  KWSys - Kitware System Library
  Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium

  Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
  see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.

  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
  See the License for more information.
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <winsock.h> // WSADATA, include before sys/types.h

// TODO:
// We need an alternative implementation for many functions in this file
// when USE_ASM_INSTRUCTIONS gets defined as 0.
// Consider using these on Win32/Win64 for some of them:
// IsProcessorFeaturePresent
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724482(VS.85).aspx
// GetProcessMemoryInfo
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683219(VS.85).aspx

#include "kwsysPrivate.h"
#include KWSYS_HEADER(FundamentalType.h)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(stl/string)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(stl/vector)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(ios/iosfwd)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(SystemInformation.hxx)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(Process.h)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(ios/iostream)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(ios/sstream)

// Work-around CMake dependency scanning limitation.  This must
// duplicate the above list of headers.
#if 0
# include "FundamentalType.h.in"
# include "SystemInformation.hxx.in"
# include "Process.h.in"
# include "Configure.hxx.in"
# include "kwsys_stl.hxx.in"
# include "kwsys_stl_vector.in"
# include "kwsys_stl_iosfwd.in"
# include "kwsys_ios_sstream.h.in"
# include "kwsys_ios_iostream.h.in"

#ifndef WIN32
# include <sys/utsname.h> // int uname(struct utsname *buf);

#ifdef _WIN32
# include <windows.h>

#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <mach/vm_statistics.h>
#include <mach/host_info.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>

#ifdef __linux
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <ctype.h> // int isdigit(int c);
# include <errno.h> // extern int errno;
# include <sys/time.h>
#elif __hpux
# include <sys/param.h>
# include <sys/pstat.h>

#ifdef __HAIKU__
#include <OS.h>

#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>


// Create longlong
  typedef long long LongLong;
#elif KWSYS_USE___INT64
  typedef __int64 LongLong;
# error "No Long Long"

//  Define SystemInformationImplementation class
typedef  void (*DELAY_FUNC)(unsigned int uiMS);

class SystemInformationImplementation
  SystemInformationImplementation ();
  ~SystemInformationImplementation ();

  const char * GetVendorString();
  const char * GetVendorID();
  kwsys_stl::string GetTypeID();
  kwsys_stl::string GetFamilyID();
  kwsys_stl::string GetModelID();
  kwsys_stl::string GetSteppingCode();
  const char * GetExtendedProcessorName();
  const char * GetProcessorSerialNumber();
  int GetProcessorCacheSize();
  unsigned int GetLogicalProcessorsPerPhysical();
  float GetProcessorClockFrequency();
  int GetProcessorAPICID();
  int GetProcessorCacheXSize(long int);
  bool DoesCPUSupportFeature(long int);
  const char * GetOSName();
  const char * GetHostname();
  const char * GetOSRelease();
  const char * GetOSVersion();
  const char * GetOSPlatform();

  bool Is64Bits();

  unsigned int GetNumberOfLogicalCPU(); // per physical cpu
  unsigned int GetNumberOfPhysicalCPU();

  bool DoesCPUSupportCPUID();

  // Retrieve memory information in megabyte.
  size_t GetTotalVirtualMemory();
  size_t GetAvailableVirtualMemory();
  size_t GetTotalPhysicalMemory();
  size_t GetAvailablePhysicalMemory();  

  /** Run the different checks */
  void RunCPUCheck();
  void RunOSCheck();
  void RunMemoryCheck();

  typedef struct tagID
    int Type;
    int Family;
    int Model;
    int Revision;
    int ExtendedFamily;
    int ExtendedModel;
    kwsys_stl::string ProcessorName;
    kwsys_stl::string Vendor;
    kwsys_stl::string SerialNumber;
    } ID;

  typedef struct tagCPUPowerManagement
    bool HasVoltageID;
    bool HasFrequencyID;
    bool HasTempSenseDiode;
    } CPUPowerManagement;

  typedef struct tagCPUExtendedFeatures
    bool Has3DNow;
    bool Has3DNowPlus;
    bool SupportsMP;
    bool HasMMXPlus;
    bool HasSSEMMX;
    bool SupportsHyperthreading;
    unsigned int LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical;
    int APIC_ID;
    CPUPowerManagement PowerManagement;
    } CPUExtendedFeatures;

  typedef struct CPUtagFeatures
    bool HasFPU;
    bool HasTSC;
    bool HasMMX;
    bool HasSSE;
    bool HasSSEFP;
    bool HasSSE2;
    bool HasIA64;
    bool HasAPIC;
    bool HasCMOV;
    bool HasMTRR;
    bool HasACPI;
    bool HasSerial;
    bool HasThermal;
    int CPUSpeed;
    int L1CacheSize;
    int L2CacheSize;
    int L3CacheSize;
    CPUExtendedFeatures ExtendedFeatures;
    } CPUFeatures;

  enum Manufacturer
    AMD, Intel, NSC, UMC, Cyrix, NexGen, IDT, Rise, Transmeta, Sun, IBM,
    Motorola, UnknownManufacturer

  // Functions.
  bool RetrieveCPUFeatures();
  bool RetrieveCPUIdentity();
  bool RetrieveCPUCacheDetails();
  bool RetrieveClassicalCPUCacheDetails();
  bool RetrieveCPUClockSpeed();
  bool RetrieveClassicalCPUClockSpeed();
  bool RetrieveCPUExtendedLevelSupport(int);
  bool RetrieveExtendedCPUFeatures();
  bool RetrieveProcessorSerialNumber();
  bool RetrieveCPUPowerManagement();
  bool RetrieveClassicalCPUIdentity();
  bool RetrieveExtendedCPUIdentity();

  Manufacturer  ChipManufacturer;
  CPUFeatures   Features;
  ID            ChipID;
  float         CPUSpeedInMHz;
  unsigned int  NumberOfLogicalCPU;
  unsigned int  NumberOfPhysicalCPU;

  int CPUCount();
  unsigned char LogicalCPUPerPhysicalCPU();
  unsigned char GetAPICId();
  unsigned int IsHyperThreadingSupported();
  LongLong GetCyclesDifference(DELAY_FUNC, unsigned int);

  // For Linux and Cygwin, /proc/cpuinfo formats are slightly different
  int RetreiveInformationFromCpuInfoFile();
  kwsys_stl::string ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(kwsys_stl::string buffer,
                                          const char* word, size_t init=0);

  static void Delay (unsigned int);
  static void DelayOverhead (unsigned int);

  void FindManufacturer();

  // For Mac
  bool ParseSysCtl();
  void CallSwVers();
  void TrimNewline(kwsys_stl::string&);
  kwsys_stl::string ExtractValueFromSysCtl(const char* word);
  kwsys_stl::string SysCtlBuffer;

  // For Solaris
  bool QuerySolarisInfo();
  kwsys_stl::string ParseValueFromKStat(const char* arguments);
  kwsys_stl::string RunProcess(kwsys_stl::vector<const char*> args);

  //For Haiku OS
  bool QueryHaikuInfo();

  //For QNX
  bool QueryQNXMemory();
  bool QueryQNXProcessor();

  // Evaluate the memory information.
  int QueryMemory();
  size_t TotalVirtualMemory;
  size_t AvailableVirtualMemory;
  size_t TotalPhysicalMemory;
  size_t AvailablePhysicalMemory;

  size_t CurrentPositionInFile;

  // Operating System information
  bool QueryOSInformation();
  kwsys_stl::string OSName;
  kwsys_stl::string Hostname;
  kwsys_stl::string OSRelease;
  kwsys_stl::string OSVersion;
  kwsys_stl::string OSPlatform; 

  this->Implementation = new SystemInformationImplementation;

  delete this->Implementation;

const char * SystemInformation::GetVendorString()
  return this->Implementation->GetVendorString();

const char * SystemInformation::GetVendorID()
  return this->Implementation->GetVendorID();

kwsys_stl::string SystemInformation::GetTypeID()
  return this->Implementation->GetTypeID();

kwsys_stl::string SystemInformation::GetFamilyID()
  return this->Implementation->GetFamilyID();

kwsys_stl::string SystemInformation::GetModelID()
  return this->Implementation->GetModelID();

kwsys_stl::string SystemInformation::GetSteppingCode()
  return this->Implementation->GetSteppingCode();

const char * SystemInformation::GetExtendedProcessorName()
  return this->Implementation->GetExtendedProcessorName();

const char * SystemInformation::GetProcessorSerialNumber()
  return this->Implementation->GetProcessorSerialNumber();

int SystemInformation::GetProcessorCacheSize()
  return this->Implementation->GetProcessorCacheSize();

unsigned int SystemInformation::GetLogicalProcessorsPerPhysical()
  return this->Implementation->GetLogicalProcessorsPerPhysical();

float SystemInformation::GetProcessorClockFrequency()
  return this->Implementation->GetProcessorClockFrequency();

int SystemInformation::GetProcessorAPICID()
  return this->Implementation->GetProcessorAPICID();

int SystemInformation::GetProcessorCacheXSize(long int l)
  return this->Implementation->GetProcessorCacheXSize(l);

bool SystemInformation::DoesCPUSupportFeature(long int i)
  return this->Implementation->DoesCPUSupportFeature(i);

const char * SystemInformation::GetOSName()
  return this->Implementation->GetOSName();

const char * SystemInformation::GetHostname()
  return this->Implementation->GetHostname();

const char * SystemInformation::GetOSRelease()
  return this->Implementation->GetOSRelease();

const char * SystemInformation::GetOSVersion()
  return this->Implementation->GetOSVersion();

const char * SystemInformation::GetOSPlatform()
  return this->Implementation->GetOSPlatform();

bool SystemInformation::Is64Bits()
  return this->Implementation->Is64Bits();

unsigned int SystemInformation::GetNumberOfLogicalCPU() // per physical cpu
  return this->Implementation->GetNumberOfLogicalCPU();

unsigned int SystemInformation::GetNumberOfPhysicalCPU()
  return this->Implementation->GetNumberOfPhysicalCPU();

bool SystemInformation::DoesCPUSupportCPUID()
  return this->Implementation->DoesCPUSupportCPUID();

// Retrieve memory information in megabyte.
size_t SystemInformation::GetTotalVirtualMemory()
  return this->Implementation->GetTotalVirtualMemory();

size_t SystemInformation::GetAvailableVirtualMemory()
  return this->Implementation->GetAvailableVirtualMemory();

size_t SystemInformation::GetTotalPhysicalMemory()
  return this->Implementation->GetTotalPhysicalMemory();

size_t SystemInformation::GetAvailablePhysicalMemory()
  return this->Implementation->GetAvailablePhysicalMemory();

/** Run the different checks */
void SystemInformation::RunCPUCheck()

void SystemInformation::RunOSCheck()

void SystemInformation::RunMemoryCheck()

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// SystemInformationImplementation starts here

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) && !defined(_WIN64)

#define STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO(x,y)  x = (x < y) ? y : x
#define TLBCACHE_INFO_UNITS      (15)
#define CLASSICAL_CPU_FREQ_LOOP    10000000
#define RDTSC_INSTRUCTION      _asm _emit 0x0f _asm _emit 0x31

  #define CPUID_INSTRUCTION    cpuid
  #define CPUID_INSTRUCTION    _asm _emit 0x0f _asm _emit 0xa2

