diff options
authorDimitri van Heesch <>2011-10-27 18:00:16 (GMT)
committerDimitri van Heesch <>2011-10-27 18:00:16 (GMT)
commit8491e9fbd06ef8a8f1cc542a524c673d7781d4b6 (patch)
parent3af6ff4c3d2748b45f468695a3db9f26eef4e630 (diff)
48 files changed, 2113 insertions, 1377 deletions
diff --git a/Doxyfile b/Doxyfile
index 621c9d9..3f3e703 100644
--- a/Doxyfile
+++ b/Doxyfile
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ EXCLUDE = src/code.cpp \
src/doxygen_php.h \
src/compound_xsd.h \
src/layout_default.h \
+ src/bib2xhtml.h
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index f50fc35..8615b17 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-DOXYGEN Version
+DOXYGEN Version
Please read the installation section of the manual
( for instructions.
-Dimitri van Heesch (25 September 2011)
+Dimitri van Heesch (27 October 2011)
diff --git a/README b/README
index 5fe20b2..978a647 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-DOXYGEN Version
+DOXYGEN Version
Please read INSTALL for compilation instructions.
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ forum.
-Dimitri van Heesch ( (25 September 2011)
+Dimitri van Heesch ( (27 October 2011)
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 084edff..b43bf32 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ doxygen_version_minor=7
#NOTE: Setting version_mmn to "NO" will omit mmn info from the package.
bin_dirs=`echo $PATH | sed -e "s/:/ /g"`
diff --git a/doc/commands.doc b/doc/commands.doc
index d74452a..72ec29f 100644
--- a/doc/commands.doc
+++ b/doc/commands.doc
@@ -629,8 +629,7 @@ Structural indicators
- You can refer to the main page using \\ref index (if the treeview
- is disabled, otherwise you should use \\ref main).
+ You can refer to the main page using \\ref index.
\sa section \ref cmdsection "\\section",
section \ref cmdsubsection "\\subsection", and
diff --git a/doc/faq.doc b/doc/faq.doc
index 7bbf858..7547d16 100644
--- a/doc/faq.doc
+++ b/doc/faq.doc
@@ -254,6 +254,12 @@ in a configuration file from the command line (assuming a UNIX environment):
( cat Doxyfile ; echo "PROJECT_NUMBER=1.0" ) | doxygen -
+For Windows the following would do the same:
+( type Doxyfile & echo PROJECT_NUMBER=1.0 ) | doxygen.exe -
If multiple options with the same name are specified then doxygen will use
the last one. To append to an existing option you can use the += operator.
diff --git a/src/bib2xhtml.h b/src/bib2xhtml.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e4ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bib2xhtml.h
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+"# Below is a stripped down version of bib2xhtml used by doxygen.\n"
+"# For the full version see\n"
+"# Convert from bibtex to XHTML.\n"
+"# (C) Copyright 1995, 1996 David Hull.\n"
+"# (David Hull / /\n"
+"# (C) Copyright 2002-2010 Diomidis Spinellis\n"
+"# This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
+"# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the\n"
+"# files README and COPYING for details.\n"
+"# This source code contains UTF-8 characters. You might want to use\n"
+"# an appropriate editor, if you want to view/modify the LaTeX to Unicode\n"
+"# substitution commands.\n"
+"use Getopt::Std;\n"
+"use open IO => ':crlf';\n"
+"$label_styles{'numbered'} = $LABEL_NUMBERED = 2;\n"
+"$list_start[$LABEL_NUMBERED] = 'dl class=\"citelist\"';\n"
+"$list_end[$LABEL_NUMBERED] = \"/dl\";\n"
+"@tmpfiles = ();\n"
+"sub html_ent {\n"
+" s/\\\\i\\b/i/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\'(\\001\\d+)\\{([AEIOUaeiou])\\1\\}/&$2acute;/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\'([AEIOUaeiou])/&$1acute;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\`(\\001\\d+)\\{([AEIOUaeiou])\\1\\}/&$2grave;/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\`([AEIOUaeiou])/&$1grave;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\\"(\\001\\d+)\\{([AEIOUaeiouy])\\1\\}/&$2uml;/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\\"([AEIOUaeiouy])/&$1uml;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\~(\\001\\d+)\\{([ANOano])\\1\\}/&$2tilde;/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\~([ANOano])/&$1tilde;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\^(\\001\\d+)\\{([AEIOUaeiou])\\1\\}/&$2circ;/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\^([AEIOUaeiou])/&$1circ;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\c(\\001\\d+)\\{([Cc])\\1\\}/&$2cedil;/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\u(\\001\\d+)\\{(.)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\v(\\001\\d+)\\{(.)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\([lL])\\b/$1/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\=(\\001\\d+)\\{(.)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\=(.)/$1/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\.(\\001\\d+)\\{(.)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\.(.)/$1/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([Oo])\\b\\s*/&$1slash;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\AA\\b\\s*/&Aring;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\aa\\b\\s*/&aring;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\AE\\b\\s*/&AElig;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\ae\\b\\s*/&aelig;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\ss\\b\\s*/&szlig;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\S\\b\\s*/&sect;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\P\\b\\s*/&para;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\pounds\\b\\s*/&pound;/g;\n"
+" s/\\?\\`/&iquest;/g;\n"
+" s/\\!\\`/&iexcl;/g;\n"
+" s/\\-\\-\\-/&mdash;/g;\n"
+" s/([^\\!])\\-\\-([^\\>])/$1&ndash;$2/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([aA]lpha)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([bB]eta)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([gG]amma)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([dD]elta)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\varepsilon\\b/&epsilon;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([eE]psilon)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([zZ]eta)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([eE]ta)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([tT]heta)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\vartheta\\b/&theta;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([iI]ota)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([kK]appa)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([lL]ambda)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([mM]u)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([nN]u)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([xX]i)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([oO]micron)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([pP]i)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\varpi\\b/&pi;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([rR]ho)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\varrho\\b/&rho;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([sS]igma)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\varsigma\\b/&sigmaf;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([tT]au)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([uU]psilon)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([pP]hi)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\varphi\\b/&phi;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([cC]hi)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([pP]si)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([oO]mega)\\b/&$1;/g;\n"
+"foreach (@ARGV) {\n"
+" if (/\\.bib$/) {\n"
+" $bibfile = $_;\n"
+" $bibfile =~ s/\\.bib$//;\n"
+" push(@bibfiles,$bibfile);\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" $htmlfile = $_;\n"
+" }\n"
+"exit(1) unless defined($htmlfile);\n"
+"$label_style = $LABEL_NUMBERED;\n"
+"$bstfile = \"doxygen\";\n"
+"if (open(OHTMLFILE, \"$htmlfile\")) {\n"
+" $mode = (stat OHTMLFILE)[2] & 0xfff;\n"
+"} else {\n"
+" print \"Error opening $htmlfile\\n\";\n"
+" exit(1);\n"
+"$beginstring = \"<!-- BEGIN CITATIONS -->\";\n"
+"$endstring = \"<!-- END CITATIONS -->\";\n"
+"@citations = ();\n"
+"while (<OHTMLFILE>) {\n"
+" print HTMLFILE;\n"
+" last loop if m/^$beginstring$/;\n"
+"while (<OHTMLFILE>) {\n"
+" print HTMLFILE;\n"
+" last loop if m/^$endstring$/;\n"
+" push(@citations, $2) if m/^([^\\\\]*)?(.+\\})(.*)?$/;\n"
+"push(@citations, $bibdatacmd);\n"
+"$auxfile = \"bib$$\";\n"
+"push(@tmpfiles, \"$auxfile.aux\");\n"
+"open(AUXFILE, \">$auxfile\" . \".aux\");\n"
+"print AUXFILE \"\\\\relax\\n\\\\bibstyle{$bstfile}\\n\";\n"
+"foreach $citation (@citations) {\n"
+" print AUXFILE \"$citation\\n\";\n"
+"push(@tmpfiles, \"$auxfile.blg\");\n"
+"push(@tmpfiles, \"$auxfile.bbl\");\n"
+"`bibtex $auxfile 2>&1`;\n"
+"if ($?==-1)\n"
+" print \"bibtex command failed: $!\\n\";\n"
+"$beginstring = \"<!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY -->\";\n"
+"$endstring = \"<!-- END BIBLIOGRAPHY -->\";\n"
+"while (<OHTMLFILE>) {\n"
+" last loop if m/^$beginstring$/;\n"
+" print HTMLFILE;\n"
+"while (<OHTMLFILE>) {\n"
+" last loop if m/^$endstring$/;\n"
+"print HTMLFILE \"$beginstring\\n\";\n"
+"$t = $auxfile . \".bbl\";\n"
+"$/ = \"\";\n"
+"open(BBLFILE, \"<$t\") || die \"error opening $t: $!\\n\";\n"
+"$nentry = 0;\n"
+"while (<BBLFILE>) {\n"
+" if (($nentry == 0) && (m/^#/)) {\n"
+" if ((m/#\\s*label-style:\\s*(\\S+)/) && (! defined $label_style)) {\n"
+" $label_style = $label_styles{$1};\n"
+" if (! defined $label_style) {\n"
+" print STDERR \"label style unknown: \\n\";\n"
+" next loop;\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" next loop;\n"
+" }\n"
+" $nentry++;\n"
+" ($bcite, $blabel) = m+<dt><a name=\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\">\\[([^\\]]*)\\]</a></dt><dd>+;\n"
+" $blabel = \"$nentry\";\n"
+" $bibcite{$bcite} = $blabel;\n"
+"$label_style = $LABEL_DEFAULT if (! defined $label_style);\n"
+"$list_start = $list_start[$label_style];\n"
+"$list_end = $list_end[$label_style];\n"
+"print HTMLFILE \"<$list_start>\\n\\n\";\n"
+"open(BBLFILE, \"<$t\") || die \"error opening $t: $!\\n\";\n"
+"$nentry = 0;\n"
+"while (<BBLFILE>) {\n"
+" next loop if (($nentry == 0) && (m/^#/));\n"
+" $nentry++;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\{/\\002/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\}/\\003/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\$/\\004/g;\n"
+" {\n"
+" local ($c, $l, $z) = (0, 0, ());\n"
+" s/([\\{\\}])/join(\"\",\"\\001\",($1 eq \"\\{\" ? $z[$l++]=$c++ : $z[--$l]),$1)/ge;\n"
+" }\n"
+" s/\\%\\n//g;\n"
+" s/(\\.(<\\/cite>|<\\/a>|\\')+)\\./$1/g;\n"
+" s:(<dt><a name=\\\"[^\\\"]*\\\">\\[)[^\\]]*(\\]</a></dt><dd>):$1$nentry$2:;\n"
+" while (m/(\\\\(cite(label)?)(\\001\\d+)\\{([^\\001]+)\\4\\})/) {\n"
+" $old = $1;\n"
+" $cmd = $2;\n"
+" $doxref = defined($3);\n"
+" $bcite = $5;\n"
+" if (! defined $bibcite{$bcite}) {\n"
+" $blabel = \" [\" . $bcite . \"]\";\n"
+" } elsif ($doxref) {\n"
+" $blabel = \" <a href=\\\"#$bcite\\\">[\" . $bibcite{$bcite} . \"]<\\/a>\";\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" $blabel = \" [\" . $bibcite{$bcite} . \"]\";\n"
+" }\n"
+" $old =~ s/(\\W)/\\\\$1/g;\n"
+" s/\\s*$old/$blabel/g;\n"
+" }\n"
+" s/In (<a href=\\\"[^\\\"]*\\\">)([^\\[]+) \\[(\\2)/In $1\\[$2/;\n"
+" s/\\\\htmladdnormallink(foot)?(\\001\\d+)\\{([^\\001]+)\\2\\}(\\001\\d+)\\{([^\\001]+)\\4\\}/<a href=\"$5\">$3<\\/a>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\&amp;/\\005/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\?&/&amp;/g;\n"
+" s/\\005/&amp;/g;\n"
+" html_ent();\n"
+" while (m/\\\\char([\\'\\\"]?[0-9a-fA-F]+)/) {\n"
+" $o = $r = $1;\n"
+" if ($r =~ s/^\\'//) {\n"
+" $r = oct($r);\n"
+" } elsif ($r =~ s/^\\\"//) {\n"
+" $r = hex($r);\n"
+" }\n"
+" s/\\\\char$o\\s*/&#$r;/g;\n"
+" }\n"
+" s/{\\\\etalchar\\001(\\d+)\\{(.)}\\001\\1\\}/$2/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\par\\b/<p \\/>/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\url(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<a href=\"$2\">$2<\\/a>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\href(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}(\\001\\d+)\\{([^\\001]*)\\3\\}/<a href=\"$2\">$4<\\/a>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\href(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<a href=\"$2\">$2<\\/a>/gs;\n"
+" s/(\\001\\d+)\\{\\\\rm\\s+(.*)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\textrm(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" s/(\\001\\d+)\\{\\\\em\\s+(.*)\\1\\}/<em>$2<\\/em>/gs;\n"
+" s/(\\001\\d+)\\{\\\\it\\s+(.*)\\1\\}/<i>$2<\\/i>/gs;\n"
+" s/(\\001\\d+)\\{\\\\bf\\s+(.*)\\1\\}/<b>$2<\\/b>/gs;\n"
+" s/(\\001\\d+)\\{\\\\tt\\s+(.*)\\1\\}/<tt>$2<\\/tt>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\emph(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<em>$2<\\/em>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\textit(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<i>$2<\\/i>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\textbf(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<b>$2<\\/b>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\texttt(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<tt>$2<\\/tt>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\mathrm(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\mathnormal(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\mathsf(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\mathbf(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<b>$2<\\/b>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\mathcal(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<i>$2<\\/i>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\mathit(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<i>$2<\\/i>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\mathtt(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<tt>$2<\\/tt>/gs;\n"
+" s/\\\\bibxhtmlname(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/$2/ges;\n"
+" sub domath {\n"
+" local($t) = @_;\n"
+" $t =~ s/\\^(\\001\\d+)\\{\\\\circ\\1\\}/\\&\\#176;/gs;\n"
+" $t =~ s/\\^\\\\circ/\\&\\#176;/g;\n"
+" $t =~ s/\\^(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<sup>$2<\\/sup>/gs;\n"
+" $t =~ s/\\^(\\w)/<sup>$1<\\/sup>/g;\n"
+" $t =~ s/\\_(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/<sub>$2<\\/sub>/gs;\n"
+" $t =~ s/\\_(\\w)/<sub>$1<\\/sub>/g;\n"
+" $t;\n"
+" }\n"
+" s/(\\$([^\\$]+)\\$)/&domath($2)/ge;\n"
+" s/(\\\\\\((([^\\\\]|\\\\[^\\(\\)])+)\\\\\\))/&domath($2)/ge;\n"
+" s/\\\\mbox(\\001\\d+)\\{(.*)\\1\\}/$2/gs;\n"
+" while (s/(\\<a href\\=\\\"[^\"]*?)\\~/$1\\005/g) { ; }\n"
+" s/([^\\\\])~/$1&nbsp;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\,/&thinsp;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\ldots\\b/&hellip;/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\dots\\b/&hellip;/g;\n"
+" s/\\005/\\~/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\ / /g;\n"
+" s/\\\\textasciitilde\\b\\s*/~/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([\\#\\&\\%\\~\\_\\^\\|])/$1/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\\\W//g;\n"
+" s/\\001(\\d+)\\{\\\\[A-Za-z]+\\001(\\d+)\\{([^\\001]*)\\001\\2\\}\\001\\1\\}/$3/g;\n"
+" s/\\\\([A-Za-z]+)/ $1 /g;\n"
+" s+In <a href=\\\"[^\\\"]*\\\"></a>++;\n"
+" s/\\001\\d+[\\{\\}]//gs;\n"
+" tr/\\002\\003\\004/{}$/;\n"
+" print HTMLFILE $_;\n"
+"print HTMLFILE \"<$list_end>\\n\\n$endstring\\n\";\n"
+"while (<OHTMLFILE>) {\n"
+" print HTMLFILE;\n"
+"close (OHTMLFILE);\n"
+"chmod($mode, \"$htmlfile$$\");\n"
+"rename(\"$htmlfile$$\", $htmlfile);\n"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..146435f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# Below is a stripped down version of bib2xhtml used by doxygen.
