cmake_policy(PUSH) cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW) function (json_placeholders in out) string(REPLACE "" "${CXXModules_config}" in "${in}") if (RunCMake_GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) string(REPLACE "" "/${CXXModules_config}" in "${in}") else () string(REPLACE "" "" in "${in}") endif () if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) string(REPLACE "" "${CXXModules_config}" in "${in}") else () string(REPLACE "" "noconfig" in "${in}") endif () string(REPLACE "" "${RunCMake_SOURCE_DIR}" in "${in}") string(REPLACE "" "${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}" in "${in}") string(REPLACE "" "${CMAKE_CXX_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}" in "${in}") set("${out}" "${in}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (check_json_value path actual_type expect_type actual_value expect_value) if (NOT actual_type STREQUAL expect_type) list(APPEND RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Type mismatch at ${path}: ${actual_type} vs. ${expect_type}") set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "${RunCMake_TEST_FAILED}" PARENT_SCOPE) return () endif () if (actual_type STREQUAL NULL) # Nothing to check elseif (actual_type STREQUAL BOOLEAN) if (NOT actual_value STREQUAL expect_value) list(APPEND RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Boolean mismatch at ${path}: ${actual_value} vs. ${expect_value}") endif () elseif (actual_type STREQUAL NUMBER) if (NOT actual_value EQUAL expect_value) list(APPEND RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Number mismatch at ${path}: ${actual_value} vs. ${expect_value}") endif () elseif (actual_type STREQUAL STRING) # Allow some values to be ignored. if (expect_value STREQUAL "") return () endif () json_placeholders("${expect_value}" expect_value_expanded) if (NOT actual_value STREQUAL expect_value_expanded) list(APPEND RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "String mismatch at ${path}: ${actual_value} vs. ${expect_value_expanded}") endif () elseif (actual_type STREQUAL ARRAY) check_json_array("${path}" "${actual_value}" "${expect_value}") elseif (actual_type STREQUAL OBJECT) check_json_object("${path}" "${actual_value}" "${expect_value}") endif () set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "${RunCMake_TEST_FAILED}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () # Check that two arrays are the same. function (check_json_array path actual expect) string(JSON actual_len LENGTH "${actual}") string(JSON expect_len LENGTH "${expect}") set(iter_len "${actual_len}") if (actual_len LESS expect_len) list(APPEND RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Missing array items at ${path}") elseif (expect_len LESS actual_len) list(APPEND RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Extra array items at ${path}") set(iter_len "${expect_len}") endif () foreach (idx RANGE "${iter_len}") if (idx EQUAL iter_len) break () endif () set(new_path "${path}[${idx}]") string(JSON actual_type TYPE "${actual}" "${idx}") string(JSON expect_type TYPE "${expect}" "${idx}") string(JSON actual_value GET "${actual}" "${idx}") string(JSON expect_value GET "${expect}" "${idx}") check_json_value("${new_path}" "${actual_type}" "${expect_type}" "${actual_value}" "${expect_value}") endforeach () set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "${RunCMake_TEST_FAILED}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () # Check that two inner objects are the same. function (check_json_object path actual expect) string(JSON actual_len LENGTH "${actual}") string(JSON expect_len LENGTH "${expect}") set(actual_keys "") set(expect_keys "") foreach (idx RANGE "${actual_len}") if (idx EQUAL actual_len) break () endif () string(JSON actual_key MEMBER "${actual}" "${idx}") list(APPEND actual_keys "${actual_key}") endforeach () foreach (idx RANGE "${expect_len}") if (idx EQUAL expect_len) break () endif () string(JSON expect_key MEMBER "${expect}" "${idx}") list(APPEND expect_keys "${expect_key}") endforeach () json_placeholders("${expect_keys}" expect_keys_expanded) set(actual_keys_missed "${actual_keys}") set(expect_keys_missed "${expect_keys}") set(common_keys "") set(expect_keys_stack "${expect_keys}") while (expect_keys_stack) list(POP_BACK expect_keys_stack expect_key) json_placeholders("${expect_key}" expect_key_expanded) if (expect_key_expanded IN_LIST actual_keys_missed AND expect_key IN_LIST expect_keys_missed) list(APPEND common_keys "${expect_key}") endif () list(REMOVE_ITEM actual_keys_missed "${expect_key_expanded}") list(REMOVE_ITEM expect_keys_missed "${expect_key}") endwhile () if (actual_keys_missed) string(REPLACE ";" ", " actual_keys_missed_text "${actual_keys_missed}") list(APPEND RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Extra unexpected members at ${path}: ${actual_keys_missed_text}") endif () if (expect_keys_missed) string(REPLACE ";" ", " expect_keys_missed_text "${expect_keys_missed}") list(APPEND RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Missing expected members at ${path}: ${expect_keys_missed_text}") endif () foreach (key IN LISTS common_keys) json_placeholders("${key}" key_expanded) set(new_path "${path}.${key_expanded}") string(JSON actual_type TYPE "${actual}" "${key_expanded}") string(JSON expect_type TYPE "${expect}" "${key}") string(JSON actual_value GET "${actual}" "${key_expanded}") string(JSON expect_value GET "${expect}" "${key}") check_json_value("${new_path}" "${actual_type}" "${expect_type}" "${actual_value}" "${expect_value}") endforeach () set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "${RunCMake_TEST_FAILED}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () # Check that two JSON objects are the same. function (check_json actual expect) check_json_object("" "${actual}" "${expect}") set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "${RunCMake_TEST_FAILED}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () cmake_policy(POP)