diff options
authordimitri <dimitri@afe2bf4a-e733-0410-8a33-86f594647bc7>2000-10-30 21:23:35 (GMT)
committerdimitri <dimitri@afe2bf4a-e733-0410-8a33-86f594647bc7>2000-10-30 21:23:35 (GMT)
commita6cc6b116194fc090532718fd4e1e0b22396052d (patch)
parent1f15cdfe735375f781fddf5e3e483887b7f481bd (diff)
1 files changed, 817 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/translator_no.h b/src/translator_no.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f215c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/translator_no.h
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+#include "translator.h"
+class TranslatorNorwegian : public Translator
+ public:
+ QCString idLanguage()
+ { return "norwegian"; }
+ QCString latexBabelPackage()
+ { return "norwegian"; }
+ QCString trRelatedFunctions()
+ { return "Beslektede funksjoner"; }
+ QCString trRelatedSubscript()
+ { return "(Observer at disse ikke er medlemsfunksjoner)"; }
+ QCString trDetailedDescription()
+ { return "Detaljert beskrivelse"; }
+ QCString trMemberTypedefDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over typedefinerte medlemmer"; }
+ QCString trMemberEnumerationDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over enumererte medlemmer"; }
+ QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over medlemsfunksjoner"; }
+ QCString trMemberDataDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over datamedlemmer"; }
+ QCString trGeneratedFrom(const char *s,bool single)
+ {
+ QCString result=(QCString)"Dokumentasjonen for denne"+s+
+ " er generert fra følgende fil";
+ if (single) result+=":"; else result+="er:";
+ return result;
+ }
+ QCString trMore()
+ { return "Mer..."; }
+ QCString trListOfAllMembers()
+ { return "Liste over alle medlemmer."; }
+ QCString trMemberList()
+ { return "Medlemsliste"; }
+ QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers()
+ { return "Det her er en fullstendig liste over medlemmer for "; }
+ QCString trIncludingInheritedMembers()
+ { return " med alle nedarvede medlemmer."; }
+ QCString trGeneratedAutomatically(const char *s)
+ { QCString result="Automatisk generert av Doxygen";
+ if (s) result+=(QCString)" for "+s;
+ result+=" fra kildekoden.";
+ return result;
+ }
+ QCString trEnumName()
+ { return "enum navn"; }
+ QCString trEnumValue()
+ { return "enum verdi"; }
+ QCString trDefinedIn()
+ { return "definert i"; }
+ QCString trVerbatimText(const char *f)
+ { return (QCString)"Dette er den ordrette teksten fra inkluderingsfilen "+f; }
+ QCString trModules()
+ { return "Moduler"; }
+ QCString trClassHierarchy()
+ { return "Klassehierarki"; }
+ QCString trCompoundList()
+ { return "Sammensatt klasseliste"; }
+ QCString trFileList()
+ { return "Filliste"; }
+ QCString trHeaderFiles()
+ { return "Headerfiler"; }
+ QCString trCompoundMembers()
+ { return "Sammensatte klassemedlemmer"; }
+ QCString trFileMembers()
+ { return "Filmedlemmer"; }
+ QCString trRelatedPages()
+ { return "Beslektede sider"; }
+ QCString trExamples()
+ { return "Eksempel"; }
+ QCString trSearch()
+ { return "Søk"; }
+ QCString trClassHierarchyDescripsjon()
+ { return "Denne listen over arv er grovt, men ikke helt, "
+ "sortert i alfabetisk rekkefølge:";
+ }
+ QCString trFileListDescription(bool extractAll)
+ {
+ QCString result="Her følger en liste over alle ";
+ if (!extractAll) result+="dokumenterte ";
+ result+="filer, med en kort beskrivelse:";
+ return result;
+ }
+ QCString trCompoundListDescription()
+ { return "Her følger klassene, struktene og "
+ "unionene med en kort beskrivelse:";
+ }
+ QCString trCompoundMembersDescription(bool extractAll)
+ {
+ QCString result="Her følger en liste over alle ";
+ if (!extractAll) result+="dokumenterte ";
+ result+="klassemedlemmer med lenker til ";
+ if (extractAll) result+="klassedokumentasjonen for hvert medlem:";
+ else result+="klassene som de tilhører:";
+ return result;
+ }
+ QCString trFileMembersDescription(bool extractAll)
+ {
+ QCString result="Her følger en liste over alle ";
+ if (!extractAll) result+="dokumenterte ";
+ result+="filmedlemmer med lenker til ";
+ if (extractAll) result+="dokumentasjonsfilen for hvert medlem:";
