  CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
  Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium

  Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
  see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.

  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
  See the License for more information.
#include "cmTarget.h"
#include "cmake.h"
#include "cmMakefile.h"
#include "cmSourceFile.h"
#include "cmLocalGenerator.h"
#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
#include "cmComputeLinkInformation.h"
#include "cmDocumentCompileDefinitions.h"
#include "cmListFileCache.h"
#include "cmGeneratorExpression.h"
#include <cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <stdlib.h> // required for atof
#include <assert.h>
const char* cmTarget::TargetTypeNames[] = {

struct cmTarget::OutputInfo
  std::string OutDir;
  std::string ImpDir;

struct cmTarget::ImportInfo
  bool NoSOName;
  std::string Location;
  std::string SOName;
  std::string ImportLibrary;
  cmTarget::LinkInterface LinkInterface;

class cmTargetInternals
    this->SourceFileFlagsConstructed = false;
  cmTargetInternals(cmTargetInternals const& r)
    this->SourceFileFlagsConstructed = false;
    // Only some of these entries are part of the object state.
    // Others not copied here are result caches.
    this->SourceEntries = r.SourceEntries;
  typedef cmTarget::SourceFileFlags SourceFileFlags;
  std::map<cmSourceFile const*, SourceFileFlags> SourceFlagsMap;
  bool SourceFileFlagsConstructed;

  // The backtrace when the target was created.
  cmListFileBacktrace Backtrace;

  // Cache link interface computation from each configuration.
  struct OptionalLinkInterface: public cmTarget::LinkInterface
    OptionalLinkInterface(): Exists(false) {}
    bool Exists;
  typedef std::map<cmStdString, OptionalLinkInterface> LinkInterfaceMapType;
  LinkInterfaceMapType LinkInterfaceMap;

  typedef std::map<cmStdString, cmTarget::OutputInfo> OutputInfoMapType;
  OutputInfoMapType OutputInfoMap;

  typedef std::map<cmStdString, cmTarget::ImportInfo> ImportInfoMapType;
  ImportInfoMapType ImportInfoMap;

  // Cache link implementation computation from each configuration.
  typedef std::map<cmStdString, cmTarget::LinkImplementation> LinkImplMapType;
  LinkImplMapType LinkImplMap;

  typedef std::map<cmStdString, cmTarget::LinkClosure> LinkClosureMapType;
  LinkClosureMapType LinkClosureMap;

  struct SourceEntry { std::vector<cmSourceFile*> Depends; };
  typedef std::map<cmSourceFile*, SourceEntry> SourceEntriesType;
  SourceEntriesType SourceEntries;

  this->Makefile = 0;
  this->PolicyStatusCMP0003 = cmPolicies::WARN;
  this->PolicyStatusCMP0004 = cmPolicies::WARN;
  this->PolicyStatusCMP0008 = cmPolicies::WARN;
  this->LinkLibrariesAnalyzed = false;
  this->HaveInstallRule = false;
  this->DLLPlatform = false;
  this->IsImportedTarget = false;

void cmTarget::DefineProperties(cmake *cm)
     "Should build tree targets have install tree rpaths.",
     "BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH is a boolean specifying whether to link "
     "the target in the build tree with the INSTALL_RPATH.  This takes "
     "precedence over SKIP_BUILD_RPATH and avoids the need for relinking "
     "before installation.  "
     "This property is initialized by the value of the variable "
     "CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH if it is set when a target is created.");

    ("COMPILE_FLAGS", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Additional flags to use when compiling this target's sources.",
     "The COMPILE_FLAGS property sets additional compiler flags used "
     "to build sources within the target.  Use COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "
     "to pass additional preprocessor definitions.");

     "Preprocessor definitions for compiling a target's sources.",
     "The COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property may be set to a "
     "semicolon-separated list of preprocessor "
     "definitions using the syntax VAR or VAR=value.  Function-style "
     "definitions are not supported.  CMake will automatically escape "
     "the value correctly for the native build system (note that CMake "
     "language syntax may require escapes to specify some values).  "
     "This property may be set on a per-configuration basis using the name "
     "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<CONFIG> where <CONFIG> is an upper-case name "
     "CMake will automatically drop some definitions that "
     "are not supported by the native build tool.  "
     "The VS6 IDE does not support definition values with spaces "
     "(but NMake does).\n"

     "Per-configuration preprocessor definitions on a target.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of COMPILE_DEFINITIONS.");

    ("DEFINE_SYMBOL", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Define a symbol when compiling this target's sources.",
     "DEFINE_SYMBOL sets the name of the preprocessor symbol defined when "
     "compiling sources in a shared library. "
     "If not set here then it is set to target_EXPORTS by default "
     "(with some substitutions if the target is not a valid C "
     "identifier). This is useful for headers to know whether they are "
     "being included from inside their library our outside to properly "
     "setup dllexport/dllimport decorations. ");

    ("DEBUG_POSTFIX", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "See target property <CONFIG>_POSTFIX.",
     "This property is a special case of the more-general <CONFIG>_POSTFIX "
     "property for the DEBUG configuration.");

    ("<CONFIG>_POSTFIX", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Postfix to append to the target file name for configuration <CONFIG>.",
     "When building with configuration <CONFIG> the value of this property "
     "is appended to the target file name built on disk.  "
     "For non-executable targets, this property is initialized by the value "
     "of the variable CMAKE_<CONFIG>_POSTFIX if it is set when a target is "
     "created.  "
     "This property is ignored on the Mac for Frameworks and App Bundles.");

    ("EchoString", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "A message to be displayed when the target is built.",
     "A message to display on some generators (such as makefiles) when "
     "the target is built.");

    ("BUNDLE", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "This target is a CFBundle on the Mac.",
     "If a module library target has this property set to true it will "
     "be built as a CFBundle when built on the mac. It will have the "
     "directory structure required for a CFBundle and will be suitable "
     "to be used for creating Browser Plugins or other application "

    ("BUNDLE_EXTENSION", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "The file extension used to name a BUNDLE target on the Mac.",
     "The default value is \"bundle\" - you can also use \"plugin\" or "
     "whatever file extension is required by the host app for your "

    ("FRAMEWORK", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "This target is a framework on the Mac.",
     "If a shared library target has this property set to true it will "
     "be built as a framework when built on the mac. It will have the "
     "directory structure required for a framework and will be suitable "
     "to be used with the -framework option");

    ("HAS_CXX", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Link the target using the C++ linker tool (obsolete).",
     "This is equivalent to setting the LINKER_LANGUAGE property to CXX.  "
     "See that property's documentation for details.");

     "Specify #include line transforms for dependencies in a target.",
     "This property specifies rules to transform macro-like #include lines "
     "during implicit dependency scanning of C and C++ source files.  "
     "The list of rules must be semicolon-separated with each entry of "
     "the form \"A_MACRO(%)=value-with-%\" (the % must be literal).  "
     "During dependency scanning occurrences of A_MACRO(...) on #include "
     "lines will be replaced by the value given with the macro argument "
     "substituted for '%'.  For example, the entry\n"
     "  MYDIR(%)=<mydir/%>\n"
     "will convert lines of the form\n"
     "  #include MYDIR(myheader.h)\n"
     "  #include <mydir/myheader.h>\n"
     "allowing the dependency to be followed.\n"
     "This property applies to sources in the target on which it is set.");

    ("IMPORT_PREFIX", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "What comes before the import library name.",
     "Similar to the target property PREFIX, but used for import libraries "
     "(typically corresponding to a DLL) instead of regular libraries. "
     "A target property that can be set to override the prefix "
     "(such as \"lib\") on an import library name.");

    ("IMPORT_SUFFIX", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "What comes after the import library name.",
     "Similar to the target property SUFFIX, but used for import libraries "
     "(typically corresponding to a DLL) instead of regular libraries. "
     "A target property that can be set to override the suffix "
     "(such as \".lib\") on an import library name.");

    ("IMPORTED", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Read-only indication of whether a target is IMPORTED.",
     "The boolean value of this property is true for targets created with "
     "the IMPORTED option to add_executable or add_library.  "
     "It is false for targets built within the project.");

     "Configurations provided for an IMPORTED target.",
     "Lists configuration names available for an IMPORTED target.  "
     "The names correspond to configurations defined in the project from "
     "which the target is imported.  "
     "If the importing project uses a different set of configurations "
     "the names may be mapped using the MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG> "
     "property.  "
     "Ignored for non-imported targets.");

    ("IMPORTED_IMPLIB", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Full path to the import library for an IMPORTED target.",
     "Specifies the location of the \".lib\" part of a windows DLL.  "
     "Ignored for non-imported targets.");

     "Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_IMPLIB property.",
     "This property is used when loading settings for the <CONFIG> "
     "configuration of an imported target.  "
     "Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project "
     "from which the target is imported.");

     "Dependent shared libraries of an imported shared library.",
     "Shared libraries may be linked to other shared libraries as part "
     "of their implementation.  On some platforms the linker searches "
     "for the dependent libraries of shared libraries they are including "
     "in the link.  This property lists "
     "the dependent shared libraries of an imported library.  The list "
     "should be disjoint from the list of interface libraries in the "
     "IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES property.  On platforms requiring "
     "dependent shared libraries to be found at link time CMake uses this "
     "list to add appropriate files or paths to the link command line.  "
     "Ignored for non-imported targets.");

     "Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES.",
     "This property is used when loading settings for the <CONFIG> "
     "configuration of an imported target.  "
     "Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project "
     "from which the target is imported.  "
     "If set, this property completely overrides the generic property "
     "for the named configuration.");

     "Transitive link interface of an IMPORTED target.",
     "Lists libraries whose interface is included when an IMPORTED library "
     "target is linked to another target.  "
     "The libraries will be included on the link line for the target.  "
     "Unlike the LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES property, this property applies "
     "to all imported target types, including STATIC libraries.  "
     "This property is ignored for non-imported targets.");

     "Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES.",
     "This property is used when loading settings for the <CONFIG> "
     "configuration of an imported target.  "
     "Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project "
     "from which the target is imported.  "
     "If set, this property completely overrides the generic property "
     "for the named configuration.");

     "Languages compiled into an IMPORTED static library.",
     "Lists languages of soure files compiled to produce a STATIC IMPORTED "
     "library (such as \"C\" or \"CXX\").  "
     "CMake accounts for these languages when computing how to link a "
     "target to the imported library.  "
     "For example, when a C executable links to an imported C++ static "
     "library CMake chooses the C++ linker to satisfy language runtime "
     "dependencies of the static library.  "
     "This property is ignored for targets that are not STATIC libraries.  "
     "This property is ignored for non-imported targets.");

     "Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES.",
     "This property is used when loading settings for the <CONFIG> "
     "configuration of an imported target.  "
     "Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project "
     "from which the target is imported.  "
     "If set, this property completely overrides the generic property "
     "for the named configuration.");

     "Repetition count for cycles of IMPORTED static libraries.",
     "Per-configuration repetition count for cycles of IMPORTED archives.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of "
     "If set, this property completely overrides the generic property "
     "for the named configuration.");

     "Full path to the main file on disk for an IMPORTED target.",
     "Specifies the location of an IMPORTED target file on disk.  "
     "For executables this is the location of the executable file.  "
     "For bundles on OS X this is the location of the executable file "
     "inside Contents/MacOS under the application bundle folder.  "
     "For static libraries and modules this is the location of the "
     "library or module.  "
     "For shared libraries on non-DLL platforms this is the location of "
     "the shared library.  "
     "For frameworks on OS X this is the location of the library file "
     "symlink just inside the framework folder.  "
     "For DLLs this is the location of the \".dll\" part of the library.  "
     "For UNKNOWN libraries this is the location of the file to be linked.  "
     "Ignored for non-imported targets.");

     "Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_LOCATION property.",
     "This property is used when loading settings for the <CONFIG> "
     "configuration of an imported target.  "
     "Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project "
     "from which the target is imported.");

    ("IMPORTED_SONAME", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "The \"soname\" of an IMPORTED target of shared library type.",
     "Specifies the \"soname\" embedded in an imported shared library.  "
     "This is meaningful only on platforms supporting the feature.  "
     "Ignored for non-imported targets.");

     "Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_SONAME property.",
     "This property is used when loading settings for the <CONFIG> "
     "configuration of an imported target.  "
     "Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project "
     "from which the target is imported.");

    ("IMPORTED_NO_SONAME", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specifies that an IMPORTED shared library target has no \"soname\".  ",
     "Set this property to true for an imported shared library file that "
     "has no \"soname\" field.  "
     "CMake may adjust generated link commands for some platforms to prevent "
     "the linker from using the path to the library in place of its missing "
     "soname.  "
     "Ignored for non-imported targets.");

     "Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_NO_SONAME property.",
     "This property is used when loading settings for the <CONFIG> "
     "configuration of an imported target.  "
     "Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project "
     "from which the target is imported.");

    ("EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Exclude the target from the all target.",
     "A property on a target that indicates if the target is excluded "
     "from the default build target. If it is not, then with a Makefile "
     "for example typing make will cause this target to be built. "
     "The same concept applies to the default build of other generators. "
     "Installing a target with EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL set to true has "
     "undefined behavior.");

    ("INSTALL_NAME_DIR", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Mac OSX directory name for installed targets.",
     "INSTALL_NAME_DIR is a string specifying the "
     "directory portion of the \"install_name\" field of shared libraries "
     "on Mac OSX to use in the installed targets. ");

    ("INSTALL_RPATH", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "The rpath to use for installed targets.",
     "A semicolon-separated list specifying the rpath "
     "to use in installed targets (for platforms that support it).  "
     "This property is initialized by the value of the variable "
     "CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH if it is set when a target is created.");

