/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "windows.h" #include "cmsys/FStream.hxx" #include "cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx" #include "cmComputeLinkInformation.h" #include "cmCustomCommand.h" #include "cmCustomCommandGenerator.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpression.h" #include "cmGeneratorTarget.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator.h" #include "cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator.h" #include "cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator.h" #include "cmLinkLineDeviceComputer.h" #include "cmListFileCache.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalVisualStudio10Generator.h" #include "cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.h" #include "cmLocalVisualStudioGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmMessageType.h" #include "cmPropertyMap.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmSourceFileLocation.h" #include "cmSourceFileLocationKind.h" #include "cmSourceGroup.h" #include "cmStateTypes.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmTarget.h" #include "cmValue.h" #include "cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions.h" struct cmIDEFlagTable; static void ConvertToWindowsSlash(std::string& s); static std::string cmVS10EscapeXML(std::string arg) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, "&", "&"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, "<", "<"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, ">", ">"); return arg; } static std::string cmVS10EscapeAttr(std::string arg) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, "&", "&"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, "<", "<"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, ">", ">"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, "\"", """); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, "\n", " "); return arg; } struct cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::Elem { std::ostream& S; const int Indent; bool HasElements = false; bool HasContent = false; std::string Tag; Elem(std::ostream& s, const std::string& tag) : S(s) , Indent(0) , Tag(tag) { this->StartElement(); } Elem(const Elem&) = delete; Elem(Elem& par, cm::string_view tag) : S(par.S) , Indent(par.Indent + 1) , Tag(std::string(tag)) { par.SetHasElements(); this->StartElement(); } void SetHasElements() { if (!HasElements) { this->S << ">"; HasElements = true; } } std::ostream& WriteString(const char* line); void StartElement() { this->WriteString("<") << this->Tag; } void Element(cm::string_view tag, std::string val) { Elem(*this, tag).Content(std::move(val)); } Elem& Attribute(const char* an, std::string av) { this->S << " " << an << "=\"" << cmVS10EscapeAttr(std::move(av)) << "\""; return *this; } void Content(std::string val) { if (!this->HasContent) { this->S << ">"; this->HasContent = true; } this->S << cmVS10EscapeXML(std::move(val)); } ~Elem() { // Do not emit element which has not been started if (Tag.empty()) { return; } if (HasElements) { this->WriteString("Tag << ">"; } else if (HasContent) { this->S << "Tag << ">"; } else { this->S << " />"; } } void WritePlatformConfigTag(const std::string& tag, const std::string& cond, const std::string& content); }; class cmVS10GeneratorOptions : public cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions { public: using Elem = cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::Elem; cmVS10GeneratorOptions(cmLocalVisualStudioGenerator* lg, Tool tool, cmVS7FlagTable const* table, cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator* g = nullptr) : cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions(lg, tool, table) , TargetGenerator(g) { } void OutputFlag(std::ostream& /*fout*/, int /*indent*/, const std::string& tag, const std::string& content) override { if (!this->GetConfiguration().empty()) { // if there are configuration specific flags, then // use the configuration specific tag for PreprocessorDefinitions const std::string cond = this->TargetGenerator->CalcCondition(this->GetConfiguration()); this->Parent->WritePlatformConfigTag(tag, cond, content); } else { this->Parent->Element(tag, content); } } private: cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator* const TargetGenerator; Elem* Parent = nullptr; friend cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::OptionsHelper; }; struct cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::OptionsHelper { cmVS10GeneratorOptions& O; OptionsHelper(cmVS10GeneratorOptions& o, Elem& e) : O(o) { O.Parent = &e; } ~OptionsHelper() { O.Parent = nullptr; } void OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(const std::string& lang) { O.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(O.Parent->S, O.Parent->Indent + 1, lang); } void OutputAdditionalIncludeDirectories(const std::string& lang) { O.OutputAdditionalIncludeDirectories(O.Parent->S, O.Parent->Indent + 1, lang); } void OutputFlagMap() { O.OutputFlagMap(O.Parent->S, O.Parent->Indent + 1); } void PrependInheritedString(std::string const& key) { O.PrependInheritedString(key); } }; static std::string cmVS10EscapeComment(std::string comment) { // MSBuild takes the CDATA of a element and just // does "echo $CDATA" with no escapes. We must encode the string. // http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc772462%28WS.10%29.aspx std::string echoable; for (char c : comment) { switch (c) { case '\r': break; case '\n': echoable += '\t'; break; case '"': /* no break */ case '|': /* no break */ case '&': /* no break */ case '<': /* no break */ case '>': /* no break */ case '^': echoable += '^'; /* no break */ CM_FALLTHROUGH; default: echoable += c; break; } } return echoable; } static bool cmVS10IsTargetsFile(std::string const& path) { std::string const ext = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(path); return cmSystemTools::Strucmp(ext.c_str(), ".targets") == 0; } static VsProjectType computeProjectType(cmGeneratorTarget const* t) { if (t->IsCSharpOnly()) { return VsProjectType::csproj; } return VsProjectType::vcxproj; } static std::string computeProjectFileExtension(VsProjectType projectType) { switch (projectType) { case VsProjectType::csproj: return ".csproj"; case VsProjectType::proj: return ".proj"; default: return ".vcxproj"; } } static std::string computeProjectFileExtension(cmGeneratorTarget const* t) { return computeProjectFileExtension(computeProjectType(t)); } cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator( cmGeneratorTarget* target, cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg) : GeneratorTarget(target) , Makefile(target->Target->GetMakefile()) , Platform(gg->GetPlatformName()) , Name(target->GetName()) , GUID(gg->GetGUID(this->Name)) , GlobalGenerator(gg) , LocalGenerator( (cmLocalVisualStudio10Generator*)target->GetLocalGenerator()) { this->Configurations = this->Makefile->GetGeneratorConfigs(cmMakefile::ExcludeEmptyConfig); this->NsightTegra = gg->IsNsightTegra(); this->Android = gg->TargetsAndroid(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { this->NsightTegraVersion[i] = 0; } sscanf(gg->GetNsightTegraVersion().c_str(), "%u.%u.%u.%u", &this->NsightTegraVersion[0], &this->NsightTegraVersion[1], &this->NsightTegraVersion[2], &this->NsightTegraVersion[3]); this->MSTools = !this->NsightTegra && !this->Android; this->Managed = false; this->TargetCompileAsWinRT = false; this->IsMissingFiles = false; this->DefaultArtifactDir = this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory() + "/" + this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); this->InSourceBuild = (this->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory() == this->Makefile->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory()); this->ClassifyAllConfigSources(); } cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::~cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator() { } std::string cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::CalcCondition( const std::string& config) const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='"; oss << config << "|" << this->Platform; oss << "'"; // handle special case for 32 bit C# targets if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj && this->Platform == "Win32") { oss << " Or "; oss << "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='"; oss << config << "|x86"; oss << "'"; } return oss.str(); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::Elem::WritePlatformConfigTag( const std::string& tag, const std::string& cond, const std::string& content) { Elem(*this, tag).Attribute("Condition", cond).Content(content); } std::ostream& cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::Elem::WriteString( const char* line) { this->S << '\n'; this->S.fill(' '); this->S.width(this->Indent * 2); // write an empty string to get the fill level indent to print this->S << ""; this->S << line; return this->S; } #define VS10_CXX_DEFAULT_PROPS "$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" #define VS10_CXX_PROPS "$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.props" #define VS10_CXX_USER_PROPS \ "$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" #define VS10_CXX_TARGETS "$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" #define VS10_CSharp_DEFAULT_PROPS \ "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\\Microsoft.Common.props" // This does not seem to exist by default, it's just provided for consistency // in case users want to have default custom props for C# targets #define VS10_CSharp_USER_PROPS \ "$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.CSharp.$(Platform).user.props" #define VS10_CSharp_TARGETS "$(MSBuildToolsPath)\\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" #define VS10_CSharp_NETCF_TARGETS \ "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Microsoft\\$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)\\" \ "$(TargetFrameworkTargetsVersion)\\Microsoft.$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)" \ ".CSharp.targets" void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::Generate() { for (std::string const& config : this->Configurations) { this->GeneratorTarget->CheckCxxModuleStatus(config); } if (this->GeneratorTarget->HaveCxx20ModuleSources()) { this->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("The \"", this->GeneratorTarget->GetName(), "\" target contains C++ module sources which are not supported " "by the generator")); } this->ProjectType = computeProjectType(this->GeneratorTarget); this->Managed = this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj; const std::string ProjectFileExtension = computeProjectFileExtension(this->ProjectType); if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj && this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY) { std::string message = "The C# target \"" + this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() + "\" is of type STATIC_LIBRARY. This is discouraged (and may be " "disabled in future). Make it a SHARED library instead."; this->Makefile->IssueMessage(MessageType::DEPRECATION_WARNING, message); } if (this->Android && this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE && !this->GeneratorTarget->Target->IsAndroidGuiExecutable()) { this->GlobalGenerator->AddAndroidExecutableWarning(this->Name); } // Tell the global generator the name of the project file this->GeneratorTarget->Target->SetProperty("GENERATOR_FILE_NAME", this->Name); this->GeneratorTarget->Target->SetProperty("GENERATOR_FILE_NAME_EXT", ProjectFileExtension); this->DotNetHintReferences.clear(); this->AdditionalUsingDirectories.clear(); if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() <= cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { if (!this->ComputeClOptions()) { return; } if (!this->ComputeRcOptions()) { return; } if (!this->ComputeCudaOptions()) { return; } if (!this->ComputeCudaLinkOptions()) { return; } if (!this->ComputeMasmOptions()) { return; } if (!this->ComputeNasmOptions()) { return; } if (!this->ComputeLinkOptions()) { return; } if (!this->ComputeLibOptions()) { return; } } std::string path = cmStrCat(this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), '/', this->Name, ProjectFileExtension); cmGeneratedFileStream BuildFileStream(path); const std::string PathToProjectFile = path; BuildFileStream.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); // Write the encoding header into the file char magic[] = { char(0xEF), char(0xBB), char(0xBF) }; BuildFileStream.write(magic, 3); if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj && this->GeneratorTarget->IsDotNetSdkTarget() && this->GlobalGenerator->GetVersion() >= cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VSVersion::VS16) { this->WriteSdkStyleProjectFile(BuildFileStream); } else { this->WriteClassicMsBuildProjectFile(BuildFileStream); } if (BuildFileStream.Close()) { this->GlobalGenerator->FileReplacedDuringGenerate(PathToProjectFile); } // The groups are stored in a separate file for VS 10 this->WriteGroups(); // Update cache with project-specific entries. this->UpdateCache(); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteClassicMsBuildProjectFile( cmGeneratedFileStream& BuildFileStream) { BuildFileStream << "GlobalGenerator->Encoding() << "\"?>"; { Elem e0(BuildFileStream, "Project"); e0.Attribute("DefaultTargets", "Build"); const char* toolsVersion = this->GlobalGenerator->GetToolsVersion(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->GetVersion() == cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VSVersion::VS12 && this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsCE()) { toolsVersion = "4.0"; } e0.Attribute("ToolsVersion", toolsVersion); e0.Attribute("xmlns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"); if (this->NsightTegra) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Attribute("Label", "NsightTegraProject"); const unsigned int nsightTegraMajorVersion = this->NsightTegraVersion[0]; const unsigned int nsightTegraMinorVersion = this->NsightTegraVersion[1]; if (nsightTegraMajorVersion >= 2) { if (nsightTegraMajorVersion > 3 || (nsightTegraMajorVersion == 3 && nsightTegraMinorVersion >= 1)) { e1.Element("NsightTegraProjectRevisionNumber", "11"); } else { // Nsight Tegra 2.0 uses project revision 9. e1.Element("NsightTegraProjectRevisionNumber", "9"); } // Tell newer versions to upgrade silently when loading. e1.Element("NsightTegraUpgradeOnceWithoutPrompt", "true"); } else { // Require Nsight Tegra 1.6 for JCompile support. e1.Element("NsightTegraProjectRevisionNumber", "7"); } } if (const char* hostArch = this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetHostArchitecture()) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Element("PreferredToolArchitecture", hostArch); } // The ALL_BUILD, PACKAGE, and ZERO_CHECK projects transitively include // Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets which triggers Target // ResolveNugetPackageAssets when SDK-style targets are in the project. // However, these projects have no nuget packages to reference and the // build fails. // Setting ResolveNugetPackages to false skips this target and the build // succeeds. cm::string_view targetName{ this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() }; if (targetName == "ALL_BUILD" || targetName == "PACKAGE" || targetName == CMAKE_CHECK_BUILD_SYSTEM_TARGET) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Element("ResolveNugetPackages", "false"); } if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj) { this->WriteProjectConfigurations(e0); } { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); this->WriteCommonPropertyGroupGlobals(e1); if ((this->MSTools || this->Android) && this->GeneratorTarget->IsInBuildSystem()) { this->WriteApplicationTypeSettings(e1); this->VerifyNecessaryFiles(); } cmValue vsProjectName = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_SCC_PROJECTNAME"); cmValue vsLocalPath = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_SCC_LOCALPATH"); cmValue vsProvider = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_SCC_PROVIDER"); if (vsProjectName && vsLocalPath && vsProvider) { e1.Element("SccProjectName", *vsProjectName); e1.Element("SccLocalPath", *vsLocalPath); e1.Element("SccProvider", *vsProvider); cmValue vsAuxPath = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_SCC_AUXPATH"); if (vsAuxPath) { e1.Element("SccAuxPath", *vsAuxPath); } } if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_WINRT_COMPONENT")) { e1.Element("WinMDAssembly", "true"); } e1.Element("Platform", this->Platform); cmValue projLabel = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("PROJECT_LABEL"); e1.Element("ProjectName", projLabel ? projLabel : this->Name); { cm::optional targetFramework; cm::optional targetFrameworkVersion; cm::optional targetFrameworkIdentifier; cm::optional targetFrameworkTargetsVersion; if (cmValue tf = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK")) { targetFramework = *tf; } else if (cmValue vstfVer = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty( "VS_DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION")) { // FIXME: Someday, add a deprecation warning for VS_* property. targetFrameworkVersion = *vstfVer; } else if (cmValue tfVer = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty( "DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION")) { targetFrameworkVersion = *tfVer; } else if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { targetFrameworkVersion = this->GlobalGenerator->GetTargetFrameworkVersion(); } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::vcxproj && this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsCE()) { e1.Element("EnableRedirectPlatform", "true"); e1.Element("RedirectPlatformValue", this->Platform); } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsCE()) { // FIXME: These target VS_TARGET_FRAMEWORK* target properties // are undocumented settings only ever supported for WinCE. // We need a better way to control these in general. if (cmValue tfId = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty( "VS_TARGET_FRAMEWORK_IDENTIFIER")) { targetFrameworkIdentifier = *tfId; } if (cmValue tfTargetsVer = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty( "VS_TARGET_FRAMEWORKS_TARGET_VERSION")) { targetFrameworkTargetsVersion = *tfTargetsVer; } } if (!targetFrameworkIdentifier) { targetFrameworkIdentifier = this->GlobalGenerator->GetTargetFrameworkIdentifier(); } if (!targetFrameworkTargetsVersion) { targetFrameworkTargetsVersion = this->GlobalGenerator->GetTargetFrameworkTargetsVersion(); } } if (targetFramework) { if (targetFramework->find(';') != std::string::npos) { e1.Element("TargetFrameworks", *targetFramework); } else { e1.Element("TargetFramework", *targetFramework); } } if (targetFrameworkVersion) { e1.Element("TargetFrameworkVersion", *targetFrameworkVersion); } if (targetFrameworkIdentifier) { e1.Element("TargetFrameworkIdentifier", *targetFrameworkIdentifier); } if (targetFrameworkTargetsVersion) { e1.Element("TargetFrameworkTargetsVersion", *targetFrameworkTargetsVersion); } if (!this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCudaCustomDirString() .empty()) { e1.Element( "CudaToolkitCustomDir", this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCudaCustomDirString() + this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCudaNvccSubdirString()); } } // Disable the project upgrade prompt that is displayed the first time a // project using an older toolset version is opened in a newer version of // the IDE (respected by VS 2013 and above). if (this->GlobalGenerator->GetVersion() >= cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VSVersion::VS12) { e1.Element("VCProjectUpgraderObjectName", "NoUpgrade"); } if (const char* vcTargetsPath = this->GlobalGenerator->GetCustomVCTargetsPath()) { e1.Element("VCTargetsPath", vcTargetsPath); } if (this->Managed) { if (this->LocalGenerator->GetVersion() >= cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VSVersion::VS17) { e1.Element("ManagedAssembly", "true"); } std::string outputType; switch (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType()) { case cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY: outputType = "Library"; break; case cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY: outputType = "Module"; break; case cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE: { auto const win32 = this->GeneratorTarget->GetSafeProperty("WIN32_EXECUTABLE"); if (win32.find("$<") != std::string::npos) { this->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat( "Target \"", this->GeneratorTarget->GetName(), "\" has a generator expression in its WIN32_EXECUTABLE " "property. This is not supported on managed executables.")); return; } if (cmIsOn(win32)) { outputType = "WinExe"; } else { outputType = "Exe"; } } break; case cmStateEnums::UTILITY: case cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::GLOBAL_TARGET: outputType = "Utility"; break; case cmStateEnums::UNKNOWN_LIBRARY: break; } e1.Element("OutputType", outputType); e1.Element("AppDesignerFolder", "Properties"); } } cmValue startupObject = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_DOTNET_STARTUP_OBJECT"); if (startupObject && this->Managed) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Element("StartupObject", *startupObject); } switch (this->ProjectType) { case VsProjectType::vcxproj: { std::string const& props = this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetVersionProps(); if (!props.empty()) { Elem(e0, "Import").Attribute("Project", props); } Elem(e0, "Import").Attribute("Project", VS10_CXX_DEFAULT_PROPS); } break; case VsProjectType::csproj: Elem(e0, "Import") .Attribute("Project", VS10_CSharp_DEFAULT_PROPS) .Attribute("Condition", "Exists('" VS10_CSharp_DEFAULT_PROPS "')"); break; default: break; } this->WriteProjectConfigurationValues(e0); if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::vcxproj) { Elem(e0, "Import").Attribute("Project", VS10_CXX_PROPS); } { Elem e1(e0, "ImportGroup"); e1.Attribute("Label", "ExtensionSettings"); e1.SetHasElements(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->IsCudaEnabled()) { auto customDir = this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCudaCustomDirString(); std::string cudaPath = customDir.empty() ? "$(VCTargetsPath)\\BuildCustomizations\\" : customDir + this->GlobalGenerator ->GetPlatformToolsetCudaVSIntegrationSubdirString() + "extras\\visual_studio_integration\\MSBuildExtensions\\"; Elem(e1, "Import") .Attribute("Project", std::move(cudaPath) + "CUDA " + this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCuda() + ".props"); } if (this->GlobalGenerator->IsMasmEnabled()) { Elem(e1, "Import") .Attribute("Project", "$(VCTargetsPath)\\BuildCustomizations\\masm.props"); } if (this->GlobalGenerator->IsNasmEnabled()) { // Always search in the standard modules location. std::string propsTemplate = GetCMakeFilePath("Templates/MSBuild/nasm.props.in"); std::string propsLocal = cmStrCat(this->DefaultArtifactDir, "\\nasm.props"); ConvertToWindowsSlash(propsLocal); this->Makefile->ConfigureFile(propsTemplate, propsLocal, false, true, true); Elem(e1, "Import").Attribute("Project", propsLocal); } } { Elem e1(e0, "ImportGroup"); e1.Attribute("Label", "PropertySheets"); std::string props; switch (this->ProjectType) { case VsProjectType::vcxproj: props = VS10_CXX_USER_PROPS; break; case VsProjectType::csproj: props = VS10_CSharp_USER_PROPS; break; default: break; } if (cmValue p = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_USER_PROPS")) { props = *p; } if (!props.empty()) { ConvertToWindowsSlash(props); Elem(e1, "Import") .Attribute("Project", props) .Attribute("Condition", "exists('" + props + "')") .Attribute("Label", "LocalAppDataPlatform"); } this->WritePlatformExtensions(e1); } this->WriteDotNetDocumentationFile(e0); Elem(e0, "PropertyGroup").Attribute("Label", "UserMacros"); this->WriteWinRTPackageCertificateKeyFile(e0); this->WritePathAndIncrementalLinkOptions(e0); this->WriteCEDebugProjectConfigurationValues(e0); this->WriteItemDefinitionGroups(e0); this->WriteCustomCommands(e0); this->WriteAllSources(e0); this->WriteDotNetReferences(e0); this->WritePackageReferences(e0); this->WriteImports(e0); this->WriteEmbeddedResourceGroup(e0); this->WriteXamlFilesGroup(e0); this->WriteWinRTReferences(e0); this->WriteProjectReferences(e0); this->WriteSDKReferences(e0); switch (this->ProjectType) { case VsProjectType::vcxproj: Elem(e0, "Import").Attribute("Project", VS10_CXX_TARGETS); break; case VsProjectType::csproj: if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsCE()) { Elem(e0, "Import").Attribute("Project", VS10_CSharp_NETCF_TARGETS); } else { Elem(e0, "Import").Attribute("Project", VS10_CSharp_TARGETS); } break; default: break; } this->WriteTargetSpecificReferences(e0); { Elem e1(e0, "ImportGroup"); e1.Attribute("Label", "ExtensionTargets"); e1.SetHasElements(); this->WriteTargetsFileReferences(e1); if (this->GlobalGenerator->IsCudaEnabled()) { auto customDir = this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCudaCustomDirString(); std::string cudaPath = customDir.empty() ? "$(VCTargetsPath)\\BuildCustomizations\\" : customDir + this->GlobalGenerator ->GetPlatformToolsetCudaVSIntegrationSubdirString() + "extras\\visual_studio_integration\\MSBuildExtensions\\"; Elem(e1, "Import") .Attribute("Project", std::move(cudaPath) + "CUDA " + this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCuda() + ".targets"); } if (this->GlobalGenerator->IsMasmEnabled()) { Elem(e1, "Import") .Attribute("Project", "$(VCTargetsPath)\\BuildCustomizations\\masm.targets"); } if (this->GlobalGenerator->IsNasmEnabled()) { std::string nasmTargets = GetCMakeFilePath("Templates/MSBuild/nasm.targets"); Elem(e1, "Import").Attribute("Project", nasmTargets); } } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::vcxproj && this->HaveCustomCommandDepfile) { std::string depfileTargets = GetCMakeFilePath("Templates/MSBuild/CustomBuildDepFile.targets"); Elem(e0, "Import").Attribute("Project", depfileTargets); } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Attribute("Condition", "'$(Configuration)' == '" + c + "'"); e1.SetHasElements(); this->WriteEvents(e1, c); } // make sure custom commands are executed before build (if necessary) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); std::ostringstream oss; oss << "\n"; for (std::string const& i : this->CSharpCustomCommandNames) { oss << " " << i << ";\n"; } oss << " " << "$(BuildDependsOn)\n"; e1.Element("BuildDependsOn", oss.str()); } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteSdkStyleProjectFile( cmGeneratedFileStream& BuildFileStream) { if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj || !this->GeneratorTarget->IsDotNetSdkTarget()) { std::string message = "The target \"" + this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() + "\" is not eligible for .Net SDK style project."; this->Makefile->IssueMessage(MessageType::INTERNAL_ERROR, message); return; } if (this->HasCustomCommands()) { std::string message = "The target \"" + this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() + "\" does not currently support add_custom_command as the Visual Studio " "generators have not yet learned how to generate custom commands in " ".Net SDK-style projects."; this->Makefile->IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, message); return; } Elem e0(BuildFileStream, "Project"); e0.Attribute("Sdk", *this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("DOTNET_SDK")); { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); this->WriteCommonPropertyGroupGlobals(e1); e1.Element("EnableDefaultItems", "false"); // Disable the project upgrade prompt that is displayed the first time a // project using an older toolset version is opened in a newer version // of the IDE. e1.Element("VCProjectUpgraderObjectName", "NoUpgrade"); e1.Element("ManagedAssembly", "true"); cmValue targetFramework = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK"); if (targetFramework) { if (targetFramework->find(';') != std::string::npos) { e1.Element("TargetFrameworks", *targetFramework); } else { e1.Element("TargetFramework", *targetFramework); e1.Element("AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath", "false"); } } else { e1.Element("TargetFramework", "net5.0"); e1.Element("AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath", "false"); } std::string outputType; switch (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType()) { case cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY: this->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Target \"", this->GeneratorTarget->GetName(), "\" is of a type not supported for managed binaries.")); return; case cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY: outputType = "Library"; break; case cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE: { auto const win32 = this->GeneratorTarget->GetSafeProperty("WIN32_EXECUTABLE"); if (win32.find("$<") != std::string::npos) { this->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Target \"", this->GeneratorTarget->GetName(), "\" has a generator expression in its WIN32_EXECUTABLE " "property. This is not supported on managed " "executables.")); return; } outputType = "Exe"; } break; case cmStateEnums::UTILITY: case cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::GLOBAL_TARGET: outputType = "Utility"; break; case cmStateEnums::UNKNOWN_LIBRARY: break; } e1.Element("OutputType", outputType); cmValue startupObject = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_DOTNET_STARTUP_OBJECT"); if (startupObject) { e1.Element("StartupObject", *startupObject); } } for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Attribute("Condition", "'$(Configuration)' == '" + config + "'"); e1.SetHasElements(); this->WriteEvents(e1, config); std::string outDir = this->GeneratorTarget->GetDirectory(config) + "/"; ConvertToWindowsSlash(outDir); e1.Element("OutputPath", outDir); Options& o = *(this->ClOptions[config]); OptionsHelper oh(o, e1); oh.OutputFlagMap(); } this->WriteDotNetDocumentationFile(e0); this->WriteAllSources(e0); this->WriteDotNetReferences(e0); this->WritePackageReferences(e0); this->WriteProjectReferences(e0); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCommonPropertyGroupGlobals(Elem& e1) { e1.Attribute("Label", "Globals"); e1.Element("ProjectGuid", "{" + this->GUID + "}"); cmValue vsProjectTypes = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_GLOBAL_PROJECT_TYPES"); if (vsProjectTypes) { const char* tagName = "ProjectTypes"; if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { tagName = "ProjectTypeGuids"; } e1.Element(tagName, *vsProjectTypes); } cmValue vsGlobalKeyword = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_GLOBAL_KEYWORD"); if (!vsGlobalKeyword) { if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsAndroid()) { e1.Element("Keyword", "Android"); } else { e1.Element("Keyword", "Win32Proj"); } } else { e1.Element("Keyword", *vsGlobalKeyword); } cmValue vsGlobalRootNamespace = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_GLOBAL_ROOTNAMESPACE"); if (vsGlobalRootNamespace) { e1.Element("RootNamespace", *vsGlobalRootNamespace); } std::vector keys = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyKeys(); for (std::string const& keyIt : keys) { static const cm::string_view prefix = "VS_GLOBAL_"; if (!cmHasPrefix(keyIt, prefix)) continue; cm::string_view globalKey = cm::string_view(keyIt).substr(prefix.length()); // Skip invalid or separately-handled properties. if (globalKey.empty() || globalKey == "PROJECT_TYPES" || globalKey == "ROOTNAMESPACE" || globalKey == "KEYWORD") { continue; } cmValue value = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty(keyIt); if (!value) continue; e1.Element(globalKey, *value); } } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::HasCustomCommands() const { if (!this->GeneratorTarget->GetPreBuildCommands().empty() || !this->GeneratorTarget->GetPreLinkCommands().empty() || !this->GeneratorTarget->GetPostBuildCommands().empty()) { return true; } for (cmGeneratorTarget::AllConfigSource const& si : this->GeneratorTarget->GetAllConfigSources()) { if (si.Source->GetCustomCommand()) { return true; } } return false; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WritePackageReferences(Elem& e0) { std::vector packageReferences = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPackageReferences(); if (!packageReferences.empty()) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); for (std::string const& ri : packageReferences) { size_t versionIndex = ri.find_last_of('_'); if (versionIndex != std::string::npos) { Elem e2(e1, "PackageReference"); e2.Attribute("Include", ri.substr(0, versionIndex)); e2.Attribute("Version", ri.substr(versionIndex + 1)); } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteDotNetReferences(Elem& e0) { std::vector references; if (cmValue vsDotNetReferences = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_DOTNET_REFERENCES")) { cmExpandList(*vsDotNetReferences, references); } cmPropertyMap const& props = this->GeneratorTarget->Target->GetProperties(); for (auto const& i : props.GetList()) { static const cm::string_view vsDnRef = "VS_DOTNET_REFERENCE_"; if (cmHasPrefix(i.first, vsDnRef)) { std::string path = i.second; if (!cmsys::SystemTools::FileIsFullPath(path)) { path = this->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory() + "/" + path; } ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); this->DotNetHintReferences[""].emplace_back( DotNetHintReference(i.first.substr(vsDnRef.length()), path)); } } if (!references.empty() || !this->DotNetHintReferences.empty()) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); for (std::string const& ri : references) { // if the entry from VS_DOTNET_REFERENCES is an existing file, generate // a new hint-reference and name it from the filename if (cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(ri, true)) { std::string name = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(ri); std::string path = ri; ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); this->DotNetHintReferences[""].emplace_back( DotNetHintReference(name, path)); } else { this->WriteDotNetReference(e1, ri, "", ""); } } for (const auto& h : this->DotNetHintReferences) { // DotNetHintReferences is also populated from AddLibraries(). // The configuration specific hint references are added there. for (const auto& i : h.second) { this->WriteDotNetReference(e1, i.first, i.second, h.first); } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteDotNetReference( Elem& e1, std::string const& ref, std::string const& hint, std::string const& config) { Elem e2(e1, "Reference"); // If 'config' is not empty, the reference is only added for the given // configuration. This is used when referencing imported managed assemblies. // See also cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::AddLibraries(). if (!config.empty()) { e2.Attribute("Condition", this->CalcCondition(config)); } e2.Attribute("Include", ref); e2.Element("CopyLocalSatelliteAssemblies", "true"); e2.Element("ReferenceOutputAssembly", "true"); if (!hint.empty()) { const char* privateReference = "True"; if (cmValue value = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty( "VS_DOTNET_REFERENCES_COPY_LOCAL")) { if (cmIsOff(*value)) { privateReference = "False"; } } e2.Element("Private", privateReference); e2.Element("HintPath", hint); } this->WriteDotNetReferenceCustomTags(e2, ref); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteImports(Elem& e0) { cmValue imports = this->GeneratorTarget->Target->GetProperty("VS_PROJECT_IMPORT"); if (imports) { std::vector argsSplit = cmExpandedList(*imports, false); for (auto& path : argsSplit) { if (!cmsys::SystemTools::FileIsFullPath(path)) { path = this->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory() + "/" + path; } ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); Elem e1(e0, "Import"); e1.Attribute("Project", path); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteDotNetReferenceCustomTags( Elem& e2, std::string const& ref) { static const std::string refpropPrefix = "VS_DOTNET_REFERENCEPROP_"; static const std::string refpropInfix = "_TAG_"; const std::string refPropFullPrefix = refpropPrefix + ref + refpropInfix; using CustomTags = std::map; CustomTags tags; cmPropertyMap const& props = this->GeneratorTarget->Target->GetProperties(); for (const auto& i : props.GetList()) { if (cmHasPrefix(i.first, refPropFullPrefix) && !i.second.empty()) { tags[i.first.substr(refPropFullPrefix.length())] = i.second; } } for (auto const& tag : tags) { e2.Element(tag.first, tag.second); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteDotNetDocumentationFile(Elem& e0) { std::string const& documentationFile = this->GeneratorTarget->GetSafeProperty("VS_DOTNET_DOCUMENTATION_FILE"); if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj && !documentationFile.empty()) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); Elem e2(e1, "DocumentationFile"); e2.Content(documentationFile); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteEmbeddedResourceGroup(Elem& e0) { if (!this->ResxObjs.empty()) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); std::string srcDir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory(); ConvertToWindowsSlash(srcDir); for (cmSourceFile const* oi : this->ResxObjs) { std::string obj = oi->GetFullPath(); ConvertToWindowsSlash(obj); bool useRelativePath = false; if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj && this->InSourceBuild) { // If we do an in-source build and the resource file is in a // subdirectory // of the .csproj file, we have to use relative pathnames, otherwise // visual studio does not show the file in the IDE. Sorry. if (cmHasPrefix(obj, srcDir)) { obj = this->ConvertPath(obj, true); ConvertToWindowsSlash(obj); useRelativePath = true; } } Elem e2(e1, "EmbeddedResource"); e2.Attribute("Include", obj); if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj) { std::string hFileName = obj.substr(0, obj.find_last_of(".")) + ".h"; e2.Element("DependentUpon", hFileName); for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { std::string s; if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_GLOBAL_ROOTNAMESPACE") || // Handle variant of VS_GLOBAL_ for RootNamespace. this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_GLOBAL_RootNamespace")) { s = "$(RootNamespace)."; } s += "%(Filename).resources"; e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("LogicalName", this->CalcCondition(c), s); } } else { std::string binDir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(); ConvertToWindowsSlash(binDir); // If the resource was NOT added using a relative path (which should // be the default), we have to provide a link here if (!useRelativePath) { std::string link = this->GetCSharpSourceLink(oi); if (link.empty()) { link = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(obj); } e2.Element("Link", link); } // Determine if this is a generated resource from a .Designer.cs file std::string designerResource = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(oi->GetFullPath()) + "/" + cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(oi->GetFullPath()) + ".Designer.cs"; if (cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(designerResource)) { std::string generator = "PublicResXFileCodeGenerator"; if (cmValue g = oi->GetProperty("VS_RESOURCE_GENERATOR")) { generator = *g; } if (!generator.empty()) { e2.Element("Generator", generator); if (cmHasPrefix(designerResource, srcDir)) { designerResource.erase(0, srcDir.length()); } else if (cmHasPrefix(designerResource, binDir)) { designerResource.erase(0, binDir.length()); } else { designerResource = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(designerResource); } ConvertToWindowsSlash(designerResource); e2.Element("LastGenOutput", designerResource); } } const cmPropertyMap& props = oi->GetProperties(); for (const std::string& p : props.GetKeys()) { static const cm::string_view propNamePrefix = "VS_CSHARP_"; if (cmHasPrefix(p, propNamePrefix)) { cm::string_view tagName = cm::string_view(p).substr(propNamePrefix.length()); if (!tagName.empty()) { cmValue value = props.GetPropertyValue(p); if (cmNonempty(value)) { e2.Element(tagName, *value); } } } } } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteXamlFilesGroup(Elem& e0) { if (!this->XamlObjs.empty()) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); for (cmSourceFile const* oi : this->XamlObjs) { std::string obj = oi->GetFullPath(); std::string xamlType; cmValue xamlTypeProperty = oi->GetProperty("VS_XAML_TYPE"); if (xamlTypeProperty) { xamlType = *xamlTypeProperty; } else { xamlType = "Page"; } Elem e2(e1, xamlType); this->WriteSource(e2, oi); e2.SetHasElements(); e2.Element("SubType", "Designer"); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteTargetSpecificReferences(Elem& e0) { if (this->MSTools) { if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone() && this->GlobalGenerator->GetSystemVersion() == "8.0") { Elem(e0, "Import") .Attribute("Project", "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Microsoft\\WindowsPhone\\v" "$(TargetPlatformVersion)\\Microsoft.Cpp.WindowsPhone." "$(TargetPlatformVersion).targets"); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteTargetsFileReferences(Elem& e1) { for (TargetsFileAndConfigs const& tac : this->TargetsFileAndConfigsVec) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Exists('" << tac.File << "')"; if (!tac.Configs.empty()) { oss << " And ("; for (size_t j = 0; j < tac.Configs.size(); ++j) { if (j > 0) { oss << " Or "; } oss << "'$(Configuration)'=='" << tac.Configs[j] << "'"; } oss << ")"; } Elem(e1, "Import") .Attribute("Project", tac.File) .Attribute("Condition", oss.str()); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteWinRTReferences(Elem& e0) { std::vector references; if (cmValue vsWinRTReferences = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_WINRT_REFERENCES")) { cmExpandList(*vsWinRTReferences, references); } if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone() && this->GlobalGenerator->GetSystemVersion() == "8.0" && references.empty()) { references.push_back("platform.winmd"); } if (!references.empty()) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); for (std::string const& ri : references) { Elem e2(e1, "Reference"); e2.Attribute("Include", ri); e2.Element("IsWinMDFile", "true"); } } } // ConfigurationType Application, Utility StaticLibrary DynamicLibrary void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteProjectConfigurations(Elem& e0) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); e1.Attribute("Label", "ProjectConfigurations"); for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { Elem e2(e1, "ProjectConfiguration"); e2.Attribute("Include", c + "|" + this->Platform); e2.Element("Configuration", c); e2.Element("Platform", this->Platform); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteProjectConfigurationValues(Elem& e0) { for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Attribute("Condition", this->CalcCondition(c)); e1.Attribute("Label", "Configuration"); if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj) { std::string configType; if (cmValue vsConfigurationType = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_CONFIGURATION_TYPE")) { configType = cmGeneratorExpression::Evaluate(*vsConfigurationType, this->LocalGenerator, c); } else { switch (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType()) { case cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY: configType = "DynamicLibrary"; break; case cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY: configType = "StaticLibrary"; break; case cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE: if (this->NsightTegra && !this->GeneratorTarget->Target->IsAndroidGuiExecutable()) { // Android executables are .so too. configType = "DynamicLibrary"; } else if (this->Android) { configType = "DynamicLibrary"; } else { configType = "Application"; } break; case cmStateEnums::UTILITY: case cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::GLOBAL_TARGET: if (this->NsightTegra) { // Tegra-Android platform does not understand "Utility". configType = "StaticLibrary"; } else { configType = "Utility"; } break; case cmStateEnums::UNKNOWN_LIBRARY: break; } } e1.Element("ConfigurationType", configType); } if (this->MSTools) { if (!this->Managed) { this->WriteMSToolConfigurationValues(e1, c); } else { this->WriteMSToolConfigurationValuesManaged(e1, c); } } else if (this->NsightTegra) { this->WriteNsightTegraConfigurationValues(e1, c); } else if (this->Android) { this->WriteAndroidConfigurationValues(e1, c); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCEDebugProjectConfigurationValues( Elem& e0) { if (!this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsCE()) { return; } cmValue additionalFiles = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("DEPLOYMENT_ADDITIONAL_FILES"); cmValue remoteDirectory = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("DEPLOYMENT_REMOTE_DIRECTORY"); if (!