# -*- tcl -*- # Commands covered: transform, and stacking in general # # This file contains a collection of tests for Giot # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of # this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # Copyright (c) 2000 Ajuba Solutions. # Copyright (c) 2000 Andreas Kupries. # All rights reserved. if {[catch {package require tcltest 2.1}]} { puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. tcltest 2.1 required." return } ::tcltest::loadTestedCommands catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]] namespace eval ::tcl::test::iogt { namespace import ::tcltest::* testConstraint testchannel [llength [info commands testchannel]] set path(dummy) [makeFile {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789,./?><;'\|":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()_+-= } dummy] # " capture coloring of quotes set path(dummyout) [makeFile {} dummyout] set path(__echo_srv__.tcl) [makeFile { #!/usr/local/bin/tclsh # -*- tcl -*- # echo server # # arguments, options: port to listen on for connections. # delay till echo of first block # delay between blocks # blocksize ... set port [lindex $argv 0] set fdelay [lindex $argv 1] set idelay [lindex $argv 2] set bsizes [lrange $argv 3 end] set c 0 proc newconn {sock rhost rport} { variable fdelay variable c incr c namespace upvar [namespace current] c$c conn #puts stdout "C $sock $rhost $rport / $fdelay" ; flush stdout set conn(after) {} set conn(state) 0 set conn(size) 0 set conn(data) "" set conn(delay) $fdelay fileevent $sock readable [list echoGet $c $sock] fconfigure $sock -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0 } proc echoGet {c sock} { variable fdelay namespace upvar [namespace current] c$c conn if {[eof $sock]} { # one-shot echo exit } append conn(data) [read $sock] #puts stdout "G $c $sock $conn(data) <<$conn(data)>>" ; flush stdout if {$conn(after) == {}} { set conn(after) [after $conn(delay) [list echoPut $c $sock]] } } proc echoPut {c sock} { variable idelay variable fdelay variable bsizes namespace upvar [namespace current] c$c conn if {[string length $conn(data)] == 0} { #puts stdout "C $c $sock" ; flush stdout # auto terminate close $sock exit #set conn(delay) $fdelay return } set conn(delay) $idelay set n [lindex $bsizes $conn(size)] #puts stdout "P $c $sock $n >>" ; flush stdout #puts __________________________________________ #parray conn #puts n=<$n> if {[string length $conn(data)] >= $n} { puts -nonewline $sock [string range $conn(data) 0 $n] set conn(data) [string range $conn(data) [incr n] end] } incr conn(size) if {$conn(size) >= [llength $bsizes]} { set conn(size) [expr {[llength $bsizes]-1}] } set conn(after) [after $conn(delay) [list echoPut $c $sock]] } #fileevent stdin readable {exit ;#cut} # main socket -server newconn -myaddr $port vwait forever } __echo_srv__.tcl] ######################################################################## proc fevent {fdelay idelay blocks script data} { # Start and initialize an echo server, prepare data transmission, then # hand over to the test script. This has to start real transmission via # 'flush'. The server is stopped after completion of the test. upvar 1 sock sk # Fixed port, not so good. Lets hope for the best, for now. set port 4000 exec tclsh __echo_srv__.tcl $port $fdelay $idelay {*}$blocks >@stdout & after 500 #puts stdout "> $port"; flush stdout set sk [socket localhost $port] fconfigure $sk -blocking 0 -buffering full \ -buffersize [expr {10+[llength $data]}] puts -nonewline $sk $data # The channel is prepared to go off. #puts stdout ">>>>>"; flush stdout set res [uplevel 1 $script] catch {close $sk} return $res } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # utility transformations ... proc id {op data} { switch -- $op { create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read { #ignore } flush/write - flush/read - write - read { return $data } query/maxRead { return -1 } } } proc id_optrail {var op data} { variable $var upvar 0 $var trail lappend trail $op switch -- $op { create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - flush/read - clear/read { #ignore } flush/write - write - read { return $data } query/maxRead { return -1 } default { lappend trail "error $op" error $op } } } proc id_fulltrail {var op data} { namespace upvar [namespace current] $var trail #puts stdout ">> $var $op $data" ; flush stdout switch -- $op { create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read { set res *ignored* } flush/write - flush/read - write - read { set res $data } query/maxRead { set res -1 } } #catch {puts stdout "\t>* $res" ; flush stdout} #catch {puts stdout "x$res"} msg lappend trail [list $op $data $res] return $res } proc counter {var op data} { namespace upvar [namespace current] $var n switch -- $op { create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read { #ignore } flush/write - flush/read { return {} } write { return $data } read { if {$n > 0} { incr n -[string length $data] if {$n < 0} { set n 0 } } return $data } query/maxRead { return $n } } } proc counter_audit {var vtrail op data} { namespace upvar [namespace current] $var n $vtrail trail switch -- $op { create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read { set res {} } flush/write - flush/read { set res {} } write { set res $data } read { if {$n > 0} { incr n -[string length $data] if {$n < 0} { set n 0 } } set res $data } query/maxRead { set res $n } } lappend trail [list counter:$op $data $res] return $res } proc rblocks {var vtrail n op data} { namespace upvar [namespace current] $var n $vtrail trail set res {} switch -- $op { create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read { set buf {} } flush/write { } flush/read { set res $buf set buf {} } write { set data } read { append buf $data set b [expr {$n * ([string length $buf] / $n)}] append op " $n [string length $buf] :- $b" set res [string range $buf 0 [incr b -1]] set buf [string range $buf [incr b] end] #return $res } query/maxRead { set res -1 } } lappend trail [list rblock | $op $data $res | $buf] return $res } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # ... and convenience procedures to stack them proc identity {-attach channel} { testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code id] } proc audit_ops {var -attach channel} { testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list id_optrail $var]] } proc audit_flow {var -attach channel} { testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list id_fulltrail $var]] } proc stopafter {var n -attach channel} { namespace upvar [namespace current] $var vn set vn $n testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list counter $var]] } proc stopafter_audit {var trail n -attach channel} { namespace upvar [namespace current] $var vn set vn $n testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list counter_audit $var $trail]] } proc rblocks_t {var trail n -attach channel} { testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list rblocks $var $trail $n]] } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # serialize an array, with keys in sorted order. proc array_sget {v} { upvar $v a set res [list] foreach n [lsort [array names a]] { lappend res $n $a($n) } set res } proc asort {alist} { # sort a list of key/value pairs by key, removes duplicates too. array set a $alist array_sget a } ######################################################################## test iogt-1.1 {stack/unstack} testchannel { set fh [open $path(dummy) r] identity -attach $fh testchannel unstack $fh close $fh } {} test iogt-1.2 {stack/close} testchannel { set fh [open $path(dummy) r] identity -attach $fh close $fh } {} test iogt-1.3 {stack/unstack, configuration, options} testchannel { set fh [open $path(dummy) r] set ca [asort [fconfigure $fh]] identity -attach $fh set cb [asort [fconfigure $fh]] testchannel unstack $fh set cc [asort [fconfigure $fh]] close $fh # With this system none of the buffering, translation and encoding option # may change their values with channels stacked upon each other or not. # cb == ca == cc list [string equal $ca $cb] [string equal $cb $cc] [string equal $ca $cc] } {1 1 1} test iogt-1.4 {stack/unstack, configuration} -setup { set fh [open $path(dummy) r] } -constraints testchannel -body { set ca [asort [fconfigure $fh]] identity -attach $fh fconfigure $fh -buffering line -translation cr -encoding shiftjis testchannel unstack $fh set cc [asort [fconfigure $fh]] list [string equal $ca $cc] [fconfigure $fh -buffering] \ [fconfigure $fh -translation] [fconfigure $fh -encoding] } -cleanup { close $fh } -result {0 line cr shiftjis} test iogt-2.0 {basic I/O going through transform} -setup { set fin [open $path(dummy) r] set fout [open $path(dummyout) w] } -constraints testchannel -body { identity -attach $fin identity -attach $fout fcopy $fin $fout close $fin close $fout set fin [open $path(dummy) r] set fout [open $path(dummyout) r] list [string equal [set in [read $fin]] [set out [read $fout]]] \ [string length $in] [string length $out] } -cleanup { close $fin close $fout } -result {1 71 71} test iogt-2.1 {basic I/O, operation trail} {testchannel unix} { set fin [open $path(dummy) r] set fout [open $path(dummyout) w] set ain [list]; set aout [list] audit_ops ain -attach $fin audit_ops aout -attach $fout fconfigure $fin -buffersize 10 fconfigure $fout -buffersize 10 fcopy $fin $fout close $fin close $fout set res "[join $ain \n]\n--------\n[join $aout \n]" } {create/read query/maxRead read query/maxRead read query/maxRead read query/maxRead read query/maxRead read query/maxRead read query/maxRead read query/maxRead read query/maxRead flush/read delete/read -------- create/write write write write write write write write write flush/write delete/write} test iogt-2.2 {basic I/O, data trail} {testchannel unix} { set fin [open $path(dummy) r] set fout [open $path(dummyout) w] set ain [list]; set aout [list] audit_flow ain -attach $fin audit_flow aout -attach $fout fconfigure $fin -buffersize 10 fconfigure $fout -buffersize 10 fcopy $fin $fout close $fin close $fout set res "[join $ain \n]\n--------\n[join $aout \n]" } {create/read {} *ignored* query/maxRead {} -1 read abcdefghij abcdefghij query/maxRead {} -1 read klmnopqrst klmnopqrst query/maxRead {} -1 read uvwxyz0123 uvwxyz0123 query/maxRead {} -1 read 456789,./? 456789,./? query/maxRead {} -1 read {><;'\|":[]} {><;'\|":[]} query/maxRead {} -1 read {\}\{`~!@#$} {\}\{`~!@#$} query/maxRead {} -1 read %^&*()_+-= %^&*()_+-= query/maxRead {} -1 read { } { } query/maxRead {} -1 flush/read {} {} delete/read {} *ignored* -------- create/write {} *ignored* write abcdefghij abcdefghij write klmnopqrst klmnopqrst write uvwxyz0123 uvwxyz0123 write 456789,./? 456789,./? write {><;'\|":[]} {><;'\|":[]} write {\}\{`~!@#$} {\}\{`~!@#$} write %^&*()_+-= %^&*()_+-= write { } { } flush/write {} {} delete/write {} *ignored*} test iogt-2.3 {basic I/O, mixed trail} {testchannel unix} { set fin [open $path(dummy) r] set fout [open $path(dummyout) w] set trail [list] audit_flow trail -attach $fin audit_flow trail -attach $fout fconfigure $fin -buffersize 20 fconfigure $fout -buffersize 10 fcopy $fin $fout close $fin close $fout join $trail \n } {cre this->LoadPackages(path.c_str()); } else if (type == "coverage_dir") { this->LoadCoverageData(path.c_str()); } else { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Parse Error in Mumps coverage file :\n" << file << "\ntype: [" << type << "]\npath:[" << path << "]\n" "input line: [" << line << "]\n"); } } } return true; } void cmParseMumpsCoverage::InitializeMumpsFile(std::string& file) { // initialize the coverage information for a given mumps file cmsys::ifstream in(file.c_str()); if (!in) { return; } std::string line; cmCTestCoverageHandlerContainer::SingleFileCoverageVector& coverageVector = this->Coverage.TotalCoverage[file]; if (!cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(in, line)) { return; } // first line of a .m file can never be run coverageVector.push_back(-1); while (cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(in, line)) { // putting in a 0 for a line means it is executable code // putting in a -1 for a line means it is not executable code int val = -1; // assume line is not executable bool found = false; std::string::size_type i = 0; // (1) Search for the first whitespace or semicolon character on a line. // This will skip over labels if the line starts with one, or will simply // be the first character on the line for non-label lines. for (; i < line.size(); ++i) { if (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == ';') { found = true; break; } } if (found) { // (2) If the first character found above is whitespace or a period // then continue the search for the first following non-whitespace // character. if (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t') { while (i < line.size() && (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == '.')) { i++; } } // (3) If the character found is not a semicolon then the line counts for // coverage. if (i < line.size() && line[i] != ';') { val = 0; } } coverageVector.push_back(val); }