/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2016 Tobias Hunger <tobias.hunger@qt.io> Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmServerProtocol.h" #include "cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator.h" #include "cmServer.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmake.h" #if defined(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE) #include "cm_jsoncpp_reader.h" #include "cm_jsoncpp_value.h" #endif // Vocabulary: static const std::string kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY = "buildDirectory"; static const std::string kCOOKIE_KEY = "cookie"; static const std::string kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY = "extraGenerator"; static const std::string kGENERATOR_KEY = "generator"; static const std::string kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY = "sourceDirectory"; static const std::string kTYPE_KEY = "type"; cmServerRequest::cmServerRequest(cmServer* server, const std::string& t, const std::string& c, const Json::Value& d) : Type(t) , Cookie(c) , Data(d) , m_Server(server) { } void cmServerRequest::ReportProgress(int min, int current, int max, const std::string& message) const { this->m_Server->WriteProgress(*this, min, current, max, message); } void cmServerRequest::ReportMessage(const std::string& message, const std::string& title) const { m_Server->WriteMessage(*this, message, title); } cmServerResponse cmServerRequest::Reply(const Json::Value& data) const { cmServerResponse response(*this); response.SetData(data); return response; } cmServerResponse cmServerRequest::ReportError(const std::string& message) const { cmServerResponse response(*this); response.SetError(message); return response; } cmServerResponse::cmServerResponse(const cmServerRequest& request) : Type(request.Type) , Cookie(request.Cookie) { } void cmServerResponse::SetData(const Json::Value& data) { assert(this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN); if (!data[kCOOKIE_KEY].isNull() || !data[kTYPE_KEY].isNull()) { this->SetError("Response contains cookie or type field."); return; } this->m_Payload = PAYLOAD_DATA; this->m_Data = data; } void cmServerResponse::SetError(const std::string& message) { assert(this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN); this->m_Payload = PAYLOAD_ERROR; this->m_ErrorMessage = message; } bool cmServerResponse::IsComplete() const { return this->m_Payload != PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN; } bool cmServerResponse::IsError() const { assert(this->m_Payload != PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN); return this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_ERROR; } std::string cmServerResponse::ErrorMessage() const { if (this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_ERROR) return this->m_ErrorMessage; else return std::string(); } Json::Value cmServerResponse::Data() const { assert(this->m_Payload != PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN); return this->m_Data; } bool cmServerProtocol::Activate(const cmServerRequest& request, std::string* errorMessage) { this->m_CMakeInstance = std::make_unique<cmake>(); const bool result = this->DoActivate(request, errorMessage); if (!result) this->m_CMakeInstance = CM_NULLPTR; return result; } cmake* cmServerProtocol::CMakeInstance() const { return this->m_CMakeInstance.get(); } bool cmServerProtocol::DoActivate(const cmServerRequest& /*request*/, std::string* /*errorMessage*/) { return true; } std::pair<int, int> cmServerProtocol1_0::ProtocolVersion() const { return std::make_pair(1, 0); } bool cmServerProtocol1_0::DoActivate(const cmServerRequest& request, std::string* errorMessage) { std::string sourceDirectory = request.Data[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY].asString(); const std::string buildDirectory = request.Data[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY].asString(); std::string generator = request.Data[kGENERATOR_KEY].asString(); std::string extraGenerator = request.Data[kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY].asString(); if (buildDirectory.empty()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("\"") + kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY + "\" is missing."; return false; } cmake* cm = CMakeInstance(); if (cmSystemTools::PathExists(buildDirectory)) { if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(buildDirectory)) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("\"") + kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY + "\" exists but is not a directory."; return false; } const std::string cachePath = cm->FindCacheFile(buildDirectory); if (cm->LoadCache(cachePath)) { cmState* state = cm->GetState(); // Check generator: const std::string cachedGenerator = std::string(state->GetCacheEntryValue("CMAKE_GENERATOR")); if (cachedGenerator.empty() && generator.empty()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("\"") + kGENERATOR_KEY + "\" is required but unset."; return false; } if (generator.empty()) { generator = cachedGenerator; } if (generator != cachedGenerator) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("\"") + kGENERATOR_KEY + "\" set but incompatible with configured generator."; return false; } // check extra generator: const std::string cachedExtraGenerator = std::string(state->GetCacheEntryValue("CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR")); if (!cachedExtraGenerator.empty() && !extraGenerator.empty() && cachedExtraGenerator != extraGenerator) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("\"") + kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY + "\" is set but incompatible with configured extra generator."; return false; } if (extraGenerator.empty()) { extraGenerator = cachedExtraGenerator; } // check sourcedir: const std::string cachedSourceDirectory = std::string(state->GetCacheEntryValue("CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY")); if (!cachedSourceDirectory.empty() && !sourceDirectory.empty() && cachedSourceDirectory != sourceDirectory) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("\"") + kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY + "\" is set but incompatible with configured source directory."; return false; } if (sourceDirectory.empty()) { sourceDirectory = cachedSourceDirectory; } } } if (sourceDirectory.empty()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("\"") + kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY + "\" is unset but required."; return false; } if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(sourceDirectory)) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("\"") + kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY + "\" is not a directory."; return false; } if (generator.empty()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("\"") + kGENERATOR_KEY + "\" is unset but required."; return false; } const std::string fullGeneratorName = cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator::CreateFullGeneratorName( generator, extraGenerator); cmGlobalGenerator* gg = cm->CreateGlobalGenerator(fullGeneratorName); if (!gg) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = std::string("Could not set up the requested combination of \"") + kGENERATOR_KEY + "\" and \"" + kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY + "\""; return false; } cm->SetGlobalGenerator(gg); cm->SetHomeDirectory(sourceDirectory); cm->SetHomeOutputDirectory(buildDirectory); this->m_State = STATE_ACTIVE; return true; } const cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::Process( const cmServerRequest& request) { assert(this->m_State >= STATE_ACTIVE); return request.ReportError("Unknown command!"); } bool cmServerProtocol1_0::IsExperimental() const { return true; }