(additionalFiles || remoteDirectory)) { return; } for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Attribute("Condition", this->CalcCondition(c)); if (remoteDirectory) { e1.Element("RemoteDirectory", *remoteDirectory); } if (additionalFiles) { e1.Element("CEAdditionalFiles", *additionalFiles); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMSToolConfigurationValues( Elem& e1, std::string const& config) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; cmValue mfcFlag = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_MFC_FLAG"); if (mfcFlag) { std::string const mfcFlagValue = cmGeneratorExpression::Evaluate(*mfcFlag, this->LocalGenerator, config); std::string useOfMfcValue = "false"; if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() <= cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { if (mfcFlagValue == "1") { useOfMfcValue = "Static"; } else if (mfcFlagValue == "2") { useOfMfcValue = "Dynamic"; } } e1.Element("UseOfMfc", useOfMfcValue); } if ((this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() <= cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY && this->ClOptions[config]->UsingUnicode()) || this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_WINRT_COMPONENT") || this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone() || this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore() || this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_WINRT_EXTENSIONS")) { e1.Element("CharacterSet", "Unicode"); } else if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() <= cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY && this->ClOptions[config]->UsingSBCS()) { e1.Element("CharacterSet", "NotSet"); } else { e1.Element("CharacterSet", "MultiByte"); } if (cmValue projectToolsetOverride = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET")) { e1.Element("PlatformToolset", *projectToolsetOverride); } else if (const char* toolset = gg->GetPlatformToolset()) { e1.Element("PlatformToolset", toolset); } if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_WINRT_COMPONENT") || this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_WINRT_EXTENSIONS")) { e1.Element("WindowsAppContainer", "true"); } if (this->IPOEnabledConfigurations.count(config) > 0) { e1.Element("WholeProgramOptimization", "true"); } if (this->ASanEnabledConfigurations.find(config) != this->ASanEnabledConfigurations.end()) { e1.Element("EnableAsan", "true"); } if (this->FuzzerEnabledConfigurations.find(config) != this->FuzzerEnabledConfigurations.end()) { e1.Element("EnableFuzzer", "true"); } { auto s = this->SpectreMitigation.find(config); if (s != this->SpectreMitigation.end()) { e1.Element("SpectreMitigation", s->second); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMSToolConfigurationValuesManaged( Elem& e1, std::string const& config) { if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() > cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { return; } cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; Options& o = *(this->ClOptions[config]); if (o.IsDebug()) { e1.Element("DebugSymbols", "true"); e1.Element("DefineDebug", "true"); } std::string outDir = this->GeneratorTarget->GetDirectory(config) + "/"; ConvertToWindowsSlash(outDir); e1.Element("OutputPath", outDir); if (o.HasFlag("Platform")) { e1.Element("PlatformTarget", o.GetFlag("Platform")); o.RemoveFlag("Platform"); } if (cmValue projectToolsetOverride = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET")) { e1.Element("PlatformToolset", *projectToolsetOverride); } else if (const char* toolset = gg->GetPlatformToolset()) { e1.Element("PlatformToolset", toolset); } std::string postfixName = cmStrCat(cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config), "_POSTFIX"); std::string assemblyName = this->GeneratorTarget->GetOutputName( config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); if (cmValue postfix = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty(postfixName)) { assemblyName += *postfix; } e1.Element("AssemblyName", assemblyName); if (cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE == this->GeneratorTarget->GetType()) { e1.Element("StartAction", "Program"); e1.Element("StartProgram", outDir + assemblyName + ".exe"); } OptionsHelper oh(o, e1); oh.OutputFlagMap(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteNsightTegraConfigurationValues( Elem& e1, std::string const&) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; const char* toolset = gg->GetPlatformToolset(); e1.Element("NdkToolchainVersion", toolset ? toolset : "Default"); if (cmValue minApi = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_API_MIN")) { e1.Element("AndroidMinAPI", "android-" + *minApi); } if (cmValue api = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_API")) { e1.Element("AndroidTargetAPI", "android-" + *api); } if (cmValue cpuArch = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_ARCH")) { e1.Element("AndroidArch", *cpuArch); } if (cmValue stlType = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_STL_TYPE")) { e1.Element("AndroidStlType", *stlType); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteAndroidConfigurationValues( Elem& e1, std::string const&) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; if (cmValue projectToolsetOverride = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET")) { e1.Element("PlatformToolset", *projectToolsetOverride); } else if (const char* toolset = gg->GetPlatformToolset()) { e1.Element("PlatformToolset", toolset); } if (cmValue stlType = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_STL_TYPE")) { if (*stlType != "none") { e1.Element("UseOfStl", *stlType); } } std::string const& apiLevel = gg->GetSystemVersion(); if (!apiLevel.empty()) { e1.Element("AndroidAPILevel", cmStrCat("android-", apiLevel)); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCustomCommands(Elem& e0) { this->CSharpCustomCommandNames.clear(); cmSourceFile const* srcCMakeLists = this->LocalGenerator->CreateVCProjBuildRule(); for (cmGeneratorTarget::AllConfigSource const& si : this->GeneratorTarget->GetAllConfigSources()) { if (si.Source == srcCMakeLists) { // Skip explicit reference to CMakeLists.txt source. continue; } this->WriteCustomCommand(e0, si.Source); } // Add CMakeLists.txt file with rule to re-run CMake for user convenience. if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() != cmStateEnums::GLOBAL_TARGET && this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() != CMAKE_CHECK_BUILD_SYSTEM_TARGET) { if (srcCMakeLists) { // Write directly rather than through WriteCustomCommand because // we do not want the de-duplication and it has no dependencies. if (cmCustomCommand const* command = srcCMakeLists->GetCustomCommand()) { this->WriteCustomRule(e0, srcCMakeLists, *command); } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCustomCommand( Elem& e0, cmSourceFile const* sf) { if (this->LocalGenerator->GetSourcesVisited(this->GeneratorTarget) .insert(sf) .second) { if (std::vector const* depends = this->GeneratorTarget->GetSourceDepends(sf)) { for (cmSourceFile const* di : *depends) { this->WriteCustomCommand(e0, di); } } if (cmCustomCommand const* command = sf->GetCustomCommand()) { // C# projects write their within WriteCustomRule() this->WriteCustomRule(e0, sf, *command); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCustomRule( Elem& e0, cmSourceFile const* source, cmCustomCommand const& command) { std::string sourcePath = source->GetFullPath(); // VS 10 will always rebuild a custom command attached to a .rule // file that doesn't exist so create the file explicitly. if (source->GetPropertyAsBool("__CMAKE_RULE")) { if (!cmSystemTools::FileExists(sourcePath)) { // Make sure the path exists for the file std::string path = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(sourcePath); cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(path); cmsys::ofstream fout(sourcePath.c_str()); if (fout) { fout << "# generated from CMake\n"; fout.flush(); fout.close(); // Force given file to have a very old timestamp, thus // preventing dependent rebuilds. this->ForceOld(sourcePath); } else { std::string error = cmStrCat("Could not create file: [", sourcePath, "] "); cmSystemTools::Error(error + cmSystemTools::GetLastSystemError()); } } } cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator* lg = this->LocalGenerator; std::unique_ptr spe1; std::unique_ptr spe2; if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj) { spe1 = cm::make_unique(e0, "ItemGroup"); spe2 = cm::make_unique(*spe1, "CustomBuild"); this->WriteSource(*spe2, source); spe2->SetHasElements(); if (command.GetStdPipesUTF8()) { this->WriteStdOutEncodingUtf8(*spe2); } } else { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); Elem e2(e1, "None"); this->WriteSource(e2, source); e2.SetHasElements(); } for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { cmCustomCommandGenerator ccg(command, c, lg, true); std::string comment = lg->ConstructComment(ccg); comment = cmVS10EscapeComment(comment); std::string script = lg->ConstructScript(ccg); bool symbolic = false; // input files for custom command std::stringstream additional_inputs; { const char* sep = ""; if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { // csproj files do not attach the command to a specific file // so the primary input must be listed explicitly. additional_inputs << source->GetFullPath(); sep = ";"; } // Avoid listing an input more than once. std::set unique_inputs; // The source is either implicit an input or has been added above. unique_inputs.insert(source->GetFullPath()); for (std::string const& d : ccg.GetDepends()) { std::string dep; if (lg->GetRealDependency(d, c, dep)) { if (!unique_inputs.insert(dep).second) { // already listed continue; } ConvertToWindowsSlash(dep); additional_inputs << sep << dep; sep = ";"; if (!symbolic) { if (cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource( dep, cmSourceFileLocationKind::Known)) { symbolic = sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SYMBOLIC"); } } } } if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj) { additional_inputs << sep << "%(AdditionalInputs)"; } } // output files for custom command std::stringstream outputs; { const char* sep = ""; for (std::string const& o : ccg.GetOutputs()) { std::string out = o; ConvertToWindowsSlash(out); outputs << sep << out; sep = ";"; if (!symbolic) { if (cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource( o, cmSourceFileLocationKind::Known)) { symbolic = sf->GetPropertyAsBool("SYMBOLIC"); } } } } script += lg->FinishConstructScript(this->ProjectType); if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { std::string name = "CustomCommand_" + c + "_" + cmSystemTools::ComputeStringMD5(sourcePath); this->WriteCustomRuleCSharp(e0, c, name, script, additional_inputs.str(), outputs.str(), comment, ccg); } else { this->WriteCustomRuleCpp(*spe2, c, script, additional_inputs.str(), outputs.str(), comment, ccg, symbolic); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCustomRuleCpp( Elem& e2, std::string const& config, std::string const& script, std::string const& additional_inputs, std::string const& outputs, std::string const& comment, cmCustomCommandGenerator const& ccg, bool symbolic) { const std::string cond = this->CalcCondition(config); e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("Message", cond, comment); e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("Command", cond, script); e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("AdditionalInputs", cond, additional_inputs); e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("Outputs", cond, outputs); // Turn off linking of custom command outputs. e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("LinkObjects", cond, "false"); if (symbolic && this->LocalGenerator->GetVersion() >= cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VSVersion::VS16) { // VS >= 16.4 warn if outputs are not created, but one of our // outputs is marked SYMBOLIC and not expected to be created. e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("VerifyInputsAndOutputsExist", cond, "false"); } std::string depfile = ccg.GetFullDepfile(); if (!depfile.empty()) { this->HaveCustomCommandDepfile = true; std::string internal_depfile = ccg.GetInternalDepfile(); ConvertToWindowsSlash(internal_depfile); e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("DepFileAdditionalInputsFile", cond, internal_depfile); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCustomRuleCSharp( Elem& e0, std::string const& config, std::string const& name, std::string const& script, std::string const& inputs, std::string const& outputs, std::string const& comment, cmCustomCommandGenerator const& ccg) { if (!ccg.GetFullDepfile().empty()) { this->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("CSharp target \"", this->GeneratorTarget->GetName(), "\" does not support add_custom_command DEPFILE.")); } this->CSharpCustomCommandNames.insert(name); Elem e1(e0, "Target"); e1.Attribute("Condition", this->CalcCondition(config)); e1.S << "\n Name=\"" << name << "\""; e1.S << "\n Inputs=\"" << cmVS10EscapeAttr(inputs) << "\""; e1.S << "\n Outputs=\"" << cmVS10EscapeAttr(outputs) << "\""; if (!comment.empty()) { Elem(e1, "Exec").Attribute("Command", "echo " + comment); } Elem(e1, "Exec").Attribute("Command", script); } std::string cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ConvertPath( std::string const& path, bool forceRelative) { return forceRelative ? cmSystemTools::RelativePath( this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), path) : path; } static void ConvertToWindowsSlash(std::string& s) { // first convert all of the slashes for (auto& ch : s) { if (ch == '/') { ch = '\\'; } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteGroups() { if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { return; } // collect up group information std::vector sourceGroups = this->Makefile->GetSourceGroups(); std::vector const& sources = this->GeneratorTarget->GetAllConfigSources(); std::set groupsUsed; for (cmGeneratorTarget::AllConfigSource const& si : sources) { std::string const& source = si.Source->GetFullPath(); cmSourceGroup* sourceGroup = this->Makefile->FindSourceGroup(source, sourceGroups); groupsUsed.insert(sourceGroup); } if (cmSourceFile const* srcCMakeLists = this->LocalGenerator->CreateVCProjBuildRule()) { std::string const& source = srcCMakeLists->GetFullPath(); cmSourceGroup* sourceGroup = this->Makefile->FindSourceGroup(source, sourceGroups); groupsUsed.insert(sourceGroup); } this->AddMissingSourceGroups(groupsUsed, sourceGroups); // Write out group file std::string path = cmStrCat( this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), '/', this->Name, computeProjectFileExtension(this->GeneratorTarget), ".filters"); cmGeneratedFileStream fout(path); fout.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); char magic[] = { char(0xEF), char(0xBB), char(0xBF) }; fout.write(magic, 3); fout << "GlobalGenerator->Encoding() << "\"?>"; { Elem e0(fout, "Project"); e0.Attribute("ToolsVersion", this->GlobalGenerator->GetToolsVersion()); e0.Attribute("xmlns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"); for (auto const& ti : this->Tools) { this->WriteGroupSources(e0, ti.first, ti.second, sourceGroups); } // Added files are images and the manifest. if (!this->AddedFiles.empty()) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); e1.SetHasElements(); for (std::string const& oi : this->AddedFiles) { std::string fileName = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(oi)); if (fileName == "wmappmanifest.xml") { Elem e2(e1, "XML"); e2.Attribute("Include", oi); e2.Element("Filter", "Resource Files"); } else if (cmSystemTools::GetFilenameExtension(fileName) == ".appxmanifest") { Elem e2(e1, "AppxManifest"); e2.Attribute("Include", oi); e2.Element("Filter", "Resource Files"); } else if (cmSystemTools::GetFilenameExtension(fileName) == ".pfx") { Elem e2(e1, "None"); e2.Attribute("Include", oi); e2.Element("Filter", "Resource Files"); } else { Elem e2(e1, "Image"); e2.Attribute("Include", oi); e2.Element("Filter", "Resource Files"); } } } if (!this->ResxObjs.empty()) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); for (cmSourceFile const* oi : this->ResxObjs) { std::string obj = oi->GetFullPath(); ConvertToWindowsSlash(obj); Elem e2(e1, "EmbeddedResource"); e2.Attribute("Include", obj); e2.Element("Filter", "Resource Files"); } } { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); e1.SetHasElements(); std::vector groupsVec(groupsUsed.begin(), groupsUsed.end()); std::sort(groupsVec.begin(), groupsVec.end(), [](cmSourceGroup const* l, cmSourceGroup const* r) { return l->GetFullName() < r->GetFullName(); }); for (cmSourceGroup const* sg : groupsVec) { std::string const& name = sg->GetFullName(); if (!name.empty()) { std::string guidName = "SG_Filter_" + name; std::string guid = this->GlobalGenerator->GetGUID(guidName); Elem e2(e1, "Filter"); e2.Attribute("Include", name); e2.Element("UniqueIdentifier", "{" + guid + "}"); } } if (!this->ResxObjs.empty() || !this->AddedFiles.empty()) { std::string guidName = "SG_Filter_Resource Files"; std::string guid = this->GlobalGenerator->GetGUID(guidName); Elem e2(e1, "Filter"); e2.Attribute("Include", "Resource Files"); e2.Element("UniqueIdentifier", "{" + guid + "}"); e2.Element("Extensions", "rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;" "gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav;mfcribbon-ms"); } } } fout << '\n'; if (fout.Close()) { this->GlobalGenerator->FileReplacedDuringGenerate(path); } } // Add to groupsUsed empty source groups that have non-empty children. void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::AddMissingSourceGroups( std::set& groupsUsed, const std::vector& allGroups) { for (cmSourceGroup const& current : allGroups) { std::vector const& children = current.GetGroupChildren(); if (children.empty()) { continue; // the group is really empty } this->AddMissingSourceGroups(groupsUsed, children); if (groupsUsed.count(¤t) > 0) { continue; // group has already been added to set } // check if it least one of the group's descendants is not empty // (at least one child must already have been added) auto child_it = children.begin(); while (child_it != children.end()) { if (groupsUsed.count(&(*child_it)) > 0) { break; // found a child that was already added => add current group too } child_it++; } if (child_it == children.end()) { continue; // no descendants have source files => ignore this group } groupsUsed.insert(¤t); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteGroupSources( Elem& e0, std::string const& name, ToolSources const& sources, std::vector& sourceGroups) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); e1.SetHasElements(); for (ToolSource const& s : sources) { cmSourceFile const* sf = s.SourceFile; std::string const& source = sf->GetFullPath(); cmSourceGroup* sourceGroup = this->Makefile->FindSourceGroup(source, sourceGroups); std::string const& filter = sourceGroup->GetFullName(); std::string path = this->ConvertPath(source, s.RelativePath); ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); Elem e2(e1, name); e2.Attribute("Include", path); if (!filter.empty()) { e2.Element("Filter", filter); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteHeaderSource( Elem& e1, cmSourceFile const* sf, ConfigToSettings const& toolSettings) { std::string const& fileName = sf->GetFullPath(); Elem e2(e1, "ClInclude"); this->WriteSource(e2, sf); if (this->IsResxHeader(fileName)) { e2.Element("FileType", "CppForm"); } else if (this->IsXamlHeader(fileName)) { e2.Element("DependentUpon", fileName.substr(0, fileName.find_last_of("."))); } this->FinishWritingSource(e2, toolSettings); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ParseSettingsProperty( const std::string& settingsPropertyValue, ConfigToSettings& toolSettings) { if (!settingsPropertyValue.empty()) { cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(settingsPropertyValue); for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { std::string evaluated = cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config); std::vector settings = cmExpandedList(evaluated); for (const std::string& setting : settings) { const std::string::size_type assignment = setting.find('='); if (assignment != std::string::npos) { const std::string propName = setting.substr(0, assignment); const std::string propValue = setting.substr(assignment + 1); if (!propValue.empty()) { toolSettings[config][propName] = propValue; } } } } } } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::PropertyIsSameInAllConfigs( const ConfigToSettings& toolSettings, const std::string& propName) { std::string firstPropValue = ""; for (const auto& configToSettings : toolSettings) { const std::unordered_map& settings = configToSettings.second; if (firstPropValue.empty()) { if (settings.find(propName) != settings.end()) { firstPropValue = settings.find(propName)->second; } } if (settings.find(propName) == settings.end()) { return false; } if (settings.find(propName)->second != firstPropValue) { return false; } } return true; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteExtraSource( Elem& e1, cmSourceFile const* sf, ConfigToSettings& toolSettings) { bool toolHasSettings = false; const char* tool = "None"; std::string settingsGenerator; std::string settingsLastGenOutput; std::string sourceLink; std::string subType; std::string copyToOutDir; std::string includeInVsix; std::string ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(sf->GetExtension()); if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj && !this->InSourceBuild) { toolHasSettings = true; } if (ext == "hlsl") { tool = "FXCompile"; // Figure out the type of shader compiler to use. if (cmValue st = sf->GetProperty("VS_SHADER_TYPE")) { for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { toolSettings[config]["ShaderType"] = *st; } } // Figure out which entry point to use if any if (cmValue se = sf->GetProperty("VS_SHADER_ENTRYPOINT")) { for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { toolSettings[config]["EntryPointName"] = *se; } } // Figure out which shader model to use if any if (cmValue sm = sf->GetProperty("VS_SHADER_MODEL")) { for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { toolSettings[config]["ShaderModel"] = *sm; } } // Figure out which output header file to use if any if (cmValue ohf = sf->GetProperty("VS_SHADER_OUTPUT_HEADER_FILE")) { for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { toolSettings[config]["HeaderFileOutput"] = *ohf; } } // Figure out which variable name to use if any if (cmValue vn = sf->GetProperty("VS_SHADER_VARIABLE_NAME")) { for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { toolSettings[config]["VariableName"] = *vn; } } // Figure out if there's any additional flags to use if (cmValue saf = sf->GetProperty("VS_SHADER_FLAGS")) { cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(*saf); for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { std::string evaluated = cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config); if (!evaluated.empty()) { toolSettings[config]["AdditionalOptions"] = evaluated; } } } // Figure out if debug information should be generated if (cmValue sed = sf->GetProperty("VS_SHADER_ENABLE_DEBUG")) { cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(*sed); for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { std::string evaluated = cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config); if (!evaluated.empty()) { toolSettings[config]["EnableDebuggingInformation"] = cmIsOn(evaluated) ? "true" : "false"; } } } // Figure out if optimizations should be disabled if (cmValue sdo = sf->GetProperty("VS_SHADER_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATIONS")) { cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(*sdo); for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { std::string evaluated = cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config); if (!evaluated.empty()) { toolSettings[config]["DisableOptimizations"] = cmIsOn(evaluated) ? "true" : "false"; } } } if (cmValue sofn = sf->GetProperty("VS_SHADER_OBJECT_FILE_NAME")) { for (const std::string& config : this->Configurations) { toolSettings[config]["ObjectFileOutput"] = *sofn; } } } else if (ext == "jpg" || ext == "png") { tool = "Image"; } else if (ext == "resw") { tool = "PRIResource"; } else if (ext == "xml") { tool = "XML"; } else if (ext == "natvis") { tool = "Natvis"; } else if (ext == "settings") { settingsLastGenOutput = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(sf->GetFullPath()); std::size_t pos = settingsLastGenOutput.find(".settings"); settingsLastGenOutput.replace(pos, 9, ".Designer.cs"); settingsGenerator = "SettingsSingleFileGenerator"; toolHasSettings = true; } else if (ext == "vsixmanifest") { subType = "Designer"; } if (cmValue c = sf->GetProperty("VS_COPY_TO_OUT_DIR")) { tool = "Content"; copyToOutDir = *c; toolHasSettings = true; } if (sf->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_INCLUDE_IN_VSIX")) { includeInVsix = "True"; tool = "Content"; toolHasSettings = true; } // Collect VS_CSHARP_* property values (if some are set) std::map sourceFileTags; this->GetCSharpSourceProperties(sf, sourceFileTags); if (this->NsightTegra) { // Nsight Tegra needs specific file types to check up-to-dateness. std::string name = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(sf->GetLocation().GetName()); if (name == "androidmanifest.xml" || name == "build.xml" || name == "proguard.cfg" || name == "proguard-project.txt" || ext == "properties") { tool = "AndroidBuild"; } else if (ext == "java") { tool = "JCompile"; } else if (ext == "asm" || ext == "s") { tool = "ClCompile"; } } cmValue toolOverride = sf->GetProperty("VS_TOOL_OVERRIDE"); if (cmNonempty(toolOverride)) { tool = toolOverride->c_str(); } std::string deployContent; std::string deployLocation; if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone() || this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore()) { cmValue content = sf->GetProperty("VS_DEPLOYMENT_CONTENT"); if (cmNonempty(content)) { toolHasSettings = true; deployContent = *content; cmValue location = sf->GetProperty("VS_DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION"); if (cmNonempty(location)) { deployLocation = *location; } } } if (ParsedToolTargetSettings.find(tool) == ParsedToolTargetSettings.end()) { cmValue toolTargetProperty = this->GeneratorTarget->Target->GetProperty( "VS_SOURCE_SETTINGS_" + std::string(tool)); ConfigToSettings toolTargetSettings; if (toolTargetProperty) { ParseSettingsProperty(*toolTargetProperty, toolTargetSettings); } ParsedToolTargetSettings[tool] = toolTargetSettings; } for (const auto& configToSetting : ParsedToolTargetSettings[tool]) { for (const auto& setting : configToSetting.second) { toolSettings[configToSetting.first][setting.first] = setting.second; } } if (!toolSettings.empty()) { toolHasSettings = true; } Elem e2(e1, tool); this->WriteSource(e2, sf); if (toolHasSettings) { e2.SetHasElements(); this->FinishWritingSource(e2, toolSettings); if (!deployContent.empty()) { cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(deployContent); // Deployment location cannot be set on a configuration basis if (!deployLocation.empty()) { e2.Element("Link", deployLocation + "\\%(FileName)%(Extension)"); } for (size_t i = 0; i != this->Configurations.size(); ++i) { if (cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, this->Configurations[i]) == "1") { e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("DeploymentContent", "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" + this->Configurations[i] + "|" + this->Platform + "'", "true"); } else { e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("ExcludedFromBuild", "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" + this->Configurations[i] + "|" + this->Platform + "'", "true"); } } } if (!settingsGenerator.empty()) { e2.Element("Generator", settingsGenerator); } if (!settingsLastGenOutput.empty()) { e2.Element("LastGenOutput", settingsLastGenOutput); } if (!subType.empty()) { e2.Element("SubType", subType); } if (!copyToOutDir.empty()) { e2.Element("CopyToOutputDirectory", copyToOutDir); } if (!includeInVsix.empty()) { e2.Element("IncludeInVSIX", includeInVsix); } // write source file specific tags this->WriteCSharpSourceProperties(e2, sourceFileTags); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteSource(Elem& e2, cmSourceFile const* sf) { // Visual Studio tools append relative paths to the current dir, as in: // // c:\path\to\current\dir\..\..\..\relative\path\to\source.c // // and fail if this exceeds the maximum allowed path length. Our path // conversion uses full paths when possible to allow deeper trees. // However, CUDA 8.0 msbuild rules fail on absolute paths so for CUDA // we must use relative paths. bool forceRelative = sf->GetLanguage() == "CUDA"; std::string sourceFile = this->ConvertPath(sf->GetFullPath(), forceRelative); ConvertToWindowsSlash(sourceFile); e2.Attribute("Include", sourceFile); if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj && !this->InSourceBuild) { // For out of source projects we have to provide a link (if not specified // via property) for every source file (besides .cs files) otherwise they // will not be visible in VS at all. // First we check if the file is in a source group, then we check if the // file path is relative to current source- or binary-dir, otherwise it is // added with the plain filename without any path. This means the file will // show up at root-level of the csproj (where CMakeLists.txt etc. are). std::string link = this->GetCSharpSourceLink(sf); if (link.empty()) link = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(sf->GetFullPath()); e2.Element("Link", link); } ToolSource toolSource = { sf, forceRelative }; this->Tools[e2.Tag].push_back(toolSource); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteAllSources(Elem& e0) { if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::GLOBAL_TARGET) { return; } const bool haveUnityBuild = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("UNITY_BUILD"); if (haveUnityBuild && this->GlobalGenerator->GetSupportsUnityBuilds()) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Element("EnableUnitySupport", "true"); } Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); e1.SetHasElements(); std::vector all_configs; for (size_t ci = 0; ci < this->Configurations.size(); ++ci) { all_configs.push_back(ci); } std::vector const& sources = this->GeneratorTarget->GetAllConfigSources(); cmSourceFile const* srcCMakeLists = this->LocalGenerator->CreateVCProjBuildRule(); for (cmGeneratorTarget::AllConfigSource const& si : sources) { if (si.Source == srcCMakeLists) { // Skip explicit reference to CMakeLists.txt source. continue; } ConfigToSettings toolSettings; for (const auto& config : this->Configurations) { toolSettings[config]; } if (cmValue p = si.Source->GetProperty("VS_SETTINGS")) { ParseSettingsProperty(*p, toolSettings); } const char* tool = nullptr; switch (si.Kind) { case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindAppManifest: tool = "AppxManifest"; break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindCertificate: tool = "None"; break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindCustomCommand: // Handled elsewhere. break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindExternalObject: tool = "Object"; if (this->LocalGenerator->GetVersion() < cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VSVersion::VS11) { // For VS == 10 we cannot use LinkObjects to avoid linking custom // command outputs. If an object file is generated in this target, // then vs10 will use it in the build, and we have to list it as // None instead of Object. std::vector const* d = this->GeneratorTarget->GetSourceDepends(si.Source); if (d && !d->empty()) { tool = "None"; } } break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindExtra: this->WriteExtraSource(e1, si.Source, toolSettings); break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindHeader: this->WriteHeaderSource(e1, si.Source, toolSettings); break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindIDL: tool = "Midl"; break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindManifest: // Handled elsewhere. break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindModuleDefinition: tool = "None"; break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindUnityBatched: case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindObjectSource: { const std::string& lang = si.Source->GetLanguage(); if (lang == "C" || lang == "CXX") { tool = "ClCompile"; } else if (lang == "ASM_MASM" && this->GlobalGenerator->IsMasmEnabled()) { tool = "MASM"; } else if (lang == "ASM_NASM" && this->GlobalGenerator->IsNasmEnabled()) { tool = "NASM"; } else if (lang == "RC") { tool = "ResourceCompile"; } else if (lang == "CSharp") { tool = "Compile"; } else if (lang == "CUDA" && this->GlobalGenerator->IsCudaEnabled()) { tool = "CudaCompile"; } else { tool = "None"; } } break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindResx: this->ResxObjs.push_back(si.Source); break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindXaml: this->XamlObjs.push_back(si.Source); break; } if (tool) { // Compute set of configurations to exclude, if any. std::vector const& include_configs = si.Configs; std::vector exclude_configs; std::set_difference(all_configs.begin(), all_configs.end(), include_configs.begin(), include_configs.end(), std::back_inserter(exclude_configs)); Elem e2(e1, tool); bool isCSharp = (si.Source->GetLanguage() == "CSharp"); if (isCSharp && exclude_configs.size() > 0) { std::stringstream conditions; bool firstConditionSet{ false }; for (const auto& ci : include_configs) { if (firstConditionSet) { conditions << " Or "; } conditions << "('$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" + this->Configurations[ci] + "|" + this->Platform + "')"; firstConditionSet = true; } e2.Attribute("Condition", conditions.str()); } this->WriteSource(e2, si.Source); bool useNativeUnityBuild = false; if (haveUnityBuild && this->GlobalGenerator->GetSupportsUnityBuilds()) { // Magic value taken from cmGlobalVisualStudioVersionedGenerator.cxx static const std::string vs15 = "141"; std::string toolset = this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetString(); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(toolset, "v", ""); if (toolset.empty() || cmSystemTools::VersionCompareGreaterEq(toolset, vs15)) { useNativeUnityBuild = true; } } if (haveUnityBuild && strcmp(tool, "ClCompile") == 0 && si.Source->GetProperty("UNITY_SOURCE_FILE")) { if (useNativeUnityBuild) { e2.Attribute( "IncludeInUnityFile", si.Source->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_UNITY_BUILD_INCLUSION") ? "false" : "true"); e2.Attribute("CustomUnityFile", "true"); std::string unityDir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath( *si.Source->GetProperty("UNITY_SOURCE_FILE")); e2.Attribute("UnityFilesDirectory", unityDir); } else { // Visual Studio versions prior to 2017 15.8 do not know about unity // builds, thus we exclude the files already part of unity sources. if (!si.Source->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_UNITY_BUILD_INCLUSION")) { exclude_configs = all_configs; } } } if (si.Kind == cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindObjectSource || si.Kind == cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindUnityBatched) { this->OutputSourceSpecificFlags(e2, si.Source); } if (si.Source->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS")) { e2.Element("PrecompiledHeader", "NotUsing"); } if (!isCSharp && !exclude_configs.empty()) { this->WriteExcludeFromBuild(e2, exclude_configs); } this->FinishWritingSource(e2, toolSettings); } } if (this->IsMissingFiles) { this->WriteMissingFiles(e1); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::FinishWritingSource( Elem& e2, ConfigToSettings const& toolSettings) { std::vector writtenSettings; for (const auto& configSettings : toolSettings) { for (const auto& setting : configSettings.second) { if (std::find(writtenSettings.begin(), writtenSettings.end(), setting.first) != writtenSettings.end()) { continue; } if (PropertyIsSameInAllConfigs(toolSettings, setting.first)) { e2.Element(setting.first, setting.second); writtenSettings.push_back(setting.first); } else { e2.WritePlatformConfigTag(setting.first, "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" + configSettings.first + "|" + this->Platform + "'", setting.second); } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::OutputSourceSpecificFlags( Elem& e2, cmSourceFile const* source) { cmSourceFile const& sf = *source; std::string objectName; if (this->GeneratorTarget->HasExplicitObjectName(&sf)) { objectName = this->GeneratorTarget->GetObjectName(&sf); } std::string flags; bool configDependentFlags = false; std::string options; bool configDependentOptions = false; std::string defines; bool configDependentDefines = false; std::string includes; bool configDependentIncludes = false; if (cmValue cflags = sf.GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS")) { configDependentFlags = cmGeneratorExpression::Find(*cflags) != std::string::npos; flags += *cflags; } if (cmValue coptions = sf.GetProperty("COMPILE_OPTIONS")) { configDependentOptions = cmGeneratorExpression::Find(*coptions) != std::string::npos; options += *coptions; } if (cmValue cdefs = sf.GetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS")) { configDependentDefines = cmGeneratorExpression::Find(*cdefs) != std::string::npos; defines += *cdefs; } if (cmValue cincludes = sf.GetProperty("INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES")) { configDependentIncludes = cmGeneratorExpression::Find(*cincludes) != std::string::npos; includes += *cincludes; } // Force language if the file extension does not match. // Note that MSVC treats the upper-case '.C' extension as C and not C++. std::string const ext = sf.GetExtension(); std::string const extLang = ext == "C" ? "C" : this->GlobalGenerator->GetLanguageFromExtension(ext.c_str()); std::string lang = this->LocalGenerator->GetSourceFileLanguage(sf); const char* compileAs = 0; if (lang != extLang) { if (lang == "CXX") { // force a C++ file type compileAs = "CompileAsCpp"; } else if (lang == "C") { // force to c compileAs = "CompileAsC"; } } bool noWinRT = this->TargetCompileAsWinRT && lang == "C"; // for the first time we need a new line if there is something // produced here. if (!objectName.empty()) { if (lang == "CUDA") { e2.Element("CompileOut", "$(IntDir)/" + objectName); } else { e2.Element("ObjectFileName", "$(IntDir)/" + objectName); } } if (lang == "ASM_NASM") { if (cmValue objectDeps = sf.GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS")) { std::string dependencies; std::vector depends = cmExpandedList(*objectDeps); const char* sep = ""; for (std::string& d : depends) { ConvertToWindowsSlash(d); dependencies += sep; dependencies += d; sep = ";"; } e2.Element("AdditionalDependencies", dependencies); } } for (std::string const& config : this->Configurations) { std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); std::string configDefines = defines; std::string defPropName = cmStrCat("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_", configUpper); if (cmValue ccdefs = sf.GetProperty(defPropName)) { if (!configDefines.empty()) { configDefines += ";"; } configDependentDefines |= cmGeneratorExpression::Find(*ccdefs) != std::string::npos; configDefines += *ccdefs; } // We have pch state in the following situation: // 1. We have SKIP_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS == true // 2. We are creating the pre-compiled header // 3. We are a different language than the linker language AND pch is // enabled. std::string const& linkLanguage = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkerLanguage(config); std::string const& pchSource = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPchSource(config, lang); const bool skipPCH = pchSource.empty() || sf.GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS"); const bool makePCH = (sf.GetFullPath() == pchSource); const bool useSharedPCH = !skipPCH && (lang == linkLanguage); const bool useDifferentLangPCH = !skipPCH && (lang != linkLanguage); const bool useNoPCH = skipPCH && (lang != linkLanguage) && !this->GeneratorTarget->GetPchHeader(config, linkLanguage).empty(); const bool needsPCHFlags = (makePCH || useSharedPCH || useDifferentLangPCH || useNoPCH); // if we have flags or defines for this config then // use them if (!flags.empty() || !options.empty() || !configDefines.empty() || !includes.empty() || compileAs || noWinRT || !options.empty() || needsPCHFlags) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; cmIDEFlagTable const* flagtable = nullptr; const std::string& srclang = source->GetLanguage(); if (srclang == "C" || srclang == "CXX") { flagtable = gg->GetClFlagTable(); } else if (srclang == "ASM_MASM" && this->GlobalGenerator->IsMasmEnabled()) { flagtable = gg->GetMasmFlagTable(); } else if (lang == "ASM_NASM" && this->GlobalGenerator->IsNasmEnabled()) { flagtable = gg->GetNasmFlagTable(); } else if (srclang == "RC") { flagtable = gg->GetRcFlagTable(); } else if (srclang == "CSharp") { flagtable = gg->GetCSharpFlagTable(); } cmGeneratorExpressionInterpreter genexInterpreter( this->LocalGenerator, config, this->GeneratorTarget, lang); cmVS10GeneratorOptions clOptions( this->LocalGenerator, cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions::Compiler, flagtable, this); if (compileAs) { clOptions.AddFlag("CompileAs", compileAs); } if (noWinRT) { clOptions.AddFlag("CompileAsWinRT", "false"); } if (configDependentFlags) { clOptions.Parse(genexInterpreter.Evaluate(flags, "COMPILE_FLAGS")); } else { clOptions.Parse(flags); } if (needsPCHFlags) { // Add precompile headers compile options. if (makePCH) { clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeader", "Create"); std::string pchHeader = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPchHeader(config, lang); clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeaderFile", pchHeader); std::string pchFile = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPchFile(config, lang); clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile", pchFile); clOptions.AddFlag("ForcedIncludeFiles", pchHeader); } else if (useNoPCH) { clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeader", "NotUsing"); } else if (useSharedPCH) { std::string pchHeader = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPchHeader(config, lang); clOptions.AddFlag("ForcedIncludeFiles", pchHeader); } else if (useDifferentLangPCH) { clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeader", "Use"); std::string pchHeader = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPchHeader(config, lang); clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeaderFile", pchHeader); std::string pchFile = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPchFile(config, lang); clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile", pchFile); clOptions.AddFlag("ForcedIncludeFiles", pchHeader); } } if (!options.empty()) { std::string expandedOptions; if (configDependentOptions) { this->LocalGenerator->AppendCompileOptions( expandedOptions, genexInterpreter.Evaluate(options, "COMPILE_OPTIONS")); } else { this->LocalGenerator->AppendCompileOptions(expandedOptions, options); } clOptions.Parse(expandedOptions); } if (clOptions.HasFlag("DisableSpecificWarnings")) { clOptions.AppendFlag("DisableSpecificWarnings", "%(DisableSpecificWarnings)"); } if (clOptions.HasFlag("ForcedIncludeFiles")) { clOptions.AppendFlag("ForcedIncludeFiles", "%(ForcedIncludeFiles)"); } if (configDependentDefines) { clOptions.AddDefines( genexInterpreter.Evaluate(configDefines, "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS")); } else { clOptions.AddDefines(configDefines); } std::vector includeList; if (configDependentIncludes) { this->LocalGenerator->AppendIncludeDirectories( includeList, genexInterpreter.Evaluate(includes, "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES"), *source); } else { this->LocalGenerator->AppendIncludeDirectories(includeList, includes, *source); } clOptions.AddIncludes(includeList); clOptions.SetConfiguration(config); OptionsHelper oh(clOptions, e2); oh.PrependInheritedString("AdditionalOptions"); oh.OutputAdditionalIncludeDirectories(lang); oh.OutputFlagMap(); oh.