enable_language(C) add_library(foo1 STATIC obj1.c) add_library(foo2 STATIC obj2.c) set_target_properties(foo2 PROPERTIES HIDDEN_DOUBLE_DOT "..") # All the shouldNotRemainX path components below should be normalized out when # CMP0177 is set to NEW, and retained for OLD and WARN. install(TARGETS foo1 EXPORT pkg ARCHIVE DESTINATION shouldNotRemain1/../lib ) install(TARGETS foo2 EXPORT pkg ARCHIVE DESTINATION shouldNotRemain2/$<TARGET_PROPERTY:foo2,HIDDEN_DOUBLE_DOT>/lib ) install(EXPORT pkg DESTINATION shouldNotRemain3/deeper/../.././lib/cmake/pkg FILE pkg-config.cmake ) install(FILES obj1.c DESTINATION shouldNotRemain4/anotherSubdir/../../files ) install(DIRECTORY dir # Trailing slash here is significant DESTINATION shouldNotRemain5/../dirs/more/../ )