cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7) project(QtAutogen) # Tell find_package(Qt5) where to find Qt. if(QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE) get_filename_component(Qt_BIN_DIR "${QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE}" PATH) get_filename_component(Qt_PREFIX_DIR "${Qt_BIN_DIR}" PATH) set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${Qt_PREFIX_DIR}) endif() if (QT_TEST_VERSION STREQUAL 4) find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED) # Include this directory before using the UseQt4 file. add_subdirectory(defines_test) include(UseQt4) set(QT_QTCORE_TARGET Qt4::QtCore) macro(qtx_wrap_cpp) qt4_wrap_cpp(${ARGN}) endmacro() else() if (NOT QT_TEST_VERSION STREQUAL 5) message(SEND_ERROR "Invalid Qt version specified.") endif() find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED) set(QT_QTCORE_TARGET Qt5::Core) include_directories(${Qt5Widgets_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(QT_LIBRARIES Qt5::Widgets) if(Qt5_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OPTIONS_PIC) add_definitions(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OPTIONS_PIC}) endif() macro(qtx_wrap_cpp) qt5_wrap_cpp(${ARGN}) endmacro() endif() get_property(QT_COMPILE_FEATURES TARGET ${QT_QTCORE_TARGET} PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPILE_FEATURES) # Qt4 moc does not support utf8 paths in _parameter files generated by # qtx_wrap_cpp # # Do a simple check if there is are non ASCII character in the build path string(REGEX MATCH "[^ -~]+" NON_ASCII_BDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) if((NOT NON_ASCII_BDIR) OR (NOT QT_TEST_VERSION STREQUAL 4)) set(ALLOW_WRAP_CPP TRUE) endif() # On windows qtx_wrap_cpp also fails in Qt5 when used on a path that # contains non ASCII characters if(NON_ASCII_BDIR AND WIN32) set(ALLOW_WRAP_CPP FALSE) endif() # -- Test # MOC only add_executable(mocOnly mocOnlySource/main.cpp mocOnlySource/StyleA.cpp mocOnlySource/StyleB.cpp) set_property(TARGET mocOnly PROPERTY AUTOMOC ON) target_link_libraries(mocOnly ${QT_LIBRARIES}) # -- Test # UIC only if(ALLOW_WRAP_CPP) qtx_wrap_cpp(uicOnlyMoc uicOnlySource/uiconly.h) add_executable(uicOnly uicOnlySource/uiconly.cpp ${uicOnlyMoc}) set_property(TARGET uicOnly PROPERTY AUTOUIC ON) target_link_libraries(uicOnly ${QT_LIBRARIES}) endif() # -- Test # RCC only add_executable(rccOnly rccOnly.cpp rccOnlyRes.qrc) set_property(TARGET rccOnly PROPERTY AUTORCC ON) target_link_libraries(rccOnly ${QT_QTCORE_TARGET}) # -- Test # RCC empty add_executable(rccEmpty rccEmpty.cpp rccEmptyRes.qrc) set_property(TARGET rccEmpty PROPERTY AUTORCC ON) target_link_libraries(rccEmpty ${QT_QTCORE_TARGET}) # -- Test # Add not_generated_file.qrc to the source list to get the file-level # dependency, but don't generate a c++ file from it. Disable the AUTORCC # feature for this target. This tests that qrc files in the sources don't # have an effect on generation if AUTORCC is off. add_library(empty STATIC empty.cpp not_generated_file.qrc) set_target_properties(empty PROPERTIES AUTORCC OFF) set_target_properties(empty PROPERTIES AUTOMOC TRUE) target_link_libraries(empty no_link_language) add_library(no_link_language STATIC empty.h) set_target_properties(no_link_language PROPERTIES AUTOMOC TRUE) # Pass Qt compiler features to targets that don't link against Qt target_compile_features(no_link_language PRIVATE ${QT_COMPILE_FEATURES}) target_compile_features(empty PRIVATE ${QT_COMPILE_FEATURES}) # -- Test # When a file listed in a .qrc file changes the target must be rebuilt set(timeformat "%Y%j%H%M%S") set(RCC_DEPENDS_SRC "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/rccDepends") set(RCC_DEPENDS_BIN "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/rccDepends") configure_file(${RCC_DEPENDS_SRC}/ ${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}/res1.qrc COPYONLY) configure_file(${RCC_DEPENDS_SRC}/ ${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}/ COPYONLY) try_compile(RCC_DEPENDS "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}" "${RCC_DEPENDS_SRC}" rccDepends