cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(Trilinos-10-6) include(ExternalProject) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/LocalOverrides.cmake" OPTIONAL) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/LocalOverrides.cmake" OPTIONAL) if(NOT DEFINED HOME) if(DEFINED ENV{CTEST_REAL_HOME}) set(HOME "$ENV{CTEST_REAL_HOME}") else() set(HOME "$ENV{HOME}") endif() if(NOT HOME AND WIN32) # Try for USERPROFILE as HOME equivalent: string(REPLACE "\\" "/" HOME "$ENV{USERPROFILE}") # But just use root of SystemDrive if USERPROFILE contains any spaces: # (Default on XP and earlier...) if(HOME MATCHES " ") string(REPLACE "\\" "/" HOME "$ENV{SystemDrive}") endif() endif() endif() message(STATUS "HOME='${HOME}'") if(NOT DEFINED url) set(url "") endif() message(STATUS "url='${url}'") if(NOT DEFINED md5) set(md5 "690230465dd21a76e3c6636fd07bd2f0") endif() message(STATUS "md5='${md5}'") string(SUBSTRING "${md5}" 0 8 shorttag) set(shorttag "m${shorttag}") set(download_dir "${HOME}/.cmake/Downloads") set(base_dir "${HOME}/.cmake/Contracts/${PROJECT_NAME}/${shorttag}") set(binary_dir "${base_dir}/build") set(script_dir "${base_dir}") set(source_dir "${base_dir}/src") if(NOT DEFINED BUILDNAME) set(BUILDNAME "CMakeContract-${shorttag}") endif() message(STATUS "BUILDNAME='${BUILDNAME}'") if(NOT DEFINED SITE) site_name(SITE) endif() message(STATUS "SITE='${SITE}'") configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${script_dir}/Dashboard.cmake" @ONLY) # Source dir for this project exists outside the CMake build tree because it # is absolutely huge. Source dir is therefore cached under a '.cmake/Contracts' # dir in your HOME directory. Downloads are cached under '.cmake/Downloads' # if(EXISTS "${source_dir}/cmake/ctest/TrilinosCTestDriverCore.cmake") # If it exists already, download is a complete no-op: ExternalProject_Add(download-${PROJECT_NAME} DOWNLOAD_COMMAND "" CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND "" INSTALL_COMMAND "" ) else() # If it does not yet exist, download pulls the tarball from the web (or # no-ops if it already exists with the given md5 sum): # ExternalProject_Add(download-${PROJECT_NAME} DOWNLOAD_DIR "${download_dir}" URL "${url}" URL_MD5 "${md5}" SOURCE_DIR "${source_dir}" CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND "" INSTALL_COMMAND "" ) endif() ExternalProject_Add(build-${PROJECT_NAME} DOWNLOAD_COMMAND "" CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P "${script_dir}/Dashboard.cmake" INSTALL_COMMAND "" DEPENDS download-${PROJECT_NAME} )