/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmQtAutoGen.h" #include "cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.h" #include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <list> #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <string.h> #include <utility> #include "cmAlgorithms.h" #include "cmCryptoHash.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmOutputConverter.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmake.h" #if defined(__APPLE__) #include <unistd.h> #endif // -- Static variables static const char* SettingsKeyMoc = "AM_MOC_SETTINGS_HASH"; static const char* SettingsKeyUic = "AM_UIC_SETTINGS_HASH"; // -- Static functions static std::string SubDirPrefix(std::string const& fileName) { std::string res(cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(fileName)); if (!res.empty()) { res += '/'; } return res; } static bool ListContains(std::vector<std::string> const& list, std::string const& entry) { return (std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), entry) != list.end()); } // -- Class methods cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic() : MultiConfig(cmQtAutoGen::WRAP) , IncludeProjectDirsBefore(false) , QtVersionMajor(4) , MocSettingsChanged(false) , MocPredefsChanged(false) , MocRelaxedMode(false) , UicSettingsChanged(false) { // Precompile regular expressions this->MocRegExpInclude.compile( "[\n][ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]+" "[\"<](([^ \">]+/)?moc_[^ \">/]+\\.cpp|[^ \">]+\\.moc)[\">]"); this->UicRegExpInclude.compile("[\n][ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]+" "[\"<](([^ \">]+/)?ui_[^ \">/]+\\.h)[\">]"); } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::InitInfoFile(cmMakefile* makefile) { // -- Meta this->HeaderExtensions = makefile->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHeaderExtensions(); // Utility lambdas auto InfoGet = [makefile](const char* key) { return makefile->GetSafeDefinition(key); }; auto InfoGetBool = [makefile](const char* key) { return makefile->IsOn(key); }; auto InfoGetList = [makefile](const char* key) -> std::vector<std::string> { std::vector<std::string> list; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(makefile->GetSafeDefinition(key), list); return list; }; auto InfoGetLists = [makefile](const char* key) -> std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> { std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> lists; { std::string const value = makefile->GetSafeDefinition(key); std::string::size_type pos = 0; while (pos < value.size()) { std::string::size_type next = value.find(cmQtAutoGen::listSep, pos); std::string::size_type length = (next != std::string::npos) ? next - pos : value.size() - pos; // Remove enclosing braces if (length >= 2) { std::string::const_iterator itBeg = value.begin() + (pos + 1); std::string::const_iterator itEnd = itBeg + (length - 2); { std::string subValue(itBeg, itEnd); std::vector<std::string> list; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(subValue, list); lists.push_back(std::move(list)); } } pos += length; pos += cmQtAutoGen::listSep.size(); } } return lists; }; auto InfoGetConfig = [makefile, this](const char* key) -> std::string { const char* valueConf = nullptr; { std::string keyConf = key; keyConf += '_'; keyConf += this->GetInfoConfig(); valueConf = makefile->GetDefinition(keyConf); } if (valueConf == nullptr) { valueConf = makefile->GetSafeDefinition(key); } return std::string(valueConf); }; auto InfoGetConfigList = [&InfoGetConfig](const char* key) -> std::vector<std::string> { std::vector<std::string> list; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(InfoGetConfig(key), list); return list; }; // -- Read info file if (!makefile->ReadListFile(this->GetInfoFile().c_str())) { this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, this->GetInfoFile(), "File processing failed"); return false; } // -- Meta this->MultiConfig = cmQtAutoGen::MultiConfigType(InfoGet("AM_MULTI_CONFIG")); this->ConfigSuffix = InfoGetConfig("AM_CONFIG_SUFFIX"); if (this->ConfigSuffix.empty()) { this->ConfigSuffix = "_"; this->ConfigSuffix += this->GetInfoConfig(); } this->SettingsFile = InfoGetConfig("AM_SETTINGS_FILE"); if (this->SettingsFile.empty()) { this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, this->GetInfoFile(), "Settings file name missing"); return false; } // - Files and directories this->ProjectSourceDir = InfoGet("AM_CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR"); this->ProjectBinaryDir = InfoGet("AM_CMAKE_BINARY_DIR"); this->CurrentSourceDir = InfoGet("AM_CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR"); this->CurrentBinaryDir = InfoGet("AM_CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR"); this->IncludeProjectDirsBefore = InfoGetBool("AM_CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES_PROJECT_BEFORE"); this->AutogenBuildDir = InfoGet("AM_BUILD_DIR"); if (this->AutogenBuildDir.empty()) { this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, this->GetInfoFile(), "Autogen build directory missing"); return false; } // - Qt environment if (!cmSystemTools::StringToULong(InfoGet("AM_QT_VERSION_MAJOR"), &this->QtVersionMajor)) { this->QtVersionMajor = 4; } this->MocExecutable = InfoGet("AM_QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE"); this->UicExecutable = InfoGet("AM_QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE"); // - Moc if (this->MocEnabled()) { this->MocSkipList = InfoGetList("AM_MOC_SKIP"); this->MocDefinitions = InfoGetConfigList("AM_MOC_DEFINITIONS"); #ifdef _WIN32 { std::string const win32("WIN32"); if (!ListContains(this->MocDefinitions, win32)) { this->MocDefinitions.push_back(win32); } } #endif this->MocIncludePaths = InfoGetConfigList("AM_MOC_INCLUDES"); this->MocOptions = InfoGetList("AM_MOC_OPTIONS"); this->MocRelaxedMode = InfoGetBool("AM_MOC_RELAXED_MODE"); { std::vector<std::string> const MocMacroNames = InfoGetList("AM_MOC_MACRO_NAMES"); for (std::string const& item : MocMacroNames) { this->MocMacroFilters.emplace_back( item, ("[\n][ \t]*{?