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(lang); } } if (this->IsXamlSource(source->GetFullPath())) { const std::string& fileName = source->GetFullPath(); e2.Element("DependentUpon", fileName.substr(0, fileName.find_last_of("."))); } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { std::string f = source->GetFullPath(); using CsPropMap = std::map; CsPropMap sourceFileTags; this->GetCSharpSourceProperties(&sf, sourceFileTags); // write source file specific tags if (!sourceFileTags.empty()) { this->WriteCSharpSourceProperties(e2, sourceFileTags); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteExcludeFromBuild( Elem& e2, std::vector const& exclude_configs) { for (size_t ci : exclude_configs) { e2.WritePlatformConfigTag("ExcludedFromBuild", "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" + this->Configurations[ci] + "|" + this->Platform + "'", "true"); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WritePathAndIncrementalLinkOptions( Elem& e0) { cmStateEnums::TargetType ttype = this->GeneratorTarget->GetType(); if (ttype > cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { return; } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { return; } Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Element("_ProjectFileVersion", "10.0.20506.1"); for (std::string const& config : this->Configurations) { const std::string cond = this->CalcCondition(config); if (ttype >= cmStateEnums::UTILITY) { e1.WritePlatformConfigTag( "IntDir", cond, "$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)\\$(ProjectName)\\"); } else { std::string intermediateDir = cmStrCat( this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget), '/', config, '/'); std::string outDir; std::string targetNameFull; if (ttype == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { outDir = intermediateDir; targetNameFull = cmStrCat(this->GeneratorTarget->GetName(), ".lib"); } else { outDir = this->GeneratorTarget->GetDirectory(config) + "/"; targetNameFull = this->GeneratorTarget->GetFullName(config); } ConvertToWindowsSlash(intermediateDir); ConvertToWindowsSlash(outDir); e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("OutDir", cond, outDir); e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("IntDir", cond, intermediateDir); if (cmValue sdkExecutableDirectories = this->Makefile->GetDefinition( "CMAKE_VS_SDK_EXECUTABLE_DIRECTORIES")) { e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("ExecutablePath", cond, *sdkExecutableDirectories); } if (cmValue sdkIncludeDirectories = this->Makefile->GetDefinition( "CMAKE_VS_SDK_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES")) { e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("IncludePath", cond, *sdkIncludeDirectories); } if (cmValue sdkReferenceDirectories = this->Makefile->GetDefinition( "CMAKE_VS_SDK_REFERENCE_DIRECTORIES")) { e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("ReferencePath", cond, *sdkReferenceDirectories); } if (cmValue sdkLibraryDirectories = this->Makefile->GetDefinition( "CMAKE_VS_SDK_LIBRARY_DIRECTORIES")) { e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("LibraryPath", cond, *sdkLibraryDirectories); } if (cmValue sdkLibraryWDirectories = this->Makefile->GetDefinition( "CMAKE_VS_SDK_LIBRARY_WINRT_DIRECTORIES")) { e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("LibraryWPath", cond, *sdkLibraryWDirectories); } if (cmValue sdkSourceDirectories = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_VS_SDK_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES")) { e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("SourcePath", cond, *sdkSourceDirectories); } if (cmValue sdkExcludeDirectories = this->Makefile->GetDefinition( "CMAKE_VS_SDK_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORIES")) { e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("ExcludePath", cond, *sdkExcludeDirectories); } std::string name = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(targetNameFull); e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("TargetName", cond, name); std::string ext = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(targetNameFull); if (ext.empty()) { // An empty TargetExt causes a default extension to be used. // A single "." appears to be treated as an empty extension. ext = "."; } e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("TargetExt", cond, ext); this->OutputLinkIncremental(e1, config); } if (ttype <= cmStateEnums::UTILITY) { if (cmValue workingDir = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty( "VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY")) { std::string genWorkingDir = cmGeneratorExpression::Evaluate( *workingDir, this->LocalGenerator, config); e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("LocalDebuggerWorkingDirectory", cond, genWorkingDir); } if (cmValue environment = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_DEBUGGER_ENVIRONMENT")) { std::string genEnvironment = cmGeneratorExpression::Evaluate( *environment, this->LocalGenerator, config); e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("LocalDebuggerEnvironment", cond, genEnvironment); } if (cmValue debuggerCommand = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND")) { std::string genDebuggerCommand = cmGeneratorExpression::Evaluate( *debuggerCommand, this->LocalGenerator, config); e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("LocalDebuggerCommand", cond, genDebuggerCommand); } if (cmValue commandArguments = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty( "VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS")) { std::string genCommandArguments = cmGeneratorExpression::Evaluate( *commandArguments, this->LocalGenerator, config); e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("LocalDebuggerCommandArguments", cond, genCommandArguments); } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::OutputLinkIncremental( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { if (!this->MSTools) { return; } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { return; } // static libraries and things greater than modules do not need // to set this option if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() > cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { return; } Options& linkOptions = *(this->LinkOptions[configName]); const std::string cond = this->CalcCondition(configName); if (this->IPOEnabledConfigurations.count(configName) == 0) { const char* incremental = linkOptions.GetFlag("LinkIncremental"); e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("LinkIncremental", cond, (incremental ? incremental : "true")); } linkOptions.RemoveFlag("LinkIncremental"); const char* manifest = linkOptions.GetFlag("GenerateManifest"); e1.WritePlatformConfigTag("GenerateManifest", cond, (manifest ? manifest : "true")); linkOptions.RemoveFlag("GenerateManifest"); // Some link options belong here. Use them now and remove them so that // WriteLinkOptions does not use them. static const std::vector flags{ "LinkDelaySign", "LinkKeyFile" }; for (const std::string& flag : flags) { if (const char* value = linkOptions.GetFlag(flag)) { e1.WritePlatformConfigTag(flag, cond, value); linkOptions.RemoveFlag(flag); } } } std::vector cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::GetIncludes( std::string const& config, std::string const& lang) const { std::vector includes; this->LocalGenerator->GetIncludeDirectories(includes, this->GeneratorTarget, lang, config); for (std::string& i : includes) { ConvertToWindowsSlash(i); } return includes; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeClOptions() { for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { if (!this->ComputeClOptions(c)) { return false; } } return true; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeClOptions( std::string const& configName) { // much of this was copied from here: // copied from cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx 805 // TODO: Integrate code below with cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator. cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; std::unique_ptr pOptions; switch (this->ProjectType) { case VsProjectType::vcxproj: pOptions = cm::make_unique( this->LocalGenerator, Options::Compiler, gg->GetClFlagTable()); break; case VsProjectType::csproj: pOptions = cm::make_unique(this->LocalGenerator, Options::CSharpCompiler, gg->GetCSharpFlagTable()); break; default: break; } Options& clOptions = *pOptions; std::string flags; const std::string& linkLanguage = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkerLanguage(configName); if (linkLanguage.empty()) { cmSystemTools::Error( "CMake can not determine linker language for target: " + this->Name); return false; } // Choose a language whose flags to use for ClCompile. static const char* clLangs[] = { "CXX", "C", "Fortran" }; std::string langForClCompile; if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { langForClCompile = "CSharp"; } else if (cm::contains(clLangs, linkLanguage)) { langForClCompile = linkLanguage; } else { std::set languages; this->GeneratorTarget->GetLanguages(languages, configName); for (const char* l : clLangs) { if (languages.count(l)) { langForClCompile = l; break; } } } this->LangForClCompile = langForClCompile; if (!langForClCompile.empty()) { this->LocalGenerator->AddLanguageFlags(flags, this->GeneratorTarget, cmBuildStep::Compile, langForClCompile, configName); this->LocalGenerator->AddCompileOptions(flags, this->GeneratorTarget, langForClCompile, configName); } // Put the IPO enabled configurations into a set. if (this->GeneratorTarget->IsIPOEnabled(linkLanguage, configName)) { this->IPOEnabledConfigurations.insert(configName); } // Check if ASan is enabled. if (flags.find("/fsanitize=address") != std::string::npos || flags.find("-fsanitize=address") != std::string::npos) { this->ASanEnabledConfigurations.insert(configName); } // Check if (lib)Fuzzer is enabled. if (flags.find("/fsanitize=fuzzer") != std::string::npos || flags.find("-fsanitize=fuzzer") != std::string::npos) { this->FuzzerEnabledConfigurations.insert(configName); } // Precompile Headers std::string pchHeader = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPchHeader(configName, linkLanguage); if (this->MSTools && VsProjectType::vcxproj == this->ProjectType && pchHeader.empty()) { clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeader", "NotUsing"); } else if (this->MSTools && VsProjectType::vcxproj == this->ProjectType && !pchHeader.empty()) { clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeader", "Use"); clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeaderFile", pchHeader); std::string pchFile = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPchFile(configName, linkLanguage); clOptions.AddFlag("PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile", pchFile); } // Get preprocessor definitions for this directory. std::string defineFlags = this->Makefile->GetDefineFlags(); if (this->MSTools) { if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::vcxproj) { clOptions.FixExceptionHandlingDefault(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->GetVersion() >= cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VSVersion::VS15) { // Toolsets that come with VS 2017 may now enable UseFullPaths // by default and there is no negative /FC option that projects // can use to switch it back. Older toolsets disable this by // default anyway so this will not hurt them. If the project // is using an explicit /FC option then parsing flags will // replace this setting with "true" below. clOptions.AddFlag("UseFullPaths", "false"); } clOptions.AddFlag("AssemblerListingLocation", "$(IntDir)"); } } // check for managed C++ assembly compiler flag. This overrides any // /clr* compiler flags which may be defined in the flags variable(s). if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj) { // Warn if /clr was added manually. This should not be done // anymore, because cmGeneratorTarget may not be aware that the // target uses C++/CLI. if (flags.find("/clr") != std::string::npos || flags.find("-clr") != std::string::npos || defineFlags.find("/clr") != std::string::npos || defineFlags.find("-clr") != std::string::npos) { if (configName == this->Configurations[0]) { std::string message = "For the target \"" + this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() + "\" the /clr compiler flag was added manually. " + "Set usage of C++/CLI by setting COMMON_LANGUAGE_RUNTIME " "target property."; this->Makefile->IssueMessage(MessageType::WARNING, message); } } if (cmValue clr = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("COMMON_LANGUAGE_RUNTIME")) { std::string clrString = *clr; if (!clrString.empty()) { clrString = ":" + clrString; } flags += " /clr" + clrString; } } // Get includes for this target if (!this->LangForClCompile.empty()) { auto includeList = this->GetIncludes(configName, this->LangForClCompile); auto sysIncludeFlag = this->Makefile->GetDefinition( cmStrCat("CMAKE_INCLUDE_SYSTEM_FLAG_", this->LangForClCompile)); if (sysIncludeFlag) { bool gotOneSys = false; for (auto i : includeList) { cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(i); if (this->GeneratorTarget->IsSystemIncludeDirectory( i, configName, this->LangForClCompile)) { auto flag = cmTrimWhitespace(*sysIncludeFlag); if (this->MSTools) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flag, "-external:I", "/external:I"); } clOptions.AppendFlagString("AdditionalOptions", cmStrCat(flag, " \"", i, '"')); gotOneSys = true; } else { clOptions.AddInclude(i); } } if (gotOneSys) { if (auto sysIncludeFlagWarning = this->Makefile->GetDefinition( cmStrCat("_CMAKE_INCLUDE_SYSTEM_FLAG_", this->LangForClCompile, "_WARNING"))) { flags = cmStrCat(flags, ' ', *sysIncludeFlagWarning); } } } else { clOptions.AddIncludes(includeList); } } clOptions.Parse(flags); clOptions.Parse(defineFlags); std::vector targetDefines; switch (this->ProjectType) { case VsProjectType::vcxproj: if (!langForClCompile.empty()) { this->GeneratorTarget->GetCompileDefinitions(targetDefines, configName, langForClCompile); } break; case VsProjectType::csproj: this->GeneratorTarget->GetCompileDefinitions(targetDefines, configName, "CSharp"); cm::erase_if(targetDefines, [](std::string const& def) { return def.find('=') != std::string::npos; }); break; default: break; } clOptions.AddDefines(targetDefines); if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { clOptions.AppendFlag("DefineConstants", targetDefines); } if (this->MSTools) { clOptions.SetVerboseMakefile( this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE")); } // Add C-specific flags expressible in a ClCompile meant for C++. if (langForClCompile == "CXX") { std::set languages; this->GeneratorTarget->GetLanguages(languages, configName); if (languages.count("C")) { std::string flagsC; this->LocalGenerator->AddCompileOptions(flagsC, this->GeneratorTarget, "C", configName); Options optC(this->LocalGenerator, Options::Compiler, gg->GetClFlagTable()); optC.Parse(flagsC); if (const char* stdC = optC.GetFlag("LanguageStandard_C")) { clOptions.AddFlag("LanguageStandard_C", stdC); } } } // Add a definition for the configuration name. std::string configDefine = cmStrCat("CMAKE_INTDIR=\"", configName, '"'); clOptions.AddDefine(configDefine); if (const std::string* exportMacro = this->GeneratorTarget->GetExportMacro()) { clOptions.AddDefine(*exportMacro); } if (this->MSTools) { // If we have the VS_WINRT_COMPONENT set then force Compile as WinRT if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_WINRT_COMPONENT")) { clOptions.AddFlag("CompileAsWinRT", "true"); // For WinRT components, add the _WINRT_DLL define to produce a lib if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { clOptions.AddDefine("_WINRT_DLL"); } } else if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore() || this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone() || this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_VS_WINRT_BY_DEFAULT")) { if (!clOptions.IsWinRt()) { clOptions.AddFlag("CompileAsWinRT", "false"); } } if (const char* winRT = clOptions.GetFlag("CompileAsWinRT")) { if (cmIsOn(winRT)) { this->TargetCompileAsWinRT = true; } } } if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj && clOptions.IsManaged()) { this->Managed = true; std::string managedType = clOptions.GetFlag("CompileAsManaged"); if (managedType == "Safe" || managedType == "Pure") { // force empty calling convention if safe clr is used clOptions.AddFlag("CallingConvention", ""); } // The default values of these flags are incompatible to // managed assemblies. We have to force valid values if // the target is a managed C++ target. clOptions.AddFlag("ExceptionHandling", "Async"); clOptions.AddFlag("BasicRuntimeChecks", "Default"); } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { // /nowin32manifest overrides /win32manifest: parameter if (clOptions.HasFlag("NoWin32Manifest")) { clOptions.RemoveFlag("ApplicationManifest"); } } if (const char* s = clOptions.GetFlag("SpectreMitigation")) { this->SpectreMitigation[configName] = s; clOptions.RemoveFlag("SpectreMitigation"); } // Remove any target-wide -TC or -TP flag added by the project. // Such flags are unnecessary and break our model of language selection. if (langForClCompile == "C" || langForClCompile == "CXX") { clOptions.RemoveFlag("CompileAs"); } this->ClOptions[configName] = std::move(pOptions); return true; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteClOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { Options& clOptions = *(this->ClOptions[configName]); if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { return; } Elem e2(e1, "ClCompile"); OptionsHelper oh(clOptions, e2); oh.PrependInheritedString("AdditionalOptions"); oh.OutputAdditionalIncludeDirectories(this->LangForClCompile); oh.OutputFlagMap(); oh.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(this->LangForClCompile); if (this->NsightTegra) { if (cmValue processMax = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_PROCESS_MAX")) { e2.Element("ProcessMax", *processMax); } } if (this->Android) { e2.Element("ObjectFileName", "$(IntDir)%(filename).o"); } else if (this->MSTools) { cmsys::RegularExpression clangToolset("v[0-9]+_clang_.