+# For the full version see
+# Convert from bibtex to XHTML.
+# (C) Copyright 1995, 1996 David Hull.
+# (David Hull / /
+# (C) Copyright 2002-2010 Diomidis Spinellis
+# This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the
+# files README and COPYING for details.
+# This source code contains UTF-8 characters. You might want to use
+# an appropriate editor, if you want to view/modify the LaTeX to Unicode
+# substitution commands.
+use Getopt::Std;
+use open IO => ':crlf';
+$label_styles{'numbered'} = $LABEL_NUMBERED = 2;
+$list_start[$LABEL_NUMBERED] = 'dl class="citelist"';
+$list_end[$LABEL_NUMBERED] = "/dl";
+@tmpfiles = ();
+sub html_ent {
+ s/\\i\b/i/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{([AEIOUaeiou])\1\}/&$2acute;/gs;
+ s/\\\'([AEIOUaeiou])/&$1acute;/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{([AEIOUaeiou])\1\}/&$2grave;/gs;
+ s/\\\`([AEIOUaeiou])/&$1grave;/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{([AEIOUaeiouy])\1\}/&$2uml;/gs;
+ s/\\\"([AEIOUaeiouy])/&$1uml;/g;
+ s/\\\~(\001\d+)\{([ANOano])\1\}/&$2tilde;/gs;
+ s/\\\~([ANOano])/&$1tilde;/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{([AEIOUaeiou])\1\}/&$2circ;/gs;
+ s/\\\^([AEIOUaeiou])/&$1circ;/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{([Cc])\1\}/&$2cedil;/gs;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{(.)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{(.)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ s/\\([lL])\b/$1/g;
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{(.)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ s/\\\=(.)/$1/g;
+ s/\\\.(\001\d+)\{(.)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ s/\\\.(.)/$1/g;
+ s/\\([Oo])\b\s*/&$1slash;/g;
+ s/\\AA\b\s*/&Aring;/g;
+ s/\\aa\b\s*/&aring;/g;
+ s/\\AE\b\s*/&AElig;/g;
+ s/\\ae\b\s*/&aelig;/g;
+ s/\\ss\b\s*/&szlig;/g;
+ s/\\S\b\s*/&sect;/g;
+ s/\\P\b\s*/&para;/g;
+ s/\\pounds\b\s*/&pound;/g;
+ s/\?\`/&iquest;/g;
+ s/\!\`/&iexcl;/g;
+ s/\-\-\-/&mdash;/g;
+ s/([^\!])\-\-([^\>])/$1&ndash;$2/g;
+ s/\\([aA]lpha)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([bB]eta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([gG]amma)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([dD]elta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varepsilon\b/&epsilon;/g;
+ s/\\([eE]psilon)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([zZ]eta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([eE]ta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([tT]heta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\vartheta\b/&theta;/g;
+ s/\\([iI]ota)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([kK]appa)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([lL]ambda)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([mM]u)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([nN]u)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([xX]i)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([oO]micron)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([pP]i)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varpi\b/&pi;/g;
+ s/\\([rR]ho)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varrho\b/&rho;/g;
+ s/\\([sS]igma)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varsigma\b/&sigmaf;/g;
+ s/\\([tT]au)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([uU]psilon)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([pP]hi)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varphi\b/&phi;/g;
+ s/\\([cC]hi)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([pP]si)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([oO]mega)\b/&$1;/g;
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ if (/\.bib$/) {
+ $bibfile = $_;
+ $bibfile =~ s/\.bib$//;
+ push(@bibfiles,$bibfile);
+ } else {
+ $htmlfile = $_;
+ }
+exit(1) unless defined($htmlfile);
+$label_style = $LABEL_NUMBERED;
+$bstfile = "doxygen";
+if (open(OHTMLFILE, "$htmlfile")) {
+ $mode = (stat OHTMLFILE)[2] & 0xfff;
+} else {
+ print "Error opening $htmlfile\n";
+ exit(1);
+$beginstring = "<!-- BEGIN CITATIONS -->";
+$endstring = "<!-- END CITATIONS -->";
+@citations = ();
+while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ print HTMLFILE;
+ last loop if m/^$beginstring$/;
+while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ print HTMLFILE;
+ last loop if m/^$endstring$/;
+ push(@citations, $2) if m/^([^\\]*)?(.+\})(.*)?$/;
+push(@citations, $bibdatacmd);
+$auxfile = "bib$$";
+push(@tmpfiles, "$auxfile.aux");
+open(AUXFILE, ">$auxfile" . ".aux");
+print AUXFILE "\\relax\n\\bibstyle{$bstfile}\n";
+foreach $citation (@citations) {
+ print AUXFILE "$citation\n";
+push(@tmpfiles, "$auxfile.blg");
+push(@tmpfiles, "$auxfile.bbl");
+`bibtex $auxfile 2>&1`;
+if ($?==-1)
+ print "bibtex command failed: $!\n";
+$beginstring = "<!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY -->";
+$endstring = "<!-- END BIBLIOGRAPHY -->";
+while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ last loop if m/^$beginstring$/;
+ print HTMLFILE;
+while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ last loop if m/^$endstring$/;
+print HTMLFILE "$beginstring\n";
+$t = $auxfile . ".bbl";
+$/ = "";
+open(BBLFILE, "<$t") || die "error opening $t: $!\n";
+$nentry = 0;
+while (<BBLFILE>) {
+ if (($nentry == 0) && (m/^#/)) {
+ if ((m/#\s*label-style:\s*(\S+)/) && (! defined $label_style)) {
+ $label_style = $label_styles{$1};
+ if (! defined $label_style) {
+ print STDERR "label style unknown: \n";
+ next loop;
+ }
+ }
+ next loop;
+ }
+ $nentry++;
+ ($bcite, $blabel) = m+<dt><a name=\"([^\"]*)\">\[([^\]]*)\]</a></dt><dd>+;
+ $blabel = "$nentry";
+ $bibcite{$bcite} = $blabel;
+$label_style = $LABEL_DEFAULT if (! defined $label_style);
+$list_start = $list_start[$label_style];
+$list_end = $list_end[$label_style];
+print HTMLFILE "<$list_start>\n\n";
+open(BBLFILE, "<$t") || die "error opening $t: $!\n";
+$nentry = 0;
+while (<BBLFILE>) {
+ next loop if (($nentry == 0) && (m/^#/));
+ $nentry++;
+ s/\\\{/\002/g;
+ s/\\\}/\003/g;
+ s/\\\$/\004/g;
+ {
+ local ($c, $l, $z) = (0, 0, ());
+ s/([\{\}])/join("","\001",($1 eq "\{" ? $z[$l++]=$c++ : $z[--$l]),$1)/ge;
+ }
+ s/\%\n//g;
+ s/(\.(<\/cite>|<\/a>|\')+)\./$1/g;
+ s:(<dt><a name=\"[^\"]*\">\[)[^\]]*(\]</a></dt><dd>):$1$nentry$2:;
+ while (m/(\\(cite(label)?)(\001\d+)\{([^\001]+)\4\})/) {
+ $old = $1;
+ $cmd = $2;
+ $doxref = defined($3);
+ $bcite = $5;
+ if (! defined $bibcite{$bcite}) {
+ $blabel = " [" . $bcite . "]";
+ } elsif ($doxref) {
+ $blabel = " <a href=\"#$bcite\">[" . $bibcite{$bcite} . "]<\/a>";
+ } else {
+ $blabel = " [" . $bibcite{$bcite} . "]";
+ }
+ $old =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
+ s/\s*$old/$blabel/g;
+ }
+ s/In (<a href=\"[^\"]*\">)([^\[]+) \[(\2)/In $1\[$2/;
+ s/\\htmladdnormallink(foot)?(\001\d+)\{([^\001]+)\2\}(\001\d+)\{([^\001]+)\4\}/<a href="$5">$3<\/a>/gs;
+ s/\&amp;/\005/g;
+ s/\\?&/&amp;/g;
+ s/\005/&amp;/g;
+ html_ent();
+ while (m/\\char([\'\"]?[0-9a-fA-F]+)/) {
+ $o = $r = $1;
+ if ($r =~ s/^\'//) {
+ $r = oct($r);
+ } elsif ($r =~ s/^\"//) {
+ $r = hex($r);
+ }
+ s/\\char$o\s*/&#$r;/g;
+ }
+ s/{\\etalchar\001(\d+)\{(.)}\001\1\}/$2/g;
+ s/\\par\b/<p \/>/g;
+ s/\\url(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<a href="$2">$2<\/a>/gs;
+ s/\\href(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\3\}/<a href="$2">$4<\/a>/gs;
+ s/\\href(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<a href="$2">$2<\/a>/gs;
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\rm\s+(.*)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ s/\\textrm(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\em\s+(.*)\1\}/<em>$2<\/em>/gs;
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\it\s+(.*)\1\}/<i>$2<\/i>/gs;
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\bf\s+(.*)\1\}/<b>$2<\/b>/gs;
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\tt\s+(.*)\1\}/<tt>$2<\/tt>/gs;
+ s/\\emph(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<em>$2<\/em>/gs;
+ s/\\textit(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<i>$2<\/i>/gs;
+ s/\\textbf(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<b>$2<\/b>/gs;
+ s/\\texttt(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<tt>$2<\/tt>/gs;
+ s/\\mathrm(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ s/\\mathnormal(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ s/\\mathsf(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ s/\\mathbf(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<b>$2<\/b>/gs;
+ s/\\mathcal(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<i>$2<\/i>/gs;
+ s/\\mathit(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<i>$2<\/i>/gs;
+ s/\\mathtt(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<tt>$2<\/tt>/gs;
+ s/\\bibxhtmlname(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/$2/ges;
+ sub domath {
+ local($t) = @_;
+ $t =~ s/\^(\001\d+)\{\\circ\1\}/\&\#176;/gs;
+ $t =~ s/\^\\circ/\&\#176;/g;
+ $t =~ s/\^(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<sup>$2<\/sup>/gs;
+ $t =~ s/\^(\w)/<sup>$1<\/sup>/g;
+ $t =~ s/\_(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<sub>$2<\/sub>/gs;
+ $t =~ s/\_(\w)/<sub>$1<\/sub>/g;
+ $t;
+ }
+ s/(\$([^\$]+)\$)/&domath($2)/ge;
+ s/(\\\((([^\\]|\\[^\(\)])+)\\\))/&domath($2)/ge;
+ s/\\mbox(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/$2/gs;
+ while (s/(\<a href\=\"[^"]*?)\~/$1\005/g) { ; }
+ s/([^\\])~/$1&nbsp;/g;
+ s/\\\,/&thinsp;/g;
+ s/\\ldots\b/&hellip;/g;
+ s/\\dots\b/&hellip;/g;
+ s/\005/\~/g;
+ s/\\ / /g;
+ s/\\textasciitilde\b\s*/~/g;
+ s/\\([\#\&\%\~\_\^\|])/$1/g;
+ s/\\\W//g;
+ s/\001(\d+)\{\\[A-Za-z]+\001(\d+)\{([^\001]*)\001\2\}\001\1\}/$3/g;
+ s/\\([A-Za-z]+)/ $1 /g;
+ s+In <a href=\"[^\"]*\"></a>++;
+ s/\001\d+[\{\}]//gs;
+ tr/\002\003\004/{}$/;
+ print HTMLFILE $_;
+print HTMLFILE "<$list_end>\n\n$endstring\n";
+while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ print HTMLFILE;
+close (OHTMLFILE);
+chmod($mode, "$htmlfile$$");
+rename("$htmlfile$$", $htmlfile);
diff --git a/src/cite.cpp b/src/cite.cpp
index d19dfc1..c684083 100644
--- a/src/cite.cpp
+++ b/src/cite.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ static const char *doxygen_bst =
#include "doxygen_bst.h"
+static const char *bib2xhtml_pl =
+#include "bib2xhtml.h"
const QCString CiteConsts::fileName("citelist");
@@ -38,63 +42,28 @@ const QCString CiteConsts::anchorPrefix("CITEREF_");
CiteDict::CiteDict(int size) : m_entries(size, FALSE)
- m_ordering.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
-bool CiteDict::writeAux()
+static QCString getListOfBibFiles(const QCString &sep,bool stripExtension)
- //msg("..writing aux file\n");
- QCString auxFileName(m_baseFileName + ".aux");
- QFile auxFile(auxFileName);
- if (!