[ \t]*" + item).append("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")); } } { std::vector<std::string> const mocDependFilters = InfoGetList("AM_MOC_DEPEND_FILTERS"); // Insert Q_PLUGIN_METADATA dependency filter if (this->QtVersionMajor != 4) { this->MocDependFilterPush("Q_PLUGIN_METADATA", "[\n][ \t]*Q_PLUGIN_METADATA[ \t]*\\(" "[^\\)]*FILE[ \t]*\"([^\"]+)\""); } // Insert user defined dependency filters if ((mocDependFilters.size() % 2) == 0) { for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dit = mocDependFilters.begin(), ditEnd = mocDependFilters.end(); dit != ditEnd; dit += 2) { if (!this->MocDependFilterPush(*dit, *(dit + 1))) { return false; } } } else { this->LogFileError( cmQtAutoGen::MOC, this->GetInfoFile(), "AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS list size is not a multiple of 2"); return false; } } this->MocPredefsCmd = InfoGetList("AM_MOC_PREDEFS_CMD"); } // - Uic if (this->UicEnabled()) { this->UicSkipList = InfoGetList("AM_UIC_SKIP"); this->UicSearchPaths = InfoGetList("AM_UIC_SEARCH_PATHS"); this->UicTargetOptions = InfoGetConfigList("AM_UIC_TARGET_OPTIONS"); { auto sources = InfoGetList("AM_UIC_OPTIONS_FILES"); auto options = InfoGetLists("AM_UIC_OPTIONS_OPTIONS"); // Compare list sizes if (sources.size() != options.size()) { std::ostringstream ost; ost << "files/options lists sizes mismatch (" << sources.size() << "/" << options.size() << ")"; this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::UIC, this->GetInfoFile(), ost.str()); return false; } auto fitEnd = sources.cend(); auto fit = sources.begin(); auto oit = options.begin(); while (fit != fitEnd) { this->UicOptions[*fit] = std::move(*oit); ++fit; ++oit; } } } // Initialize source file jobs { // Utility lambdas auto AddJob = [this](std::map<std::string, SourceJob>& jobs, std::string&& sourceFile) { const bool moc = !this->MocSkip(sourceFile); const bool uic = !this->UicSkip(sourceFile); if (moc || uic) { SourceJob& job = jobs[std::move(sourceFile)]; job.Moc = moc; job.Uic = uic; } }; // Add header jobs for (std::string& hdr : InfoGetList("AM_HEADERS")) { AddJob(this->HeaderJobs, std::move(hdr)); } // Add source jobs { std::vector<std::string> sources = InfoGetList("AM_SOURCES"); // Add header(s) for the source file for (std::string const& src : sources) { const bool srcMoc = !this->MocSkip(src); const bool srcUic = !this->UicSkip(src); if (!srcMoc && !srcUic) { continue; } // Search for the default header file and a private header std::array<std::string, 2> headerBases; headerBases[0] = SubDirPrefix(src); headerBases[0] += cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(src); headerBases[1] = headerBases[0]; headerBases[1] += "_p"; for (std::string const& headerBase : headerBases) { std::string header; if (this->FindHeader(header, headerBase)) { const bool moc = srcMoc && !this->MocSkip(header); const bool uic = srcUic && !this->UicSkip(header); if (moc || uic) { SourceJob& job = this->HeaderJobs[std::move(header)]; job.Moc = moc; job.Uic = uic; } } } } // Add Source jobs for (std::string& src : sources) { AddJob(this->SourceJobs, std::move(src)); } } } // Init derived information // ------------------------ // Init file path checksum generator this->FilePathChecksum.setupParentDirs( this->CurrentSourceDir, this->CurrentBinaryDir, this->ProjectSourceDir, this->ProjectBinaryDir); // include directory this->AutogenIncludeDir = "include"; if (this->MultiConfig != cmQtAutoGen::SINGLE) { this->AutogenIncludeDir += this->ConfigSuffix; } this->AutogenIncludeDir += "/"; // Moc variables if (this->MocEnabled()) { // Mocs compilation file this->MocCompFileRel = "mocs_compilation"; if (this->MultiConfig == cmQtAutoGen::FULL) { this->MocCompFileRel += this->ConfigSuffix; } this->MocCompFileRel += ".cpp"; this->MocCompFileAbs = cmSystemTools::CollapseCombinedPath( this->AutogenBuildDir, this->MocCompFileRel); // Moc predefs file if (!this->MocPredefsCmd.empty()) { this->MocPredefsFileRel = "moc_predefs"; if (this->MultiConfig != cmQtAutoGen::SINGLE) { this->MocPredefsFileRel += this->ConfigSuffix; } this->MocPredefsFileRel += ".h"; this->MocPredefsFileAbs = cmSystemTools::CollapseCombinedPath( this->AutogenBuildDir, this->MocPredefsFileRel); } // Sort include directories on demand if (this->IncludeProjectDirsBefore) { // Move strings to temporary list std::list<std::string> includes; includes.insert(includes.end(), this->MocIncludePaths.begin(), this->MocIncludePaths.end()); this->MocIncludePaths.clear(); this->MocIncludePaths.reserve(includes.size()); // Append project directories only { std::array<std::string const*, 2> const movePaths = { { &this->ProjectBinaryDir, &this->ProjectSourceDir } }; for (std::string const* ppath : movePaths) { std::list<std::string>::iterator it = includes.begin(); while (it != includes.end()) { std::string const& path = *it; if (cmSystemTools::StringStartsWith(path, ppath->c_str())) { this->MocIncludePaths.push_back(path); it = includes.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } } // Append remaining directories this->MocIncludePaths.insert(this->MocIncludePaths.end(), includes.begin(), includes.end()); } // Compose moc includes list { std::set<std::string> frameworkPaths; for (std::string const& path : this->MocIncludePaths) { this->MocIncludes.push_back("-I" + path); // Extract framework path if (cmHasLiteralSuffix(path, ".framework/Headers")) { // Go up twice to get to the framework root std::vector<std::string> pathComponents; cmSystemTools::SplitPath(path, pathComponents); std::string frameworkPath = cmSystemTools::JoinPath( pathComponents.begin(), pathComponents.end() - 2); frameworkPaths.insert(frameworkPath); } } // Append framework includes for (std::string const& path : frameworkPaths) { this->MocIncludes.push_back("-F"); this->MocIncludes.push_back(path); } } // Setup single list with all options { // Add includes this->MocAllOptions.insert(this->MocAllOptions.end(), this->MocIncludes.begin(), this->MocIncludes.end()); // Add definitions for (std::string const& def : this->MocDefinitions) { this->MocAllOptions.push_back("-D" + def); } // Add options this->MocAllOptions.insert(this->MocAllOptions.end(), this->MocOptions.begin(), this->MocOptions.end()); } } return true; } void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::SettingsFileRead(cmMakefile* makefile) { // Compose current settings strings { cmCryptoHash crypt(cmCryptoHash::AlgoSHA256); std::string