if(NOT version) message(FATAL_ERROR "Pass -Dversion=") endif() # Name of the archive and its top-level directory. set(archive_name "cmake-${version}-tutorial-source") # Base directory for CMake Documentation. set(help_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../Help") cmake_path(ABSOLUTE_PATH help_dir NORMALIZE) # Collect the non-documentation part of the tutorial directory. file(COPY "${help_dir}/guide/tutorial/" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${archive_name}" NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS PATTERN *.rst EXCLUDE PATTERN source.txt EXCLUDE ) file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${archive_name}/README.txt" [[ This directory contains source code examples for the CMake Tutorial. Each step has its own subdirectory containing code that may be used as a starting point. The tutorial examples are progressive so that each step provides the complete solution for the previous step. ]]) # Create an archive containing the tutorial source examples. file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${help_dir}/_generated") file(ARCHIVE_CREATE OUTPUT "${help_dir}/_generated/${archive_name}.zip" PATHS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${archive_name}" FORMAT zip ) # Write a reStructuredText snippet included from the tutorial index. file(WRITE "${help_dir}/guide/tutorial/source.txt" " .. |tutorial_source| replace:: The tutorial source code examples are available in :download:`this archive </_generated/${archive_name}.zip>`. ") # Remove temporary directory. file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${archive_name}")