#define MMX_FEATURE            0x00000001
#define MMX_PLUS_FEATURE       0x00000002
#define SSE_FEATURE            0x00000004
#define SSE2_FEATURE           0x00000008
#define AMD_3DNOW_FEATURE      0x00000010
#define AMD_3DNOW_PLUS_FEATURE 0x00000020
#define IA64_FEATURE           0x00000040
#define MP_CAPABLE             0x00000080
#define HYPERTHREAD_FEATURE    0x00000100
#define SERIALNUMBER_FEATURE   0x00000200
#define APIC_FEATURE           0x00000400
#define SSE_FP_FEATURE         0x00000800
#define SSE_MMX_FEATURE        0x00001000
#define CMOV_FEATURE           0x00002000
#define MTRR_FEATURE           0x00004000
#define L1CACHE_FEATURE        0x00008000
#define L2CACHE_FEATURE        0x00010000
#define L3CACHE_FEATURE        0x00020000
#define ACPI_FEATURE           0x00040000
#define FREQUENCYID_FEATURE    0x00200000
#define VOLTAGEID_FREQUENCY    0x00400000

// Status Flag
#define HT_NOT_CAPABLE           0
#define HT_ENABLED               1
#define HT_DISABLED              2
#define HT_CANNOT_DETECT         4

// EDX[28]  Bit 28 is set if HT is supported
#define HT_BIT             0x10000000   

// EAX[11:8] Bit 8-11 contains family processor ID.
#define FAMILY_ID          0x0F00
#define PENTIUM4_ID        0x0F00         
// EAX[23:20] Bit 20-23 contains extended family processor ID
#define EXT_FAMILY_ID      0x0F00000 
// EBX[23:16] Bit 16-23 in ebx contains the number of logical
#define NUM_LOGICAL_BITS   0x00FF0000  
// processors per physical processor when execute cpuid with 
// eax set to 1
// EBX[31:24] Bits 24-31 (8 bits) return the 8-bit unique 
#define INITIAL_APIC_ID_BITS  0xFF000000  
// initial APIC ID for the processor this code is running on.
// Default value = 0xff if HT is not supported

  this->TotalVirtualMemory = 0;
  this->AvailableVirtualMemory = 0;
  this->TotalPhysicalMemory = 0;
  this->AvailablePhysicalMemory = 0;
  this->CurrentPositionInFile = 0;
  this->ChipManufacturer = UnknownManufacturer;
  memset(&this->Features, 0, sizeof(CPUFeatures));
  this->ChipID.Type = 0;
  this->ChipID.Family = 0;
  this->ChipID.Model = 0;
  this->ChipID.Revision = 0;
  this->ChipID.ExtendedFamily = 0;
  this->ChipID.ExtendedModel = 0;
  this->CPUSpeedInMHz = 0;
  this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = 0;
  this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = 0;
  this->OSName = "";
  this->Hostname = "";
  this->OSRelease = "";
  this->OSVersion = "";
  this->OSPlatform = "";


void SystemInformationImplementation::RunCPUCheck()
#ifdef WIN32
  // Check to see if this processor supports CPUID.
  bool supportsCPUID = DoesCPUSupportCPUID();

  if (supportsCPUID)
    // Retrieve the CPU details.

  // These two may be called without support for the CPUID instruction.
  // (But if the instruction is there, they should be called *after*
  // the above call to RetrieveCPUIdentity... that's why the two if
  // blocks exist with the same "if (supportsCPUID)" logic...
  if (!RetrieveCPUClockSpeed())

  if (supportsCPUID)
    // Retrieve cache information.
    if (!RetrieveCPUCacheDetails()) 

    // Retrieve the extended CPU details.
    if (!RetrieveExtendedCPUIdentity()) 


    // Now attempt to retrieve the serial number (if possible).


#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#elif defined (__SVR4) && defined (__sun)
#elif defined(__HAIKU__)
#elif defined(__QNX__)

void SystemInformationImplementation::RunOSCheck()

void SystemInformationImplementation::RunMemoryCheck()
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#elif defined (__SVR4) && defined (__sun)
#elif defined(__HAIKU__)
#elif defined(__QNX__)

/** Get the vendor string */
const char * SystemInformationImplementation::GetVendorString()
  return this->ChipID.Vendor.c_str();

/** Get the OS Name */
const char * SystemInformationImplementation::GetOSName()
  return this->OSName.c_str();

/** Get the hostname */
const char* SystemInformationImplementation::GetHostname()
  return this->Hostname.c_str();

/** Get the OS release */
const char* SystemInformationImplementation::GetOSRelease()
  return this->OSRelease.c_str();

/** Get the OS version */
const char* SystemInformationImplementation::GetOSVersion()
  return this->OSVersion.c_str();

/** Get the OS platform */
const char* SystemInformationImplementation::GetOSPlatform()
  return this->OSPlatform.c_str();

/** Get the vendor ID */
const char * SystemInformationImplementation::GetVendorID()
  // Return the vendor ID.
  switch (this->ChipManufacturer)
    case Intel:
      return "Intel Corporation";
    case AMD:
      return "Advanced Micro Devices";
    case NSC:
      return "National Semiconductor";
    case Cyrix:
      return "Cyrix Corp., VIA Inc.";
    case NexGen:
      return "NexGen Inc., Advanced Micro Devices";
    case IDT:
      return "IDT\\Centaur, Via Inc.";
    case UMC:
      return "United Microelectronics Corp.";
    case Rise:
      return "Rise";
    case Transmeta:
      return "Transmeta";
    case Sun:
      return "Sun Microelectronics";
    case IBM:
      return "IBM";
    case Motorola:
      return "Motorola";
      return "Unknown Manufacturer";

/** Return the type ID of the CPU */
kwsys_stl::string SystemInformationImplementation::GetTypeID()
  kwsys_ios::ostringstream str;
  str << this->ChipID.Type;
  return str.str();

/** Return the family of the CPU present */
kwsys_stl::string SystemInformationImplementation::GetFamilyID()
  kwsys_ios::ostringstream str;
  str << this->ChipID.Family;
  return str.str();

// Return the model of CPU present */
kwsys_stl::string SystemInformationImplementation::GetModelID()
  kwsys_ios::ostringstream str;
  str << this->ChipID.Model;
  return str.str();

/** Return the stepping code of the CPU present. */
kwsys_stl::string SystemInformationImplementation::GetSteppingCode()
  kwsys_ios::ostringstream str;
  str << this->ChipID.Revision;
  return str.str();

/** Return the stepping code of the CPU present. */
const char * SystemInformationImplementation::GetExtendedProcessorName()
  return this->ChipID.ProcessorName.c_str();
/** Return the serial number of the processor 
 *  in hexadecimal: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx. */
const char * SystemInformationImplementation::GetProcessorSerialNumber()
  return this->ChipID.SerialNumber.c_str();

/** Return the logical processors per physical */
unsigned int SystemInformationImplementation::GetLogicalProcessorsPerPhysical()
  return this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical;

/** Return the processor clock frequency. */
float SystemInformationImplementation::GetProcessorClockFrequency()
  return this->CPUSpeedInMHz;

/**  Return the APIC ID. */
int SystemInformationImplementation::GetProcessorAPICID()
  return this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.APIC_ID;

/** Return the L1 cache size. */
int SystemInformationImplementation::GetProcessorCacheSize()
  return this->Features.L1CacheSize;

/** Return the chosen cache size. */
int SystemInformationImplementation::GetProcessorCacheXSize(long int dwCacheID)
  switch (dwCacheID)
      return this->Features.L1CacheSize;
      return this->Features.L2CacheSize;
      return this->Features.L3CacheSize;
  return -1;

bool SystemInformationImplementation::DoesCPUSupportFeature(long int dwFeature)
  bool bHasFeature = false;

  // Check for MMX instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & MMX_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasMMX) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for MMX+ instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & MMX_PLUS_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.HasMMXPlus) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for SSE FP instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & SSE_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasSSE) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for SSE FP instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & SSE_FP_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasSSEFP) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for SSE MMX instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & SSE_MMX_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.HasSSEMMX) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for SSE2 instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & SSE2_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasSSE2) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for 3DNow! instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & AMD_3DNOW_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.Has3DNow) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for 3DNow+ instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & AMD_3DNOW_PLUS_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.Has3DNowPlus) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for IA64 instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & IA64_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasIA64) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for MP capable.
  if (((dwFeature & MP_CAPABLE) != 0) && this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.SupportsMP) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for a serial number for the processor.
  if (((dwFeature & SERIALNUMBER_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasSerial) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for a local APIC in the processor.
  if (((dwFeature & APIC_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasAPIC) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for CMOV instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & CMOV_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasCMOV) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for MTRR instructions.
  if (((dwFeature & MTRR_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasMTRR) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for L1 cache size.
  if (((dwFeature & L1CACHE_FEATURE) != 0) && (this->Features.L1CacheSize != -1)) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for L2 cache size.
  if (((dwFeature & L2CACHE_FEATURE) != 0) && (this->Features.L2CacheSize != -1)) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for L3 cache size.
  if (((dwFeature & L3CACHE_FEATURE) != 0) && (this->Features.L3CacheSize != -1)) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for ACPI capability.
  if (((dwFeature & ACPI_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasACPI) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for thermal monitor support.
  if (((dwFeature & THERMALMONITOR_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.HasThermal) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for temperature sensing diode support.
  if (((dwFeature & TEMPSENSEDIODE_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.PowerManagement.HasTempSenseDiode) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for frequency ID support.
  if (((dwFeature & FREQUENCYID_FEATURE) != 0) && this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.PowerManagement.HasFrequencyID) bHasFeature = true;

  // Check for voltage ID support.
  if (((dwFeature & VOLTAGEID_FREQUENCY) != 0) && this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.PowerManagement.HasVoltageID) bHasFeature = true;

  return bHasFeature;

void SystemInformationImplementation::Delay(unsigned int uiMS)
#ifdef WIN32
  LARGE_INTEGER Frequency, StartCounter, EndCounter;
  __int64 x;

  // Get the frequency of the high performance counter.
  if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&Frequency)) return;
  x = Frequency.QuadPart / 1000 * uiMS;

  // Get the starting position of the counter.
  QueryPerformanceCounter (&StartCounter);

  do {
    // Get the ending position of the counter.  
    QueryPerformanceCounter (&EndCounter);
    } while (EndCounter.QuadPart - StartCounter.QuadPart < x);

bool SystemInformationImplementation::DoesCPUSupportCPUID()
  // Use SEH to determine CPUID presence
    __try {
        _asm {
       ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
      ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
      ; these registers to change.
      push eax
      push ebx
      push ecx
      push edx
      ; <<CPUID>> 
            mov eax, 0

      pop edx
      pop ecx
      pop ebx
      pop eax
    // Stop the class from trying to use CPUID again!
    return false;

  // The cpuid instruction succeeded.
  return true;

  // Assume no cpuid instruction.
  return false;

bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveCPUFeatures()
  int localCPUFeatures = 0;
  int localCPUAdvanced = 0;

  // Use assembly to detect CPUID information...
  __try {
    _asm {
       ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
      ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
      ; these registers to change.
      push eax
      push ebx
      push ecx
      push edx
      ; <<CPUID>> 
      ; eax = 1 --> eax: CPU ID - bits 31..16 - unused, bits 15..12 - type, bits 11..8 - family, bits 7..4 - model, bits 3..0 - mask revision
      ;        ebx: 31..24 - default APIC ID, 23..16 - logical processsor ID, 15..8 - CFLUSH chunk size , 7..0 - brand ID
      ;        edx: CPU feature flags
      mov eax,1
      mov localCPUFeatures, edx
      mov localCPUAdvanced, ebx

      pop edx
      pop ecx
      pop ebx
      pop eax
    return false;