const sep(" ~~~ "); if (this->MocEnabled()) { std::string str; str += this->MocExecutable; str += sep; str += cmJoin(this->MocAllOptions, ";"); str += sep; str += this->IncludeProjectDirsBefore ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; str += sep; str += cmJoin(this->MocPredefsCmd, ";"); str += sep; this->SettingsStringMoc = crypt.HashString(str); } if (this->UicEnabled()) { std::string str; str += this->UicExecutable; str += sep; str += cmJoin(this->UicTargetOptions, ";"); for (const auto& item : this->UicOptions) { str += sep; str += item.first; str += sep; str += cmJoin(item.second, ";"); } str += sep; this->SettingsStringUic = crypt.HashString(str); } } // Read old settings if (makefile->ReadListFile(this->SettingsFile.c_str())) { { auto SMatch = [makefile](const char* key, std::string const& value) { return (value == makefile->GetSafeDefinition(key)); }; if (!SMatch(SettingsKeyMoc, this->SettingsStringMoc)) { this->MocSettingsChanged = true; } if (!SMatch(SettingsKeyUic, this->SettingsStringUic)) { this->UicSettingsChanged = true; } } // In case any setting changed remove the old settings file. // This triggers a full rebuild on the next run if the current // build is aborted before writing the current settings in the end. if (this->SettingsChanged()) { cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(this->SettingsFile); } } else { // If the file could not be read re-generate everythiung. this->MocSettingsChanged = true; this->UicSettingsChanged = true; } } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::SettingsFileWrite() { bool success = true; // Only write if any setting changed if (this->SettingsChanged()) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, "Writing settings file " + cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->SettingsFile)); } // Compose settings file content std::string settings; { auto SettingAppend = [&settings](const char* key, std::string const& value) { settings += "set("; settings += key; settings += " "; settings += cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(value); settings += ")\n"; }; SettingAppend(SettingsKeyMoc, this->SettingsStringMoc); SettingAppend(SettingsKeyUic, this->SettingsStringUic); } // Write settings file if (!this->FileWrite(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, this->SettingsFile, settings)) { this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, this->SettingsFile, "Settings file writing failed"); // Remove old settings file to trigger a full rebuild on the next run cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(this->SettingsFile); success = false; } } return success; } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::Process(cmMakefile* makefile) { // the program goes through all .cpp files to see which moc files are // included. It is not really interesting how the moc file is named, but // what file the moc is created from. Once a moc is included the same moc // may not be included in the mocs_compilation.cpp file anymore. // OTOH if there's a header containing Q_OBJECT where no corresponding // moc file is included anywhere a moc_<filename>.cpp file is created and // included in the mocs_compilation.cpp file. if (!this->InitInfoFile(makefile)) { return false; } // Read latest settings this->SettingsFileRead(makefile); // Create AUTOGEN include directory { std::string const incDirAbs = cmSystemTools::CollapseCombinedPath( this->AutogenBuildDir, this->AutogenIncludeDir); if (!cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(incDirAbs)) { this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, incDirAbs, "Could not create directory"); return false; } } // Parse source files for (const auto& item : this->SourceJobs) { if (!this->ParseSourceFile(item.first, item.second)) { return false; } } // Parse header files for (const auto& item : this->HeaderJobs) { if (!this->ParseHeaderFile(item.first, item.second)) { return false; } } // Read missing dependency information if (!this->ParsePostprocess()) { return false; } // Generate files if (!this->MocGenerateAll()) { return false; } if (!this->UicGenerateAll()) { return false; } if (!this->SettingsFileWrite()) { return false; } return true; } /** * @return True on success */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParseSourceFile(std::string const& absFilename, const SourceJob& job) { std::string contentText; std::string error; bool success = this->FileRead(contentText, absFilename, &error); if (success) { if (!contentText.empty()) { if (job.Moc) { success = this->MocParseSourceContent(absFilename, contentText); } if (success && job.Uic) { success = this->UicParseContent(absFilename, contentText); } } else { this->LogFileWarning(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, absFilename, "The source file is empty"); } } else { this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, absFilename, "Could not read the source file: " + error); } return success; } /** * @return True on success */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParseHeaderFile(std::string const& absFilename, const SourceJob& job) { std::string contentText; std::string error; bool success = this->FileRead(contentText, absFilename, &error); if (success) { if (!contentText.empty()) { if (job.Moc) { this->MocParseHeaderContent(absFilename, contentText); } if (job.Uic) { success = this->UicParseContent(absFilename, contentText); } } else { this->LogFileWarning(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, absFilename, "The header file is empty"); } } else { this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::GEN, absFilename, "Could not read the header file: " + error); } return success; } /** * @return True on success */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParsePostprocess() { bool success = true; // Read missing dependencies for (auto& item : this->MocJobsIncluded) { if (!item->DependsValid) { std::string content; std::string error; if (this->FileRead(content, item->SourceFile, &error)) { this->MocFindDepends(item->SourceFile, content, item->Depends); item->DependsValid = true; } else { std::string emsg = "Could not read file\n "; emsg += item->SourceFile; emsg += "\nrequired by moc include \""; emsg += item->IncludeString; emsg += "\".