/* Copyright (C) 2001 by First Peer, Inc. All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ** ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ** ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ** DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ** OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ** HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ** LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ** OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ** SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "xmlrpc_config.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "xmlrpc.h" #include "xmlrpc_int.h" #define KEY_ERROR_BUFFER_SZ (32) void xmlrpc_destroyStruct(xmlrpc_value * const structP) { _struct_member * const members = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(_struct_member, &structP->_block); size_t const size = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(_struct_member, &structP->_block); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { xmlrpc_DECREF(members[i].key); xmlrpc_DECREF(members[i].value); } XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CLEAN(_struct_member, &structP->_block); } /*========================================================================= ** xmlrpc_struct_new **========================================================================= ** Create a new <struct> value. The corresponding destructor code ** currently lives in xmlrpc_DECREF. ** ** We store the individual members in an array of _struct_member. This ** contains a key, a hash code, and a value. We look up keys by doing ** a linear search of the hash codes. */ xmlrpc_value * xmlrpc_struct_new(xmlrpc_env* env) { xmlrpc_value *strct; int strct_valid; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(env); /* Set up error handling preconditions. */ strct = NULL; strct_valid = 0; /* Allocate and fill out an empty structure. */ strct = (xmlrpc_value*) malloc(sizeof(xmlrpc_value)); XMLRPC_FAIL_IF_NULL(strct, env, XMLRPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Could not allocate memory for struct"); strct->_refcount = 1; strct->_type = XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT; XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_INIT(_struct_member, env, &strct->_block, 0); XMLRPC_FAIL_IF_FAULT(env); strct_valid = 1; cleanup: if (env->fault_occurred) { if (strct) { if (strct_valid) xmlrpc_DECREF(strct); else free(strct); } return NULL; } return strct; } /*========================================================================= ** xmlrpc_struct_size **========================================================================= ** Return the number of key-value pairs contained in the struct. If the ** value is not a struct, return -1 and set a fault. */ int xmlrpc_struct_size(xmlrpc_env* env, xmlrpc_value* strct) { int retval; /* Suppress a compiler warning about uninitialized variables. */ retval = 0; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(env); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(strct); XMLRPC_TYPE_CHECK(env, strct, XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT); retval = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(_struct_member, &strct->_block); cleanup: if (env->fault_occurred) return -1; return retval; } /*========================================================================= ** get_hash **========================================================================= ** A mindlessly simple hash function. Please feel free to write something ** more clever if this produces bad results. */ static unsigned char get_hash(const char * const key, size_t const key_len) { unsigned char retval; size_t i; XMLRPC_ASSERT(key != NULL); retval = 0; for (i = 0; i < key_len; i++) retval += key[i]; return retval; } /*========================================================================= ** find_member **========================================================================= ** Get the index of the member with the specified key, or -1 if no such ** member exists. */ static int find_member(xmlrpc_value * const strctP, const char * const key, size_t const key_len) { size_t size, i; unsigned char hash; _struct_member *contents; xmlrpc_value *keyval; char *keystr; size_t keystr_size; XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(strctP); XMLRPC_ASSERT(key != NULL); /* Look for our key. */ hash = get_hash(key, key_len); size = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(_struct_member, &strctP->_block); contents = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(_struct_member, &strctP->_block); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (contents[i].key_hash == hash) { keyval = contents[i].key; keystr = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(char, &keyval->_block); keystr_size = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, &keyval->_block)-1; if (key_len == keystr_size && memcmp(key, keystr, key_len) == 0) return i; } } return -1; } /*========================================================================= ** xmlrpc_struct_has_key **========================================================================= */ int xmlrpc_struct_has_key(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const strctP, const char * const key) { XMLRPC_ASSERT(key != NULL); return xmlrpc_struct_has_key_n(envP, strctP, key, strlen(key)); } int xmlrpc_struct_has_key_n(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const strctP, const char * const key, size_t const key_len) { int index; /* Suppress a compiler warning about uninitialized variables. */ index = 0; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(strctP); XMLRPC_ASSERT(key != NULL); XMLRPC_TYPE_CHECK(envP, strctP, XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT); index = find_member(strctP, key, key_len); cleanup: if (envP->fault_occurred) return 0; return (index >= 0); } /*========================================================================= ** xmlrpc_struct_find_value... **========================================================================= ** These functions look up a specified key value in a specified struct. ** If it exists, they return the value of the struct member. If not, ** they return a NULL to indicate such. */ /* It would be a nice extension to be able to look up a key that is not a text string. */ void xmlrpc_struct_find_value(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const structP, const char * const key, xmlrpc_value ** const valuePP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Given a key, retrieve a value from the struct. If the key is not present, return NULL as *valuePP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(structP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(key); if (structP->_type != XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Value is not a struct. It is type #%d", structP->_type); else { int index; /* Get our member index. */ index = find_member(structP, key, strlen(key)); if (index < 0) *valuePP = NULL; else { _struct_member * const members = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(_struct_member, &structP->_block); *valuePP = members[index].value; XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(*valuePP); xmlrpc_INCREF(*valuePP); } } } void xmlrpc_struct_find_value_v(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const structP, xmlrpc_value * const keyP, xmlrpc_value ** const valuePP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Given a key, retrieve a value from the struct. If the key is not present, return NULL as *valuePP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(structP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(keyP); if (structP->_type != XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Value is not a struct. It is type #%d", structP->_type); else { if (keyP->_type != XMLRPC_TYPE_STRING) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Key