
  Program:   KWSys - Kitware System Library
  Module:    $RCSfile$

  Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium.  All rights reserved.
  See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_SystemTools_hxx
#define @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_SystemTools_hxx

#include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/ios/iosfwd>
#include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/stl/string>
#include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/stl/vector>
#include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/stl/map>

#include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/Configure.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#if defined( _MSC_VER )
typedef unsigned short mode_t;

/* Define these macros temporarily to keep the code readable.  */
# define kwsys_stl @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_stl
# define kwsys_ios @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios


class SystemToolsTranslationMap;
class @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_EXPORT SystemToolsManager

// This instance will show up in any translation unit that uses
// SystemTools. It will make sure SystemTools is initialized 
// before it is used and is the last static object destroyed.
static SystemToolsManager SystemToolsManagerInstance;

/** \class SystemTools
 * \brief A collection of useful platform-independent system functions.
   * Replace symbols in str that are not valid in C identifiers as
   * defined by the 1999 standard, ie. anything except [A-Za-z0-9_].
   * They are replaced with `_' and if the first character is a digit
   * then an underscore is prepended.  Note that this can produce
   * identifiers that the standard reserves (_[A-Z].* and __.*).
  static kwsys_stl::string MakeCindentifier(const char* s);
   * Make a new directory if it is not there.  This function
   * can make a full path even if none of the directories existed
   * prior to calling this function.  
  static bool MakeDirectory(const char* path);

   * Get current time as a double. On certain platforms this will
   * return higher resolution than seconds:
   * (1) gettimeofday() -- resolution in microseconds
   * (2) ftime() -- resolution in milliseconds
   * (3) time() -- resolution in seconds
  static double GetTime();

   * Replace replace all occurances of the string in
   * the source string.
  static void ReplaceString(kwsys_stl::string& source,
                            const char* replace,
                            const char* with);

   * Read a registry value
  static bool ReadRegistryValue(const char *key, kwsys_stl::string &value);

   * Write a registry value
  static bool WriteRegistryValue(const char *key, const char *value);

   * Delete a registry value
  static bool DeleteRegistryValue(const char *key);

   * Return a capitalized string (i.e the first letter is uppercased,
   * all other are lowercased).
  static kwsys_stl::string Capitalized(const kwsys_stl::string&);
   * Return capitalized words (i.e the first letter of each word is
   *  uppercased all other are left untouched though).
  static kwsys_stl::string CapitalizedWords(const kwsys_stl::string&);
   * Return uncapitalized words (i.e the first letter of each word is 
   * lowercased all other are left untouched though).
  static kwsys_stl::string UnCapitalizedWords(const kwsys_stl::string&);
   * Return a lower case string
  static kwsys_stl::string LowerCase(const kwsys_stl::string&);
   * Return a lower case string
  static kwsys_stl::string UpperCase(const kwsys_stl::string&);
   * Count char in string
  static size_t CountChar(const char* str, char c);
   * Remove some characters from a string.
   * Return a pointer to the new resulting string (allocated with 'new')
  static char* RemoveChars(const char* str, const char *toremove);

   * Remove remove all but 0->9, A->F from a string.
   * Return a pointer to the new resulting string (allocated with 'new')
  static char* RemoveCharsButUpperHex(const char* str);
   * Replace some characters by another character in a string (in-place)
   * Return a pointer to string
  static char* ReplaceChars(char* str, const char *toreplace,char replacement);
   * Returns true if str1 starts or ends with str2
  static bool StringStartsWith(const char* str1, const char* str2);
  static bool StringEndsWith(const char* str1, const char* str2);

   * Returns a pointer to the last occurence of str2 in str1
  static const char* FindLastString(const char* str1, const char* str2);
   * Make a duplicate of the string similar to the strdup C function
   * but use new to create the 'new' string, so one can use
   * 'delete' to remove it. Returns 0 if the input is empty.
  static char* DuplicateString(const char* str);
   * Return the string cropped to a given length by removing chars in the
   * center of the string and replacing them with an ellipsis (...)
  static kwsys_stl::string CropString(const kwsys_stl::string&, size_t max_len);
   * do a case-independent string comparison
  static int Strucmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);

   * Replace Windows file system slashes with Unix-style slashes.
  static void ConvertToUnixSlashes(kwsys_stl::string& path);
   * For windows this calles ConvertToWindowsOutputPath and for unix
   * it calls ConvertToUnixOutputPath
  static kwsys_stl::string ConvertToOutputPath(const char*);
  /** Return true if a file exists in the current directory.  */
  static bool FileExists(const char* filename);
  static unsigned long FileLength(const char *filename);

  /** Compare file modification times.
      Returns true for successful comparison and false for error.
      When true is returned, result has -1, 0, +1 for
      f1 older, same, or newer than f2.  */
  static bool FileTimeCompare(const char* f1, const char* f2,
                              int* result);

   *  Add the paths from the environment variable PATH to the 
   *  string vector passed in.  If env is set then the value
   *  of env will be used instead of PATH.
  static void GetPath(kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& path, const char* env=0);