- // point it to something valid, because warn() relies on it
- {
- err("Error opening file %s for output\n",;
- return FALSE;
- }
- FTextStream t(&auxFile);
- QDictIterator<CiteInfo> cdi(m_entries);
- for (CiteInfo *ci = 0; (ci=cdi.current()); ++cdi)
- {
- t << "\\citation{" << ci->label << "}\n";
- }
- t << "\\bibstyle{" << m_baseFileName << "}\n";
- t << "\\bibdata{";
+ QCString result;
QStrList &citeDataList = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES");
const char *bibdata = citeDataList.first();
while (bibdata)
QCString bibFile = bibdata;
- if (!bibFile.isEmpty() && bibFile.right(4)!=".bib") bibFile+=".bib";
+ if (stripExtension && bibFile.right(4)==".bib")
+ {
+ bibFile = bibFile.left(bibFile.length()-4);
+ }
if (!bibFile.isEmpty())
- QFileInfo fi(bibFile); // open file (with .bib extension)
- if (fi.exists())
- {
- if (!copyFile(bibFile,m_baseFileName+"_"+fi.fileName().data()))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- bibFile = fi.fileName().data();
- if (bibFile.right(4)==".bib")
- {
- bibFile = bibFile.left(bibFile.length()-4);
- }
- t << m_baseFileName+"_"+bibFile; // write name (without bib extension)
- bibdata =;
- if (bibdata)
- {
- t << ",";
- }
- }
- else
+ result+=bibFile;
+ bibdata =;
+ if (bibdata)
- err("The file %s specified at CITE_BIB_FILES could not be read!\n",bibdata);
- return FALSE;
+ result+=sep;
@@ -102,23 +71,7 @@ bool CiteDict::writeAux()
bibdata =;
- t << "}\n";
- return TRUE;
-bool CiteDict::writeBst()
- //msg("..writing bst file\n");
- QCString fileName = m_baseFileName + ".bst";
- QCString bstData = doxygen_bst;
- QFile f(fileName);
- if (!
- {
- err("error: could not open file %s for writing\n",;
- return FALSE;
- }
- f.writeBlock(bstData, bstData.length());
- return TRUE;
+ return result;
void CiteDict::writeLatexBibliography(FTextStream &t)
@@ -127,31 +80,7 @@ void CiteDict::writeLatexBibliography(FTextStream &t)
QCString style = Config_getString("LATEX_BIB_STYLE");
if (style.isEmpty()) style="plain";
t << "\\newpage \\bibliographystyle{" << style << "}" << endl;
- t << "\\bibliography{";
- QStrList &citeDataList = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES");
- const char *bibdata = citeDataList.first();
- while (bibdata)
- {
- QCString bibFile = bibdata;
- if (bibFile.right(4)==".bib")
- {
- bibFile = bibFile.left(bibFile.length()-4);
- }
- if (!bibFile.isEmpty())
- {
- t << bibFile;
- bibdata =;
- if (bibdata)
- {
- t << ",";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bibdata =;
- }
- }
- t << "}" << endl;
+ t << "\\bibliography{" << getListOfBibFiles(",",TRUE) << "}" << endl;
void CiteDict::insert(const char *label)
@@ -167,130 +96,123 @@ CiteInfo *CiteDict::find(const char *label) const
void CiteDict::clear()
- m_ordering.clear();
-bool CiteDict::execute()
+bool CiteDict::isEmpty() const
- //msg("..running bibtex\n");
- bool result=TRUE;
- QCString auxFileName(m_baseFileName + ".aux");
- int splitPoint = auxFileName.findRev('/');
- QCString dirname = auxFileName.left(splitPoint);
- QCString basename = auxFileName.mid(splitPoint + 1);
- QCString oldDir = convertToQCString(QDir::currentDirPath());
- QDir::setCurrent(dirname);
- QCString args;
- args += "-terse ";
- args += basename;
- portable_system("bibtex", args);
- int exitCode;
- if ((exitCode=portable_system("bibtex",args))!=0)
- {
- err("Problems running bibtex: exit code=%d, command='bibtex', arguments='%s'\n",
- exitCode,;
- result=FALSE;
- }
- QDir::setCurrent(oldDir);
- return result;
+ QStrList &citeBibFiles = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES");
+ return (citeBibFiles.count()==0 || m_entries.isEmpty());
-void CiteDict::parse()
+void CiteDict::generatePage() const
- //msg("..parsing bbl file\n");
- QCString bblFileName(m_baseFileName + ".bbl");
- QFile f(bblFileName);
- if (!
- {
- err("error: could not open file %s\n",;
- return;
- }
+ //printf("** CiteDict::generatePage() count=%d\n",m_ordering.count());
- m_ordering.clear();
+ // do not generate an empty citations page
+ if (isEmpty()) return; // nothing to cite
- QTextStream t(&f);
- QCString label;
- QCString line;
- while (!t.eof())
+ // 1. generate file with markers and citations to OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
+ QFile f;
+ QCString outputDir = Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY");
+ QCString citeListFile = outputDir+"/citelist.doc";
+ f.setName(citeListFile);
+ if (!
- label=t.readLine();
- if (label.isEmpty())
- {
- continue;
- }
- CiteInfo* ci = m_entries.find(label);
- if (!ci) insert(label);
- // BibTeX has its own way of sorting references,
- // depending on the .bst file
- m_ordering.append(new QCString(label));
- ci->text=t.readLine();
- while (!(line=t.readLine()).isEmpty())
- {
- ci->fullText += line + '\n';
- }
- // FIXME: process LaTeX-style accents properly
- ci->fullText = substitute(substitute(substitute(ci->fullText,
- "{", ""),
- "}", ""),
- "~", " ");
- //printf("BIB ENTRY: %s -> %s: %s\n", ci->, ci->, ci->;
+ err("error: could not open file %s for writing\n",;
-void CiteDict::clean()
- // clean
- QDir thisDir;
- QStrList &citeDataList = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES");
- const char *bibdata = citeDataList.first();
- while (bibdata)
+ FTextStream t(&f);
+ t << "<!-- BEGIN CITATIONS -->" << endl;
+ t << "<!--" << endl;
+ QDictIterator<CiteInfo> it(m_entries);
+ CiteInfo *ci;
+ for (it.toFirst();(ci=it.current());++it)
- QCString bibFile = bibdata;
- if (!bibFile.isEmpty() && bibFile.right(4)!=".bib") bibFile+=".bib";
- if (!bibFile.isEmpty()) thisDir.remove(m_baseFileName+"_"+bibFile);
- bibdata =;
+ t << "\\citation{" << ci->label << "}" << endl;
- thisDir.remove(m_baseFileName + ".aux");
- thisDir.remove(m_baseFileName + ".bbl");
- thisDir.remove(m_baseFileName + ".blg");
- thisDir.remove(m_baseFileName + ".tmp");
- thisDir.remove(m_baseFileName + ".bst");
- QCString &outputDirectory = Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY");
- if (outputDirectory.isEmpty())
+ t << "-->" << endl;
+ t << "<!-- END CITATIONS -->" << endl;
+ t << "<!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY -->" << endl;
+ t << "<!-- END BIBLIOGRAPHY -->" << endl;
+ f.close();
+ // 2. generate bib2xhtml
+ QCString bib2xhtmlFile = outputDir+"/";
+ f.setName(bib2xhtmlFile);
+ QCString bib2xhtml = bib2xhtml_pl;
+ if (!
- outputDirectory=QDir::currentDirPath();
+ err("error: could not open file %s for writing\n",;
- QDir d(outputDirectory);
- d.rmdir("bib");
+ f.writeBlock(bib2xhtml, bib2xhtml.length());
+ f.close();
-void CiteDict::resolve()
- QStrList &citeBibFiles = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES");
- if (citeBibFiles.count()==0 || m_entries.count()==0) return; // nothing to cite
- QCString outputDirectory = Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY");
- QDir d(outputDirectory);
- d.mkdir("bib");
+ // 3. generate doxygen.bst
+ QCString doxygenBstFile = outputDir+"/doxygen.bst";
+ QCString bstData = doxygen_bst;
+ f.setName(doxygenBstFile);
+ if (!
+ {
+ err("error: could not open file %s for writing\n",;
+ }
+ f.writeBlock(bstData, bstData.length());
+ f.close();
- uint pid = portable_pid();
- m_baseFileName.sprintf("doxygen_bibtex_%d",pid);
- m_baseFileName.prepend(outputDirectory+"/bib/");
+ // 4. run bib2xhtml perl script on the generated file which will insert the
+ // bibliography in citelist.doc
+ portable_system("perl",bib2xhtmlFile+" "+getListOfBibFiles(" ",FALSE)+" "+
+ citeListFile);
- if (writeAux() && writeBst() && execute())
+ // 5. read back the file
+ f.setName(citeListFile);
+ if (!
- parse();
- clean();
+ err("error: could not open file %s/citelist.doc for reading\n",;
+ bool insideBib=FALSE;
+ QCString doc;
+ QFileInfo fi(citeListFile);
+ QCString input(fi.size()+1);
+ f.readBlock(,fi.size());
+ int p=0,s;
+ //printf("input=[%s]\n",;
+ while ((s=input.find('\n',p))!=-1)
+ {
+ QCString line = input.mid(p,s-p);
+ //printf("p=%d s=%d line=[%s]\n",p,s,;
+ p=s+1;
+ if (line.find("<!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY")!=-1) insideBib=TRUE;
+ else if (line.find("<!-- END BIBLIOGRAPH")!=-1) insideBib=FALSE;
+ else if (insideBib) doc+=line+"\n";
+ int i;
+ // determine text to use at the location of the @cite command
+ if (insideBib && (i=line.find("<a name=\"CITEREF_"))!=-1)
+ {
+ int j=line.find("\">[");
+ int k=line.find("]</a>");
+ if (j!=-1 && k!=-1)
+ {
+ QCString label = line.mid(i+17,j-i-17);
+ QCString number = line.mid(j+2,k-j-1);
+ CiteInfo *ci = m_entries.find(label);
+ //printf("label='%s' number='%s' => %p\n",,,ci);
+ if (ci)
+ {
+ ci->text = number;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("doc=[%s]\n",;
+ // 6. add it as a page
+ addRelatedPage(CiteConsts::fileName,
+ theTranslator->trCiteReferences(),doc,0,CiteConsts::fileName,1,0,0,0);
+ // 7. for latex we just copy the bib files to the output and let
+ // latex do this work.