     "Add paths to linker search and installed rpath.",
     "INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH is a boolean that if set to true will "
     "append directories in the linker search path and outside the "
     "project to the INSTALL_RPATH.  "
     "This property is initialized by the value of the variable "
     "CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH if it is set when a target is "

     "Enable interprocedural optimization for a target.",
     "If set to true, enables interprocedural optimizations "
     "if they are known to be supported by the compiler.");

     "Per-configuration interprocedural optimization for a target.",
     "This is a per-configuration version of INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION.  "
     "If set, this property overrides the generic property "
     "for the named configuration.");

    ("LABELS", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specify a list of text labels associated with a target.",
     "Target label semantics are currently unspecified.");

    ("LINK_FLAGS", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Additional flags to use when linking this target.",
     "The LINK_FLAGS property can be used to add extra flags to the "
     "link step of a target. LINK_FLAGS_<CONFIG> will add to the "
     "configuration <CONFIG>, "

    ("LINK_FLAGS_<CONFIG>", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Per-configuration linker flags for a target.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of LINK_FLAGS.");

  "Some linkers support switches such as -Bstatic and -Bdynamic " \
  "to determine whether to use static or shared libraries for -lXXX " \
  "options.  CMake uses these options to set the link type for " \
  "libraries whose full paths are not known or (in some cases) are in " \
  "implicit link directories for the platform.  "

     "Assume the linker looks for static libraries by default.",
     "By default the linker search type is assumed to be -Bdynamic at "
     "the beginning of the library list.  This property switches the "
     "assumption to -Bstatic.  It is intended for use when linking an "
     "executable statically (e.g. with the GNU -static option).  "
     "See also LINK_SEARCH_END_STATIC.");

     "End a link line such that static system libraries are used.",
     "By default CMake adds an option at the end of the library list (if "
     "necessary) to set the linker search type back to its starting type.  "
     "This property switches the final linker search type to -Bstatic "
     "regardless of how it started.  "

    ("LINKER_LANGUAGE", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specifies language whose compiler will invoke the linker.",
     "For executables, shared libraries, and modules, this sets the "
     "language whose compiler is used to link the target "
     "(such as \"C\" or \"CXX\").  "
     "A typical value for an executable is the language of the source "
     "file providing the program entry point (main).  "
     "If not set, the language with the highest linker preference "
     "value is the default.  "
     "See documentation of CMAKE_<LANG>_LINKER_PREFERENCE variables.");

  "\n" \
  "Do not set properties that affect the location of the target after " \
  "reading this property.  These include properties whose names match " \
  "or \"(IMPLIB_)?(PREFIX|SUFFIX)\".  " \
  "Failure to follow this rule is not diagnosed and leaves the location " \
  "of the target undefined."

    ("LOCATION", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Read-only location of a target on disk.",
     "For an imported target, this read-only property returns the value of "
     "the LOCATION_<CONFIG> property for an unspecified configuration "
     "<CONFIG> provided by the target.\n"
     "For a non-imported target, this property is provided for compatibility "
     "with CMake 2.4 and below.  "
     "It was meant to get the location of an executable target's output file "
     "for use in add_custom_command.  "
     "The path may contain a build-system-specific portion that "
     "is replaced at build time with the configuration getting built "
     "(such as \"$(ConfigurationName)\" in VS). "
     "In CMake 2.6 and above add_custom_command automatically recognizes a "
     "target name in its COMMAND and DEPENDS options and computes the "
     "target location.  "
     "In CMake 2.8.4 and above add_custom_command recognizes generator "
     "expressions to refer to target locations anywhere in the command.  "
     "Therefore this property is not needed for creating custom commands."

    ("LOCATION_<CONFIG>", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Read-only property providing a target location on disk.",
     "A read-only property that indicates where a target's main file is "
     "located on disk for the configuration <CONFIG>.  "
     "The property is defined only for library and executable targets.  "
     "An imported target may provide a set of configurations different "
     "from that of the importing project.  "
     "By default CMake looks for an exact-match but otherwise uses an "
     "arbitrary available configuration.  "
     "Use the MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG> property to map imported "
     "configurations explicitly."

    ("LINK_DEPENDS", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Additional files on which a target binary depends for linking.",
     "Specifies a semicolon-separated list of full-paths to files on which "
     "the link rule for this target depends.  "
     "The target binary will be linked if any of the named files is newer "
     "than it."
     "This property is ignored by non-Makefile generators.  "
     "It is intended to specify dependencies on \"linker scripts\" for "
     "custom Makefile link rules.");

     "List public interface libraries for a shared library or executable.",
     "By default linking to a shared library target transitively "
     "links to targets with which the library itself was linked.  "
     "For an executable with exports (see the ENABLE_EXPORTS property) "
     "no default transitive link dependencies are used.  "
     "This property replaces the default transitive link dependencies with "
     "an explict list.  "
     "When the target is linked into another target the libraries "
     "listed (and recursively their link interface libraries) will be "
     "provided to the other target also.  "
     "If the list is empty then no transitive link dependencies will be "
     "incorporated when this target is linked into another target even if "
     "the default set is non-empty.  "
     "This property is ignored for STATIC libraries.");

     "Per-configuration list of public interface libraries for a target.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of "
     "If set, this property completely overrides the generic property "
     "for the named configuration.");

     "Repetition count for STATIC libraries with cyclic dependencies.",
     "When linking to a STATIC library target with cyclic dependencies the "
     "linker may need to scan more than once through the archives in the "
     "strongly connected component of the dependency graph.  "
     "CMake by default constructs the link line so that the linker will "
     "scan through the component at least twice.  "
     "This property specifies the minimum number of scans if it is larger "
     "than the default.  "
     "CMake uses the largest value specified by any target in a component.");
     "Per-configuration repetition count for cycles of STATIC libraries.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of "
     "If set, this property completely overrides the generic property "
     "for the named configuration.");

     "Map from project configuration to IMPORTED target's configuration.",
     "List configurations of an imported target that may be used for "
     "the current project's <CONFIG> configuration.  "
     "Targets imported from another project may not provide the same set "
     "of configuration names available in the current project.  "
     "Setting this property tells CMake what imported configurations are "
     "suitable for use when building the <CONFIG> configuration.  "
     "The first configuration in the list found to be provided by the "
     "imported target is selected.  If no matching configurations are "
     "available the imported target is considered to be not found.  "
     "This property is ignored for non-imported targets.",
     false /* TODO: make this chained */ );

     "Target specific architectures for OS X.",
     "The OSX_ARCHITECTURES property sets the target binary architecture "
     "for targets on OS X.  "
     "This property is initialized by the value of the variable "
     "CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES if it is set when a target is created.  "
     "Use OSX_ARCHITECTURES_<CONFIG> to set the binary architectures on a "
     "per-configuration basis.  "
     "<CONFIG> is an upper-case name (ex: \"OSX_ARCHITECTURES_DEBUG\").");

     "Per-configuration OS X binary architectures for a target.",
     "This property is the configuration-specific version of "

    ("OUTPUT_NAME", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Output name for target files.",
     "This sets the base name for output files created for an executable or "
     "library target.  "
     "If not set, the logical target name is used by default.");

    ("OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG>", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Per-configuration target file base name.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of OUTPUT_NAME.");

    ("<CONFIG>_OUTPUT_NAME", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Old per-configuration target file base name.",
     "This is a configuration-specific version of OUTPUT_NAME.  "
     "Use OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> instead.");

    ("PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Deprecated install support.",
     "The PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT and POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT properties are the "
     "old way to specify CMake scripts to run before and after "
     "installing a target.  They are used only when the old "
     "INSTALL_TARGETS command is used to install the target.  Use the "
     "INSTALL command instead.");

    ("PREFIX", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "What comes before the library name.",
     "A target property that can be set to override the prefix "
     "(such as \"lib\") on a library name.");

     "Deprecated install support.",
     "The PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT and POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT properties are the "
     "old way to specify CMake scripts to run before and after "
     "installing a target.  They are used only when the old "
     "INSTALL_TARGETS command is used to install the target.  Use the "
     "INSTALL command instead.");

    ("PRIVATE_HEADER", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specify private header files in a FRAMEWORK shared library target.",
     "Shared library targets marked with the FRAMEWORK property generate "
     "frameworks on OS X and normal shared libraries on other platforms.  "
     "This property may be set to a list of header files to be placed "
     "in the PrivateHeaders directory inside the framework folder.  "
     "On non-Apple platforms these headers may be installed using the "
     "PRIVATE_HEADER option to the install(TARGETS) command.");

    ("PUBLIC_HEADER", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specify public header files in a FRAMEWORK shared library target.",
     "Shared library targets marked with the FRAMEWORK property generate "
     "frameworks on OS X and normal shared libraries on other platforms.  "
     "This property may be set to a list of header files to be placed "
     "in the Headers directory inside the framework folder.  "
     "On non-Apple platforms these headers may be installed using the "
     "PUBLIC_HEADER option to the install(TARGETS) command.");

    ("RESOURCE", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specify resource files in a FRAMEWORK shared library target.",
     "Shared library targets marked with the FRAMEWORK property generate "
     "frameworks on OS X and normal shared libraries on other platforms.  "
     "This property may be set to a list of files to be placed "
     "in the Resources directory inside the framework folder.  "
     "On non-Apple platforms these files may be installed using the "
     "RESOURCE option to the install(TARGETS) command.");

     "Specify a launcher for compile rules.",
     "See the global property of the same name for details.  "
     "This overrides the global and directory property for a target.",
    ("RULE_LAUNCH_LINK", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specify a launcher for link rules.",
     "See the global property of the same name for details.  "
     "This overrides the global and directory property for a target.",
    ("RULE_LAUNCH_CUSTOM", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specify a launcher for custom rules.",
     "See the global property of the same name for details.  "
     "This overrides the global and directory property for a target.",

    ("SKIP_BUILD_RPATH", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Should rpaths be used for the build tree.",
     "SKIP_BUILD_RPATH is a boolean specifying whether to skip automatic "
     "generation of an rpath allowing the target to run from the "
     "build tree.  "
     "This property is initialized by the value of the variable "
     "CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH if it is set when a target is created.");

    ("SOVERSION", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "What version number is this target.",
     "For shared libraries VERSION and SOVERSION can be used to specify "
     "the build version and api version respectively. When building or "
     "installing appropriate symlinks are created if the platform "
     "supports symlinks and the linker supports so-names. "
     "If only one of both is specified the missing is assumed to have "
     "the same version number. "
     "For shared libraries and executables on Windows the VERSION "
     "attribute is parsed to extract a \"major.minor\" version number. "
     "These numbers are used as the image version of the binary. ");

     "Extra flags to use when linking static libraries.",
     "Extra flags to use when linking a static library.");

     "Per-configuration flags for creating a static library.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS.");

    ("SUFFIX", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "What comes after the library name.",
     "A target property that can be set to override the suffix "
     "(such as \".so\") on a library name.");

    ("TYPE", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "The type of the target.",
     "This read-only property can be used to test the type of the given "
     "target. It will be one of STATIC_LIBRARY, MODULE_LIBRARY, "
     "SHARED_LIBRARY, EXECUTABLE or one of the internal target types.");

    ("VERSION", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "What version number is this target.",
     "For shared libraries VERSION and SOVERSION can be used to specify "
     "the build version and api version respectively. When building or "
     "installing appropriate symlinks are created if the platform "
     "supports symlinks and the linker supports so-names. "
     "If only one of both is specified the missing is assumed to have "
     "the same version number. "
     "For executables VERSION can be used to specify the build version. "
     "When building or installing appropriate symlinks are created if "
     "the platform supports symlinks. "
     "For shared libraries and executables on Windows the VERSION "
     "attribute is parsed to extract a \"major.minor\" version number. "
     "These numbers are used as the image version of the binary. ");

    ("WIN32_EXECUTABLE", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Build an executable with a WinMain entry point on windows.",
     "When this property is set to true the executable when linked "
     "on Windows will be created with a WinMain() entry point instead "
     "of of just main()."
     "This makes it a GUI executable instead of a console application.  "
     "See the CMAKE_MFC_FLAG variable documentation to configure use "
     "of MFC for WinMain executables.");

    ("MACOSX_BUNDLE", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Build an executable as an application bundle on Mac OS X.",
     "When this property is set to true the executable when built "
     "on Mac OS X will be created as an application bundle.  "
     "This makes it a GUI executable that can be launched from "
     "the Finder.  "
     "See the MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST target property for information "
     "about creation of the Info.plist file for the application bundle.");

     "Specify a custom Info.plist template for a Mac OS X App Bundle.",
     "An executable target with MACOSX_BUNDLE enabled will be built as an "
     "application bundle on Mac OS X.  "
     "By default its Info.plist file is created by configuring a template "
     "called MacOSXBundleInfo.plist.in located in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.  "
     "This property specifies an alternative template file name which "
     "may be a full path.\n"
     "The following target properties may be set to specify content to "
     "be configured into the file:\n"
     "CMake variables of the same name may be set to affect all targets "
     "in a directory that do not have each specific property set.  "
     "If a custom Info.plist is specified by this property it may of course "
     "hard-code all the settings instead of using the target properties.");

     "Specify a custom Info.plist template for a Mac OS X Framework.",
     "An library target with FRAMEWORK enabled will be built as a "
     "framework on Mac OS X.  "
     "By default its Info.plist file is created by configuring a template "
     "called MacOSXFrameworkInfo.plist.in located in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.  "
     "This property specifies an alternative template file name which "
     "may be a full path.\n"
     "The following target properties may be set to specify content to "
     "be configured into the file:\n"
     "CMake variables of the same name may be set to affect all targets "
     "in a directory that do not have each specific property set.  "
     "If a custom Info.plist is specified by this property it may of course "
     "hard-code all the settings instead of using the target properties.");