  /** Read an environment variable.  */
  static const char* GetEnv(const char* key);
  static bool GetEnv(const char* key, kwsys_stl::string& result);

   *  Get the file extension (including ".") needed for an executable
   *  on the current platform ("" for unix, ".exe" for Windows).
  static const char* GetExecutableExtension();

   * Copy the source file to the destination file only
   * if the two files differ.  
  static bool CopyFileIfDifferent(const char* source,
                                  const char* destination);
  ///! Compare the contents of two files.  Return true if different.
  static bool FilesDiffer(const char* source,
                          const char* destination);
  ///! return true if the two files are the same file
  static bool SameFile(const char* file1, const char* file2);

  ///! Copy a file.
  static bool CopyFileAlways(const char* source, const char* destination);

  ///! Copy content directory to another directory with all files and subdirectories
  static bool CopyADirectory(const char* source, const char* destination);
  ///! Remove a file.
  static bool RemoveFile(const char* source);
  ///! Remove a directory
  static bool RemoveADirectory(const char* source);

  ///! Find a file in the system PATH, with optional extra paths.
  static kwsys_stl::string FindFile(const char* name,
                              const kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& path= kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>());

  ///! Find an executable in the system PATH, with optional extra paths.
  static kwsys_stl::string FindProgram(const char* name,
                                 const kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& path = kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>(),
                                 bool no_system_path = false);

  ///! Find a library in the system PATH, with optional extra paths.
  static kwsys_stl::string FindLibrary(const char* name,
                                 const kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& path);
  ///! return true if the file is a directory.
  static bool FileIsDirectory(const char* name);
  static kwsys_stl::string GetCurrentWorkingDirectory();

  ///! return true if the file has a given signature (first set of bytes)
  static bool FileHasSignature(const char* filename, const char *signature, unsigned long offset = 0);

  *  Try to locate the file 'filename' in the directory 'dir'.
  *  If 'filename' is a fully qualified filename, the basename of the file is
  *  used to check for its existence in 'dir'.
  *  If 'dir' is not a directory, GetFilenamePath() is called on 'dir' to
  *  get its directory first (thus, you can pass a filename as 'dir', as
  *  a convenience).
  *  'filename_found' is assigned the fully qualified name/path of the file
  *  if it is found (not touched otherwise).
  *  If 'try_filename_dirs' is true, try to find the file using the
  *  components of its path, i.e. if we are looking for c:/foo/bar/bill.txt, 
  *  first look for bill.txt in 'dir', then in 'dir'/bar, then in 'dir'/foo/bar
  *  etc.
  *  Return true if the file was found, false otherwise.
  static bool LocateFileInDir(const char *filename, 
                              const char *dir, 
                              kwsys_stl::string& filename_found,
                              int try_filename_dirs = 0);
   * Given the path to a program executable, get the directory part of
   * the path with the file stripped off.  If there is no directory
   * part, the empty string is returned.
  static kwsys_stl::string GetProgramPath(const char*);
  static bool SplitProgramPath(const char* in_name, 
                               kwsys_stl::string& dir, 
                               kwsys_stl::string& file,
                               bool errorReport = true);
   *  Given argv[0] for a unix program find the full path to a running
   *  executable.  argv0 can be null for windows WinMain programs
   *  in this case GetModuleFileName will be used to find the path
   *  to the running executable.  If argv0 is not a full path,
   *  then this will try to find the full path.  If the path is not
   *  found false is returned, if found true is returned.  An error
   *  message of the attempted paths is stored in errorMsg.  
   *  exeName is the name of the executable.
   *  buildDir is a possibly null path to the build directory.
   *  installPrefix is a possibly null pointer to the install directory.
  static bool FindProgramPath(const char* argv0, 
                              kwsys_stl::string& pathOut,
                              kwsys_stl::string& errorMsg,
                              const char* exeName = 0,
                              const char* buildDir = 0,         
                              const char* installPrefix = 0);
   * Given a path to a file or directory, convert it to a full path.
   * This collapses away relative paths relative to the cwd argument
   * (which defaults to the current working directory).  The full path
   * is returned.
  static kwsys_stl::string CollapseFullPath(const char* in_relative);
  static kwsys_stl::string CollapseFullPath(const char* in_relative,
                                      const char* in_base);

   * Split a path name into its basic components.  The first component
   * is one of the following roots:
   *    "/"   = UNIX
   *    "c:/" = Windows full path (can be any drive letter)
   *    "c:"  = Windows drive-letter relative path (can be any drive letter)
   *    "//"  = Network path
   *    ""    = Relative path
   * The remaining components form the path.  If there is a trailing
   * slash then the last component is the empty string.  The
   * components can be recombined as "c[0]c[1]/c[2]/.../c[n]" to
   * produce the original path.  The input is assumed to be formatted
   * with forward slashes.
  static void SplitPath(const char* p,
                        kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& components);

   * Join components of a path name into a single string.  See
   * SplitPath for the format of the components.
  static kwsys_stl::string
  JoinPath(const kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& components);

   * Compare a path or components of a path.
  static bool ComparePath(const char* c1, const char* c2);

