cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.12) project(MakeClean) # Build the to-clean project. try_compile(TOCLEAN_BUILT ${MakeClean_BINARY_DIR}/ToClean ${MakeClean_SOURCE_DIR}/ToClean ToClean OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT ) if(TOCLEAN_BUILT) message( "Building ToClean succeeded with the following output:\n" "[${OUTPUT}]" ) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Building ToClean failed with the following output:\n" "[${OUTPUT}]" ) endif() # Get the set of files to check from the ToClean project. include(${MakeClean_BINARY_DIR}/ToClean/ToCleanFiles.cmake) # Check for the existence of the files. foreach(f ${TOCLEAN_FILES}) if(EXISTS "${f}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "File \"${f}\" does not exist!") endif() endforeach() # Configure an executable to check that all the files are missing. set(CHECK_FILES) foreach(f ${TOCLEAN_FILES}) string(APPEND CHECK_FILES " \"${f}\",\n") endforeach() configure_file(${MakeClean_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${MakeClean_BINARY_DIR}/check_clean.c @ONLY) add_executable(check_clean ${MakeClean_BINARY_DIR}/check_clean.c) # After the executable builds, clean the files. add_custom_command( TARGET check_clean POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ${MakeClean_BINARY_DIR}/ToClean --target clean COMMENT "Clean the ToClean Project" )