\n"; emsg += error; this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, item->Includer, emsg); success = false; break; } } } return success; } /** * @brief Tests if the file should be ignored for moc scanning * @return True if the file should be ignored */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSkip(std::string const& absFilename) const { if (this->MocEnabled()) { // Test if the file name is on the skip list if (!ListContains(this->MocSkipList, absFilename)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @brief Tests if the C++ content requires moc processing * @return True if moc is required */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocRequired(std::string const& contentText, std::string* macroName) { for (KeyRegExp& filter : this->MocMacroFilters) { // Run a simple find string operation before the expensive // regular expression check if (contentText.find(filter.Key) != std::string::npos) { if (filter.RegExp.find(contentText)) { // Return macro name on demand if (macroName != nullptr) { *macroName = filter.Key; } return true; } } } return false; } std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocStringMacros() const { std::string res; const auto itB = this->MocMacroFilters.cbegin(); const auto itE = this->MocMacroFilters.cend(); const auto itL = itE - 1; auto itC = itB; for (; itC != itE; ++itC) { // Separator if (itC != itB) { if (itC != itL) { res += ", "; } else { res += " or "; } } // Key res += itC->Key; } return res; } std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocStringHeaders( std::string const& fileBase) const { std::string res = fileBase; res += ".{"; res += cmJoin(this->HeaderExtensions, ","); res += "}"; return res; } std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocFindIncludedHeader( std::string const& sourcePath, std::string const& includeBase) const { std::string header; // Search in vicinity of the source if (!this->FindHeader(header, sourcePath + includeBase)) { // Search in include directories for (std::string const& path : this->MocIncludePaths) { std::string fullPath = path; fullPath.push_back('/'); fullPath += includeBase; if (this->FindHeader(header, fullPath)) { break; } } } // Sanitize if (!header.empty()) { header = cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(header); } return header; } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocFindIncludedFile( std::string& absFile, std::string const& sourcePath, std::string const& includeString) const { bool success = false; // Search in vicinity of the source { std::string testPath = sourcePath; testPath += includeString; if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(testPath.c_str())) { absFile = cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(testPath); success = true; } } // Search in include directories if (!success) { for (std::string const& path : this->MocIncludePaths) { std::string fullPath = path; fullPath.push_back('/'); fullPath += includeString; if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(fullPath.c_str())) { absFile = cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(fullPath); success = true; break; } } } return success; } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocDependFilterPush(std::string const& key, std::string const& regExp) { std::string error; if (!key.empty()) { if (!regExp.empty()) { KeyRegExp filter; filter.Key = key; if (filter.RegExp.compile(regExp)) { this->MocDependFilters.push_back(std::move(filter)); } else { error = "Regular expression compiling failed"; } } else { error = "Regular expression is empty"; } } else { error = "Key is empty"; } if (!error.empty()) { std::string emsg = "AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS: "; emsg += error; emsg += "\n"; emsg += " Key: "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(key); emsg += "\n"; emsg += " RegExp: "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(regExp); emsg += "\n"; this->LogError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, emsg); return false; } return true; } void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocFindDepends(std::string const& absFilename, std::string const& contentText, std::set<std::string>& depends) { if (this->MocDependFilters.empty() && contentText.empty()) { return; } std::vector<std::string> matches; for (KeyRegExp& filter : this->MocDependFilters) { // Run a simple find string check if (contentText.find(filter.Key) != std::string::npos) { // Run the expensive regular expression check loop const char* contentChars = contentText.c_str(); while (filter.RegExp.find(contentChars)) { std::string match = filter.RegExp.match(1); if (!match.empty()) { matches.emplace_back(std::move(match)); } contentChars += filter.RegExp.end(); } } } if (!matches.empty()) { std::string const sourcePath = SubDirPrefix(absFilename); for (std::string const& match : matches) { // Find the dependency file std::string incFile; if (this->MocFindIncludedFile(incFile, sourcePath, match)) { depends.insert(incFile); if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, "Found dependency:\n " + cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(absFilename) + "\n " + cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(incFile)); } } else { this->LogFileWarning(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, absFilename, "Could not find dependency file " + cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(match)); } } } } /** * @return True on success */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocParseSourceContent( std::string const& absFilename, std::string const& contentText) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, "Checking: " + absFilename); } auto AddJob = [this, &absFilename](std::string const& sourceFile, std::string const& includeString, std::string const* content) { auto job = cm::make_unique<MocJobIncluded>(); job->SourceFile = sourceFile; job->BuildFileRel = this->AutogenIncludeDir; job->BuildFileRel += includeString; job->Includer = absFilename; job->IncludeString = includeString; job->DependsValid = (content != nullptr); if (job->DependsValid) { this->MocFindDepends(sourceFile, *content, job->Depends); } this->MocJobsIncluded.push_back(std::move(job)); }; struct MocInc { std::string Inc; // full include string std::string Dir; // include string directory std::string Base; // include string file base }; // Extract moc includes from file std::vector<MocInc> mocIncsUsc; std::vector<MocInc> mocIncsDot; { const char* contentChars = contentText.c_str(); if (strstr(contentChars, "moc") != nullptr) { while (this->MocRegExpInclude.find(contentChars)) { std::string incString = this->MocRegExpInclude.match(1); std::string incDir(SubDirPrefix(incString)); std::string incBase = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(incString); if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(incBase, "moc_")) { // moc_<BASE>.cxx // Remove the moc_ part from the base name mocIncsUsc.push_back(MocInc{ std::move(incString), std::move(incDir), incBase.substr(4) }); } else { // <BASE>.moc mocIncsDot.push_back(MocInc{ std::move(incString), std::move(incDir), std::move(incBase) }); } // Forward content pointer contentChars += this->MocRegExpInclude.end(); } } } std::string selfMacroName; const bool selfRequiresMoc = this->MocRequired(contentText, &selfMacroName); // Check if there is anything to do if (!selfRequiresMoc && mocIncsUsc.empty() && mocIncsDot.empty()) { return true; } // Scan file variables std::string const scanFileDir = SubDirPrefix(absFilename); std::string const scanFileBase = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(absFilename); // Relaxed mode variables bool ownDotMocIncluded = false; std::string ownMocUscInclude; std::string ownMocUscHeader; // Process moc_<BASE>.cxx includes for (const MocInc& mocInc : mocIncsUsc) { std::string const header = this->MocFindIncludedHeader(scanFileDir, mocInc.Dir + mocInc.Base); if (!header.empty()) { // Check if header is skipped if (this->MocSkip(header)) { continue; } // Register moc job AddJob(header, mocInc.Inc, nullptr); // Store meta information for relaxed mode if (this->MocRelaxedMode && (mocInc.Base == scanFileBase)) { ownMocUscInclude = mocInc.Inc; ownMocUscHeader = header; } } else { std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocInc.Inc); emsg += ", but could not find the header "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->MocStringHeaders(mocInc.Base)); this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, absFilename, emsg); return false; } } // Process <BASE>.moc includes for (const MocInc& mocInc : mocIncsDot) { const bool ownMoc = (mocInc.Base == scanFileBase); if (this->MocRelaxedMode) { // Relaxed mode if (selfRequiresMoc && ownMoc) { // Add self AddJob(absFilename, mocInc.Inc, &contentText); ownDotMocIncluded = true; } else { // In relaxed mode try to find a header instead but issue a warning. // This is for KDE4 compatibility std::string const header = this->MocFindIncludedHeader(scanFileDir, mocInc.Dir + mocInc.Base); if (!header.empty()) { // Check if header is skipped if (this->MocSkip(header)) { continue; } // Register moc job AddJob(header, mocInc.Inc, nullptr); if (!selfRequiresMoc) { if (ownMoc) { std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocInc.Inc); emsg += ", but does not contain a "; emsg += this->MocStringMacros(); emsg += " macro.\nRunning moc on\n "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(header); emsg += "!\nBetter include "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted("moc_" + mocInc.Base + ".cpp"); emsg += " for a compatibility with strict mode.\n" "(CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE warning)\n"; this->LogFileWarning(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, absFilename, emsg); } else { std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocInc.Inc); emsg += " instead of "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted("moc_" + mocInc.Base + ".cpp"); emsg += ".\nRunning moc on\n "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(header); emsg += "!\nBetter include "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted("moc_" + mocInc.Base + ".cpp"); emsg += " for compatibility with strict mode.\n" "(CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE warning)\n"; this->LogFileWarning(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, absFilename, emsg); } } } else { std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocInc.Inc); emsg += ", which seems to be the moc file from a different " "source file. CMake also could not find a matching " "header."; this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, absFilename, emsg); return false; } } } else { // Strict mode if (ownMoc) { // Include self AddJob(absFilename, mocInc.Inc, &contentText); ownDotMocIncluded = true; // Accept but issue a warning if moc isn't required if (!selfRequiresMoc) { std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocInc.Inc); emsg += ", but does not contain a "; emsg += this->MocStringMacros(); emsg += " macro."; this->LogFileWarning(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, absFilename, emsg); } } else { // Don't allow <BASE>.moc include other than self in strict mode std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocInc.Inc); emsg += ", which seems to be the moc file from a different " "source file.\nThis is not supported. Include "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(scanFileBase + ".moc"); emsg += " to run moc on this source file."; this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, absFilename, emsg); return false; } } } if (selfRequiresMoc && !ownDotMocIncluded) { // In this case, check whether the scanned file itself contains a Q_OBJECT. // If this is the case, the moc_foo.cpp should probably be generated from // foo.cpp instead of foo.h, because otherwise it won't build. // But warn, since this is not how it is supposed to be used. if (this->MocRelaxedMode && !ownMocUscInclude.empty()) { // This is for KDE4 compatibility: std::string emsg = "The file contains a "; emsg += selfMacroName; emsg += " macro, but does not include "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(scanFileBase + ".moc"); emsg += ". Instead it includes "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(ownMocUscInclude); emsg += ".\nRunning moc on\n "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(absFilename); emsg += "!