/*============================================================================ KWSys - Kitware System Library Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "kwsysPrivate.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning (disable:4786) #endif #include KWSYS_HEADER(SystemTools.hxx) #include KWSYS_HEADER(ios/iostream) // Work-around CMake dependency scanning limitation. This must // duplicate the above list of headers. #if 0 # include "SystemTools.hxx.in" # include "kwsys_ios_iostream.h.in" #endif // Include with <> instead of "" to avoid getting any in-source copy // left on disk. #include <testSystemTools.h> #include <string.h> /* strcmp */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char* toUnixPaths[][2] = { { "/usr/local/bin/passwd", "/usr/local/bin/passwd" }, { "/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd", "/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" }, { "/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd", "/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" }, { "c:/usr/local/bin/passwd", "c:/usr/local/bin/passwd" }, { "c:/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd", "c:/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" }, { "c:/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd", "c:/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" }, { "\\usr\\local\\bin\\passwd", "/usr/local/bin/passwd" }, { "\\usr\\lo cal\\bin\\pa sswd", "/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" }, { "\\usr\\lo\\ cal\\bin\\pa\\ sswd", "/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" }, { "c:\\usr\\local\\bin\\passwd", "c:/usr/local/bin/passwd" }, { "c:\\usr\\lo cal\\bin\\pa sswd", "c:/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" }, { "c:\\usr\\lo\\ cal\\bin\\pa\\ sswd", "c:/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" }, { "\\\\usr\\local\\bin\\passwd", "//usr/local/bin/passwd" }, { "\\\\usr\\lo cal\\bin\\pa sswd", "//usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" }, { "\\\\usr\\lo\\ cal\\bin\\pa\\ sswd", "//usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" }, {0, 0} }; static bool CheckConvertToUnixSlashes(kwsys_stl::string input, kwsys_stl::string output) { kwsys_stl::string result = input; kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(result); if ( result != output ) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToUnixSlashes - input: " << input << " output: " << result << " expected: " << output << kwsys_ios::endl; return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char* checkEscapeChars[][4] = { { "1 foo 2 bar 2", "12", "\\", "\\1 foo \\2 bar \\2"}, { " {} ", "{}", "#", " #{#} "}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; static bool CheckEscapeChars(kwsys_stl::string input, const char *chars_to_escape, char escape_char, kwsys_stl::string output) { kwsys_stl::string result = kwsys::SystemTools::EscapeChars( input.c_str(), chars_to_escape, escape_char); if (result != output) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with CheckEscapeChars - input: " << input << " output: " << result << " expected: " << output << kwsys_ios::endl; return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool CheckFileOperations() { bool res = true; const kwsys_stl::string testBinFile(TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SOURCE_DIR "/testSystemTools.bin"); const kwsys_stl::string testTxtFile(TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SOURCE_DIR "/testSystemTools.cxx"); const kwsys_stl::string testNewDir(TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_BINARY_DIR "/testSystemToolsNewDir"); const kwsys_stl::string testNewFile(testNewDir + "/testNewFile.txt"); if (kwsys::SystemTools::DetectFileType(testBinFile.c_str()) != kwsys::SystemTools::FileTypeBinary) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with DetectFileType - failed to detect type of: " << testBinFile << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::DetectFileType(testTxtFile.c_str()) != kwsys::SystemTools::FileTypeText) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with DetectFileType - failed to detect type of: " << testTxtFile << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::FileLength(testBinFile.c_str()) != 766) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with FileLength - incorrect length for: " << testBinFile << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (!kwsys::SystemTools::MakeDirectory(testNewDir)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with MakeDirectory for: " << testNewDir << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (!kwsys::SystemTools::Touch(testNewFile.c_str(), true)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with Touch for: " << testNewFile << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (!kwsys::SystemTools::RemoveFile(testNewFile)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with RemoveFile: " << testNewFile << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } kwsys::SystemTools::Touch(testNewFile.c_str(), true); if (!kwsys::SystemTools::RemoveADirectory(testNewDir)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with RemoveADirectory for: " << testNewDir << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } #ifdef KWSYS_TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_LONG_PATHS // Perform the same file and directory creation and deletion tests but // with paths > 256 characters in length. const kwsys_stl::string testNewLongDir( TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_BINARY_DIR "/" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "01234567890123"); const kwsys_stl::string testNewLongFile(testNewLongDir + "/" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "0123456789.txt"); if (!kwsys::SystemTools::MakeDirectory(testNewLongDir)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with MakeDirectory for: " << testNewLongDir << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (!kwsys::SystemTools::Touch(testNewLongFile.c_str(), true)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with Touch for: " << testNewLongFile << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (!kwsys::SystemTools::RemoveFile(testNewLongFile)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with RemoveFile: " << testNewLongFile << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } kwsys::SystemTools::Touch(testNewLongFile.c_str(), true); if (!kwsys::SystemTools::RemoveADirectory(testNewLongDir)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with RemoveADirectory for: " << testNewLongDir << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } #endif return res; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool CheckStringOperations() { bool res = true; kwsys_stl::string test = "mary had a little lamb."; if (kwsys::SystemTools::CapitalizedWords(test) != "Mary Had A Little Lamb.") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with CapitalizedWords " << '"' << test << '"' << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } test = "Mary Had A Little Lamb."; if (kwsys::SystemTools::UnCapitalizedWords(test) != "mary had a little lamb.") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with UnCapitalizedWords " << '"' << test << '"' << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } test = "MaryHadTheLittleLamb."; if (kwsys::SystemTools::AddSpaceBetweenCapitalizedWords(test) != "Mary Had The Little Lamb.") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with AddSpaceBetweenCapitalizedWords " << '"' << test << '"' << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } char * cres = kwsys::SystemTools::AppendStrings("Mary Had A"," Little Lamb."); if (strcmp(cres,"Mary Had A Little Lamb.")) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with AppendStrings " << "\"Mary Had A\" \" Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } delete [] cres; cres = kwsys::SystemTools::AppendStrings("Mary Had"," A ","Little Lamb."); if (strcmp(cres,"Mary Had A Little Lamb.")) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with AppendStrings " << "\"Mary Had\" \" A \" \"Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } delete [] cres; if (kwsys::SystemTools::CountChar("Mary Had A Little Lamb.",'a') != 3) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with CountChar " << "\"Mary Had A Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } cres = kwsys::SystemTools::RemoveChars("Mary Had A Little Lamb.","aeiou"); if (strcmp(cres,"Mry Hd A Lttl Lmb.")) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with RemoveChars " << "\"Mary Had A Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } delete [] cres; cres = kwsys::SystemTools::RemoveCharsButUpperHex("Mary Had A Little Lamb."); if (strcmp(cres,"A")) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with RemoveCharsButUpperHex " << "\"Mary Had A Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } delete [] cres; char *cres2 = new char [strlen("Mary Had A Little Lamb.")+1]; strcpy(cres2,"Mary Had A Little Lamb."); kwsys::SystemTools::ReplaceChars(cres2,"aeiou",'X'); if (strcmp(cres2,"MXry HXd A LXttlX LXmb.")) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ReplaceChars " << "\"Mary Had A Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } delete [] cres2; if (!kwsys::SystemTools::StringStartsWith("Mary Had A Little Lamb.", "Mary ")) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with StringStartsWith " << "\"Mary Had A Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (!kwsys::SystemTools::StringEndsWith("Mary Had A Little Lamb.", " Lamb.")) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with StringEndsWith " << "\"Mary Had A Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } cres = kwsys::SystemTools::DuplicateString("Mary Had A Little Lamb."); if (strcmp(cres,"Mary Had A Little Lamb.")) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with DuplicateString " << "\"Mary Had A Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } delete [] cres; test = "Mary Had A Little Lamb."; if (kwsys::SystemTools::CropString(test,13) != "Mary ...Lamb.") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with CropString " << "\"Mary Had A Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string> lines; kwsys::SystemTools::Split("Mary Had A Little Lamb.",lines,' '); if (lines[0] != "Mary" || lines[1] != "Had" || lines[2] != "A" || lines[3] != "Little" || lines[4] != "Lamb.") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with Split " << "\"Mary Had A Little Lamb.\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath ("L:\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo") != L"\\\\?