/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-reserved-identifier) #define _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include "cmStringCommand.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <limits> #include <memory> #include <stdexcept> #include <utility> #include <cm/iterator> #include <cm/optional> #include <cm/string_view> #include <cmext/string_view> #include <cm3p/json/reader.h> #include <cm3p/json/value.h> #include <cm3p/json/writer.h> #include "cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx" #include "cmCryptoHash.h" #include "cmExecutionStatus.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpression.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmMessageType.h" #include "cmRange.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmStringReplaceHelper.h" #include "cmSubcommandTable.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmTimestamp.h" #include "cmUuid.h" #include "cmValue.h" namespace { bool RegexMatch(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status); bool RegexMatchAll(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status); bool RegexReplace(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status); bool joinImpl(std::vector<std::string> const& args, std::string const& glue, size_t varIdx, cmMakefile& makefile); bool HandleHashCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() != 3) { status.SetError( cmStrCat(args[0], " requires an output variable and an input string")); return false; } std::unique_ptr<cmCryptoHash> hash(cmCryptoHash::New(args[0])); if (hash) { std::string out = hash->HashString(args[2]); status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(args[1], out); return true; } return false; } bool HandleToUpperLowerCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, bool toUpper, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 3) { status.SetError("no output variable specified"); return false; } std::string const& outvar = args[2]; std::string output; if (toUpper) { output = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(args[1]); } else { output = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(args[1]); } // Store the output in the provided variable. status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, output); return true; } bool HandleToUpperCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { return HandleToUpperLowerCommand(args, true, status); } bool HandleToLowerCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { return HandleToUpperLowerCommand(args, false, status); } bool HandleAsciiCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 3) { status.SetError("No output variable specified"); return false; } std::string::size_type cc; std::string const& outvar = args.back(); std::string output; for (cc = 1; cc < args.size() - 1; cc++) { int ch = atoi(args[cc].c_str()); if (ch > 0 && ch < 256) { output += static_cast<char>(ch); } else { std::string error = cmStrCat("Character with code ", args[cc], " does not exist."); status.SetError(error); return false; } } // Store the output in the provided variable. status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, output); return true; } bool HandleHexCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() != 3) { status.SetError("Incorrect number of arguments"); return false; } auto const& instr = args[1]; auto const& outvar = args[2]; std::string output(instr.size() * 2, ' '); std::string::size_type hexIndex = 0; for (auto const& c : instr) { snprintf(&output[hexIndex], 3, "%.2x", static_cast<unsigned char>(c) & 0xFF); hexIndex += 2; } status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, output); return true; } bool HandleConfigureCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 2) { status.SetError("No input string specified."); return false; } if (args.size() < 3) { status.SetError("No output variable specified."); return false; } // Parse options. bool escapeQuotes = false; bool atOnly = false; for (unsigned int i = 3; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (args[i] == "@ONLY") { atOnly = true; } else if (args[i] == "ESCAPE_QUOTES") { escapeQuotes = true; } else { status.SetError(cmStrCat("Unrecognized argument \"", args[i], "\"")); return false; } } // Configure the string. std::string output; status.GetMakefile().ConfigureString(args[1], output, atOnly, escapeQuotes); // Store the output in the provided variable. status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(args[2], output); return true; } bool HandleRegexCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 2) { status.SetError("sub-command REGEX requires a mode to be specified."); return false; } std::string const& mode = args[1]; if (mode == "MATCH") { if (args.size() < 5) { status.SetError("sub-command REGEX, mode MATCH needs " "at least 5 arguments total to command."); return false; } return RegexMatch(args, status); } if (mode == "MATCHALL") { if (args.size() < 5) { status.SetError("sub-command REGEX, mode MATCHALL needs " "at least 5 arguments total to command."); return false; } return RegexMatchAll(args, status); } if (mode == "REPLACE") { if (args.size() < 6) { status.SetError("sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE needs " "at least 6 arguments total to command."); return false; } return RegexReplace(args, status); } std::string e = "sub-command REGEX does not recognize mode " + mode; status.SetError(e); return false; } bool RegexMatch(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { //"STRING(REGEX MATCH <regular_expression> <output variable> // <input> [<input>...])\n"; std::string const& regex = args[2]; std::string const& outvar = args[3]; status.GetMakefile().ClearMatches(); // Compile the regular expression. cmsys::RegularExpression re; if (!re.compile(regex)) { std::string e = "sub-command REGEX, mode MATCH failed to compile regex \"" + regex + "\"."; status.SetError(e); return false; } // Concatenate all the last arguments together. std::string input = cmJoin(cmMakeRange(args).advance(4), std::string()); // Scan through the input for all matches. std::string output; if (re.find(input)) { status.GetMakefile().StoreMatches(re); std::string::size_type l = re.start(); std::string::size_type r = re.end(); if (r - l == 0) { std::string e = "sub-command REGEX, mode MATCH regex \"" + regex + "\" matched an empty string."; status.SetError(e); return false; } output = input.substr(l, r - l); } // Store the output in the provided variable. status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, output); return true; } bool RegexMatchAll(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { //"STRING(REGEX MATCHALL <regular_expression> <output variable> <input> // [<input>...])\n"; std::string const& regex = args[2]; std::string const& outvar = args[3]; status.GetMakefile().ClearMatches(); // Compile the regular expression. cmsys::RegularExpression re; if (!re.compile(regex)) { std::string e = "sub-command REGEX, mode MATCHALL failed to compile regex \"" + regex + "\"."; status.SetError(e); return false; } // Concatenate all the last arguments together. std::string input = cmJoin(cmMakeRange(args).advance(4), std::string()); // Scan through the input for all matches. std::string output; const char* p = input.c_str(); while (re.find(p)) { status.GetMakefile().ClearMatches(); status.GetMakefile().StoreMatches(re); std::string::size_type l = re.start(); std::string::size_type r = re.end(); if (r - l == 0) { std::string e = "sub-command REGEX, mode MATCHALL regex \"" + regex + "\" matched an empty string."; status.SetError(e); return false; } if (!output.empty()) { output += ";"; } output += std::string(p + l, r - l); p += r; } // Store the output in the provided variable. status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, output); return true; } bool RegexReplace(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { //"STRING(REGEX REPLACE <regular_expression> <replace_expression> // <output variable> <input> [<input>...])\n" std::string const& regex = args[2]; std::string const& replace = args[3]; std::string const& outvar = args[4]; cmStringReplaceHelper replaceHelper(regex, replace, &status.GetMakefile()); if (!replaceHelper.IsReplaceExpressionValid()) { status.SetError( "sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE: " + replaceHelper.GetError() + "."); return false; } status.GetMakefile().ClearMatches(); if (!replaceHelper.IsRegularExpressionValid()) { std::string e = "sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE failed to compile regex \"" + regex + "\"."; status.SetError(e); return false; } // Concatenate all the last arguments together. const std::string input = cmJoin(cmMakeRange(args).advance(5), std::string()); std::string output; if (!replaceHelper.Replace(input, output)) { status.SetError( "sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE: " + replaceHelper.GetError() + "."); return false; } // Store the output in the provided variable. status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, output); return true; } bool HandleFindCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { // check if all required parameters were passed if (args.size() < 4 || args.size() > 5) { status.SetError("sub-command FIND requires 3 or 4 parameters."); return false; } // check if the reverse flag was set or not bool reverseMode = false; if (args.size() == 5 && args[4] == "REVERSE") { reverseMode = true; } // if we have 5 arguments the last