/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmXCodeObject.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h> // CFUUIDCreate //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* cmXCodeObject::PBXTypeNames[] = { "PBXGroup", "PBXBuildStyle", "PBXProject", "PBXHeadersBuildPhase", "PBXSourcesBuildPhase", "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase", "PBXNativeTarget", "PBXFileReference", "PBXBuildFile", "PBXContainerItemProxy", "PBXTargetDependency", "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase", "PBXResourcesBuildPhase", "PBXApplicationReference", "PBXExecutableFileReference", "PBXLibraryReference", "PBXToolTarget", "PBXLibraryTarget", "PBXAggregateTarget", "XCBuildConfiguration", "XCConfigurationList", "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase", "None" }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmXCodeObject::~cmXCodeObject() { this->Version = 15; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmXCodeObject::cmXCodeObject(PBXType ptype, Type type) { this->Version = 15; this->Target = 0; this->Object =0; this->IsA = ptype; if(type == OBJECT) { // Set the Id of an Xcode object to a unique string for each instance. // However the Xcode user file references certain Ids: for those cases, // override the generated Id using SetId(). // char cUuid[40] = {0}; CFUUIDRef uuid = CFUUIDCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault); CFStringRef s = CFUUIDCreateString(kCFAllocatorDefault, uuid); CFStringGetCString(s, cUuid, sizeof(cUuid), kCFStringEncodingUTF8); this->Id = cUuid; CFRelease(s); CFRelease(uuid); } else { this->Id = "Temporary cmake object, should not be referred to in Xcode file"; } cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(this->Id, "-", ""); if(this->Id.size() > 24) { this->Id = this->Id.substr(0, 24); } this->TypeValue = type; if(this->TypeValue == OBJECT) { this->AddAttribute("isa", 0); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmXCodeObject::Indent(int level, std::ostream& out) { while(level) { out << "\t"; level--; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmXCodeObject::Print(std::ostream& out) { std::string separator = "\n"; int indentFactor = 1; cmXCodeObject::Indent(2*indentFactor, out); if(this->Version > 15 && (this->IsA == PBXFileReference || this->IsA == PBXBuildFile)) { separator = " "; indentFactor = 0; } out << this->Id; this->PrintComment(out); out << " = {"; if(separator == "\n") { out << separator; } std::map<std::string, cmXCodeObject*>::iterator i; cmXCodeObject::Indent(3*indentFactor, out); out << "isa = " << PBXTypeNames[this->IsA] << ";" << separator; for(i = this->ObjectAttributes.begin(); i != this->ObjectAttributes.end(); ++i) { if(i->first == "isa") continue; PrintAttribute(out, 3, separator, indentFactor, i->first, i->second, this); } cmXCodeObject::Indent(2*indentFactor, out); out << "};\n"; } void cmXCodeObject::PrintAttribute(std::ostream& out, const int level, const std::string separator, const int factor, const std::string& name, const cmXCodeObject* object, const cmXCodeObject* parent) { cmXCodeObject::Indent(level * factor, out); switch(object->TypeValue) { case OBJECT_LIST: { out << name << " = ("; if(parent->TypeValue != ATTRIBUTE_GROUP) { out << separator; } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < object->List.size(); ++i) { if(object->List[i]->TypeValue == STRING) { object->List[i]->PrintString(out); if(i+1 < object->List.size()) { out << ","; } } else { cmXCodeObject::Indent((level + 1) * factor, out); out << object->List[i]->Id; object->List[i]->PrintComment(out); out << "," << separator; } } if(parent->TypeValue != ATTRIBUTE_GROUP) { cmXCodeObject::Indent(level * factor, out); } out << ");" << separator; } break; case ATTRIBUTE_GROUP: { out << name << " = {"; if(separator == "\n") { out << separator; } std::map<std::string, cmXCodeObject*>::const_iterator i; for(i = object->ObjectAttributes.begin(); i != object->ObjectAttributes.end(); ++i) { PrintAttribute(out, (level + 1) * factor, separator, factor, i->first, i->second, object); } cmXCodeObject::Indent(level * factor, out); out << "};" << separator; } break; case OBJECT_REF: { cmXCodeObject::PrintString(out, name); out << " = " << object->Object->Id; if(object->Object->HasComment() && name != "remoteGlobalIDString") { object->Object->PrintComment(out); } out << ";" << separator; } break; case STRING: { cmXCodeObject::PrintString(out, name); out << " = "; object->PrintString(out); out << ";" << separator; } break; default: { break; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmXCodeObject::PrintList(std::vector<cmXCodeObject*> const& objs, std::ostream& out) { cmXCodeObject::Indent(1, out); out << "objects = {\n"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < objs.size(); ++i) { if(objs[i]->TypeValue == OBJECT) { objs[i]->Print(out); } } cmXCodeObject::Indent(1, out); out << "};\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmXCodeObject::CopyAttributes(cmXCodeObject* copy) { this->ObjectAttributes = copy->ObjectAttributes; this->List = copy->List; this->String = copy->String; this->Object = copy->Object; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmXCodeObject::PrintString(std::ostream& os,std::string String) { // The string needs to be quoted if it contains any characters // considered special by the Xcode project file parser. bool needQuote = (String.empty() || String.find("//") != String.npos || String.find_first_not_of( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789" "$_./") != String.npos); const char* quote = needQuote? "\"" : ""; // Print the string, quoted and escaped as necessary. os << quote; for(std::string::const_iterator i = String.begin(); i != String.end(); ++i) { if(*i == '"' || *i == '\\') { // Escape double-quotes and backslashes. os << '\\'; } os << *i; } os << quote; } void cmXCodeObject::PrintString(std::ostream& os) const { cmXCodeObject::PrintString(os,this->String); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmXCodeObject::SetString(const std::string& s) { this->String = s; }