+ else result+="filene som de tilhører:";
+ return result;
+ }
+ QCString trHeaderFilesDescription()
+ { return "Her følger headerfilene som API består av:"; }
+ QCString trExamplesDescription()
+ { return "Her følger en liste med alle eksempler:"; }
+ QCString trRelatedPagesDescription()
+ { return "Her følger en liste over alle beslektede dokumentasjonssider:";}
+ QCString trModulesDescription()
+ { return "Her følger en liste over alle moduler:"; }
+ QCString trNoDescripsjonAvailable()
+ { return "Beskrivelse mangler"; }
+ QCString trDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon"; }
+ QCString trModuleIndex()
+ { return "Modulindex"; }
+ QCString trHierarchicalIndex()
+ { return "Hierarkisk Indeks"; }
+ QCString trCompoundIndex()
+ { return "Sammensatt Indeks"; }
+ QCString trFileIndex()
+ { return "Filindeks"; }
+ QCString trModuleDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon av moduler"; }
+ QCString trClassDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon av klasser"; }
+ QCString trFileDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon av filer"; }
+ QCString trExampleDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon av eksempler"; }
+ QCString trPageDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon av sider"; }
+ QCString trReferenceManual()
+ { return "Referansemanual"; }
+ QCString trDefines()
+ { return "Definisjoner"; }
+ QCString trFuncProtos()
+ { return "Funksjonsprototyper"; }
+ QCString trTypedefs()
+ { return "Typedefinisjoner"; }
+ QCString trEnumerations()
+ { return "Enumererte typer"; }
+ QCString trFunctions()
+ { return "Funksjoner"; }
+ QCString trVariables()
+ { return "Variable"; }
+ QCString trEnumerasjonValues()
+ { return "Enumererte typers verdier"; }
+ QCString trAuthor()
+ { return "Forfatter"; }
+ QCString trDefineDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over definisjoner"; }
+ QCString trFuncsjonPrototypeDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over funksjonsprototyper"; }
+ QCString trTypedefDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over typedefinisjoner"; }
+ QCString trEnumerasjonTypeDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over enumererte typer"; }
+ QCString trEnumerasjonValueDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over enumererte typers verdier"; }
+ QCString trFuncsjonDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over funksjoner"; }
+ QCString trVariableDocumentation()
+ { return "Dokumentasjon over variable"; }
+ QCString trCompounds()
+ { return "Sammensetning"; }
+ QCString trFiles()
+ { return "Filer"; }
+ QCString trGeneratedAt(const char *date,const char *projName)
+ {
+ QCString result=(QCString)"Generert "+date;
+ if (projName) result+=(QCString)" for "+projName;
+ result+=(QCString)" av";
+ return result;
+ }
+ QCString trWrittenBy()
+ {
+ return "skrevet av";
+ }
+ QCString trClassDiagram(const char *clName)
+ {
+ return (QCString)"Klassediagram for "+clName;
+ }
+ QCString trForInternalUseOnly()
+ { return "Kun for internt bruk."; }
+ QCString trReimplementedForInternalReasons()
+ { return "Omskrevet av interne grunner ; API påvirkes ikke.";}
+ QCString trWarning()
+ { return "Advarsel"; }
+ QCString trBugsAndLimitations()
+ { return "Feil och begrensninger"; }
+ QCString trVersion()
+ { return "Versjon"; }
+ QCString trDate()
+ { return "Dato"; }
+ QCString trAuthors()
+ { return "Forfatter(e)"; }
+ QCString trReturns()
+ { return "Returnerer"; }
+ QCString trSeeAlso()
+ { return "Se også"; }
+ QCString trParameters()
+ { return "Parametre"; }
+ QCString trExceptions()
+ { return "Unntak"; }
+ QCString trGeneratedBy()
+ { return "Generert av"; }
+// new since 0.49-990307
+ virtual QCString trNamespaceList()
+ { return "Navneområdeliste"; }
+ virtual QCString trNamespaceListDescription(bool extractAll)
+ {
+ QCString result="Her er en liste over alle ";
+ if (!extractAll) result+="dokumenterade ";
+ result+="navneområder med en kort forklaring:";
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual QCString trFriends()
+ { return "Venner"; }
+// new since 0.49-990405
+ virtual QCString trRelatedFuncsjonDocumentation()