CMAKE_FLAGS "-DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE}" "-DQT_TEST_VERSION=${QT_TEST_VERSION}" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${Qt_PREFIX_DIR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ) if (NOT RCC_DEPENDS) message(SEND_ERROR "Initial build of rccDepends failed. Output: ${output}") endif() # Get name and timestamp of the output binary file(STRINGS "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}/target.txt" targetList ENCODING UTF-8) list(GET targetList 0 rccDependsBin) file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDependsBin}" timeBegin "${timeformat}") # Sleep, touch regular qrc input file, rebuild and compare timestamp execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) # Ensure that the timestamp will change. execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E touch "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}/res1/input.txt") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Second build of rccDepends failed.") endif() file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDependsBin}" timeStep1 "${timeformat}") if (NOT timeStep1 GREATER timeBegin) message(SEND_ERROR "File (${rccDependsBin}) should have changed in the first step!") endif() # Sleep, update regular qrc file, rebuild and compare timestamp execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) # Ensure that the timestamp will change. configure_file(${RCC_DEPENDS_SRC}/ ${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}/res1.qrc COPYONLY) execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Third build of rccDepends failed.") endif() file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDependsBin}" timeStep2 "${timeformat}") if (NOT timeStep2 GREATER timeStep1) message(SEND_ERROR "File (${rccDependsBin}) should have changed in the second step!") endif() # Sleep, touch regular qrc newly added input file, rebuild and compare timestamp execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) # Ensure that the timestamp will change. execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E touch "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}/res1/inputAdded.txt") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Fourth build of rccDepends failed.") endif() file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDependsBin}" timeStep3 "${timeformat}") if (NOT timeStep3 GREATER timeStep2) message(SEND_ERROR "File (${rccDependsBin}) should have changed in the third step!") endif() # Sleep, touch generated qrc input file, rebuild and compare timestamp execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) # Ensure that the timestamp will change. execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E touch "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}/res2/input.txt") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Fifth build of rccDepends failed.") endif() file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDependsBin}" timeStep4 "${timeformat}") if (NOT timeStep4 GREATER timeStep3) message(SEND_ERROR "File (${rccDependsBin}) should have changed in the fourth step!") endif() # Sleep, update generated qrc file, rebuild and compare timestamp execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) # Ensure that the timestamp will change. configure_file(${RCC_DEPENDS_SRC}/ ${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}/ COPYONLY) execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Sixth build of rccDepends failed.") endif() file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDependsBin}" timeStep5 "${timeformat}") if (NOT timeStep5 GREATER timeStep4) message(SEND_ERROR "File (${rccDependsBin}) should have changed in the fitfh step!") endif() # Sleep, touch generated qrc newly added input file, rebuild and compare timestamp execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) # Ensure that the timestamp will change. execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E touch "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}/res2/inputAdded.txt") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${RCC_DEPENDS_BIN}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Seventh