/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #ifndef cmStringAlgorithms_h #define cmStringAlgorithms_h #include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "cmRange.h" #include "cm_string_view.hxx" #include <cctype> #include <initializer_list> #include <sstream> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> /** String range type. */ typedef cmRange<std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator> cmStringRange; /** Callable string comparison struct. */ struct cmStrCmp { cmStrCmp(std::string str) : Test_(std::move(str)) { } bool operator()(cm::string_view sv) const { return Test_ == sv; } private: std::string const Test_; }; /** Returns true if the character @a ch is a whitespace character. **/ inline bool cmIsSpace(char ch) { return ((ch & 0x80) == 0) && std::isspace(ch); } /** Returns a string that has whitespace removed from the start and the end. */ std::string cmTrimWhitespace(cm::string_view str); /** Escape quotes in a string. */ std::string cmEscapeQuotes(cm::string_view str); /** Joins elements of a range with separator into a single string. */ template <typename Range> std::string cmJoin(Range const& rng, cm::string_view separator) { if (rng.empty()) { return std::string(); } std::ostringstream os; auto it = rng.begin(); auto const end = rng.end(); os << *it; while (++it != end) { os << separator << *it; } return os.str(); } /** Extract tokens that are separated by any of the characters in @a sep. */ std::vector<std::string> cmTokenize(cm::string_view str, cm::string_view sep); /** Concatenate string pieces into a single string. */ std::string cmCatViews(std::initializer_list<cm::string_view> views); /** Utility class for cmStrCat. */ class cmAlphaNum { public: cmAlphaNum(cm::string_view view) : View_(view) { } cmAlphaNum(std::string const& str) : View_(str) { } cmAlphaNum(const char* str) : View_(str) { } cmAlphaNum(char ch) : View_(Digits_, 1) { Digits_[0] = ch; } cmAlphaNum(int val); cmAlphaNum(unsigned int val); cmAlphaNum(long int val); cmAlphaNum(unsigned long int val); cmAlphaNum(long long int val); cmAlphaNum(unsigned long long int val); cmAlphaNum(float val); cmAlphaNum(double val); cm::string_view View() const { return View_; } private: cm::string_view View_; char Digits_[32]; }; /** Concatenate string pieces and numbers into a single string. */ template <typename... AV> inline std::string cmStrCat(cmAlphaNum const& a, cmAlphaNum const& b, AV const&... args) { return cmCatViews( { a.View(), b.View(), static_cast<cmAlphaNum const&>(args).View()... }); } /** Joins wrapped elements of a range with separator into a single string. */ template <typename Range> std::string cmWrap(cm::string_view prefix, Range const& rng, cm::string_view suffix, cm::string_view sep) { if (rng.empty()) { return std::string(); } return cmCatViews( { prefix, cmJoin(rng, cmCatViews({ suffix, sep, prefix })), suffix }); } /** Joins wrapped elements of a range with separator into a single string. */ template <typename Range> std::string cmWrap(char prefix, Range const& rng, char suffix, cm::string_view sep) { return cmWrap(cm::string_view(&prefix, 1), rng, cm::string_view(&suffix, 1), sep); } /** Returns true if string @a str starts with the character @a prefix. */ inline bool cmHasPrefix(cm::string_view str, char prefix) { return !str.empty() && (str.front() == prefix); } /** Returns true if string @a str starts with string @a prefix. */ inline bool cmHasPrefix(cm::string_view str, cm::string_view prefix) { return str.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0; } /** Returns true if string @a str starts with string @a prefix. */ template <size_t N> inline bool cmHasLiteralPrefix(cm::string_view str, const char (&prefix)[N]) { return cmHasPrefix(str, cm::string_view(prefix, N - 1)); } /** Returns true if string @a str ends with the character @a suffix. */ inline bool cmHasSuffix(cm::string_view str, char suffix) { return !str.empty() && (str.back() == suffix); } /** Returns true if string @a str ends with string @a suffix. */ inline bool cmHasSuffix(cm::string_view str, cm::string_view suffix) { return str.size() >= suffix.size() && str.compare(str.size() - suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix) == 0; } /** Returns true if string @a str ends with string @a suffix. */ template <size_t N> inline bool cmHasLiteralSuffix(cm::string_view str, const char (&suffix)[N]) { return cmHasSuffix(str, cm::string_view(suffix, N - 1)); } /** Removes an existing suffix character of from the string @a str. */ inline void cmStripSuffixIfExists(std::string& str, char suffix) { if (cmHasSuffix(str, suffix)) { str.pop_back(); } } /** Removes an existing suffix string of from the string @a str. */ inline void cmStripSuffixIfExists(std::string& str, cm::string_view suffix) { if (cmHasSuffix(str, suffix)) { str.resize(str.size() - suffix.size()); } } #endif