cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(RerunMocBasic) include("../AutogenCoreTest.cmake") # Dummy executable to generate a clean target add_executable(dummy dummy.cpp) # Utility variables set(timeformat "%Y.%j.%H.%M%S") set(mocBasicSrcDir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/MocBasic") set(mocBasicBinDir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/MocBasic") # Utility macros macro(sleep) message(STATUS "Sleeping for a few seconds.") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) endmacro() macro(acquire_timestamp When) file(TIMESTAMP "${mocBasicBin}" time${When} "${timeformat}") endmacro() macro(rebuild buildName) message(STATUS "Starting build ${buildName}.") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${mocBasicBinDir}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Build ${buildName} failed.") else() message(STATUS "Build ${buildName} finished.") endif() endmacro() macro(require_change) if (timeAfter VERSION_GREATER timeBefore) message(STATUS "As expected the file ${mocBasicBin} changed.") else() message(SEND_ERROR "Unexpectedly the file ${mocBasicBin} did not change!\nTimestamp pre: ${timeBefore}\nTimestamp aft: ${timeAfter}\n") endif() endmacro() macro(require_change_not) if (timeAfter VERSION_GREATER timeBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "Unexpectedly the file ${mocBasicBin} changed!\nTimestamp pre: ${timeBefore}\nTimestamp aft: ${timeAfter}\n") else() message(STATUS "As expected the file ${mocBasicBin} did not change.") endif() endmacro() # Initial build configure_file("${mocBasicSrcDir}/" "${mocBasicBinDir}/test1.h" COPYONLY) try_compile(MOC_RERUN "${mocBasicBinDir}" "${mocBasicSrcDir}" MocBasic CMAKE_FLAGS "-DQT_TEST_VERSION=${QT_TEST_VERSION}" "-DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=${CMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE}" "-DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ) if (NOT MOC_RERUN) message(FATAL_ERROR "Initial build of mocBasic failed. Output: ${output}") endif() # Get name of the output binary file(STRINGS "${mocBasicBinDir}/mocBasic.txt" mocBasicList ENCODING UTF-8) list(GET mocBasicList 0 mocBasicBin) # To avoid a race condition where the binary has the same timestamp # as a source file and therefore gets rebuild # - sleep to ensure a timestamp change # - touch binary to ensure it has a new timestamp acquire_timestamp(Before) sleep() message(STATUS "Touching binary file to ensure a new timestamps") file(TOUCH_NOCREATE "${mocBasicBin}") acquire_timestamp(After) require_change() # - Ensure that the timestamp will change # - Change header file content # - Rebuild acquire_timestamp(Before) sleep() message(STATUS "Changing the header content for a MOC re-run") configure_file("${mocBasicSrcDir}/" "${mocBasicBinDir}/test1.h" COPYONLY) sleep() rebuild(2) acquire_timestamp(After) require_change() # - Ensure that the timestamp would change # - Change nothing # - Rebuild acquire_timestamp(Before) sleep() message(STATUS "Changing nothing for no MOC re-run") rebuild(3) acquire_timestamp(After) require_change_not()