*"); const char* toolset = this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolset(); cmValue noCompileBatching = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_NO_COMPILE_BATCHING"); if (noCompileBatching.IsOn() || (toolset && clangToolset.find(toolset))) { e2.Element("ObjectFileName", "$(IntDir)%(filename).obj"); } else { e2.Element("ObjectFileName", "$(IntDir)"); } // If not in debug mode, write the DebugInformationFormat field // without value so PDBs don't get generated uselessly. Each tag // goes on its own line because Visual Studio corrects it this // way when saving the project after CMake generates it. if (!clOptions.IsDebug()) { Elem e3(e2, "DebugInformationFormat"); e3.SetHasElements(); } // Specify the compiler program database file if configured. std::string pdb = this->GeneratorTarget->GetCompilePDBPath(configName); if (!pdb.empty()) { if (this->GlobalGenerator->IsCudaEnabled()) { // CUDA does not quote paths with spaces correctly when forwarding // this to the host compiler. Use a relative path to avoid spaces. // FIXME: We can likely do this even when CUDA is not involved, // but for now we will make a minimal change. pdb = this->ConvertPath(pdb, true); } ConvertToWindowsSlash(pdb); e2.Element("ProgramDataBaseFileName", pdb); } // add AdditionalUsingDirectories if (this->AdditionalUsingDirectories.count(configName) > 0) { std::string dirs; for (auto u : this->AdditionalUsingDirectories[configName]) { if (!dirs.empty()) { dirs.append(";"); } dirs.append(u); } e2.Element("AdditionalUsingDirectories", dirs); } } } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeRcOptions() { for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { if (!this->ComputeRcOptions(c)) { return false; } } return true; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeRcOptions( std::string const& configName) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; auto pOptions = cm::make_unique( this->LocalGenerator, Options::ResourceCompiler, gg->GetRcFlagTable()); Options& rcOptions = *pOptions; std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(configName); std::string rcConfigFlagsVar = "CMAKE_RC_FLAGS_" + CONFIG; std::string flags = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_RC_FLAGS") + " " + this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(rcConfigFlagsVar); rcOptions.Parse(flags); // For historical reasons, add the C preprocessor defines to RC. Options& clOptions = *(this->ClOptions[configName]); rcOptions.AddDefines(clOptions.GetDefines()); // Get includes for this target rcOptions.AddIncludes(this->GetIncludes(configName, "RC")); this->RcOptions[configName] = std::move(pOptions); return true; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteRCOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { if (!this->MSTools) { return; } Elem e2(e1, "ResourceCompile"); OptionsHelper rcOptions(*(this->RcOptions[configName]), e2); rcOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions("RC"); rcOptions.OutputAdditionalIncludeDirectories("RC"); rcOptions.PrependInheritedString("AdditionalOptions"); rcOptions.OutputFlagMap(); } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeCudaOptions() { if (!this->GlobalGenerator->IsCudaEnabled()) { return true; } for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { if (this->GeneratorTarget->IsLanguageUsed("CUDA", c) && !this->ComputeCudaOptions(c)) { return false; } } return true; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeCudaOptions( std::string const& configName) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; auto pOptions = cm::make_unique( this->LocalGenerator, Options::CudaCompiler, gg->GetCudaFlagTable()); Options& cudaOptions = *pOptions; auto cudaVersion = this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCudaString(); // Get compile flags for CUDA in this directory. std::string flags; this->LocalGenerator->AddLanguageFlags( flags, this->GeneratorTarget, cmBuildStep::Compile, "CUDA", configName); this->LocalGenerator->AddCompileOptions(flags, this->GeneratorTarget, "CUDA", configName); // Get preprocessor definitions for this directory. std::string defineFlags = this->Makefile->GetDefineFlags(); cudaOptions.Parse(flags); cudaOptions.Parse(defineFlags); cudaOptions.ParseFinish(); // If we haven't explicitly enabled GPU debug information // explicitly disable it if (!cudaOptions.HasFlag("GPUDebugInfo")) { cudaOptions.AddFlag("GPUDebugInfo", "false"); } // The extension on object libraries the CUDA gives isn't // consistent with how MSVC generates object libraries for C+, so set // the default to not have any extension cudaOptions.AddFlag("CompileOut", "$(IntDir)%(Filename).obj"); if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION")) { cudaOptions.AddFlag("GenerateRelocatableDeviceCode", "true"); } bool notPtx = true; if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("CUDA_PTX_COMPILATION")) { cudaOptions.AddFlag("NvccCompilation", "ptx"); // We drop the %(Extension) component as CMake expects all PTX files // to not have the source file extension at all cudaOptions.AddFlag("CompileOut", "$(IntDir)%(Filename).ptx"); notPtx = false; if (cmSystemTools::VersionCompare(cmSystemTools::OP_GREATER_EQUAL, cudaVersion, "9.0") && cmSystemTools::VersionCompare(cmSystemTools::OP_LESS, cudaVersion, "11.5")) { // The DriverApi flag before 11.5 ( verified back to 9.0 ) which controls // PTX compilation doesn't propagate user defines causing // target_compile_definitions to behave differently for VS + // PTX compared to other generators so we patch the rules // to normalize behavior cudaOptions.AddFlag("DriverApiCommandLineTemplate", "%(BaseCommandLineTemplate) [CompileOut] [FastMath] " "[Defines] \"%(FullPath)\""); } } if (notPtx && cmSystemTools::VersionCompareGreaterEq( "8.0", this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCudaString())) { // Explicitly state that we want this file to be treated as a // CUDA file no matter what the file extensions is // This is only needed for < CUDA 9 cudaOptions.AppendFlagString("AdditionalOptions", "-x cu"); } // Specify the compiler program database file if configured. std::string pdb = this->GeneratorTarget->GetCompilePDBPath(configName); if (!pdb.empty()) { // CUDA does not make the directory if it is non-standard. std::string const pdbDir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(pdb); cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(pdbDir); if (cmSystemTools::VersionCompareGreaterEq( "9.2", this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolsetCudaString())) { // CUDA does not have a field for this and does not honor the // ProgramDataBaseFileName field in ClCompile. Work around this // limitation by creating the directory and passing the flag ourselves. pdb = this->ConvertPath(pdb, true); ConvertToWindowsSlash(pdb); std::string const clFd = "-Xcompiler=\"-Fd\\\"" + pdb + "\\\"\""; cudaOptions.AppendFlagString("AdditionalOptions", clFd); } } // CUDA automatically passes the proper '--machine' flag to nvcc // for the current architecture, but does not reflect this default // in the user-visible IDE settings. Set it explicitly. if (this->Platform == "x64") { cudaOptions.AddFlag("TargetMachinePlatform", "64"); } // Convert the host compiler options to the toolset's abstractions // using a secondary flag table. cudaOptions.ClearTables(); cudaOptions.AddTable(gg->GetCudaHostFlagTable()); cudaOptions.Reparse("AdditionalCompilerOptions"); // `CUDA 8.0.targets` places AdditionalCompilerOptions before nvcc! // Pass them through -Xcompiler in AdditionalOptions instead. if (const char* acoPtr = cudaOptions.GetFlag("AdditionalCompilerOptions")) { std::string aco = acoPtr; cudaOptions.RemoveFlag("AdditionalCompilerOptions"); if (!aco.empty()) { aco = this->LocalGenerator->EscapeForShell(aco, false); cudaOptions.AppendFlagString("AdditionalOptions", "-Xcompiler=" + aco); } } cudaOptions.FixCudaCodeGeneration(); std::vector targetDefines; this->GeneratorTarget->GetCompileDefinitions(targetDefines, configName, "CUDA"); cudaOptions.AddDefines(targetDefines); // Add a definition for the configuration name. std::string configDefine = cmStrCat("CMAKE_INTDIR=\"", configName, '"'); cudaOptions.AddDefine(configDefine); if (const std::string* exportMacro = this->GeneratorTarget->GetExportMacro()) { cudaOptions.AddDefine(*exportMacro); } // Get includes for this target cudaOptions.AddIncludes(this->GetIncludes(configName, "CUDA")); cudaOptions.AddFlag("UseHostInclude", "false"); // Add runtime library selection flag. std::string const& cudaRuntime = this->GeneratorTarget->GetRuntimeLinkLibrary("CUDA", configName); if (cudaRuntime == "STATIC") { cudaOptions.AddFlag("CudaRuntime", "Static"); } else if (cudaRuntime == "SHARED") { cudaOptions.AddFlag("CudaRuntime", "Shared"); } else if (cudaRuntime == "NONE") { cudaOptions.AddFlag("CudaRuntime", "None"); } this->CudaOptions[configName] = std::move(pOptions); return true; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCudaOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { if (!this->MSTools || !this->GlobalGenerator->IsCudaEnabled() || !this->GeneratorTarget->IsLanguageUsed("CUDA", configName)) { return; } Elem e2(e1, "CudaCompile"); OptionsHelper cudaOptions(*(this->CudaOptions[configName]), e2); cudaOptions.OutputAdditionalIncludeDirectories("CUDA"); cudaOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions("CUDA"); cudaOptions.PrependInheritedString("AdditionalOptions"); cudaOptions.OutputFlagMap(); } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeCudaLinkOptions() { if (!this->GlobalGenerator->IsCudaEnabled()) { return true; } for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { if (!this->ComputeCudaLinkOptions(c)) { return false; } } return true; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeCudaLinkOptions( std::string const& configName) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; auto pOptions = cm::make_unique( this->LocalGenerator, Options::CudaCompiler, gg->GetCudaFlagTable()); Options& cudaLinkOptions = *pOptions; cmGeneratorTarget::DeviceLinkSetter setter(*this->GeneratorTarget); // Determine if we need to do a device link const bool doDeviceLinking = requireDeviceLinking( *this->GeneratorTarget, *this->LocalGenerator, configName); cudaLinkOptions.AddFlag("PerformDeviceLink", doDeviceLinking ? "true" : "false"); // Add extra flags for device linking cudaLinkOptions.AppendFlagString( "AdditionalOptions", this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("_CMAKE_CUDA_EXTRA_FLAGS")); cudaLinkOptions.AppendFlagString( "AdditionalOptions", this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("_CMAKE_CUDA_EXTRA_DEVICE_LINK_FLAGS")); std::vector linkOpts; std::string linkFlags; this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkOptions(linkOpts, configName, "CUDA"); // LINK_OPTIONS are escaped. this->LocalGenerator->AppendCompileOptions(linkFlags, linkOpts); cmComputeLinkInformation* pcli = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkInformation(configName); if (doDeviceLinking && pcli) { cmLinkLineDeviceComputer computer( this->LocalGenerator, this->LocalGenerator->GetStateSnapshot().GetDirectory()); std::string ignored_; this->LocalGenerator->GetDeviceLinkFlags(computer, configName, ignored_, linkFlags, ignored_, ignored_, this->GeneratorTarget); this->LocalGenerator->AddLanguageFlagsForLinking( linkFlags, this->GeneratorTarget, "CUDA", configName); } cudaLinkOptions.AppendFlagString("AdditionalOptions", linkFlags); // For static libraries that have device linking enabled compute // the libraries if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY && doDeviceLinking) { cmComputeLinkInformation& cli = *pcli; cmLinkLineDeviceComputer computer( this->LocalGenerator, this->LocalGenerator->GetStateSnapshot().GetDirectory()); std::vector> btLibVec; computer.ComputeLinkLibraries(cli, std::string{}, btLibVec); std::vector libVec; for (auto const& item : btLibVec) { libVec.emplace_back(item.Value); } cudaLinkOptions.AddFlag("AdditionalDependencies", libVec); } this->CudaLinkOptions[configName] = std::move(pOptions); return true; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCudaLinkOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() > cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { return; } if (!this->MSTools || !this->GlobalGenerator->IsCudaEnabled()) { return; } Elem e2(e1, "CudaLink"); OptionsHelper cudaLinkOptions(*(this->CudaLinkOptions[configName]), e2); cudaLinkOptions.OutputFlagMap(); } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeMasmOptions() { if (!this->GlobalGenerator->IsMasmEnabled()) { return true; } for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { if (!this->ComputeMasmOptions(c)) { return false; } } return true; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeMasmOptions( std::string const& configName) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; auto pOptions = cm::make_unique( this->LocalGenerator, Options::MasmCompiler, gg->GetMasmFlagTable()); Options& masmOptions = *pOptions; // MSBuild enables debug information by default. // Disable it explicitly unless a flag parsed below re-enables it. masmOptions.AddFlag("GenerateDebugInformation", "false"); std::string flags; this->LocalGenerator->AddLanguageFlags(flags, this->GeneratorTarget, cmBuildStep::Compile, "ASM_MASM", configName); masmOptions.Parse(flags); // Get includes for this target masmOptions.AddIncludes(this->GetIncludes(configName, "ASM_MASM")); this->MasmOptions[configName] = std::move(pOptions); return true; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMasmOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { if (!this->MSTools || !this->GlobalGenerator->IsMasmEnabled()) { return; } Elem e2(e1, "MASM"); // Preprocessor definitions and includes are shared with clOptions. OptionsHelper clOptions(*(this->ClOptions[configName]), e2); clOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions("ASM_MASM"); OptionsHelper masmOptions(*(this->MasmOptions[configName]), e2); masmOptions.OutputAdditionalIncludeDirectories("ASM_MASM"); masmOptions.PrependInheritedString("AdditionalOptions"); masmOptions.OutputFlagMap(); } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeNasmOptions() { if (!this->GlobalGenerator->IsNasmEnabled()) { return true; } for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { if (!this->ComputeNasmOptions(c)) { return false; } } return true; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeNasmOptions( std::string const& configName) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; auto pOptions = cm::make_unique( this->LocalGenerator, Options::NasmCompiler, gg->GetNasmFlagTable()); Options& nasmOptions = *pOptions; std::string flags; this->LocalGenerator->AddLanguageFlags(flags, this->GeneratorTarget, cmBuildStep::Compile, "ASM_NASM", configName); flags += " -f"; flags += this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_ASM_NASM_OBJECT_FORMAT"); nasmOptions.Parse(flags); // Get includes for this target nasmOptions.AddIncludes(this->GetIncludes(configName, "ASM_NASM")); this->NasmOptions[configName] = std::move(pOptions); return true; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteNasmOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { if (!this->GlobalGenerator->IsNasmEnabled()) { return; } Elem e2(e1, "NASM"); OptionsHelper nasmOptions(*(this->NasmOptions[configName]), e2); nasmOptions.OutputAdditionalIncludeDirectories("ASM_NASM"); nasmOptions.OutputFlagMap(); nasmOptions.PrependInheritedString("AdditionalOptions"); nasmOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions("ASM_NASM"); // Preprocessor definitions and includes are shared with clOptions. OptionsHelper clOptions(*(this->ClOptions[configName]), e2); clOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions("ASM_NASM"); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteLibOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& config) { if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() != cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY && this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() != cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { return; } const std::string& linkLanguage = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkClosure(config)->LinkerLanguage; std::string libflags; this->LocalGenerator->GetStaticLibraryFlags(libflags, config, linkLanguage, this->GeneratorTarget); if (!libflags.empty()) { Elem e2(e1, "Lib"); cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; cmVS10GeneratorOptions libOptions(this->LocalGenerator, cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions::Linker, gg->GetLibFlagTable(), this); libOptions.Parse(libflags); OptionsHelper oh(libOptions, e2); oh.PrependInheritedString("AdditionalOptions"); oh.OutputFlagMap(); } // We cannot generate metadata for static libraries. WindowsPhone // and WindowsStore tools look at GenerateWindowsMetadata in the // Link tool options even for static libraries. if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone() || this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore()) { Elem e2(e1, "Link"); e2.Element("GenerateWindowsMetadata", "false"); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteManifestOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& config) { if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() != cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE && this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() != cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY && this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() != cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { return; } std::vector manifest_srcs; this->GeneratorTarget->GetManifests(manifest_srcs, config); cmValue dpiAware = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_DPI_AWARE"); if (!manifest_srcs.empty() || dpiAware) { Elem e2(e1, "Manifest"); if (!manifest_srcs.empty()) { std::ostringstream oss; for (cmSourceFile const* mi : manifest_srcs) { std::string m = this->ConvertPath(mi->GetFullPath(), false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(m); oss << m << ";"; } e2.Element("AdditionalManifestFiles", oss.str()); } if (dpiAware) { if (*dpiAware == "PerMonitor") { e2.Element("EnableDpiAwareness", "PerMonitorHighDPIAware"); } else if (cmIsOn(*dpiAware)) { e2.Element("EnableDpiAwareness", "true"); } else if (cmIsOff(*dpiAware)) { e2.Element("EnableDpiAwareness", "false"); } else { cmSystemTools::Error("Bad parameter for VS_DPI_AWARE: " + *dpiAware); } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteAntBuildOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { // Look through the sources for AndroidManifest.xml and use // its location as the root source directory. std::string rootDir = this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentSourceDirectory(); { for (cmGeneratorTarget::AllConfigSource const& source : this->GeneratorTarget->GetAllConfigSources()) { if (source.Kind == cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindExtra && "androidmanifest.xml" == cmSystemTools::LowerCase(source.Source->GetLocation().GetName())) { rootDir = source.Source->GetLocation().GetDirectory(); break; } } } // Tell MSBuild to launch Ant. Elem e2(e1, "AntBuild"); { std::string antBuildPath = rootDir; ConvertToWindowsSlash(antBuildPath); e2.Element("AntBuildPath", antBuildPath); } if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("ANDROID_SKIP_ANT_STEP")) { e2.Element("SkipAntStep", "true"); } if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("ANDROID_PROGUARD")) { e2.Element("EnableProGuard", "true"); } if (cmValue proGuardConfigLocation = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_PROGUARD_CONFIG_PATH")) { e2.Element("ProGuardConfigLocation", *proGuardConfigLocation); } if (cmValue securePropertiesLocation = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_SECURE_PROPS_PATH")) { e2.Element("SecurePropertiesLocation", *securePropertiesLocation); } if (cmValue nativeLibDirectoriesExpression = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_NATIVE_LIB_DIRECTORIES")) { std::string nativeLibDirs = cmGeneratorExpression::Evaluate( *nativeLibDirectoriesExpression, this->LocalGenerator, configName); e2.Element("NativeLibDirectories", nativeLibDirs); } if (cmValue nativeLibDependenciesExpression = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty( "ANDROID_NATIVE_LIB_DEPENDENCIES")) { std::string nativeLibDeps = cmGeneratorExpression::Evaluate( *nativeLibDependenciesExpression, this->LocalGenerator, configName); e2.Element("NativeLibDependencies", nativeLibDeps); } if (cmValue javaSourceDir = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_JAVA_SOURCE_DIR")) { e2.Element("JavaSourceDir", *javaSourceDir); } if (cmValue jarDirectoriesExpression = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_JAR_DIRECTORIES")) { std::string jarDirectories = cmGeneratorExpression::Evaluate( *jarDirectoriesExpression, this->LocalGenerator, configName); e2.Element("JarDirectories", jarDirectories); } if (cmValue jarDeps = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_JAR_DEPENDENCIES")) { e2.Element("JarDependencies", *jarDeps); } if (cmValue assetsDirectories = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_ASSETS_DIRECTORIES")) { e2.Element("AssetsDirectories", *assetsDirectories); } { std::string manifest_xml = rootDir + "/AndroidManifest.xml"; ConvertToWindowsSlash(manifest_xml); e2.Element("AndroidManifestLocation", manifest_xml); } if (cmValue antAdditionalOptions = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("ANDROID_ANT_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS")) { e2.Element("AdditionalOptions", *antAdditionalOptions + " %(AdditionalOptions)"); } } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeLinkOptions() { if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE || this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { if (!this->ComputeLinkOptions(c)) { return false; } } } return true; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeLinkOptions( std::string const& config) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; auto pOptions = cm::make_unique( this->LocalGenerator, Options::Linker, gg->GetLinkFlagTable(), this); Options& linkOptions = *pOptions; cmGeneratorTarget::LinkClosure const* linkClosure = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkClosure(config); const std::string& linkLanguage = linkClosure->LinkerLanguage; if (linkLanguage.empty()) { cmSystemTools::Error( "CMake can not determine linker language for target: " + this->Name); return false; } std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); const char* linkType = "SHARED"; if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { linkType = "MODULE"; } if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { linkType = "EXE"; } std::string flags; std::string linkFlagVarBase = cmStrCat("CMAKE_", linkType, "_LINKER_FLAGS"); flags += " "; flags += this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition(linkFlagVarBase); std::string linkFlagVar = linkFlagVarBase + "_" + CONFIG; flags += " "; flags += this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition(linkFlagVar); cmValue targetLinkFlags = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("LINK_FLAGS"); if (targetLinkFlags) { flags += " "; flags += *targetLinkFlags; } std::string flagsProp = cmStrCat("LINK_FLAGS_", CONFIG); if (cmValue flagsConfig = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty(flagsProp)) { flags += " "; flags += *flagsConfig; } std::vector opts; this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkOptions(opts, config, linkLanguage); // LINK_OPTIONS are escaped. this->LocalGenerator->AppendCompileOptions(flags, opts); cmComputeLinkInformation* pcli = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkInformation(config); if (!pcli) { cmSystemTools::Error( "CMake can not compute cmComputeLinkInformation for target: " + this->Name); return false; } cmComputeLinkInformation& cli = *pcli; std::vector libVec; std::vector vsTargetVec; this->AddLibraries(cli, libVec, vsTargetVec, config); std::string standardLibsVar = cmStrCat("CMAKE_", linkLanguage, "_STANDARD_LIBRARIES"); std::string const& libs = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(standardLibsVar); cmSystemTools::ParseWindowsCommandLine(libs.c_str(), libVec); linkOptions.AddFlag("AdditionalDependencies", libVec); // Populate TargetsFileAndConfigsVec for (std::string const& ti : vsTargetVec) { this->AddTargetsFileAndConfigPair(ti, config); } std::vector const& ldirs = cli.GetDirectories(); std::vector linkDirs; for (std::string const& d : ldirs) { // first just full path linkDirs.push_back(d); // next path with configuration type Debug, Release, etc linkDirs.push_back(d + "/$(Configuration)"); } linkDirs.push_back("%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)"); linkOptions.AddFlag("AdditionalLibraryDirectories", linkDirs); cmGeneratorTarget::Names targetNames; if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { targetNames = this->GeneratorTarget->GetExecutableNames(config); } else { targetNames = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLibraryNames(config); } if (this->MSTools) { if (this->GeneratorTarget->IsWin32Executable(config)) { if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsCE()) { linkOptions.AddFlag("SubSystem", "WindowsCE"); if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { if (this->ClOptions[config]->UsingUnicode()) { linkOptions.AddFlag("EntryPointSymbol", "wWinMainCRTStartup"); } else { linkOptions.AddFlag("EntryPointSymbol", "WinMainCRTStartup"); } } } else { linkOptions.AddFlag("SubSystem", "Windows"); } } else { if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsCE()) { linkOptions.AddFlag("SubSystem", "WindowsCE"); if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { if (this->ClOptions[config]->UsingUnicode()) { linkOptions.AddFlag("EntryPointSymbol", "mainWCRTStartup"); } else { linkOptions.AddFlag("EntryPointSymbol", "mainACRTStartup"); } } } else { linkOptions.AddFlag("SubSystem", "Console"); }; } if (cmValue stackVal = this->Makefile->GetDefinition( "CMAKE_" + linkLanguage + "_STACK_SIZE")) { linkOptions.AddFlag("StackReserveSize", *stackVal); } linkOptions.AddFlag("GenerateDebugInformation", "false"); std::string pdb = cmStrCat(this->GeneratorTarget->GetPDBDirectory(config), '/', targetNames.PDB); if (!targetNames.ImportLibrary.empty()) { std::string imLib = cmStrCat(this->GeneratorTarget->GetDirectory( config, cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact), '/', targetNames.ImportLibrary); linkOptions.AddFlag("ImportLibrary", imLib); } linkOptions.AddFlag("ProgramDataBaseFile", pdb); // A Windows Runtime component uses internal .NET metadata, // so does not have an import library. if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_WINRT_COMPONENT") && this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() != cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { linkOptions.AddFlag("GenerateWindowsMetadata", "true"); } else if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone() || this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore()) { // WindowsPhone and WindowsStore components are in an app container // and produce WindowsMetadata. If we are not producing a WINRT // component, then do not generate the metadata here. linkOptions.AddFlag("GenerateWindowsMetadata", "false"); } if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone() && this->GlobalGenerator->GetSystemVersion() == "8.0") { // WindowsPhone 8.0 does not have ole32. linkOptions.AppendFlag("IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries", "ole32.lib"); } } else if (this->NsightTegra) { linkOptions.AddFlag("SoName", targetNames.SharedObject); } linkOptions.Parse(flags); linkOptions.FixManifestUACFlags(); if (this->MSTools) { cmGeneratorTarget::ModuleDefinitionInfo const* mdi = this->GeneratorTarget->GetModuleDefinitionInfo(config); if (mdi && !mdi->DefFile.empty()) { linkOptions.AddFlag("ModuleDefinitionFile", mdi->DefFile); } linkOptions.AppendFlag("IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries", "%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)"); } // VS 2015 without all updates has a v140 toolset whose // GenerateDebugInformation expects No/Debug instead of false/true. if (gg->GetPlatformToolsetNeedsDebugEnum()) { if (const char* debug = linkOptions.GetFlag("GenerateDebugInformation")) { if (strcmp(debug, "false") == 0) { linkOptions.AddFlag("GenerateDebugInformation", "No"); } else if (strcmp(debug, "true") == 0) { linkOptions.AddFlag("GenerateDebugInformation", "Debug"); } } } // Managed code cannot be linked with /DEBUG:FASTLINK if (this->Managed) { if (const char* debug = linkOptions.GetFlag("GenerateDebugInformation")) { if (strcmp(debug, "DebugFastLink") == 0) { linkOptions.AddFlag("GenerateDebugInformation", "Debug"); } } } this->LinkOptions[config] = std::move(pOptions); return true; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeLibOptions() { if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY) { for (std::string const& c : this->Configurations) { if (!this->ComputeLibOptions(c)) { return false; } } } return true; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeLibOptions( std::string const& config) { cmComputeLinkInformation* pcli = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkInformation(config); if (!pcli) { cmSystemTools::Error( "CMake can not compute cmComputeLinkInformation for target: " + this->Name); return false; } cmComputeLinkInformation& cli = *pcli; using ItemVector = cmComputeLinkInformation::ItemVector; const ItemVector& libs = cli.GetItems(); for (cmComputeLinkInformation::Item const& l : libs) { if (l.IsPath == cmComputeLinkInformation::ItemIsPath::Yes && cmVS10IsTargetsFile(l.Value.Value)) { std::string path = this->LocalGenerator->MaybeRelativeToCurBinDir(l.Value.Value); ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); this->AddTargetsFileAndConfigPair(path, config); } } return true; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteLinkOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& config) { if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() > cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { return; } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { return; } { Elem e2(e1, "Link"); OptionsHelper linkOptions(*(this->LinkOptions[config]), e2); linkOptions.PrependInheritedString("AdditionalOptions"); linkOptions.OutputFlagMap(); } if (!this->GlobalGenerator->NeedLinkLibraryDependencies( this->GeneratorTarget)) { Elem e2(e1, "ProjectReference"); e2.Element("LinkLibraryDependencies", "false"); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::AddLibraries( const cmComputeLinkInformation& cli, std::vector& libVec, std::vector& vsTargetVec, const std::string& config) { using ItemVector = cmComputeLinkInformation::ItemVector; ItemVector const& libs = cli.GetItems(); for (cmComputeLinkInformation::Item const& l : libs) { if (l.Target) { auto managedType = l.Target->GetManagedType(config); if (managedType != cmGeneratorTarget::ManagedType::Native && this->GeneratorTarget->GetManagedType(config) != cmGeneratorTarget::ManagedType::Native && l.Target->IsImported() && l.Target->GetType() != cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { auto location = l.Target->GetFullPath(config); if (!location.empty()) { ConvertToWindowsSlash(location); switch (this->ProjectType) { case VsProjectType::csproj: // If the target we want to "link" to is an imported managed // target and this is a C# project, we add a hint reference. This // reference is written to project file in // WriteDotNetReferences(). this->DotNetHintReferences[config].push_back( DotNetHintReference(l.Target->GetName(), location)); break; case VsProjectType::vcxproj: // Add path of assembly to list of using-directories, so the // managed assembly can be used by '#using ' in // code. this->AdditionalUsingDirectories[config].insert( cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(location)); break; default: // In .proj files, we wouldn't be referencing libraries. break; } } } // Do not allow C# targets to be added to the LIB listing. LIB files are // used for linking C++ dependencies. C# libraries do not have lib files. // Instead, they compile down to C# reference libraries (DLL files). The // `` elements added to the vcxproj are enough for the // IDE to deduce the DLL file required by other C# projects that need its // reference library. if (managedType == cmGeneratorTarget::ManagedType::Managed) { continue; } } if (l.IsPath == cmComputeLinkInformation::ItemIsPath::Yes) { std::string path = this->LocalGenerator->MaybeRelativeToCurBinDir(l.Value.Value); ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); if (cmVS10IsTargetsFile(l.Value.Value)) { vsTargetVec.push_back(path); } else { libVec.push_back(l.HasFeature() ? l.GetFormattedItem(path).Value : path); } } else if (!l.Target || l.Target->GetType() != cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { libVec.push_back(l.Value.Value); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::AddTargetsFileAndConfigPair( std::string const& targetsFile, std::string const& config) { for (TargetsFileAndConfigs& i : this->TargetsFileAndConfigsVec) { if (cmSystemTools::ComparePath(targetsFile, i.File)) { if (!cm::contains(i.Configs, config)) { i.Configs.push_back(config); } return; } } TargetsFileAndConfigs entry; entry.File = targetsFile; entry.Configs.push_back(config); this->TargetsFileAndConfigsVec.push_back(entry); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMidlOptions( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { if (!this->MSTools) { return; } if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { return; } if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() > cmStateEnums::UTILITY) { return; } // This processes *any* of the .idl files specified in the project's file // list (and passed as the item metadata %(Filename) expressing the rule // input filename) into output files at the per-config *build* dir // ($(IntDir)) each. // // IOW, this MIDL section is intended to provide a fully generic syntax // content suitable for most cases (read: if you get errors, then it's quite // probable that the error is on your side of the .idl setup). // // Also, note that the marked-as-generated _i.c file in the Visual Studio // generator case needs to be referred to as $(IntDir)\foo_i.c at the // project's file list, otherwise the compiler-side processing won't pick it // up (for non-directory form, it ends up looking in project binary dir // only). Perhaps there's something to be done to make this more automatic // on the CMake side? std::vector const includes = this->GetIncludes(configName, "MIDL"); std::ostringstream oss; for (std::string const& i : includes) { oss << i << ";"; } oss << "%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)"; Elem e2(e1, "Midl"); e2.Element("AdditionalIncludeDirectories", oss.str()); e2.Element("OutputDirectory", "$(ProjectDir)/$(IntDir)"); e2.Element("HeaderFileName", "%(Filename).h"); e2.Element("TypeLibraryName", "%(Filename).tlb"); e2.Element("InterfaceIdentifierFileName", "%(Filename)_i.c"); e2.Element("ProxyFileName", "%(Filename)_p.c"); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteItemDefinitionGroups(Elem& e0) { if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { return; } for (const std::string& c : this->Configurations) { Elem e1(e0, "ItemDefinitionGroup"); e1.Attribute("Condition", this->CalcCondition(c)); // output cl compile flags if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() <= cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { this->WriteClOptions(e1, c); // output rc compile flags this->WriteRCOptions(e1, c); this->WriteCudaOptions(e1, c); this->WriteMasmOptions(e1, c); this->WriteNasmOptions(e1, c); } // output midl flags this->WriteMidlOptions(e1, c); // write events if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj) { this->WriteEvents(e1, c); } // output link flags this->WriteLinkOptions(e1, c); this->WriteCudaLinkOptions(e1, c); // output lib flags this->WriteLibOptions(e1, c); // output manifest flags this->WriteManifestOptions(e1, c); if (this->NsightTegra && this->GeneratorTarget->Target->IsAndroidGuiExecutable()) { this->WriteAntBuildOptions(e1, c); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteEvents( Elem& e1, std::string const& configName) { bool addedPrelink = false; cmGeneratorTarget::ModuleDefinitionInfo const* mdi = this->GeneratorTarget->GetModuleDefinitionInfo(configName); if (mdi && mdi->DefFileGenerated) { addedPrelink = true; std::vector commands = this->GeneratorTarget->GetPreLinkCommands(); this->GlobalGenerator->AddSymbolExportCommand(this->GeneratorTarget, commands, configName); this->WriteEvent(e1, "PreLinkEvent", commands, configName); } if (!addedPrelink) { this->WriteEvent(e1, "PreLinkEvent", this->GeneratorTarget->GetPreLinkCommands(), configName); } this->WriteEvent(e1, "PreBuildEvent", this->GeneratorTarget->GetPreBuildCommands(), configName); this->WriteEvent(e1, "PostBuildEvent", this->GeneratorTarget->GetPostBuildCommands(), configName); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteEvent( Elem& e1, const std::string& name, std::vector const& commands, std::string const& configName) { if (commands.empty()) { return; } cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator* lg = this->LocalGenerator; std::string script; const char* pre = ""; std::string comment; bool stdPipesUTF8 = false; for (cmCustomCommand const& cc : commands) { cmCustomCommandGenerator ccg(cc, configName, lg); if (!ccg.HasOnlyEmptyCommandLines()) { comment += pre; comment += lg->ConstructComment(ccg); script += pre; pre = "\n"; script += lg->ConstructScript(ccg); stdPipesUTF8 = stdPipesUTF8 || cc.GetStdPipesUTF8(); } } if (!script.empty()) { script += lg->FinishConstructScript(this->ProjectType); } comment = cmVS10EscapeComment(comment); if (this->ProjectType != VsProjectType::csproj) { Elem e2(e1, name); if (stdPipesUTF8) { this->WriteStdOutEncodingUtf8(e2); } e2.Element("Message", comment); e2.Element("Command", script); } else { std::string strippedComment = comment; strippedComment.erase( std::remove(strippedComment.begin(), strippedComment.end(), '\t'), strippedComment.end()); std::ostringstream oss; if (!comment.empty() && !strippedComment.empty()) { oss << "echo " << comment << "\n"; } oss << script << "\n"; e1.Element(name, oss.str()); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteProjectReferences(Elem& e0) { cmGlobalGenerator::TargetDependSet const& unordered = this->GlobalGenerator->GetTargetDirectDepends(this->GeneratorTarget); using OrderedTargetDependSet = cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::OrderedTargetDependSet; OrderedTargetDependSet depends(unordered, CMAKE_CHECK_BUILD_SYSTEM_TARGET); Elem e1(e0, "ItemGroup"); e1.SetHasElements(); for (cmGeneratorTarget const* dt : depends) { if (!dt->IsInBuildSystem()) { continue; } // skip fortran targets as they can not be processed by MSBuild // the only reference will be in the .sln file if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetIsFortranOnly(dt)) { continue; } cmLocalGenerator* lg = dt->GetLocalGenerator(); std::string name = dt->GetName(); std::string path; if (cmValue p = dt->GetProperty("EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT")) { path = *p; } else { path = cmStrCat(lg->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), '/', dt->GetName(), computeProjectFileExtension(dt)); } ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); Elem e2(e1, "ProjectReference"); e2.Attribute("Include", path); e2.Element("Project", "{" + this->GlobalGenerator->GetGUID(name) + "}"); e2.Element("Name", name); this->WriteDotNetReferenceCustomTags(e2, name); if (dt->IsCSharpOnly() || cmHasLiteralSuffix(path, "csproj")) { e2.Element("SkipGetTargetFrameworkProperties", "true"); } // Don't reference targets that don't produce any output. else if (this->Configurations.empty() || dt->GetManagedType(this->Configurations[0]) == cmGeneratorTarget::ManagedType::Undefined) { e2.Element("ReferenceOutputAssembly", "false"); e2.Element("CopyToOutputDirectory", "Never"); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WritePlatformExtensions(Elem& e1) { // This only applies to Windows 10 apps if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore() && cmHasLiteralPrefix(this->GlobalGenerator->GetSystemVersion(), "10.0")) { cmValue desktopExtensionsVersion = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_DESKTOP_EXTENSIONS_VERSION"); if (desktopExtensionsVersion) { this->WriteSinglePlatformExtension(e1, "WindowsDesktop", *desktopExtensionsVersion); } cmValue mobileExtensionsVersion = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_MOBILE_EXTENSIONS_VERSION"); if (mobileExtensionsVersion) { this->WriteSinglePlatformExtension(e1, "WindowsMobile", *mobileExtensionsVersion); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteSinglePlatformExtension( Elem& e1, std::string const& extension, std::string const& version) { const std::string s = "$([Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ToolLocationHelper]" "::GetPlatformExtensionSDKLocation(`" + extension + ", Version=" + version + "`, $(TargetPlatformIdentifier), $(TargetPlatformVersion), null, " "$(ExtensionSDKDirectoryRoot), null))" "\\DesignTime\\CommonConfiguration\\Neutral\\" + extension + ".props"; Elem e2(e1, "Import"); e2.Attribute("Project", s); e2.Attribute("Condition", "exists('" + s + "')"); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteSDKReferences(Elem& e0) { std::vector sdkReferences; std::unique_ptr spe1; if (cmValue vsSDKReferences = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_SDK_REFERENCES")) { cmExpandList(*vsSDKReferences, sdkReferences); spe1 = cm::make_unique(e0, "ItemGroup"); for (std::string const& ri : sdkReferences) { Elem(*spe1, "SDKReference").Attribute("Include", ri); } } // This only applies to Windows 10 apps if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore() && cmHasLiteralPrefix(this->GlobalGenerator->GetSystemVersion(), "10.0")) { cmValue desktopExtensionsVersion = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_DESKTOP_EXTENSIONS_VERSION"); cmValue mobileExtensionsVersion = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_MOBILE_EXTENSIONS_VERSION"); cmValue iotExtensionsVersion = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_IOT_EXTENSIONS_VERSION"); if (desktopExtensionsVersion || mobileExtensionsVersion || iotExtensionsVersion) { if (!spe1) { spe1 = cm::make_unique(e0, "ItemGroup"); } if (desktopExtensionsVersion) { this->WriteSingleSDKReference(*spe1, "WindowsDesktop", *desktopExtensionsVersion); } if (mobileExtensionsVersion) { this->WriteSingleSDKReference(*spe1, "WindowsMobile", *mobileExtensionsVersion); } if (iotExtensionsVersion) { this->WriteSingleSDKReference(*spe1, "WindowsIoT", *iotExtensionsVersion); } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteSingleSDKReference( Elem& e1, std::string const& extension, std::string const& version) { Elem(e1, "SDKReference") .Attribute("Include", extension + ", Version=" + version); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteWinRTPackageCertificateKeyFile( Elem& e0) { if ((this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore() || this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone()) && (cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE == this->GeneratorTarget->GetType())) { std::string pfxFile; for (cmGeneratorTarget::AllConfigSource const& source : this->GeneratorTarget->GetAllConfigSources()) { if (source.Kind == cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindCertificate) { pfxFile = this->ConvertPath(source.Source->GetFullPath(), false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(pfxFile); break; } } if (this->IsMissingFiles && !