# Check that file contains line that matches regular expression. # Sets IS_FOUND variable to TRUE if found and to FALSE otherwise. macro(check_line_exists TARGET_FILE REG_EXP_REF) set(IS_FOUND "FALSE") file(STRINGS ${TARGET_FILE} FOUND_LINE LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "${${REG_EXP_REF}}") list(LENGTH FOUND_LINE _VAR_LEN) if(_VAR_LEN GREATER 0) set(IS_FOUND "TRUE") endif() endmacro() # Search and parse project section line by project name. # If search was successful stores found type and guid into FOUND_TYPE and FOUND_GUID variables respectively. # Sets IS_FOUND variable to TRUE if found and to FALSE otherwise. macro(parse_project_section TARGET_FILE PROJECT_NAME) set(REG_EXP "^Project\\(\\\"{(.+)}\\\"\\) = \\\"${PROJECT_NAME}\\\", \\\".+\\..+\\\", \\\"{(.+)}\\\"$") check_line_exists(${TARGET_FILE} REG_EXP) if(NOT IS_FOUND) return() endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "${REG_EXP}" "\\1;\\2" _GUIDS "${FOUND_LINE}") list(GET _GUIDS 0 FOUND_TYPE) list(GET _GUIDS 1 FOUND_GUID) endmacro() # Search project section line by project name and type. # Returns TRUE if found and FALSE otherwise function(check_project_type TARGET_FILE PROJECT_NAME PROJECT_TYPE RESULT) set(${RESULT} "FALSE" PARENT_SCOPE) parse_project_section(${TARGET_FILE} ${PROJECT_NAME}) if(IS_FOUND AND FOUND_TYPE STREQUAL PROJECT_TYPE) set(${RESULT} "TRUE" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Search project section line by project name and id. # Returns TRUE if found and FALSE otherwise function(check_project_guid TARGET_FILE PROJECT_NAME PROJECT_GUID RESULT) set(${RESULT} "FALSE" PARENT_SCOPE) parse_project_section(${TARGET_FILE} ${PROJECT_NAME}) if(IS_FOUND AND FOUND_GUID STREQUAL PROJECT_GUID) set(${RESULT} "TRUE" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Search project's build configuration line by project name and target platform name. # Returns TRUE if found and FALSE otherwise function(check_custom_platform TARGET_FILE PROJECT_NAME PLATFORM_NAME RESULT) set(${RESULT} "FALSE" PARENT_SCOPE) # extract project guid parse_project_section(${TARGET_FILE} ${PROJECT_NAME}) if(NOT IS_FOUND) return() endif() # probably whould be better to use configuration name # extracted from CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES than just hardcoded "Debug" instead set(REG_EXP "^(\t)*\\{${FOUND_GUID}\\}\\.Debug[^ ]*\\.ActiveCfg = Debug\\|${PLATFORM_NAME}$") check_line_exists(${TARGET_FILE} REG_EXP) set(${RESULT} ${IS_FOUND} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Search project's build configuration line by project name and target configuration name. # Returns TRUE if found and FALSE otherwise function(check_custom_configuration TARGET_FILE PROJECT_NAME SLN_CONFIG DST_CONFIG RESULT) set(${RESULT} "FALSE" PARENT_SCOPE) # extract project guid parse_project_section(${TARGET_FILE} ${PROJECT_NAME}) if(NOT IS_FOUND) return() endif() set(REG_EXP "^(\t)*\\{${FOUND_GUID}\\}\\.${SLN_CONFIG}[^ ]*\\.ActiveCfg = ${DST_CONFIG}\\|.*$") check_line_exists(${TARGET_FILE} REG_EXP) set(${RESULT} ${IS_FOUND} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # RunCMake test check helper function(check_project test name guid type platform imported_release_config_name) set(sln "${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/${test}.sln") set(sep "") set(failed "") if(NOT type) set(type 8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942) endif() if(NOT platform) if(RunCMake_GENERATOR_PLATFORM) set(platform "${RunCMake_GENERATOR_PLATFORM}") elseif("${RunCMake_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Win64") set(platform "x64") else() set(platform "Win32") endif() endif() if(NOT imported_release_config_name) set(imported_release_config_name "Release") endif() if(guid) check_project_guid("${sln}" "${name}" "${guid}" passed_guid) if(NOT passed_guid) string(APPEND failed "${sep}${name} solution has no project with expected GUID=${guid}") set(sep "\n") endif() else() set(passed_guid 1) endif() check_project_type("${sln}" "${name}" "${type}" passed_type) if(NOT passed_type) string(APPEND failed "${sep}${name} solution has no project with expected TYPE=${type}") set(sep "\n") endif() check_custom_platform("${sln}" "${name}" "${platform}" passed_platform) if(NOT passed_platform) string(APPEND failed "${sep}${name} solution has no project with expected PLATFORM=${platform}") set(sep "\n") endif() check_custom_configuration("${sln}" "${name}" "Release" "${imported_release_config_name}" passed_configuration) if(NOT passed_configuration) string(APPEND failed "${sep}${name} solution has no project with expected CONFIG=${imported_release_config_name}") set(sep "\n") endif() set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "${failed}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()