/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmProjectCommand.h" #include "cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx" #include <array> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdio> #include <functional> #include <limits> #include <utility> #include "cmExecutionStatus.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmMessageType.h" #include "cmPolicies.h" #include "cmStateTypes.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" static bool IncludeByVariable(cmExecutionStatus& status, const std::string& variable); static void TopLevelCMakeVarCondSet(cmMakefile& mf, std::string const& name, std::string const& value); bool cmProjectCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.empty()) { status.SetError("PROJECT called with incorrect number of arguments"); return false; } cmMakefile& mf = status.GetMakefile(); if (!IncludeByVariable(status, "CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE_BEFORE")) { return false; } std::string const& projectName = args[0]; mf.SetProjectName(projectName); mf.AddCacheDefinition(projectName + "_BINARY_DIR", mf.GetCurrentBinaryDirectory().c_str(), "Value Computed by CMake", cmStateEnums::STATIC); mf.AddCacheDefinition(projectName + "_SOURCE_DIR", mf.GetCurrentSourceDirectory().c_str(), "Value Computed by CMake", cmStateEnums::STATIC); mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_BINARY_DIR", mf.GetCurrentBinaryDirectory()); mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR", mf.GetCurrentSourceDirectory()); mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_NAME", projectName); // Set the CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME variable to be the highest-level // project name in the tree. If there are two project commands // in the same CMakeLists.txt file, and it is the top level // CMakeLists.txt file, then go with the last one, so that // CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME will match PROJECT_NAME, and cmake --build // will work. if (!mf.GetDefinition("CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME") || mf.IsRootMakefile()) { mf.AddDefinition("CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME", projectName); mf.AddCacheDefinition("CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME", projectName.c_str(), "Value Computed by CMake", cmStateEnums::STATIC); } bool haveVersion = false; bool haveLanguages = false; bool haveDescription = false; bool haveHomepage = false; bool injectedProjectCommand = false; std::string version; std::string description; std::string homepage; std::vector<std::string> languages; std::function<void()> missedValueReporter; auto resetReporter = [&missedValueReporter]() { missedValueReporter = std::function<void()>(); }; enum Doing { DoingDescription, DoingHomepage, DoingLanguages, DoingVersion }; Doing doing = DoingLanguages; for (size_t i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (args[i] == "LANGUAGES") { if (haveLanguages) { mf.IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, "LANGUAGES may be specified at most once."); cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); return true; } haveLanguages = true; if (missedValueReporter) { missedValueReporter(); } doing = DoingLanguages; if (!languages.empty()) { std::string msg = cmStrCat( "the following parameters must be specified after LANGUAGES " "keyword: ", cmJoin(languages, ", "), '.'); mf.IssueMessage(MessageType::WARNING, msg); } } else if (args[i] == "VERSION") { if (haveVersion) { mf.IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, "VERSION may be specified at most once."); cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); return true; } haveVersion = true; if (missedValueReporter) { missedValueReporter(); } doing = DoingVersion; missedValueReporter = [&mf, &resetReporter]() { mf.IssueMessage( MessageType::WARNING, "VERSION keyword not followed by a value or was followed by a " "value that expanded to nothing."); resetReporter(); }; } else if (args[i] == "DESCRIPTION") { if (haveDescription) { mf.IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, "DESCRIPTION may be specified at most once."); cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); return true; } haveDescription = true; if (missedValueReporter) { missedValueReporter(); } doing = DoingDescription; missedValueReporter = [&mf, &resetReporter]() { mf.IssueMessage( MessageType::WARNING, "DESCRIPTION keyword not followed by a value or was followed " "by a value that expanded to nothing."); resetReporter(); }; } else if (args[i] == "HOMEPAGE_URL") { if (haveHomepage) { mf.IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, "HOMEPAGE_URL may be specified at most once."); cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); return true; } haveHomepage = true; doing = DoingHomepage; missedValueReporter = [&mf, &resetReporter]() { mf.IssueMessage( MessageType::WARNING, "HOMEPAGE_URL keyword not followed by a value or was followed " "by a value that expanded to nothing."); resetReporter(); }; } else if (i == 1 && args[i] == "__CMAKE_INJECTED_PROJECT_COMMAND__") { injectedProjectCommand = true; } else if (doing == DoingVersion) { doing = DoingLanguages; version = args[i]; resetReporter(); } else if (doing == DoingDescription) { doing = DoingLanguages; description = args[i]; resetReporter(); } else if (doing == DoingHomepage) { doing = DoingLanguages; homepage = args[i]; resetReporter(); } else // doing == DoingLanguages { languages.push_back(args[i]); } } if (missedValueReporter) { missedValueReporter(); } if ((haveVersion || haveDescription || haveHomepage) && !haveLanguages && !languages.empty()) { mf.IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, "project with VERSION, DESCRIPTION or HOMEPAGE_URL must " "use LANGUAGES before language names."); cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); return true; } if (haveLanguages && languages.empty()) { languages.emplace_back("NONE"); } cmPolicies::PolicyStatus const cmp0048 = mf.GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0048); if (haveVersion) { // Set project VERSION variables to given values if (cmp0048 == cmPolicies::OLD || cmp0048 == cmPolicies::WARN) { mf.IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, "VERSION not allowed unless CMP0048 is set to NEW"); cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); return true; } cmsys::RegularExpression vx( R"(^([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)?)