  ///! return path of a full filename (no trailing slashes).
  static kwsys_stl::string GetFilenamePath(const kwsys_stl::string&);

  ///! return file name of a full filename (i.e. file name without path).
  static kwsys_stl::string GetFilenameName(const kwsys_stl::string&);
  ///! Split a program from its arguments and handle spaces in the paths.
  static void SplitProgramFromArgs(const char* path, 
                                   kwsys_stl::string& program, kwsys_stl::string& args);
  ///! return longest file extension of a full filename (dot included).
  static kwsys_stl::string GetFilenameExtension(const kwsys_stl::string&);
  ///! return shortest file extension of a full filename (dot included).
  static kwsys_stl::string GetFilenameLastExtension(const kwsys_stl::string& filename);
  ///! return file name without extension of a full filename.
  static kwsys_stl::string GetFilenameWithoutExtension(const kwsys_stl::string&);
  ///! return file name without its last (shortest) extension.
  static kwsys_stl::string GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(const kwsys_stl::string&);
  /** Return whether the path represents a full path (not relative).  */
  static bool FileIsFullPath(const char*);
  /** Return file's modified time.  */
  static long int ModifiedTime(const char* filename);

  /** Return file's creation time (Win32: works only for NTFS, not FAT).  */
  static long int CreationTime(const char* filename);

   * Convert a string in __DATE__ or __TIMESTAMP__ format into a time_t.
   * Return false on error, true on success
  static bool ConvertDateMacroString(const char *str, time_t *tmt);
  static bool ConvertTimeStampMacroString(const char *str, time_t *tmt);

  ///! for windows return the short path for the given path, unix just a pass through
  static bool GetShortPath(const char* path, kwsys_stl::string& result);
  ///! change directory the the directory specified
  static int ChangeDirectory(const char* dir);

  /** Split a string on its newlines into multiple lines.  Returns
      false only if the last line stored had no newline.  */
  static bool Split(const char* s, kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& l);
  static kwsys_stl::string GetCurrentDateTime(const char* format);

  /** Get the result of strerror(errno).  */
  static kwsys_stl::string GetLastSystemError();
  /** When building DEBUG with MSVC, this enables a hook that prevents
   * error dialogs from popping up if the program is being run from
   * DART.
  static void EnableMSVCDebugHook();

   * Read line from file. Make sure to get everything. Due to a buggy stream
   * library on the HP and another on Mac OSX, we need this very carefully
   * written version of getline. Returns true if any data were read before the
   * end-of-file was reached. If the has_newline argument is specified, it will
   * be true when the line read had a newline character.
  static bool GetLineFromStream(kwsys_ios::istream& istr, kwsys_stl::string& line,
                                bool* has_newline=0);

   * Get the width of the terminal window. The code may or may not work, so
   * make sure you have some resonable defaults prepared if the code returns
   * some bogus size.
  static int GetTerminalWidth();
   * Add an entry in the path translation table.
  static void AddTranslationPath(const char * dir, const char * refdir);

   * If dir is different after CollapseFullPath is called,
   * Then insert it into the path translation table
  static void AddKeepPath(const char* dir);

   * Update path by going through the Path Translation table;
  static void CheckTranslationPath(kwsys_stl::string & path);

   * Get and set permissions of the file.
  static bool GetPermissions(const char* file, mode_t& mode);
  static bool SetPermissions(const char* file, mode_t mode);

  /** Get the parent directory of the directory or file */
  static kwsys_stl::string GetParentDirectory(const char* fileOrDir);

  /** Check if the given file or directory is in subdirectory of dir */
  static bool IsSubDirectory(const char* fileOrDir, const char* dir);

  /** Check if the given file exists in one of the parent directory of the
   * given file or directory and if it does, return the name of the file.
   * Toplevel specifies the top-most directory to where it will look.*/
  static kwsys_stl::string FileExistsInParentDirectories(const char* fname,
    const char* directory, const char* toplevel);

  /** Delay the execution for a specified amount of time specified in miliseconds */
  static void Delay(unsigned int msec);

  // these two functions can be called from ConvertToOutputPath
   * Convert the path to a string that can be used in a unix makefile.
   * double slashes are removed, and spaces are escaped.
  static kwsys_stl::string ConvertToUnixOutputPath(const char*);
   * Convert the path to string that can be used in a windows project or
   * makefile.   Double slashes are removed if they are not at the start of
   * the string, the slashes are converted to windows style backslashes, and
   * if there are spaces in the string it is double quoted.
  static kwsys_stl::string ConvertToWindowsOutputPath(const char*);

   * Allocate the std::map that serve as the Path Translation table.
  static void ClassInitialize();

   * Deallocate the std::map that serve as the Path Translation table.
  static void ClassFinalize();

   * This method prevents warning on SGI
  SystemToolsManager* GetSystemToolsManager()
    return &SystemToolsManagerInstance;

   * Path translation table from dir to refdir
   * Each time 'dir' will be found it will be replace by 'refdir'
  static SystemToolsTranslationMap *TranslationMap;
  friend class SystemToolsManager;

} // namespace @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@

/* Undefine temporary macros.  */
# undef kwsys_stl
# undef kwsys_ios