    ("ENABLE_EXPORTS", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specify whether an executable exports symbols for loadable modules.",
     "Normally an executable does not export any symbols because it is "
     "the final program.  It is possible for an executable to export "
     "symbols to be used by loadable modules.  When this property is "
     "set to true CMake will allow other targets to \"link\" to the "
     "executable with the TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES command.  "
     "On all platforms a target-level dependency on the executable is "
     "created for targets that link to it.  "
     "For DLL platforms an import library will be created for the "
     "exported symbols and then used for linking.  "
     "All Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.  "
     "For non-DLL platforms that require all symbols to be resolved at "
     "link time, such as Mac OS X, the module will \"link\" to the "
     "executable using a flag like \"-bundle_loader\".  "
     "For other non-DLL platforms the link rule is simply ignored since "
     "the dynamic loader will automatically bind symbols when the "
     "module is loaded.  "

    ("Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Specify output directory for Fortran modules provided by the target.",
     "If the target contains Fortran source files that provide modules "
     "and the compiler supports a module output directory this specifies "
     "the directory in which the modules will be placed.  "
     "When this property is not set the modules will be placed in the "
     "build directory corresponding to the target's source directory.  "
     "If the variable CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY is set when a target "
     "is created its value is used to initialize this property.");

    ("XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_<an-attribute>", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Set Xcode target attributes directly.",
     "Tell the Xcode generator to set '<an-attribute>' to a given value "
     "in the generated Xcode project.  Ignored on other generators.");

     "Generator's file for this target.",
     "An internal property used by some generators to record the name of "
     "project or dsp file associated with this target.");

    ("SOURCES", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Source names specified for a target.",
     "Read-only list of sources specified for a target.  "
     "The names returned are suitable for passing to the "
     "set_source_files_properties command.");

    ("FOLDER", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Set the folder name. Use to organize targets in an IDE.",
     "Targets with no FOLDER property will appear as top level "
     "entities in IDEs like Visual Studio. Targets with the same "
     "FOLDER property value will appear next to each other in a "
     "folder of that name. To nest folders, use FOLDER values such "
     "as 'GUI/Dialogs' with '/' characters separating folder levels.");

    ("PROJECT_LABEL", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Change the name of a target in an IDE.",
     "Can be used to change the name of the target in an IDE "
     "like Visual Studio. ");
    ("VS_KEYWORD", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Visual Studio project keyword.",
     "Can be set to change the visual studio keyword, for example "
     "QT integration works better if this is set to Qt4VSv1.0. ");
    ("VS_SCC_PROVIDER", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Visual Studio Source Code Control Provider.",
     "Can be set to change the visual studio source code control "
     "provider property.");
    ("VS_SCC_LOCALPATH", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Visual Studio Source Code Control Provider.",
     "Can be set to change the visual studio source code control "
     "local path property.");
    ("VS_SCC_PROJECTNAME", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Visual Studio Source Code Control Project.",
     "Can be set to change the visual studio source code control "
     "project name property.");

#if 0
    ("OBJECT_FILES", cmProperty::TARGET,
     "Used to get the resulting list of object files that make up a "
     "This can be used to put object files from one library "
     "into another library. It is a read only property.  It "
     "converts the source list for the target into a list of full "
     "paths to object names that will be produced by the target.");

#define CM_TARGET_FILE_TYPES_DOC                                            \
     "There are three kinds of target files that may be built: "            \
     "archive, library, and runtime.  "                                     \
     "Executables are always treated as runtime targets. "                  \
     "Static libraries are always treated as archive targets. "             \
     "Module libraries are always treated as library targets. "             \
     "For non-DLL platforms shared libraries are treated as library "       \
     "targets. "                                                            \
     "For DLL platforms the DLL part of a shared library is treated as "    \
     "a runtime target and the corresponding import library is treated as " \
     "an archive target. "                                                  \
     "All Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms."

#define CM_TARGET_OUTDIR_DOC(TYPE, type)                                    \
     "This property specifies the directory into which " #type " target "   \
     "files should be built. "                                              \
     "Multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) append "                   \
     "a per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  "       \
     CM_TARGET_FILE_TYPES_DOC "  "                                          \
     "This property is initialized by the value of the variable "           \
     "CMAKE_" #TYPE "_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY if it is set when a target is created."

#define CM_TARGET_OUTDIR_CONFIG_DOC(TYPE)                                   \
     "This is a per-configuration version of " #TYPE "_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, "  \
     "but multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) do NOT append "        \
     "a per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  "       \
     "This property is initialized by the value of the variable "           \
     "CMAKE_" #TYPE "_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG> "                           \
     "if it is set when a target is created."

     "Output directory in which to build ARCHIVE target files.",
     "Per-configuration output directory for ARCHIVE target files.",
     "Output directory in which to build LIBRARY target files.",
     "Per-configuration output directory for LIBRARY target files.",
     "Output directory in which to build RUNTIME target files.",
     "Per-configuration output directory for RUNTIME target files.",

     "Output name for ARCHIVE target files.",
     "This property specifies the base name for archive target files. "
     "It overrides OUTPUT_NAME and OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> properties.  "
     "Per-configuration output name for ARCHIVE target files.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_NAME.");
     "Output name for LIBRARY target files.",
     "This property specifies the base name for library target files. "
     "It overrides OUTPUT_NAME and OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> properties.  "
     "Per-configuration output name for LIBRARY target files.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of LIBRARY_OUTPUT_NAME.");
     "Output name for RUNTIME target files.",
     "This property specifies the base name for runtime target files.  "
     "It overrides OUTPUT_NAME and OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> properties.  "
     "Per-configuration output name for RUNTIME target files.",
     "This is the configuration-specific version of RUNTIME_OUTPUT_NAME.");

void cmTarget::SetType(TargetType type, const char* name)
  this->Name = name;
  if(type == cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES ||
     type == cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS ||
     type == cmTarget::INSTALL_DIRECTORY)
                   "SetType called on cmTarget for INSTALL_FILES, "
                   "INSTALL_PROGRAMS, or INSTALL_DIRECTORY ");
  // only add dependency information for library targets
  this->TargetTypeValue = type;
  if(this->TargetTypeValue >= STATIC_LIBRARY
     && this->TargetTypeValue <= MODULE_LIBRARY)
    this->RecordDependencies = true;
    this->RecordDependencies = false;

void cmTarget::SetMakefile(cmMakefile* mf)
  // Set our makefile.
  this->Makefile = mf;

  // set the cmake instance of the properties

  // Check whether this is a DLL platform.
  this->DLLPlatform = (this->Makefile->IsOn("WIN32") ||
                       this->Makefile->IsOn("CYGWIN") ||

  // Setup default property values.
  this->SetPropertyDefault("INSTALL_NAME_DIR", "");
  this->SetPropertyDefault("INSTALL_RPATH", "");
  this->SetPropertyDefault("INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH", "OFF");
  this->SetPropertyDefault("SKIP_BUILD_RPATH", "OFF");
  this->SetPropertyDefault("BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH", "OFF");
  this->SetPropertyDefault("ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", 0);
  this->SetPropertyDefault("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", 0);
  this->SetPropertyDefault("RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", 0);
  this->SetPropertyDefault("Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY", 0);
  this->SetPropertyDefault("OSX_ARCHITECTURES", 0);

  // Collect the set of configuration types.
  std::vector<std::string> configNames;

  // Setup per-configuration property default values.
  const char* configProps[] = {
  for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator ci = configNames.begin();
      ci != configNames.end(); ++ci)
    std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(*ci);
    for(const char** p = configProps; *p; ++p)
      std::string property = *p;
      property += configUpper;
      this->SetPropertyDefault(property.c_str(), 0);

    // Initialize per-configuration name postfix property from the
    // variable only for non-executable targets.  This preserves
    // compatibility with previous CMake versions in which executables
    // did not support this variable.  Projects may still specify the
    // property directly.  TODO: Make this depend on backwards
    // compatibility setting.
    if(this->TargetTypeValue != cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
      std::string property = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(*ci);
      property += "_POSTFIX";
      this->SetPropertyDefault(property.c_str(), 0);

  // Save the backtrace of target construction.

  // Record current policies for later use.
  this->PolicyStatusCMP0003 =
  this->PolicyStatusCMP0004 =
  this->PolicyStatusCMP0008 =

void cmTarget::FinishConfigure()
  // Erase any cached link information that might have been comptued
  // on-demand during the configuration.  This ensures that build
  // system generation uses up-to-date information even if other cache
  // invalidation code in this source file is buggy.

  // Do old-style link dependency analysis.

void cmTarget::ClearLinkMaps()

cmListFileBacktrace const& cmTarget::GetBacktrace() const
  return this->Internal->Backtrace;

std::string cmTarget::GetSupportDirectory() const
  std::string dir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
  dir += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory();
  dir += "/";
  dir += this->Name;
#if defined(__VMS)
  dir += "_dir";
  dir += ".dir";
  return dir;

bool cmTarget::IsExecutableWithExports()
  return (this->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE &&

bool cmTarget::IsLinkable()
  return (this->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY ||
          this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
          this->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY ||
          this->GetType() == cmTarget::UNKNOWN_LIBRARY ||

bool cmTarget::HasImportLibrary()
  return (this->DLLPlatform &&
          (this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||

bool cmTarget::IsFrameworkOnApple()
  return (this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
          this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE") &&

bool cmTarget::IsAppBundleOnApple()
  return (this->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE &&
          this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE") &&

bool cmTarget::IsCFBundleOnApple()
  return (this->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY &&
          this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE") &&

class cmTargetTraceDependencies
  cmTargetTraceDependencies(cmTarget* target, cmTargetInternals* internal,
                            const char* vsProjectFile);
  void Trace();
  cmTarget* Target;
  cmTargetInternals* Internal;
  cmMakefile* Makefile;
  cmGlobalGenerator* GlobalGenerator;
  typedef cmTargetInternals::SourceEntry SourceEntry;
  SourceEntry* CurrentEntry;
  std::queue<cmSourceFile*> SourceQueue;
  std::set<cmSourceFile*> SourcesQueued;
  typedef std::map<cmStdString, cmSourceFile*> NameMapType;
  NameMapType NameMap;

  void QueueSource(cmSourceFile* sf);
  void FollowName(std::string const& name);
  void FollowNames(std::vector<std::string> const& names);
  bool IsUtility(std::string const& dep);
  void CheckCustomCommand(cmCustomCommand const& cc);
  void CheckCustomCommands(const std::vector<cmCustomCommand>& commands);

::cmTargetTraceDependencies(cmTarget* target, cmTargetInternals* internal,
                            const char* vsProjectFile):
  Target(target), Internal(internal)
  // Convenience.
  this->Makefile = this->Target->GetMakefile();
  this->GlobalGenerator =
  this->CurrentEntry = 0;

  // Queue all the source files already specified for the target.
  std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const& sources = this->Target->GetSourceFiles();
  for(std::vector<cmSourceFile*>::const_iterator si = sources.begin();
      si != sources.end(); ++si)

  // Queue the VS project file to check dependencies on the rule to
  // generate it.

  // Queue pre-build, pre-link, and post-build rule dependencies.

void cmTargetTraceDependencies::Trace()
  // Process one dependency at a time until the queue is empty.
    // Get the next source from the queue.
    cmSourceFile* sf = this->SourceQueue.front();
    this->CurrentEntry = &this->Internal->SourceEntries[sf];

    // Queue dependencies added explicitly by the user.
    if(const char* additionalDeps = sf->GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS"))
      std::vector<std::string> objDeps;
      cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(additionalDeps, objDeps);

    // Queue the source needed to generate this file, if any.

    // Queue dependencies added programatically by commands.

    // Queue custom command dependencies.
    if(cmCustomCommand const* cc = sf->GetCustomCommand())
  this->CurrentEntry = 0;

void cmTargetTraceDependencies::QueueSource(cmSourceFile* sf)

    // Make sure this file is in the target.

void cmTargetTraceDependencies::FollowName(std::string const& name)
  NameMapType::iterator i = this->NameMap.find(name);
  if(i == this->NameMap.end())
    // Check if we know how to generate this file.
    cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSourceFileWithOutput(name.c_str());
    NameMapType::value_type entry(name, sf);
    i = this->NameMap.insert(entry).first;
  if(cmSourceFile* sf = i->second)
    // Record the dependency we just followed.


cmTargetTraceDependencies::FollowNames(std::vector<std::string> const& names)
  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = names.begin();
      i != names.end(); ++i)

bool cmTargetTraceDependencies::IsUtility(std::string const& dep)
  // Dependencies on targets (utilities) are supposed to be named by
  // just the target name.  However for compatibility we support
  // naming the output file generated by the target (assuming there is
  // no output-name property which old code would not have set).  In
  // that case the target name will be the file basename of the
  // dependency.
  std::string util = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(dep);
  if(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(util) == ".exe")
    util = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(util);

  // Check for a target with this name.
  if(cmTarget* t = this->Makefile->FindTargetToUse(util.c_str()))
    // If we find the target and the dep was given as a full path,
    // then make sure it was not a full path to something else, and
    // the fact that the name matched a target was just a coincidence.
      if(t->GetType() >= cmTarget::EXECUTABLE && 
         t->GetType() <= cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)
        // This is really only for compatibility so we do not need to
        // worry about configuration names and output names.
        std::string tLocation = t->GetLocation(0);
        tLocation = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(tLocation);
        std::string depLocation = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(dep);
        depLocation = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(depLocation.c_str());
        tLocation = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(tLocation.c_str());
        if(depLocation == tLocation)
          return true;
      // The original name of the dependency was not a full path.  It
      // must name a target, so add the target-level dependency.
      return true;

  // The dependency does not name a target built in this project.
  return false;

::CheckCustomCommand(cmCustomCommand const& cc)
  // Transform command names that reference targets built in this
  // project to corresponding target-level dependencies.
  cmGeneratorExpression ge(this->Makefile, 0, cc.GetBacktrace(), true);
  for(cmCustomCommandLines::const_iterator cit = cc.GetCommandLines().begin();
      cit != cc.GetCommandLines().end(); ++cit)
    std::string const& command = *cit->begin();
    // Check for a target with this name.
    if(cmTarget* t = this->Makefile->FindTargetToUse(command.c_str()))
      if(t->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
        // The command refers to an executable target built in
        // this project.  Add the target-level dependency to make
        // sure the executable is up to date before this custom
        // command possibly runs.

