/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmQtAutoGenerator.h" #include "cmQtAutoGen.h" #include "cmsys/FStream.hxx" #include "cmAlgorithms.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmState.h" #include "cmStateDirectory.h" #include "cmStateSnapshot.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmake.h" #include <algorithm> #include <utility> // -- Class methods void cmQtAutoGenerator::Logger::RaiseVerbosity(std::string const& value) { unsigned long verbosity = 0; if (cmSystemTools::StringToULong(value.c_str(), &verbosity)) { if (this->Verbosity_ < verbosity) { this->Verbosity_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(verbosity); } } } void cmQtAutoGenerator::Logger::SetColorOutput(bool value) { ColorOutput_ = value; } std::string cmQtAutoGenerator::Logger::HeadLine(std::string const& title) { std::string head = title; head += '\n'; head.append(head.size() - 1, '-'); head += '\n'; return head; } void cmQtAutoGenerator::Logger::Info(GenT genType, std::string const& message) { std::string msg = GeneratorName(genType); msg += ": "; msg += message; if (msg.back() != '\n') { msg.push_back('\n'); } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); cmSystemTools::Stdout(msg); } } void cmQtAutoGenerator::Logger::Warning(GenT genType, std::string const& message) { std::string msg; if (message.find('\n') == std::string::npos) { // Single line message msg += GeneratorName(genType); msg += " warning: "; } else { // Multi line message msg += HeadLine(GeneratorName(genType) + " warning"); } // Message msg += message; if (msg.back() != '\n') { msg.push_back('\n'); } msg.push_back('\n'); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); cmSystemTools::Stdout(msg); } } void cmQtAutoGenerator::Logger::WarningFile(GenT genType, std::string const& filename, std::string const& message) { std::string msg = " "; msg += Quoted(filename); msg.push_back('\n'); // Message msg += message; Warning(genType, msg); } void cmQtAutoGenerator::Logger::Error(GenT genType, std::string const& message) { std::string msg; msg += HeadLine(GeneratorName(genType) + " error"); // Message msg += message; if (msg.back() != '\n') { msg.push_back('\n'); } msg.push_back('\n'); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); cmSystemTools::Stderr(msg); } } void cmQtAutoGenerator::Logger::ErrorFile(GenT genType, std::string const& filename, std::string const& message) { std::string emsg = " "; emsg += Quoted(filename); emsg += '\n'; // Message emsg += message; Error(genType, emsg); } void cmQtAutoGenerator::Logger::ErrorCommand( GenT genType, std::string const& message, std::vector<std::string> const& command, std::string const& output) { std::string msg; msg.push_back('\n'); msg += HeadLine(GeneratorName(genType) + " subprocess error"); msg += message; if (msg.back() != '\n') { msg.push_back('\n'); } msg.push_back('\n'); msg += HeadLine("Command"); msg += QuotedCommand(command); if (msg.back() != '\n') { msg.push_back('\n'); } msg.push_back('\n'); msg += HeadLine("Output"); msg += output; if (msg.back() != '\n') { msg.push_back('\n'); } msg.push_back('\n'); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); cmSystemTools::Stderr(msg); } } std::string cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::GetRealPath( std::string const& filename) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(filename); } std::string cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::CollapseCombinedPath( std::string const& dir, std::string const& file) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::CollapseCombinedPath(dir, file); } void cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::SplitPath( const std::string& p, std::vector<std::string>& components, bool expand_home_dir) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); cmSystemTools::SplitPath(p, components, expand_home_dir); } std::string cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::JoinPath( const std::vector<std::string>& components) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::JoinPath(components); } std::string cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::JoinPath( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator first, std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator last) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::JoinPath(first, last); } std::string cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension( const std::string& filename) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(filename); } std::string cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::SubDirPrefix( std::string const& filename) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmQtAutoGen::SubDirPrefix(filename); } void cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::setupFilePathChecksum( std::string const& currentSrcDir, std::string const& currentBinDir, std::string const& projectSrcDir, std::string const& projectBinDir) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); FilePathChecksum_.setupParentDirs(currentSrcDir, currentBinDir, projectSrcDir, projectBinDir); } std::string cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::GetFilePathChecksum( std::string const& filename) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return FilePathChecksum_.getPart(filename); } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileExists(std::string const& filename) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::FileExists(filename); } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileExists(std::string const& filename, bool isFile) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::FileExists(filename, isFile); } unsigned long cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileLength( std::string const& filename) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::FileLength(filename); } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileIsOlderThan( std::string const& buildFile, std::string const& sourceFile, std::string* error) { bool res(false); int result = 0; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); res = cmSystemTools::FileTimeCompare(buildFile, sourceFile, &result); } if (res) { res = (result < 0); } else { if (error != nullptr) { error->append( "File modification time comparison failed for the files\n "); error->append(Quoted(buildFile)); error->append("\nand\n "); error->append(Quoted(sourceFile)); } } return res; } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileRead(std::string& content, std::string const& filename, std::string* error) { bool success = false; if (FileExists(filename, true)) { unsigned long const length = FileLength(filename); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); cmsys::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str(), (std::ios::in | std::ios::binary)); if (ifs) { content.reserve(length); content.assign(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{ ifs }, std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{}); if (ifs) { success = true; } else { content.clear(); if (error != nullptr) { error->append("Reading from the file failed."); } } } else if (error != nullptr) { error->append("Opening the file for reading failed."); } } } else if (error != nullptr) { error->append( "The file does not exist, is not readable or is a directory."); } return success; } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileRead(GenT genType, std::string& content, std::string const& filename) { std::string error; if (!FileRead(content, filename, &error)) { Log()->ErrorFile(genType, filename, error); return false; } return true; } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileWrite(std::string const& filename, std::string const& content, std::string* error) { bool success = false; // Make sure the parent directory exists if (MakeParentDirectory(filename)) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); cmsys::ofstream outfile; outfile.open(filename.c_str(), (std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc)); if (outfile) { outfile << content; // Check for write errors if (outfile.good()) { success = true; } else { if (error != nullptr) { error->assign("File writing failed"); } } } else { if (error != nullptr) { error->assign("Opening file for writing failed"); } } } else { if (error != nullptr) { error->assign("Could not create parent directory"); } } return success; } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileWrite(GenT genType, std::string const& filename, std::string const& content) { std::string error; if (!FileWrite(filename, content, &error)) { Log()->ErrorFile(genType, filename, error); return false; } return true; } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileDiffers(std::string const& filename, std::string const& content) { bool differs = true; { std::string oldContents; if (FileRead(oldContents, filename)) { differs = (oldContents != content); } } return differs; } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::FileRemove(std::string const& filename) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(filename); } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::Touch(std::string const& filename, bool create) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::Touch(filename, create); } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::MakeDirectory(std::string const& dirname) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Mutex_); return cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(dirname); } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::MakeDirectory(GenT genType, std::string const& dirname) { if (!MakeDirectory(dirname)) { Log()->ErrorFile(genType, dirname, "Could not create directory"); return false; } return true; } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::MakeParentDirectory( std::string const& filename) { bool success = true; std::string const dirName = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(filename); if (!dirName.empty()) { success = MakeDirectory(dirName); } return success; } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::MakeParentDirectory( GenT genType, std::string const& filename) { if (!MakeParentDirectory(filename)) { Log()->ErrorFile(genType, filename, "Could not create parent directory"); return false; } return true; } int cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::init(uv_loop_t* uv_loop, ReadOnlyProcessT* process) { Process_ = process; Target_ = nullptr; return UVPipe_.init(*uv_loop, 0, this); } int cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::startRead(std::string* target) { Target_ = target; return uv_read_start(uv_stream(), &PipeT::UVAlloc, &PipeT::UVData); } void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::reset() { Process_ = nullptr; Target_ = nullptr; UVPipe_.reset(); Buffer_.clear(); Buffer_.shrink_to_fit(); } void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::UVAlloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggestedSize, uv_buf_t* buf) { auto& pipe = *reinterpret_cast<PipeT*>(handle->data); pipe.Buffer_.resize(suggestedSize); buf->base = pipe.Buffer_.data(); buf->len = pipe.Buffer_.size(); } void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::UVData(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { auto& pipe = *reinterpret_cast<PipeT*>(stream->data); if (nread > 0) { // Append data to merged output if ((buf->base != nullptr) && (pipe.Target_ != nullptr)) { pipe.Target_->append(buf->base, nread); } } else if (nread < 0) { // EOF or error auto* proc = pipe.Process_; // Check it this an unusual error if (nread != UV_EOF) { if (!proc->Result()->error()) { proc->Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv reading from pipe failed with error code "; proc->Result()->ErrorMessage += std::to_string(nread); } } // Clear libuv pipe handle and try to finish pipe.reset(); proc->UVTryFinish(); } } void cmQtAutoGenerator::ProcessResultT::reset() { ExitStatus = 0; TermSignal = 0; if (!StdOut.empty()) { StdOut.clear(); StdOut.shrink_to_fit(); } if (!StdErr.empty()) { StdErr.clear(); StdErr.shrink_to_fit(); } if (!ErrorMessage.empty()) { ErrorMessage.clear(); ErrorMessage.shrink_to_fit(); } } void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::setup( ProcessResultT* result, bool mergedOutput, std::vector<std::string> const& command, std::string const& workingDirectory) { Setup_.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; Setup_.Command = command; Setup_.Result = result; Setup_.MergedOutput = mergedOutput; } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::start( uv_loop_t* uv_loop, std::function<void()>&& finishedCallback) { if (IsStarted() || (Result() == nullptr)) { return false; } // Reset result before the start Result()->reset(); // Fill command string pointers if (!Setup().Command.empty()) { CommandPtr_.reserve(Setup().Command.size() + 1); for (std::string const& arg : Setup().Command) { CommandPtr_.push_back(arg.c_str()); } CommandPtr_.push_back(nullptr); } else { Result()->ErrorMessage = "Empty command"; } if (!Result()->error()) { if (UVPipeOut_.init(uv_loop, this) != 0) { Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv stdout pipe initialization failed"; } } if (!Result()->error()) { if (UVPipeErr_.init(uv_loop, this) != 0) { Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv stderr pipe initialization failed"; } } if (!Result()->error()) { // -- Setup process stdio options // stdin UVOptionsStdIO_[0].flags = UV_IGNORE; UVOptionsStdIO_[0].data.stream = nullptr; // stdout UVOptionsStdIO_[1].flags = static_cast<uv_stdio_flags>(UV_CREATE_PIPE | UV_WRITABLE_PIPE); UVOptionsStdIO_[1].data.stream = UVPipeOut_.uv_stream(); // stderr UVOptionsStdIO_[2].flags = static_cast<uv_stdio_flags>(UV_CREATE_PIPE | UV_WRITABLE_PIPE); UVOptionsStdIO_[2].data.stream = UVPipeErr_.uv_stream(); // -- Setup process options std::fill_n(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&UVOptions_), sizeof(UVOptions_), 0); UVOptions_.exit_cb = &ReadOnlyProcessT::UVExit; UVOptions_.file = CommandPtr_[0]; UVOptions_.args = const_cast<char**>(CommandPtr_.data()); UVOptions_.cwd = Setup_.WorkingDirectory.c_str(); UVOptions_.flags = UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE; UVOptions_.stdio_count = static_cast<int>(UVOptionsStdIO_.size()); UVOptions_.stdio = UVOptionsStdIO_.data(); // -- Spawn process if (UVProcess_.spawn(*uv_loop, UVOptions_, this) != 0) { Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv process spawn failed"; } } // -- Start reading from stdio streams if (!Result()->error()) { if (UVPipeOut_.startRead(&Result()->StdOut) != 0) { Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv start reading from stdout pipe failed"; } } if (!Result()->error()) { if (UVPipeErr_.startRead(Setup_.MergedOutput ? &Result()->StdOut : &Result()->StdErr) != 0) { Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv start reading from stderr pipe failed"; } } if (!Result()->error()) { IsStarted_ = true; FinishedCallback_ = std::move(finishedCallback); } else { // Clear libuv handles and finish UVProcess_.reset(); UVPipeOut_.reset(); UVPipeErr_.reset(); CommandPtr_.clear(); } return IsStarted(); } void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::UVExit(uv_process_t* handle, int64_t exitStatus, int termSignal) { auto& proc = *reinterpret_cast<ReadOnlyProcessT*>(handle->data); if (proc.IsStarted() && !proc.IsFinished()) { // Set error message on demand proc.Result()->ExitStatus = exitStatus; proc.Result()->TermSignal = termSignal; if (!proc.Result()->error()) { if (termSignal != 0) { proc.Result()->ErrorMessage = "Process was terminated by signal "; proc.Result()->ErrorMessage += std::to_string(proc.Result()->TermSignal); } else if (exitStatus != 0) { proc.Result()->ErrorMessage = "Process failed with return value "; proc.Result()->ErrorMessage += std::to_string(proc.Result()->ExitStatus); } } // Reset process handle and try to finish proc.UVProcess_.reset(); proc.UVTryFinish(); } } void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::UVTryFinish() { // There still might be data in the pipes after the process has finished. // Therefore check if the process is finished AND all pipes are closed // before signaling the worker thread to continue. if (UVProcess_.get() == nullptr) { if (UVPipeOut_.uv_pipe() == nullptr) { if (UVPipeErr_.uv_pipe() == nullptr) { IsFinished_ = true; FinishedCallback_(); } } } } cmQtAutoGenerator::cmQtAutoGenerator() : FileSys_(&Logger_) { // Initialize logger { std::string verbose; if (cmSystemTools::GetEnv("VERBOSE", verbose) && !verbose.empty()) { unsigned long iVerbose = 0; if (cmSystemTools::StringToULong(verbose.c_str(), &iVerbose)) { Logger_.SetVerbosity(static_cast<unsigned int>(iVerbose)); } else { // Non numeric verbosity Logger_.SetVerbose(cmSystemTools::IsOn(verbose)); } } } { std::string colorEnv; cmSystemTools::GetEnv("COLOR", colorEnv); if (!colorEnv.empty()) { Logger_.SetColorOutput(cmSystemTools::IsOn(colorEnv)); } else { Logger_.SetColorOutput(true); } } // Initialize libuv loop uv_disable_stdio_inheritance(); #ifdef CMAKE_UV_SIGNAL_HACK UVHackRAII_ = cm::make_unique<cmUVSignalHackRAII>(); #endif UVLoop_ = cm::make_unique<uv_loop_t>(); uv_loop_init(UVLoop()); } cmQtAutoGenerator::~cmQtAutoGenerator() { // Close libuv loop uv_loop_close(UVLoop()); } bool cmQtAutoGenerator::Run(std::string const& infoFile, std::string const& config) { // Info settings InfoFile_ = infoFile; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(InfoFile_); InfoDir_ = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(infoFile); InfoConfig_ = config; bool success = false; { cmake cm(cmake::RoleScript, cmState::Unknown); cm.SetHomeOutputDirectory(InfoDir()); cm.SetHomeDirectory(InfoDir()); cm.GetCurrentSnapshot().SetDefaultDefinitions(); cmGlobalGenerator gg(&cm); cmStateSnapshot snapshot = cm.GetCurrentSnapshot(); snapshot.GetDirectory().SetCurrentBinary(InfoDir()); snapshot.GetDirectory().SetCurrentSource(InfoDir()); auto makefile = cm::make_unique<cmMakefile>(&gg, snapshot); // The OLD/WARN behavior for policy CMP0053 caused a speed regression. // https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/17570 makefile->SetPolicyVersion("3.9", std::string()); gg.SetCurrentMakefile(makefile.get()); success = this->Init(makefile.get()); } if (success) { success = this->Process(); } return success; } std::string cmQtAutoGenerator::SettingsFind(std::string const& content, const char* key) { std::string prefix(key); prefix += ':'; std::string::size_type pos = content.find(prefix); if (pos != std::string::npos) { pos += prefix.size(); if (pos < content.size()) { std::string::size_type posE = content.find('\n', pos); if ((posE != std::string::npos) && (posE != pos)) { return content.substr(pos, posE - pos); } } } return std::string(); }