  // Retrieve the features of CPU present.
  this->Features.HasFPU =     ((localCPUFeatures & 0x00000001) != 0);    // FPU Present --> Bit 0
  this->Features.HasTSC =     ((localCPUFeatures & 0x00000010) != 0);    // TSC Present --> Bit 4
  this->Features.HasAPIC =    ((localCPUFeatures & 0x00000200) != 0);    // APIC Present --> Bit 9
  this->Features.HasMTRR =    ((localCPUFeatures & 0x00001000) != 0);    // MTRR Present --> Bit 12
  this->Features.HasCMOV =    ((localCPUFeatures & 0x00008000) != 0);    // CMOV Present --> Bit 15
  this->Features.HasSerial =  ((localCPUFeatures & 0x00040000) != 0);    // Serial Present --> Bit 18
  this->Features.HasACPI =    ((localCPUFeatures & 0x00400000) != 0);    // ACPI Capable --> Bit 22
  this->Features.HasMMX =     ((localCPUFeatures & 0x00800000) != 0);    // MMX Present --> Bit 23
  this->Features.HasSSE =     ((localCPUFeatures & 0x02000000) != 0);    // SSE Present --> Bit 25
  this->Features.HasSSE2 =    ((localCPUFeatures & 0x04000000) != 0);    // SSE2 Present --> Bit 26
  this->Features.HasThermal = ((localCPUFeatures & 0x20000000) != 0);    // Thermal Monitor Present --> Bit 29
  this->Features.HasIA64 =    ((localCPUFeatures & 0x40000000) != 0);    // IA64 Present --> Bit 30

  // Retrieve extended SSE capabilities if SSE is available.
  if (this->Features.HasSSE) {
    // Attempt to __try some SSE FP instructions.
      // Perform: orps xmm0, xmm0
        _emit 0x0f
        _emit 0x56
        _emit 0xc0  

      // SSE FP capable processor.
      this->Features.HasSSEFP = true;
      // bad instruction - processor or OS cannot handle SSE FP.
      this->Features.HasSSEFP = false;
    // Set the advanced SSE capabilities to not available.
    this->Features.HasSSEFP = false;

  // Retrieve Intel specific extended features.
  if (this->ChipManufacturer == Intel) 
    this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.SupportsHyperthreading =  ((localCPUFeatures &  0x10000000) != 0);  // Intel specific: Hyperthreading --> Bit 28
    this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical = (this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.SupportsHyperthreading) ? ((localCPUAdvanced & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) : 1;
    if ((this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.SupportsHyperthreading) && (this->Features.HasAPIC))
      // Retrieve APIC information if there is one present.
      this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.APIC_ID = ((localCPUAdvanced & 0xFF000000) >> 24);

  return true;

  return false;

/** Find the manufacturer given the vendor id */
void SystemInformationImplementation::FindManufacturer()
  if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "GenuineIntel")       this->ChipManufacturer = Intel;        // Intel Corp.
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "UMC UMC UMC ")  this->ChipManufacturer = UMC;          // United Microelectronics Corp.
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "AuthenticAMD")  this->ChipManufacturer = AMD;          // Advanced Micro Devices
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "AMD ISBETTER")  this->ChipManufacturer = AMD;          // Advanced Micro Devices (1994)
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "CyrixInstead")  this->ChipManufacturer = Cyrix;        // Cyrix Corp., VIA Inc.
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "NexGenDriven")  this->ChipManufacturer = NexGen;        // NexGen Inc. (now AMD)
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "CentaurHauls")  this->ChipManufacturer = IDT;          // IDT/Centaur (now VIA)
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "RiseRiseRise")  this->ChipManufacturer = Rise;        // Rise
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "GenuineTMx86")  this->ChipManufacturer = Transmeta;      // Transmeta
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "TransmetaCPU")  this->ChipManufacturer = Transmeta;      // Transmeta
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "Geode By NSC")  this->ChipManufacturer = NSC;          // National Semiconductor
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "Sun")           this->ChipManufacturer = Sun;          // Sun Microelectronics
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "IBM")           this->ChipManufacturer = IBM;          // IBM Microelectronics
  else if (this->ChipID.Vendor == "Motorola")      this->ChipManufacturer = Motorola;          // Motorola Microelectronics
  else                                             this->ChipManufacturer = UnknownManufacturer;  // Unknown manufacturer

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveCPUIdentity()
  int localCPUVendor[3];
  int localCPUSignature;

  // Use assembly to detect CPUID information...
       ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
      ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
      ; these registers to change.
      push eax
      push ebx
      push ecx
      push edx
      ; <<CPUID>>
      ; eax = 0 --> eax: maximum value of CPUID instruction.
      ;        ebx: part 1 of 3; CPU signature.
      ;        edx: part 2 of 3; CPU signature.
      ;        ecx: part 3 of 3; CPU signature.
      mov eax, 0
      mov localCPUVendor[0 * TYPE int], ebx
      mov localCPUVendor[1 * TYPE int], edx
      mov localCPUVendor[2 * TYPE int], ecx

      ; <<CPUID>> 
      ; eax = 1 --> eax: CPU ID - bits 31..16 - unused, bits 15..12 - type, bits 11..8 - family, bits 7..4 - model, bits 3..0 - mask revision
      ;        ebx: 31..24 - default APIC ID, 23..16 - logical processsor ID, 15..8 - CFLUSH chunk size , 7..0 - brand ID
      ;        edx: CPU feature flags
      mov eax,1
      mov localCPUSignature, eax

      pop edx
      pop ecx
      pop ebx
      pop eax
    return false;

  // Process the returned information.
  char vbuf[13];
  memcpy (&(vbuf[0]), &(localCPUVendor[0]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(vbuf[4]), &(localCPUVendor[1]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(vbuf[8]), &(localCPUVendor[2]), sizeof (int));
  vbuf[12] = '\0';
  this->ChipID.Vendor = vbuf;


  // Retrieve the family of CPU present.
  this->ChipID.ExtendedFamily =    ((localCPUSignature & 0x0FF00000) >> 20);  // Bits 27..20 Used
  this->ChipID.ExtendedModel =    ((localCPUSignature & 0x000F0000) >> 16);  // Bits 19..16 Used
  this->ChipID.Type =        ((localCPUSignature & 0x0000F000) >> 12);  // Bits 15..12 Used
  this->ChipID.Family =        ((localCPUSignature & 0x00000F00) >> 8);    // Bits 11..8 Used
  this->ChipID.Model =        ((localCPUSignature & 0x000000F0) >> 4);    // Bits 7..4 Used
  this->ChipID.Revision =      ((localCPUSignature & 0x0000000F) >> 0);    // Bits 3..0 Used

  return true;

  return false;

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveCPUCacheDetails()
  int L1Cache[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  int L2Cache[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

  // Check to see if what we are about to do is supported...
  if (RetrieveCPUExtendedLevelSupport (0x80000005)) 
    // Use assembly to retrieve the L1 cache information ...
         ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
        ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
        ; these registers to change.
        push eax
        push ebx
        push ecx
        push edx
        ; <<CPUID>>
        ; eax = 0x80000005 --> eax: L1 cache information - Part 1 of 4.
        ;             ebx: L1 cache information - Part 2 of 4.
        ;             edx: L1 cache information - Part 3 of 4.
        ;              ecx: L1 cache information - Part 4 of 4.
        mov eax, 0x80000005
        mov L1Cache[0 * TYPE int], eax
        mov L1Cache[1 * TYPE int], ebx
        mov L1Cache[2 * TYPE int], ecx
        mov L1Cache[3 * TYPE int], edx

        pop edx
        pop ecx
        pop ebx
        pop eax
      return false;
    // Save the L1 data cache size (in KB) from ecx: bits 31..24 as well as data cache size from edx: bits 31..24.
    this->Features.L1CacheSize = ((L1Cache[2] & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
    this->Features.L1CacheSize += ((L1Cache[3] & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
    // Store -1 to indicate the cache could not be queried.
    this->Features.L1CacheSize = -1;

  // Check to see if what we are about to do is supported...
  if (RetrieveCPUExtendedLevelSupport (0x80000006)) 
    // Use assembly to retrieve the L2 cache information ...
         ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
        ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
        ; these registers to change.
        push eax
        push ebx
        push ecx
        push edx
        ; <<CPUID>>
        ; eax = 0x80000006 --> eax: L2 cache information - Part 1 of 4.
        ;             ebx: L2 cache information - Part 2 of 4.
        ;             edx: L2 cache information - Part 3 of 4.
        ;              ecx: L2 cache information - Part 4 of 4.
        mov eax, 0x80000006
        mov L2Cache[0 * TYPE int], eax
        mov L2Cache[1 * TYPE int], ebx
        mov L2Cache[2 * TYPE int], ecx
        mov L2Cache[3 * TYPE int], edx

        pop edx
        pop ecx
        pop ebx
        pop eax
      return false;
    // Save the L2 unified cache size (in KB) from ecx: bits 31..16.
    this->Features.L2CacheSize = ((L2Cache[2] & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
    // Store -1 to indicate the cache could not be queried.
    this->Features.L2CacheSize = -1;
  // Define L3 as being not present as we cannot test for it.
  this->Features.L3CacheSize = -1;


  // Return failure if we cannot detect either cache with this method.
  return ((this->Features.L1CacheSize == -1) && (this->Features.L2CacheSize == -1)) ? false : true;

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveClassicalCPUCacheDetails()
  int TLBCode = -1, TLBData = -1, L1Code = -1, L1Data = -1, L1Trace = -1, L2Unified = -1, L3Unified = -1;
  int TLBCacheData[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  int TLBPassCounter = 0;
  int TLBCacheUnit = 0;

  do {
    // Use assembly to retrieve the L2 cache information ...
    __try {
      _asm {
         ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
        ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
        ; these registers to change.
        push eax
        push ebx
        push ecx
        push edx
        ; <<CPUID>>
        ; eax = 2 --> eax: TLB and cache information - Part 1 of 4.
        ;        ebx: TLB and cache information - Part 2 of 4.
        ;        ecx: TLB and cache information - Part 3 of 4.
        ;        edx: TLB and cache information - Part 4 of 4.
        mov eax, 2
        mov TLBCacheData[0 * TYPE int], eax
        mov TLBCacheData[1 * TYPE int], ebx
        mov TLBCacheData[2 * TYPE int], ecx
        mov TLBCacheData[3 * TYPE int], edx

        pop edx
        pop ecx
        pop ebx
        pop eax
      return false;

    int bob = ((TLBCacheData[0] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
    // Process the returned TLB and cache information.
    for (int nCounter = 0; nCounter < TLBCACHE_INFO_UNITS; nCounter ++) 
      // First of all - decide which unit we are dealing with.
      switch (nCounter) 
        // eax: bits 8..15 : bits 16..23 : bits 24..31
        case 0: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[0] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); break;
        case 1: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[0] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); break;
        case 2: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[0] & 0xFF000000) >> 24); break;

        // ebx: bits 0..7 : bits 8..15 : bits 16..23 : bits 24..31
        case 3: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[1] & 0x000000FF) >> 0); break;
        case 4: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[1] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); break;
        case 5: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[1] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); break;
        case 6: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[1] & 0xFF000000) >> 24); break;

        // ecx: bits 0..7 : bits 8..15 : bits 16..23 : bits 24..31
        case 7: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[2] & 0x000000FF) >> 0); break;
        case 8: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[2] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); break;
        case 9: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[2] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); break;
        case 10: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[2] & 0xFF000000) >> 24); break;