    // Check for target references in generator expressions.
    for(cmCustomCommandLine::const_iterator cli = cit->begin();
        cli != cit->end(); ++cli)

  // Add target-level dependencies referenced by generator expressions.
  std::set<cmTarget*> targets = ge.GetTargets();
  for(std::set<cmTarget*>::iterator ti = targets.begin();
      ti != targets.end(); ++ti)

  // Queue the custom command dependencies.
  std::vector<std::string> const& depends = cc.GetDepends();
  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator di = depends.begin();
      di != depends.end(); ++di)
    std::string const& dep = *di;
      // The dependency does not name a target and may be a file we
      // know how to generate.  Queue it.

::CheckCustomCommands(const std::vector<cmCustomCommand>& commands)
  for(std::vector<cmCustomCommand>::const_iterator cli = commands.begin();
      cli != commands.end(); ++cli)

void cmTarget::TraceDependencies(const char* vsProjectFile)
  // CMake-generated targets have no dependencies to trace.  Normally tracing
  // would find nothing anyway, but when building CMake itself the "install"
  // target command ends up referencing the "cmake" target but we do not
  // really want the dependency because "install" depend on "all" anyway.
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET)

  // Use a helper object to trace the dependencies.
  cmTargetTraceDependencies tracer(this, this->Internal.Get(), vsProjectFile);

bool cmTarget::FindSourceFiles()
        si = this->SourceFiles.begin();
      si != this->SourceFiles.end(); ++si)
    std::string e;
        cmake* cm = this->Makefile->GetCMakeInstance();
        cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e,
      return false;
  return true;

std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const& cmTarget::GetSourceFiles()
  return this->SourceFiles;

void cmTarget::AddSourceFile(cmSourceFile* sf)
  typedef cmTargetInternals::SourceEntriesType SourceEntriesType;
  SourceEntriesType::iterator i = this->Internal->SourceEntries.find(sf);
  if(i == this->Internal->SourceEntries.end())
    typedef cmTargetInternals::SourceEntry SourceEntry;
    SourceEntriesType::value_type entry(sf, SourceEntry());
    i = this->Internal->SourceEntries.insert(entry).first;

std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const*
cmTarget::GetSourceDepends(cmSourceFile* sf)
  typedef cmTargetInternals::SourceEntriesType SourceEntriesType;
  SourceEntriesType::iterator i = this->Internal->SourceEntries.find(sf);
  if(i != this->Internal->SourceEntries.end())
    return &i->second.Depends;
  return 0;

void cmTarget::AddSources(std::vector<std::string> const& srcs)
  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = srcs.begin();
      i != srcs.end(); ++i)

cmSourceFile* cmTarget::AddSource(const char* s)
  std::string src = s;

  // For backwards compatibility replace varibles in source names.
  // This should eventually be removed.

  cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetOrCreateSource(src.c_str());
  return sf;

struct cmTarget::SourceFileFlags
cmTarget::GetTargetSourceFileFlags(const cmSourceFile* sf)
  struct SourceFileFlags flags;
  std::map<cmSourceFile const*, SourceFileFlags>::iterator si =
  if(si != this->Internal->SourceFlagsMap.end())
    flags = si->second;
  return flags;

void cmTarget::ConstructSourceFileFlags()
  this->Internal->SourceFileFlagsConstructed = true;

  // Process public headers to mark the source files.
  if(const char* files = this->GetProperty("PUBLIC_HEADER"))
    std::vector<std::string> relFiles;
    cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(files, relFiles);
    for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = relFiles.begin();
        it != relFiles.end(); ++it)
      if(cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource(it->c_str()))
        SourceFileFlags& flags = this->Internal->SourceFlagsMap[sf];
        flags.MacFolder = "Headers";
        flags.Type = cmTarget::SourceFileTypePublicHeader;

  // Process private headers after public headers so that they take
  // precedence if a file is listed in both.
  if(const char* files = this->GetProperty("PRIVATE_HEADER"))
    std::vector<std::string> relFiles;
    cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(files, relFiles);
    for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = relFiles.begin();
        it != relFiles.end(); ++it)
      if(cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource(it->c_str()))
        SourceFileFlags& flags = this->Internal->SourceFlagsMap[sf];
        flags.MacFolder = "PrivateHeaders";
        flags.Type = cmTarget::SourceFileTypePrivateHeader;

  // Mark sources listed as resources.
  if(const char* files = this->GetProperty("RESOURCE"))
    std::vector<std::string> relFiles;
    cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(files, relFiles);
    for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = relFiles.begin();
        it != relFiles.end(); ++it)
      if(cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource(it->c_str()))
        SourceFileFlags& flags = this->Internal->SourceFlagsMap[sf];
        flags.MacFolder = "Resources";
        flags.Type = cmTarget::SourceFileTypeResource;

  // Handle the MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION property on source files that
  // were not listed in one of the other lists.
  std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const& sources = this->GetSourceFiles();
  for(std::vector<cmSourceFile*>::const_iterator si = sources.begin();
      si != sources.end(); ++si)
    cmSourceFile* sf = *si;
    if(const char* location = sf->GetProperty("MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION"))
      SourceFileFlags& flags = this->Internal->SourceFlagsMap[sf];
      if(flags.Type == cmTarget::SourceFileTypeNormal)
        flags.MacFolder = location;
        if(strcmp(location, "Resources") == 0)
          flags.Type = cmTarget::SourceFileTypeResource;
          flags.Type = cmTarget::SourceFileTypeMacContent;

void cmTarget::MergeLinkLibraries( cmMakefile& mf,
                                   const char *selfname,
                                   const LinkLibraryVectorType& libs )
  // Only add on libraries we haven't added on before.
  // Assumption: the global link libraries could only grow, never shrink
  LinkLibraryVectorType::const_iterator i = libs.begin();
  i += this->PrevLinkedLibraries.size();
  for( ; i != libs.end(); ++i )
    // We call this so that the dependencies get written to the cache
    this->AddLinkLibrary( mf, selfname, i->first.c_str(), i->second );
  this->PrevLinkedLibraries = libs;

void cmTarget::AddLinkDirectory(const char* d)
  // Make sure we don't add unnecessary search directories.

const std::vector<std::string>& cmTarget::GetLinkDirectories()
  return this->LinkDirectories;

cmTarget::LinkLibraryType cmTarget::ComputeLinkType(const char* config)
  // No configuration is always optimized.
  if(!(config && *config))
    return cmTarget::OPTIMIZED;

  // Get the list of configurations considered to be DEBUG.
  std::vector<std::string> const& debugConfigs =

  // Check if any entry in the list matches this configuration.
  std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = debugConfigs.begin();
      i != debugConfigs.end(); ++i)
    if(*i == configUpper)
      return cmTarget::DEBUG;

  // The current configuration is not a debug configuration.
  return cmTarget::OPTIMIZED;

void cmTarget::ClearDependencyInformation( cmMakefile& mf,
                                           const char* target )
  // Clear the dependencies. The cache variable must exist iff we are
  // recording dependency information for this target.
  std::string depname = target;
  depname += "_LIB_DEPENDS";
  if (this->RecordDependencies)
    mf.AddCacheDefinition(depname.c_str(), "",
                          "Dependencies for target", cmCacheManager::STATIC);
    if (mf.GetDefinition( depname.c_str() ))
      std::string message = "Target ";
      message += target;
      message += " has dependency information when it shouldn't.\n";
      message += "Your cache is probably stale. Please remove the entry\n  ";
      message += depname;
      message += "\nfrom the cache.";
      cmSystemTools::Error( message.c_str() );

bool cmTarget::NameResolvesToFramework(const std::string& libname)
  return this->GetMakefile()->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator()->

bool cmTarget::AddFramework(const std::string& libname, LinkLibraryType llt)
  (void)llt; // TODO: What is this?
    std::string frameworkDir = libname;
    frameworkDir += "/../";
    frameworkDir = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(frameworkDir.c_str());
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator i =
                this->Frameworks.end(), frameworkDir);
    if(i == this->Frameworks.end())
    return true;
  return false;

void cmTarget::AddLinkLibrary(cmMakefile& mf,
                              const char *target, const char* lib,
                              LinkLibraryType llt)
  // Never add a self dependency, even if the user asks for it.
  if(strcmp( target, lib ) == 0)
  this->AddFramework(lib, llt);
  cmTarget::LibraryID tmp;
  tmp.first = lib;
  tmp.second = llt;
  this->LinkLibraries.push_back( tmp );

  // Add the explicit dependency information for this target. This is
  // simply a set of libraries separated by ";". There should always
  // be a trailing ";". These library names are not canonical, in that
  // they may be "-framework x", "-ly", "/path/libz.a", etc.
  // We shouldn't remove duplicates here because external libraries
  // may be purposefully duplicated to handle recursive dependencies,
  // and we removing one instance will break the link line. Duplicates
  // will be appropriately eliminated at emit time.
    std::string targetEntry = target;
    targetEntry += "_LIB_DEPENDS";
    std::string dependencies;
    const char* old_val = mf.GetDefinition( targetEntry.c_str() );
    if( old_val )
      dependencies += old_val;
    switch (llt)
      case cmTarget::GENERAL:
        dependencies += "general";
      case cmTarget::DEBUG:
        dependencies += "debug";
      case cmTarget::OPTIMIZED:
        dependencies += "optimized";
    dependencies += ";";
    dependencies += lib;
    dependencies += ";";
    mf.AddCacheDefinition( targetEntry.c_str(), dependencies.c_str(),
                           "Dependencies for the target",
                           cmCacheManager::STATIC );


cmTarget::AnalyzeLibDependencies( const cmMakefile& mf )
  // There are two key parts of the dependency analysis: (1)
  // determining the libraries in the link line, and (2) constructing
  // the dependency graph for those libraries.
  // The latter is done using the cache entries that record the
  // dependencies of each library.
  // The former is a more thorny issue, since it is not clear how to
  // determine if two libraries listed on the link line refer to the a
  // single library or not. For example, consider the link "libraries"
  //    /usr/lib/libtiff.so -ltiff
  // Is this one library or two? The solution implemented here is the
  // simplest (and probably the only practical) one: two libraries are
  // the same if their "link strings" are identical. Thus, the two
  // libraries above are considered distinct. This also means that for
  // dependency analysis to be effective, the CMake user must specify
  // libraries build by his project without using any linker flags or
  // file extensions. That is,
  //    LINK_LIBRARIES( One Two )
  // instead of
  //    LINK_LIBRARIES( -lOne ${binarypath}/libTwo.a )
  // The former is probably what most users would do, but it never
  // hurts to document the assumptions. :-) Therefore, in the analysis
  // code, the "canonical name" of a library is simply its name as
  // given to a LINK_LIBRARIES command.
  // Also, we will leave the original link line intact; we will just add any
  // dependencies that were missing.
  // There is a problem with recursive external libraries
  // (i.e. libraries with no dependency information that are
  // recursively dependent). We must make sure that the we emit one of
  // the libraries twice to satisfy the recursion, but we shouldn't
  // emit it more times than necessary. In particular, we must make
  // sure that handling this improbable case doesn't cost us when
  // dealing with the common case of non-recursive libraries. The
  // solution is to assume that the recursion is satisfied at one node
  // of the dependency tree. To illustrate, assume libA and libB are
  // extrenal and mutually dependent. Suppose libX depends on
  // libA, and libY on libA and libX. Then
  // would result in "-lY -lX -lA -lB -lA". This is the correct way to
  // specify the dependencies, since the mutual dependency of A and B
  // is resolved *every time libA is specified*.
  // Something like
  // would result in "-lY -lX -lA -lB", and the mutual dependency
  // information is lost. This is because in some case (Y), the mutual
  // dependency of A and B is listed, while in another other case (X),
  // it is not. Depending on which line actually emits A, the mutual
  // dependency may or may not be on the final link line.  We can't
  // handle this pathalogical case cleanly without emitting extra
  // libraries for the normal cases. Besides, the dependency
  // information for X is wrong anyway: if we build an executable
  // depending on X alone, we would not have the mutual dependency on
  // A and B resolved.
  // -- The current algorithm will not always pick the "optimal" link line
  //    when recursive dependencies are present. It will instead break the
  //    cycles at an aribtrary point. The majority of projects won't have
  //    cyclic dependencies, so this is probably not a big deal. Note that
  //    the link line is always correct, just not necessary optimal.