if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_LATEX"))
// copy bib files to the latex output dir
@@ -316,41 +238,12 @@ void CiteDict::resolve()
bibdata =;
-bool CiteDict::isEmpty() const
- QStrList &citeBibFiles = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES");
- return (citeBibFiles.count()==0 || m_ordering.isEmpty());
-void CiteDict::generatePage() const
- //printf("** CiteDict::generatePage() count=%d\n",m_ordering.count());
- // do not generate an empty citations page
- if (isEmpty()) return; // nothing to cite
- QCString doc;
- doc += "<dl class=\"citelist\">";
+ // 8. Remove temporary files
+ QDir thisDir;
+ thisDir.remove(citeListFile);
+ thisDir.remove(doxygenBstFile);
+ thisDir.remove(bib2xhtmlFile);
- QListIterator<QCString> it(m_ordering);
- QCString *s;
- for (it.toFirst();(s=it.current());++it)
- {
- CiteInfo* ci = m_entries.find(*s);
- doc += " <dt>";
- doc += "\\anchor ";
- doc += CiteConsts::anchorPrefix + ci->label;
- doc += "\n";
- doc += ci->text;
- doc += "</dt><dd> ";
- doc += ci->fullText;
- doc += "</dd>";
- }
- doc += "</dl>\n";
- //printf("addRelatedPage with doc='%s'\n",;
- addRelatedPage(CiteConsts::fileName,
- theTranslator->trCiteReferences(),doc,0,CiteConsts::fileName,1,0,0,0);
diff --git a/src/cite.h b/src/cite.h
index d290c9c..10fc56e 100644
--- a/src/cite.h
+++ b/src/cite.h
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ class CiteDict
/** Create the database, with an expected maximum of \a size entries */
CiteDict(int size);
- /** Resolve references to citations */
- void resolve();
+// /** Resolve references to citations */
+// void resolve();
/** Insert a citation identified by \a label into the database */
void insert(const char *label);
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ class CiteDict
void writeLatexBibliography(FTextStream &t);
- bool writeAux();
- bool writeBst();
- bool execute();
- void parse();
- void clean();
+// bool writeAux();
+// bool writeBst();
+// bool execute();
+// void parse();
+// void clean();
QDict<CiteInfo> m_entries;
- QList<QCString> m_ordering;
+// QList<QCString> m_ordering;
QCString m_baseFileName;
diff --git a/src/classdef.cpp b/src/classdef.cpp
index f868037..4dd9860 100644
--- a/src/classdef.cpp
+++ b/src/classdef.cpp
@@ -175,6 +175,9 @@ class ClassDefImpl
/** Is this a simple (non-nested) C structure? */
bool isSimple;
+ /** Does this class overloaded the -> operator? */
+ MemberDef *arrowOperator;
ClassList *taggedInnerClasses;
ClassDef *tagLessRef;
@@ -217,6 +220,7 @@ void ClassDefImpl::init(const char *defFileName, const char *name,
categoryOf = 0;
usedOnly = FALSE;
isSimple = Config_getBool("INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS");
+ arrowOperator = 0;
taggedInnerClasses = 0;
tagLessRef = 0;
//QCString ns;
@@ -636,6 +640,11 @@ void ClassDef::internalInsertMember(MemberDef *md,
+ if (md->name()=="operator->")
+ {
+ m_impl->arrowOperator=md;
+ }
if (addToAllList &&
!(Config_getBool("HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS") &&
@@ -3175,8 +3184,35 @@ QCString ClassDef::compoundTypeString() const
-QCString ClassDef::getXmlOutputFileBase() const
+QCString ClassDef::getOutputFileBase() const
+ if (!Doxygen::generatingXmlOutput)
+ {
+ static bool inlineGroupedClasses = Config_getBool("INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES");
+ static bool inlineSimpleClasses = Config_getBool("INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS");
+ Definition *scope=0;
+ if (inlineGroupedClasses && partOfGroups()!=0)
+ {
+ // point to the group that embeds this class
+ return partOfGroups()->at(0)->getOutputFileBase();
+ }
+ else if (inlineSimpleClasses && m_impl->isSimple && partOfGroups()!=0)
+ {
+ // point to simple struct inside a group
+ return partOfGroups()->at(0)->getOutputFileBase();
+ }
+ else if (inlineSimpleClasses && m_impl->isSimple && (scope=getOuterScope()))
+ {
+ if (scope==Doxygen::globalScope && getFileDef() && getFileDef()->isLinkableInProject()) // simple struct embedded in file
+ {
+ return getFileDef()->getOutputFileBase();
+ }
+ else if (scope->isLinkableInProject()) // simple struct embedded in other container (namespace/group/class)
+ {
+ return getOuterScope()->getOutputFileBase();
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (m_impl->templateMaster)
// point to the template of which this class is an instance
@@ -3194,35 +3230,6 @@ QCString ClassDef::getXmlOutputFileBase() const
-QCString ClassDef::getOutputFileBase() const
- static bool inlineGroupedClasses = Config_getBool("INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES");
- static bool inlineSimpleClasses = Config_getBool("INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS");
- Definition *scope=0;
- if (inlineGroupedClasses && partOfGroups()!=0)
- {
- // point to the group that embeds this class
- return partOfGroups()->at(0)->getOutputFileBase();
- }
- else if (inlineSimpleClasses && m_impl->isSimple && partOfGroups()!=0)
- {
- // point to simple struct inside a group
- return partOfGroups()->at(0)->getOutputFileBase();
- }
- else if (inlineSimpleClasses && m_impl->isSimple && (scope=getOuterScope()))
- {
- if (scope==Doxygen::globalScope && getFileDef() && getFileDef()->isLinkableInProject()) // simple struct embedded in file
- {
- return getFileDef()->getOutputFileBase();
- }
- else if (scope->isLinkableInProject()) // simple struct embedded in other container (namespace/group/class)
- {
- return getOuterScope()->getOutputFileBase();
- }
- }
- return getXmlOutputFileBase();
QCString ClassDef::getInstanceOutputFileBase() const
if (isReference())
@@ -3921,6 +3928,11 @@ bool ClassDef::isSimple() const
return m_impl->isSimple;
+MemberDef *ClassDef::isSmartPointer() const
+ return m_impl->arrowOperator;
void ClassDef::reclassifyMember(MemberDef *md,MemberDef::MemberType t)
@@ -3936,7 +3948,7 @@ void ClassDef::reclassifyMember(MemberDef *md,MemberDef::MemberType t)
QCString ClassDef::anchor() const
QCString anc;
- if (isEmbeddedInOuterScope())
+ if (isEmbeddedInOuterScope() && !Doxygen::generatingXmlOutput)
if (m_impl->templateMaster)
diff --git a/src/classdef.h b/src/classdef.h
index f2d5b3a..13f1157 100644
--- a/src/classdef.h
+++ b/src/classdef.h
@@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ class ClassDef : public Definition
DefType definitionType() const { return TypeClass; }
/*! Returns the unique base name (without extension) of the class's file on disk */
- QCString getOutputFileBase() const;
- QCString getXmlOutputFileBase() const;
+ QCString getOutputFileBase() const;
QCString getInstanceOutputFileBase() const;
QCString getFileBase() const;
@@ -272,6 +271,8 @@ class ClassDef : public Definition
const ClassList *taggedInnerClasses() const;
ClassDef *tagLessReference() const;
+ MemberDef *isSmartPointer() const;
// --- setters ----
diff --git a/src/code.l b/src/code.l
index 7821320..a4313c4 100644
--- a/src/code.l
+++ b/src/code.l
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ void VariableContext::addVariable(const QCString &type,const QCString &name)
( // look for class definitions inside the code block
(varType=g_codeClassSDict->find(typeName)) ||
// otherwise look for global class definitions
- (varType=getResolvedClass(g_currentDefinition,g_sourceFileDef,typeName))
+ (varType=getResolvedClass(g_currentDefinition,g_sourceFileDef,typeName,0,0,TRUE,TRUE))
) && // and it must be a template
@@ -477,7 +477,8 @@ static void startCodeLine()
g_insideBody = FALSE;
g_searchingForBody = TRUE;
- g_realScope = d->name().copy();
+ g_realScope = d->name();
+ //g_classScope = "";
@@ -724,7 +725,7 @@ static MemberDef *setCallContextForVar(const QCString &name)
ClassDef *mcd = g_theVarContext.findVariable(name);
if (mcd) // local variable
- //fprintf(stderr,"local variable\n");
+ //fprintf(stderr,"local variable?\n");
if (mcd!=VariableContext::dummyContext)
//fprintf(stderr,"local var `%s' mcd=%s\n",,mcd->name().data());
@@ -733,6 +734,7 @@ static MemberDef *setCallContextForVar(const QCString &name)
+ //fprintf(stderr,"class member? scope=%s\n",;
// look for a class member
mcd = getClass(g_classScope);
if (mcd)
@@ -792,6 +794,22 @@ static MemberDef *setCallContextForVar(const QCString &name)
return 0;
+static void updateCallContextForSmartPointer()
+ ClassDef *cd = g_theCallContext.getClass();
+ //printf("updateCallContextForSmartPointer() cd=%s\n",cd ? cd->name().data() : "<none>");
+ MemberDef *md;
+ if (cd && (md=cd->isSmartPointer()))
+ {
+ ClassDef *ncd = stripClassName(md->typeString());
+ if (ncd)
+ {
+ g_theCallContext.setClass(ncd);
+ //printf("Found smart pointer call %s->%s!\n",cd->name().data(),ncd->name().data());
+ }
+ }
static void addDocCrossReference(MemberDef *src,MemberDef *dst)
static bool referencedByRelation = Config_getBool("REFERENCED_BY_RELATION");
@@ -942,11 +960,11 @@ static void generateClassOrGlobalLink(CodeOutputInterface &ol,char *clName,
if ((lcd=g_theVarContext.findVariable(className))==0) // not a local variable
Definition *d = g_currentDefinition;
- //printf("d=%p g_sourceFileDef=%p\n",d,g_currentDefinition);
+ //printf("d=%s g_sourceFileDef=%s\n",d?d->name().data():"<none>",g_sourceFileDef?g_sourceFileDef->name().data():"<none>");
cd = getResolvedClass(d,g_sourceFileDef,className,&md);
//fprintf(stderr,"non-local variable name=%s context=%d cd=%s md=%s!\n",
- // md?md->name().data():"<none>");
+ // md?md->name().data():"<none>");
if (cd==0 && md==0 && (i=className.find('<'))!=-1)
QCString bareName = className.left(i); //stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope(className);
@@ -2501,6 +2519,10 @@ OPERATOR {ARITHOP}|{ASSIGNOP}|{LOGICOP}|{BITOP}
<Body>"."|"->" {
+ if (yytext[0]=='-') // -> could be overloaded
+ {
+ updateCallContextForSmartPointer();
+ }
g_memCallContext = YY_START;
BEGIN( MemberCall );
@@ -3007,6 +3029,10 @@ OPERATOR {ARITHOP}|{ASSIGNOP}|{LOGICOP}|{BITOP}
BEGIN( MemberCall2 );
<MemberCall2>"->"|"." {
+ if (yytext[0]=='-') // -> could be overloaded
+ {
+ updateCallContextForSmartPointer();
+ }
g_memCallContext = YY_START;
BEGIN( MemberCall );
diff --git a/src/commentscan.l b/src/commentscan.l
index 00dd4e0..c37b3dc 100644
--- a/src/commentscan.l
+++ b/src/commentscan.l
@@ -825,6 +825,7 @@ FILEECHAR [a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\-\+]
FILE ({FILESCHAR}*{FILEECHAR}+("."{FILESCHAR}*{FILEECHAR}+)*)|("\""[^\n\"]*"\"")
ID "$"?[a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF]*
LABELID [a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\-]*
+CITEID [a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\-:/]*
SCOPEID {ID}({ID}*{BN}*"::"{BN}*)*({ID}?)
SCOPENAME "$"?(({ID}?{BN}*("::"|"."){BN}*)*)((~{BN}*)?{ID})
MAILADR [a-z_A-Z0-9.+\-]+"@"[a-z_A-Z0-9\-]+("."[a-z_A-Z0-9\-]+)+[a-z_A-Z0-9\-]+
@@ -1966,7 +1967,7 @@ RCSTAG "$"{ID}":"[^\n$]+"$"
/* ----- handle arguments of the cite command ------- */
-<CiteLabel>{LABELID} { // found argyment
+<CiteLabel>{CITEID} { // found argyment
diff --git a/src/config.xml b/src/config.xml
index 8f4d36d..159fb1b 100644
--- a/src/config.xml
+++ b/src/config.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ for the list of possible encodings.
<option type='string' id='PROJECT_NAME' format='string' docs='
The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or sequence of words) that should
identify the project. Note that if you do not use Doxywizard you need
-to put quotes around the project name if it contains spaces.' defval=''/>
+to put quotes around the project name if it contains spaces.' defval='My Project'/>
<option type='string' id='PROJECT_NUMBER' format='string' docs='
The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number.
This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or
@@ -530,7 +530,8 @@ containing the references data. This must be a list of .bib files. The
.bib extension is automatically appended if omitted. Using this command
requires the bibtex tool to be installed. See also for more info. For LaTeX the style
-of the bibliography can be controlled using LATEX_BIB_STYLE.
+of the bibliography can be controlled using LATEX_BIB_STYLE. To use this
+feature you need bibtex and perl available in the search path.
' defval=''/>
<group name='Messages' docs='configuration options related to warning and progress messages'>
@@ -1010,12 +1011,6 @@ the value YES disables it. Since the tabs have the same information as the
navigation tree you can set this option to NO if you already set
' defval='0' depends='GENERATE_HTML'/>
- <option type='int' id='ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE' docs='
-The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values
-(range [0,1..20]) that doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML
-documentation. Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum
-values from appearing in the overview section.
-' minval='0' maxval='20' defval='4' depends='GENERATE_HTML'/>
<option type='bool' id='GENERATE_TREEVIEW' defval='0' docs='
The GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is used to specify whether a tree-like index
structure should be generated to display hierarchical information.
@@ -1027,6 +1022,12 @@ Windows users are probably better off using the HTML help feature.
Since the tree basically has the same information as the tab index you
could consider to set DISABLE_INDEX to NO when enabling this option.
' depends='GENERATE_HTML'/>
+ <option type='int' id='ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE' docs='
+The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values
+(range [0,1..20]) that doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML
+documentation. Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum
+values from appearing in the overview section.
+' minval='0' maxval='20' defval='4' depends='GENERATE_HTML'/>
<option type='bool' id='USE_INLINE_TREES' defval='0' docs='
By enabling USE_INLINE_TREES, doxygen will generate the Groups, Directories,
and Class Hierarchy pages using a tree view instead of an ordered list.
diff --git a/src/configoptions.cpp b/src/configoptions.cpp
index a632acb..17514c8 100644
--- a/src/configoptions.cpp
+++ b/src/configoptions.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ void addConfigOptions(Config *cfg)
"identify the project. Note that if you do not use Doxywizard you need\n"
"to put quotes around the project name if it contains spaces."
+ cs->setDefaultValue("My Project");
cs = cfg->addString(
@@ -761,7 +762,7 @@ void addConfigOptions(Config *cfg)
".bib extension is automatically appended if omitted. Using this command\n"
"requires the bibtex tool to be installed. See also\n"
" for more info. For LaTeX the style\n"
- "of the bibliography can be controlled using LATEX_BIB_STYLE."
+ "of the bibliography can be controlled using LATEX_BIB_STYLE. To use this feature you need bibtex and perl available in the search path."
@@ -1483,16 +1484,6 @@ void addConfigOptions(Config *cfg)
- ci = cfg->addInt(
- "The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values\n"
- "(range [0,1..20]) that doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML\n"
- "documentation. Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum\n"
- "values from appearing in the overview section.",
- 0,20,4
- );
- ci->addDependency("GENERATE_HTML");
- //----
cb = cfg->addBool(
"The GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is used to specify whether a tree-like index\n"
@@ -1508,6 +1499,16 @@ void addConfigOptions(Config *cfg)
+ ci = cfg->addInt(
+ "The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values\n"
+ "(range [0,1..20]) that doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML\n"
+ "documentation. Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum\n"
+ "values from appearing in the overview section.",
+ 0,20,4
+ );
+ ci->addDependency("GENERATE_HTML");
+ //----
cb = cfg->addBool(
"By enabling USE_INLINE_TREES, doxygen will generate the Groups, Directories,\n"
diff --git a/src/definition.h b/src/definition.h
index a2f00f0..94d1edc 100644
--- a/src/definition.h
+++ b/src/definition.h
@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ class Definition : public DefinitionIntf, public LockableObj
virtual QCString getOutputFileBase() const = 0;
+ /*! Returns the anchor within a page where this item can be found */
+ virtual QCString anchor() const = 0;
/*! Returns the name of the source listing of this file. */
virtual QCString getSourceFileBase() const { ASSERT(0); return "NULL"; }
diff --git a/src/dirdef.h b/src/dirdef.h
index 1f20285..445e3ff 100644
--- a/src/dirdef.h
+++ b/src/dirdef.h
@@ -49,10 +49,11 @@ class DirDef : public Definition
virtual ~DirDef();
// accessors
- virtual DefType definitionType() const { return TypeDir; }
- virtual QCString getOutputFileBase() const;
- virtual bool isLinkableInProject() const;
- virtual bool isLinkable() const;
+ DefType definitionType() const { return TypeDir; }
+ QCString getOutputFileBase() const;
+ QCString anchor() const { return QCString(); }
+ bool isLinkableInProject() const;
+ bool isLinkable() const;
QCString displayName() const { return m_dispName; }
QCString shortName() const { return m_shortName; }
void addSubDir(DirDef *subdir);
diff --git a/src/docparser.cpp b/src/docparser.cpp
index a1ad75c..17c1461 100644
--- a/src/docparser.cpp
+++ b/src/docparser.cpp
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ static void handleLinkedWord(DocNode *parent,QList<DocNode> &children)
else if (compound->isLinkable()) // compound link
- QCString anchor;
+ QCString anchor = compound->anchor();
if (compound->definitionType()==Definition::TypeFile)
@@ -1052,10 +1052,6 @@ static void handleLinkedWord(DocNode *parent,QList<DocNode> &children)
- else if (compound->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass)
- {
- anchor=((ClassDef*)compound)->anchor();
- }
@@ -1700,7 +1696,7 @@ DocAnchor::DocAnchor(DocNode *parent,const QCString &id,bool newAnchor)
CiteInfo *cite = Doxygen::citeDict->find(id.mid(CiteConsts::anchorPrefix.length()));
if (cite)
- m_file = CiteConsts::fileName;
+ m_file = convertNameToFile(CiteConsts::fileName,FALSE,TRUE);
m_anchor = id;
@@ -2422,7 +2418,7 @@ DocCite::DocCite(DocNode *parent,const QCString &target,const QCString &) //cont
static uint numBibFiles = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES").count();
m_parent = parent;
QCString anchor;
- //printf("DocCite::DocCite(target=%s,context=%s\n",,;
+ //printf("DocCite::DocCite(target=%s)\n",;
m_relPath = g_relPath;
CiteInfo *cite = Doxygen::citeDict->find(target);
@@ -2432,7 +2428,7 @@ DocCite::DocCite(DocNode *parent,const QCString &target,const QCString &) //cont
if (m_text.isEmpty()) m_text = cite->label;
m_ref = cite->ref;
m_anchor = CiteConsts::anchorPrefix+cite->label;
- m_file = CiteConsts::fileName;
+ m_file = convertNameToFile(CiteConsts::fileName,FALSE,TRUE);
//printf("CITE ==> m_text=%s,m_ref=%s,m_file=%s,m_anchor=%s\n",
@@ -3660,6 +3656,13 @@ int DocHtmlDescTitle::parse()
goto endtitle;
+ else if (tagId==HTML_A)
+ {
+ if (!g_token->endTag)
+ {
+ handleAHref(this,m_children,g_token->attribs);
+ }
+ }
warn_doc_error(g_fileName,doctokenizerYYlineno,"warning: Unexpected html tag <%s%s> found within <dt> context",
@@ -4500,6 +4503,7 @@ void DocPara::handleCite()
+ doctokenizerYYsetStateCite();
if (tok==0)
@@ -4514,7 +4518,6 @@ void DocPara::handleCite()
g_token->sectionId = g_token->name;
- doctokenizerYYsetStateCite();
DocCite *cite = new DocCite(this,g_token->name,g_context);
diff --git a/src/doctokenizer.l b/src/doctokenizer.l
index 9fb6b2c..3e7b670 100644
--- a/src/doctokenizer.l
+++ b/src/doctokenizer.l
@@ -334,12 +334,12 @@ LNKWORD1 ("::"|"#")?{SCOPEMASK}
CVSPEC {BLANK}*("const"|"volatile")
LNKWORD2 (({SCOPEPRE}*"operator"{OPMASK})|({SCOPEPRE}"operator"{OPMASKOPT})|(("::"|"#"){SCOPEPRE}*"operator"{OPMASKOPT})){CVSPEC}?
