/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmQtAutoGen.h" #include "cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer.h" #include "cmAlgorithms.h" #include "cmCustomCommand.h" #include "cmCustomCommandLines.h" #include "cmFilePathChecksum.h" #include "cmGeneratorTarget.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmLinkItem.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmOutputConverter.h" #include "cmPolicies.h" #include "cmProcessOutput.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmSourceGroup.h" #include "cmState.h" #include "cmStateTypes.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmTarget.h" #include "cm_sys_stat.h" #include "cmake.h" #include "cmsys/FStream.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include inline static const char* SafeString(const char* value) { return (value != nullptr) ? value : ""; } inline static std::string GetSafeProperty(cmGeneratorTarget const* target, const char* key) { return std::string(SafeString(target->GetProperty(key))); } inline static std::string GetSafeProperty(cmSourceFile const* sf, const char* key) { return std::string(SafeString(sf->GetProperty(key))); } static void AddDefinitionEscaped(cmMakefile* makefile, const char* key, std::string const& value) { makefile->AddDefinition(key, cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(value).c_str()); } static void AddDefinitionEscaped(cmMakefile* makefile, const char* key, const std::vector& values) { makefile->AddDefinition( key, cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(cmJoin(values, ";")).c_str()); } static void AddDefinitionEscaped(cmMakefile* makefile, const char* key, const std::set& values) { makefile->AddDefinition( key, cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(cmJoin(values, ";")).c_str()); } static void AddDefinitionEscaped( cmMakefile* makefile, const char* key, const std::vector>& lists) { std::vector seplist; for (const std::vector& list : lists) { std::string blist = "{"; blist += cmJoin(list, ";"); blist += "}"; seplist.push_back(std::move(blist)); } makefile->AddDefinition(key, cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake( cmJoin(seplist, cmQtAutoGen::listSep)) .c_str()); } static bool AddToSourceGroup(cmMakefile* makefile, std::string const& fileName, cmQtAutoGen::Generator genType) { cmSourceGroup* sourceGroup = nullptr; // Acquire source group { std::string property; std::string groupName; { std::array props; // Use generator specific group name switch (genType) { case cmQtAutoGen::MOC: props[0] = "AUTOMOC_SOURCE_GROUP"; break; case cmQtAutoGen::RCC: props[0] = "AUTORCC_SOURCE_GROUP"; break; default: props[0] = "AUTOGEN_SOURCE_GROUP"; break; } props[1] = "AUTOGEN_SOURCE_GROUP"; for (std::string& prop : props) { const char* propName = makefile->GetState()->GetGlobalProperty(prop); if ((propName != nullptr) && (*propName != '\0')) { groupName = propName; property = std::move(prop); break; } } } // Generate a source group on demand if (!groupName.empty()) { sourceGroup = makefile->GetOrCreateSourceGroup(groupName); if (sourceGroup == nullptr) { std::ostringstream ost; ost << cmQtAutoGen::GeneratorNameUpper(genType); ost << ": " << property; ost << ": Could not find or create the source group "; ost << cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(groupName); cmSystemTools::Error(ost.str().c_str()); return false; } } } if (sourceGroup != nullptr) { sourceGroup->AddGroupFile(fileName); } return true; } static void AddCleanFile(cmMakefile* makefile, std::string const& fileName) { makefile->AppendProperty("ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES", fileName.c_str(), false); } static std::string FileProjectRelativePath(cmMakefile* makefile, std::string const& fileName) { std::string res; { std::string pSource = cmSystemTools::RelativePath( makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory(), fileName.c_str()); std::string pBinary = cmSystemTools::RelativePath( makefile->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), fileName.c_str()); if (pSource.size() < pBinary.size()) { res = std::move(pSource); } else if (pBinary.size() < fileName.size()) { res = std::move(pBinary); } else { res = fileName; } } return res; } /* @brief Tests if targetDepend is a STATIC_LIBRARY and if any of its * recursive STATIC_LIBRARY dependencies depends on targetOrigin * (STATIC_LIBRARY cycle). */ static bool StaticLibraryCycle(cmGeneratorTarget const* targetOrigin, cmGeneratorTarget const* targetDepend, std::string const& config) { bool cycle = false; if ((targetOrigin->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY) && (targetDepend->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY)) { std::set knownLibs; std::deque testLibs; // Insert initial static_library dependency knownLibs.insert(targetDepend); testLibs.push_back(targetDepend); while (!testLibs.empty()) { cmGeneratorTarget const* testTarget = testLibs.front(); testLibs.pop_front(); // Check if the test target is the origin target (cycle) if (testTarget == targetOrigin) { cycle = true; break; } // Collect all static_library dependencies from the test target cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* libs = testTarget->GetLinkImplementationLibraries(config); if (libs != nullptr) { for (cmLinkItem const& item : libs->Libraries) { cmGeneratorTarget const* depTarget = item.Target; if ((depTarget != nullptr) && (depTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY) && knownLibs.insert(depTarget).second) { testLibs.push_back(depTarget); } } } } } return cycle; } cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer( cmGeneratorTarget* target, bool mocEnabled, bool uicEnabled, bool rccEnabled, std::string const& qtVersionMajor) : Target(target) , MocEnabled(mocEnabled) , UicEnabled(uicEnabled) , RccEnabled(rccEnabled) , QtVersionMajor(qtVersionMajor) , MultiConfig(cmQtAutoGen::WRAP) { this->QtVersionMinor = cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::GetQtMinorVersion( target, this->QtVersionMajor); } void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::InitCustomTargets() { cmMakefile* makefile = this->Target->Target->GetMakefile(); cmLocalGenerator* localGen = this->Target->GetLocalGenerator(); cmGlobalGenerator* globalGen = localGen->GetGlobalGenerator(); // Configurations this->ConfigDefault = makefile->GetConfigurations(this->ConfigsList); if (this->ConfigsList.empty()) { this->ConfigsList.push_back(this->ConfigDefault); } // Multi configuration { if (!globalGen->IsMultiConfig()) { this->MultiConfig = cmQtAutoGen::SINGLE; } // FIXME: Xcode does not support per-config sources, yet. // (EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES) // if (globalGen->GetName().find("Xcode") != std::string::npos) { // return cmQtAutoGen::FULL; //} // FIXME: Visual Studio does not support per-config sources, yet. // (EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES) // if (globalGen->GetName().find("Visual Studio") != std::string::npos) { // return cmQtAutoGen::FULL; //} } // Autogen target name this->AutogenTargetName = this->Target->GetName(); this->AutogenTargetName += "_autogen"; // Autogen directories { // Collapsed current binary directory std::string const cbd = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath( "", makefile->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory()); // Autogen info dir this->DirInfo = cbd; this->DirInfo += makefile->GetCMakeInstance()->GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); this->DirInfo += "/"; this->DirInfo += this->AutogenTargetName; this->DirInfo += ".dir"; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(this->DirInfo); // Autogen build dir this->DirBuild = GetSafeProperty(this->Target, "AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR"); if (this->DirBuild.empty()) { this->DirBuild = cbd; this->DirBuild += "/"; this->DirBuild += this->AutogenTargetName; } cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(this->DirBuild); // Working directory this->DirWork = cbd; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(this->DirWork); } // Autogen files { this->AutogenInfoFile = this->DirInfo; this->AutogenInfoFile += "/AutogenInfo.cmake"; this->AutogenSettingsFile = this->DirInfo; this->AutogenSettingsFile += "/AutogenOldSettings.cmake"; } // Autogen target FOLDER property { const char* folder = makefile->GetState()->GetGlobalProperty("AUTOMOC_TARGETS_FOLDER"); if (folder == nullptr) { folder = makefile->GetState()->GetGlobalProperty("AUTOGEN_TARGETS_FOLDER"); } // Inherit FOLDER property from target (#13688) if (folder == nullptr) { folder = SafeString(this->Target->Target->GetProperty("FOLDER")); } if (folder != nullptr) { this->AutogenFolder = folder; } } std::set autogenDependFiles; std::set autogenDependTargets; std::vector autogenProvides; // Remove build directories on cleanup AddCleanFile(makefile, this->DirBuild); // Remove old settings on cleanup { std::string base = this->DirInfo; base += "/AutogenOldSettings"; if (this->MultiConfig == cmQtAutoGen::SINGLE) { AddCleanFile(makefile, base.append(".cmake")); } else { for (std::string const& cfg : this->ConfigsList) { std::string filename = base; filename += "_"; filename += cfg; filename += ".cmake"; AddCleanFile(makefile, filename); } } } // Add moc compilation to generated files list if (this->MocEnabled) { std::string const mocsComp = this->DirBuild + "/mocs_compilation.cpp"; auto files = this->AddGeneratedSource(mocsComp, cmQtAutoGen::MOC); for (std::string& file : files) { autogenProvides.push_back(std::move(file)); } } // Add autogen includes directory to the origin target INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES if (this->MocEnabled || this->UicEnabled) { std::string includeDir = this->DirBuild + "/include"; if (this->MultiConfig != cmQtAutoGen::SINGLE) { includeDir += "_$"; } this->Target->AddIncludeDirectory(includeDir, true); } // Acquire rcc executable and features if (this->RccEnabled) { { std::string err; if (this->QtVersionMajor == "5") { cmGeneratorTarget* tgt = localGen->FindGeneratorTargetToUse("Qt5::rcc"); if (tgt != nullptr) { this->RccExecutable = SafeString(tgt->ImportedGetLocation("")); } else { err = "AUTORCC: Qt5::rcc target not found"; } } else if (QtVersionMajor == "4") { cmGeneratorTarget* tgt = localGen->FindGeneratorTargetToUse("Qt4::rcc"); if (tgt != nullptr) { this->RccExecutable = SafeString(tgt->ImportedGetLocation("")); } else { err = "AUTORCC: Qt4::rcc target not found"; } } else { err = "The AUTORCC feature supports only Qt 4 and Qt 5"; } if (!err.empty()) { err += " ("; err += this->Target->GetName(); err += ")"; cmSystemTools::Error(err.c_str()); } } // Detect if rcc supports (-)-list if (!this->RccExecutable.empty() && (this->QtVersionMajor == "5")) { std::vector command; command.push_back(this->RccExecutable); command.push_back("--help"); std::string rccStdOut; std::string rccStdErr; int retVal = 0; bool result = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand( command, &rccStdOut, &rccStdErr, &retVal, nullptr, cmSystemTools::OUTPUT_NONE, 0.0, cmProcessOutput::Auto); if (result && retVal == 0 && rccStdOut.find("--list") != std::string::npos) { this->RccListOptions.push_back("--list"); } else { this->RccListOptions.push_back("-list"); } } } // Extract relevant source files std::vector generatedSources; std::vector generatedHeaders; { std::string const qrcExt = "qrc"; std::vector srcFiles; this->Target->GetConfigCommonSourceFiles(srcFiles); for (cmSourceFile* sf : srcFiles) { if (sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_AUTOGEN")) { continue; } // sf->GetExtension() is only valid after sf->GetFullPath() ... std::string const& fPath = sf->GetFullPath(); std::string const& ext = sf->GetExtension(); // Register generated files that will be scanned by moc or uic if (this->MocEnabled || this->UicEnabled) { cmSystemTools::FileFormat const fileType = cmSystemTools::GetFileFormat(ext.c_str()); if ((fileType == cmSystemTools::CXX_FILE_FORMAT) || (fileType == cmSystemTools::HEADER_FILE_FORMAT)) { std::string const absPath = cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(fPath); if ((this->MocEnabled && !sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_AUTOMOC")) || (this->UicEnabled && !sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_AUTOUIC"))) { // Register source const bool generated = sf->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED"); if (fileType == cmSystemTools::HEADER_FILE_FORMAT) { if (generated) { generatedHeaders.push_back(absPath); } else { this->Headers.push_back(absPath); } } else { if (generated) { generatedSources.push_back(absPath); } else { this->Sources.push_back(absPath); } } } } } // Register rcc enabled files if (this->RccEnabled && (ext == qrcExt) && !sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_AUTORCC")) { // Register qrc file { Qrc qrc; qrc.QrcFile = cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(fPath); qrc.QrcName = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(qrc.QrcFile); qrc.Generated = sf->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED"); // RCC options { std::string const opts = GetSafeProperty(sf, "AUTORCC_OPTIONS"); if (!opts.empty()) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(opts, qrc.Options); } } this->Qrcs.push_back(std::move(qrc)); } } } // cmGeneratorTarget::GetConfigCommonSourceFiles computes the target's // sources meta data cache. Clear it so that OBJECT library targets that // are AUTOGEN initialized after this target get their added // mocs_compilation.cpp source acknowledged by this target. this->Target->ClearSourcesCache(); } // Read skip files from makefile sources if (this->MocEnabled || this->UicEnabled) { const std::vector& allSources = makefile->GetSourceFiles(); for (cmSourceFile* sf : allSources) { // sf->GetExtension() is only valid after sf->GetFullPath() ... std::string const& fPath = sf->GetFullPath(); cmSystemTools::FileFormat const fileType = cmSystemTools::GetFileFormat(sf->GetExtension().c_str()); if (!(fileType == cmSystemTools::CXX_FILE_FORMAT) && !(fileType == cmSystemTools::HEADER_FILE_FORMAT)) { continue; } const bool skipAll = sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_AUTOGEN"); const bool mocSkip = this->MocEnabled && (skipAll || sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_AUTOMOC")); const bool uicSkip = this->UicEnabled && (skipAll || sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_AUTOUIC")); if (mocSkip || uicSkip) { std::string const absFile = cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(fPath); if (mocSkip) { this->MocSkip.insert(absFile); } if (uicSkip) { this->UicSkip.insert(absFile); } } } } // Process GENERATED sources and headers if (!generatedSources.empty() || !generatedHeaders.empty()) { // Check status of policy CMP0071 bool policyAccept = false; bool policyWarn = false; cmPolicies::PolicyStatus const CMP0071_status = makefile->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0071); switch (CMP0071_status) { case cmPolicies::WARN: policyWarn = true; CM_FALLTHROUGH; case