one must be REVERSE if (args.size() == 5 && args[4] != "REVERSE") { status.SetError("sub-command FIND: unknown last parameter"); return false; } // local parameter names. const std::string& sstring = args[1]; const std::string& schar = args[2]; const std::string& outvar = args[3]; // ensure that the user cannot accidentally specify REVERSE as a variable if (outvar == "REVERSE") { status.SetError("sub-command FIND does not allow one to select REVERSE as " "the output variable. " "Maybe you missed the actual output variable?"); return false; } // try to find the character and return its position size_t pos; if (!reverseMode) { pos = sstring.find(schar); } else { pos = sstring.rfind(schar); } if (std::string::npos != pos) { status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, std::to_string(pos)); return true; } // the character was not found, but this is not really an error status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, "-1"); return true; } bool HandleCompareCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 2) { status.SetError("sub-command COMPARE requires a mode to be specified."); return false; } std::string const& mode = args[1]; if ((mode == "EQUAL") || (mode == "NOTEQUAL") || (mode == "LESS") || (mode == "LESS_EQUAL") || (mode == "GREATER") || (mode == "GREATER_EQUAL")) { if (args.size() < 5) { std::string e = cmStrCat("sub-command COMPARE, mode ", mode, " needs at least 5 arguments total to command."); status.SetError(e); return false; } const std::string& left = args[2]; const std::string& right = args[3]; const std::string& outvar = args[4]; bool result; if (mode == "LESS") { result = (left < right); } else if (mode == "LESS_EQUAL") { result = (left <= right); } else if (mode == "GREATER") { result = (left > right); } else if (mode == "GREATER_EQUAL") { result = (left >= right); } else if (mode == "EQUAL") { result = (left == right); } else // if(mode == "NOTEQUAL") { result = !(left == right); } if (result) { status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, "1"); } else { status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outvar, "0"); } return true; } std::string e = "sub-command COMPARE does not recognize mode " + mode; status.SetError(e); return false; } bool HandleReplaceCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 5) { status.SetError("sub-command REPLACE requires at least four arguments."); return false; } const std::string& matchExpression = args[1]; const std::string& replaceExpression = args[2]; const std::string& variableName = args[3]; std::string input = cmJoin(cmMakeRange(args).advance(4), std::string()); cmsys::SystemTools::ReplaceString(input, matchExpression.c_str(), replaceExpression.c_str()); status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(variableName, input); return true; } bool HandleSubstringCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() != 5) { status.SetError("sub-command SUBSTRING requires four arguments."); return false; } const std::string& stringValue = args[1]; int begin = atoi(args[2].c_str()); int end = atoi(args[3].c_str()); const std::string& variableName = args[4]; size_t stringLength = stringValue.size(); int intStringLength = static_cast<int>(stringLength); if (begin < 0 || begin > intStringLength) { status.SetError( cmStrCat("begin index: ", begin, " is out of range 0 - ", stringLength)); return false; } if (end < -1) { status.SetError(cmStrCat("end index: ", end, " should be -1 or greater")); return false; } status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(variableName, stringValue.substr(begin, end)); return true; } bool HandleLengthCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() != 3) { status.SetError("sub-command LENGTH requires two arguments."); return false; } const std::string& stringValue = args[1]; const std::string& variableName = args[2]; size_t length = stringValue.size(); char buffer[1024]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", static_cast<int>(length)); status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(variableName, buffer); return true; } bool HandleAppendCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 2) { status.SetError("sub-command APPEND requires at least one argument."); return false; } // Skip if nothing to append. if (args.size() < 3) { return true; } auto const& variableName = args[1]; cm::string_view oldView{ status.GetMakefile().GetSafeDefinition( variableName) }; auto const newValue = cmJoin(cmMakeRange(args).advance(2), {}, oldView); status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(variableName, newValue); return true; } bool HandlePrependCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 2) { status.SetError("sub-command PREPEND requires at