build of rccDepends failed.") endif() file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDependsBin}" timeStep6 "${timeformat}") if (NOT timeStep6 GREATER timeStep5) message(SEND_ERROR "File (${rccDependsBin}) should have changed in the sixth step!") endif() # -- Test # Ensure a repeated build succeeds when a header containing a QObject changes set(timeformat "%Y%j%H%M%S") configure_file(mocRerun/ mocRerun/test1.h COPYONLY) try_compile(MOC_RERUN "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mocRerun" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mocRerun" mocRerun CMAKE_FLAGS "-DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE}" "-DQT_TEST_VERSION=${QT_TEST_VERSION}" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${Qt_PREFIX_DIR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ) if (NOT MOC_RERUN) message(SEND_ERROR "Initial build of mocRerun failed. Output: ${output}") endif() # Get name and timestamp of the output binary file(STRINGS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mocRerun/target1.txt" target1List ENCODING UTF-8) list(GET target1List 0 binFile) file(TIMESTAMP "${binFile}" timeBegin "${timeformat}") # Change file content and rebuild execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) configure_file(mocRerun/ mocRerun/test1.h COPYONLY) execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mocRerun" RESULT_VARIABLE mocRerun_result ) if (mocRerun_result) message(SEND_ERROR "Second build of mocRerun failed.") endif() # Compare timestamps file(TIMESTAMP "${binFile}" timeStep1 "${timeformat}") if (NOT timeStep1 GREATER timeBegin) message(SEND_ERROR "File (${binFile}) should have changed in the first step!") endif() # -- Test # Test for SKIP_AUTOMOC and SKIP_AUTOGEN on an AUTOMOC enabled target if(ALLOW_WRAP_CPP) qtx_wrap_cpp(skipMocWrapMoc skipSource/qItemA.hpp skipSource/qItemB.hpp) set(skipMocSources skipMoc.cpp skipSource/qItemA.cpp skipSource/qItemB.cpp skipSource/qItemC.cpp) set_property(SOURCE skipSource/qItemA.cpp PROPERTY SKIP_AUTOMOC ON) set_property(SOURCE skipSource/qItemB.cpp PROPERTY SKIP_AUTOGEN ON) # AUTOMOC enabled only add_executable(skipMocA ${skipMocSources} ${skipMocWrapMoc}) set_property(TARGET skipMocA PROPERTY AUTOMOC ON) target_link_libraries(skipMocA ${QT_LIBRARIES}) # AUTOMOC and AUTOUIC enabled add_executable(skipMocB ${skipMocSources} ${skipMocWrapMoc}) set_property(TARGET skipMocB PROPERTY AUTOMOC ON) set_property(TARGET skipMocB PROPERTY AUTOUIC ON) target_link_libraries(skipMocB ${QT_LIBRARIES}) endif() # -- Test # Test for SKIP_AUTOUIC and SKIP_AUTOGEN on an AUTOUIC enabled target set(skipUicSources skipUic.cpp skipSource/skipUicGen.cpp skipSource/skipUicNoGen1.cpp skipSource/skipUicNoGen2.cpp ) set_property(SOURCE skipSource/skipUicNoGen1.cpp PROPERTY SKIP_AUTOUIC ON) set_property(SOURCE skipSource/skipUicNoGen2.cpp PROPERTY SKIP_AUTOGEN ON) # AUTOUIC enabled add_executable(skipUicA ${skipUicSources}) set_property(TARGET skipUicA PROPERTY AUTOUIC ON) target_link_libraries(skipUicA ${QT_LIBRARIES}) # AUTOUIC and AUTOMOC enabled add_executable(skipUicB ${skipUicSources}) set_property(TARGET skipUicB PROPERTY AUTOUIC ON) set_property(TARGET skipUicB PROPERTY AUTOMOC ON) target_link_libraries(skipUicB ${QT_LIBRARIES}) # -- Test # Test for SKIP_AUTORCC and SKIP_AUTOGEN on an AUTORCC enabled target set(skipRccSources skipRcc.cpp skipSource/skipRccBad1.qrc skipSource/skipRccBad2.qrc skipSource/skipRccGood.qrc ) set_property(SOURCE skipSource/skipRccBad1.qrc PROPERTY SKIP_AUTORCC ON) set_property(SOURCE skipSource/skipRccBad2.qrc PROPERTY SKIP_AUTOGEN ON) # AUTORCC enabled add_executable(skipRccA ${skipRccSources}) set_property(TARGET skipRccA PROPERTY AUTORCC ON) target_link_libraries(skipRccA ${QT_LIBRARIES}) # AUTORCC, AUTOUIC and AUTOMOC enabled add_executable(skipRccB ${skipRccSources}) set_property(TARGET skipRccB PROPERTY AUTORCC ON) set_property(TARGET skipRccB PROPERTY AUTOUIC ON) set_property(TARGET skipRccB PROPERTY AUTOMOC ON) target_link_libraries(skipRccB ${QT_LIBRARIES}) # -- Test # Source files with the same basename in different subdirectories add_subdirectory(sameName) # -- Test # Tests AUTOMOC with generated sources add_subdirectory(mocDepends) # -- Test # Tests various include moc patterns add_subdirectory(mocIncludeStrict) # -- Test # Tests various include moc patterns add_subdirectory(mocIncludeRelaxed) # -- Test # Tests Q_PLUGIN_METADATA json file change detection if (NOT QT_TEST_VERSION STREQUAL 4) try_compile(MOC_PLUGIN "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mocPlugin" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mocPlugin" mocPlugin CMAKE_FLAGS "-DQT_TEST_VERSION=${QT_TEST_VERSION}" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${Qt_PREFIX_DIR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ) if (NOT MOC_PLUGIN) message(SEND_ERROR "Initial build of mocPlugin failed. Output: ${output}") endif() set(timeformat "%Y%j%H%M%S") set(mocPlugSrcDir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mocPlugin") set(mocPlugBinDir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mocPlugin") find_library(plAFile "PlugA" PATHS "${mocPlugBinDir}/Debug" "${mocPlugBinDir}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_library(plBFile "PlugB" PATHS "${mocPlugBinDir}/Debug" "${mocPlugBinDir}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_library(plCFile "PlugC" PATHS "${mocPlugBinDir}/Debug" "${mocPlugBinDir}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_library(plDFile "PlugD" PATHS "${mocPlugBinDir}/Debug" "${mocPlugBinDir}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) file(TIMESTAMP "${plAFile}" plABefore "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plBFile}" plBBefore "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plCFile}" plCBefore "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plDFile}" plDBefore "${timeformat}") # Ensure that the timestamp will change and change the json files execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) configure_file("${mocPlugSrcDir}/jsonIn/StyleD.json" "${mocPlugBinDir}/jsonFiles/StyleC.json") configure_file("${mocPlugSrcDir}/jsonIn/StyleC.json" "${mocPlugBinDir}/jsonFiles/sub/StyleD.json") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${mocPlugBinDir}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plAFile}" plAAfter "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plBFile}" plBAfter "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plCFile}" plCAfter "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plDFile}" plDAfter "${timeformat}") if (plAAfter GREATER plABefore) message(SEND_ERROR "file (${plAFile}) should not have changed!") endif() if (plBAfter GREATER plBBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "file (${plBFile}) should not have changed!") endif() if (NOT plCAfter GREATER plCBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "file (${plCFile}) should have changed!") endif() if (NOT plDAfter GREATER plDBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "file (${plDFile}) should have changed!") endif() # Test custom macro file(TIMESTAMP "${plCFile}" plCBefore "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plDFile}" plDBefore "${timeformat}") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) configure_file("${mocPlugSrcDir}/jsonIn/StyleD.json" "${mocPlugBinDir}/jsonFiles/StyleC_Custom.json") configure_file("${mocPlugSrcDir}/jsonIn/StyleC.json" "${mocPlugBinDir}/jsonFiles/sub/StyleD_Custom.json") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${mocPlugBinDir}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plCFile}" plCAfter "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${plDFile}" plDAfter "${timeformat}") if (NOT plCAfter GREATER plCBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "file (${plCFile}) should have changed!") endif() if (NOT plDAfter GREATER plDBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "file (${plDFile}) should have changed!") endif() endif() # -- Test # Tests various .ui include directories add_subdirectory(uicInclude) # -- Test # Complex test case add_subdirectory(complex)