if(NOT DEFINED source_dir) message(FATAL_ERROR "variable 'source_dir' not defined") endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${source_dir}/CMakeLists.txt") message(FATAL_ERROR "error: No CMakeLists.txt file to patch!") endif() set(text " # # Reference variables typically given as experimental_build_test configure # options to avoid CMake warnings about unused variables # MESSAGE(\"Trilinos_ALLOW_NO_PACKAGES='\${Trilinos_ALLOW_NO_PACKAGES}'\") MESSAGE(\"Trilinos_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS_FLAGS='\${Trilinos_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS_FLAGS}'\") ") file(APPEND "${source_dir}/CMakeLists.txt" "${text}") if(NOT EXISTS "${source_dir}/CTestConfig.cmake") message(FATAL_ERROR "error: No CTestConfig.cmake file to patch!") endif() set(text " # # Use newer than 10.6.1 CTestConfig settings from the Trilinos project. # Send the Trilinos dashboards to the new Trilinos CDash server instance. # SET(CTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME \"04:00:00 UTC\") # 10 PM MDT or 9 PM MST SET(CTEST_DROP_SITE \"testing.sandia.gov\") ") file(APPEND "${source_dir}/CTestConfig.cmake" "${text}")