\nBetter include "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(scanFileBase + ".moc"); emsg += " for compatibility with strict mode.\n" "(CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE warning)"; this->LogFileWarning(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, absFilename, emsg); // Remove own header job { auto itC = this->MocJobsIncluded.begin(); auto itE = this->MocJobsIncluded.end(); for (; itC != itE; ++itC) { if ((*itC)->SourceFile == ownMocUscHeader) { if ((*itC)->IncludeString == ownMocUscInclude) { this->MocJobsIncluded.erase(itC); break; } } } } // Add own source job AddJob(absFilename, ownMocUscInclude, &contentText); } else { // Otherwise always error out since it will not compile: std::string emsg = "The file contains a "; emsg += selfMacroName; emsg += " macro, but does not include "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(scanFileBase + ".moc"); emsg += "!\nConsider to\n - add #include \""; emsg += scanFileBase; emsg += ".moc\"\n - enable SKIP_AUTOMOC for this file"; this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, absFilename, emsg); return false; } } return true; } void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocParseHeaderContent( std::string const& absFilename, std::string const& contentText) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, "Checking: " + absFilename); } auto const fit = std::find_if(this->MocJobsIncluded.cbegin(), this->MocJobsIncluded.cend(), [&absFilename](std::unique_ptr<MocJobIncluded> const& job) { return job->SourceFile == absFilename; }); if (fit == this->MocJobsIncluded.cend()) { if (this->MocRequired(contentText)) { auto job = cm::make_unique<MocJobAuto>(); job->SourceFile = absFilename; { std::string& bld = job->BuildFileRel; bld = this->FilePathChecksum.getPart(absFilename); bld += '/'; bld += "moc_"; bld += cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(absFilename); if (this->MultiConfig != cmQtAutoGen::SINGLE) { bld += this->ConfigSuffix; } bld += ".cpp"; } this->MocFindDepends(absFilename, contentText, job->Depends); this->MocJobsAuto.push_back(std::move(job)); } } } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocGenerateAll() { if (!this->MocEnabled()) { return true; } // Look for name collisions in included moc files { bool collision = false; std::map<std::string, std::vector<MocJobIncluded const*>> collisions; for (auto const& job : this->MocJobsIncluded) { auto& list = collisions[job->IncludeString]; if (!list.empty()) { collision = true; } list.push_back(job.get()); } if (collision) { std::string emsg = "Included moc files with the same name will be " "generated from different sources.\n" "Consider to\n" " - not include the \"moc_<NAME>.cpp\" file\n" " - add a directory prefix to a \"<NAME>.moc\" include " "(e.g \"sub/<NAME>.moc\")\n" " - rename the source file(s)\n" "Include conflicts\n" "-----------------\n"; const auto& colls = collisions; for (auto const& coll : colls) { if (coll.second.size() > 1) { emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(coll.first); emsg += " included in\n"; for (const MocJobIncluded* job : coll.second) { emsg += " - "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(job->Includer); emsg += "\n"; } emsg += "would be generated from\n"; for (const MocJobIncluded* job : coll.second) { emsg += " - "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(job->SourceFile); emsg += "\n"; } } } this->LogError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, emsg); return false; } } // (Re)generate moc_predefs.h on demand if (!this->MocPredefsCmd.empty()) { if (this->MocSettingsChanged || !cmSystemTools::FileExists(this->MocPredefsFileAbs)) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogBold("Generating MOC predefs " + this->MocPredefsFileRel); } std::string output; { // Compose command std::vector<std::string> cmd = this->MocPredefsCmd; // Add includes cmd.insert(cmd.end(), this->MocIncludes.begin(), this->MocIncludes.end()); // Add definitions for (std::string const& def : this->MocDefinitions) { cmd.push_back("-D" + def); } // Execute command if (!this->RunCommand(cmd, output)) { this->LogCommandError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, "moc_predefs generation failed", cmd, output); return false; } } // (Re)write predefs file only on demand if (this->FileDiffers(this->MocPredefsFileAbs, output)) { if (this->FileWrite(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, this->MocPredefsFileAbs, output)) { this->MocPredefsChanged = true; } else { this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, this->MocPredefsFileAbs, "moc_predefs file writing failed"); return false; } } else { // Touch to update the time stamp if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, "Touching moc_predefs " + this->MocPredefsFileRel); } cmSystemTools::Touch(this->MocPredefsFileAbs, false); } } // Add moc_predefs.h to moc file dependencies for (auto const& item : this->MocJobsIncluded) { item->Depends.insert(this->MocPredefsFileAbs); } for (auto const& item : this->MocJobsAuto) { item->Depends.insert(this->MocPredefsFileAbs); } } // Generate moc files that are included by source files. for (auto const& item : this->MocJobsIncluded) { if (!this->MocGenerateFile(*item)) { return false; } } // Generate moc files that are _not_ included by source files. bool autoNameGenerated = false; for (auto const& item : this->MocJobsAuto) { if (!this->MocGenerateFile(*item, &autoNameGenerated)) { return false; } } // Compose mocs compilation file content { std::string mocs = "// This file is autogenerated. Changes will be overwritten.