least one argument."); return false; } // Skip if nothing to prepend. if (args.size() < 3) { return true; } const std::string& variable = args[1]; std::string value = cmJoin(cmMakeRange(args).advance(2), std::string()); cmValue oldValue = status.GetMakefile().GetDefinition(variable); if (oldValue) { value += *oldValue; } status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(variable, value); return true; } bool HandleConcatCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 2) { status.SetError("sub-command CONCAT requires at least one argument."); return false; } return joinImpl(args, std::string(), 1, status.GetMakefile()); } bool HandleJoinCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 3) { status.SetError("sub-command JOIN requires at least two arguments."); return false; } return joinImpl(args, args[1], 2, status.GetMakefile()); } bool joinImpl(std::vector<std::string> const& args, std::string const& glue, const size_t varIdx, cmMakefile& makefile) { std::string const& variableName = args[varIdx]; // NOTE Items to concat/join placed right after the variable for // both `CONCAT` and `JOIN` sub-commands. std::string value = cmJoin(cmMakeRange(args).advance(varIdx + 1), glue); makefile.AddDefinition(variableName, value); return true; } bool HandleMakeCIdentifierCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() != 3) { status.SetError("sub-command MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER requires two arguments."); return false; } const std::string& input = args[1]; const std::string& variableName = args[2]; status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(variableName, cmSystemTools::MakeCidentifier(input)); return true; } bool HandleGenexStripCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() != 3) { status.SetError("sub-command GENEX_STRIP requires two arguments."); return false; } const std::string& input = args[1]; std::string result = cmGeneratorExpression::Preprocess( input, cmGeneratorExpression::StripAllGeneratorExpressions); const std::string& variableName = args[2]; status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(variableName, result); return true; } bool HandleStripCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() != 3) { status.SetError("sub-command STRIP requires two arguments."); return false; } const std::string& stringValue = args[1]; const std::string& variableName = args[2]; size_t inStringLength = stringValue.size(); size_t startPos = inStringLength + 1; size_t endPos = 0; const char* ptr = stringValue.c_str(); size_t cc; for (cc = 0; cc < inStringLength; ++cc) { if (!cmIsSpace(*ptr)) { if (startPos > inStringLength) { startPos = cc; } endPos = cc; } ++ptr; } size_t outLength = 0; // if the input string didn't contain any non-space characters, return // an empty string if (startPos > inStringLength) { outLength = 0; startPos = 0; } else { outLength = endPos - startPos + 1; } status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(variableName, stringValue.substr(startPos, outLength)); return true; } bool HandleRepeatCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { cmMakefile& makefile = status.GetMakefile(); // `string(REPEAT "<str>" <times> OUTPUT_VARIABLE)` enum ArgPos : std::size_t { SUB_COMMAND, VALUE, TIMES, OUTPUT_VARIABLE, TOTAL_ARGS }; if (args.size() != ArgPos::TOTAL_ARGS) { makefile.IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, "sub-command REPEAT requires three arguments."); return true; } unsigned long times; if (!cmStrToULong(args[ArgPos::TIMES], ×)) { makefile.IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, "repeat count is not a positive number."); return true; } const auto& stringValue = args[ArgPos::VALUE]; const auto& variableName = args[ArgPos::OUTPUT_VARIABLE]; const auto inStringLength = stringValue.size(); std::string result; switch (inStringLength) { case 0u: // Nothing to do for zero length input strings break; case 1u: // NOTE If the string to repeat consists of the only character, // use the appropriate constructor. result = std::string(times, stringValue[0]); break; default: result = std::string(inStringLength * times, char{}); for (auto i = 0u; i < times; ++i) { std::copy(cm::cbegin(stringValue), cm::cend(stringValue), &result[i * inStringLength]); } break; } makefile.AddDefinition(variableName, result); return true; } bool HandleRandomCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 2 || args.size() == 3 || args.size() == 5) { status.SetError("sub-command RANDOM requires at least one argument."); return false; } static bool seeded = false; bool force_seed = false; unsigned int seed = 0; int length = 5; const char cmStringCommandDefaultAlphabet[] = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM" "0123456789"; std::string