?)?$)"); if (!vx.find(version)) { std::string e = R"(VERSION ")" + version + R"(" format invalid.)"; mf.IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, e); cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); return true; } cmPolicies::PolicyStatus const cmp0096 = mf.GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0096); constexpr std::size_t MAX_VERSION_COMPONENTS = 4u; std::string version_string; std::array<std::string, MAX_VERSION_COMPONENTS> version_components; if (cmp0096 == cmPolicies::OLD || cmp0096 == cmPolicies::WARN) { char vb[MAX_VERSION_COMPONENTS][std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits10]; unsigned v[MAX_VERSION_COMPONENTS] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const int vc = std::sscanf(version.c_str(), "%u.%u.%u.%u", &v[0], &v[1], &v[2], &v[3]); for (auto i = 0u; i < MAX_VERSION_COMPONENTS; ++i) { if (int(i) < vc) { std::sprintf(vb[i], "%u", v[i]); version_string += &"."[std::size_t(i == 0)]; version_string += vb[i]; version_components[i] = vb[i]; } else { vb[i][0] = '\x00'; } } } else { // The regex above verified that we have a .-separated string of // non-negative integer components. Keep the original string. version_string = std::move(version); // Split the integer components. auto components = cmSystemTools::SplitString(version_string, '.'); for (auto i = 0u; i < components.size(); ++i) { version_components[i] = std::move(components[i]); } } std::string vv; vv = projectName + "_VERSION"; mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_VERSION", version_string); mf.AddDefinition(vv, version_string); vv = projectName + "_VERSION_MAJOR"; mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR", version_components[0]); mf.AddDefinition(vv, version_components[0]); vv = projectName + "_VERSION_MINOR"; mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR", version_components[1]); mf.AddDefinition(vv, version_components[1]); vv = projectName + "_VERSION_PATCH"; mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH", version_components[2]); mf.AddDefinition(vv, version_components[2]); vv = projectName + "_VERSION_TWEAK"; mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_VERSION_TWEAK", version_components[3]); mf.AddDefinition(vv, version_components[3]); // Also, try set top level variables TopLevelCMakeVarCondSet(mf, "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION", version_string); TopLevelCMakeVarCondSet(mf, "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR", version_components[0]); TopLevelCMakeVarCondSet(mf, "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR", version_components[1]); TopLevelCMakeVarCondSet(mf, "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH", version_components[2]); TopLevelCMakeVarCondSet(mf, "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_TWEAK", version_components[3]); } else if (cmp0048 != cmPolicies::OLD) { // Set project VERSION variables to empty std::vector<std::string> vv = { "PROJECT_VERSION", "PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR", "PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR", "PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH", "PROJECT_VERSION_TWEAK", projectName + "_VERSION", projectName + "_VERSION_MAJOR", projectName + "_VERSION_MINOR", projectName + "_VERSION_PATCH", projectName + "_VERSION_TWEAK" }; if (mf.IsRootMakefile()) { vv.emplace_back("CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION"); vv.emplace_back("CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR"); vv.emplace_back("CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR"); vv.emplace_back("CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH"); vv.emplace_back("CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_TWEAK"); } std::string vw; for (std::string const& i : vv) { const char* const v = mf.GetDefinition(i); if (v && *v) { if (cmp0048 == cmPolicies::WARN) { if (!injectedProjectCommand) { vw += "\n "; vw += i; } } else { mf.AddDefinition(i, ""); } } } if (!vw.empty()) { mf.IssueMessage( MessageType::AUTHOR_WARNING, cmStrCat(cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0048), "\nThe following variable(s) would be set to empty:", vw)); } } mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_DESCRIPTION", description); mf.AddDefinition(projectName + "_DESCRIPTION", description); TopLevelCMakeVarCondSet(mf, "CMAKE_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION", description); mf.AddDefinition("PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL", homepage); mf.AddDefinition(projectName + "_HOMEPAGE_URL", homepage); TopLevelCMakeVarCondSet(mf, "CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL", homepage); if (languages.empty()) { // if no language is specified do c and c++ languages = { "C", "CXX" }; } mf.EnableLanguage(languages, false); if (!IncludeByVariable(status, "CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE")) { return false; } if (!IncludeByVariable(status, "CMAKE_PROJECT_" + projectName + "_INCLUDE")) { return false; } return true; } static bool IncludeByVariable(cmExecutionStatus& status, const std::string& variable) { cmMakefile& mf = status.GetMakefile(); const char* const include = mf.GetDefinition(variable); if (!include) { return true; } const bool readit = mf.ReadDependentFile(include); if (readit) { return true; } if (cmSystemTools::GetFatalErrorOccured()) { return true; } status.SetError(cmStrCat("could not find file:\n ", include)); return false; } static void TopLevelCMakeVarCondSet(cmMakefile& mf, std::string const& name, std::string const& value) { // Set the CMAKE_PROJECT_XXX variable to be the highest-level // project name in the tree. If there are two project commands // in the same CMakeLists.txt file, and it is the top level // CMakeLists.txt file, then go with the last one. if (!mf.GetDefinition(name) || mf.IsRootMakefile()) { mf.AddDefinition(name, value); mf.AddCacheDefinition(name, value.c_str(), "Value Computed by CMake", cmStateEnums::STATIC); } }