\n"; if (this->MocJobsAuto.empty()) { // Placeholder content mocs += "// No files found that require moc or the moc files are included\n"; mocs += "enum some_compilers { need_more_than_nothing };\n"; } else { // Valid content for (const auto& item : this->MocJobsAuto) { mocs += "#include \""; mocs += item->BuildFileRel; mocs += "\"\n"; } } if (this->FileDiffers(this->MocCompFileAbs, mocs)) { // Actually write mocs compilation file if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogBold("Generating MOC compilation " + this->MocCompFileRel); } if (!this->FileWrite(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, this->MocCompFileAbs, mocs)) { this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, this->MocCompFileAbs, "mocs compilation file writing failed"); return false; } } else if (autoNameGenerated) { // Only touch mocs compilation file if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, "Touching mocs compilation " + this->MocCompFileRel); } cmSystemTools::Touch(this->MocCompFileAbs, false); } } return true; } /** * @return True on success */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocGenerateFile(const MocJobAuto& mocJob, bool* generated) { bool success = true; std::string const mocFileAbs = cmSystemTools::CollapseCombinedPath( this->AutogenBuildDir, mocJob.BuildFileRel); bool generate = false; std::string generateReason; if (!generate && !cmSystemTools::FileExists(mocFileAbs.c_str())) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { generateReason = "Generating "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocFileAbs); generateReason += " from its source file "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocJob.SourceFile); generateReason += " because it doesn't exist"; } generate = true; } if (!generate && this->MocSettingsChanged) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { generateReason = "Generating "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocFileAbs); generateReason += " from "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocJob.SourceFile); generateReason += " because the MOC settings changed"; } generate = true; } if (!generate && this->MocPredefsChanged) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { generateReason = "Generating "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocFileAbs); generateReason += " from "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocJob.SourceFile); generateReason += " because moc_predefs.h changed"; } generate = true; } if (!generate) { std::string error; if (FileIsOlderThan(mocFileAbs, mocJob.SourceFile, &error)) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { generateReason = "Generating "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocFileAbs); generateReason += " because it's older than its source file "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocJob.SourceFile); } generate = true; } else { if (!error.empty()) { this->LogError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, error); success = false; } } } if (success && !generate) { // Test if a dependency file is newer std::string error; for (std::string const& depFile : mocJob.Depends) { if (FileIsOlderThan(mocFileAbs, depFile, &error)) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { generateReason = "Generating "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocFileAbs); generateReason += " from "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocJob.SourceFile); generateReason += " because it is older than "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(depFile); } generate = true; break; } if (!error.empty()) { this->LogError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, error); success = false; break; } } } if (generate) { // Log if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogBold("Generating MOC source " + mocJob.BuildFileRel); this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, generateReason); } // Make sure the parent directory exists if (this->MakeParentDirectory(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, mocFileAbs)) { // Compose moc command std::vector<std::string> cmd; cmd.push_back(this->MocExecutable); // Add options cmd.insert(cmd.end(), this->MocAllOptions.begin(), this->MocAllOptions.end()); // Add predefs include if (!this->MocPredefsFileAbs.empty()) { cmd.push_back("--include"); cmd.push_back(this->MocPredefsFileAbs); } cmd.push_back("-o"); cmd.push_back(mocFileAbs); cmd.push_back(mocJob.SourceFile); // Execute moc command std::string output; if (this->RunCommand(cmd, output)) { // Success if (generated != nullptr) { *generated = true; } } else { // Moc command failed { std::string emsg = "moc failed for\n "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(mocJob.SourceFile); this->LogCommandError(cmQtAutoGen::MOC, emsg, cmd, output); } cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(mocFileAbs); success = false; } } else { // Parent directory creation failed success = false; } } return success; } /** * @brief Tests if the file name is in the skip list */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::UicSkip(std::string const& absFilename) const { if (this->UicEnabled()) { // Test if the file name is on the skip list if (!ListContains(this->UicSkipList, absFilename)) { return false; } } return true; } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::UicParseContent(std::string const& absFilename, std::string const& contentText) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::UIC, "Checking: " + absFilename); } std::vector<std::string> includes; // Extracte includes { const char* contentChars = contentText.c_str(); if (strstr(contentChars, "ui_") != nullptr) { while (this->UicRegExpInclude.find(contentChars)) { includes.push_back(this->UicRegExpInclude.match(1)); contentChars += this->UicRegExpInclude.end(); } } } for (std::string const& includeString : includes) { std::string uiInputFile; if (!UicFindIncludedFile(uiInputFile, absFilename, includeString)) { return false; } // Check if this file should be skipped if (this->UicSkip(uiInputFile)) { continue; } // Check if the job already exists bool jobExists = false; for (const auto& job : this->UicJobs) { if ((job->SourceFile == uiInputFile) && (job->IncludeString == includeString)) { jobExists = true; break; } } if (!jobExists) { auto job = cm::make_unique<UicJob>(); job->SourceFile = uiInputFile; job->BuildFileRel = this->AutogenIncludeDir; job->BuildFileRel += includeString; job->Includer = absFilename; job->IncludeString = includeString; this->UicJobs.push_back(std::move(job)); } } return true; } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::UicFindIncludedFile( std::string& absFile, std::string const& sourceFile, std::string const& includeString) { bool success = false; std::string searchFile = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(includeString).substr(3); searchFile += ".ui"; // Collect search paths list std::vector<std::string> testFiles; { std::string