/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmake.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmSourceFile::cmSourceFile(cmMakefile* mf, const char* name): Location(mf, name) { this->CustomCommand = 0; this->Properties.SetCMakeInstance(mf->GetCMakeInstance()); this->FindFullPathFailed = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmSourceFile::~cmSourceFile() { this->SetCustomCommand(0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string const& cmSourceFile::GetExtension() const { return this->Extension; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* cmSourceFile::GetLanguage() { // Compute the final location of the file if necessary. if(this->FullPath.empty()) { this->GetFullPath(); } // Now try to determine the language. return static_cast<cmSourceFile const*>(this)->GetLanguage(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* cmSourceFile::GetLanguage() const { // If the language was set explicitly by the user then use it. if(const char* lang = this->GetProperty("LANGUAGE")) { return lang; } // If the language was determined from the source file extension use it. if(!this->Language.empty()) { return this->Language.c_str(); } // The language is not known. return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string const& cmSourceFile::GetFullPath() { if(this->FullPath.empty()) { if(this->FindFullPath()) { this->CheckExtension(); } } return this->FullPath; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string const& cmSourceFile::GetFullPath() const { return this->FullPath; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmSourceFile::FindFullPath() { // If thie method has already failed once do not try again. if(this->FindFullPathFailed) { return false; } // If the file is generated compute the location without checking on // disk. if(this->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED")) { // The file is either already a full path or is relative to the // build directory for the target. this->Location.DirectoryUseBinary(); this->FullPath = this->Location.GetDirectory(); this->FullPath += "/"; this->FullPath += this->Location.GetName(); return true; } // The file is not generated. It must exist on disk. cmMakefile* mf = this->Location.GetMakefile(); const char* tryDirs[3] = {0, 0, 0}; if(this->Location.DirectoryIsAmbiguous()) { tryDirs[0] = mf->GetCurrentDirectory(); tryDirs[1] = mf->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); } else { tryDirs[0] = ""; } const std::vector<std::string>& srcExts = mf->GetSourceExtensions(); const std::vector<std::string>& hdrExts = mf->GetHeaderExtensions(); for(const char* const* di = tryDirs; *di; ++di) { std::string tryPath = this->Location.GetDirectory(); if(!tryPath.empty()) { tryPath += "/"; } tryPath += this->Location.GetName(); tryPath = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(tryPath.c_str(), *di); if(this->TryFullPath(tryPath.c_str(), 0)) { return true; } for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ei = srcExts.begin(); ei != srcExts.end(); ++ei) { if(this->TryFullPath(tryPath.c_str(), ei->c_str())) { return true; } } for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ei = hdrExts.begin(); ei != hdrExts.end(); ++ei) { if(this->TryFullPath(tryPath.c_str(), ei->c_str())) { return true; } } } cmOStringStream e; e << "Cannot find source file \"" << this->Location.GetName() << "\""; e << "\n\nTried extensions"; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ext = srcExts.begin(); ext != srcExts.end(); ++ext) { e << " ." << *ext; } for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ext = hdrExts.begin(); ext != hdrExts.end(); ++ext) { e << " ." << *ext; } cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); this->FindFullPathFailed = true; return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmSourceFile::TryFullPath(const char* tp, const char* ext) { std::string tryPath = tp; if(ext && *ext) { tryPath += "."; tryPath += ext; } if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(tryPath.c_str())) { this->FullPath = tryPath; return true; } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmSourceFile::CheckExtension() { // Compute the extension. std::string realExt = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(this->FullPath); if(!realExt.empty()) { // Store the extension without the leading '.'. this->Extension = realExt.substr(1); } // Look for object files. if(this->Extension == "obj" || this->Extension == "o" || this->Extension == "lo") { this->SetProperty("EXTERNAL_OBJECT", "1"); } // Look for header files. cmMakefile* mf = this->Location.GetMakefile(); const std::vector<std::string>& hdrExts = mf->GetHeaderExtensions(); if(std::find(hdrExts.begin(), hdrExts.end(), this->Extension) == hdrExts.end()) { this->SetProperty("HEADER_FILE_ONLY", "0"); } else { this->SetProperty("HEADER_FILE_ONLY", "1"); } // Try to identify the source file language from the extension. cmGlobalGenerator* gg = mf->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator(); if(const char* l = gg->GetLanguageFromExtension(this->Extension.c_str())) { this->Language = l; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmSourceFile::Matches(cmSourceFileLocation const& loc) { return this->Location.Matches(loc); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmSourceFile::SetProperty(const char* prop, const char* value) { if (!prop) { return; } if (!value) { value = "NOTFOUND"; } this->Properties.SetProperty(prop, value, cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* cmSourceFile::GetProperty(const char* prop) const { // Check for computed properties. if(strcmp(prop, "LOCATION") == 