LNKWORD3 ([0-9a-z_A-Z\-]+("/"|"\\"))*[0-9a-z_A-Z\-]+("."[0-9a-z_A-Z]+)+
-CHARWORDQ [^ \t\n\r\\@<>()\[\]:;\?{}&%$#,."=]
-ESCWORD "%"{ID}(("::"|"."){ID})*
+CHARWORDQ [^ \t\n\r\\@<>()\[\]:;\?{}&%$#,."=']
+ESCWORD ("%"{ID}(("::"|"."){ID})*)|("%'")
WORD1 {ESCWORD}|{CHARWORDQ}+|"{"|"}"|"'\"'"|("\""[^"\n]*\n?[^"\n]*"\"")
-WORD2 "."|","|"("|")"|"["|"]"|":"|";"|"\?"|"="
+WORD2 "."|","|"("|")"|"["|"]"|":"|";"|"\?"|"="|"'"
-WORD2NQ "."|","|"("|")"|"["|"]"|":"|";"|"\?"|"="
+WORD2NQ "."|","|"("|")"|"["|"]"|":"|";"|"\?"|"="|"'"
HTMLTAG "<"(("/")?){ID}({WS}+{ATTRIB})*{WS}*(("/")?)">"
HTMLKEYL "strong"|"center"|"table"|"caption"|"small"|"code"|"dfn"|"var"|"img"|"pre"|"sub"|"sup"|"tr"|"td"|"th"|"ol"|"ul"|"li"|"tt"|"kbd"|"em"|"hr"|"dl"|"dt"|"dd"|"br"|"i"|"a"|"b"|"p"
diff --git a/src/doxygen.bst b/src/doxygen.bst
index 0dd6e28..c6ae7a8 100644
--- a/src/doxygen.bst
+++ b/src/doxygen.bst
@@ -1,31 +1,10 @@
-%% doxygen.bst
-%% This is a modification of plainhtml.bst; the original copyright notice
-%% follows.
-%% plainhtml.bst
-%% Part of bibhtml, version 2.0.1, released 2009 November 2
-%% Hg node 6ca3807543d6.
-%% See <>
-%% Copyright 1999, 2005, 2006, 2009, Norman Gray <>
-%% This is a modification of a modification!
-%%% Modification of BibTeX style file /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-dist/bibtex/bst/base/plain.bst
-%%% ... by urlbst, version 0.6-4 (marked with "% urlbst")
-%%% See <>
-%%% Added webpage entry type, and url and lastchecked fields.
-%%% Added eprint support.
-%%% Added DOI support.
-%%% Added PUBMED support.
-%%% Added hyperref support.
-%%% Original headers follow...
-% BibTeX standard bibliography style `plain'
- % version 0.99a for BibTeX versions 0.99a or later, LaTeX version 2.09.
+ % $Id: html-btxbst.doc 1.5 2010/12/08 19:02:34 dds Exp $
+ %
+ % This file is either "html-btxbst.doc" or was derived from
+ % "html-btxbst.doc" using cpp. "html-btxbst.doc" itself was edited
+ % from "btxbst.doc" and "named.bst".
+ % The following copyright information is from btxbst.doc:
+ % version 0.99b for BibTeX versions 0.99a or later, LaTeX version 2.09.
% Copyright (C) 1985, all rights reserved.
% Copying of this file is authorized only if either
% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name, or
@@ -33,6 +12,8 @@
% btxbst.doc, plain.bst, unsrt.bst, alpha.bst, and abbrv.bst.
% This restriction helps ensure that all standard styles are identical.
% The file btxbst.doc has the documentation for this style.
+ % "named" style (sorted keys of the form [name, year])
+ % Some code for this was taken from "named.bst".
{ address
@@ -57,76 +38,36 @@ ENTRY
- eprint % urlbst
- doi % urlbst
- pubmed % urlbst
- url % urlbst
- lastchecked % urlbst
+ dvi
+ html
+ keywords
+ pdf
+ postscript
+ url
+ doi
+ mailto
- { label }
+ { label extra.label sort.label }
-INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block doiform }
+INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block }
-STRINGS { urlintro eprinturl eprintprefix doiprefix doiurl pubmedprefix pubmedurl openinlinelink closeinlinelink } % urlbst...
-INTEGERS { inlinelinks makeinlinelink addeprints adddoiresolver addpubmedresolver }
-% Following constants may be adjusted by hand, if desired
-FUNCTION {init.urlbst.variables}
- "Available from: " 'urlintro := % prefix before URL
- "" 'eprinturl := % prefix to make URL from eprint ref
- "arXiv:" 'eprintprefix := % text prefix printed before eprint ref
- "" 'doiurl := % prefix to make URL from DOI
- "doi:" 'doiprefix := % text prefix printed before DOI ref
- "" 'pubmedurl := % prefix to make URL from PUBMED
- "PMID:" 'pubmedprefix := % text prefix printed before PUBMED ref
- #1 'addeprints := % 0=no eprints; 1=include eprints
- #1 'adddoiresolver := % 0=no DOI resolver; 1=include it
- #1 'addpubmedresolver := % 0=no PUBMED resolver; 1=include it
- #1 'inlinelinks := % 0=URLs explicit; 1=URLs attached to titles
- #1 'doiform := % 0=simple, but can produce invalid HTML; 1=needs post-processing
- % the following are internal state variables, not config constants
- #0 'makeinlinelink := % state variable managed by possibly.setup.inlinelink
- "" 'openinlinelink := % ditto
- "" 'closeinlinelink := % ditto
- bracket.state
- outside.brackets
- open.brackets
- within.brackets
- close.brackets
- close.first.block
-% ...urlbst to here
FUNCTION {init.state.consts}
-{ #0 'outside.brackets := % urlbst
- #1 'open.brackets :=
- #2 'within.brackets :=
- #3 'close.brackets :=
- #0 'before.all :=
+{ #0 'before.all :=
#1 'mid.sentence :=
#2 'after.sentence :=
#3 'after.block :=
- #0 'close.first.block :=
STRINGS { s t }
-% urlbst
-FUNCTION {output.nonnull.original}
+FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
{ 's :=
output.state mid.sentence =
{ ", " * write$ }
{ output.state after.block =
{ add.period$ write$
- % close the <dt> after the end of the first block
- close.first.block
- { newline$
- #0 'close.first.block := }
- { newline$ }
- if$
+ newline$
{ output.state before.all =
@@ -140,84 +81,6 @@ FUNCTION {output.nonnull.original}
-% urlbst...
-% The following three functions are for handling inlinelink. They wrap
-% a block of text which is potentially output with write$ by multiple
-% other functions, so we don't know the content a priori.
-% They communicate between each other using the variables makeinlinelink
-% (which is true if a link should be made), and closeinlinelink (which holds
-% the string which should close any current link. They can be called
-% at any time, but start.inlinelink will be a no-op unless something has
-% previously set makeinlinelink true, and the two ...end.inlinelink functions
-% will only do their stuff if start.inlinelink has previously set
-% closeinlinelink to be non-empty.
-FUNCTION {possibly.setup.inlinelink}
-{ makeinlinelink
- { "<a href=" quote$ * url * quote$ * ">" * 'openinlinelink :=
- "</a>" 'closeinlinelink :=
- #0 'makeinlinelink := }
- 'skip$
- if$ % makeinlinelink
-FUNCTION {add.inlinelink}
-{ openinlinelink empty$
- 'skip$
- { openinlinelink swap$ * closeinlinelink *
- "" 'openinlinelink :=
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
-{ % Save the thing we've been asked to output
- 's :=
- % If the bracket-state is close.brackets, then add a close-bracket to
- % what is currently at the top of the stack, and set bracket.state
- % to outside.brackets
- bracket.state close.brackets =
- { "]" *
- outside.brackets 'bracket.state :=
- }
- 'skip$
- if$
- bracket.state outside.brackets =
- { % We're outside all brackets -- this is the normal situation.
- % Write out what's currently at the top of the stack, using the
- % original output.nonnull function.
- s
- add.inlinelink
- output.nonnull.original % invoke the original output.nonnull
- }
- { % Still in brackets. Add open-bracket or (continuation) comma, add the
- % new text (in s) to the top of the stack, and move to the close-brackets
- % state, ready for next time (unless inbrackets resets it). If we come
- % into this branch, then output.state is carefully undisturbed.
- bracket.state open.brackets =
- { " [" * }
- { ", " * } % bracket.state will be within.brackets
- if$
- s *
- close.brackets 'bracket.state :=
- }
- if$
-% Call this function just before adding something which should be presented in
-% brackets. bracket.state is handled specially within output.nonnull.
-FUNCTION {inbrackets}
-{ bracket.state close.brackets =
- { within.brackets 'bracket.state := } % reset the state: not open nor closed
- { open.brackets 'bracket.state := }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.lastchecked}
-{ lastchecked empty$
- { "" }
- { inbrackets "cited " lastchecked * }
- if$
-% ...urlbst to here
FUNCTION {output}
{ duplicate$ empty$
@@ -233,21 +96,50 @@ FUNCTION {output.check}
-FUNCTION {output.bibitem.original}
+FUNCTION {output.bibitem}
{ newline$
- cite$ write$
- newline$
- "[" label * "] " * write$
- % the <dt> is closed within output.nonnull, as long as close.first.block is true
- #1 'close.first.block :=
- newline$
+ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "<!-- Authors: " organization purify$ * " -->" * write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { "<!-- Authors: " editor purify$ * " -->" * write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { "<!-- Authors: " author purify$ * " -->" * write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+ keywords empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "<!-- Keywords: " keywords * " -->" * write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+ "<dt><a name=" quote$ * "CITEREF_" * cite$ * quote$ * ">[" * label * "]</a></dt><dd>" * write$
before.all 'output.state :=
-FUNCTION {fin.entry.original}
+FUNCTION {fin.entry}
{ add.period$
+ postscript empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { newline$ "<!-- PostScript: " postscript * " -->" * write$ }
+ if$
+ pdf empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { newline$ "<!-- PDF: " pdf * " -->" * write$ }
+ if$
+ dvi empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { newline$ "<!-- DVI: " dvi * " -->" * write$ }
+ if$
+ doi empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { newline$ "<!-- DOI: " doi * " -->" * write$ }
+ if$
+ "</dd>" write$
+ newline$
@@ -287,6 +179,22 @@ FUNCTION {or}
+ 's :=
+ #0
+ { s empty$ not }
+ { % Multiply the number on the top of the stack by 10 = 1010 binary
+ duplicate$ + % x2
+ duplicate$ % x2 x2
+ duplicate$ + duplicate$ + % x2 x8
+ +
+ s #1 #1 substring$$ #48 - + % #48 is ascii for '0'
+ s #2 global.max$ substring$ 's :=
+ }
+ while$
FUNCTION {new.block.checka}
{ empty$
@@ -326,17 +234,39 @@ FUNCTION {field.or.null}
-FUNCTION {bold}
+FUNCTION {emphasize}
{ duplicate$ empty$
{ pop$ "" }
- { "<b>" swap$ * "</b>" * }
+ { "<em>" swap$ * "</em>" * }
-FUNCTION {emphasize}
-{ duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ "" }
- { "<em>" swap$ * "</em>" * }
+FUNCTION {} % title
+ 't :=
+ t empty$
+ { "" }
+ { url empty$
+ { html empty$
+ { t }
+ { "<a href=" quote$ * html * quote$ * ">" * t * "</a>" * }
+ if$ }
+ { "<a href=" quote$ * url * quote$ * ">" * t * "</a>" * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {add.mailto} % authors
+ 't :=
+ t empty$
+ { "" }
+ { mailto empty$
+ { t }
+ { "<a href=" quote$ * "mailto:" * mailto * quote$ * ">" * t * "</a>" * }
+ if$
+ }
@@ -349,6 +279,7 @@ FUNCTION {format.names}
numnames 'namesleft :=
{ namesleft #0 > }
{ s nameptr "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"$ 't :=
+ "\bibxhtmlname{" t * "}" * 't :=
nameptr #1 >
{ namesleft #1 >
{ ", " * t * }
@@ -376,7 +307,7 @@ FUNCTION {format.authors}
{ "" }
{ author format.names }
- bold
+ add.mailto
FUNCTION {format.editors}
@@ -396,6 +327,7 @@ FUNCTION {format.title}
{ "" }
{ title "t"$ }
FUNCTION {n.dashify}
@@ -438,11 +370,11 @@ FUNCTION {}
- bold
FUNCTION {format.btitle}
{ title emphasize
@@ -616,18 +548,20 @@ FUNCTION {}
FUNCTION {format.article.crossref}
-{ key empty$
+ "In <a href=" quote$ * "#" * crossref * quote$ * ">" *
+ key empty$
{ journal empty$
{ "need key or journal for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref *
- { "In <em>" journal * "</em>" * }
+ { "<cite>" * journal * "</cite>" * }
- { "In " key * }
+ { key * }
- " <span class='cite'>" * crossref * "</span>" *
+ "</a> \citelabel{" * crossref * "}" *
FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor}
@@ -656,6 +590,7 @@ FUNCTION {}
" of " *
+ "<a href=" * quote$ * "#" * crossref * quote$ * ">" *
editor empty$
editor field.or.null author field.or.null =
@@ -665,7 +600,7 @@ FUNCTION {}
crossref * warning$
"" *
- { "<em>" * series * "</em>" * }
+ { "<cite>" * series * "</cite>" * }
{ key * }
@@ -673,11 +608,13 @@ FUNCTION {}
{ format.crossref.editor * }
- " <span class='cite'>" * crossref * "</span>" *
+ "</a> \citelabel{" * crossref * "}" *
FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref}
-{ editor empty$
+ "In <a href=" quote$ * "#" * crossref * quote$ * ">" *
+ editor empty$
editor field.or.null author field.or.null =
{ key empty$
@@ -686,171 +623,26 @@ FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref}
crossref * warning$
- { "In <em>" booktitle * "</em>" * }
+ { "<cite>" * booktitle * "</cite>" * }
- { "In " key * }
+ { key * }
- { "In " format.crossref.editor * }
- if$
- " <span class='cite'>" * crossref * "</span>" *
-% urlbst...
