/*========================================================================= Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmVariableRequiresCommand.h" #include "cmCacheManager.h" // cmLibraryCommand bool cmVariableRequiresCommand::InitialPass(std::vector<std::string> const& args) { if(args.size() < 3 ) { this->SetError("called with incorrect number of arguments"); return false; } m_Arguments = args; return true; } void cmVariableRequiresCommand::FinalPass() { std::string testVarible = m_Arguments[0]; if(!m_Makefile->IsOn(testVarible.c_str())) { return; } std::string resultVarible = m_Arguments[1]; bool requirementsMet = true; std::string notSet; bool hasAdvanced = false; for(unsigned int i = 2; i < m_Arguments.size(); ++i) { if(!m_Makefile->IsOn(m_Arguments[i].c_str())) { requirementsMet = false; notSet += m_Arguments[i]; notSet += "\n"; if(cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->IsAdvanced(m_Arguments[i].c_str())) { hasAdvanced = true; } } } const char* reqVar = m_Makefile->GetDefinition(resultVarible.c_str()); // if reqVar is unset, then set it to requirementsMet // if reqVar is set to true, but requirementsMet is false , then // set reqVar to false. if(!reqVar || (!requirementsMet && m_Makefile->IsOn(reqVar))) { m_Makefile->AddDefinition(resultVarible.c_str(), requirementsMet); } if(!requirementsMet) { std::string message = "Variable assertion failed:\n"; message += testVarible + " Requires that the following unset varibles are set:\n"; message += notSet; message += "\nPlease set them, or set "; message += testVarible + " to false, and re-configure.\n"; if(hasAdvanced) { message += "One or more of the required variables is advanced. To set the variable, you must turn on advanced mode in cmake."; } cmSystemTools::Error(message.c_str()); } }