const searchPath = SubDirPrefix(includeString); std::string searchFileFull; if (!searchPath.empty()) { searchFileFull = searchPath; searchFileFull += searchFile; } // Vicinity of the source { std::string const sourcePath = SubDirPrefix(sourceFile); testFiles.push_back(sourcePath + searchFile); if (!searchPath.empty()) { testFiles.push_back(sourcePath + searchFileFull); } } // AUTOUIC search paths if (!this->UicSearchPaths.empty()) { for (std::string const& sPath : this->UicSearchPaths) { testFiles.push_back((sPath + "/").append(searchFile)); } if (!searchPath.empty()) { for (std::string const& sPath : this->UicSearchPaths) { testFiles.push_back((sPath + "/").append(searchFileFull)); } } } } // Search for the .ui file! for (std::string const& testFile : testFiles) { if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(testFile.c_str())) { absFile = cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(testFile); success = true; break; } } // Log error if (!success) { std::string emsg = "Could not find "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(searchFile); emsg += " in\n"; for (std::string const& testFile : testFiles) { emsg += " "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(testFile); emsg += "\n"; } this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::UIC, sourceFile, emsg); } return success; } bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::UicGenerateAll() { if (!this->UicEnabled()) { return true; } // Look for name collisions in included uic files { bool collision = false; std::map<std::string, std::vector<UicJob const*>> collisions; for (auto const& job : this->UicJobs) { auto& list = collisions[job->IncludeString]; if (!list.empty()) { collision = true; } list.push_back(job.get()); } if (collision) { std::string emsg = "Included uic files with the same name will be " "generated from different sources.\n" "Consider to\n" " - add a directory prefix to a \"ui_<NAME>.h\" include " "(e.g \"sub/ui_<NAME>.h\")\n" " - rename the <NAME>.ui file(s) and adjust the \"ui_<NAME>.h\" " "include(s)\n" "Include conflicts\n" "-----------------\n"; const auto& colls = collisions; for (auto const& coll : colls) { if (coll.second.size() > 1) { emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(coll.first); emsg += " included in\n"; for (const UicJob* job : coll.second) { emsg += " - "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(job->Includer); emsg += "\n"; } emsg += "would be generated from\n"; for (const UicJob* job : coll.second) { emsg += " - "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(job->SourceFile); emsg += "\n"; } } } this->LogError(cmQtAutoGen::UIC, emsg); return false; } } // Generate ui header files for (const auto& item : this->UicJobs) { if (!this->UicGenerateFile(*item)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @return True on success */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::UicGenerateFile(const UicJob& uicJob) { bool success = true; std::string const uicFileAbs = cmSystemTools::CollapseCombinedPath( this->AutogenBuildDir, uicJob.BuildFileRel); bool generate = false; std::string generateReason; if (!generate && !cmSystemTools::FileExists(uicFileAbs.c_str())) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { generateReason = "Generating "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(uicFileAbs); generateReason += " from its source file "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(uicJob.SourceFile); generateReason += " because it doesn't exist"; } generate = true; } if (!generate && this->UicSettingsChanged) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { generateReason = "Generating "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(uicFileAbs); generateReason += " from "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(uicJob.SourceFile); generateReason += " because the UIC settings changed"; } generate = true; } if (!generate) { std::string error; if (FileIsOlderThan(uicFileAbs, uicJob.SourceFile, &error)) { if (this->GetVerbose()) { generateReason = "Generating "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(uicFileAbs); generateReason += " because it's older than its source file "; generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(uicJob.SourceFile); } generate = true; } else { if (!error.empty()) { this->LogError(cmQtAutoGen::UIC, error); success = false; } } } if (generate) { // Log if (this->GetVerbose()) { this->LogBold("Generating UIC header " + uicJob.BuildFileRel); this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::UIC, generateReason); } // Make sure the parent directory exists if (this->MakeParentDirectory(cmQtAutoGen::UIC, uicFileAbs)) { // Compose uic command std::vector<std::string> cmd; cmd.push_back(this->UicExecutable); { std::vector<std::string> allOpts = this->UicTargetOptions; auto optionIt = this->UicOptions.find(uicJob.SourceFile); if (optionIt != this->UicOptions.end()) { cmQtAutoGen::UicMergeOptions(allOpts, optionIt->second, (this->QtVersionMajor == 5)); } cmd.insert(cmd.end(), allOpts.begin(), allOpts.end()); } cmd.push_back("-o"); cmd.push_back(uicFileAbs); cmd.push_back(uicJob.SourceFile); std::string output; if (this->RunCommand(cmd, output)) { // Success } else { // Command failed { std::string emsg = "uic failed for\n "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(uicJob.SourceFile); emsg += "\nincluded by\n "; emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(uicJob.Includer); this->LogCommandError(cmQtAutoGen::UIC, emsg, cmd, output); } cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(uicFileAbs); success = false; } } else { // Parent directory creation failed success = false; } } return success; } /** * @brief Tries to find the header file to the given file base path by * appending different header extensions * @return True on success */ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::FindHeader(std::string& header, std::string const& testBasePath) const { for (std::string const& ext : this->HeaderExtensions) { std::string testFilePath(testBasePath); testFilePath.push_back('.'); testFilePath += ext; if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(testFilePath.c_str())) { header = testFilePath; return true; } } return false; }