 // Expand variables in link library names.  This is for backwards
 // compatibility with very early CMake versions and should
 // eventually be removed.  This code was moved here from the end of
 // old source list processing code which was called just before this
 // method.
 for(LinkLibraryVectorType::iterator p = this->LinkLibraries.begin();
     p != this->LinkLibraries.end(); ++p)
   this->Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(p->first, true, true);

 typedef std::vector< std::string > LinkLine;

 // The dependency map.
 DependencyMap dep_map;

 // 1. Build the dependency graph
 for(LinkLibraryVectorType::reverse_iterator lib
       = this->LinkLibraries.rbegin();
     lib != this->LinkLibraries.rend(); ++lib)
   this->GatherDependencies( mf, *lib, dep_map);

 // 2. Remove any dependencies that are already satisfied in the original
 // link line.
 for(LinkLibraryVectorType::iterator lib = this->LinkLibraries.begin();
     lib != this->LinkLibraries.end(); ++lib)
   for( LinkLibraryVectorType::iterator lib2 = lib;
        lib2 != this->LinkLibraries.end(); ++lib2)
     this->DeleteDependency( dep_map, *lib, *lib2);

 // 3. Create the new link line by simply emitting any dependencies that are
 // missing.  Start from the back and keep adding.
 std::set<DependencyMap::key_type> done, visited;
 std::vector<DependencyMap::key_type> newLinkLibraries;
 for(LinkLibraryVectorType::reverse_iterator lib =
     lib != this->LinkLibraries.rend(); ++lib)
   // skip zero size library entries, this may happen
   // if a variable expands to nothing.
   if (lib->first.size() != 0)
     this->Emit( *lib, dep_map, done, visited, newLinkLibraries );

 // 4. Add the new libraries to the link line.
 for( std::vector<DependencyMap::key_type>::reverse_iterator k =
      k != newLinkLibraries.rend(); ++k )
   // get the llt from the dep_map
   this->LinkLibraries.push_back( std::make_pair(k->first,k->second) );
 this->LinkLibrariesAnalyzed = true;

void cmTarget::InsertDependency( DependencyMap& depMap,
                                 const LibraryID& lib,
                                 const LibraryID& dep)

void cmTarget::DeleteDependency( DependencyMap& depMap,
                                 const LibraryID& lib,
                                 const LibraryID& dep)
  // Make sure there is an entry in the map for lib. If so, delete all
  // dependencies to dep. There may be repeated entries because of
  // external libraries that are specified multiple times.
  DependencyMap::iterator map_itr = depMap.find( lib );
  if( map_itr != depMap.end() )
    DependencyList& depList = map_itr->second;
    DependencyList::iterator itr;
    while( (itr = std::find(depList.begin(), depList.end(), dep)) !=
           depList.end() )
      depList.erase( itr );

void cmTarget::Emit(const LibraryID lib,
                    const DependencyMap& dep_map,
                    std::set<LibraryID>& emitted,
                    std::set<LibraryID>& visited,
                    DependencyList& link_line )
  // It's already been emitted
  if( emitted.find(lib) != emitted.end() )

  // Emit the dependencies only if this library node hasn't been
  // visited before. If it has, then we have a cycle. The recursion
  // that got us here should take care of everything.

  if( visited.insert(lib).second )
    if( dep_map.find(lib) != dep_map.end() ) // does it have dependencies?
      const DependencyList& dep_on = dep_map.find( lib )->second;
      DependencyList::const_reverse_iterator i;

      // To cater for recursive external libraries, we must emit
      // duplicates on this link line *unless* they were emitted by
      // some other node, in which case we assume that the recursion
      // was resolved then. We making the simplifying assumption that
      // any duplicates on a single link line are on purpose, and must
      // be preserved.

      // This variable will keep track of the libraries that were
      // emitted directory from the current node, and not from a
      // recursive call. This way, if we come across a library that
      // has already been emitted, we repeat it iff it has been
      // emitted here.
      std::set<DependencyMap::key_type> emitted_here;
      for( i = dep_on.rbegin(); i != dep_on.rend(); ++i )
        if( emitted_here.find(*i) != emitted_here.end() )
          // a repeat. Must emit.
          link_line.push_back( *i );
          // Emit only if no-one else has
          if( emitted.find(*i) == emitted.end() )
            // emit dependencies
            Emit( *i, dep_map, emitted, visited, link_line );
            // emit self
            link_line.push_back( *i );

void cmTarget::GatherDependencies( const cmMakefile& mf,
                                   const LibraryID& lib,
                                   DependencyMap& dep_map)
  // If the library is already in the dependency map, then it has
  // already been fully processed.
  if( dep_map.find(lib) != dep_map.end() )

  const char* deps = mf.GetDefinition( (lib.first+"_LIB_DEPENDS").c_str() );
  if( deps && strcmp(deps,"") != 0 )
    // Make sure this library is in the map, even if it has an empty
    // set of dependencies. This distinguishes the case of explicitly
    // no dependencies with that of unspecified dependencies.

    // Parse the dependency information, which is a set of
    // type, library pairs separated by ";". There is always a trailing ";".
    cmTarget::LinkLibraryType llt = cmTarget::GENERAL;
    std::string depline = deps;
    std::string::size_type start = 0;
    std::string::size_type end;
    end = depline.find( ";", start );
    while( end != std::string::npos )
      std::string l = depline.substr( start, end-start );
      if( l.size() != 0 )
        if (l == "debug")
          llt = cmTarget::DEBUG;
        else if (l == "optimized")
          llt = cmTarget::OPTIMIZED;
        else if (l == "general")
          llt = cmTarget::GENERAL;
          LibraryID lib2(l,llt);
          this->InsertDependency( dep_map, lib, lib2);
          this->GatherDependencies( mf, lib2, dep_map);
          llt = cmTarget::GENERAL;
      start = end+1; // skip the ;
      end = depline.find( ";", start );
    // cannot depend on itself
    this->DeleteDependency( dep_map, lib, lib);

void cmTarget::SetProperty(const char* prop, const char* value)
  if (!prop)

  this->Properties.SetProperty(prop, value, cmProperty::TARGET);

void cmTarget::AppendProperty(const char* prop, const char* value)
  if (!prop)
  this->Properties.AppendProperty(prop, value, cmProperty::TARGET);

void cmTarget::MaybeInvalidatePropertyCache(const char* prop)
  // Wipe wipe out maps caching information affected by this property.
  if(this->IsImported() && strncmp(prop, "IMPORTED", 8) == 0)
  if(!this->IsImported() && strncmp(prop, "LINK_INTERFACE_", 15) == 0)

static void cmTargetCheckLINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES(
  const char* prop, const char* value, cmMakefile* context, bool imported
  // Look for link-type keywords in the value.
  static cmsys::RegularExpression

  // Support imported and non-imported versions of the property.
  const char* base = (imported?

  // Report an error.
  cmOStringStream e;
  e << "Property " << prop << " may not contain link-type keyword \""
    << keys.match(2) << "\".  "
    << "The " << base << " property has a per-configuration "
    << "version called " << base << "_<CONFIG> which may be "
    << "used to specify per-configuration rules.";
    e << "  "
      << "Alternatively, an IMPORTED library may be created, configured "
      << "with a per-configuration location, and then named in the "
      << "property value.  "
      << "See the add_library command's IMPORTED mode for details."
      << "\n"
      << "If you have a list of libraries that already contains the "
      << "keyword, use the target_link_libraries command with its "
      << "LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES mode to set the property.  "
      << "The command automatically recognizes link-type keywords and sets "
      << "properties accordingly.";
  context->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str());

void cmTarget::CheckProperty(const char* prop, cmMakefile* context)
  // Certain properties need checking.
  if(strncmp(prop, "LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES", 24) == 0)
    if(const char* value = this->GetProperty(prop))
      cmTargetCheckLINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES(prop, value, context, false);
  if(strncmp(prop, "IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES", 33) == 0)
    if(const char* value = this->GetProperty(prop))
      cmTargetCheckLINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES(prop, value, context, true);

void cmTarget::MarkAsImported()
  this->IsImportedTarget = true;

cmTarget::OutputInfo const* cmTarget::GetOutputInfo(const char* config)
  // There is no output information for imported targets.
    return 0;

  // Only libraries and executables have well-defined output files.
  if(this->GetType() != cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY &&
     this->GetType() != cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
     this->GetType() != cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY &&
     this->GetType() != cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
    std::string msg = "cmTarget::GetOutputInfo called for ";
    msg += this->GetName();
    msg += " which has type ";
    msg += cmTarget::TargetTypeNames[this->GetType()];
    this->GetMakefile()->IssueMessage(cmake::INTERNAL_ERROR, msg);
    return 0;

  // Lookup/compute/cache the output information for this configuration.
  std::string config_upper;
  if(config && *config)
    config_upper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
  typedef cmTargetInternals::OutputInfoMapType OutputInfoMapType;
  OutputInfoMapType::const_iterator i =
  if(i == this->Internal->OutputInfoMap.end())
    OutputInfo info;
    this->ComputeOutputDir(config, false, info.OutDir);
    this->ComputeOutputDir(config, true, info.ImpDir);
    OutputInfoMapType::value_type entry(config_upper, info);
    i = this->Internal->OutputInfoMap.insert(entry).first;
  return &i->second;

std::string cmTarget::GetDirectory(const char* config, bool implib)
  if (this->IsImported())
    // Return the directory from which the target is imported.
      this->ImportedGetFullPath(config, implib));
  else if(OutputInfo const* info = this->GetOutputInfo(config))
    // Return the directory in which the target will be built.
    return implib? info->ImpDir : info->OutDir;
  return "";

const char* cmTarget::GetLocation(const char* config)
  if (this->IsImported())
    return this->ImportedGetLocation(config);
    return this->NormalGetLocation(config);

const char* cmTarget::ImportedGetLocation(const char* config)
  this->Location = this->ImportedGetFullPath(config, false);
  return this->Location.c_str();

const char* cmTarget::NormalGetLocation(const char* config)
  // Handle the configuration-specific case first.
    this->Location = this->GetFullPath(config, false);
    return this->Location.c_str();

  // Now handle the deprecated build-time configuration location.
  this->Location = this->GetDirectory();
    this->Location += "/";
  const char* cfgid = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR");
  if(cfgid && strcmp(cfgid, ".") != 0)
    this->Location += cfgid;
    this->Location += "/";
    this->Location += this->GetFullName(config, false);
    this->Location += ".app/Contents/MacOS/";
    this->Location += this->GetFullName(config, false);
    this->Location += ".framework/Versions/";
    this->Location += this->GetFrameworkVersion();
    this->Location += "/";
  this->Location += this->GetFullName(config, false);
  return this->Location.c_str();

void cmTarget::GetTargetVersion(int& major, int& minor)
  int patch;
  this->GetTargetVersion(false, major, minor, patch);

void cmTarget::GetTargetVersion(bool soversion,
                                int& major, int& minor, int& patch)
  // Set the default values.
  major = 0;
  minor = 0;
  patch = 0;

  // Look for a VERSION or SOVERSION property.
  const char* prop = soversion? "SOVERSION" : "VERSION";
  if(const char* version = this->GetProperty(prop))
    // Try to parse the version number and store the results that were
    // successfully parsed.
    int parsed_major;
    int parsed_minor;
    int parsed_patch;
    switch(sscanf(version, "%d.%d.%d",
                  &parsed_major, &parsed_minor, &parsed_patch))
      case 3: patch = parsed_patch; // no break!
      case 2: minor = parsed_minor; // no break!
      case 1: major = parsed_major; // no break!
      default: break;

const char* cmTarget::GetFeature(const char* feature, const char* config)
  if(config && *config)
    std::string featureConfig = feature;
    featureConfig += "_";
    featureConfig += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
    if(const char* value = this->GetProperty(featureConfig.c_str()))
      return value;
  if(const char* value = this->GetProperty(feature))
    return value;
  return this->Makefile->GetFeature(feature, config);

const char *cmTarget::GetProperty(const char* prop)
  return this->GetProperty(prop, cmProperty::TARGET);

void cmTarget::ComputeObjectFiles()
  if (this->IsImported())
#if 0
  std::vector<std::string> dirs;
  std::string objectFiles;
  std::string objExtensionLookup1 = "CMAKE_";
  std::string objExtensionLookup2 = "_OUTPUT_EXTENSION";

  for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator d = dirs.begin();
      d != dirs.end(); ++d)
    for(std::vector<cmSourceFile*>::iterator s = this->SourceFiles.begin();
        s != this->SourceFiles.end(); ++s)
      cmSourceFile* sf = *s;
      if(const char* lang = sf->GetLanguage())
        std::string lookupObj = objExtensionLookup1 + lang;
        lookupObj += objExtensionLookup2;
        const char* obj = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(lookupObj.c_str());
            objectFiles += ";";
          std::string objFile = *d;
          objFile += "/";
          objFile += this->Makefile->GetLocalGenerator()->
          objFile += obj;
          objectFiles += objFile;
  this->SetProperty("OBJECT_FILES", objectFiles.c_str());

const char *cmTarget::GetProperty(const char* prop,
                                  cmProperty::ScopeType scope)
    return 0;

  // Watch for special "computed" properties that are dependent on
  // other properties or variables.  Always recompute them.
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE ||
     this->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY ||
     this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
     this->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY ||
     this->GetType() == cmTarget::UNKNOWN_LIBRARY)
    if(strcmp(prop,"LOCATION") == 0)
      // Set the LOCATION property of the target.
      // For an imported target this is the location of an arbitrary
      // available configuration.
      // For a non-imported target this is deprecated because it
      // cannot take into account the per-configuration name of the
      // target because the configuration type may not be known at
      // CMake time.
      this->SetProperty("LOCATION", this->GetLocation(0));