        // edx: bits 0..7 : bits 8..15 : bits 16..23 : bits 24..31
        case 11: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[3] & 0x000000FF) >> 0); break;
        case 12: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[3] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); break;
        case 13: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[3] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); break;
        case 14: TLBCacheUnit = ((TLBCacheData[3] & 0xFF000000) >> 24); break;

        // Default case - an error has occured.
        default: return false;

      // Now process the resulting unit to see what it means....
      switch (TLBCacheUnit) 
        case 0x00: break;
        case 0x01: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBCode, 4); break;
        case 0x02: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBCode, 4096); break;
        case 0x03: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBData, 4); break;
        case 0x04: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBData, 4096); break;
        case 0x06: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Code, 8); break;
        case 0x08: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Code, 16); break;
        case 0x0a: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Data, 8); break;
        case 0x0c: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Data, 16); break;
        case 0x10: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Data, 16); break;      // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x15: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Code, 16); break;      // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x1a: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 96); break;    // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x22: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L3Unified, 512); break;
        case 0x23: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L3Unified, 1024); break;
        case 0x25: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L3Unified, 2048); break;
        case 0x29: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L3Unified, 4096); break;
        case 0x39: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 128); break;
        case 0x3c: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 256); break;
        case 0x40: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 0); break;    // <-- FIXME: No integrated L2 cache (P6 core) or L3 cache (P4 core).
        case 0x41: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 128); break;
        case 0x42: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 256); break;
        case 0x43: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 512); break;
        case 0x44: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 1024); break;
        case 0x45: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 2048); break;
        case 0x50: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBCode, 4096); break;
        case 0x51: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBCode, 4096); break;
        case 0x52: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBCode, 4096); break;
        case 0x5b: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBData, 4096); break;
        case 0x5c: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBData, 4096); break;
        case 0x5d: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBData, 4096); break;
        case 0x66: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Data, 8); break;
        case 0x67: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Data, 16); break;
        case 0x68: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Data, 32); break;
        case 0x70: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Trace, 12); break;
        case 0x71: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Trace, 16); break;
        case 0x72: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Trace, 32); break;
        case 0x77: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L1Code, 16); break;      // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x79: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 128); break;
        case 0x7a: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 256); break;
        case 0x7b: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 512); break;
        case 0x7c: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 1024); break;
        case 0x7e: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 256); break;
        case 0x81: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 128); break;
        case 0x82: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 256); break;
        case 0x83: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 512); break;
        case 0x84: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 1024); break;
        case 0x85: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L2Unified, 2048); break;
        case 0x88: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L3Unified, 2048); break;  // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x89: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L3Unified, 4096); break;  // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x8a: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L3Unified, 8192); break;  // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x8d: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (L3Unified, 3096); break;  // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x90: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBCode, 262144); break;  // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x96: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBCode, 262144); break;  // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        case 0x9b: STORE_TLBCACHE_INFO (TLBCode, 262144); break;  // <-- FIXME: IA-64 Only
        // Default case - an error has occured.
        default: return false;

    // Increment the TLB pass counter.
    TLBPassCounter ++;
    } while ((TLBCacheData[0] & 0x000000FF) > TLBPassCounter);

  // Ok - we now have the maximum TLB, L1, L2, and L3 sizes...
  if ((L1Code == -1) && (L1Data == -1) && (L1Trace == -1)) 
    this->Features.L1CacheSize = -1;
  else if ((L1Code == -1) && (L1Data == -1) && (L1Trace != -1)) 
    this->Features.L1CacheSize = L1Trace;
  else if ((L1Code != -1) && (L1Data == -1)) 
    this->Features.L1CacheSize = L1Code;
  else if ((L1Code == -1) && (L1Data != -1)) 
    this->Features.L1CacheSize = L1Data;
  else if ((L1Code != -1) && (L1Data != -1)) 
    this->Features.L1CacheSize = L1Code + L1Data;
    this->Features.L1CacheSize = -1;

  // Ok - we now have the maximum TLB, L1, L2, and L3 sizes...
  if (L2Unified == -1) 
    this->Features.L2CacheSize = -1;
    this->Features.L2CacheSize = L2Unified;

  // Ok - we now have the maximum TLB, L1, L2, and L3 sizes...
  if (L3Unified == -1) 
    this->Features.L3CacheSize = -1;
    this->Features.L3CacheSize = L3Unified;

  return true;

  return false;

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveCPUClockSpeed()
  bool retrieved = false;

#if _WIN32
  // First of all we check to see if the RDTSC (0x0F, 0x31) instruction is
  // supported. If not, we fallback to trying to read this value from the
  // registry:
  if (!this->Features.HasTSC)
    HKEY hKey = NULL;
      "HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", 0,
      KEY_READ, &hKey);

    if (ERROR_SUCCESS == err)
      DWORD dwType = 0;
      DWORD data = 0;
      DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);

      err = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "~MHz", 0,
        &dwType, (LPBYTE) &data, &dwSize);

      if (ERROR_SUCCESS == err)
        this->CPUSpeedInMHz = (float) data;
        retrieved = true;

      hKey = NULL;

    return retrieved;

  unsigned int uiRepetitions = 1;
  unsigned int uiMSecPerRepetition = 50;
  __int64  i64Total = 0;
  __int64 i64Overhead = 0;

  for (unsigned int nCounter = 0; nCounter < uiRepetitions; nCounter ++)
    i64Total += GetCyclesDifference (SystemInformationImplementation::Delay,
    i64Overhead +=
      GetCyclesDifference (SystemInformationImplementation::DelayOverhead,

  // Calculate the MHz speed.
  i64Total -= i64Overhead;
  i64Total /= uiRepetitions;
  i64Total /= uiMSecPerRepetition;
  i64Total /= 1000;

  // Save the CPU speed.
  this->CPUSpeedInMHz = (float) i64Total;

  retrieved = true;

  return retrieved;

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveClassicalCPUClockSpeed()
  LARGE_INTEGER liStart, liEnd, liCountsPerSecond;
  double dFrequency, dDifference;

  // Attempt to get a starting tick count.
  QueryPerformanceCounter (&liStart);

      mov eax, 0x80000000
      bsf ecx,eax
      dec ebx
      jnz Timer_Loop
    return false;

  // Attempt to get a starting tick count.
  QueryPerformanceCounter (&liEnd);

  // Get the difference...  NB: This is in seconds....
  QueryPerformanceFrequency (&liCountsPerSecond);
  dDifference = (((double) liEnd.QuadPart - (double) liStart.QuadPart) / (double) liCountsPerSecond.QuadPart);

  // Calculate the clock speed.
  if (this->ChipID.Family == 3) 
    // 80386 processors....  Loop time is 115 cycles!
    dFrequency = (((CLASSICAL_CPU_FREQ_LOOP * 115) / dDifference) / 1000000);
  else if (this->ChipID.Family == 4) 
    // 80486 processors....  Loop time is 47 cycles!
    dFrequency = (((CLASSICAL_CPU_FREQ_LOOP * 47) / dDifference) / 1000000);
  else if (this->ChipID.Family == 5) 
    // Pentium processors....  Loop time is 43 cycles!
    dFrequency = (((CLASSICAL_CPU_FREQ_LOOP * 43) / dDifference) / 1000000);
  // Save the clock speed.
  this->Features.CPUSpeed = (int) dFrequency;

  return true;

  return false;

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveCPUExtendedLevelSupport(int CPULevelToCheck)
  int MaxCPUExtendedLevel = 0;

  // The extended CPUID is supported by various vendors starting with the following CPU models: 
  //    Manufacturer & Chip Name      |    Family     Model    Revision
  //    AMD K6, K6-2                  |       5       6      x
  //    Cyrix GXm, Cyrix III "Joshua" |       5       4      x
  //    IDT C6-2                      |       5       8      x
  //    VIA Cyrix III                 |       6       5      x
  //    Transmeta Crusoe              |       5       x      x
  //    Intel Pentium 4               |       f       x      x

  // We check to see if a supported processor is present...
  if (this->ChipManufacturer == AMD) 
    if (this->ChipID.Family < 5) return false;
    if ((this->ChipID.Family == 5) && (this->ChipID.Model < 6)) return false;
  else if (this->ChipManufacturer == Cyrix) 
    if (this->ChipID.Family < 5) return false;
    if ((this->ChipID.Family == 5) && (this->ChipID.Model < 4)) return false;
    if ((this->ChipID.Family == 6) && (this->ChipID.Model < 5)) return false;
  else if (this->ChipManufacturer == IDT) 
    if (this->ChipID.Family < 5) return false;
    if ((this->ChipID.Family == 5) && (this->ChipID.Model < 8)) return false;
  else if (this->ChipManufacturer == Transmeta) 
    if (this->ChipID.Family < 5) return false;
  else if (this->ChipManufacturer == Intel) 
    if (this->ChipID.Family < 0xf)
      return false;


  // Use assembly to detect CPUID information...
  __try {
    _asm {
       ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
      ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
      ; these registers to change.
      push eax
      push ebx
      push ecx
      push edx
      ; <<CPUID>> 
      ; eax = 0x80000000 --> eax: maximum supported extended level
      mov eax,0x80000000
      mov MaxCPUExtendedLevel, eax

      pop edx
      pop ecx
      pop ebx
      pop eax
    return false;

  // Now we have to check the level wanted vs level returned...
  int nLevelWanted = (CPULevelToCheck & 0x7FFFFFFF);
  int nLevelReturn = (MaxCPUExtendedLevel & 0x7FFFFFFF);

  // Check to see if the level provided is supported...
  if (nLevelWanted > nLevelReturn)
    return false;

  return true;

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveExtendedCPUFeatures()

  // Check that we are not using an Intel processor as it does not support this.
  if (this->ChipManufacturer == Intel) 
    return false;

  // Check to see if what we are about to do is supported...
  if (!RetrieveCPUExtendedLevelSupport(static_cast<int>(0x80000001)))
    return false;

  int localCPUExtendedFeatures = 0;

  // Use assembly to detect CPUID information...
       ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
      ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
      ; these registers to change.
      push eax
      push ebx
      push ecx
      push edx
      ; <<CPUID>> 
      ; eax = 0x80000001 --> eax: CPU ID - bits 31..16 - unused, bits 15..12 - type, bits 11..8 - family, bits 7..4 - model, bits 3..0 - mask revision
      ;             ebx: 31..24 - default APIC ID, 23..16 - logical processsor ID, 15..8 - CFLUSH chunk size , 7..0 - brand ID
      ;             edx: CPU feature flags
      mov eax,0x80000001
      mov localCPUExtendedFeatures, edx

      pop edx
      pop ecx
      pop ebx
      pop eax
    return false;

  // Retrieve the extended features of CPU present.
  this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.Has3DNow = ((localCPUExtendedFeatures & 0x80000000) != 0);  // 3DNow Present --> Bit 31.
  this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.Has3DNowPlus = ((localCPUExtendedFeatures & 0x40000000) != 0);  // 3DNow+ Present -- > Bit 30.
  this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.HasSSEMMX = ((localCPUExtendedFeatures & 0x00400000) != 0);  // SSE MMX Present --> Bit 22.
  this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.SupportsMP = ((localCPUExtendedFeatures & 0x00080000) != 0);  // MP Capable -- > Bit 19.
  // Retrieve AMD specific extended features.
  if (this->ChipManufacturer == AMD) 
    this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.HasMMXPlus = ((localCPUExtendedFeatures &  0x00400000) != 0);  // AMD specific: MMX-SSE --> Bit 22