+ { return "Venners och beslektede funksjoners dokumentasjon"; }
+// new since 0.49-990425
+ virtual QCString trCompoundReference(const char *clName,
+ ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
+ bool /*isTemplate*/)
+ {
+ QCString result=(QCString)clName+" ";
+ switch(compType)
+ {
+ case ClassDef::Class: result+=" klasse"; break;
+ case ClassDef::Struct: result+=" struktur"; break;
+ case ClassDef::Union: result+=" union"; break;
+ case ClassDef::Interface: result+=" grensesnitt"; break;
+ case ClassDef::Exception: result+=" unntak"; break;
+ }
+ result+="referanse";
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual QCString trFileReference(const char *fileName)
+ {
+ QCString result=fileName;
+ result+=" filreferanse";
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual QCString trNamespaceReference(const char *namespaceName)
+ {
+ QCString result=namespaceName;
+ result+=" navneområdereferanse";
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual QCString trPublicMembers()
+ { return "Public medlemmer"; }
+ virtual QCString trPublicSlots()
+ { return "Public slots"; }
+ virtual QCString trSignals()
+ { return "Signaler"; }
+ virtual QCString trStaticPublicMembers()
+ { return "Statiske public medlemmer"; }
+ virtual QCString trProtectedMembers()
+ { return "Beskyttede medlemmer"; }
+ virtual QCString trProtectedSlots()
+ { return "Beskyttede slots"; }
+ virtual QCString trStaticProtectedMembers()
+ { return "Statiska beskyttede medlemmer"; }
+ virtual QCString trPrivateMembers()
+ { return "Private medlemmer"; }
+ virtual QCString trPrivateSlots()
+ { return "Private slots"; }
+ virtual QCString trStaticPrivateMembers()
+ { return "Statiske private medlemmer"; }
+ // end of member secsjons
+ virtual QCString trWriteList(int numEntries)
+ {
+ // this funcsjon is used to produce a comma-separated list of items.
+ // use generateMarker(i) to indicate where item i should be put.
+ QCString result;
+ int i;
+ // the inherits list contain `numEntries' classes
+ for (i=0;i<numEntries;i++)
+ {
+ // use generateMarker to generate placeholders for the class links!
+ result+=generateMarker(i); // generate marker for entry i in the list
+ // (order is left to right)
+ if (i!=numEntries-1) // not the last entry, so we need a separator
+ {
+ if (i<numEntries-2) // not the fore last entry
+ result+=", ";
+ else // the fore last entry
+ result+=", og ";
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual QCString trInheritsList(int numEntries)
+ // used in class documentasjon to produce a list of base classes,
+ // if class diagrams are disabled.
+ {
+ return "Arver "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trInheritedByList(int numEntries)
+ // used in class documentasjon to produce a list of super classes,
+ // if class diagrams are disabled.
+ {
+ return "Arvet fra "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trReimplementedFromList(int numEntries)
+ // used in member documentasjon blocks to produce a list of
+ // members that are hidden by this one.
+ {
+ return "Reimplementert fra "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trReimplementedInList(int numEntries)
+ {
+ // used in member documentasjon blocks to produce a list of
+ // all member that overwrite the implementasjon of this member.
+ return "Reimplementert i "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trNamespaceMembers()
+ { return "Navneområdemedlemmer"; }
+ virtual QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription(bool extractAll)
+ {
+ QCString result="Her er en liste over alle ";
+ if (!extractAll) result+="dokumenterte ";
+ result+="navneområdemedlemmer med lenker til ";
+ if (extractAll)
+ result+=" navneområde-dokumentasjonen for hvert medlem:";
+ else
+ result+="de navneområder de tilhører:";
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual QCString trNamespaceIndex()
+ { return "Navneområdeindeks"; }
+ virtual QCString trNamespaceDocumentation()
+ { return "Navneområde-dokumentasjon"; }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// new since 0.49-990522
+ /*! This is used in the documentasjon before the list of all
+ * namespaces in a file.