cmPolicies::OLD: // Ignore GENERATED file break; case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED: case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS: case cmPolicies::NEW: // Process GENERATED file policyAccept = true; break; } if (policyAccept) { // Accept GENERATED sources for (std::string const& absFile : generatedHeaders) { this->Headers.push_back(absFile); autogenDependFiles.insert(absFile); } for (std::string const& absFile : generatedSources) { this->Sources.push_back(absFile); autogenDependFiles.insert(absFile); } } else { if (policyWarn) { std::string msg; msg += cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0071); msg += "\n"; std::string tools; std::string property; if (this->MocEnabled && this->UicEnabled) { tools = "AUTOMOC and AUTOUIC"; property = "SKIP_AUTOGEN"; } else if (this->MocEnabled) { tools = "AUTOMOC"; property = "SKIP_AUTOMOC"; } else if (this->UicEnabled) { tools = "AUTOUIC"; property = "SKIP_AUTOUIC"; } msg += "For compatibility, CMake is excluding the GENERATED source " "file(s):\n"; for (const std::string& absFile : generatedHeaders) { msg.append(" ").append(cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(absFile)).append("\n"); } for (const std::string& absFile : generatedSources) { msg.append(" ").append(cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(absFile)).append("\n"); } msg += "from processing by "; msg += tools; msg += ". If any of the files should be processed, set CMP0071 to NEW. " "If any of the files should not be processed, " "explicitly exclude them by setting the source file property "; msg += property; msg += ":\n set_property(SOURCE file.h PROPERTY "; msg += property; msg += " ON)\n"; makefile->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, msg); } } // Clear lists generatedSources.clear(); generatedHeaders.clear(); } // Sort headers and sources if (this->MocEnabled || this->UicEnabled) { std::sort(this->Headers.begin(), this->Headers.end()); std::sort(this->Sources.begin(), this->Sources.end()); } // Process qrc files if (!this->Qrcs.empty()) { const bool QtV5 = (this->QtVersionMajor == "5"); // Target rcc options std::vector optionsTarget; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( GetSafeProperty(this->Target, "AUTORCC_OPTIONS"), optionsTarget); // Check if file name is unique for (Qrc& qrc : this->Qrcs) { qrc.Unique = true; for (Qrc const& qrc2 : this->Qrcs) { if ((&qrc != &qrc2) && (qrc.QrcName == qrc2.QrcName)) { qrc.Unique = false; break; } } } // Path checksum and file names { cmFilePathChecksum const fpathCheckSum(makefile); for (Qrc& qrc : this->Qrcs) { qrc.PathChecksum = fpathCheckSum.getPart(qrc.QrcFile); // RCC output file name { std::string rccFile = this->DirBuild + "/"; rccFile += qrc.PathChecksum; rccFile += "/qrc_"; rccFile += qrc.QrcName; rccFile += ".cpp"; qrc.RccFile = std::move(rccFile); } { std::string base = this->DirInfo; base += "/RCC"; base += qrc.QrcName; if (!qrc.Unique) { base += qrc.PathChecksum; } qrc.InfoFile = base; qrc.InfoFile += "Info.cmake"; qrc.SettingsFile = base; qrc.SettingsFile += "Settings.cmake"; } } } // RCC options for (Qrc& qrc : this->Qrcs) { // Target options std::vector opts = optionsTarget; // Merge computed "-name XYZ" option { std::string name = qrc.QrcName; // Replace '-' with '_'. The former is not valid for symbol names. std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '-', '_'); if (!qrc.Unique) { name += "_"; name += qrc.PathChecksum; } std::vector nameOpts; nameOpts.emplace_back("-name"); nameOpts.emplace_back(std::move(name)); cmQtAutoGen::RccMergeOptions(opts, nameOpts, QtV5); } // Merge file option cmQtAutoGen::RccMergeOptions(opts, qrc.Options, QtV5); qrc.Options = std::move(opts); } for (Qrc& qrc : this->Qrcs) { // Register file at target std::vector const ccOutput = this->AddGeneratedSource(qrc.RccFile, cmQtAutoGen::RCC); cmCustomCommandLines commandLines; { cmCustomCommandLine currentLine; currentLine.push_back(cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand()); currentLine.push_back("-E"); currentLine.push_back("cmake_autorcc"); currentLine.push_back(qrc.InfoFile); currentLine.push_back("$"); commandLines.push_back(std::move(currentLine)); } std::string ccComment = "Automatic RCC for "; ccComment += FileProjectRelativePath(makefile, qrc.QrcFile); if (qrc.Generated) { // Create custom rcc target std::string ccName; { ccName = this->Target->GetName(); ccName += "_arcc_"; ccName += qrc.QrcName; if (!qrc.Unique) { ccName += "_"; ccName += qrc.PathChecksum; } std::vector ccDepends; // Add the .qrc file to the custom target dependencies ccDepends.push_back(qrc.QrcFile); cmTarget* autoRccTarget = makefile->AddUtilityCommand( ccName, true, this->DirWork.c_str(), ccOutput, ccDepends, commandLines, false, ccComment.c_str()); // Create autogen generator target localGen->AddGeneratorTarget( new cmGeneratorTarget(autoRccTarget, localGen)); // Set FOLDER property in autogen target if (!this->AutogenFolder.empty()) { autoRccTarget->SetProperty("FOLDER", this->AutogenFolder.c_str()); } } // Add