  // Retrieve Cyrix specific extended features.
  if (this->ChipManufacturer == Cyrix) 
    this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.HasMMXPlus = ((localCPUExtendedFeatures &  0x01000000) != 0);  // Cyrix specific: Extended MMX --> Bit 24

  return true;

  return false;

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveProcessorSerialNumber()
  // Check to see if the processor supports the processor serial number.
  if (!this->Features.HasSerial)
    return false;

  int SerialNumber[3];

    // Use assembly to detect CPUID information...
  __try {
    _asm {
       ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
      ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
      ; these registers to change.
      push eax
      push ebx
      push ecx
      push edx
      ; <<CPUID>>
      ; eax = 3 --> ebx: top 32 bits are the processor signature bits --> NB: Transmeta only ?!?
      ;        ecx: middle 32 bits are the processor signature bits
      ;        edx: bottom 32 bits are the processor signature bits
      mov eax, 3
      mov SerialNumber[0 * TYPE int], ebx
      mov SerialNumber[1 * TYPE int], ecx
      mov SerialNumber[2 * TYPE int], edx

      pop edx
      pop ecx
      pop ebx
      pop eax
    return false;

  // Process the returned information.
  char sn[128];
  sprintf (sn, "%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x",
       ((SerialNumber[0] & 0xff000000) >> 24),
       ((SerialNumber[0] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16),
       ((SerialNumber[0] & 0x0000ff00) >> 8),
       ((SerialNumber[0] & 0x000000ff) >> 0),
       ((SerialNumber[1] & 0xff000000) >> 24),
       ((SerialNumber[1] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16),
       ((SerialNumber[1] & 0x0000ff00) >> 8),
       ((SerialNumber[1] & 0x000000ff) >> 0),
       ((SerialNumber[2] & 0xff000000) >> 24),
       ((SerialNumber[2] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16),
       ((SerialNumber[2] & 0x0000ff00) >> 8),
       ((SerialNumber[2] & 0x000000ff) >> 0));
  this->ChipID.SerialNumber = sn;
  return true;

  return false;

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveCPUPowerManagement()
  // Check to see if what we are about to do is supported...
  if (!RetrieveCPUExtendedLevelSupport(static_cast<int>(0x80000007)))
    this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.PowerManagement.HasFrequencyID = false;
    this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.PowerManagement.HasVoltageID = false;
    this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.PowerManagement.HasTempSenseDiode = false;
    return false;

  int localCPUPowerManagement = 0;

  // Use assembly to detect CPUID information...
  __try {
    _asm {
       ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
      ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
      ; these registers to change.
      push eax
      push ebx
      push ecx
      push edx
      ; <<CPUID>> 
      ; eax = 0x80000007 --> edx: get processor power management
      mov eax,0x80000007
      mov localCPUPowerManagement, edx
      pop edx
      pop ecx
      pop ebx
      pop eax
    return false;

  // Check for the power management capabilities of the CPU.
  this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.PowerManagement.HasTempSenseDiode =  ((localCPUPowerManagement & 0x00000001) != 0);
  this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.PowerManagement.HasFrequencyID =    ((localCPUPowerManagement & 0x00000002) != 0);
  this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.PowerManagement.HasVoltageID =    ((localCPUPowerManagement & 0x00000004) != 0);

  return true;

  return false;

void SystemInformationStripLeadingSpace(kwsys_stl::string& str)
  // Because some manufacturers have leading white space - we have to post-process the name.
  kwsys_stl::string::size_type pos = str.find_first_not_of(" ");
  if(pos != kwsys_stl::string::npos)
    str = str.substr(pos);

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveExtendedCPUIdentity()
  // Check to see if what we are about to do is supported...
  if (!RetrieveCPUExtendedLevelSupport(static_cast<int>(0x80000002)))
    return false;
  if (!RetrieveCPUExtendedLevelSupport(static_cast<int>(0x80000003)))
    return false;
  if (!RetrieveCPUExtendedLevelSupport(static_cast<int>(0x80000004)))
    return false;

  int CPUExtendedIdentity[12];

  // Use assembly to detect CPUID information...
  __try {
    _asm {
       ; we must push/pop the registers <<CPUID>> writes to, as the
      ; optimiser doesn't know about <<CPUID>>, and so doesn't expect
      ; these registers to change.
      push eax
      push ebx
      push ecx
      push edx
      ; <<CPUID>> 
      ; eax = 0x80000002 --> eax, ebx, ecx, edx: get processor name string (part 1)
      mov eax,0x80000002
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[0 * TYPE int], eax
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[1 * TYPE int], ebx
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[2 * TYPE int], ecx
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[3 * TYPE int], edx

      ; <<CPUID>> 
      ; eax = 0x80000003 --> eax, ebx, ecx, edx: get processor name string (part 2)
      mov eax,0x80000003
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[4 * TYPE int], eax
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[5 * TYPE int], ebx
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[6 * TYPE int], ecx
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[7 * TYPE int], edx

      ; <<CPUID>> 
      ; eax = 0x80000004 --> eax, ebx, ecx, edx: get processor name string (part 3)
      mov eax,0x80000004
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[8 * TYPE int], eax
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[9 * TYPE int], ebx
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[10 * TYPE int], ecx
      mov CPUExtendedIdentity[11 * TYPE int], edx

      pop edx
      pop ecx
      pop ebx
      pop eax
    return false;

  // Process the returned information.
  char nbuf[49];
  memcpy (&(nbuf[0]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[0]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[4]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[1]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[8]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[2]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[12]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[3]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[16]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[4]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[20]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[5]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[24]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[6]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[28]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[7]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[32]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[8]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[36]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[9]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[40]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[10]), sizeof (int));
  memcpy (&(nbuf[44]), &(CPUExtendedIdentity[11]), sizeof (int));
  nbuf[48] = '\0';
  this->ChipID.ProcessorName = nbuf;

  // Because some manufacturers have leading white space - we have to post-process the name.
  return true;
  return false;

/** */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetrieveClassicalCPUIdentity()
  // Start by decided which manufacturer we are using....
  switch (this->ChipManufacturer) 
    case Intel:
      // Check the family / model / revision to determine the CPU ID.
      switch (this->ChipID.Family) {
        case 3:
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName =  "Newer i80386 family"; 
        case 4:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) {
            case 0: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "i80486DX-25/33"; break;
            case 1: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "i80486DX-50"; break;
            case 2: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "i80486SX"; break;
            case 3: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "i80486DX2"; break;
            case 4: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "i80486SL"; break;
            case 5: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "i80486SX2"; break;
            case 7: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "i80486DX2 WriteBack"; break;
            case 8: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "i80486DX4"; break;
            case 9: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "i80486DX4 WriteBack"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown 80486 family"; return false;
        case 5:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 0: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "P5 A-Step"; break;
            case 1: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "P5"; break;
            case 2: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "P54C"; break;
            case 3: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "P24T OverDrive"; break;
            case 4: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "P55C"; break;
            case 7: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "P54C"; break;
            case 8: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "P55C (0.25micron)"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Pentium family"; return false;
        case 6:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 0: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "P6 A-Step"; break;
            case 1: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "P6"; break;
            case 3: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium II (0.28 micron)"; break;
            case 5: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium II (0.25 micron)"; break;
            case 6: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium II With On-Die L2 Cache"; break;
            case 7: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium III (0.25 micron)"; break;
            case 8: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium III (0.18 micron) With 256 KB On-Die L2 Cache "; break;
            case 0xa: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium III (0.18 micron) With 1 Or 2 MB On-Die L2 Cache "; break;
            case 0xb: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium III (0.13 micron) With 256 Or 512 KB On-Die L2 Cache "; break;
            case 23: this->ChipID.ProcessorName =  "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T9500  @ 2.60GHz"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown P6 family"; return false;
        case 7:
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Intel Merced (IA-64)";
        case 0xf:
          // Check the extended family bits...
          switch (this->ChipID.ExtendedFamily) 
            case 0:
              switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
                case 0: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium IV (0.18 micron)"; break;
                case 1: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium IV (0.18 micron)"; break;
                case 2: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium IV (0.13 micron)"; break;
                default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Pentium 4 family"; return false;
            case 1:
              this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Intel McKinley (IA-64)";
              this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Pentium";
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Intel family";
          return false;

    case AMD:
      // Check the family / model / revision to determine the CPU ID.
      switch (this->ChipID.Family) 
        case 4:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 3: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "80486DX2"; break;
            case 7: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "80486DX2 WriteBack"; break;
            case 8: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "80486DX4"; break;
            case 9: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "80486DX4 WriteBack"; break;
            case 0xe: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "5x86"; break;
            case 0xf: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "5x86WB"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown 80486 family"; return false;
        case 5:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 0: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "SSA5 (PR75, PR90 =  PR100)"; break;
            case 1: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "5k86 (PR120 =  PR133)"; break;
            case 2: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "5k86 (PR166)"; break;
            case 3: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "5k86 (PR200)"; break;
            case 6: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "K6 (0.30 micron)"; break;
            case 7: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "K6 (0.25 micron)"; break;
            case 8: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "K6-2"; break;
            case 9: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "K6-III"; break;
            case 0xd: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "K6-2+ or K6-III+ (0.18 micron)"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown 80586 family"; return false;
        case 6:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 1: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Athlon- (0.25 micron)"; break;
            case 2: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Athlon- (0.18 micron)"; break;
            case 3: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Duron- (SF core)"; break;
            case 4: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Athlon- (Thunderbird core)"; break;
            case 6: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Athlon- (Palomino core)"; break;
            case 7: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Duron- (Morgan core)"; break;
            case 8: 
              if (this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.SupportsMP)
                this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Athlon - MP (Thoroughbred core)"; 
              else this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Athlon - XP (Thoroughbred core)";
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown K7 family"; return false;
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown AMD family";
          return false;

    case Transmeta:
      switch (this->ChipID.Family) 
        case 5:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 4: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Crusoe TM3x00 and TM5x00"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Crusoe family"; return false;
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Transmeta family";
          return false;

    case Rise:
      switch (this->ChipID.Family) 
        case 5:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 0: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "mP6 (0.25 micron)"; break;
            case 2: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "mP6 (0.18 micron)"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Rise family"; return false;
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Rise family";
          return false;

    case UMC:
      switch (this->ChipID.Family) 
        case 4:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 1: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "U5D"; break;
            case 2: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "U5S"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown UMC family"; return false;
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown UMC family";
          return false;

    case IDT:
      switch (this->ChipID.Family) 
        case 5:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 4: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "C6"; break;
            case 8: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "C2"; break;
            case 9: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "C3"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown IDT\\Centaur family"; return false;
        case 6:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 6: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "VIA Cyrix III - Samuel"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown IDT\\Centaur family"; return false;
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown IDT\\Centaur family";
          return false;

    case Cyrix:
      switch (this->ChipID.Family) 
        case 4:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 4: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "MediaGX GX =  GXm"; break;
            case 9: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "5x86"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Cx5x86 family"; return false;
        case 5:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 2: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Cx6x86"; break;
            case 4: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "MediaGX GXm"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Cx6x86 family"; return false;
        case 6:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 0: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "6x86MX"; break;
            case 5: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Cyrix M2 Core"; break;
            case 6: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "WinChip C5A Core"; break;
            case 7: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "WinChip C5B\\C5C Core"; break;
            case 8: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "WinChip C5C-T Core"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown 6x86MX\\Cyrix III family"; return false;
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown Cyrix family";
          return false;

    case NexGen:
      switch (this->ChipID.Family) 
        case 5:
          switch (this->ChipID.Model) 
            case 0: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Nx586 or Nx586FPU"; break;
            default: this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown NexGen family"; return false;
          this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown NexGen family";
          return false;

    case NSC:
      this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Cx486SLC \\ DLC \\ Cx486S A-Step";
      this->ChipID.ProcessorName = "Unknown family"; // We cannot identify the processor.
      return false;

  return true;