+ */
+ virtual QCString trNamespaces()
+ { return "Navneområder"; }
+// new since 0.49-990728
+ /*! This is put at the bottom of a class documentasjon page and is
+ * followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.
+ */
+ virtual QCString trGeneratedFromFiles(ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
+ bool single)
+ { // here s is one of " Class", " Struct" or " Union"
+ // single is true implies a single file
+ QCString result=(QCString)"Dokumentasjonen for ";
+ switch(compType)
+ {
+ case ClassDef::Class: result+="denne klasse "; break;
+ case ClassDef::Struct: result+="denne strukt "; break;
+ case ClassDef::Union: result+="denne union "; break;
+ case ClassDef::Interface: result+="dette grensesnittet "; break;
+ case ClassDef::Exception: result+="unntak "; break;
+ }
+ result+="var generert fra følgende fil";
+ if (single) result+=":"; else result+="er:";
+ return result;
+ }
+ /*! This is in the (quick) index as a link to the alphabetical compound
+ * list.
+ */
+ virtual QCString trAlphabeticalList()
+ {
+ return "Alfabetisk liste";
+ }
+// new since 0.49-990901
+ /*! This is used as the heading text for the retval command. */
+ virtual QCString trReturnValues()
+ { return "Returverdier"; }
+ /*! This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)
+ */
+ virtual QCString trMainPage()
+ { return "Hovedside"; }
+ /*! This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX
+ * documentasjon. It should be an abbreviasjon of the word page.
+ */
+ virtual QCString trPageAbbreviation()
+ { return "s."; }
+// new since 0.49-991003
+ virtual QCString trSources()
+ {
+ return "Kilder";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile()
+ {
+ return "Definisjon på rad @0 i filen @1.";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trDefinedInSourceFile()
+ {
+ return "Definisjon i filen @0.";
+ }
+// new since 0.49-991205
+ virtual QCString trDeprecated()
+ {
+ return "Foreldet";
+ }
+// new since 1.0.0
+ /*! this text is put before a collaboration diagram */
+ virtual QCString trCollaborationDiagram(const char *clName)
+ {
+ return (QCString)"Samarbeidsdiagram for "+clName+":";
+ }
+ /*! this text is put before an include dependency graph */
+ virtual QCString trInclDepGraph(const char *fName)
+ {
+ return (QCString)"Include-avhengighetsgraf for "+fName+":";
+ }
+ /*! header that is put before the list of constructor/destructors. */
+ virtual QCString trConstructorDocumentation()
+ {
+ return "Konstruktør- og Destruktørdokumentasjon";
+ }
+ /*! Used in the file documentation to point to the corresponding sources. */
+ virtual QCString trGotoSourceCode()
+ {
+ return "Gå til kildekoden for denne filen.";
+ }
+ /*! Used in the file sources to point to the corresponding documentation. */
+ virtual QCString trGotoDocumentation()
+ {
+ return "Gå til dokumentasjonen for denne filen.";
+ }
+ /*! Text for the \pre command */
+ virtual QCString trPrecondition()
+ {
+ return "Før-kondisjon";
+ }
+ /*! Text for the \post command */
+ virtual QCString trPostcondition()
+ {
+ return "Etter-kondisjon";
+ }
+ /*! Text for the \invariant command */
+ virtual QCString trInvariant()
+ {
+ return "Invariant";
+ }
+ /*! Text shown before a multi-line variable/enum initialization */
+ virtual QCString trInitialValue()
+ {
+ return "Initializer:";
+ }
+ /*! Text used the source code in the file index */
+ virtual QCString trCode()
+ {
+ return "kode";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trGraphicalHierarchy()
+ {
+ return "Graphical Class Hierarchy";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy()
+ {
+ return "Go to the graphical class hierarchy";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trGotoTextualHierarchy()
+ {
+ return "Go to the textual class hierarchy";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trPageIndex()
+ {
+ return "Sideindeks";
+ }
+// new since 1.1.0
+ virtual QCString trNote()
+ {
+ return "Notat";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trPublicTypes()
+ {
+ return "Public Typer";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trPublicAttribs()
+ {
+ return "Public Attributter";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trStaticPublicAttribs()
+ {
+ return "Statiske Public Attributter";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trProtectedTypes()
+ {
+ return "Beskyttede Typer";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trProtectedAttribs()