0) { if(this->FullPath.empty()) { return 0; } else { return this->FullPath.c_str(); } } bool chain = false; const char *retVal = this->Properties.GetPropertyValue(prop, cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, chain); if (chain) { cmMakefile* mf = this->Location.GetMakefile(); return mf->GetProperty(prop,cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE); } return retVal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmSourceFile::GetPropertyAsBool(const char* prop) const { return cmSystemTools::IsOn(this->GetProperty(prop)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmCustomCommand* cmSourceFile::GetCustomCommand() { return this->CustomCommand; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmCustomCommand const* cmSourceFile::GetCustomCommand() const { return this->CustomCommand; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmSourceFile::SetCustomCommand(cmCustomCommand* cc) { cmCustomCommand* old = this->CustomCommand; this->CustomCommand = cc; delete old; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmSourceFile::DefineProperties(cmake *cm) { // define properties cm->DefineProperty ("ABSTRACT", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Is this source file an abstract class.", "A property ona source file that indicates if the source file " "represents a class that is abstract. This only makes sense for " "languages that have a notion of an abstract class and it is " "only used by somw tools that wrap classes into other languages."); cm->DefineProperty ("COMPILE_FLAGS", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Additional flags to be added when compiling this source file.", "These flags will be added to the list of compile flags when " "this source file."); cm->DefineProperty ("EXTERNAL_OBJECT", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "If set to true then this is an object file.", "If this property is set to true then the source file " "is really an object file and should not be compiled. " "It will still be linked into the target though."); cm->DefineProperty ("EXTRA_CONTENT", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Is this file part of a target's extra content.", "If this property is set, the source file will be added to the " "target's list of extra content. This is used by makefile " "generators for some sort of Mac budle framework support."); cm->DefineProperty ("GENERATED", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Is this source file generated as part of the build process.", "If a source file is generated by the build process CMake will " "handle it differently in temrs of dependency checking etc. " "Otherwise having a non-existent source file could create problems."); cm->DefineProperty ("HEADER_FILE_ONLY", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Is this source file only a header file.", "A property ona source file that indicates if the source file " "is a header file with no associated implementation. This is " "set automatically based on the file extension and is used by " "CMake to determine is certain dependency information should be " "computed."); cm->DefineProperty ("KEEP_EXTENSION", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Make th eoutput file have the same extension as the source file.", "If this property is set then the file extension of the output " "file will be the same as that of the source file. Normally " "the output file extension is computed based on the language " "of the source file, for example .cxx will go to a .o extension."); cm->DefineProperty ("LANGUAGE", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "What programming language is the file.", "A property that can be set to indicate what programming language " "the source file is. If it is not set the language is determined " "based on the file extension. Typical values are CXX C etc."); cm->DefineProperty ("LOCATION", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "The full path to a source file.", "A read only property on a SOURCE FILE that contains the full path " "to the source file."); cm->DefineProperty ("MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Location for MACOSX bundles and frameworks.", "MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION is the property of a file within a mac osx " "bundle or framework that specifies where this file should be " "copied. This makes sense for things like icons and other " "resources."); cm->DefineProperty ("MACOSX_CONTENT", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "If true then this is part of a MACOSX bundle or framework.", "MACOSX_CONTENT is a flag that if true this file will be copied " "to the bundle or framework."); cm->DefineProperty ("OBJECT_DEPENDS", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Additional dependencies.", "Additional dependencies that should be checked as part of " "building this source file."); cm->DefineProperty ("SYMBOLIC", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Is this just a name for a rule.", "If SYMBOLIC (boolean) is set to true the build system will be " "informed that the source file is not actually created on disk but " "instead used as a symbolic name for a build rule."); cm->DefineProperty ("WRAP_EXCLUDE", cmProperty::SOURCE_FILE, "Exclude this source file from any code wrapping techniques.", "Some packages can wrap source files into alternate languages " "to provide additional functionality. For example, C++ code " "can be wrapped into Java or Python etc using SWIG etc. " "If WRAP_EXCLUDE is set to true (1 etc) that indicates then " "this source file should not be wrapped."); }