/** Extract a value from the CPUInfo file */
kwsys_stl::string SystemInformationImplementation::ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(kwsys_stl::string buffer,const char* word,size_t init)
  size_t pos = buffer.find(word,init);
  if(pos != buffer.npos)
    this->CurrentPositionInFile = pos;
    pos = buffer.find(":",pos);
    size_t pos2 = buffer.find("\n",pos);
    if(pos!=buffer.npos && pos2!=buffer.npos)
      return buffer.substr(pos+2,pos2-pos-2);
  this->CurrentPositionInFile = buffer.npos;
  return "";

/** Query for the cpu status */
int SystemInformationImplementation::RetreiveInformationFromCpuInfoFile()
  this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = 0;
  this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = 0;
  kwsys_stl::string buffer;

  FILE *fd = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r" );
  if ( !fd ) 
    kwsys_ios::cout << "Problem opening /proc/cpuinfo" << kwsys_ios::endl;
    return 0;
  size_t fileSize = 0;
    buffer += static_cast<char>(fgetc(fd));
  fclose( fd );
  // Number of logical CPUs (combination of multiple processors, multi-core
  // and hyperthreading)
  size_t pos = buffer.find("processor\t");
  while(pos != buffer.npos)
    pos = buffer.find("processor\t",pos+1);

#ifdef __linux
  // Find the largest physical id.
  int maxId = -1;
  kwsys_stl::string idc =
                       this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer,"physical id");
  while(this->CurrentPositionInFile != buffer.npos)
      int id = atoi(idc.c_str());
      if(id > maxId)
    idc = this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer,"physical id",
  // Physical ids returned by Linux don't distinguish cores.
  // We want to record the total number of cores in this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU
  // (checking only the first proc)
  kwsys_stl::string cores =
                        this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer,"cpu cores");
  int numberOfCoresPerCPU=atoi(cores.c_str());
  this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU=static_cast<unsigned int>(

#else // __CYGWIN__
  // does not have "physical id" entries, neither "cpu cores"
  // this has to be fixed for hyper-threading.  
  kwsys_stl::string cpucount =
    this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer,"cpu count");
    this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = atoi(cpucount.c_str());
  // gotta have one, and if this is 0 then we get a / by 0n 
  // beter to have a bad answer than a crash
  if(this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU <= 0)
    this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = 1;
  // LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical>1 => hyperthreading.

  // CPU speed (checking only the first proc
  kwsys_stl::string CPUSpeed = this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer,"cpu MHz");
  this->CPUSpeedInMHz = static_cast<float>(atof(CPUSpeed.c_str()));

  // Chip family
  this->ChipID.Family = atoi(this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer,"cpu family").c_str());
  // Chip Vendor
  this->ChipID.Vendor = this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer,"vendor_id");
  // Chip Model
  this->ChipID.Model = atoi(this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer,"model").c_str());

  // L1 Cache size
  kwsys_stl::string cacheSize = this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer,"cache size");
  pos = cacheSize.find(" KB");
    cacheSize = cacheSize.substr(0,pos);
  this->Features.L1CacheSize = atoi(cacheSize.c_str());
  return 1;

/** Query for the memory status */
int SystemInformationImplementation::QueryMemory()
  this->TotalVirtualMemory = 0;
  this->TotalPhysicalMemory = 0;
  this->AvailableVirtualMemory = 0;
  this->AvailablePhysicalMemory = 0;
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
  return 0;
#elif _WIN32
#if  _MSC_VER < 1300
  unsigned long tv, tp, av, ap;
  ms.dwLength = sizeof(ms);
  #define MEM_VAL(value) dw##value
  DWORDLONG tv, tp, av, ap;
  ms.dwLength = sizeof(ms);
  if (0 == GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&ms))
    return 0;
#define MEM_VAL(value) ull##value
  tv = ms.MEM_VAL(TotalVirtual);
  tp = ms.MEM_VAL(TotalPhys);
  av = ms.MEM_VAL(AvailVirtual);
  ap = ms.MEM_VAL(AvailPhys);
  this->TotalVirtualMemory = tv>>10>>10;
  this->TotalPhysicalMemory = tp>>10>>10;
  this->AvailableVirtualMemory = av>>10>>10;
  this->AvailablePhysicalMemory = ap>>10>>10;
  return 1;
#elif __linux
  unsigned long tv=0;
  unsigned long tp=0;
  unsigned long av=0;
  unsigned long ap=0;
  char buffer[1024]; // for reading lines
  int linuxMajor = 0;
  int linuxMinor = 0;
  // Find the Linux kernel version first
  struct utsname unameInfo;
  int errorFlag = uname(&unameInfo);
  if( errorFlag!=0 )
    kwsys_ios::cout << "Problem calling uname(): " << strerror(errno) << kwsys_ios::endl;
    return 0;
  if( unameInfo.release!=0 && strlen(unameInfo.release)>=3 )
    // release looks like "2.6.3-15mdk-i686-up-4GB"
    char majorChar=unameInfo.release[0];
    char minorChar=unameInfo.release[2];
    if( isdigit(majorChar) )
    if( isdigit(minorChar) )
  FILE *fd = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r" );
  if ( !fd ) 
    kwsys_ios::cout << "Problem opening /proc/meminfo" << kwsys_ios::endl;
    return 0;
  if( linuxMajor>=3 || ( (linuxMajor>=2) && (linuxMinor>=6) ) )
    // new /proc/meminfo format since kernel 2.6.x
    // Rigorously, this test should check from the developping version 2.5.x
    // that introduced the new format...

    enum { mMemTotal, mMemFree, mBuffers, mCached, mSwapTotal, mSwapFree };
    const char* format[6] =
      { "MemTotal:%lu kB", "MemFree:%lu kB", "Buffers:%lu kB",
        "Cached:%lu kB", "SwapTotal:%lu kB", "SwapFree:%lu kB" };
    bool have[6] = { false, false, false, false, false, false };
    unsigned long value[6];
    int count = 0;
    while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fd))
      for(int i=0; i < 6; ++i)
        if(!have[i] && sscanf(buffer, format[i], &value[i]) == 1)
          have[i] = true;
    if(count == 6)
      this->TotalPhysicalMemory = value[mMemTotal] / 1024;
      this->AvailablePhysicalMemory =
        (value[mMemFree] + value[mBuffers] + value[mCached]) / 1024;
      this->TotalVirtualMemory = value[mSwapTotal] / 1024;
      this->AvailableVirtualMemory = value[mSwapFree] / 1024;
      kwsys_ios::cout << "Problem parsing /proc/meminfo" << kwsys_ios::endl;
      return 0;
    // /proc/meminfo format for kernel older than 2.6.x
    unsigned long temp;
    unsigned long cachedMem;
    unsigned long buffersMem;
    char *r=fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fd); // Skip "total: used:..."
    int status=0;
      status+=fscanf(fd, "Mem: %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu\n",
                     &tp, &temp, &ap, &temp, &buffersMem, &cachedMem);
      status+=fscanf(fd, "Swap: %lu %lu %lu\n", &tv, &temp, &av);
      this->TotalVirtualMemory = tv>>10>>10;
      this->TotalPhysicalMemory = tp>>10>>10;
      this->AvailableVirtualMemory = av>>10>>10;
      this->AvailablePhysicalMemory = (ap+buffersMem+cachedMem)>>10>>10;
      kwsys_ios::cout << "Problem parsing /proc/meminfo" << kwsys_ios::endl;
      return 0;
  fclose( fd );
  return 1;
#elif __hpux
  unsigned long tv=0;
  unsigned long tp=0;
  unsigned long av=0;
  unsigned long ap=0;
  struct pst_static pst;
  struct pst_dynamic pdy;
  unsigned long ps = 0;
  if (pstat_getstatic(&pst, sizeof(pst), (size_t) 1, 0) != -1)
    ps = pst.page_size;
    tp =  pst.physical_memory *ps;
    tv = (pst.physical_memory + pst.pst_maxmem) * ps;
    if (pstat_getdynamic(&pdy, sizeof(pdy), (size_t) 1, 0) != -1)
      ap = tp - pdy.psd_rm * ps;
      av = tv - pdy.psd_vm;
      this->TotalVirtualMemory = tv>>10>>10;
      this->TotalPhysicalMemory = tp>>10>>10;
      this->AvailableVirtualMemory = av>>10>>10;
      this->AvailablePhysicalMemory = ap>>10>>10;
      return 1;
  return 0;
  return 0;


/** */
size_t SystemInformationImplementation::GetTotalVirtualMemory() 
  return this->TotalVirtualMemory; 

/** */
size_t SystemInformationImplementation::GetAvailableVirtualMemory() 
  return this->AvailableVirtualMemory; 

size_t SystemInformationImplementation::GetTotalPhysicalMemory() 
  return this->TotalPhysicalMemory; 

/** */
size_t SystemInformationImplementation::GetAvailablePhysicalMemory() 
  return this->AvailablePhysicalMemory; 

/** Get Cycle differences */
LongLong SystemInformationImplementation::GetCyclesDifference (DELAY_FUNC DelayFunction,
                                                  unsigned int uiParameter)

  unsigned int edx1, eax1;
  unsigned int edx2, eax2;

  // Calculate the frequency of the CPU instructions.
  __try {
    _asm {
      push uiParameter ; push parameter param
      mov ebx, DelayFunction ; store func in ebx


      mov esi, eax ; esi = eax
      mov edi, edx ; edi = edx

      call ebx ; call the delay functions


      pop ebx

      mov edx2, edx      ; edx2 = edx
      mov eax2, eax      ; eax2 = eax

      mov edx1, edi      ; edx2 = edi
      mov eax1, esi      ; eax2 = esi
    return -1;

  return ((((__int64) edx2 << 32) + eax2) - (((__int64) edx1 << 32) + eax1));

  return -1;

/** Compute the delay overhead */
void SystemInformationImplementation::DelayOverhead(unsigned int uiMS)
#if _WIN32
  LARGE_INTEGER Frequency, StartCounter, EndCounter;
  __int64 x;

  // Get the frequency of the high performance counter.
  if(!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&Frequency)) 
  x = Frequency.QuadPart / 1000 * uiMS;

  // Get the starting position of the counter.
  QueryPerformanceCounter (&StartCounter);
  do {
    // Get the ending position of the counter.  
    QueryPerformanceCounter (&EndCounter);
  } while (EndCounter.QuadPart - StartCounter.QuadPart == x);

/** Return the number of logical CPU per physical CPUs Works only for windows */
unsigned char SystemInformationImplementation::LogicalCPUPerPhysicalCPU(void)
  unsigned int Regebx = 0;

  if (!this->IsHyperThreadingSupported()) 
    return static_cast<unsigned char>(1);  // HT not supported
    mov eax, 1
    mov Regebx, ebx

#ifdef __APPLE__
    size_t len = 4;
    int cores_per_package = 0;
    int err = sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.cores_per_package", &cores_per_package, &len, NULL, 0);
    if (err != 0)
      return 1; // That name was not found, default to 1
      return static_cast<unsigned char>(cores_per_package);

  return static_cast<unsigned char> ((Regebx & NUM_LOGICAL_BITS) >> 16);