+ {
+ return "Beskyttede Attributter";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs()
+ {
+ return "Statiske Beskyttede Attributter";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trPrivateTypes()
+ {
+ return "Private Typer";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trPrivateAttribs()
+ {
+ return "Private Attributter";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trStaticPrivateAttribs()
+ {
+ return "Statiske Private Attributter";
+ }
+// new since 1.1.3
+ /*! Used as a marker that is put before a todo item */
+ virtual QCString trTodo()
+ {
+ return "Todo";
+ }
+ /*! Used as the header of the todo list */
+ virtual QCString trTodoList()
+ {
+ return "Todo-liste";
+ }
+// new since 1.1.4
+ virtual QCString trReferencedBy()
+ {
+ return "Referert at";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trRemarks()
+ {
+ return "Merknader";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trAttention()
+ {
+ return "Attention";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trInclByDepGraph()
+ {
+ return "This graph shows which files directly or "
+ "indirectly include this file:";
+ }
+ virtual QCString trSince()
+ {
+ return "Siden";
+ }
+// new since 1.1.5
+ /*! title of the graph legend page */
+ virtual QCString trLegendTitle()
+ {
+ return "Graph Legend";
+ }
+ /*! page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted */
+ virtual QCString trLegendDocs()
+ {
+ return
+ "This page explains how to interpret the graphs that are generated "
+ "by doxygen.<p>\n"
+ "Consider the following example:\n"
+ "\\code\n"
+ "/*! Invisible class because of truncation */\n"
+ "class Invisible { };\n\n"
+ "/*! Truncated class, inheritance relation is hidden */\n"
+ "class Truncated : public Invisible { };\n\n"
+ "/* Class not documented with doxygen comments */\n"
+ "class Undocumented { };\n\n"
+ "/*! Class that is inherited using public inheritance */\n"
+ "class PublicBase : public Truncated { };\n\n"
+ "/*! Class that is inherited using protected inheritance */\n"
+ "class ProtectedBase { };\n\n"
+ "/*! Class that is inherited using private inheritance */\n"
+ "class PrivateBase { };\n\n"
+ "/*! Class that is used by the Inherited class */\n"
+ "class Used { };\n\n"
+ "/*! Super class that inherits a number of other classes */\n"
+ "class Inherited : public PublicBase,\n"
+ " protected ProtectedBase,\n"
+ " private PrivateBase,\n"
+ " public Undocumented\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " private:\n"
+ " Used *m_usedClass;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\\endcode\n"
+ "If the \\c MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT tag in the configuration file "
+ "is set to 200 this will result in the following graph:"
+ "<p><center><img src=\"graph_legend.gif\"></center>\n"
+ "<p>\n"
+ "The boxes in the above graph have the following meaning:\n"
+ "<ul>\n"
+ "<li>A filled black box represents the struct or class for which the "
+ "graph is generated.\n"
+ "<li>A box with a black border denotes a documented struct or class.\n"
+ "<li>A box with a grey border denotes an undocumented struct or class.\n"
+ "<li>A box with a red border denotes a documented struct or class for\n"
+ "which not all inheritance/containment relations are shown. A graph is "
+ "truncated if it does not fit within the specified boundaries."
+ "</ul>\n"
+ "The arrows have the following meaning:\n"
+ "<ul>\n"
+ "<li>A dark blue arrow is used to visualize a public inheritance "
+ "relation between two classes.\n"
+ "<li>A dark green arrow is used for protected inheritance.\n"
+ "<li>A dark red arrow is used for private inheritance.\n"
+ "<li>A purple dashed arrow is used if a class is contained or used "
+ "by another class. The arrow is labeled with the variable(s) "
+ "through which the pointed class or struct is accessible. \n"
+ "</ul>\n";
+ }
+ /*! text for the link to the legend page */
+ virtual QCString trLegend()
+ {
+ return "legend";
+ }
+// new since 1.2.0
+ /*! Used as a marker that is put before a test item */
+ virtual QCString trTest()
+ {
+ return "Test";
+ }
+ /*! Used as the header of the test list */
+ virtual QCString trTestList()
+ {
+ return "Test-liste";
+ }
+// new since 1.2.1
+ /*! Used as a section header for KDE-2 IDL methods */
+ virtual QCString trDCOPMethods()
+ {
+ return "DCOP Methods";
+ }