
  Program:   KWSys - Kitware System Library
  Module:    $RCSfile$

  Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium.  All rights reserved.
  See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.


// This header is extra code for <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/stl/string>.
#if !defined(@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_stl_string_including_hxx)
# error "The header <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/stl/string.hxx> may be included only by <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/stl/string>."

// Provide the istream operator for the stl string if it is not
// provided by the system or another copy of kwsys.  Allow user code
// to block this definition by defining the macro
// to avoid conflicts with other libraries.  User code can test for
// this definition by checking the macro
# include <ctype.h> // isspace
# include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/ios/iostream>
# if defined(__WATCOMC__)
struct ios_istream_hack: public kwsys_ios::istream
{ void eatwhite() { this->@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios::istream::eatwhite(); } };
# endif
inline @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios::istream&
operator>>(@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios::istream& is,
           @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_stl::string& s)
  // Keep track of the resulting state.
  int state = @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios::ios::goodbit;

  // Save the width setting and set it back to zero.
  size_t n = static_cast<size_t>(is.width(0));

  // Clear any old contents of the output string.

  // Skip leading whitespace.
#if defined(__WATCOMC__)
  @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios::istream& okay = is;

    // Select a maximum possible length.
    if(n == 0 || n >= s.max_size())
      n = s.max_size();

    // Read until a space is found or the maximum length is reached.
    bool success = false;
    for(int c = is.peek(); (--n > 0 && c != EOF && !isspace(c)); c = is.peek())
      s += static_cast<char>(c);
      success = true;

    // Set flags for resulting state.
    if(is.peek() == EOF) { state |= @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios::ios::eofbit; }
    if(!success) { state |= @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios::ios::failbit; }

  // Set the final result state.
  return is;

// Provide the ostream operator for the stl string if it is not
// provided by the system or another copy of kwsys.  Allow user code
// to block this definition by defining the macro
// to avoid conflicts with other libraries.  User code can test for
// this definition by checking the macro
# include <@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@/ios/iostream>
inline @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios::ostream&
operator<<(@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_ios::ostream& os,
           @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_stl::string const& s)
  return os << s.c_str();

// Provide the operator!= for the stl string and char* if it is not
// provided by the system or another copy of kwsys.  Allow user code
// to block this definition by defining the macro
// to avoid conflicts with other libraries.  User code can test for
// this definition by checking the macro
inline bool operator!=(@KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_stl::string const& s, const char* c)
  return !(s == c);
inline bool operator!=(const char* c, @KWSYS_NAMESPACE@_stl::string const& s)
  return !(s == c);