/** Works only for windows */
unsigned int SystemInformationImplementation::IsHyperThreadingSupported()
  unsigned int Regedx    = 0,
             Regeax      = 0,
             VendorId[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  __try    // Verify cpuid instruction is supported
        xor eax, eax          // call cpuid with eax = 0
            cpuid                 // Get vendor id string
        mov VendorId, ebx
        mov VendorId + 4, edx
        mov VendorId + 8, ecx
        mov eax, 1            // call cpuid with eax = 1
        mov Regeax, eax      // eax contains family processor type
        mov Regedx, edx      // edx has info about the availability of hyper-Threading
    return(0);                   // cpuid is unavailable

  if (((Regeax & FAMILY_ID) == PENTIUM4_ID) || (Regeax & EXT_FAMILY_ID))
    if (VendorId[0] == 'uneG')
      if (VendorId[1] == 'Ieni')
        if (VendorId[2] == 'letn')
          return(Regedx & HT_BIT);    // Genuine Intel with hyper-Threading technology

  return 0;    // Not genuine Intel processor

/** Return the APIC Id. Works only for windows. */
unsigned char SystemInformationImplementation::GetAPICId()
  unsigned int Regebx = 0;

  if (!this->IsHyperThreadingSupported()) 
    return static_cast<unsigned char>(-1);  // HT not supported
    } // Logical processor = 1
    mov eax, 1
    mov Regebx, ebx

  return static_cast<unsigned char>((Regebx & INITIAL_APIC_ID_BITS) >> 24);

/** Count the number of CPUs. Works only on windows. */
int SystemInformationImplementation::CPUCount()
#if _WIN32
  unsigned char StatusFlag  = 0;

  this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = 0;
  this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = 0;
  info.dwNumberOfProcessors = 0;
  GetSystemInfo (&info);

  // Number of physical processors in a non-Intel system
  // or in a 32-bit Intel system with Hyper-Threading technology disabled
  this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = (unsigned char) info.dwNumberOfProcessors;  

  if (this->IsHyperThreadingSupported())
    unsigned char HT_Enabled = 0;
    this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = this->LogicalCPUPerPhysicalCPU();
    if (this->NumberOfLogicalCPU >= 1)    // >1 Doesn't mean HT is enabled in the BIOS
      HANDLE hCurrentProcessHandle;
#ifndef _WIN64
      DWORD_PTR  dwProcessAffinity;
      DWORD_PTR  dwSystemAffinity;
      DWORD  dwAffinityMask;

      // Calculate the appropriate  shifts and mask based on the 
      // number of logical processors.
      unsigned int i = 1;
      unsigned char PHY_ID_MASK  = 0xFF;
      //unsigned char PHY_ID_SHIFT = 0;

      while (i < this->NumberOfLogicalCPU)
        i *= 2;
         PHY_ID_MASK  <<= 1;
         // PHY_ID_SHIFT++;
      hCurrentProcessHandle = GetCurrentProcess();
      GetProcessAffinityMask(hCurrentProcessHandle, &dwProcessAffinity,

      // Check if available process affinity mask is equal to the
      // available system affinity mask
      if (dwProcessAffinity != dwSystemAffinity)
        StatusFlag = HT_CANNOT_DETECT;
        this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = (unsigned char)-1;
        return StatusFlag;

      dwAffinityMask = 1;
      while (dwAffinityMask != 0 && dwAffinityMask <= dwProcessAffinity)
        // Check if this CPU is available
        if (dwAffinityMask & dwProcessAffinity)
          if (SetProcessAffinityMask(hCurrentProcessHandle,
            unsigned char APIC_ID, LOG_ID;
            Sleep(0); // Give OS time to switch CPU

            APIC_ID = GetAPICId();
            LOG_ID  = APIC_ID & ~PHY_ID_MASK;
            if (LOG_ID != 0) 
              HT_Enabled = 1;
        dwAffinityMask = dwAffinityMask << 1;
      // Reset the processor affinity
      SetProcessAffinityMask(hCurrentProcessHandle, dwProcessAffinity);
      if (this->NumberOfLogicalCPU == 1)  // Normal P4 : HT is disabled in hardware
        StatusFlag = HT_DISABLED;
        if (HT_Enabled)
          // Total physical processors in a Hyper-Threading enabled system.
          this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU /= (this->NumberOfLogicalCPU);
          StatusFlag = HT_ENABLED;
          StatusFlag = HT_SUPPORTED_NOT_ENABLED;
    // Processors do not have Hyper-Threading technology
    StatusFlag = HT_NOT_CAPABLE;
    this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = 1;
  return StatusFlag;
  return 0;

/** Return the number of logical CPUs on the system */
unsigned int SystemInformationImplementation::GetNumberOfLogicalCPU()
  return this->NumberOfLogicalCPU;

/** Return the number of physical CPUs on the system */
unsigned int SystemInformationImplementation::GetNumberOfPhysicalCPU()
  return this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU;

/** For Mac use sysctlbyname calls to find system info */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::ParseSysCtl()
#if defined(__APPLE__)
  int err = 0;
  uint64_t value = 0;
  size_t len = sizeof(value);
  sysctlbyname("hw.memsize", &value, &len, NULL, 0);
  this->TotalPhysicalMemory = static_cast< size_t >( value/1048576 );

  // Parse values for Mac
  this->AvailablePhysicalMemory = 0;
  vm_statistics_data_t  vmstat;
  mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_VM_INFO_COUNT;
  if ( host_statistics(mach_host_self(), HOST_VM_INFO, 
                       (host_info_t) &vmstat, &count) == KERN_SUCCESS )
    err = sysctlbyname("hw.pagesize", &value, &len, NULL, 0);
    int64_t available_memory = vmstat.free_count * value;
    this->AvailablePhysicalMemory = static_cast< size_t >( available_memory / 1048576 );

  // Virtual memory.
  int mib[2] = { CTL_VM, VM_SWAPUSAGE };
  size_t miblen = sizeof(mib) / sizeof(mib[0]);
  struct xsw_usage swap;
  len = sizeof(struct xsw_usage);
  err = sysctl(mib, miblen, &swap, &len, NULL, 0);
  if (err == 0)
    this->AvailableVirtualMemory = static_cast< size_t >( swap.xsu_avail/1048576 );
    this->TotalVirtualMemory = static_cast< size_t >( swap.xsu_total/1048576 );
   this->AvailableVirtualMemory = 0;
   this->TotalVirtualMemory = 0;

// CPU Info
  len = sizeof(this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU);
  sysctlbyname("hw.physicalcpu", &this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU, &len, NULL, 0);
  sysctlbyname("hw.logicalcpu", &this->NumberOfLogicalCPU, &len, NULL, 0);
  this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical = 

  len = sizeof(value);
  sysctlbyname("hw.cpufrequency", &value, &len, NULL, 0);
  this->CPUSpeedInMHz = static_cast< float >( value )/ 1000000;

  // Chip family
  len = sizeof(this->ChipID.Family);
  //Seems only the intel chips will have this name so if this fails it is
  //probably a PPC machine
  err = sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.family",
                     &this->ChipID.Family, &len, NULL, 0);
  if (err != 0) // Go back to names we know but are less descriptive
    this->ChipID.Family = 0;
    char retBuf[32];
    ::memset(retBuf, 0, 32);
    len = 32;
    err = sysctlbyname("hw.machine", &retBuf, &len, NULL, 0); 
    kwsys_stl::string machineBuf(retBuf);
    if (machineBuf.find_first_of("Power") != kwsys_stl::string::npos)
      this->ChipID.Vendor = "IBM";
      len = 4;
      err = sysctlbyname("hw.cputype", &this->ChipID.Family, &len, NULL, 0);
      err = sysctlbyname("hw.cpusubtype", &this->ChipID.Model, &len, NULL, 0);
  else  // Should be an Intel Chip.
    len = sizeof(this->ChipID.Family);
    err = 
      sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.family", &this->ChipID.Family, &len, NULL, 0);
    char retBuf[128];
    ::memset(retBuf, 0, 128);
    len = 128;
    err = sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.vendor", retBuf, &len, NULL, 0);
    // Chip Vendor
    this->ChipID.Vendor = retBuf;
    ::memset(retBuf, 0, 128);
    err = 
                   retBuf, &len, NULL, 0);
    this->ChipID.ProcessorName = retBuf;

    // Chip Model
    len = sizeof(value);
    err = sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.model", &value, &len, NULL, 0);
    this->ChipID.Model = static_cast< int >( value );
  // Cache size
  len = sizeof(value);
  err = sysctlbyname("hw.l1icachesize", &value, &len, NULL, 0);
  this->Features.L1CacheSize = static_cast< int >( value );
  err = sysctlbyname("hw.l2cachesize", &value, &len, NULL, 0);
  this->Features.L2CacheSize = static_cast< int >( value );
  return true;
  return false;

/** Extract a value from sysctl command */
kwsys_stl::string SystemInformationImplementation::ExtractValueFromSysCtl(const char* word)
  size_t pos = this->SysCtlBuffer.find(word);
  if(pos != this->SysCtlBuffer.npos)
    pos = this->SysCtlBuffer.find(": ",pos);
    size_t pos2 = this->SysCtlBuffer.find("\n",pos);
    if(pos!=this->SysCtlBuffer.npos && pos2!=this->SysCtlBuffer.npos)
      return this->SysCtlBuffer.substr(pos+2,pos2-pos-2);
  return "";

/** Run a given process */
kwsys_stl::string SystemInformationImplementation::RunProcess(kwsys_stl::vector<const char*> args)
  kwsys_stl::string buffer = "";

  // Run the application
  kwsysProcess* gp = kwsysProcess_New();
  kwsysProcess_SetCommand(gp, &*args.begin());


  char* data = NULL;
  int length;
  double timeout = 255;

  while(kwsysProcess_WaitForData(gp,&data,&length,&timeout)) // wait for 1s
    for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
      buffer += data[i];
  kwsysProcess_WaitForExit(gp, 0);

  int result = 0;
    case kwsysProcess_State_Exited:
      result = kwsysProcess_GetExitValue(gp);
      } break;
    case kwsysProcess_State_Error:
      kwsys_ios::cerr << "Error: Could not run " << args[0] << ":\n";
      kwsys_ios::cerr << kwsysProcess_GetErrorString(gp) << "\n";
      } break;
    case kwsysProcess_State_Exception:
      kwsys_ios::cerr << "Error: " << args[0]
                << " terminated with an exception: "
                << kwsysProcess_GetExceptionString(gp) << "\n";
      } break;
    case kwsysProcess_State_Starting:
    case kwsysProcess_State_Executing:
    case kwsysProcess_State_Expired:
    case kwsysProcess_State_Killed:
      // Should not get here.
      kwsys_ios::cerr << "Unexpected ending state after running " << args[0]
                << kwsys_ios::endl;
      } break;
    kwsys_ios::cerr << "Error " << args[0] << " returned :" << result << "\n";
  return buffer;

kwsys_stl::string SystemInformationImplementation::ParseValueFromKStat(const char* arguments)
  kwsys_stl::vector<const char*> args;
  kwsys_stl::string command = arguments;
  size_t start = command.npos;
  size_t pos = command.find(' ',0);
    bool inQuotes = false;
    // Check if we are between quotes
    size_t b0 = command.find('"',0);
    size_t b1 = command.find('"',b0+1);
    while(b0 != command.npos && b1 != command.npos && b1>b0)
      if(pos>b0 && pos<b1)
        inQuotes = true;
      b0 = command.find('"',b1+1);
      b1 = command.find('"',b0+1);
      kwsys_stl::string arg = command.substr(start+1,pos-start-1);