\\L:\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"L:\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath ("L:/Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo") != L"\\\\?\\L:\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"L:/Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath ("\\\\Foo\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo") != L"\\\\?\\UNC\\Foo\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"\\\\Foo\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath ("//Foo/Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo") != L"\\\\?\\UNC\\Foo\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"//Foo/Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath("//") != L"//") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"//\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath("\\\\.\\") != L"\\\\.\\") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"\\\\.\\\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath("\\\\.\\X") != L"\\\\.\\X") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"\\\\.\\X\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath("\\\\.\\X:") != L"\\\\?\\X:") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"\\\\.\\X:\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath("\\\\.\\X:\\") != L"\\\\?\\X:\\") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"\\\\.\\X:\\\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath("NUL") != L"\\\\.\\NUL") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsExtendedPath " << "\"NUL\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } #endif if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsOutputPath ("L://Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo") != "\"L:\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo\"") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsOutputPath " << "\"L://Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsOutputPath ("//grayson/Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo") != "\"\\\\grayson\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo\"") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsOutputPath " << "\"//grayson/Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToUnixOutputPath ("//Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo") != "//Local\\ Mojo/Hex\\ Power\\ Pack/Iffy\\ Voodoo") { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertToUnixOutputPath " << "\"//Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo\"" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } int targc; char **targv; kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertWindowsCommandLineToUnixArguments ("\"Local Mojo\\Voodoo.asp\" -CastHex \"D:\\My Secret Mojo\\Voodoo.mp3\"", &targc, &targv); if (targc != 4 || strcmp(targv[1],"Local Mojo\\Voodoo.asp") || strcmp(targv[2],"-CastHex") || strcmp(targv[3],"D:\\My Secret Mojo\\Voodoo.mp3")) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "Problem with ConvertWindowsCommandLineToUnixArguments" << "\'\"Local Mojo\\Voodoo.asp\" " << "-CastHex \"D:\\My Secret Mojo\\Voodoo.mp3\"\'" << kwsys_ios::endl; res = false; } for (;targc >=0; --targc) { delete [] targv[targc]; } delete [] targv; return res; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool CheckPutEnv(const char* env, const char* name, const char* value) { if(!kwsys::SystemTools::PutEnv(env)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "PutEnv(\"" << env << "\") failed!" << kwsys_ios::endl; return false; } const char* v = kwsys::SystemTools::GetEnv(name); v = v? v : "(null)"; if(strcmp(v, value) != 0) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "GetEnv(\"" << name << "\") returned \"" << v << "\", not \"" << value << "\"!" << kwsys_ios::endl; return false; } return true; } static bool CheckUnPutEnv(const char* env, const char* name) { if(!kwsys::SystemTools::UnPutEnv(env)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "UnPutEnv(\"" << env << "\") failed!" << kwsys_ios::endl; return false; } if(const char* v = kwsys::SystemTools::GetEnv(name)) { kwsys_ios::cerr << "GetEnv(\"" << name << "\") returned \"" << v << "\", not (null)!" << kwsys_ios::endl; return false; } return true; } static bool CheckEnvironmentOperations() { bool res = true; res &= CheckPutEnv("A=B", "A", "B"); res &= CheckPutEnv("B=C", "B", "C"); res &= CheckPutEnv("C=D", "C", "D"); res &= CheckPutEnv("D=E", "D", "E"); res &= CheckUnPutEnv("A", "A"); res &= CheckUnPutEnv("B=", "B"); res &= CheckUnPutEnv("C=D", "C"); /* Leave "D=E" in environment so a memory checker can test for leaks. */ return res; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int testSystemTools(int, char*[]) { bool res = true; int cc; for ( cc = 0; toUnixPaths[cc][0]; cc ++ ) { res &= CheckConvertToUnixSlashes(toUnixPaths[cc][0], toUnixPaths[cc][1]); } // Special check for ~ kwsys_stl::string output; if(kwsys::SystemTools::GetEnv("HOME", output)) { output += "/foo bar/lala"; res &= CheckConvertToUnixSlashes("~/foo bar/lala", output); } for (cc = 0; checkEscapeChars[cc][0]; cc ++ ) { res &= CheckEscapeChars(checkEscapeChars[cc][0], checkEscapeChars[cc][1], *checkEscapeChars[cc][2], checkEscapeChars[cc][3]); } res &= CheckFileOperations(); res &= CheckStringOperations(); res &= CheckEnvironmentOperations(); return res ? 0 : 1; }