cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) project(Minimal NONE) function(report where) message("----------") message("variable values at ${where}:") foreach(var IN ITEMS top_implicit_inner_set top_implicit_inner_unset top_explicit_inner_set top_explicit_inner_unset top_explicit_inner_tounset top_implicit_outer_set top_explicit_outer_unset top_explicit_outer_set top_explicit_outer_unset top_explicit_outer_tounset outer_implicit_inner_set outer_implicit_inner_unset outer_explicit_inner_set outer_explicit_inner_unset outer_explicit_inner_tounset) if(DEFINED ${var}) message("${var}: -->${${var}}<--") else() message("${var}: <undefined>") endif() endforeach() message("----------") endfunction() macro(set_values upscope downscope value) # Pull the value in implicitly. set(dummy ${${upscope}_implicit_${downscope}_set}) set(dummy ${${upscope}_implicit_${downscope}_unset}) # Pull it down explicitly. set(${upscope}_explicit_${downscope}_set "${value}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${upscope}_explicit_${downscope}_unset "${value}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${upscope}_explicit_${downscope}_tounset PARENT_SCOPE) endmacro() function(inner) report("inner start") set_values(top inner inner) set_values(outer inner inner) report("inner end") endfunction() function(outer) report("outer start") set_values(top outer outer) # Set values for inner to manipulate. set(outer_implicit_inner_set outer) set(outer_implicit_inner_unset) set(outer_explicit_inner_set outer) set(outer_explicit_inner_unset) set(outer_explicit_inner_tounset outer) report("outer before inner") inner() report("outer after inner") # Do what inner does so that we can test the values that inner should have # pulled through to here. set_values(top inner outer) report("outer end") endfunction() # variable name is: # # <upscope>_<pulltype>_<downscope>_<settype> # # where the value is the name of the scope it was set in. The scopes available # are "top", "outer", and "inner". The pull type may either be "implicit" or # "explicit" based on whether the pull is due to a variable dereference or a # PARENT_SCOPE setting. The settype is "set" where both scopes set a value, # "unset" where upscope unsets it and downscope sets it, and "tounset" where # upscope sets it and downscope unsets it. # # We test the following combinations: # # - outer overriding top's values; # - inner overriding top's values; # - inner overriding outer's values; and # - outer overriding inner's values in top after inner has run. # Set values for inner to manipulate. set(top_implicit_inner_set top) set(top_implicit_inner_unset) set(top_explicit_inner_set top) set(top_explicit_inner_unset) set(top_explicit_inner_tounset top) # Set values for outer to manipulate. set(top_implicit_outer_set top) set(top_implicit_outer_unset) set(top_explicit_outer_set top) set(top_explicit_outer_unset) set(top_explicit_outer_tounset top) report("top before calls") outer() report("top after calls")