autogen target to the origin target dependencies this->Target->Target->AddUtility(ccName, makefile); } else { // Create custom rcc command { std::vector ccByproducts; std::vector ccDepends; // Add the .qrc file to the custom command dependencies ccDepends.push_back(qrc.QrcFile); // Add the resource files to the dependencies { std::string error; if (cmQtAutoGen::RccListInputs(this->RccExecutable, this->RccListOptions, qrc.QrcFile, qrc.Resources, &error)) { for (std::string const& fileName : qrc.Resources) { // Add resource file to the custom command dependencies ccDepends.push_back(fileName); } } else { cmSystemTools::Error(error.c_str()); } } makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(ccOutput, ccByproducts, ccDepends, /*main_dependency*/ std::string(), commandLines, ccComment.c_str(), this->DirWork.c_str()); } // Reconfigure when .qrc file changes makefile->AddCMakeDependFile(qrc.QrcFile); } } } // Create _autogen target if (this->MocEnabled || this->UicEnabled) { // Add user defined autogen target dependencies { std::string const deps = GetSafeProperty(this->Target, "AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS"); if (!deps.empty()) { std::vector extraDeps; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(deps, extraDeps); for (std::string const& depName : extraDeps) { // Allow target and file dependencies auto* depTarget = makefile->FindTargetToUse(depName); if (depTarget != nullptr) { autogenDependTargets.insert(depTarget); } else { autogenDependFiles.insert(depName); } } } } // Compose target comment std::string autogenComment; { std::string tools; if (this->MocEnabled) { tools += "MOC"; } if (this->UicEnabled) { if (!tools.empty()) { tools += " and "; } tools += "UIC"; } autogenComment = "Automatic "; autogenComment += tools; autogenComment += " for target "; autogenComment += this->Target->GetName(); } // Compose command lines cmCustomCommandLines commandLines; { cmCustomCommandLine currentLine; currentLine.push_back(cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand()); currentLine.push_back("-E"); currentLine.push_back("cmake_autogen"); currentLine.push_back(this->AutogenInfoFile); currentLine.push_back("$"); commandLines.push_back(std::move(currentLine)); } // Use PRE_BUILD on demand bool usePRE_BUILD = false; if (globalGen->GetName().find("Visual Studio") != std::string::npos) { // Under VS use a PRE_BUILD event instead of a separate target to // reduce the number of targets loaded into the IDE. // This also works around a VS 11 bug that may skip updating the target: // https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/769495 usePRE_BUILD = true; } // Disable PRE_BUILD in some cases if (usePRE_BUILD) { // Cannot use PRE_BUILD with file depends if (!autogenDependFiles.empty()) { usePRE_BUILD = false; } } // Create the autogen target/command if (usePRE_BUILD) { // Add additional autogen target dependencies to origin target for (cmTarget* depTarget : autogenDependTargets) { this->Target->Target->AddUtility(depTarget->GetName(), makefile); } // Add the pre-build command directly to bypass the OBJECT_LIBRARY // rejection in cmMakefile::AddCustomCommandToTarget because we know // PRE_BUILD will work for an OBJECT_LIBRARY in this specific case. // // PRE_BUILD does not support file dependencies! const std::vector no_output; const std::vector no_deps; cmCustomCommand cc(makefile, no_output, autogenProvides, no_deps, commandLines, autogenComment.c_str(), this->DirWork.c_str()); cc.SetEscapeOldStyle(false); cc.SetEscapeAllowMakeVars(true); this->Target->Target->AddPreBuildCommand(cc); } else { // Convert file dependencies std::set to std::vector std::vector autogenDepends(autogenDependFiles.begin(), autogenDependFiles.end()); // Add link library target dependencies to the autogen target // dependencies for (std::string const& config : this->ConfigsList) { cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* libs = this->Target->GetLinkImplementationLibraries(config); if (libs != nullptr) { for (cmLinkItem const& item : libs->Libraries) { cmGeneratorTarget const* libTarget = item.Target; if ((libTarget != nullptr) && !StaticLibraryCycle(this->Target, libTarget, config)) { std::string util; if (this->ConfigsList.size() > 1) { util += "$<$GetName(); if (this->ConfigsList.size() > 1) { util += ">"; } autogenDepends.push_back(util); } } } } // Create autogen target cmTarget* autogenTarget = makefile->AddUtilityCommand( this->AutogenTargetName, true, this->DirWork.c_str(), /*byproducts=*/autogenProvides, autogenDepends, commandLines, false, autogenComment.c_str()); // Create autogen generator target localGen->AddGeneratorTarget( new cmGeneratorTarget(autogenTarget, localGen)); // Forward origin utilities to autogen target for (std::string const& depName : this->Target->Target->GetUtilities()) { autogenTarget->AddUtility(depName, makefile); } // Add additional autogen target dependencies to autogen target for (cmTarget* depTarget : autogenDependTargets) { autogenTarget->AddUtility(depTarget->GetName(), makefile); } // Set FOLDER property in autogen target if (!this->AutogenFolder.empty()) { autogenTarget->SetProperty("FOLDER", this->AutogenFolder.c_str()); } // Add autogen target to the origin target dependencies this->Target->Target->AddUtility(this->AutogenTargetName, makefile); } } } void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::SetupCustomTargets() { cmMakefile* makefile = this->Target->Target->GetMakefile(); // forget the variables added here afterwards again: cmMakefile::ScopePushPop varScope(makefile); static_cast(varScope); // Configuration suffixes std::map configSuffixes; for (std::string const& cfg : this->ConfigsList) { std::string& suffix = configSuffixes[cfg]; suffix = "_"; suffix += cfg; } // Basic setup AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_multi_config", cmQtAutoGen::MultiConfigName(this->MultiConfig)); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_build_dir", this->DirBuild); if (this->MocEnabled || this->UicEnabled) { AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_qt_version_major", this->QtVersionMajor); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_settings_file", this->AutogenSettingsFile); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_sources", this->Sources); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_headers", this->Headers); if (this->MocEnabled) { this->SetupCustomTargetsMoc(); } if (this->UicEnabled) { this->SetupCustomTargetsUic(); } } if (this->RccEnabled) { AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_qt_rcc_executable", this->RccExecutable); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_qt_rcc_list_options", this->RccListOptions); } // Create info directory on demand if (!cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(this->DirInfo)) { std::string emsg = ("Could not create directory: "); emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->DirInfo); cmSystemTools::Error(emsg.c_str()); } auto ReOpenInfoFile = [](cmsys::ofstream& ofs, std::string const& fileName) -> bool { // Ensure we have write permission mode_t perm = 0; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) mode_t mode_write = S_IWRITE; #else mode_t mode_write = S_IWUSR; #endif cmSystemTools::GetPermissions(fileName, perm); if (!(perm & mode_write)) { cmSystemTools::SetPermissions(fileName, perm | mode_write); } ofs.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::app); if (!ofs) { // File open error std::string error = "Internal CMake error when trying to open file: "; error += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(fileName); error += " for writing."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.c_str()); } return static_cast(ofs); }; // Generate autogen target info file if (this->MocEnabled || this->UicEnabled) { { std::string infoFileIn = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot(); infoFileIn += "/Modules/AutogenInfo.cmake.in"; makefile->ConfigureFile( infoFileIn.c_str(), this->AutogenInfoFile.c_str(), false, true, false); } // Append custom definitions to info file // -------------------------------------- cmsys::ofstream ofs; if (ReOpenInfoFile(ofs, this->AutogenInfoFile)) { auto OfsWriteMap = [&ofs]( const char* key, std::map const& map) { for (auto const& item : map) { ofs << "set(" << key << "_" << item.first << " " << cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(item.second) << ")\n"; } }; ofs << "# Configurations options\n"; OfsWriteMap("AM_CONFIG_SUFFIX", configSuffixes); OfsWriteMap("AM_MOC_DEFINITIONS", this->ConfigMocDefines); OfsWriteMap("AM_MOC_INCLUDES", this->ConfigMocIncludes); OfsWriteMap("AM_UIC_TARGET_OPTIONS", this->ConfigUicOptions); // Settings files (only require for multi configuration generators) if (this->MultiConfig != cmQtAutoGen::SINGLE) { std::map settingsFiles; for (std::string const& cfg : this->ConfigsList) { settingsFiles[cfg] = cmQtAutoGen::AppendFilenameSuffix( this->AutogenSettingsFile, "_" + cfg); } OfsWriteMap("AM_SETTINGS_FILE", settingsFiles); } } } // Generate auto RCC info files if (this->RccEnabled) { std::string infoFileIn = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot(); infoFileIn += "/Modules/AutoRccInfo.cmake.in"; for (Qrc const& qrc : this->Qrcs) { // Configure info file makefile->ConfigureFile(infoFileIn.c_str(), qrc.InfoFile.c_str(), false, true, false); // Append custom definitions to info file // -------------------------------------- cmsys::ofstream ofs; if (ReOpenInfoFile(ofs, qrc.InfoFile)) { { ofs << "# Job\n"; auto OfsWrite = [&ofs](const char* key, std::string const& value) { ofs << "set(" << key << " " << cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(value) << ")\n"; }; OfsWrite("ARCC_SETTINGS_FILE", qrc.SettingsFile); OfsWrite("ARCC_SOURCE", qrc.QrcFile); OfsWrite("ARCC_OUTPUT", qrc.RccFile); OfsWrite("ARCC_OPTIONS", cmJoin(qrc.Options, ";")); OfsWrite("ARCC_INPUTS", cmJoin(qrc.Resources, ";")); } { ofs << "# Configurations options\n"; auto OfsWriteMap = [&ofs]( const char* key, std::map const& map) { for (auto const& item : map) { ofs << "set(" << key << "_" << item.first << " " << cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(item.second) << ")\n"; } }; OfsWriteMap("ARCC_CONFIG_SUFFIX", configSuffixes); // Settings files (only require for multi configuration generators) if (this->MultiConfig != cmQtAutoGen::SINGLE) { std::map settingsFiles; for (std::string const& cfg : this->ConfigsList) { settingsFiles[cfg] = cmQtAutoGen::AppendFilenameSuffix(qrc.SettingsFile, "_" + cfg); } OfsWriteMap("ARCC_SETTINGS_FILE", settingsFiles); } } } else { break; } } } } void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::SetupCustomTargetsMoc() { cmLocalGenerator* localGen = this->Target->GetLocalGenerator(); cmMakefile* makefile = this->Target->Target->GetMakefile(); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_moc_skip", this->MocSkip); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_moc_options", GetSafeProperty(this->Target, "AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS")); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_moc_relaxed_mode", makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_moc_macro_names", GetSafeProperty(this->Target, "AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES")); AddDefinitionEscaped( makefile, "_moc_depend_filters", GetSafeProperty(this->Target, "AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS")); // Compiler predefines if (this->Target->GetPropertyAsBool("AUTOMOC_COMPILER_PREDEFINES") && this->QtVersionGreaterOrEqual(5, 8)) { AddDefinitionEscaped( makefile, "_moc_predefs_cmd", makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_PREDEFINES_COMMAND")); } // Moc includes and compile definitions { auto GetIncludeDirs = [this, localGen](std::string const& cfg) -> std::string { // Get the include dirs for this target, without stripping the implicit // include dirs off, see // https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/13667 std::vector includeDirs; localGen->GetIncludeDirectories(includeDirs, this->Target, "CXX", cfg, false); return cmJoin(includeDirs, ";"); }; auto GetCompileDefinitions = [this, localGen](std::string const& cfg) -> std::string { std::set defines; localGen->AddCompileDefinitions(defines, this->Target, cfg, "CXX"); return cmJoin(defines, ";"); }; // Default configuration settings std::string const includeDirs = GetIncludeDirs(this->ConfigDefault); std::string const compileDefs = GetCompileDefinitions(this->ConfigDefault); // Other configuration settings for (std::string const& cfg : this->ConfigsList) { { std::string const configIncludeDirs = GetIncludeDirs(cfg); if (configIncludeDirs != includeDirs) { this->ConfigMocIncludes[cfg] = configIncludeDirs; } } { std::string const configCompileDefs = GetCompileDefinitions(cfg); if (configCompileDefs != compileDefs) { this->ConfigMocDefines[cfg] = configCompileDefs; } } } AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_moc_include_dirs", includeDirs); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_moc_compile_defs", compileDefs); } // Moc executable { std::string mocExec; std::string err; if (this->QtVersionMajor == "5") { cmGeneratorTarget* tgt = localGen->FindGeneratorTargetToUse("Qt5::moc"); if (tgt != nullptr) { mocExec = SafeString(tgt->ImportedGetLocation("")); } else { err = "AUTOMOC: Qt5::moc target not found"; } } else if (this->QtVersionMajor == "4") { cmGeneratorTarget* tgt = localGen->FindGeneratorTargetToUse("Qt4::moc"); if (tgt != nullptr) { mocExec = SafeString(tgt->ImportedGetLocation("")); } else { err = "AUTOMOC: Qt4::moc target not found"; } } else { err = "The AUTOMOC feature supports only Qt 4 and Qt 5"; } if (err.empty()) { AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_qt_moc_executable", mocExec); } else { err += " ("; err += this->Target->GetName(); err += ")"; cmSystemTools::Error(err.c_str()); } } } void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::SetupCustomTargetsUic() { cmMakefile* makefile = this->Target->Target->GetMakefile(); // Uic search paths { std::vector uicSearchPaths; { std::string const usp = GetSafeProperty(this->Target, "AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS"); if (!usp.empty()) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(usp, uicSearchPaths); std::string const srcDir = makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory(); for (std::string& path : uicSearchPaths) { path = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(path, srcDir); } } } AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_uic_search_paths", uicSearchPaths); } // Uic target options { auto UicGetOpts = [this](std::string const& cfg) -> std::string { std::vector opts; this->Target->GetAutoUicOptions(opts, cfg); return cmJoin(opts, ";"); }; // Default settings std::string const uicOpts = UicGetOpts(this->ConfigDefault); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_uic_target_options", uicOpts); // Configuration specific settings for (std::string const& cfg : this->ConfigsList) { std::string const configUicOpts = UicGetOpts(cfg); if (configUicOpts != uicOpts) { this->ConfigUicOptions[cfg] = configUicOpts; } } } // .ui files skip and options { std::vector uiFileFiles; std::vector> uiFileOptions; { std::string const uiExt = "ui"; for (cmSourceFile* sf : makefile->GetSourceFiles()) { // sf->GetExtension() is only valid after sf->GetFullPath() ... std::string const& fPath = sf->GetFullPath(); if (sf->GetExtension() == uiExt) { std::string const absFile = cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(fPath); // Check if the .ui file should be skipped if (sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_AUTOUIC") || sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_AUTOGEN")) { this->UicSkip.insert(absFile); } // Check if the .ui file has uic options std::string const uicOpts = GetSafeProperty(sf, "AUTOUIC_OPTIONS"); if (!uicOpts.empty()) { // Check if file isn't skipped if (this->UicSkip.count(absFile) == 0) { uiFileFiles.push_back(absFile); std::vector optsVec; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(uicOpts, optsVec); uiFileOptions.push_back(std::move(optsVec)); } } } } } AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_qt_uic_options_files", uiFileFiles); AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_qt_uic_options_options", uiFileOptions); } AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_uic_skip", this->UicSkip); // Uic executable { std::string err; std::string uicExec; cmLocalGenerator* localGen = this->Target->GetLocalGenerator(); if (this->QtVersionMajor == "5") { cmGeneratorTarget* tgt = localGen->FindGeneratorTargetToUse("Qt5::uic"); if (tgt != nullptr) { uicExec = SafeString(tgt->ImportedGetLocation("")); } else { // Project does not use Qt5Widgets, but has AUTOUIC ON anyway } } else if (this->QtVersionMajor == "4") { cmGeneratorTarget* tgt = localGen->FindGeneratorTargetToUse("Qt4::uic"); if (tgt != nullptr) { uicExec = SafeString(tgt->ImportedGetLocation("")); } else { err = "AUTOUIC: Qt4::uic target not found"; } } else { err = "The AUTOUIC feature supports only Qt 4 and Qt 5"; } if (err.empty()) { AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_qt_uic_executable", uicExec); } else { err += " ("; err += this->Target->GetName(); err += ")"; cmSystemTools::Error(err.c_str()); } } } std::vector cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::AddGeneratedSource( std::string const& filename, cmQtAutoGen::Generator genType) { std::vector genFiles; // Register source file in makefile and source group if (this->MultiConfig != cmQtAutoGen::FULL) { genFiles.push_back(filename); } else { for (std::string const& cfg : this->ConfigsList) { genFiles.push_back( cmQtAutoGen::AppendFilenameSuffix(filename, "_" + cfg)); } } { cmMakefile* makefile = this->Target->Target->GetMakefile(); for (std::string const& genFile : genFiles) { { cmSourceFile* gFile = makefile->GetOrCreateSource(genFile, true); gFile->SetProperty("GENERATED", "1"); gFile->SetProperty("SKIP_AUTOGEN", "On"); } AddToSourceGroup(makefile, genFile, genType); } } // Add source file to target if (this->MultiConfig != cmQtAutoGen::FULL) { this->Target->AddSource(filename); } else { for (std::string const& cfg : this->ConfigsList) { std::string src = "$<$Target->AddSource(src); } } return genFiles; } std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::GetQtMajorVersion( cmGeneratorTarget const* target) { cmMakefile* makefile = target->Target->GetMakefile(); std::string qtMajor = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("QT_VERSION_MAJOR"); if (qtMajor.empty()) { qtMajor = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("Qt5Core_VERSION_MAJOR"); } const char* targetQtVersion = target->GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty("QT_MAJOR_VERSION", ""); if (targetQtVersion != nullptr) { qtMajor = targetQtVersion; } return qtMajor; } std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::GetQtMinorVersion( cmGeneratorTarget const* target, std::string const& qtVersionMajor) { cmMakefile* makefile = target->Target->GetMakefile(); std::string qtMinor; if (qtVersionMajor == "5") { qtMinor = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("Qt5Core_VERSION_MINOR"); } if (qtMinor.empty()) { qtMinor = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("QT_VERSION_MINOR"); } const char* targetQtVersion = target->GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty("QT_MINOR_VERSION", ""); if (targetQtVersion != nullptr) { qtMinor = targetQtVersion; } return qtMinor; } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::QtVersionGreaterOrEqual( unsigned long requestMajor, unsigned long requestMinor) const { unsigned long majorUL(0); unsigned long minorUL(0); if (cmSystemTools::StringToULong(this->QtVersionMajor.c_str(), &majorUL) && cmSystemTools::StringToULong(this->QtVersionMinor.c_str(), &minorUL)) { return (majorUL > requestMajor) || (majorUL == requestMajor && minorUL >= requestMinor); } return false; }