(this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone() && this->GlobalGenerator->GetSystemVersion() == "8.0")) { // Move the manifest to a project directory to avoid clashes std::string artifactDir = this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); ConvertToWindowsSlash(artifactDir); Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Element("AppxPackageArtifactsDir", artifactDir + "\\"); std::string resourcePriFile = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/resources.pri"; ConvertToWindowsSlash(resourcePriFile); e1.Element("ProjectPriFullPath", resourcePriFile); // If we are missing files and we don't have a certificate and // aren't targeting WP8.0, add a default certificate if (pfxFile.empty()) { std::string templateFolder = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot() + "/Templates/Windows"; pfxFile = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/Windows_TemporaryKey.pfx"; cmSystemTools::CopyAFile(templateFolder + "/Windows_TemporaryKey.pfx", pfxFile, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(pfxFile); this->AddedFiles.push_back(pfxFile); this->AddedDefaultCertificate = true; } e1.Element("PackageCertificateKeyFile", pfxFile); std::string thumb = cmSystemTools::ComputeCertificateThumbprint(pfxFile); if (!thumb.empty()) { e1.Element("PackageCertificateThumbprint", thumb); } } else if (!pfxFile.empty()) { Elem e1(e0, "PropertyGroup"); e1.Element("PackageCertificateKeyFile", pfxFile); std::string thumb = cmSystemTools::ComputeCertificateThumbprint(pfxFile); if (!thumb.empty()) { e1.Element("PackageCertificateThumbprint", thumb); } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ClassifyAllConfigSources() { for (cmGeneratorTarget::AllConfigSource const& source : this->GeneratorTarget->GetAllConfigSources()) { this->ClassifyAllConfigSource(source); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ClassifyAllConfigSource( cmGeneratorTarget::AllConfigSource const& acs) { switch (acs.Kind) { case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindResx: { // Build and save the name of the corresponding .h file // This relationship will be used later when building the project files. // Both names would have been auto generated from Visual Studio // where the user supplied the file name and Visual Studio // appended the suffix. std::string resx = acs.Source->ResolveFullPath(); std::string hFileName = resx.substr(0, resx.find_last_of('.')) + ".h"; this->ExpectedResxHeaders.insert(hFileName); } break; case cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindXaml: { // Build and save the name of the corresponding .h and .cpp file // This relationship will be used later when building the project files. // Both names would have been auto generated from Visual Studio // where the user supplied the file name and Visual Studio // appended the suffix. std::string xaml = acs.Source->ResolveFullPath(); std::string hFileName = xaml + ".h"; std::string cppFileName = xaml + ".cpp"; this->ExpectedXamlHeaders.insert(hFileName); this->ExpectedXamlSources.insert(cppFileName); } break; default: break; } } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::IsResxHeader( const std::string& headerFile) { return this->ExpectedResxHeaders.count(headerFile) > 0; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::IsXamlHeader( const std::string& headerFile) { return this->ExpectedXamlHeaders.count(headerFile) > 0; } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::IsXamlSource( const std::string& sourceFile) { return this->ExpectedXamlSources.count(sourceFile) > 0; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteApplicationTypeSettings(Elem& e1) { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = this->GlobalGenerator; bool isAppContainer = false; bool const isWindowsPhone = this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone(); bool const isWindowsStore = this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore(); bool const isAndroid = this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsAndroid(); std::string const& rev = this->GlobalGenerator->GetApplicationTypeRevision(); if (isWindowsPhone || isWindowsStore) { e1.Element("ApplicationType", (isWindowsPhone ? "Windows Phone" : "Windows Store")); e1.Element("DefaultLanguage", "en-US"); if (rev == "10.0") { e1.Element("ApplicationTypeRevision", rev); // Visual Studio 14.0 is necessary for building 10.0 apps e1.Element("MinimumVisualStudioVersion", "14.0"); if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() < cmStateEnums::UTILITY) { isAppContainer = true; } } else if (rev == "8.1") { e1.Element("ApplicationTypeRevision", rev); // Visual Studio 12.0 is necessary for building 8.1 apps e1.Element("MinimumVisualStudioVersion", "12.0"); if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() < cmStateEnums::UTILITY) { isAppContainer = true; } } else if (rev == "8.0") { e1.Element("ApplicationTypeRevision", rev); // Visual Studio 11.0 is necessary for building 8.0 apps e1.Element("MinimumVisualStudioVersion", "11.0"); if (isWindowsStore && this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() < cmStateEnums::UTILITY) { isAppContainer = true; } else if (isWindowsPhone && this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { e1.Element("XapOutputs", "true"); e1.Element("XapFilename", this->Name + "_$(Configuration)_$(Platform).xap"); } } } else if (isAndroid) { e1.Element("ApplicationType", "Android"); e1.Element("ApplicationTypeRevision", gg->GetAndroidApplicationTypeRevision()); } if (isAppContainer) { e1.Element("AppContainerApplication", "true"); } else if (!isAndroid) { if (this->Platform == "ARM64") { e1.Element("WindowsSDKDesktopARM64Support", "true"); } else if (this->Platform == "ARM") { e1.Element("WindowsSDKDesktopARMSupport", "true"); } } std::string const& targetPlatformVersion = gg->GetWindowsTargetPlatformVersion(); if (!targetPlatformVersion.empty()) { e1.Element("WindowsTargetPlatformVersion", targetPlatformVersion); } cmValue targetPlatformMinVersion = this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty( "VS_WINDOWS_TARGET_PLATFORM_MIN_VERSION"); if (targetPlatformMinVersion) { e1.Element("WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion", *targetPlatformMinVersion); } else if (isWindowsStore && rev == "10.0") { // If the min version is not set, then use the TargetPlatformVersion if (!targetPlatformVersion.empty()) { e1.Element("WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion", targetPlatformVersion); } } // Added IoT Startup Task support if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_IOT_STARTUP_TASK")) { e1.Element("ContainsStartupTask", "true"); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::VerifyNecessaryFiles() { // For Windows and Windows Phone executables, we will assume that if a // manifest is not present that we need to add all the necessary files if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { std::vector manifestSources = this->GeneratorTarget->GetAllConfigSources( cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindAppManifest); std::string const& v = this->GlobalGenerator->GetSystemVersion(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone()) { if (v == "8.0") { // Look through the sources for WMAppManifest.xml bool foundManifest = false; for (cmGeneratorTarget::AllConfigSource const& source : this->GeneratorTarget->GetAllConfigSources()) { if (source.Kind == cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKindExtra && "wmappmanifest.xml" == cmSystemTools::LowerCase( source.Source->GetLocation().GetName())) { foundManifest = true; break; } } if (!foundManifest) { this->IsMissingFiles = true; } } else if (v == "8.1") { if (manifestSources.empty()) { this->IsMissingFiles = true; } } } else if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore()) { if (manifestSources.empty()) { if (v == "8.0") { this->IsMissingFiles = true; } else if (v == "8.1" || cmHasLiteralPrefix(v, "10.0")) { this->IsMissingFiles = true; } } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMissingFiles(Elem& e1) { std::string const& v = this->GlobalGenerator->GetSystemVersion(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsPhone()) { if (v == "8.0") { this->WriteMissingFilesWP80(e1); } else if (v == "8.1") { this->WriteMissingFilesWP81(e1); } } else if (this->GlobalGenerator->TargetsWindowsStore()) { if (v == "8.0") { this->WriteMissingFilesWS80(e1); } else if (v == "8.1") { this->WriteMissingFilesWS81(e1); } else if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(v, "10.0")) { this->WriteMissingFilesWS10_0(e1); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMissingFilesWP80(Elem& e1) { std::string templateFolder = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot() + "/Templates/Windows"; // For WP80, the manifest needs to be in the same folder as the project // this can cause an overwrite problem if projects aren't organized in // folders std::string manifestFile = this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory() + "/WMAppManifest.xml"; std::string artifactDir = this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); ConvertToWindowsSlash(artifactDir); std::string artifactDirXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(artifactDir); std::string targetNameXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(this->GeneratorTarget->GetName()); cmGeneratedFileStream fout(manifestFile); fout.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); /* clang-format off */ fout << "\n" "\n" "\t\n" "\tGUID << "}\"" " Title=\"CMake Test Program\" RuntimeType=\"Modern Native\"" " Version=\"\" Genre=\"apps.normal\" Author=\"CMake\"" " Description=\"Default CMake App\" Publisher=\"CMake\"" " PublisherID=\"{" << this->GUID << "}\">\n" "\t\t" << artifactDirXML << "\\ApplicationIcon.png\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\t" << artifactDirXML << "\\SmallLogo.png\n" "\t\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\t\t" << artifactDirXML << "\\Logo.png\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\n"; /* clang-format on */ std::string sourceFile = this->ConvertPath(manifestFile, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(sourceFile); { Elem e2(e1, "Xml"); e2.Attribute("Include", sourceFile); e2.Element("SubType", "Designer"); } this->AddedFiles.push_back(sourceFile); std::string smallLogo = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/SmallLogo.png"; cmSystemTools::CopyAFile(templateFolder + "/SmallLogo.png", smallLogo, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(smallLogo); Elem(e1, "Image").Attribute("Include", smallLogo); this->AddedFiles.push_back(smallLogo); std::string logo = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/Logo.png"; cmSystemTools::CopyAFile(templateFolder + "/Logo.png", logo, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(logo); Elem(e1, "Image").Attribute("Include", logo); this->AddedFiles.push_back(logo); std::string applicationIcon = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/ApplicationIcon.png"; cmSystemTools::CopyAFile(templateFolder + "/ApplicationIcon.png", applicationIcon, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(applicationIcon); Elem(e1, "Image").Attribute("Include", applicationIcon); this->AddedFiles.push_back(applicationIcon); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMissingFilesWP81(Elem& e1) { std::string manifestFile = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/package.appxManifest"; std::string artifactDir = this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); ConvertToWindowsSlash(artifactDir); std::string artifactDirXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(artifactDir); std::string targetNameXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(this->GeneratorTarget->GetName()); cmGeneratedFileStream fout(manifestFile); fout.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); /* clang-format off */ fout << "\n" "\n" "\tGUID << "\" Publisher=\"CN=CMake\"" " Version=\"\" />\n" "\tGUID << "\"" " PhonePublisherId=\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"/>\n" "\t\n" "\t\t" << targetNameXML << "\n" "\t\tCMake\n" "\t\t" << artifactDirXML << "\\StoreLogo.png\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t6.3.1\n" "\t\t6.3.1\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\n"; /* clang-format on */ this->WriteCommonMissingFiles(e1, manifestFile); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMissingFilesWS80(Elem& e1) { std::string manifestFile = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/package.appxManifest"; std::string artifactDir = this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); ConvertToWindowsSlash(artifactDir); std::string artifactDirXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(artifactDir); std::string targetNameXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(this->GeneratorTarget->GetName()); cmGeneratedFileStream fout(manifestFile); fout.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); /* clang-format off */ fout << "\n" "\n" "\tGUID << "\" Publisher=\"CN=CMake\"" " Version=\"\" />\n" "\t\n" "\t\t" << targetNameXML << "\n" "\t\tCMake\n" "\t\t" << artifactDirXML << "\\StoreLogo.png\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t6.2.1\n" "\t\t6.2.1\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\n"; /* clang-format on */ this->WriteCommonMissingFiles(e1, manifestFile); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMissingFilesWS81(Elem& e1) { std::string manifestFile = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/package.appxManifest"; std::string artifactDir = this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); ConvertToWindowsSlash(artifactDir); std::string artifactDirXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(artifactDir); std::string targetNameXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(this->GeneratorTarget->GetName()); cmGeneratedFileStream fout(manifestFile); fout.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); /* clang-format off */ fout << "\n" "\n" "\tGUID << "\" Publisher=\"CN=CMake\"" " Version=\"\" />\n" "\t\n" "\t\t" << targetNameXML << "\n" "\t\tCMake\n" "\t\t" << artifactDirXML << "\\StoreLogo.png\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t6.3\n" "\t\t6.3\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\n"; /* clang-format on */ this->WriteCommonMissingFiles(e1, manifestFile); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteMissingFilesWS10_0(Elem& e1) { std::string manifestFile = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/package.appxManifest"; std::string artifactDir = this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(this->GeneratorTarget); ConvertToWindowsSlash(artifactDir); std::string artifactDirXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(artifactDir); std::string targetNameXML = cmVS10EscapeXML(this->GeneratorTarget->GetName()); cmGeneratedFileStream fout(manifestFile); fout.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); /* clang-format off */ fout << "\n" "\n\n" "\tGUID << "\" Publisher=\"CN=CMake\"" " Version=\"\" />\n" "\tGUID << "\" PhonePublisherId=\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"/>\n" "\t\n" "\t\t" << targetNameXML << "\n" "\t\tCMake\n" "\t\t" << artifactDirXML << "\\StoreLogo.png\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\n"; /* clang-format on */ this->WriteCommonMissingFiles(e1, manifestFile); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCommonMissingFiles( Elem& e1, const std::string& manifestFile) { std::string templateFolder = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot() + "/Templates/Windows"; std::string sourceFile = this->ConvertPath(manifestFile, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(sourceFile); { Elem e2(e1, "AppxManifest"); e2.Attribute("Include", sourceFile); e2.Element("SubType", "Designer"); } this->AddedFiles.push_back(sourceFile); std::string smallLogo = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/SmallLogo.png"; cmSystemTools::CopyAFile(templateFolder + "/SmallLogo.png", smallLogo, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(smallLogo); Elem(e1, "Image").Attribute("Include", smallLogo); this->AddedFiles.push_back(smallLogo); std::string smallLogo44 = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/SmallLogo44x44.png"; cmSystemTools::CopyAFile(templateFolder + "/SmallLogo44x44.png", smallLogo44, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(smallLogo44); Elem(e1, "Image").Attribute("Include", smallLogo44); this->AddedFiles.push_back(smallLogo44); std::string logo = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/Logo.png"; cmSystemTools::CopyAFile(templateFolder + "/Logo.png", logo, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(logo); Elem(e1, "Image").Attribute("Include", logo); this->AddedFiles.push_back(logo); std::string storeLogo = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/StoreLogo.png"; cmSystemTools::CopyAFile(templateFolder + "/StoreLogo.png", storeLogo, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(storeLogo); Elem(e1, "Image").Attribute("Include", storeLogo); this->AddedFiles.push_back(storeLogo); std::string splashScreen = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/SplashScreen.png"; cmSystemTools::CopyAFile(templateFolder + "/SplashScreen.png", splashScreen, false); ConvertToWindowsSlash(splashScreen); Elem(e1, "Image").Attribute("Include", splashScreen); this->AddedFiles.push_back(splashScreen); if (this->AddedDefaultCertificate) { // This file has already been added to the build so don't copy it std::string keyFile = this->DefaultArtifactDir + "/Windows_TemporaryKey.pfx"; ConvertToWindowsSlash(keyFile); Elem(e1, "None").Attribute("Include", keyFile); } } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ForceOld(const std::string& source) const { HANDLE h = CreateFileW(cmSystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath(source).c_str(), FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0); if (!h) { return false; } FILETIME const ftime_20010101 = { 3365781504u, 29389701u }; if (!SetFileTime(h, &ftime_20010101, &ftime_20010101, &ftime_20010101)) { CloseHandle(h); return false; } CloseHandle(h); return true; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::GetCSharpSourceProperties( cmSourceFile const* sf, std::map& tags) { if (this->ProjectType == VsProjectType::csproj) { const cmPropertyMap& props = sf->GetProperties(); for (const std::string& p : props.GetKeys()) { static const cm::string_view propNamePrefix = "VS_CSHARP_"; if (cmHasPrefix(p, propNamePrefix)) { std::string tagName = p.substr(propNamePrefix.length()); if (!tagName.empty()) { cmValue val = props.GetPropertyValue(p); if (cmNonempty(val)) { tags[tagName] = *val; } else { tags.erase(tagName); } } } } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCSharpSourceProperties( Elem& e2, const std::map& tags) { for (const auto& i : tags) { e2.Element(i.first, i.second); } } std::string cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::GetCSharpSourceLink( cmSourceFile const* source) { // For out of source files, we first check if a matching source group // for this file exists, otherwise we check if the path relative to current // source- or binary-dir is used within the link and return that. // In case of .cs files we can't do that automatically for files in the // binary directory, because this leads to compilation errors. std::string link; std::string sourceGroupedFile; std::string const& fullFileName = source->GetFullPath(); std::string const& srcDir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory(); std::string const& binDir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(); // unfortunately we have to copy the source groups, because // FindSourceGroup uses a regex which is modifying the group std::vector sourceGroups = this->Makefile->GetSourceGroups(); cmSourceGroup* sourceGroup = this->Makefile->FindSourceGroup(fullFileName, sourceGroups); if (sourceGroup && !sourceGroup->GetFullName().empty()) { sourceGroupedFile = sourceGroup->GetFullName() + "/" + cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(fullFileName); cmsys::SystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(sourceGroupedFile); } if (!sourceGroupedFile.empty() && cmHasSuffix(fullFileName, sourceGroupedFile)) { link = sourceGroupedFile; } else if (cmHasPrefix(fullFileName, srcDir)) { link = fullFileName.substr(srcDir.length() + 1); } else if (!cmHasSuffix(fullFileName, ".cs") && cmHasPrefix(fullFileName, binDir)) { link = fullFileName.substr(binDir.length() + 1); } else if (cmValue l = source->GetProperty("VS_CSHARP_Link")) { link = *l; } ConvertToWindowsSlash(link); return link; } std::string cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::GetCMakeFilePath( const char* relativeFilePath) const { // Always search in the standard modules location. std::string path = cmStrCat(cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot(), '/', relativeFilePath); ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); return path; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteStdOutEncodingUtf8(Elem& e1) { if (this->GlobalGenerator->IsUtf8EncodingSupported()) { e1.Element("UseUtf8Encoding", "Always"); } else if (this->GlobalGenerator->IsStdOutEncodingSupported()) { e1.Element("StdOutEncoding", "UTF-8"); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::UpdateCache() { std::vector packageReferences; if (this->GeneratorTarget->HasPackageReferences()) { // Store a cache entry that later determines, if a package restore is // required. this->GeneratorTarget->Makefile->AddCacheDefinition( this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() + "_REQUIRES_VS_PACKAGE_RESTORE", "ON", "Value Computed by CMake", cmStateEnums::STATIC); } else { // If there are any dependencies that require package restore, inherit the // cache variable. cmGlobalGenerator::TargetDependSet const& unordered = this->GlobalGenerator->GetTargetDirectDepends(this->GeneratorTarget); using OrderedTargetDependSet = cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::OrderedTargetDependSet; OrderedTargetDependSet depends(unordered, CMAKE_CHECK_BUILD_SYSTEM_TARGET); for (cmGeneratorTarget const* dt : depends) { if (dt->HasPackageReferences()) { this->GeneratorTarget->Makefile->AddCacheDefinition( this->GeneratorTarget->GetName() + "_REQUIRES_VS_PACKAGE_RESTORE", "ON", "Value Computed by CMake", cmStateEnums::STATIC); } } } }