    // Support "LOCATION_<CONFIG>".
    if(strncmp(prop, "LOCATION_", 9) == 0)
      std::string configName = prop+9;
      this->SetProperty(prop, this->GetLocation(configName.c_str()));
      // Support "<CONFIG>_LOCATION" for compatiblity.
      int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(prop));
      if(len > 9 && strcmp(prop+len-9, "_LOCATION") == 0)
        std::string configName(prop, len-9);
        if(configName != "IMPORTED")
          this->SetProperty(prop, this->GetLocation(configName.c_str()));

  if (strcmp(prop,"IMPORTED") == 0)
    return this->IsImported()?"TRUE":"FALSE";

    cmOStringStream ss;
    const char* sep = "";
          i = this->SourceFiles.begin();
        i != this->SourceFiles.end(); ++i)
      // Separate from the previous list entries.
      ss << sep;
      sep = ";";

      // Construct what is known about this source file location.
      cmSourceFileLocation const& location = (*i)->GetLocation();
      std::string sname = location.GetDirectory();
        sname += "/";
      sname += location.GetName();

      // Append this list entry.
      ss << sname;
    this->SetProperty("SOURCES", ss.str().c_str());

  // the type property returns what type the target is
  if (!strcmp(prop,"TYPE"))
    switch( this->GetType() )
      case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY:
        return "STATIC_LIBRARY";
        // break; /* unreachable */
      case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY:
        return "MODULE_LIBRARY";
        // break; /* unreachable */
      case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY:
        return "SHARED_LIBRARY";
        // break; /* unreachable */
      case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE:
        return "EXECUTABLE";
        // break; /* unreachable */
      case cmTarget::UTILITY:
        return "UTILITY";
        // break; /* unreachable */
      case cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET:
        return "GLOBAL_TARGET";
        // break; /* unreachable */
      case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES:
        return "INSTALL_FILES";
        // break; /* unreachable */
      case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS:
        return "INSTALL_PROGRAMS";
        // break; /* unreachable */
      case cmTarget::INSTALL_DIRECTORY:
        return "INSTALL_DIRECTORY";
        // break; /* unreachable */
      case cmTarget::UNKNOWN_LIBRARY:
        return "UNKNOWN_LIBRARY";
        // break; /* unreachable */
    return 0;
  bool chain = false;
  const char *retVal =
    this->Properties.GetPropertyValue(prop, scope, chain);
  if (chain)
    return this->Makefile->GetProperty(prop,scope);
  return retVal;

bool cmTarget::GetPropertyAsBool(const char* prop)
  return cmSystemTools::IsOn(this->GetProperty(prop));

class cmTargetCollectLinkLanguages
  cmTargetCollectLinkLanguages(cmTarget* target, const char* config,
                               std::set<cmStdString>& languages):
    Config(config), Languages(languages) { this->Visited.insert(target); }
  void Visit(cmTarget* target)
    if(!target || !this->Visited.insert(target).second)

    cmTarget::LinkInterface const* iface =
    if(!iface) { return; }

          li = iface->Languages.begin(); li != iface->Languages.end(); ++li)

    cmMakefile* mf = target->GetMakefile();
          li = iface->Libraries.begin(); li != iface->Libraries.end(); ++li)
  const char* Config;
  std::set<cmStdString>& Languages;
  std::set<cmTarget*> Visited;

const char* cmTarget::GetLinkerLanguage(const char* config)
  const char* lang = this->GetLinkClosure(config)->LinkerLanguage.c_str();
  return *lang? lang : 0;

cmTarget::LinkClosure const* cmTarget::GetLinkClosure(const char* config)
  std::string key = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config? config : "");
    i = this->Internal->LinkClosureMap.find(key);
  if(i == this->Internal->LinkClosureMap.end())
    LinkClosure lc;
    this->ComputeLinkClosure(config, lc);
    cmTargetInternals::LinkClosureMapType::value_type entry(key, lc);
    i = this->Internal->LinkClosureMap.insert(entry).first;
  return &i->second;

class cmTargetSelectLinker
  int Preference;
  cmTarget* Target;
  cmMakefile* Makefile;
  cmGlobalGenerator* GG;
  std::set<cmStdString> Preferred;
  cmTargetSelectLinker(cmTarget* target): Preference(0), Target(target)
    this->Makefile = this->Target->GetMakefile();
    this->GG = this->Makefile->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator();
  void Consider(const char* lang)
    int preference = this->GG->GetLinkerPreference(lang);
    if(preference > this->Preference)
      this->Preference = preference;
    if(preference == this->Preference)
  std::string Choose()
      return "";
    else if(this->Preferred.size() > 1)
      cmOStringStream e;
      e << "Target " << this->Target->GetName()
        << " contains multiple languages with the highest linker preference"
        << " (" << this->Preference << "):\n";
            li = this->Preferred.begin(); li != this->Preferred.end(); ++li)
        e << "  " << *li << "\n";
      e << "Set the LINKER_LANGUAGE property for this target.";
      cmake* cm = this->Makefile->GetCMakeInstance();
      cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str(),
    return *this->Preferred.begin();

void cmTarget::ComputeLinkClosure(const char* config, LinkClosure& lc)
  // Get languages built in this target.
  std::set<cmStdString> languages;
  LinkImplementation const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementation(config);
  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator li = impl->Languages.begin();
      li != impl->Languages.end(); ++li)

  // Add interface languages from linked targets.
  cmTargetCollectLinkLanguages cll(this, config, languages);
  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator li = impl->Libraries.begin();
      li != impl->Libraries.end(); ++li)

  // Store the transitive closure of languages.
  for(std::set<cmStdString>::const_iterator li = languages.begin();
      li != languages.end(); ++li)

  // Choose the language whose linker should be used.
    lc.LinkerLanguage = "CXX";
  else if(const char* linkerLang = this->GetProperty("LINKER_LANGUAGE"))
    lc.LinkerLanguage = linkerLang;
    // Find the language with the highest preference value.
    cmTargetSelectLinker tsl(this);

    // First select from the languages compiled directly in this target.
    for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator li = impl->Languages.begin();
        li != impl->Languages.end(); ++li)

    // Now consider languages that propagate from linked targets.
    for(std::set<cmStdString>::const_iterator sit = languages.begin();
        sit != languages.end(); ++sit)
      std::string propagates = "CMAKE_"+*sit+"_LINKER_PREFERENCE_PROPAGATES";

    lc.LinkerLanguage = tsl.Choose();

const char* cmTarget::GetCreateRuleVariable()
    case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY:
      return "_CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY";
    case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY:
      return "_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY";
    case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY:
      return "_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE";
    case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE:
      return "_LINK_EXECUTABLE";
  return "";

const char* cmTarget::GetSuffixVariableInternal(bool implib)
    case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY:
    case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY:
      return (implib
    case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY:
      return (implib
              : "CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX");
    case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE:
      return (implib
              : "CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX");
  return "";

const char* cmTarget::GetPrefixVariableInternal(bool implib)
    case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY:
    case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY:
      return (implib
    case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY:
      return (implib
              : "CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX");
    case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE:
      return (implib? "CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_PREFIX" : "");
  return "";

std::string cmTarget::GetPDBName(const char* config)
  std::string prefix;
  std::string base;
  std::string suffix;
  this->GetFullNameInternal(config, false, prefix, base, suffix);
  return prefix+base+".pdb";

std::string cmTarget::GetSOName(const char* config)
    // Lookup the imported soname.
    if(cmTarget::ImportInfo const* info = this->GetImportInfo(config))
        // The imported library has no builtin soname so the name
        // searched at runtime will be just the filename.
        return cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(info->Location);
        // Use the soname given if any.
        return info->SOName;
      return "";
    // Compute the soname that will be built.
    std::string name;
    std::string soName;
    std::string realName;
    std::string impName;
    std::string pdbName;
    this->GetLibraryNames(name, soName, realName, impName, pdbName, config);
    return soName;

bool cmTarget::IsImportedSharedLibWithoutSOName(const char* config)
  if(this->IsImported() && this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY)
    if(cmTarget::ImportInfo const* info = this->GetImportInfo(config))
      return info->NoSOName;
  return false;

std::string cmTarget::NormalGetRealName(const char* config)
  // This should not be called for imported targets.
  // TODO: Split cmTarget into a class hierarchy to get compile-time
  // enforcement of the limited imported target API.
    std::string msg =  "NormalGetRealName called on imported target: ";
    msg += this->GetName();

  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
    // Compute the real name that will be built.
    std::string name;
    std::string realName;
    std::string impName;
    std::string pdbName;
    this->GetExecutableNames(name, realName, impName, pdbName, config);
    return realName;
    // Compute the real name that will be built.
    std::string name;
    std::string soName;
    std::string realName;
    std::string impName;
    std::string pdbName;
    this->GetLibraryNames(name, soName, realName, impName, pdbName, config);
    return realName;

std::string cmTarget::GetFullName(const char* config, bool implib)
    return this->GetFullNameImported(config, implib);
    return this->GetFullNameInternal(config, implib);

std::string cmTarget::GetFullNameImported(const char* config, bool implib)
  return cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(
    this->ImportedGetFullPath(config, implib));

void cmTarget::GetFullNameComponents(std::string& prefix, std::string& base,
                                     std::string& suffix, const char* config,
                                     bool implib)
  this->GetFullNameInternal(config, implib, prefix, base, suffix);

std::string cmTarget::GetFullPath(const char* config, bool implib,
                                  bool realname)
    return this->ImportedGetFullPath(config, implib);
    return this->NormalGetFullPath(config, implib, realname);

std::string cmTarget::NormalGetFullPath(const char* config, bool implib,
                                        bool realname)
  // Start with the output directory for the target.
  std::string fpath = this->GetDirectory(config, implib);
  fpath += "/";

    fpath += this->GetFullName(config, false);
    fpath += ".app/Contents/MacOS/";
    fpath += this->GetFullName(config, false);
    fpath += ".framework/Versions/";
    fpath += this->GetFrameworkVersion();
    fpath += "/";

  // Add the full name of the target.
    fpath += this->GetFullName(config, true);
  else if(realname)
    fpath += this->NormalGetRealName(config);
    fpath += this->GetFullName(config, false);
  return fpath;

std::string cmTarget::ImportedGetFullPath(const char* config, bool implib)
  std::string result;
  if(cmTarget::ImportInfo const* info = this->GetImportInfo(config))
    result = implib? info->ImportLibrary : info->Location;
    result = this->GetName();
    result += "-NOTFOUND";
  return result;

std::string cmTarget::GetFullNameInternal(const char* config, bool implib)
  std::string prefix;
  std::string base;
  std::string suffix;
  this->GetFullNameInternal(config, implib, prefix, base, suffix);
  return prefix+base+suffix;

void cmTarget::GetFullNameInternal(const char* config,
                                   bool implib,
                                   std::string& outPrefix,
                                   std::string& outBase,
                                   std::string& outSuffix)
  // Use just the target name for non-main target types.
  if(this->GetType() != cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY &&
     this->GetType() != cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
     this->GetType() != cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY &&
     this->GetType() != cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
    outPrefix = "";
    outBase = this->GetName();
    outSuffix = "";

  // Return an empty name for the import library if this platform
  // does not support import libraries.
  if(implib &&
    outPrefix = "";
    outBase = "";
    outSuffix = "";

  // The implib option is only allowed for shared libraries, module
  // libraries, and executables.
  if(this->GetType() != cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
     this->GetType() != cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY &&
     this->GetType() != cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
    implib = false;

  // Compute the full name for main target types.
  const char* targetPrefix = (implib
                              ? this->GetProperty("IMPORT_PREFIX")
                              : this->GetProperty("PREFIX"));
  const char* targetSuffix = (implib
                              ? this->GetProperty("IMPORT_SUFFIX")
                              : this->GetProperty("SUFFIX"));
  const char* configPostfix = 0;
  if(config && *config)
    std::string configProp = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
    configProp += "_POSTFIX";
    configPostfix = this->GetProperty(configProp.c_str());
    // Mac application bundles and frameworks have no postfix.
    if(configPostfix &&
       (this->IsAppBundleOnApple() || this->IsFrameworkOnApple()))
      configPostfix = 0;
  const char* prefixVar = this->GetPrefixVariableInternal(implib);
  const char* suffixVar = this->GetSuffixVariableInternal(implib);

  // Check for language-specific default prefix and suffix.
  if(const char* ll = this->GetLinkerLanguage(config))
    if(!targetSuffix && suffixVar && *suffixVar)
      std::string langSuff = suffixVar + std::string("_") + ll;
      targetSuffix = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(langSuff.c_str());
    if(!targetPrefix && prefixVar && *prefixVar)
      std::string langPrefix = prefixVar + std::string("_") + ll;
      targetPrefix = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(langPrefix.c_str());

  // if there is no prefix on the target use the cmake definition
  if(!targetPrefix && prefixVar)
    targetPrefix = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(prefixVar);
  // if there is no suffix on the target use the cmake definition
  if(!targetSuffix && suffixVar)
    targetSuffix = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(suffixVar);

  // frameworks do not have a prefix or a suffix
    targetPrefix = 0;
    targetSuffix = 0;

  // Begin the final name with the prefix.
  outPrefix = targetPrefix?targetPrefix:"";

  // Append the target name or property-specified name.
  outBase += this->GetOutputName(config, implib);

  // Append the per-configuration postfix.
  outBase += configPostfix?configPostfix:"";

  // Name shared libraries with their version number on some platforms.
  if(const char* soversion = this->GetProperty("SOVERSION"))
    if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY && !implib &&
      outBase += "-";
      outBase += soversion;