-% Functions for making hypertext links.
-FUNCTION {make.href}
- "<a href='" swap$ * "'><code>" * swap$ * "</code></a>" *
-% If inlinelinks is true, then format.url should be a no-op, since it's
-% (a) redundant, and (b) could end up as a link-within-a-link.
-FUNCTION {format.url}
-{ inlinelinks #1 = url empty$ or
- { "" }
- { urlintro "<code>" * url * "</code>" * }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.eprint}
-{ eprint empty$
- { "" }
- { eprintprefix eprint * eprinturl eprint * make.href }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.doi}
-{ doi empty$
- { "" }
- { doiform #0 =
- { doiprefix doi * doiurl doi * make.href }
- { "DOI:{" doi * "}" * }
- if$
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.pubmed}
-{ pubmed empty$
- { "" }
- { pubmedprefix pubmed * pubmedurl pubmed * make.href }
- if$
-% Output a URL. We can't use the more normal idiom (something like
-% `format.url output'), because the `inbrackets' within
-% format.lastchecked applies to everything between calls to `output',
-% so that `format.url format.lastchecked * output' ends up with both
-% the URL and the lastchecked in brackets.
-FUNCTION {output.url}
-{ url empty$
- 'skip$
- { new.block
- format.url output
- format.lastchecked output
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {output.web.refs}
- new.block
- output.url
- addeprints eprint empty$ not and
- { format.eprint output.nonnull }
- 'skip$
- if$
- adddoiresolver doi empty$ not and
- { format.doi output.nonnull }
- 'skip$
- if$
- addpubmedresolver pubmed empty$ not and
- { format.pubmed output.nonnull }
- 'skip$
- if$
-% Wrapper for output.bibitem.original.
-% If the URL field is not empty, set makeinlinelink to be true,
-% so that an inline link will be started at the next opportunity
-FUNCTION {output.bibitem}
-{ outside.brackets 'bracket.state :=
- output.bibitem.original
- inlinelinks url empty$ not and
- { #1 'makeinlinelink := }
- { #0 'makeinlinelink := }
- if$
-% Wrapper for fin.entry.original
-FUNCTION {fin.entry}
-{ output.web.refs % urlbst
- makeinlinelink % ooops, it appears we didn't have a title for inlinelink
- { possibly.setup.inlinelink % add some artificial link text here, as a fallback
- "[link]" output.nonnull }
- 'skip$
- if$
- bracket.state close.brackets = % urlbst
- { "]" * }
- 'skip$
- if$
- fin.entry.original
-% Webpage entry type.
-% Title and url fields required;
-% author, note, year, month, and lastchecked fields optional
-% See references
-% ISO 690-2
-% for citation formats for web pages.
-FUNCTION {webpage}
-{ output.bibitem
- author empty$
- { editor empty$
- 'skip$ % author and editor both optional
- { format.editors output.nonnull }
- if$
- }
- { editor empty$
- { format.authors output.nonnull }
- { "can't use both author and editor fields in " cite$ * warning$ }
- if$
- }
- if$
- new.block
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$
- format.title "title" output.check
- inbrackets "online" output
- new.block
- year empty$
- 'skip$
- { "year" output.check }
+ { format.crossref.editor * }
- % We don't need to output the URL details ('lastchecked' and 'url'),
- % because fin.entry does that for us, using output.web.refs. The only
- % reason we would want to put them here is if we were to decide that
- % they should go in front of the rather miscellaneous information in 'note'.
- new.block
- note output
- fin.entry
+ "</a> \citelabel{" * crossref * "}" *
-% ...urlbst to here
FUNCTION {article}
{ output.bibitem
format.authors "author" output.check
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.title "title" output.check
crossref missing$
{ journal emphasize "journal" output.check
- possibly.setup.inlinelink format.vol.num.pages output% urlbst
+ format.vol.num.pages output "year" output.check
{ format.article.crossref output.nonnull
@@ -874,7 +666,6 @@ FUNCTION {book}
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.btitle "title" output.check
crossref missing$
{ format.bvolume output
@@ -899,7 +690,6 @@ FUNCTION {booklet}
{ output.bibitem
format.authors output
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.title "title" output.check
howpublished address new.block.checkb
howpublished output
@@ -922,7 +712,6 @@ FUNCTION {inbook}
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.btitle "title" output.check
crossref missing$
{ format.bvolume output
@@ -949,7 +738,6 @@ FUNCTION {incollection}
{ output.bibitem
format.authors "author" output.check
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.title "title" output.check
crossref missing$
@@ -976,7 +764,6 @@ FUNCTION {inproceedings}
{ output.bibitem
format.authors "author" output.check
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.title "title" output.check
crossref missing$
@@ -1022,7 +809,6 @@ FUNCTION {manual}
{ format.authors output.nonnull }
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.btitle "title" output.check
author empty$
{ organization empty$
@@ -1048,7 +834,6 @@ FUNCTION {mastersthesis}
{ output.bibitem
format.authors "author" output.check
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.title "title" output.check
"Master's thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull
@@ -1064,7 +849,6 @@ FUNCTION {misc}
{ output.bibitem
format.authors output
title howpublished new.block.checkb
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.title output
howpublished new.block.checka
howpublished output
@@ -1079,7 +863,6 @@ FUNCTION {phdthesis}
{ output.bibitem
format.authors "author" output.check
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.btitle "title" output.check
"PhD thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull
@@ -1098,7 +881,6 @@ FUNCTION {proceedings}
{ format.editors output.nonnull }
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.btitle "title" output.check
format.bvolume output
format.number.series output
@@ -1131,7 +913,6 @@ FUNCTION {techreport}
{ output.bibitem
format.authors "author" output.check
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.title "title" output.check
new.block output.nonnull
@@ -1147,7 +928,6 @@ FUNCTION {unpublished}
{ output.bibitem
format.authors "author" output.check
- title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst
format.title "title" output.check
note "note" output.check
@@ -1156,37 +936,70 @@ FUNCTION {unpublished}
FUNCTION {default.type} { misc }
MACRO {jan} {"January"}
MACRO {feb} {"February"}
MACRO {mar} {"March"}
MACRO {apr} {"April"}
MACRO {may} {"May"}
MACRO {jun} {"June"}
MACRO {jul} {"July"}
MACRO {aug} {"August"}
MACRO {sep} {"September"}
MACRO {oct} {"October"}
MACRO {nov} {"November"}
MACRO {dec} {"December"}
MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Computing Surveys"}
MACRO {acta} {"Acta Informatica"}
MACRO {cacm} {"Communications of the ACM"}
MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"}
MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Systems Journal"}
MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"}
MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Transactions on Computers"}
-MACRO {ieeetcad} {"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits"}
+MACRO {ieeetcad}
+ {"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits"}
MACRO {ipl} {"Information Processing Letters"}
MACRO {jacm} {"Journal of the ACM"}
MACRO {jcss} {"Journal of Computer and System Sciences"}
MACRO {scp} {"Science of Computer Programming"}
MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM Journal on Computing"}
MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"}
MACRO {tods} {"ACM Transactions on Database Systems"}
MACRO {tog} {"ACM Transactions on Graphics"}
MACRO {toms} {"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"}
MACRO {toois} {"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"}
MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"}
MACRO {tcs} {"Theoretical Computer Science"}
@@ -1207,6 +1020,177 @@ FUNCTION {chop.word}
+FUNCTION {format.lab.names}
+{ 's :=
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames #1 =
+ { s #1 "{vv }{ll}"$ }
+ { numnames #2 =
+ { s #1 "{vv }{ll }and "$ s #2 "{vv }{ll}"$ * }
+ { s #1 "{vv }{ll }"$ "et~al." * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.key.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ { key }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ { key }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.lab.names }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.key.organization.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { key }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {editor.key.organization.label}
+{ editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { key }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.lab.names }
+ if$
+ "l"$ #3 text.prefix$
+ 's :=
+ s "jan" = { #1 } {
+ s "feb" = { #2 } {
+ s "mar" = { #3 } {
+ s "apr" = { #4 } {
+ s "may" = { #5 } {
+ s "jun" = { #6 } {
+ s "jul" = { #7 } {
+ s "aug" = { #8 } {
+ s "sep" = { #9 } {
+ s "oct" = { #10 } {
+ s "nov" = { #11 } {
+ s "dec" = { #12 } { #13 } % 13 if nothing matches
+ if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$
+INTEGERS { done c }
+{ month field.or.null 's :=
+ % Strip out month name
+ #0 'done :=
+ { s "" = not done not and }
+ { s #1 #1 substring$ " " = 'done :=
+ s #2 global.max$ substring$ 's :=
+ }
+ while$
+ % Build up first number in t
+ "0" 't :=
+ #0 'done :=
+ { s "" = not done not and }
+ { s #1 #1 substring$$ 'c :=
+ c #47 > c #58 < and
+ { t c$ * 't := }
+ { #1 'done := }
+ if$
+ s #2 global.max$ substring$ 's :=
+ }
+ while$
+ t
+FUNCTION { sortify.fourdigit }
+{ 's :=
+ s empty$
+ { "0000" }
+ { s
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION { sortify.twodigit }
+{ 's :=
+ s empty$
+ { "00" }
+ { s
+ #10 +$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {calc.label}
+{ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.key.label
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.key.organization.label
+ { type$ "manual" =
+ 'author.key.organization.label
+ 'author.key.label
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ duplicate$
+ year empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { ", " * }
+ if$
+ year field.or.null purify$ * % CHANGED - pfps - 15 Feb 1989
+ 'label :=
+ year field.or.null purify$
+ #-1 #4 substring$
+ sortify.fourdigit
+ " " *
+ month field.or.null$ sortify.twodigit *
+ " " *
+$ sortify.twodigit *
+ " " *
+ * sortify 'sort.label :=
FUNCTION {sort.format.names}
{ 's :=
#1 'nameptr :=
@@ -1220,7 +1204,7 @@ FUNCTION {sort.format.names}
s nameptr "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{ ff{ }}{ jj{ }}"$ 't :=
nameptr numnames = t "others" = and
- { "et al" * }
+ { "et al." * }
{ t sortify * }
nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
@@ -1304,36 +1288,9 @@ FUNCTION {editor.organization.sort}
-{ type$ "book" =
- type$ "inbook" =
- or
- 'author.editor.sort
- { type$ "proceedings" =
- 'editor.organization.sort
- { type$ "manual" =
- 'author.organization.sort
- 'author.sort
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- " "
- *
- year field.or.null sortify
- *
- " "
- *
- title field.or.null
- sort.format.title
- *
- #1 entry.max$ substring$
- 'sort.key$ :=
-{ year field.or.null sortify
+FUNCTION {presort}
+{ calc.label
+ sort.label
" "
type$ "book" =
@@ -1353,6 +1310,10 @@ FUNCTION {}
" "
+ year field.or.null sortify
+ *
+ " "
+ *
title field.or.null
@@ -1360,55 +1321,68 @@ FUNCTION {}
'sort.key$ :=
+ITERATE {presort}
-STRINGS { longest.label }
+STRINGS { longest.label last.sort.label next.extra }
-INTEGERS { number.label longest.label.width }
+INTEGERS { longest.label.width last.extra.num }
FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label}
{ "" 'longest.label :=
- #1 'number.label :=
+ #0$ 'last.sort.label :=
+ "" 'next.extra :=
#0 'longest.label.width :=
+ #0 'last.extra.num :=
+FUNCTION {forward.pass}
+{ last.sort.label sort.label =
+ { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num :=
+ last.extra.num$ 'extra.label :=
+ }
+ { "a"$ 'last.extra.num :=
+ "" 'extra.label :=
+ sort.label 'last.sort.label :=
+ }
+ if$
-FUNCTION {longest.label.pass}
-{ number.label$ 'label :=
- number.label #1 + 'number.label :=
+FUNCTION {reverse.pass}
+{ next.extra "b" =
+ { "a" 'extra.label := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ label extra.label * 'label :=
label width$ longest.label.width >
{ label 'longest.label :=
label width$ 'longest.label.width :=
+ extra.label 'next.extra :=
EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label}
-ITERATE {longest.label.pass}
+ITERATE {forward.pass}
+REVERSE {reverse.pass}
FUNCTION {begin.bib}
-{ preamble$ empty$
- 'skip$
- { preamble$ write$ newline$ }
- if$