alphabet; if (args.size() > 3) { size_t i = 1; size_t stopAt = args.size() - 2; for (; i < stopAt; ++i) { if (args[i] == "LENGTH") { ++i; length = atoi(args[i].c_str()); } else if (args[i] == "ALPHABET") { ++i; alphabet = args[i]; } else if (args[i] == "RANDOM_SEED") { ++i; seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(args[i].c_str())); force_seed = true; } } } if (alphabet.empty()) { alphabet = cmStringCommandDefaultAlphabet; } double sizeofAlphabet = static_cast<double>(alphabet.size()); if (sizeofAlphabet < 1) { status.SetError("sub-command RANDOM invoked with bad alphabet."); return false; } if (length < 1) { status.SetError("sub-command RANDOM invoked with bad length."); return false; } const std::string& variableName = args.back(); std::vector<char> result; if (!seeded || force_seed) { seeded = true; srand(force_seed ? seed : cmSystemTools::RandomSeed()); } const char* alphaPtr = alphabet.c_str(); for (int cc = 0; cc < length; cc++) { int idx = static_cast<int>(sizeofAlphabet * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); result.push_back(*(alphaPtr + idx)); } result.push_back(0); status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(variableName, result.data()); return true; } bool HandleTimestampCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.size() < 2) { status.SetError("sub-command TIMESTAMP requires at least one argument."); return false; } if (args.size() > 4) { status.SetError("sub-command TIMESTAMP takes at most three arguments."); return false; } unsigned int argsIndex = 1; const std::string& outputVariable = args[argsIndex++]; std::string formatString; if (args.size() > argsIndex && args[argsIndex] != "UTC") { formatString = args[argsIndex++]; } bool utcFlag = false; if (args.size() > argsIndex) { if (args[argsIndex] == "UTC") { utcFlag = true; } else { std::string e = " TIMESTAMP sub-command does not recognize option " + args[argsIndex] + "."; status.SetError(e); return false; } } cmTimestamp timestamp; std::string result = timestamp.CurrentTime(formatString, utcFlag); status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outputVariable, result); return true; } bool HandleUuidCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { #if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP) unsigned int argsIndex = 1; if (args.size() < 2) { status.SetError("UUID sub-command requires an output variable."); return false; } const std::string& outputVariable = args[argsIndex++]; std::string uuidNamespaceString; std::string uuidName; std::string uuidType; bool uuidUpperCase = false; while (args.size() > argsIndex) { if (args[argsIndex] == "NAMESPACE") { ++argsIndex; if (argsIndex >= args.size()) { status.SetError("UUID sub-command, NAMESPACE requires a value."); return false; } uuidNamespaceString = args[argsIndex++]; } else if (args[argsIndex] == "NAME") { ++argsIndex; if (argsIndex >= args.size()) { status.SetError("UUID sub-command, NAME requires a value."); return false; } uuidName = args[argsIndex++]; } else if (args[argsIndex] == "TYPE") { ++argsIndex; if (argsIndex >= args.size()) { status.SetError("UUID sub-command, TYPE requires a value."); return false; } uuidType = args[argsIndex++]; } else if (args[argsIndex] == "UPPER") { ++argsIndex; uuidUpperCase = true; } else { std::string e = "UUID sub-command does not recognize option " + args[argsIndex] + "."; status.SetError(e); return false; } } std::string uuid; cmUuid uuidGenerator; std::vector<unsigned char> uuidNamespace; if (!uuidGenerator.StringToBinary(uuidNamespaceString, uuidNamespace)) { status.SetError("UUID sub-command, malformed NAMESPACE UUID."); return false; } if (uuidType == "MD5") { uuid = uuidGenerator.FromMd5(uuidNamespace, uuidName); } else if (uuidType == "SHA1") { uuid = uuidGenerator.FromSha1(uuidNamespace, uuidName); } else { std::string e = "UUID sub-command, unknown TYPE '" + uuidType + "'."; status.SetError(e); return false; } if (uuid.empty()) { status.SetError("UUID sub-command, generation failed."); return false; } if (uuidUpperCase) { uuid = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(uuid); } status.GetMakefile().AddDefinition(outputVariable, uuid); return true; #else status.SetError(cmStrCat(args[0], " not available during bootstrap")); return false; #endif } #if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP) // Helpers for string(JSON ...) struct Args : cmRange<typename std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator> { using cmRange<typename std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator>::cmRange; auto PopFront(cm::string_view error) -> const std::string&; auto PopBack(cm::string_view error) -> const std::string&; }; class json_error : public