  // Append the suffix.
  outSuffix = targetSuffix?targetSuffix:"";

void cmTarget::GetLibraryNames(std::string& name,
                               std::string& soName,
                               std::string& realName,
                               std::string& impName,
                               std::string& pdbName,
                               const char* config)
  // This should not be called for imported targets.
  // TODO: Split cmTarget into a class hierarchy to get compile-time
  // enforcement of the limited imported target API.
    std::string msg =  "GetLibraryNames called on imported target: ";
    msg += this->GetName();

  // Construct the name of the soname flag variable for this language.
  const char* ll = this->GetLinkerLanguage(config);
  std::string sonameFlag = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SONAME";
    sonameFlag += "_";
    sonameFlag += ll;
  sonameFlag += "_FLAG";

  // Check for library version properties.
  const char* version = this->GetProperty("VERSION");
  const char* soversion = this->GetProperty("SOVERSION");
  if((this->GetType() != cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
      this->GetType() != cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) ||
     !this->Makefile->GetDefinition(sonameFlag.c_str()) ||
    // Versioning is supported only for shared libraries and modules,
    // and then only when the platform supports an soname flag.
    version = 0;
    soversion = 0;
  if(version && !soversion)
    // The soversion must be set if the library version is set.  Use
    // the library version as the soversion.
    soversion = version;
  bool isApple = this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE");

  // Get the components of the library name.
  std::string prefix;
  std::string base;
  std::string suffix;
  this->GetFullNameInternal(config, false, prefix, base, suffix);

  // The library name.
  name = prefix+base+suffix;

  // The library's soname.
    soName = prefix+base;
    soName = name;
    soName += ".";
    soName += soversion;
    soName += suffix;

  // The library's real name on disk.
    realName = prefix+base;
  realName = name;
    realName += ".";
    realName += version;
  else if(soversion)
    realName += ".";
    realName += soversion;
    realName += suffix;

  // The import library name.
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
     this->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)
    impName = this->GetFullNameInternal(config, true);
    impName = "";

  // The program database file name.
  pdbName = prefix+base+".pdb";

void cmTarget::GetExecutableNames(std::string& name,
                                  std::string& realName,
                                  std::string& impName,
                                  std::string& pdbName,
                                  const char* config)
  // This should not be called for imported targets.
  // TODO: Split cmTarget into a class hierarchy to get compile-time
  // enforcement of the limited imported target API.
    std::string msg =
      "GetExecutableNames called on imported target: ";
    msg += this->GetName();
    this->GetMakefile()->IssueMessage(cmake::INTERNAL_ERROR, msg.c_str());

  // This versioning is supported only for executables and then only
  // when the platform supports symbolic links.
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
  const char* version = 0;
  // Check for executable version properties.
  const char* version = this->GetProperty("VERSION");
  if(this->GetType() != cmTarget::EXECUTABLE || this->Makefile->IsOn("XCODE"))
    version = 0;

  // Get the components of the executable name.
  std::string prefix;
  std::string base;
  std::string suffix;
  this->GetFullNameInternal(config, false, prefix, base, suffix);

  // The executable name.
  name = prefix+base+suffix;

  // The executable's real name on disk.
#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
  realName = prefix+base;
  realName = name;
    realName += "-";
    realName += version;
#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
  realName += suffix;

  // The import library name.
  impName = this->GetFullNameInternal(config, true);

  // The program database file name.
  pdbName = prefix+base+".pdb";

void cmTarget::GenerateTargetManifest(const char* config)
  cmMakefile* mf = this->Makefile;
  cmLocalGenerator* lg = mf->GetLocalGenerator();
  cmGlobalGenerator* gg = lg->GetGlobalGenerator();

  // Get the names.
  std::string name;
  std::string soName;
  std::string realName;
  std::string impName;
  std::string pdbName;
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
    this->GetExecutableNames(name, realName, impName, pdbName, config);
  else if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY ||
          this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
          this->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)
    this->GetLibraryNames(name, soName, realName, impName, pdbName, config);

  // Get the directory.
  std::string dir = this->GetDirectory(config, false);

  // Add each name.
  std::string f;
    f = dir;
    f += "/";
    f += name;
    gg->AddToManifest(config? config:"", f);
    f = dir;
    f += "/";
    f += soName;
    gg->AddToManifest(config? config:"", f);
    f = dir;
    f += "/";
    f += realName;
    gg->AddToManifest(config? config:"", f);
    f = dir;
    f += "/";
    f += pdbName;
    gg->AddToManifest(config? config:"", f);
    f = this->GetDirectory(config, true);
    f += "/";
    f += impName;
    gg->AddToManifest(config? config:"", f);

void cmTarget::SetPropertyDefault(const char* property,
                                  const char* default_value)
  // Compute the name of the variable holding the default value.
  std::string var = "CMAKE_";
  var += property;

  if(const char* value = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(var.c_str()))
    this->SetProperty(property, value);
  else if(default_value)
    this->SetProperty(property, default_value);

bool cmTarget::HaveBuildTreeRPATH()
  return (!this->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_BUILD_RPATH") &&

bool cmTarget::HaveInstallTreeRPATH()
  const char* install_rpath = this->GetProperty("INSTALL_RPATH");
  return install_rpath && *install_rpath;

bool cmTarget::NeedRelinkBeforeInstall(const char* config)
  // Only executables and shared libraries can have an rpath and may
  // need relinking.
  if(this->TargetTypeValue != cmTarget::EXECUTABLE &&
     this->TargetTypeValue != cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
     this->TargetTypeValue != cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)
    return false;

  // If there is no install location this target will not be installed
  // and therefore does not need relinking.
    return false;

  // If skipping all rpaths completely then no relinking is needed.
    return false;

  // If building with the install-tree rpath no relinking is needed.
    return false;

  // If chrpath is going to be used no relinking is needed.
    return false;

  // Check for rpath support on this platform.
  if(const char* ll = this->GetLinkerLanguage(config))
    std::string flagVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_";
    flagVar += ll;
    flagVar += "_FLAG";
      // There is no rpath support on this platform so nothing needs
      // relinking.
      return false;
    // No linker language is known.  This error will be reported by
    // other code.
    return false;

  // If either a build or install tree rpath is set then the rpath
  // will likely change between the build tree and install tree and
  // this target must be relinked.
  return this->HaveBuildTreeRPATH() || this->HaveInstallTreeRPATH();

std::string cmTarget::GetInstallNameDirForBuildTree(const char* config,
                                                    bool for_xcode)
  // If building directly for installation then the build tree install_name
  // is the same as the install tree.
    return GetInstallNameDirForInstallTree(config, for_xcode);

  // Use the build tree directory for the target.
  if(this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_PLATFORM_HAS_INSTALLNAME") &&
     !this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH") &&
    std::string dir = this->GetDirectory(config);
    dir += "/";
    if(this->IsFrameworkOnApple() && !for_xcode)
      dir += this->GetFullName(config, false);
      dir += ".framework/Versions/";
      dir += this->GetFrameworkVersion();
      dir += "/";
    return dir;
    return "";

std::string cmTarget::GetInstallNameDirForInstallTree(const char* config,
                                                      bool for_xcode)
    std::string dir;

      const char* install_name_dir = this->GetProperty("INSTALL_NAME_DIR");
      if(install_name_dir && *install_name_dir)
        dir = install_name_dir;
        dir += "/";

    if(this->IsFrameworkOnApple() && !for_xcode)
      dir += this->GetFullName(config, false);
      dir += ".framework/Versions/";
      dir += this->GetFrameworkVersion();
      dir += "/";

    return dir;
    return "";

const char* cmTarget::GetOutputTargetType(bool implib)
    case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY:
          // A DLL import library is treated as an archive target.
          return "ARCHIVE";
          // A DLL shared library is treated as a runtime target.
          return "RUNTIME";
        // For non-DLL platforms shared libraries are treated as
        // library targets.
        return "LIBRARY";
    case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY:
      // Static libraries are always treated as archive targets.
      return "ARCHIVE";
    case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY:
        // Module libraries are always treated as library targets.
        return "ARCHIVE";
        // Module import libraries are treated as archive targets.
        return "LIBRARY";
    case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE:
        // Executable import libraries are treated as archive targets.
        return "ARCHIVE";
        // Executables are always treated as runtime targets.
        return "RUNTIME";
  return "";

void cmTarget::ComputeOutputDir(const char* config,
                                bool implib, std::string& out)
  // Look for a target property defining the target output directory
  // based on the target type.
  std::string targetTypeName = this->GetOutputTargetType(implib);
  const char* propertyName = 0;
  std::string propertyNameStr = targetTypeName;
    propertyNameStr += "_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY";
    propertyName = propertyNameStr.c_str();

  // Check for a per-configuration output directory target property.
  std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config? config : "");
  const char* configProp = 0;
  std::string configPropStr = targetTypeName;
    configPropStr += "_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_";
    configPropStr += configUpper;
    configProp = configPropStr.c_str();

  // Select an output directory.
  if(const char* config_outdir = this->GetProperty(configProp))
    // Use the user-specified per-configuration output directory.
    out = config_outdir;

    // Skip per-configuration subdirectory.
    config = 0;
  else if(const char* outdir = this->GetProperty(propertyName))
    // Use the user-specified output directory.
    out = outdir;
  else if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
    // Lookup the output path for executables.
    out = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH");
  else if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY ||
          this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
          this->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)
    // Lookup the output path for libraries.
    out = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH");
    // Default to the current output directory.
    out = ".";

  // Convert the output path to a full path in case it is
  // specified as a relative path.  Treat a relative path as
  // relative to the current output directory for this makefile.
  out = (cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath
         (out.c_str(), this->Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory()));

  // The generator may add the configuration's subdirectory.
  if(config && *config)
      AppendDirectoryForConfig("/", config, "", out);

std::string cmTarget::GetOutputName(const char* config, bool implib)
  std::vector<std::string> props;
  std::string type = this->GetOutputTargetType(implib);
  std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config? config : "");
  if(!type.empty() && !configUpper.empty())
    props.push_back(type + "_OUTPUT_NAME_" + configUpper);
    props.push_back(type + "_OUTPUT_NAME");
    props.push_back("OUTPUT_NAME_" + configUpper);
    props.push_back(configUpper + "_OUTPUT_NAME");

  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = props.begin();
      i != props.end(); ++i)
    if(const char* outName = this->GetProperty(i->c_str()))
      return outName;
  return this->GetName();

std::string cmTarget::GetFrameworkVersion()
  if(const char* fversion = this->GetProperty("FRAMEWORK_VERSION"))
    return fversion;
  else if(const char* tversion = this->GetProperty("VERSION"))
    return tversion;
    return "A";

const char* cmTarget::GetExportMacro()
  // Define the symbol for targets that export symbols.
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
     this->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY ||
    if(const char* custom_export_name = this->GetProperty("DEFINE_SYMBOL"))
      this->ExportMacro = custom_export_name;
      std::string in = this->GetName();
      in += "_EXPORTS";
      this->ExportMacro = cmSystemTools::MakeCindentifier(in.c_str());
    return this->ExportMacro.c_str();
    return 0;

void cmTarget::GetLanguages(std::set<cmStdString>& languages) const
        i = this->SourceFiles.begin(); i != this->SourceFiles.end(); ++i)
    if(const char* lang = (*i)->GetLanguage())

void cmTarget::GetAppleArchs(const char* config,
                             std::vector<std::string>& archVec)
  const char* archs = 0;
  if(config && *config)
    std::string defVarName = "OSX_ARCHITECTURES_";
    defVarName += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
    archs = this->GetProperty(defVarName.c_str());
    archs = this->GetProperty("OSX_ARCHITECTURES");
    cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(std::string(archs), archVec);

bool cmTarget::IsChrpathUsed(const char* config)
  // Only certain target types have an rpath.
  if(!(this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
       this->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY ||
       this->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE))
    return false;

  // If the target will not be installed we do not need to change its
  // rpath.
    return false;

  // Skip chrpath if skipping rpath altogether.
    return false;

  // Skip chrpath if it does not need to be changed at install time.
    return false;

  // Allow the user to disable builtin chrpath explicitly.
    return false;

  // Enable if the rpath flag uses a separator and the target uses ELF
  // binaries.
  if(const char* ll = this->GetLinkerLanguage(config))
    std::string sepVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_";
    sepVar += ll;
    sepVar += "_FLAG_SEP";
    const char* sep = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(sepVar.c_str());
    if(sep && *sep)
      // TODO: Add ELF check to ABI detection and get rid of
      if(const char* fmt =
        return strcmp(fmt, "ELF") == 0;
  return false;

cmTarget::ImportInfo const*
cmTarget::GetImportInfo(const char* config)
  // There is no imported information for non-imported targets.
    return 0;

  // Lookup/compute/cache the import information for this
  // configuration.
  std::string config_upper;
  if(config && *config)
    config_upper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
    config_upper = "NOCONFIG";
  typedef cmTargetInternals::ImportInfoMapType ImportInfoMapType;
  ImportInfoMapType::const_iterator i =
  if(i == this->Internal->ImportInfoMap.end())
    ImportInfo info;
    this->ComputeImportInfo(config_upper, info);
    ImportInfoMapType::value_type entry(config_upper, info);
    i = this->Internal->ImportInfoMap.insert(entry).first;

  // If the location is empty then the target is not available for
  // this configuration.
  if(i->second.Location.empty() && i->second.ImportLibrary.empty())
    return 0;

  // Return the import information.
  return &i->second;

void cmTarget::ComputeImportInfo(std::string const& desired_config,
                                 ImportInfo& info)
  // This method finds information about an imported target from its
  // properties.  The "IMPORTED_" namespace is reserved for properties
  // defined by the project exporting the target.