- %"/** \page bibref References" write$ newline$
- newline$
+ "# label-style: default" write$ newline$
EXECUTE {begin.bib}
-EXECUTE {init.urlbst.variables}
EXECUTE {init.state.consts}
ITERATE {call.type$}
FUNCTION {end.bib}
{ newline$
- %"*/" write$ newline$
EXECUTE {end.bib}
diff --git a/src/doxygen.cpp b/src/doxygen.cpp
index 85cb417..809696a 100644
--- a/src/doxygen.cpp
+++ b/src/doxygen.cpp
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ IndexList Doxygen::indexList;
int Doxygen::subpageNestingLevel = 0;
bool Doxygen::userComments = FALSE;
QCString Doxygen::spaces;
+bool Doxygen::generatingXmlOutput = FALSE;
// locally accessible globals
static QDict<EntryNav> g_classEntries(1009);
@@ -252,8 +253,11 @@ static STLInfo g_stlinfo[] =
// className baseClass1 baseClass2 templType1 templName1 templType2 templName2 virtInheritance // iterators
{ "allocator", 0, 0, "T", "elements", 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE },
- { "auto_ptr", 0, 0, "T", "ptr", 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE },
- { "ios_base", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE },
+ { "auto_ptr", 0, 0, "T", "ptr", 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE }, // deprecated
+ { "smart_ptr", 0, 0, "T", "ptr", 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE }, // C++11
+ { "unique_ptr", 0, 0, "T", "ptr", 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE }, // C++11
+ { "weak_ptr", 0, 0, "T", "ptr", 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE }, // C++11
+ { "ios_base", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE }, // C++11
{ "basic_ios", "ios_base", 0, "Char", 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "basic_istream", "basic_ios<Char>", 0, "Char", 0, 0, 0, TRUE, FALSE },
{ "basic_ostream", "basic_ios<Char>", 0, "Char", 0, 0, 0, TRUE, FALSE },
@@ -321,7 +325,7 @@ static void addSTLMember(EntryNav *rootNav,const char *type,const char *name)
Entry *memEntry = new Entry;
memEntry->name = name;
memEntry->type = type;
- memEntry->protection = Private;
+ memEntry->protection = Public;
memEntry->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
memEntry->brief = "STL member";
memEntry->hidden = FALSE;
@@ -415,6 +419,22 @@ static void addSTLClasses(EntryNav *rootNav)
+ if (fullName=="std::auto_ptr" || fullName=="std::smart_ptr" ||
+ fullName=="std::unique_ptr" || fullName=="std::weak_ptr")
+ {
+ Entry *memEntry = new Entry;
+ memEntry->name = "operator->";
+ memEntry->args = "()";
+ memEntry->type = "T*";
+ memEntry->protection = Public;
+ memEntry->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
+ memEntry->brief = "STL member";
+ memEntry->hidden = FALSE;
+ memEntry->artificial = FALSE;
+ EntryNav *memEntryNav = new EntryNav(classEntryNav,memEntry);
+ memEntryNav->setEntry(memEntry);
+ classEntryNav->addChild(memEntryNav);
+ }
if (info->baseClass1)
classEntry->extends->append(new BaseInfo(info->baseClass1,Public,info->virtualInheritance?Virtual:Normal));
@@ -10561,8 +10581,8 @@ void parseInput()
- msg("Resolving citations...\n");
- Doxygen::citeDict->resolve();
+ //msg("Resolving citations...\n");
+ //Doxygen::citeDict->resolve();
msg("Generating citations page...\n");
@@ -10853,7 +10873,9 @@ void generateOutput()
if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_XML"))
msg("Generating XML output...\n");
+ Doxygen::generatingXmlOutput=TRUE;
+ Doxygen::generatingXmlOutput=FALSE;
if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF"))
diff --git a/src/doxygen.h b/src/doxygen.h
index 401c37f..c7664c0 100644
--- a/src/doxygen.h
+++ b/src/doxygen.h
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ class Doxygen
static IndexList indexList;
static int subpageNestingLevel;
static QCString spaces;
+ static bool generatingXmlOutput;
void initDoxygen();
diff --git a/src/doxygen_bst.h b/src/doxygen_bst.h
index 6298713..c51f2df 100644
--- a/src/doxygen_bst.h
+++ b/src/doxygen_bst.h
@@ -1,31 +1,10 @@
-"%% doxygen.bst\n"
-"%% This is a modification of plainhtml.bst; the original copyright notice\n"
-"%% follows.\n"
-"%% ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOTICE OF plainhtml.bst\n"
-"%% plainhtml.bst\n"
-"%% Part of bibhtml, version 2.0.1, released 2009 November 2\n"
-"%% Hg node 6ca3807543d6.\n"
-"%% See <>\n"
-"%% Copyright 1999, 2005, 2006, 2009, Norman Gray <>\n"
-"%% This is a modification of a modification!\n"
-"%%% Modification of BibTeX style file /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-dist/bibtex/bst/base/plain.bst\n"
-"%%% ... by urlbst, version 0.6-4 (marked with \"% urlbst\")\n"
-"%%% See <>\n"
-"%%% Added webpage entry type, and url and lastchecked fields.\n"
-"%%% Added eprint support.\n"
-"%%% Added DOI support.\n"
-"%%% Added PUBMED support.\n"
-"%%% Added hyperref support.\n"
-"%%% Original headers follow...\n"
-"% BibTeX standard bibliography style `plain'\n"
-" % version 0.99a for BibTeX versions 0.99a or later, LaTeX version 2.09.\n"
+" % \n"
+" % \n"
+" % This file is either \"html-btxbst.doc\" or was derived from\n"
+" % \"html-btxbst.doc\" using cpp. \"html-btxbst.doc\" itself was edited\n"
+" % from \"btxbst.doc\" and \"named.bst\".\n"
+" % The following copyright information is from btxbst.doc:\n"
+" % version 0.99b for BibTeX versions 0.99a or later, LaTeX version 2.09.\n"
" % Copyright (C) 1985, all rights reserved.\n"
" % Copying of this file is authorized only if either\n"
" % (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name, or\n"
@@ -33,6 +12,8 @@
" % btxbst.doc, plain.bst, unsrt.bst, alpha.bst, and abbrv.bst.\n"
" % This restriction helps ensure that all standard styles are identical.\n"
" % The file btxbst.doc has the documentation for this style.\n"
+" % \"named\" style (sorted keys of the form [name, year])\n"
+" % Some code for this was taken from \"named.bst\".\n"
" { address\n"
@@ -57,76 +38,36 @@
" type\n"
" volume\n"
" year\n"
-" eprint % urlbst\n"
-" doi % urlbst\n"
-" pubmed % urlbst\n"
-" url % urlbst\n"
-" lastchecked % urlbst\n"
+" dvi\n"
+" html\n"
+" keywords\n"
+" pdf\n"
+" postscript\n"
+" url\n"
+" doi\n"
+" mailto\n"
" }\n"
" {}\n"
-" { label }\n"
+" { label extra.label sort.label }\n"
-"INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block doiform }\n"
+"INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block }\n"
-"STRINGS { urlintro eprinturl eprintprefix doiprefix doiurl pubmedprefix pubmedurl openinlinelink closeinlinelink } % urlbst...\n"
-"INTEGERS { inlinelinks makeinlinelink addeprints adddoiresolver addpubmedresolver }\n"
-"% Following constants may be adjusted by hand, if desired\n"
-"FUNCTION {init.urlbst.variables}\n"
-" \"Available from: \" 'urlintro := % prefix before URL\n"
-" \"\" 'eprinturl := % prefix to make URL from eprint ref\n"
-" \"arXiv:\" 'eprintprefix := % text prefix printed before eprint ref\n"
-" \"\" 'doiurl := % prefix to make URL from DOI\n"
-" \"doi:\" 'doiprefix := % text prefix printed before DOI ref\n"
-" \"\" 'pubmedurl := % prefix to make URL from PUBMED\n"
-" \"PMID:\" 'pubmedprefix := % text prefix printed before PUBMED ref\n"
-" #1 'addeprints := % 0=no eprints; 1=include eprints\n"
-" #1 'adddoiresolver := % 0=no DOI resolver; 1=include it\n"
-" #1 'addpubmedresolver := % 0=no PUBMED resolver; 1=include it\n"
-" #1 'inlinelinks := % 0=URLs explicit; 1=URLs attached to titles\n"
-" #1 'doiform := % 0=simple, but can produce invalid HTML; 1=needs post-processing\n"
-" % the following are internal state variables, not config constants\n"
-" #0 'makeinlinelink := % state variable managed by possibly.setup.inlinelink\n"
-" \"\" 'openinlinelink := % ditto\n"
-" \"\" 'closeinlinelink := % ditto\n"
-"INTEGERS { \n"
-" bracket.state\n"
-" outside.brackets\n"
-" open.brackets\n"
-" within.brackets\n"
-" close.brackets\n"
-" close.first.block\n"
-"% ...urlbst to here\n"
"FUNCTION {init.state.consts}\n"
-"{ #0 'outside.brackets := % urlbst\n"
-" #1 'open.brackets :=\n"
-" #2 'within.brackets :=\n"
-" #3 'close.brackets :=\n"
-" #0 'before.all :=\n"
+"{ #0 'before.all :=\n"
" #1 'mid.sentence :=\n"
" #2 'after.sentence :=\n"
" #3 'after.block :=\n"
-" #0 'close.first.block :=\n"
"STRINGS { s t }\n"
-"% urlbst\n"
-"FUNCTION {output.nonnull.original}\n"
+"FUNCTION {output.nonnull}\n"
"{ 's :=\n"
" output.state mid.sentence =\n"
" { \", \" * write$ }\n"
" { output.state after.block =\n"
" { add.period$ write$\n"
-" % close the <dt> after the end of the first block\n"
-" close.first.block\n"
-" { newline$\n"
-" #0 'close.first.block := }\n"
-" { newline$ }\n"
-" if$\n"
+" newline$\n"
" }\n"
" { output.state before.all =\n"
" 'write$\n"
@@ -140,84 +81,6 @@
" s\n"
-"% urlbst...\n"
-"% The following three functions are for handling inlinelink. They wrap\n"
-"% a block of text which is potentially output with write$ by multiple\n"
-"% other functions, so we don't know the content a priori.\n"
-"% They communicate between each other using the variables makeinlinelink\n"
-"% (which is true if a link should be made), and closeinlinelink (which holds\n"
-"% the string which should close any current link. They can be called\n"
-"% at any time, but start.inlinelink will be a no-op unless something has\n"
-"% previously set makeinlinelink true, and the two ...end.inlinelink functions\n"
-"% will only do their stuff if start.inlinelink has previously set\n"
-"% closeinlinelink to be non-empty.\n"
-"FUNCTION {possibly.setup.inlinelink}\n"
-"{ makeinlinelink\n"
-" { \"<a href=\" quote$ * url * quote$ * \">\" * 'openinlinelink :=\n"
-" \"</a>\" 'closeinlinelink :=\n"
-" #0 'makeinlinelink := }\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" if$ % makeinlinelink\n"
-"FUNCTION {add.inlinelink}\n"
-"{ openinlinelink empty$\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" { openinlinelink swap$ * closeinlinelink *\n"
-" \"\" 'openinlinelink :=\n"
-" }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {output.nonnull}\n"
-"{ % Save the thing we've been asked to output\n"
-" 's :=\n"
-" % If the bracket-state is close.brackets, then add a close-bracket to\n"
-" % what is currently at the top of the stack, and set bracket.state\n"
-" % to outside.brackets\n"
-" bracket.state close.brackets =\n"
-" { \"]\" *\n"
-" outside.brackets 'bracket.state :=\n"
-" }\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" if$\n"
-" bracket.state outside.brackets =\n"
-" { % We're outside all brackets -- this is the normal situation.\n"
-" % Write out what's currently at the top of the stack, using the\n"
-" % original output.nonnull function.\n"
-" s\n"
-" add.inlinelink\n"
-" output.nonnull.original % invoke the original output.nonnull\n"
-" }\n"
-" { % Still in brackets. Add open-bracket or (continuation) comma, add the\n"
-" % new text (in s) to the top of the stack, and move to the close-brackets\n"
-" % state, ready for next time (unless inbrackets resets it). If we come\n"
-" % into this branch, then output.state is carefully undisturbed.\n"
-" bracket.state open.brackets =\n"
-" { \" [\" * }\n"
-" { \", \" * } % bracket.state will be within.brackets\n"
-" if$ \n"
-" s * \n"
-" close.brackets 'bracket.state :=\n"
-" }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"% Call this function just before adding something which should be presented in \n"
-"% brackets. bracket.state is handled specially within output.nonnull.\n"
-"FUNCTION {inbrackets}\n"
-"{ bracket.state close.brackets =\n"
-" { within.brackets 'bracket.state := } % reset the state: not open nor closed\n"
-" { open.brackets 'bracket.state := }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {format.lastchecked}\n"
-"{ lastchecked empty$\n"
-" { \"\" }\n"
-" { inbrackets \"cited \" lastchecked * }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"% ...urlbst to here\n"
"FUNCTION {output}\n"
"{ duplicate$ empty$\n"
" 'pop$\n"
@@ -233,21 +96,50 @@
" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {output.bibitem.original}\n"
+"FUNCTION {output.bibitem}\n"
"{ newline$\n"
-" cite$ write$\n"
-" newline$\n"
-" \"[\" label * \"] \" * write$\n"
-" % the <dt> is closed within output.nonnull, as long as close.first.block is true\n"
-" #1 'close.first.block :=\n"
-" newline$\n"
+" author empty$\n"
+" { editor empty$\n"
+" { organization empty$\n"
+" 'skip$\n"
+" { \"<!-- Authors: \" organization purify$ * \" -->\" * write$ newline$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" } \n"
+" { \"<!-- Authors: \" editor purify$ * \" -->\" * write$ newline$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" { \"<!-- Authors: \" author purify$ * \" -->\" * write$ newline$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" keywords empty$\n"
+" 'skip$\n"
