#ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS # define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1928 # pragma warning(disable : 5105) /* macro expansion warning in windows.h */ #endif #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { /* 'cl /showIncludes' encodes output in the console output code page. */ unsigned int cp = GetConsoleOutputCP(); /* 'cl /showIncludes' prints output in the VS language. */ const char* vslang = getenv("VSLANG"); if (!vslang) { fprintf(stderr, "VSLANG is not set.\n"); return 1; } printf("Console output code page: %u\n", cp); printf("Console input code page: %u\n", GetConsoleCP()); printf("ANSI code page: %u\n", GetACP()); printf("OEM code page: %u\n", GetOEMCP()); printf("VSLANG: %s\n", vslang); // clang-cl <= 17 (special case for test, not a real VS value). if (strcmp(vslang, "clang-cl-17") == 0) { if (cp == 437 || cp == 65001) { printf("Note: including file: ./foo.h\n"); return 0; } } // clang-cl >= 18 (special case for test, not a real VS value). if (strcmp(vslang, "clang-cl-18") == 0) { if (cp == 437 || cp == 65001) { printf("Note: including file: .\\\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } } // msvc-wine (special case for test, not a real VS value). if (strcmp(vslang, "msvc-wine") == 0) { if (cp == 437 || cp == 65001) { printf("Note: including file: /c/foo.h\n"); return 0; } } // German. if (strcmp(vslang, "1031") == 0) { if (cp == 437 || cp == 65001) { printf("Hinweis: Einlesen der Datei: C:\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } } // English. if (strcmp(vslang, "1033") == 0) { if (cp == 437 || cp == 65001) { printf("Note: including file: C:\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } } // French. if (strcmp(vslang, "1036") == 0) { if (cp == 437 || cp == 863) { printf("Remarque\xff: inclusion du fichier\xff: C:\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } if (cp == 65001) { printf("Remarque\xc2\xa0: inclusion du fichier\xc2\xa0: C:\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } } // Italian. if (strcmp(vslang, "1040") == 0) { if (cp == 437 || cp == 65001) { printf("Nota: file incluso C:\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } } // Japanese. if (strcmp(vslang, "1041") == 0) { if (cp == 932) { printf("\x83\x81\x83\x82: " "\x83\x43\x83\x93\x83\x4e\x83\x8b\x81\x5b\x83\x68 " "\x83\x74\x83\x40\x83\x43\x83\x8b: C:\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } if (cp == 65001) { printf("\xe3\x83\xa1\xe3\x83\xa2: \xe3\x82\xa4\xe3\x83\xb3" "\xe3\x82\xaf\xe3\x83\xab\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\x89 " "\xe3\x83\x95\xe3\x82\xa1\xe3\x82\xa4\xe3\x83\xab: C:\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } } // Chinese. if (strcmp(vslang, "2052") == 0) { if (cp == 54936 || cp == 936) { printf("\xd7\xa2\xd2\xe2: " "\xb0\xfc\xba\xac\xce\xc4\xbc\xfe: C:\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } if (cp == 65001) { printf("\xe6\xb3\xa8\xe6\x84\x8f: " "\xe5\x8c\x85\xe5\x90\xab\xe6\x96\x87\xe4\xbb\xb6: C:\\foo.h\n"); return 0; } } fprintf(stderr, "No example showIncludes for this code page and VSLANG.\n"); return 1; }