  // Initialize members.
  info.NoSOName = false;

  // Track the configuration-specific property suffix.
  std::string suffix = "_";
  suffix += desired_config;

  // On a DLL platform there may be only IMPORTED_IMPLIB for a shared
  // library or an executable with exports.
  bool allowImp = this->HasImportLibrary();

  // Look for a mapping from the current project's configuration to
  // the imported project's configuration.
  std::vector<std::string> mappedConfigs;
  std::string mapProp = "MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_";
  mapProp += desired_config;
  if(const char* mapValue = this->GetProperty(mapProp.c_str()))
    cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(mapValue, mappedConfigs);

  // If a mapping was found, check its configurations.
  const char* loc = 0;
  const char* imp = 0;
  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator mci = mappedConfigs.begin();
      !loc && !imp && mci != mappedConfigs.end(); ++mci)
    // Look for this configuration.
    std::string mcUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(mci->c_str());
    std::string locProp = "IMPORTED_LOCATION_";
    locProp += mcUpper;
    loc = this->GetProperty(locProp.c_str());
      std::string impProp = "IMPORTED_IMPLIB_";
      impProp += mcUpper;
      imp = this->GetProperty(impProp.c_str());

    // If it was found, use it for all properties below.
    if(loc || imp)
      suffix = "_";
      suffix += mcUpper;

  // If we needed to find one of the mapped configurations but did not
  // then the target is not found.  The project does not want any
  // other configuration.
  if(!mappedConfigs.empty() && !loc && !imp)

  // If we have not yet found it then there are no mapped
  // configurations.  Look for an exact-match.
  if(!loc && !imp)
    std::string locProp = "IMPORTED_LOCATION";
    locProp += suffix;
    loc = this->GetProperty(locProp.c_str());
      std::string impProp = "IMPORTED_IMPLIB";
      impProp += suffix;
      imp = this->GetProperty(impProp.c_str());

  // If we have not yet found it then there are no mapped
  // configurations and no exact match.
  if(!loc && !imp)
    // The suffix computed above is not useful.
    suffix = "";

    // Look for a configuration-less location.  This may be set by
    // manually-written code.
    loc = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_LOCATION");
      imp = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_IMPLIB");

  // If we have not yet found it then the project is willing to try
  // any available configuration.
  if(!loc && !imp)
    std::vector<std::string> availableConfigs;
    if(const char* iconfigs = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS"))
      cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(iconfigs, availableConfigs);
          aci = availableConfigs.begin();
        !loc && !imp && aci != availableConfigs.end(); ++aci)
      suffix = "_";
      suffix += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(*aci);
      std::string locProp = "IMPORTED_LOCATION";
      locProp += suffix;
      loc = this->GetProperty(locProp.c_str());
        std::string impProp = "IMPORTED_IMPLIB";
        impProp += suffix;
        imp = this->GetProperty(impProp.c_str());

  // If we have not yet found it then the target is not available.
  if(!loc && !imp)

  // A provided configuration has been chosen.  Load the
  // configuration's properties.

  // Get the location.
    info.Location = loc;
    std::string impProp = "IMPORTED_LOCATION";
    impProp += suffix;
    if(const char* config_location = this->GetProperty(impProp.c_str()))
      info.Location = config_location;
    else if(const char* location = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_LOCATION"))
      info.Location = location;

  // Get the soname.
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY)
    std::string soProp = "IMPORTED_SONAME";
    soProp += suffix;
    if(const char* config_soname = this->GetProperty(soProp.c_str()))
      info.SOName = config_soname;
    else if(const char* soname = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_SONAME"))
      info.SOName = soname;

  // Get the "no-soname" mark.
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY)
    std::string soProp = "IMPORTED_NO_SONAME";
    soProp += suffix;
    if(const char* config_no_soname = this->GetProperty(soProp.c_str()))
      info.NoSOName = cmSystemTools::IsOn(config_no_soname);
    else if(const char* no_soname = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_NO_SONAME"))
      info.NoSOName = cmSystemTools::IsOn(no_soname);

  // Get the import library.
    info.ImportLibrary = imp;
  else if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
    std::string impProp = "IMPORTED_IMPLIB";
    impProp += suffix;
    if(const char* config_implib = this->GetProperty(impProp.c_str()))
      info.ImportLibrary = config_implib;
    else if(const char* implib = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_IMPLIB"))
      info.ImportLibrary = implib;

  // Get the link interface.
  linkProp += suffix;
  if(const char* config_libs = this->GetProperty(linkProp.c_str()))
  else if(const char* libs =

  // Get the link dependencies.
  linkProp += suffix;
  if(const char* config_libs = this->GetProperty(linkProp.c_str()))
  else if(const char* libs =
    cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(libs, info.LinkInterface.SharedDeps);

  // Get the link languages.
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY)
    std::string linkProp = "IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES";
    linkProp += suffix;
    if(const char* config_libs = this->GetProperty(linkProp.c_str()))
    else if(const char* libs =

  // Get the cyclic repetition count.
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY)
    linkProp += suffix;
    if(const char* config_reps = this->GetProperty(linkProp.c_str()))
      sscanf(config_reps, "%u", &info.LinkInterface.Multiplicity);
    else if(const char* reps =
      sscanf(reps, "%u", &info.LinkInterface.Multiplicity);

cmTarget::LinkInterface const* cmTarget::GetLinkInterface(const char* config)
  // Imported targets have their own link interface.
    if(cmTarget::ImportInfo const* info = this->GetImportInfo(config))
      return &info->LinkInterface;
    return 0;

  // Link interfaces are not supported for executables that do not
  // export symbols.
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE &&
    return 0;

  // Lookup any existing link interface for this configuration.
  std::string key = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config? config : "");
    i = this->Internal->LinkInterfaceMap.find(key);
  if(i == this->Internal->LinkInterfaceMap.end())
    // Compute the link interface for this configuration.
    cmTargetInternals::OptionalLinkInterface iface;
    iface.Exists = this->ComputeLinkInterface(config, iface);

    // Store the information for this configuration.
    cmTargetInternals::LinkInterfaceMapType::value_type entry(key, iface);
    i = this->Internal->LinkInterfaceMap.insert(entry).first;

  return i->second.Exists? &i->second : 0;

bool cmTarget::ComputeLinkInterface(const char* config, LinkInterface& iface)
  // Construct the property name suffix for this configuration.
  std::string suffix = "_";
  if(config && *config)
    suffix += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
    suffix += "NOCONFIG";

  // An explicit list of interface libraries may be set for shared
  // libraries and executables that export symbols.
  const char* explicitLibraries = 0;
  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
    // Lookup the per-configuration property.
    std::string propName = "LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES";
    propName += suffix;
    explicitLibraries = this->GetProperty(propName.c_str());

    // If not set, try the generic property.
      explicitLibraries = this->GetProperty("LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES");

  // There is no implicit link interface for executables or modules
  // so if none was explicitly set then there is no link interface.
  // Note that CMake versions 2.2 and below allowed linking to modules.
  bool canLinkModules = this->Makefile->NeedBackwardsCompatibility(2,2);
  if(!explicitLibraries &&
     (this->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE ||
      (this->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY && !canLinkModules)))
    return false;

    // The interface libraries have been explicitly set.
    cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(explicitLibraries, iface.Libraries);

    if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY)
      // Shared libraries may have runtime implementation dependencies
      // on other shared libraries that are not in the interface.
      std::set<cmStdString> emitted;
            li = iface.Libraries.begin(); li != iface.Libraries.end(); ++li)
      LinkImplementation const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementation(config);
            li = impl->Libraries.begin(); li != impl->Libraries.end(); ++li)
          if(cmTarget* tgt = this->Makefile->FindTargetToUse(li->c_str()))
            // This is a runtime dependency on another shared library.
            if(tgt->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY)
            // TODO: Recognize shared library file names.  Perhaps this
            // should be moved to cmComputeLinkInformation, but that creates
            // a chicken-and-egg problem since this list is needed for its
            // construction.
    // The link implementation is the default link interface.
    LinkImplementation const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementation(config);
    iface.Libraries = impl->Libraries;
    iface.WrongConfigLibraries = impl->WrongConfigLibraries;
    if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY)
      // Targets using this archive need its language runtime libraries.
      iface.Languages = impl->Languages;

  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY)
    // How many repetitions are needed if this library has cyclic
    // dependencies?
    std::string propName = "LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY";
    propName += suffix;
    if(const char* config_reps = this->GetProperty(propName.c_str()))
      sscanf(config_reps, "%u", &iface.Multiplicity);
    else if(const char* reps =
      sscanf(reps, "%u", &iface.Multiplicity);

  return true;

cmTarget::LinkImplementation const*
cmTarget::GetLinkImplementation(const char* config)
  // There is no link implementation for imported targets.
    return 0;

  // Lookup any existing link implementation for this configuration.
  std::string key = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config? config : "");
    i = this->Internal->LinkImplMap.find(key);
  if(i == this->Internal->LinkImplMap.end())
    // Compute the link implementation for this configuration.
    LinkImplementation impl;
    this->ComputeLinkImplementation(config, impl);

    // Store the information for this configuration.
    cmTargetInternals::LinkImplMapType::value_type entry(key, impl);
    i = this->Internal->LinkImplMap.insert(entry).first;

  return &i->second;

void cmTarget::ComputeLinkImplementation(const char* config,
                                         LinkImplementation& impl)
  // Compute which library configuration to link.
  cmTarget::LinkLibraryType linkType = this->ComputeLinkType(config);

  // Collect libraries directly linked in this configuration.
  LinkLibraryVectorType const& llibs = this->GetOriginalLinkLibraries();
  for(cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType::const_iterator li = llibs.begin();
      li != llibs.end(); ++li)
    // Skip entries that resolve to the target itself or are empty.
    std::string item = this->CheckCMP0004(li->first);
    if(item == this->GetName() || item.empty())

    if(li->second == cmTarget::GENERAL || li->second == linkType)
      // The entry is meant for this configuration.
      // Support OLD behavior for CMP0003.

  // This target needs runtime libraries for its source languages.
  std::set<cmStdString> languages;
  for(std::set<cmStdString>::iterator li = languages.begin();
      li != languages.end(); ++li)

std::string cmTarget::CheckCMP0004(std::string const& item)
  // Strip whitespace off the library names because we used to do this
  // in case variables were expanded at generate time.  We no longer
  // do the expansion but users link to libraries like " ${VAR} ".
  std::string lib = item;
  std::string::size_type pos = lib.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n");
  if(pos != lib.npos)
    lib = lib.substr(pos, lib.npos);
  pos = lib.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n");
  if(pos != lib.npos)
    lib = lib.substr(0, pos+1);
  if(lib != item)
    cmake* cm = this->Makefile->GetCMakeInstance();
      case cmPolicies::WARN:
        cmOStringStream w;
        w << (this->Makefile->GetPolicies()
              ->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0004)) << "\n"
          << "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" links to item \""
          << item << "\" which has leading or trailing whitespace.";
        cm->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, w.str(),
      case cmPolicies::OLD:
      case cmPolicies::NEW:
        cmOStringStream e;
        e << "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" links to item \""
          << item << "\" which has leading or trailing whitespace.  "
          << "This is now an error according to policy CMP0004.";
        cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str(), this->GetBacktrace());
      case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED:
      case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
        cmOStringStream e;
        e << (this->Makefile->GetPolicies()
              ->GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0004)) << "\n"
          << "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" links to item \""
          << item << "\" which has leading or trailing whitespace.";
        cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str(), this->GetBacktrace());
  return lib;

cmTarget::GetLinkInformation(const char* config)
  // Lookup any existing information for this configuration.
  std::map<cmStdString, cmComputeLinkInformation*>::iterator
    i = this->LinkInformation.find(config?config:"");
  if(i == this->LinkInformation.end())
    // Compute information for this configuration.
    cmComputeLinkInformation* info =
      new cmComputeLinkInformation(this, config);
    if(!info || !info->Compute())
      delete info;
      info = 0;

    // Store the information for this configuration.
    std::map<cmStdString, cmComputeLinkInformation*>::value_type
      entry(config?config:"", info);
    i = this->LinkInformation.insert(entry).first;
  return i->second;

::cmTargetLinkInformationMap(cmTargetLinkInformationMap const& r): derived()
  // Ideally cmTarget instances should never be copied.  However until
  // we can make a sweep to remove that, this copy constructor avoids
  // allowing the resources (LinkInformation) from getting copied.  In
  // the worst case this will lead to extra cmComputeLinkInformation
  // instances.  We also enforce in debug mode that the map be emptied
  // when copied.

  for(derived::iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i)
    delete i->second;

  this->Pointer = new cmTargetInternals;

::cmTargetInternalPointer(cmTargetInternalPointer const& r)
  // Ideally cmTarget instances should never be copied.  However until
  // we can make a sweep to remove that, this copy constructor avoids
  // allowing the resources (Internals) to be copied.
  this->Pointer = new cmTargetInternals(*r.Pointer);

  delete this->Pointer;

cmTargetInternalPointer::operator=(cmTargetInternalPointer const& r)
  if(this == &r) { return *this; } // avoid warning on HP about self check
  // Ideally cmTarget instances should never be copied.  However until
  // we can make a sweep to remove that, this copy constructor avoids
  // allowing the resources (Internals) to be copied.
  cmTargetInternals* oldPointer = this->Pointer;
  this->Pointer = new cmTargetInternals(*r.Pointer);
  delete oldPointer;
  return *this;