Do not re-expand variables in include and link information.", \ 2, 8, 11, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0020, \ "Automatically link Qt executables to qtmain target on Windows.", \ 2, 8, 11, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0021, \ "Fatal error on relative paths in INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES target property.", \ 2, 8, 12, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0022, \ "INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES defines the link interface.", \ 2, 8, 12, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0023, \ "Plain and keyword target_link_libraries signatures cannot be mixed.", \ 2, 8, 12, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0024, \ "Disallow include export result.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0025, \ "Compiler id for Apple Clang is now AppleClang.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0026, \ "Disallow use of the LOCATION target property.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0027, \ "Conditionally linked imported targets with missing include " \ "directories.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0028, \ "Double colon in target name means ALIAS or IMPORTED target.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0029, \ "The subdir_depends command should not be called.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0030, \ "The use_mangled_mesa command should not be called.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0031, \ "The load_command command should not be called.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0032, \ "The output_required_files command should not be called.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0033, \ "The export_library_dependencies command should not be called.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0034, \ "The utility_source command should not be called.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0035, \ "The variable_requires command should not be called.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0036, \ "The build_name command should not be called.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0037, \ "Target names should not be reserved and should match a validity " \ "pattern.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0038, \ "Targets may not link directly to themselves.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0039, \ "Utility targets may not have link dependencies.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0040, \ "The target in the TARGET signature of add_custom_command() must " \ "exist.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0041, \ "Error on relative include with generator expression.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0042, \ "MACOSX_RPATH is enabled by default.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0043, \ "Ignore COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<Config> properties.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0044, \ "Case sensitive <LANG>_COMPILER_ID generator expressions.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0045, \ "Error on non-existent target in get_target_property.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0046, \ "Error on non-existent dependency in add_dependencies.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0047, \ "Use QCC compiler id for the qcc drivers on QNX.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0048, \ "project() command manages VERSION variables.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0049, \ "Do not expand variables in target source entries.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0050, \ "Disallow add_custom_command SOURCE signatures.", \ 3, 0, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0051, \ "List TARGET_OBJECTS in SOURCES target property.", \ 3, 1, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0052, \ "Reject source and build dirs in installed " \ "INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.", \ 3, 1, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0053, \ "Simplify variable reference and escape sequence evaluation.", \ 3, 1, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0054, \ "Only interpret if() arguments as variables or keywords when unquoted.", \ 3, 1, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0055, \ "Strict checking for break() command.", \ 3, 2, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0056, \ "Honor link flags in try_compile() source-file signature.", \ 3, 2, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0057, \ "Support new IN_LIST if() operator.", \ 3, 3, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0058, \ "Ninja requires custom command byproducts to be explicit.", \ 3, 3, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0059, \ "Do no treat DEFINITIONS as a built-in directory property.", \ 3, 3, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0060, \ "Link libraries by full path even in implicit directories.", \ 3, 3, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0061, \ "CTest does not by default tell make to ignore errors (-i).", \ 3, 3, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) \ SELECT(POLICY, CMP0062, \ "Disallow install() of export() result.", \ 3, 3, 0, cmPolicies::WARN) #define CM_SELECT_ID(F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) F(A1) #define CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_ID(POLICY) \ CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_TABLE(POLICY, CM_SELECT_ID) /** \class cmPolicies * \brief Handles changes in CMake behavior and policies * * See the cmake wiki section on * <a href="http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Policies">policies</a> * for an overview of this class's purpose */ class cmPolicies { public: /// Status of a policy enum PolicyStatus { OLD, ///< Use old behavior WARN, ///< Use old behavior but issue a warning NEW, ///< Use new behavior /// Issue an error if user doesn't set policy status to NEW and hits the /// check REQUIRED_IF_USED, REQUIRED_ALWAYS ///< Issue an error unless user sets policy status to NEW. }; /// Policy identifiers enum PolicyID { #define POLICY_ENUM(POLICY_ID) POLICY_ID, CM_FOR_EACH_POLICY_ID(POLICY_ENUM) #undef POLICY_ENUM /** \brief Always the last entry. * * Useful mostly to avoid adding a comma the last policy when adding a new * one. */ CMPCOUNT }; ///! convert a string policy ID into a number static bool GetPolicyID(const char *id, /* out */ cmPolicies::PolicyID &pid); ///! Get the default status for a policy static cmPolicies::PolicyStatus GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::PolicyID id); ///! Set a policy level for this listfile static bool ApplyPolicyVersion(cmMakefile *mf, const char *version); ///! return a warning string for a given policy static std::string GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::PolicyID id); ///! return an error string for when a required policy is unspecified static std::string GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::PolicyID id); ///! return an error string for when a required policy is unspecified static std::string GetRequiredAlwaysPolicyError(cmPolicies::PolicyID id); /** Represent a set of policy values. */ struct PolicyMap { PolicyMap(); PolicyStatus Get(PolicyID id) const; void Set(PolicyID id, PolicyStatus status); bool IsDefined(PolicyID id) const; bool IsEmpty() const; private: std::bitset<cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT> UNDEFINED; std::bitset<cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT> OLD; std::bitset<cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT> NEW; std::bitset<cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT> REQUIRED_IF_USED; std::bitset<cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT> REQUIRED_ALWAYS; }; }; #endif