      // Remove the quotes if any
      size_t quotes = arg.find('"');
      while(quotes != arg.npos)
        quotes = arg.find('"');
      start = pos;
    pos = command.find(' ',pos+1);
  kwsys_stl::string lastArg = command.substr(start+1,command.size()-start-1);


  kwsys_stl::string buffer = this->RunProcess(args);

  kwsys_stl::string value = "";
  for(size_t i=buffer.size()-1;i>0;i--)
    if(buffer[i] == ' ' || buffer[i] == '\t')
    if(buffer[i] != '\n' && buffer[i] != '\r')
      kwsys_stl::string val = value;
      value = buffer[i];
      value += val;
  return value;

/** Querying for system information from Solaris */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::QuerySolarisInfo()
  // Parse values
  this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = static_cast<unsigned int>(
    atoi(this->ParseValueFromKStat("-n syste_misc -s ncpus").c_str()));
  this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU;
    this->NumberOfLogicalCPU /= this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU;

  this->CPUSpeedInMHz = static_cast<float>(atoi(this->ParseValueFromKStat("-s clock_MHz").c_str()));

  // Chip family
  this->ChipID.Family = 0; 
  // Chip Vendor
  this->ChipID.Vendor = "Sun";
  // Chip Model
  this->ChipID.ProcessorName = this->ParseValueFromKStat("-s cpu_type");
  this->ChipID.Model = 0;

  // Cache size
  this->Features.L1CacheSize = 0; 
  this->Features.L2CacheSize = 0;  

  char* tail;
  unsigned long totalMemory =
       strtoul(this->ParseValueFromKStat("-s physmem").c_str(),&tail,0);
  this->TotalPhysicalMemory = totalMemory/1024;
  this->TotalPhysicalMemory *= 8192;
  this->TotalPhysicalMemory /= 1024;

  // Undefined values (for now at least)
  this->TotalVirtualMemory = 0;
  this->AvailablePhysicalMemory = 0;
  this->AvailableVirtualMemory = 0;

  return true;

/** Querying for system information from Haiku OS */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::QueryHaikuInfo()
#if defined(__HAIKU__)

  system_info info;
  this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = info.cpu_count;
  this->CPUSpeedInMHz = info.cpu_clock_speed / 1000000.0F;

  // Physical Memory
  this->TotalPhysicalMemory = (info.max_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE) / (1024 * 1024) ;
  this->AvailablePhysicalMemory = this->TotalPhysicalMemory - 
    ((info.used_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE) / (1024 * 1024));

  // NOTE: get_system_info_etc is currently a private call so just set to 0
  // until it becomes public
  this->TotalVirtualMemory = 0;
  this->AvailableVirtualMemory = 0;

  // Retrieve cpuid_info union for cpu 0
  cpuid_info cpu_info;
  get_cpuid(&cpu_info, 0, 0);

  // Chip Vendor
  // Use a temporary buffer so that we can add NULL termination to the string
  char vbuf[13];
  strncpy(vbuf, cpu_info.eax_0.vendor_id, 12);
  vbuf[12] = '\0';
  this->ChipID.Vendor = vbuf;


  // Retrieve cpuid_info union for cpu 0 this time using a register value of 1
  get_cpuid(&cpu_info, 1, 0);

  this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = cpu_info.eax_1.logical_cpus;

  // Chip type
  this->ChipID.Type = cpu_info.eax_1.type;

  // Chip family
  this->ChipID.Family = cpu_info.eax_1.family; 
  // Chip Model
  this->ChipID.Model = cpu_info.eax_1.model;

  // Chip Revision
  this->ChipID.Revision = cpu_info.eax_1.stepping;

  // Chip Extended Family
  this->ChipID.ExtendedFamily = cpu_info.eax_1.extended_family;

  // Chip Extended Model
  this->ChipID.ExtendedModel = cpu_info.eax_1.extended_model;

  // Get ChipID.ProcessorName from other information already gathered

  // Cache size
  this->Features.L1CacheSize = 0;
  this->Features.L2CacheSize = 0;

  return true;

  return false;

bool SystemInformationImplementation::QueryQNXMemory()
#if defined(__QNX__)
  kwsys_stl::string buffer;
  kwsys_stl::vector<const char*> args;

  buffer = this->RunProcess(args);

  size_t pos = buffer.find("System RAM:");
  if (pos == buffer.npos)
    return false;
  pos = buffer.find(":", pos);
  size_t pos2 = buffer.find("M (", pos);
  if (pos2 == buffer.npos)
    return false;

  while (buffer[pos] == ' ')

  this->TotalPhysicalMemory = atoi(buffer.substr(pos, pos2 - pos).c_str());
  return true;
  return false;

bool SystemInformationImplementation::QueryQNXProcessor()
#if defined(__QNX__)
  // the output on my QNX 6.4.1 looks like this:
  // Processor1: 686 Pentium II Stepping 3 2175MHz FPU
  kwsys_stl::string buffer;
  kwsys_stl::vector<const char*> args;

  buffer = this->RunProcess(args);

  size_t pos = buffer.find("Processor1:");
  if (pos == buffer.npos)
    return false;

  size_t pos2 = buffer.find("MHz", pos);
  if (pos2 == buffer.npos)
    return false;

  size_t pos3 = pos2;
  while (buffer[pos3] != ' ')

  this->CPUSpeedInMHz = atoi(buffer.substr(pos3 + 1, pos2 - pos3 - 1).c_str());

  pos2 = buffer.find(" Stepping", pos);
  if (pos2 != buffer.npos)
    pos2 = buffer.find(" ", pos2 + 1);
    if (pos2 != buffer.npos && pos2 < pos3)
      this->ChipID.Revision = atoi(buffer.substr(pos2 + 1, pos3 - pos2).c_str());

  this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = 0;
    pos = buffer.find("\nProcessor", pos + 1);
    } while (pos != buffer.npos);
  this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = 1;

  return true;
  return false;

/** Query the operating system information */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::QueryOSInformation()
#if _WIN32

  this->OSName = "Windows";

  BOOL bIsWindows64Bit;
  BOOL bOsVersionInfoEx;
  char operatingSystem[256];

  // Try calling GetVersionEx using the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure.
  ZeroMemory (&osvi, sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX));
  osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX);
  bOsVersionInfoEx = GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi);
  if (!bOsVersionInfoEx) 
    osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO);
    if (!GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi)) 
      return false;

  switch (osvi.dwPlatformId) 
      // Test for the product.
      if (osvi.dwMajorVersion <= 4)
        this->OSRelease = "NT";
      if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0)
        this->OSRelease = "2000";
      if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1)
        this->OSRelease = "XP";
      // XP Professional x64
      if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 2)
        this->OSRelease = "XP";
      // Test for product type.
      if (bOsVersionInfoEx)
        if (osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION)
          if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0)
            this->OSRelease = "Vista";
          if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1)
            this->OSRelease = "7";
// VER_SUITE_PERSONAL may not be defined
            if (osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL)
              this->OSRelease += " Personal";
              this->OSRelease += " Professional";
        else if (osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_SERVER)
          // Check for .NET Server instead of Windows XP.
          if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1) 
            this->OSRelease = ".NET";

          // Continue with the type detection.
          if (osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) 
            this->OSRelease += " DataCenter Server";
          else if (osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) 
            this->OSRelease += " Advanced Server";
            this->OSRelease += " Server";

        sprintf (operatingSystem, "%s (Build %ld)", osvi.szCSDVersion, osvi.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF);
        this->OSVersion = operatingSystem; 
#endif        // VER_NT_WORKSTATION
        HKEY hKey;
        char szProductType[80];
        DWORD dwBufLen;

        // Query the registry to retrieve information.
        RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey);
        RegQueryValueEx (hKey, "ProductType", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szProductType, &dwBufLen);
        RegCloseKey (hKey);

        if (lstrcmpi ("WINNT", szProductType) == 0)
          this->OSRelease += " Professional";
        if (lstrcmpi ("LANMANNT", szProductType) == 0)
          // Decide between Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows .NET Enterprise Server.
          if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1)
            this->OSRelease += " Standard Server";
            this->OSRelease += " Server";
        if (lstrcmpi ("SERVERNT", szProductType) == 0)
          // Decide between Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows .NET Enterprise Server.
          if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1)
            this->OSRelease += " Enterprise Server";
            this->OSRelease += " Advanced Server";

      // Display version, service pack (if any), and build number.
      if (osvi.dwMajorVersion <= 4) 
        // NB: NT 4.0 and earlier.
        sprintf (operatingSystem, "version %ld.%ld %s (Build %ld)",
                 osvi.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF);
        this->OSVersion = operatingSystem;
      else if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1) 
        // Windows XP and .NET server.
        HINSTANCE hKernelDLL; 
        LPFNPROC DLLProc;
        // Load the Kernel32 DLL.
        hKernelDLL = LoadLibrary ("kernel32");
        if (hKernelDLL != NULL)  { 
          // Only XP and .NET Server support IsWOW64Process so... Load dynamically!
          DLLProc = (LPFNPROC) GetProcAddress (hKernelDLL, "IsWow64Process"); 
          // If the function address is valid, call the function.
          if (DLLProc != NULL) (DLLProc) (GetCurrentProcess (), &bIsWindows64Bit);
          else bIsWindows64Bit = false;
          // Free the DLL module.
          FreeLibrary (hKernelDLL); 
        // Windows 2000 and everything else.
        sprintf (operatingSystem,"%s (Build %ld)", osvi.szCSDVersion, osvi.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF);
        this->OSVersion = operatingSystem;

      // Test for the product.
      if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0) 
        this->OSRelease = "95";
        if(osvi.szCSDVersion[1] == 'C') 
          this->OSRelease += "OSR 2.5";
        else if(osvi.szCSDVersion[1] == 'B') 
          this->OSRelease += "OSR 2";

      if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 10) 
        this->OSRelease = "98";
        if (osvi.szCSDVersion[1] == 'A' ) 
          this->OSRelease += "SE";

      if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 90) 
        this->OSRelease = "Me";

    case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s:
      this->OSRelease = "Win32s";

      this->OSRelease = "Unknown";

  // Get the hostname
  WORD wVersionRequested;
  WSADATA wsaData;
  char name[255];
  wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2,0);

  if ( WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ) == 0 )
    WSACleanup( );
  this->Hostname = name;
  const char* arch = getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE");
    this->OSPlatform = arch;


  struct utsname unameInfo;
  int errorFlag = uname(&unameInfo);
  if(errorFlag == 0)
    this->OSName = unameInfo.sysname;
    this->Hostname = unameInfo.nodename;
    this->OSRelease = unameInfo.release;
    this->OSVersion = unameInfo.version;
    this->OSPlatform = unameInfo.machine;

#ifdef __APPLE__


  return true;


void SystemInformationImplementation::CallSwVers()
#ifdef __APPLE__
  kwsys_stl::string output;
  kwsys_stl::vector<const char*> args;
  output = this->RunProcess(args);
  this->OSName = output;

  output = this->RunProcess(args);
  this->OSRelease = output;

  output = this->RunProcess(args);
  this->OSVersion = output;

void SystemInformationImplementation::TrimNewline(kwsys_stl::string& output)
  // remove \r
  kwsys_stl::string::size_type pos=0;
  while((pos = output.find("\r", pos)) != kwsys_stl::string::npos)

  // remove \n
  pos = 0;
  while((pos = output.find("\n", pos)) != kwsys_stl::string::npos)

/** Return true if the machine is 64 bits */
bool SystemInformationImplementation::Is64Bits()
  return (sizeof(void*) == 8);

} // namespace @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@