function(checkPackageDescription FILE EXPECTED_DESCRIPTION) getPackageInfo("${FILE}" "_file_info") string(UUID uuid NAMESPACE 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 TYPE SHA1) string(REPLACE ";" "${uuid}" _file_info "${_file_info}") string(REPLACE ";" "${uuid}" EXPECTED_DESCRIPTION "${EXPECTED_DESCRIPTION}") string(REPLACE "\n" ";" _file_info "${_file_info}") set(_actual_description) set(_parse_description FALSE) foreach(_line IN LISTS _file_info) if(_line MATCHES " Description:.*") set(_parse_description TRUE) list(APPEND _actual_description "${_line}") elseif(_parse_description) if(_line MATCHES " [A-Z][A-Za-z\-]+: .*") set(_parse_description FALSE) else() list(APPEND _actual_description "${_line}") endif() endif() endforeach() list(JOIN _actual_description "\n" _actual_description) if(NOT _actual_description STREQUAL EXPECTED_DESCRIPTION) set(_error "---[BEGIN Expected description]---\n${EXPECTED_DESCRIPTION}---[END Expected description]---\n") string(APPEND _error "---[BEGIN Actual description]---\n${_actual_description}---[END Actual description]---\n") string(REPLACE "${uuid}" ";" _error "${_error}") message(FATAL_ERROR "${_error}") endif() endfunction() # ALERT The output of `dpkg -I *.deb` indented by one space set(_expected_description [[ Description: This is the summary line This is the Debian package multiline description. . It must be formatted properly! Otherwise, the result `*.deb` package become broken and cant be installed! . It may contains `;` characters (even like this `;;;;`). Example: . - one; - two; - three; . ... and they are properly handled by the automatic description formatter! . See also:]]) # ATTENTION The code in `cmCPackGenerator.cxx` to read `CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE` # has a BUG: it appends the `\n` character to every line of the # input, even if there was no EOL (e.g. at the last line of the file). # That is WHY for this sub-test the one more pre-formatted "empty" # line required! # NOTE For component based installers content of the file gonna read by # `CPackDeb` module and the `file(READ...)` command so no the mentioned # workaround required! if(RunCMake_SUBTEST_SUFFIX STREQUAL "CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE" AND PACKAGING_TYPE STREQUAL "MONOLITHIC") string(APPEND _expected_description "\n ." ) endif() foreach(_file_no RANGE 1 ${EXPECTED_FILES_COUNT}) checkPackageDescription("${FOUND_FILE_${_file_no}}" "${_expected_description}") endforeach() # kate: indent-width 2;