# a simple CXX only test case cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) project (Properties) # these first three tests really test both properties and the management of # cmSourceFile objects by CMake. # test properties on a build tree file that is relative (yuck) configure_file(properties.h.in "${Properties_BINARY_DIR}/properties.h") set_source_files_properties(properties.h PROPERTIES TEST1 1) get_source_file_property(RESULT1 properties.h TEST1) # test properties on a headerfile in the source tree # accessed without an extension (also yuck) set_source_files_properties(properties2 PROPERTIES TEST2 1) get_source_file_property(RESULT2 properties2 TEST2) # test properties on a relative source that is not generated set_source_files_properties(SubDir/properties3.cxx PROPERTIES TEST3 1) get_source_file_property(RESULT3 SubDir/properties3.cxx TEST3) include_directories("${Properties_SOURCE_DIR}" "${Properties_BINARY_DIR}") # test generic property interfaces get_property(GLOBALRESULT GLOBAL PROPERTY GLOBALTEST DEFINED) if (GLOBALRESULT) message(SEND_ERROR "Error: global prop defined when it should not be, " "result is GLOBALRESULT=${GLOBALRESULT}") endif () define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY GLOBALTEST BRIEF_DOCS "A test property" FULL_DOCS "A long description of this test property" ) get_property(GLOBALRESULT GLOBAL PROPERTY GLOBALTEST DEFINED) if (NOT GLOBALRESULT) message(SEND_ERROR "Error: global prop not defined " "result is GLOBALRESULT=${GLOBALRESULT}") endif () set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY GLOBALTEST 1) set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY DIRECTORYTEST 1) set_property(SOURCE SubDir/properties3.cxx PROPERTY SOURCETEST 1) get_property(GLOBALRESULT GLOBAL PROPERTY GLOBALTEST) get_property(DIRECTORYRESULT DIRECTORY PROPERTY DIRECTORYTEST) get_property(SOURCERESULT SOURCE SubDir/properties3.cxx PROPERTY SOURCETEST ) if (RESULT1 AND RESULT2 AND RESULT3 AND GLOBALRESULT AND DIRECTORYRESULT AND SOURCERESULT) add_executable (Properties SubDir/properties3.cxx properties) else () message(SEND_ERROR "Error: test results are RESULT1=${RESULT1} RESULT2=${RESULT2} " "RESULT3=${RESULT3} GLOBALRESULT=${GLOBALRESULT} " "DIRECTORYRESULT=${DIRECTORYRESULT} " "SOURCERESULT=${SOURCERESULT}") endif () # test the target property set_property(TARGET Properties PROPERTY TARGETTEST 1) get_property(TARGETRESULT TARGET Properties PROPERTY TARGETTEST) if (NOT TARGETRESULT) message(SEND_ERROR "Error: target result is TARGETRESULT=${TARGETRESULT}") endif () # test APPEND and APPEND_STRING set_property() set_property(TARGET Properties PROPERTY FOO foo) set_property(TARGET Properties PROPERTY BAR bar) set_property(TARGET Properties APPEND PROPERTY FOO 123) set_property(TARGET Properties APPEND_STRING PROPERTY BAR 456) get_property(APPEND_RESULT TARGET Properties PROPERTY FOO) if (NOT "${APPEND_RESULT}" STREQUAL "foo;123") message(SEND_ERROR "Error: target result is APPEND_RESULT=${APPEND_RESULT}") endif () get_property(APPEND_STRING_RESULT TARGET Properties PROPERTY BAR) if (NOT "${APPEND_STRING_RESULT}" STREQUAL "bar456") message(SEND_ERROR "Error: target result is APPEND_STRING_RESULT=${APPEND_STRING_RESULT}") endif () # test get_property SET get_property(TARGETRESULT TARGET Properties PROPERTY TARGETTEST SET) if (NOT TARGETRESULT) message(SEND_ERROR "Error: target prop not set, result is TARGETRESULT=${TARGETRESULT}") endif () # test unsetting a property set_property(TARGET Properties PROPERTY TARGETTEST) get_property(TARGETRESULT TARGET Properties PROPERTY TARGETTEST SET) if (TARGETRESULT) message(SEND_ERROR "Error: target prop not unset, " "result is TARGETRESULT=${TARGETRESULT}") endif () # test the target SOURCES property get_property(Properties_SOURCES TARGET Properties PROPERTY SOURCES) set_source_files_properties(${Properties_SOURCES} PROPERTIES TEST4 1) get_source_file_property(RESULT4 properties.h TEST4) if(NOT RESULT4) message(SEND_ERROR "Error: target result is" " RESULT4=${RESULT4}" " Properties_SOURCES=[${Properties_SOURCES}]") endif() # test CACHE properties macro(check_cache_props) foreach(prop VALUE TYPE HELPSTRING ADVANCED STRINGS) get_property(result CACHE SOME_ENTRY PROPERTY ${prop}) if(NOT "x${result}" STREQUAL "x${expect_${prop}}") message(SEND_ERROR "CACHE property ${prop} is [${result}], not [${expect_${prop}}]") endif() endforeach() endmacro() set(expect_VALUE "ON") set(expect_TYPE "BOOL") set(expect_HELPSTRING "sample cache entry") set(expect_ADVANCED 0) set(expect_STRINGS "") set(SOME_ENTRY "${expect_VALUE}" CACHE ${expect_TYPE} "${expect_HELPSTRING}" FORCE) mark_as_advanced(CLEAR SOME_ENTRY) set_property(CACHE SOME_ENTRY PROPERTY STRINGS "") check_cache_props() set(expect_VALUE "Some string") set(expect_TYPE "STRING") set(expect_HELPSTRING "sample cache entry help") set(expect_ADVANCED 1) set(expect_STRINGS "Some string;Some other string;Some third string") set_property(CACHE SOME_ENTRY PROPERTY TYPE "${expect_TYPE}") set_property(CACHE SOME_ENTRY PROPERTY HELPSTRING "${expect_HELPSTRING}") set_property(CACHE SOME_ENTRY PROPERTY VALUE "${expect_VALUE}") set_property(CACHE SOME_ENTRY PROPERTY ADVANCED "${expect_ADVANCED}") set_property(CACHE SOME_ENTRY PROPERTY STRINGS "${expect_STRINGS}") check_cache_props() add_subdirectory(SubDir2)