cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3) if(POLICY CMP0126) cmake_policy(SET CMP0126 NEW) endif() # NOTE: Force the Release mode configuration as there are some issues with the # debug information handling on macOS on certain Xcode builds. if(NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build" FORCE) endif() # NOTE: enable shared libraries by default. Older Xcode releases do not play # well with static libraries, and Windows does not currently support static # libraries in Swift. set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS YES) project(SwiftOnly Swift) if(NOT XCODE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 10.2) set(CMAKE_Swift_LANGUAGE_VERSION 5.0) elseif(NOT XCODE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 8.0) set(CMAKE_Swift_LANGUAGE_VERSION 3.0) endif() set(CMAKE_Swift_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/swift) add_executable(SwiftOnly main.swift) target_compile_definitions(SwiftOnly PRIVATE SWIFTONLY) add_library(L L.swift) add_library(M M.swift) target_link_libraries(M PUBLIC L) add_library(N N.swift) target_link_libraries(N PUBLIC M) # Dummy to make sure generation works with such targets. add_library(SwiftIface INTERFACE) target_link_libraries(SwiftOnly PRIVATE SwiftIface)