std::runtime_error { public: json_error(const std::string& message, cm::optional<Args> errorPath = cm::nullopt) : std::runtime_error(message) , ErrorPath{ std::move(errorPath) // NOLINT(performance-move-const-arg) } { } cm::optional<Args> ErrorPath; }; const std::string& Args::PopFront(cm::string_view error) { if (this->empty()) { throw json_error(std::string(error)); } const std::string& res = *this->begin(); this->advance(1); return res; } const std::string& Args::PopBack(cm::string_view error) { if (this->empty()) { throw json_error(std::string(error)); } const std::string& res = *(this->end() - 1); this->retreat(1); return res; } cm::string_view JsonTypeToString(Json::ValueType type) { switch (type) { case Json::ValueType::nullValue: return "NULL"_s; case Json::ValueType::intValue: case Json::ValueType::uintValue: case Json::ValueType::realValue: return "NUMBER"_s; case Json::ValueType::stringValue: return "STRING"_s; case Json::ValueType::booleanValue: return "BOOLEAN"_s; case Json::ValueType::arrayValue: return "ARRAY"_s; case Json::ValueType::objectValue: return "OBJECT"_s; } throw json_error("invalid JSON type found"); } int ParseIndex( const std::string& str, cm::optional<Args> const& progress = cm::nullopt, Json::ArrayIndex max = std::numeric_limits<Json::ArrayIndex>::max()) { unsigned long lindex; if (!cmStrToULong(str, &lindex)) { throw json_error(cmStrCat("expected an array index, got: '"_s, str, "'"_s), progress); } Json::ArrayIndex index = static_cast<Json::ArrayIndex>(lindex); if (index >= max) { cmAlphaNum sizeStr{ max }; throw json_error(cmStrCat("expected an index less than "_s, sizeStr.View(), " got '"_s, str, "'"_s), progress); } return index; } Json::Value& ResolvePath(Json::Value& json, Args path) { Json::Value* search = &json; for (auto curr = path.begin(); curr != path.end(); ++curr) { const std::string& field = *curr; Args progress{ path.begin(), curr + 1 }; if (search->isArray()) { auto index = ParseIndex(field, progress, search->size()); search = &(*search)[index]; } else if (search->isObject()) { if (!search->isMember(field)) { const auto progressStr = cmJoin(progress, " "_s); throw json_error(cmStrCat("member '"_s, progressStr, "' not found"_s), progress); } search = &(*search)[field]; } else { const auto progressStr = cmJoin(progress, " "_s); throw json_error( cmStrCat("invalid path '"_s, progressStr, "', need element of OBJECT or ARRAY type to lookup '"_s, field, "' got "_s, JsonTypeToString(search->type())), progress); } } return *search; } Json::Value ReadJson(const std::string& jsonstr) { Json::CharReaderBuilder builder; builder["collectComments"] = false; auto jsonReader = std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader>(builder.newCharReader()); Json::Value json; std::string error; if (!jsonReader->parse(jsonstr.data(), jsonstr.data() + jsonstr.size(), &json, &error)) { throw json_error(cmStrCat("failed parsing json string: "_s, error)); } return json; } std::string WriteJson(const Json::Value& value) { Json::StreamWriterBuilder writer; writer["indentation"] = " "; writer["commentStyle"] = "None"; return Json::writeString(writer, value); } #endif bool HandleJSONCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& arguments, cmExecutionStatus& status) { #if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP) auto& makefile = status.GetMakefile(); Args args{ arguments.begin() + 1, arguments.end() }; const std::string* errorVariable = nullptr; const std::string* outputVariable = nullptr; bool success = true; try { outputVariable = &args.PopFront("missing out-var argument"_s); if (!args.empty() && *args.begin() == "ERROR_VARIABLE"_s) { args.PopFront(""); errorVariable = &args.PopFront("missing error-var argument"_s); makefile.AddDefinition(*errorVariable, "NOTFOUND"_s); } const auto& mode = args.PopFront("missing mode argument"_s); if (mode != "GET"_s && mode != "TYPE"_s && mode != "MEMBER"_s && mode != "LENGTH"_s && mode != "REMOVE"_s && mode != "SET"_s && mode != "EQUAL"_s) { throw json_error( cmStrCat("got an invalid mode '"_s, mode, "', expected one of GET, TYPE, MEMBER, LENGTH, REMOVE, SET, " " EQUAL"_s)); } const auto& jsonstr = args.PopFront("missing json string argument"_s); Json::Value json = ReadJson(jsonstr); if (mode == "GET"_s) { const auto& value = ResolvePath(json, args); if (value.isObject() || value.isArray()) { makefile.AddDefinition(*outputVariable, WriteJson(value)); } else if (value.isBool()) { makefile.AddDefinitionBool(*outputVariable, value.asBool()); } else { makefile.AddDefinition(*outputVariable, value.asString()); } } else if (mode == "TYPE"_s) { const auto& value = ResolvePath(json, args); makefile.AddDefinition(*outputVariable, JsonTypeToString(value.type())); } else if (mode == "MEMBER"_s) { const