/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmServer.h" #include "cmServerConnection.h" #include "cmServerDictionary.h" #include "cmServerProtocol.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmVersionMacros.h" #include "cmake.h" #if defined(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE) #include "cm_jsoncpp_reader.h" #include "cm_jsoncpp_value.h" #endif #include <algorithm> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <memory> class cmServer::DebugInfo { public: DebugInfo() : StartTime(uv_hrtime()) { } bool PrintStatistics = false; std::string OutputFile; uint64_t StartTime; }; cmServer::cmServer(cmServerConnection* conn, bool supportExperimental) : Connection(conn) , SupportExperimental(supportExperimental) { this->Connection->SetServer(this); // Register supported protocols: this->RegisterProtocol(new cmServerProtocol1_0); } cmServer::~cmServer() { if (!this->Protocol) { // Server was never fully started! return; } for (cmServerProtocol* p : this->SupportedProtocols) { delete p; } delete this->Connection; } void cmServer::PopOne() { if (this->Queue.empty()) { return; } Json::Reader reader; Json::Value value; const std::string input = this->Queue.front(); this->Queue.erase(this->Queue.begin()); if (!reader.parse(input, value)) { this->WriteParseError("Failed to parse JSON input."); return; } std::unique_ptr<DebugInfo> debug; Json::Value debugValue = value["debug"]; if (!debugValue.isNull()) { debug = std::make_unique<DebugInfo>(); debug->OutputFile = debugValue["dumpToFile"].asString(); debug->PrintStatistics = debugValue["showStats"].asBool(); } const cmServerRequest request(this, value[kTYPE_KEY].asString(), value[kCOOKIE_KEY].asString(), value); if (request.Type == "") { cmServerResponse response(request); response.SetError("No type given in request."); this->WriteResponse(response, nullptr); return; } cmSystemTools::SetMessageCallback(reportMessage, const_cast<cmServerRequest*>(&request)); if (this->Protocol) { this->Protocol->CMakeInstance()->SetProgressCallback( reportProgress, const_cast<cmServerRequest*>(&request)); this->WriteResponse(this->Protocol->Process(request), debug.get()); } else { this->WriteResponse(this->SetProtocolVersion(request), debug.get()); } } void cmServer::RegisterProtocol(cmServerProtocol* protocol) { if (protocol->IsExperimental() && !this->SupportExperimental) { return; } auto version = protocol->ProtocolVersion(); assert(version.first >= 0); assert(version.second >= 0); auto it = std::find_if(this->SupportedProtocols.begin(), this->SupportedProtocols.end(), [version](cmServerProtocol* p) { return p->ProtocolVersion() == version; }); if (it == this->SupportedProtocols.end()) { this->SupportedProtocols.push_back(protocol); } } void cmServer::PrintHello() const { Json::Value hello = Json::objectValue; hello[kTYPE_KEY] = "hello"; Json::Value& protocolVersions = hello[kSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS] = Json::arrayValue; for (auto const& proto : this->SupportedProtocols) { auto version = proto->ProtocolVersion(); Json::Value tmp = Json::objectValue; tmp[kMAJOR_KEY] = version.first; tmp[kMINOR_KEY] = version.second; if (proto->IsExperimental()) { tmp[kIS_EXPERIMENTAL_KEY] = true; } protocolVersions.append(tmp); } this->WriteJsonObject(hello, nullptr); } void cmServer::QueueRequest(const std::string& request) { this->Queue.push_back(request); this->PopOne(); } void cmServer::reportProgress(const char* msg, float progress, void* data) { const cmServerRequest* request = static_cast<const cmServerRequest*>(data); assert(request); if (progress < 0.0 || progress > 1.0) { request->ReportMessage(msg, ""); } else { request->ReportProgress(0, static_cast<int>(progress * 1000), 1000, msg); } } void cmServer::reportMessage(const char* msg, const char* title, bool& /* cancel */, void* data) { const cmServerRequest* request = static_cast<const cmServerRequest*>(data); assert(request); assert(msg); std::string titleString; if (title) { titleString = title; } request->ReportMessage(std::string(msg), titleString); } cmServerResponse cmServer::SetProtocolVersion(const cmServerRequest& request) { if (request.Type != kHANDSHAKE_TYPE) { return request.ReportError("Waiting for type \"" + kHANDSHAKE_TYPE + "\"."); } Json::Value requestedProtocolVersion = request.Data[kPROTOCOL_VERSION_KEY]; if (requestedProtocolVersion.isNull()) { return request.ReportError("\"" + kPROTOCOL_VERSION_KEY + "\" is required for \"" + kHANDSHAKE_TYPE + "\"."); } if (!requestedProtocolVersion.isObject()) { return request.ReportError("\"" + kPROTOCOL_VERSION_KEY + "\" must be a JSON object."); } Json::Value majorValue = requestedProtocolVersion[kMAJOR_KEY]; if (!majorValue.isInt()) { return request.ReportError("\"" + kMAJOR_KEY + "\" must be set and an integer."); } Json::Value minorValue = requestedProtocolVersion[kMINOR_KEY]; if (!minorValue.isNull() && !minorValue.isInt()) { return request.ReportError("\"" + kMINOR_KEY + "\" must be unset or an integer."); } const int major = majorValue.asInt(); const int minor = minorValue.isNull() ? -1 : minorValue.asInt(); if (major < 0) { return request.ReportError("\"" + kMAJOR_KEY + "\" must be >= 0."); } if (!minorValue.isNull() && minor < 0) { return request.ReportError("\"" + kMINOR_KEY + "\" must be >= 0 when set."); } this->Protocol = this->FindMatchingProtocol(this->SupportedProtocols, major, minor); if (!this->Protocol) { return request.ReportError("Protocol version not supported."); } std::string errorMessage; if (!this->Protocol->Activate(this, request, &errorMessage)) { this->Protocol = CM_NULLPTR; return request.ReportError("Failed to activate protocol version: " + errorMessage); } return request.Reply(Json::objectValue); } bool cmServer::Serve(std::string* errorMessage) { if (this->SupportedProtocols.empty()) { *errorMessage = "No protocol versions defined. Maybe you need --experimental?"; return false; } assert(!this->Protocol); return Connection->ProcessEvents(errorMessage); } cmFileMonitor* cmServer::FileMonitor() const { return Connection->FileMonitor(); } void cmServer::WriteJsonObject(const Json::Value& jsonValue, const DebugInfo* debug) const { Json::FastWriter writer; auto beforeJson = uv_hrtime(); std::string result = writer.write(jsonValue); if (debug) { Json::Value copy = jsonValue; if (debug->PrintStatistics) { Json::Value stats = Json::objectValue; auto endTime = uv_hrtime(); stats["jsonSerialization"] = double(endTime - beforeJson) / 1000000.0; stats["totalTime"] = double(endTime - debug->StartTime) / 1000000.0; stats["size"] = static_cast<int>(result.size()); if (!debug->OutputFile.empty()) { stats["dumpFile"] = debug->OutputFile; } copy["zzzDebug"] = stats; result = writer.write(copy); // Update result to include debug info } if (!debug->OutputFile.empty()) { std::ofstream myfile; myfile.open(debug->OutputFile); myfile << result; myfile.close(); } } Connection->WriteData(std::string("\n") + kSTART_MAGIC + std::string("\n") + result + kEND_MAGIC + std::string("\n")); } cmServerProtocol* cmServer::FindMatchingProtocol( const std::vector<cmServerProtocol*>& protocols, int major, int minor) { cmServerProtocol* bestMatch = nullptr; for (auto protocol : protocols) { auto version = protocol->ProtocolVersion(); if (major != version.first) { continue; } if (minor == version.second) { return protocol; } if (!bestMatch || bestMatch->ProtocolVersion().second < version.second) { bestMatch = protocol; } } return minor < 0 ? bestMatch : nullptr; } void cmServer::WriteProgress(const cmServerRequest& request, int min, int current, int max, const std::string& message) const { assert(min <= current && current <= max); assert(message.length() != 0); Json::Value obj = Json::objectValue; obj[kTYPE_KEY] = kPROGRESS_TYPE; obj[kREPLY_TO_KEY] = request.Type; obj[kCOOKIE_KEY] = request.Cookie; obj[kPROGRESS_MESSAGE_KEY] = message; obj[kPROGRESS_MINIMUM_KEY] = min; obj[kPROGRESS_MAXIMUM_KEY] = max; obj[kPROGRESS_CURRENT_KEY] = current; this->WriteJsonObject(obj, nullptr); } void cmServer::WriteMessage(const cmServerRequest& request, const std::string& message, const std::string& title) const { if (message.empty()) { return; } Json::Value obj = Json::objectValue; obj[kTYPE_KEY] = kMESSAGE_TYPE; obj[kREPLY_TO_KEY] = request.Type; obj[kCOOKIE_KEY] = request.Cookie; obj[kMESSAGE_KEY] = message; if (!title.empty()) { obj[kTITLE_KEY] = title; } WriteJsonObject(obj, nullptr); } void cmServer::WriteParseError(const std::string& message) const { Json::Value obj = Json::objectValue; obj[kTYPE_KEY] = kERROR_TYPE; obj[kERROR_MESSAGE_KEY] = message; obj[kREPLY_TO_KEY] = ""; obj[kCOOKIE_KEY] = ""; this->WriteJsonObject(obj, nullptr); } void cmServer::WriteSignal(const std::string& name, const Json::Value& data) const { assert(data.isObject()); Json::Value obj = data; obj[kTYPE_KEY] = kSIGNAL_TYPE; obj[kREPLY_TO_KEY] = ""; obj[kCOOKIE_KEY] = ""; obj[kNAME_KEY] = name; WriteJsonObject(obj, nullptr); } void cmServer::WriteResponse(const cmServerResponse& response, const DebugInfo* debug) const { assert(response.IsComplete()); Json::Value obj = response.Data(); obj[kCOOKIE_KEY] = response.Cookie; obj[kTYPE_KEY] = response.IsError() ? kERROR_TYPE : kREPLY_TYPE; obj[kREPLY_TO_KEY] = response.Type; if (response.IsError()) { obj[kERROR_MESSAGE_KEY] = response.ErrorMessage(); } this->WriteJsonObject(obj, debug); }