/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing#kwsys for details. */ #include "kwsysPrivate.h" #include KWSYS_HEADER(Glob.hxx) #include KWSYS_HEADER(Configure.hxx) #include KWSYS_HEADER(RegularExpression.hxx) #include KWSYS_HEADER(SystemTools.hxx) #include KWSYS_HEADER(Directory.hxx) // Work-around CMake dependency scanning limitation. This must // duplicate the above list of headers. #if 0 #include "Configure.hxx.in" #include "Directory.hxx.in" #include "Glob.hxx.in" #include "RegularExpression.hxx.in" #include "SystemTools.hxx.in" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KWSYS_NAMESPACE { #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) // On Windows and apple, no difference between lower and upper case #define KWSYS_GLOB_CASE_INDEPENDENT #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) // Handle network paths #define KWSYS_GLOB_SUPPORT_NETWORK_PATHS #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GlobInternals { public: std::vector Files; std::vector Expressions; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glob::Glob() { this->Internals = new GlobInternals; this->Recurse = false; this->Relative = ""; this->RecurseThroughSymlinks = true; // RecurseThroughSymlinks is true by default for backwards compatibility, // not because it's a good idea... this->FollowedSymlinkCount = 0; // Keep separate variables for directory listing for back compatibility this->ListDirs = true; this->RecurseListDirs = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glob::~Glob() { delete this->Internals; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector& Glob::GetFiles() { return this->Internals->Files; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Glob::PatternToRegex(const std::string& pattern, bool require_whole_string, bool preserve_case) { // Incrementally build the regular expression from the pattern. std::string regex = require_whole_string ? "^" : ""; std::string::const_iterator pattern_first = pattern.begin(); std::string::const_iterator pattern_last = pattern.end(); for (std::string::const_iterator i = pattern_first; i != pattern_last; ++i) { int c = *i; if (c == '*') { // A '*' (not between brackets) matches any string. // We modify this to not match slashes since the orignal glob // pattern documentation was meant for matching file name // components separated by slashes. regex += "[^/]*"; } else if (c == '?') { // A '?' (not between brackets) matches any single character. // We modify this to not match slashes since the orignal glob // pattern documentation was meant for matching file name // components separated by slashes. regex += "[^/]"; } else if (c == '[') { // Parse out the bracket expression. It begins just after the // opening character. std::string::const_iterator bracket_first = i + 1; std::string::const_iterator bracket_last = bracket_first; // The first character may be complementation '!' or '^'. if (bracket_last != pattern_last && (*bracket_last == '!' || *bracket_last == '^')) { ++bracket_last; } // If the next character is a ']' it is included in the brackets // because the bracket string may not be empty. if (bracket_last != pattern_last && *bracket_last == ']') { ++bracket_last; } // Search for the closing ']'. while (bracket_last != pattern_last && *bracket_last != ']') { ++bracket_last; } // Check whether we have a complete bracket string. if (bracket_last == pattern_last) { // The bracket string did not end, so it was opened simply by // a '[' that is supposed to be matched literally. regex += "\\["; } else { // Convert the bracket string to its regex equivalent. std::string::const_iterator k = bracket_first; // Open the regex block. regex += "["; // A regex range complement uses '^' instead of '!'. if (k != bracket_last && *k == '!') { regex += "^"; ++k; } // Convert the remaining characters. for (; k != bracket_last; ++k) { // Backslashes must be escaped. if (*k == '\\') { regex += "\\"; } // Store this character. regex += *k; } // Close the regex block. regex += "]"; // Jump to the end of the bracket string. i = bracket_last; } } else { // A single character matches itself. int ch = c; if (!(('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') || ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9'))) { // Escape the non-alphanumeric character. regex += "\\"; } #if defined(KWSYS_GLOB_CASE_INDEPENDENT) else { // On case-insensitive systems file names are converted to lower // case before matching. if (!preserve_case) { ch = tolower(ch); } } #endif (void)preserve_case; // Store the character. regex.append(1, static_cast(ch)); } } if (require_whole_string) { regex += "$"; } return regex; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Glob::RecurseDirectory(std::string::size_type start, const std::string& dir, GlobMessages* messages) { kwsys::Directory d; if (!d.Load(dir)) { return true; } unsigned long cc; std::string realname; std::string fname; for (cc = 0; cc < d.GetNumberOfFiles(); cc++) { fname = d.GetFile(cc); if (fname == "." || fname == "..") { continue; } if (start == 0) { realname = dir + fname; } else { realname = dir + "/" + fname; } #if defined(KWSYS_GLOB_CASE_INDEPENDENT) // On Windows and apple, no difference between lower and upper case fname = kwsys::SystemTools::LowerCase(fname); #endif bool isDir = kwsys::SystemTools::FileIsDirectory(realname); bool isSymLink = kwsys::SystemTools::FileIsSymlink(realname); if (isDir && (!isSymLink || this->RecurseThroughSymlinks)) { if (isSymLink) { ++this->FollowedSymlinkCount; std::string realPathErrorMessage; std::string canonicalPath( SystemTools::GetRealPath(dir, &realPathErrorMessage)); if (!realPathErrorMessage.empty()) { if (messages) { messages->push_back(Message( Glob::error, "Canonical path generation from path '" + dir + "' failed! Reason: '" + realPathErrorMessage + "'")); } return false; } if (std::find(this->VisitedSymlinks.begin(), this->VisitedSymlinks.end(), canonicalPath) == this->VisitedSymlinks.end()) { if (this->RecurseListDirs) { // symlinks are treated as directories this->AddFile(this->Internals->Files, realname); } this->VisitedSymlinks.push_back(canonicalPath); if (!this->RecurseDirectory(start + 1, realname, messages)) { this->VisitedSymlinks.pop_back(); return false; } this->VisitedSymlinks.pop_back(); } // else we have already visited this symlink - prevent cyclic recursion else if (messages) { std::string message; for (std::vector::const_iterator pathIt = std::find(this->VisitedSymlinks.begin(), this->VisitedSymlinks.end(), canonicalPath); pathIt != this->VisitedSymlinks.end(); ++pathIt) { message += *pathIt + "\n"; } message += canonicalPath + "/" + fname; messages->push_back(Message(Glob::cyclicRecursion, message)); } } else { if (this->RecurseListDirs) { this->AddFile(this->Internals->Files, realname); } if (!this->RecurseDirectory(start + 1, realname, messages)) { return false; } } } else { if (!this->Internals->Expressions.empty() && this->Internals->Expressions.rbegin()->find(fname)) { this->AddFile(this->Internals->Files, realname); } } } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Glob::ProcessDirectory(std::string::size_type start, const std::string& dir, GlobMessages* messages) { // std::cout << "ProcessDirectory: " << dir << std::endl; bool last = (start == this->Internals->Expressions.size() - 1); if (last && this->Recurse) { this->RecurseDirectory(start, dir, messages); return; } if (start >= this->Internals->Expressions.size()) { return; } kwsys::Directory d; if (!d.Load(dir)) { return; } unsigned long cc; std::string realname; std::string fname; for (cc = 0; cc < d.GetNumberOfFiles(); cc++) { fname = d.GetFile(cc); if (fname == "." || fname == "..") { continue; } if (start == 0) { realname = dir + fname; } else { realname = dir + "/" + fname; } #if defined(KWSYS_GLOB_CASE_INDEPENDENT) // On case-insensitive file systems convert to lower case for matching. fname = kwsys::SystemTools::LowerCase(fname); #endif // std::cout << "Look at file: " << fname << std::endl; // std::cout << "Match: " // << this->Internals->TextExpressions[start].c_str() << std::endl; // std::cout << "Real name: " << realname << std::endl; if ((!last && !kwsys::SystemTools::FileIsDirectory(realname)) || (!this->ListDirs && last && kwsys::SystemTools::FileIsDirectory(realname))) { continue; } if (this->Internals->Expressions[start].find(fname)) { if (last) { this->AddFile(this->Internals->Files, realname); } else { this->ProcessDirectory(start + 1, realname, messages); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Glob::FindFiles(const std::string& inexpr, GlobMessages* messages) { std::string cexpr; std::string::size_type cc; std::string expr = inexpr; this->Internals->Expressions.clear(); this->Internals->Files.clear(); if (!kwsys::SystemTools::FileIsFullPath(expr)) { expr = kwsys::SystemTools::GetCurrentWorkingDirectory(); expr += "/" + inexpr; } std::string fexpr = expr; std::string::size_type skip = 0; std::string::size_type last_slash = 0; for (cc = 0; cc < expr.size(); cc++) { if (cc > 0 && expr[cc] == '/' && expr[cc - 1] != '\\') { last_slash = cc; } if (cc > 0 && (expr[cc] == '[' || expr[cc] == '?' || expr[cc] == '*') && expr[cc - 1] != '\\') { break; } } if (last_slash > 0) { // std::cout << "I can skip: " << fexpr.substr(0, last_slash) // << std::endl; skip = last_slash; } if (skip == 0) { #if defined(KWSYS_GLOB_SUPPORT_NETWORK_PATHS) // Handle network paths if (expr[0] == '/' && expr[1] == '/') { int cnt = 0; for (cc = 2; cc < expr.size(); cc++) { if (expr[cc] == '/') { cnt++; if (cnt == 2) { break; } } } skip = int(cc + 1); } else #endif // Handle drive letters on Windows if (expr[1] == ':' && expr[0] != '/') { skip = 2; } } if (skip > 0) { expr = expr.substr(skip); } cexpr = ""; for (cc = 0; cc < expr.size(); cc++) { int ch = expr[cc]; if (ch == '/') { if (!cexpr.empty()) { this->AddExpression(cexpr); } cexpr = ""; } else { cexpr.append(1, static_cast(ch)); } } if (!cexpr.empty()) { this->AddExpression(cexpr); } // Handle network paths if (skip > 0) { this->ProcessDirectory(0, fexpr.substr(0, skip) + "/", messages); } else { this->ProcessDirectory(0, "/", messages); } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Glob::AddExpression(const std::string& expr) { this->Internals->Expressions.push_back( kwsys::RegularExpression(this->PatternToRegex(expr))); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Glob::SetRelative(const char* dir) { if (!dir) { this->Relative = ""; return; } this->Relative = dir; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* Glob::GetRelative() { if (this->Relative.empty()) { return 0; } return this->Relative.c_str(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Glob::AddFile(std::vector& files, const std::string& file) { if (!this->Relative.empty()) { files.push_back(kwsys::SystemTools::RelativePath(this->Relative, file)); } else { files.push_back(file); } } } // namespace KWSYS_NAMESPACE