auto& indexStr = args.PopBack("missing member index"_s); const auto& value = ResolvePath(json, args); if (!value.isObject()) { throw json_error( cmStrCat("MEMBER needs to be called with an element of " "type OBJECT, got "_s, JsonTypeToString(value.type())), args); } const auto index = ParseIndex( indexStr, Args{ args.begin(), args.end() + 1 }, value.size()); const auto memIt = std::next(value.begin(), index); makefile.AddDefinition(*outputVariable, memIt.name()); } else if (mode == "LENGTH"_s) { const auto& value = ResolvePath(json, args); if (!value.isArray() && !value.isObject()) { throw json_error(cmStrCat("LENGTH needs to be called with an " "element of type ARRAY or OBJECT, got "_s, JsonTypeToString(value.type())), args); } cmAlphaNum sizeStr{ value.size() }; makefile.AddDefinition(*outputVariable, sizeStr.View()); } else if (mode == "REMOVE"_s) { const auto& toRemove = args.PopBack("missing member or index to remove"_s); auto& value = ResolvePath(json, args); if (value.isArray()) { const auto index = ParseIndex( toRemove, Args{ args.begin(), args.end() + 1 }, value.size()); Json::Value removed; value.removeIndex(index, &removed); } else if (value.isObject()) { Json::Value removed; value.removeMember(toRemove, &removed); } else { throw json_error(cmStrCat("REMOVE needs to be called with an " "element of type ARRAY or OBJECT, got "_s, JsonTypeToString(value.type())), args); } makefile.AddDefinition(*outputVariable, WriteJson(json)); } else if (mode == "SET"_s) { const auto& newValueStr = args.PopBack("missing new value remove"_s); const auto& toAdd = args.PopBack("missing member name to add"_s); auto& value = ResolvePath(json, args); Json::Value newValue = ReadJson(newValueStr); if (value.isObject()) { value[toAdd] = newValue; } else if (value.isArray()) { const auto index = ParseIndex(toAdd, Args{ args.begin(), args.end() + 1 }); if (value.isValidIndex(index)) { value[static_cast<int>(index)] = newValue; } else { value.append(newValue); } } else { throw json_error(cmStrCat("SET needs to be called with an " "element of type OBJECT or ARRAY, got "_s, JsonTypeToString(value.type()))); } makefile.AddDefinition(*outputVariable, WriteJson(json)); } else if (mode == "EQUAL"_s) { const auto& jsonstr2 = args.PopFront("missing second json string argument"_s); Json::Value json2 = ReadJson(jsonstr2); makefile.AddDefinitionBool(*outputVariable, json == json2); } } catch (const json_error& e) { if (outputVariable && e.ErrorPath) { const auto errorPath = cmJoin(*e.ErrorPath, "-"); makefile.AddDefinition(*outputVariable, cmStrCat(errorPath, "-NOTFOUND"_s)); } else if (outputVariable) { makefile.AddDefinition(*outputVariable, "NOTFOUND"_s); } if (errorVariable) { makefile.AddDefinition(*errorVariable, e.what()); } else { status.SetError(cmStrCat("sub-command JSON "_s, e.what(), "."_s)); success = false; } } return success; #else status.SetError(cmStrCat(arguments[0], " not available during bootstrap"_s)); return false; #endif } } // namespace bool cmStringCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.empty()) { status.SetError("must be called with at least one argument."); return false; } static cmSubcommandTable const subcommand{ { "REGEX"_s, HandleRegexCommand }, { "REPLACE"_s, HandleReplaceCommand }, { "MD5"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "SHA1"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "SHA224"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "SHA256"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "SHA384"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "SHA512"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "SHA3_224"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "SHA3_256"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "SHA3_384"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "SHA3_512"_s, HandleHashCommand }, { "TOLOWER"_s, HandleToLowerCommand }, { "TOUPPER"_s, HandleToUpperCommand }, { "COMPARE"_s, HandleCompareCommand }, { "ASCII"_s, HandleAsciiCommand }, { "HEX"_s, HandleHexCommand }, { "CONFIGURE"_s, HandleConfigureCommand }, { "LENGTH"_s, HandleLengthCommand }, { "APPEND"_s, HandleAppendCommand }, { "PREPEND"_s, HandlePrependCommand }, { "CONCAT"_s, HandleConcatCommand }, { "JOIN"_s, HandleJoinCommand }, { "SUBSTRING"_s, HandleSubstringCommand }, { "STRIP"_s, HandleStripCommand }, { "REPEAT"_s, HandleRepeatCommand }, { "RANDOM"_s, HandleRandomCommand }, { "FIND"_s, HandleFindCommand }, { "TIMESTAMP"_s, HandleTimestampCommand }, { "MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER"_s, HandleMakeCIdentifierCommand }, { "GENEX_STRIP"_s, HandleGenexStripCommand }, { "UUID"_s, HandleUuidCommand }, { "JSON"_s, HandleJSONCommand }, }; return subcommand(args[0], args, status); }