value is not a string. " "It is type #%d", keyP->_type); else { int index; /* Get our member index. */ index = find_member(structP, XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(char, &keyP->_block), XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, &keyP->_block)-1); if (index < 0) *valuePP = NULL; else { _struct_member * const members = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(_struct_member, &structP->_block); *valuePP = members[index].value; XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(*valuePP); xmlrpc_INCREF(*valuePP); } } } } /*========================================================================= ** xmlrpc_struct_read_value... **========================================================================= ** These fail if no member with the specified key exists. ** Otherwise, they are the same as xmlrpc_struct_find_value... */ void xmlrpc_struct_read_value_v(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const structP, xmlrpc_value * const keyP, xmlrpc_value ** const valuePP) { xmlrpc_struct_find_value_v(envP, structP, keyP, valuePP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (*valuePP == NULL) { xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_INDEX_ERROR, "No member of struct has key '%.*s'", XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, &keyP->_block), XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(char, &keyP->_block)); } } } void xmlrpc_struct_read_value(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const structP, const char * const key, xmlrpc_value ** const valuePP) { xmlrpc_struct_find_value(envP, structP, key, valuePP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (*valuePP == NULL) { xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_INDEX_ERROR, "No member of struct has key '%s'", key); /* We should fix the error message to format the key for display */ } } } /*========================================================================= ** xmlrpc_struct_get_value... **========================================================================= ** These are for backward compatibility. They used to be the only ones. ** They're deprecated because they don't acquire a reference to the ** value they return. */ xmlrpc_value * xmlrpc_struct_get_value_n(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const structP, const char * const key, size_t const keyLen) { xmlrpc_value * retval; xmlrpc_value * keyP; keyP = xmlrpc_build_value(envP, "s#", key, keyLen); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_struct_find_value_v(envP, structP, keyP, &retval); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (retval == NULL) { xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_INDEX_ERROR, "No member of struct has key '%.*s'", keyLen, key); /* We should fix the error message to format the key for display */ } else /* For backward compatibility. */ xmlrpc_DECREF(retval); } xmlrpc_DECREF(keyP); } return retval; } xmlrpc_value * xmlrpc_struct_get_value(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const strctP, const char * const key) { XMLRPC_ASSERT(key != NULL); return xmlrpc_struct_get_value_n(envP, strctP, key, strlen(key)); } /*========================================================================= ** xmlrpc_struct_set_value **========================================================================= */ void xmlrpc_struct_set_value(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const strctP, const char * const key, xmlrpc_value * const valueP) { XMLRPC_ASSERT(key != NULL); xmlrpc_struct_set_value_n(envP, strctP, key, strlen(key), valueP); } void xmlrpc_struct_set_value_n(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const strctP, const char * const key, size_t const key_len, xmlrpc_value * const valueP) { xmlrpc_value *keyval; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT(key != NULL); /* Set up error handling preconditions. */ keyval = NULL; XMLRPC_TYPE_CHECK(envP, strctP, XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT); /* Build an xmlrpc_value from our string. */ keyval = xmlrpc_build_value(envP, "s#", key, key_len); XMLRPC_FAIL_IF_FAULT(envP); /* Do the actual work. */ xmlrpc_struct_set_value_v(envP, strctP, keyval, valueP); cleanup: if (keyval) xmlrpc_DECREF(keyval); } void xmlrpc_struct_set_value_v(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const strctP, xmlrpc_value * const keyvalP, xmlrpc_value * const valueP) { char *key; size_t key_len; int index; _struct_member *members, *member, new_member; xmlrpc_value *old_value; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(strctP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(keyvalP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(valueP); XMLRPC_TYPE_CHECK(envP, strctP, XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT); XMLRPC_TYPE_CHECK(envP, keyvalP, XMLRPC_TYPE_STRING); key = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(char, &keyvalP->_block); key_len = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, &keyvalP->_block) - 1; index = find_member(strctP, key, key_len); if (index >= 0) { /* Change the value of an existing member. (But be careful--the ** original and new values might be the same object, so watch ** the order of INCREF and DECREF calls!) */ members = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(_struct_member, &strctP->_block); member = &members[index]; /* Juggle our references. */ old_value = member->value; member->value = valueP; xmlrpc_INCREF(member->value); xmlrpc_DECREF(old_value); } else { /* Add a new member. */ new_member.key_hash = get_hash(key, key_len); new_member.key = keyvalP; new_member.value = valueP; XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_APPEND(_struct_member, envP, &strctP->_block, &new_member, 1); XMLRPC_FAIL_IF_FAULT(envP); xmlrpc_INCREF(keyvalP); xmlrpc_INCREF(valueP); } cleanup: return; } /* Note that the order of keys and values is undefined, and may change when you modify the struct. */ void xmlrpc_struct_read_member(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const structP, unsigned int const index, xmlrpc_value ** const keyvalP, xmlrpc_value ** const valueP) { XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(structP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(keyvalP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(valueP); if (structP->_type != XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Attempt to read a struct member " "of something that is not a struct"); else { _struct_member * const members = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(_struct_member, &structP->_block); size_t const size = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(_struct_member, &structP->_block); if (index >= size) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_INDEX_ERROR, "Index %u is beyond the end of " "the %u-member structure", index, (unsigned int)size); else { _struct_member * const memberP = &members[index]; *keyvalP = memberP->key; xmlrpc_INCREF(memberP->key); *valueP = memberP->value; xmlrpc_INCREF(memberP->value); } } } void xmlrpc_struct_get_key_and_value(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const structP, int const index, xmlrpc_value ** const keyvalP, xmlrpc_value ** const valueP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Same as xmlrpc_struct_read_member(), except doesn't take a reference to the returned value. This is obsolete. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(structP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(keyvalP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(valueP); if (index < 0) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_INDEX_ERROR, "Index %d is negative."); else { xmlrpc_struct_read_member(envP, structP, index, keyvalP, valueP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_DECREF(*keyvalP); xmlrpc_DECREF(*valueP); } } if (envP->fault_occurred) { *keyvalP = NULL; *valueP = NULL; } }