
  Program:   KWSys - Kitware System Library
  Module:    $RCSfile$

  Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium.  All rights reserved.
  See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_Glob_hxx
#define @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_Glob_hxx

#include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/Configure.h>
#include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/Configure.hxx>

#include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/stl/string>
#include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/stl/vector>

/* Define this macro temporarily to keep the code readable.  */
# define kwsys_stl @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_stl


class GlobInternals;

/** \class Glob
 * \brief Portable globbing searches.
 * Globbing expressions are much simpler than regular
 * expressions. This class will search for files using
 * globbing expressions.
 * Finds all files that match a given globbing expression.

  //! Find all files that match the pattern.
  bool FindFiles(const kwsys_stl::string& inexpr);

  //! Return the list of files that matched.
  kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& GetFiles();

  //! Set recurse to true to match subdirectories.
  void RecurseOn() { this->SetRecurse(true); }
  void RecurseOff() { this->SetRecurse(false); }
  void SetRecurse(bool i) { this->Recurse = i; }
  bool GetRecurse() { return this->Recurse; }

  //! Set relative to true to only show relative path to files.
  void SetRelative(const char* dir);
  const char* GetRelative();

  /** Convert the given globbing pattern to a regular expression.
      There is no way to quote meta-characters.  The
      require_whole_string argument specifies whether the regex is
      automatically surrounded by "^" and "$" to match the whole
      string.  This is on by default because patterns always match
      whole strings, but may be disabled to support concatenating
      expressions more easily (regex1|regex2|etc).  */
  static kwsys_stl::string PatternToRegex(const kwsys_stl::string& pattern,
                                          bool require_whole_string = true);

  //! Process directory
  void ProcessDirectory(kwsys_stl::string::size_type start,
    const kwsys_stl::string& dir, bool dir_only);

  //! Process last directory, but only when recurse flags is on. That is
  // effectively like saying: /path/to/file/**/file
  void RecurseDirectory(kwsys_stl::string::size_type start,
    const kwsys_stl::string& dir, bool dir_only);

  //! Add regular expression
  void AddExpression(const char* expr);

  //! Add a file to the list
  void AddFile(kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& files, const char* file);

  GlobInternals* Internals;
  bool Recurse;
  kwsys_stl::string Relative;

} // namespace @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@

/* Undefine temporary macro.  */
# undef kwsys_stl