+" { \"<!-- Keywords: \" keywords * \" -->\" * write$ newline$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" \"<dt><a name=\" quote$ * \"CITEREF_\" * cite$ * quote$ * \">[\" * label * \"]</a></dt><dd>\" * write$\n"
" \"\"\n"
" before.all 'output.state :=\n"
-"FUNCTION {fin.entry.original}\n"
+"FUNCTION {fin.entry}\n"
"{ add.period$\n"
" write$\n"
+" postscript empty$\n"
+" 'skip$\n"
+" { newline$ \"<!-- PostScript: \" postscript * \" -->\" * write$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" pdf empty$\n"
+" 'skip$\n"
+" { newline$ \"<!-- PDF: \" pdf * \" -->\" * write$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" dvi empty$\n"
+" 'skip$\n"
+" { newline$ \"<!-- DVI: \" dvi * \" -->\" * write$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" doi empty$\n"
+" 'skip$\n"
+" { newline$ \"<!-- DOI: \" doi * \" -->\" * write$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" \"</dd>\" write$\n"
+" newline$\n"
" newline$\n"
@@ -287,6 +179,22 @@
" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION {}\n"
+" 's :=\n"
+" #0\n"
+" { s empty$ not }\n"
+" { % Multiply the number on the top of the stack by 10 = 1010 binary\n"
+" duplicate$ + % x2\n"
+" duplicate$ % x2 x2\n"
+" duplicate$ + duplicate$ + % x2 x8\n"
+" +\n"
+" s #1 #1 substring$$ #48 - + % #48 is ascii for '0'\n"
+" s #2 global.max$ substring$ 's :=\n"
+" }\n"
+" while$\n"
"FUNCTION {new.block.checka}\n"
"{ empty$\n"
" 'skip$\n"
@@ -326,17 +234,39 @@
" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {bold}\n"
+"FUNCTION {emphasize}\n"
"{ duplicate$ empty$\n"
" { pop$ \"\" }\n"
-" { \"<b>\" swap$ * \"</b>\" * }\n"
+" { \"<em>\" swap$ * \"</em>\" * }\n"
" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {emphasize}\n"
-"{ duplicate$ empty$\n"
-" { pop$ \"\" }\n"
-" { \"<em>\" swap$ * \"</em>\" * }\n"
+"FUNCTION {} % title\n"
+" 't :=\n"
+" t empty$\n"
+" { \"\" }\n"
+" { url empty$\n"
+" { html empty$\n"
+" { t }\n"
+" { \"<a href=\" quote$ * html * quote$ * \">\" * t * \"</a>\" * }\n"
+" if$ }\n"
+" { \"<a href=\" quote$ * url * quote$ * \">\" * t * \"</a>\" * }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION {add.mailto} % authors\n"
+" 't :=\n"
+" t empty$\n"
+" { \"\" }\n"
+" { mailto empty$\n"
+" { t }\n"
+" { \"<a href=\" quote$ * \"mailto:\" * mailto * quote$ * \">\" * t * \"</a>\" * }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
" if$\n"
@@ -349,6 +279,7 @@
" numnames 'namesleft :=\n"
" { namesleft #0 > }\n"
" { s nameptr \"{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}\"$ 't :=\n"
+" \"\\bibxhtmlname{\" t * \"}\" * 't :=\n"
" nameptr #1 >\n"
" { namesleft #1 >\n"
" { \", \" * t * }\n"
@@ -376,7 +307,7 @@
" { \"\" }\n"
" { author format.names }\n"
" if$\n"
-" bold\n"
+" add.mailto\n"
"FUNCTION {format.editors}\n"
@@ -396,6 +327,7 @@
" { \"\" }\n"
" { title \"t\"$ }\n"
" if$\n"
"FUNCTION {n.dashify}\n"
@@ -438,11 +370,11 @@
" if$\n"
" }\n"
" if$\n"
-" bold\n"
"FUNCTION {format.btitle}\n"
"{ title emphasize\n"
@@ -616,18 +548,20 @@
"FUNCTION {format.article.crossref}\n"
-"{ key empty$\n"
+" \"In <a href=\" quote$ * \"#\" * crossref * quote$ * \">\" *\n"
+" key empty$\n"
" { journal empty$\n"
" { \"need key or journal for \" cite$ * \" to crossref \" * crossref *\n"
" warning$\n"
" \"\"\n"
" }\n"
-" { \"In <em>\" journal * \"</em>\" * }\n"
+" { \"<cite>\" * journal * \"</cite>\" * }\n"
" if$\n"
" }\n"
-" { \"In \" key * }\n"
+" { key * }\n"
" if$\n"
-" \" <span class='cite'>\" * crossref * \"</span>\" *\n"
+" \"</a> \\citelabel{\" * crossref * \"}\" *\n"
"FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor}\n"
@@ -656,6 +590,7 @@
" \" of \" *\n"
" }\n"
" if$\n"
+" \"<a href=\" * quote$ * \"#\" * crossref * quote$ * \">\" *\n"
" editor empty$\n"
" editor field.or.null author field.or.null =\n"
" or\n"
@@ -665,7 +600,7 @@
" crossref * warning$\n"
" \"\" *\n"
" }\n"
-" { \"<em>\" * series * \"</em>\" * }\n"
+" { \"<cite>\" * series * \"</cite>\" * }\n"
" if$\n"
" }\n"
" { key * }\n"
@@ -673,11 +608,13 @@
" }\n"
" { format.crossref.editor * }\n"
" if$\n"
-" \" <span class='cite'>\" * crossref * \"</span>\" *\n"
+" \"</a> \\citelabel{\" * crossref * \"}\" *\n"
"FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref}\n"
-"{ editor empty$\n"
+" \"In <a href=\" quote$ * \"#\" * crossref * quote$ * \">\" *\n"
+" editor empty$\n"
" editor field.or.null author field.or.null =\n"
" or\n"
" { key empty$\n"
@@ -686,171 +623,26 @@
" crossref * warning$\n"
" \"\"\n"
" }\n"
-" { \"In <em>\" booktitle * \"</em>\" * }\n"
+" { \"<cite>\" * booktitle * \"</cite>\" * }\n"
" if$\n"
" }\n"
-" { \"In \" key * }\n"
+" { key * }\n"
" if$\n"
" }\n"
-" { \"In \" format.crossref.editor * }\n"
-" if$\n"
-" \" <span class='cite'>\" * crossref * \"</span>\" *\n"
-"% urlbst...\n"
-"% Functions for making hypertext links.\n"
-"FUNCTION {make.href}\n"
-"{ \n"
-" \"<a href='\" swap$ * \"'><code>\" * swap$ * \"</code></a>\" *\n"
-"% If inlinelinks is true, then format.url should be a no-op, since it's\n"
-"% (a) redundant, and (b) could end up as a link-within-a-link.\n"
-"FUNCTION {format.url}\n"
-"{ inlinelinks #1 = url empty$ or\n"
-" { \"\" }\n"
-" { urlintro \"<code>\" * url * \"</code>\" * }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {format.eprint}\n"
-"{ eprint empty$\n"
-" { \"\" }\n"
-" { eprintprefix eprint * eprinturl eprint * make.href }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {format.doi}\n"
-"{ doi empty$\n"
-" { \"\" }\n"
-" { doiform #0 =\n"
-" { doiprefix doi * doiurl doi * make.href }\n"
-" { \"DOI:{\" doi * \"}\" * }\n"
-" if$\n"
-" }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {format.pubmed}\n"
-"{ pubmed empty$\n"
-" { \"\" }\n"
-" { pubmedprefix pubmed * pubmedurl pubmed * make.href }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"% Output a URL. We can't use the more normal idiom (something like\n"
-"% `format.url output'), because the `inbrackets' within\n"
-"% format.lastchecked applies to everything between calls to `output',\n"
-"% so that `format.url format.lastchecked * output' ends up with both\n"
-"% the URL and the lastchecked in brackets.\n"
-"FUNCTION {output.url}\n"
-"{ url empty$\n"
-" 'skip$ \n"
-" { new.block \n"
-" format.url output\n"
-" format.lastchecked output \n"
-" }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {output.web.refs}\n"
-" new.block\n"
-" output.url\n"
-" addeprints eprint empty$ not and\n"
-" { format.eprint output.nonnull }\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" if$\n"
-" adddoiresolver doi empty$ not and\n"
-" { format.doi output.nonnull }\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" if$\n"
-" addpubmedresolver pubmed empty$ not and\n"
-" { format.pubmed output.nonnull }\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" if$\n"
-"% Wrapper for output.bibitem.original.\n"
-"% If the URL field is not empty, set makeinlinelink to be true,\n"
-"% so that an inline link will be started at the next opportunity\n"
-"FUNCTION {output.bibitem}\n"
-"{ outside.brackets 'bracket.state :=\n"
-" output.bibitem.original\n"
-" inlinelinks url empty$ not and\n"
-" { #1 'makeinlinelink := }\n"
-" { #0 'makeinlinelink := }\n"
-" if$\n"
-"% Wrapper for fin.entry.original\n"
-"FUNCTION {fin.entry}\n"
-"{ output.web.refs % urlbst\n"
-" makeinlinelink % ooops, it appears we didn't have a title for inlinelink\n"
-" { possibly.setup.inlinelink % add some artificial link text here, as a fallback\n"
-" \"[link]\" output.nonnull }\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" if$\n"
-" bracket.state close.brackets = % urlbst\n"
-" { \"]\" * }\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" if$\n"
-" fin.entry.original\n"
-"% Webpage entry type.\n"
-"% Title and url fields required;\n"
-"% author, note, year, month, and lastchecked fields optional\n"
-"% See references \n"
-"% ISO 690-2\n"
-"% for citation formats for web pages.\n"
-"FUNCTION {webpage}\n"
-"{ output.bibitem\n"
-" author empty$\n"
-" { editor empty$\n"
-" 'skip$ % author and editor both optional\n"
-" { format.editors output.nonnull }\n"
-" if$\n"
-" }\n"
-" { editor empty$\n"
-" { format.authors output.nonnull }\n"
-" { \"can't use both author and editor fields in \" cite$ * warning$ }\n"
-" if$\n"
-" }\n"
-" if$\n"
-" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$\n"
-" format.title \"title\" output.check\n"
-" inbrackets \"online\" output\n"
-" new.block\n"
-" year empty$\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" { \"year\" output.check }\n"
+" { format.crossref.editor * }\n"
" if$\n"
-" % We don't need to output the URL details ('lastchecked' and 'url'),\n"
-" % because fin.entry does that for us, using output.web.refs. The only\n"
-" % reason we would want to put them here is if we were to decide that\n"
-" % they should go in front of the rather miscellaneous information in 'note'.\n"
-" new.block\n"
-" note output\n"
-" fin.entry\n"
+" \"</a> \\citelabel{\" * crossref * \"}\" *\n"
-"% ...urlbst to here\n"
"FUNCTION {article}\n"
"{ output.bibitem\n"
" format.authors \"author\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.title \"title\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
" crossref missing$\n"
" { journal emphasize \"journal\" output.check\n"
-" possibly.setup.inlinelink format.vol.num.pages output% urlbst\n"
+" format.vol.num.pages output\n"
" \"year\" output.check\n"
" }\n"
" { format.article.crossref output.nonnull\n"
@@ -874,7 +666,6 @@
" }\n"
" if$\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.btitle \"title\" output.check\n"
" crossref missing$\n"
" { format.bvolume output\n"
@@ -899,7 +690,6 @@
"{ output.bibitem\n"
" format.authors output\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.title \"title\" output.check\n"
" howpublished address new.block.checkb\n"
" howpublished output\n"
@@ -922,7 +712,6 @@
" }\n"
" if$\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.btitle \"title\" output.check\n"
" crossref missing$\n"
" { format.bvolume output\n"
@@ -949,7 +738,6 @@
"{ output.bibitem\n"
" format.authors \"author\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.title \"title\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
" crossref missing$\n"
@@ -976,7 +764,6 @@
"{ output.bibitem\n"
" format.authors \"author\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.title \"title\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
" crossref missing$\n"
@@ -1022,7 +809,6 @@
" { format.authors output.nonnull }\n"
" if$\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.btitle \"title\" output.check\n"
" author empty$\n"
" { organization empty$\n"
@@ -1048,7 +834,6 @@
"{ output.bibitem\n"
" format.authors \"author\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.title \"title\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
" \"Master's thesis\" format.thesis.type output.nonnull\n"
@@ -1064,7 +849,6 @@
"{ output.bibitem\n"
" format.authors output\n"
" title howpublished new.block.checkb\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.title output\n"
" howpublished new.block.checka\n"
" howpublished output\n"
@@ -1079,7 +863,6 @@
"{ output.bibitem\n"
" format.authors \"author\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.btitle \"title\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
" \"PhD thesis\" format.thesis.type output.nonnull\n"
@@ -1098,7 +881,6 @@
" { format.editors output.nonnull }\n"
" if$\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.btitle \"title\" output.check\n"
" format.bvolume output\n"
" format.number.series output\n"
@@ -1131,7 +913,6 @@
"{ output.bibitem\n"
" format.authors \"author\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.title \"title\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
" output.nonnull\n"
@@ -1147,7 +928,6 @@
"{ output.bibitem\n"
" format.authors \"author\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
-" title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst\n"
" format.title \"title\" output.check\n"
" new.block\n"
" note \"note\" output.check\n"
@@ -1156,37 +936,70 @@
"FUNCTION {default.type} { misc }\n"
"MACRO {jan} {\"January\"}\n"
"MACRO {feb} {\"February\"}\n"
"MACRO {mar} {\"March\"}\n"
"MACRO {apr} {\"April\"}\n"
"MACRO {may} {\"May\"}\n"
"MACRO {jun} {\"June\"}\n"
"MACRO {jul} {\"July\"}\n"
"MACRO {aug} {\"August\"}\n"
"MACRO {sep} {\"September\"}\n"
"MACRO {oct} {\"October\"}\n"
"MACRO {nov} {\"November\"}\n"
"MACRO {dec} {\"December\"}\n"
"MACRO {acmcs} {\"ACM Computing Surveys\"}\n"
"MACRO {acta} {\"Acta Informatica\"}\n"
"MACRO {cacm} {\"Communications of the ACM\"}\n"
"MACRO {ibmjrd} {\"IBM Journal of Research and Development\"}\n"
"MACRO {ibmsj} {\"IBM Systems Journal\"}\n"
"MACRO {ieeese} {\"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering\"}\n"
"MACRO {ieeetc} {\"IEEE Transactions on Computers\"}\n"
-"MACRO {ieeetcad} {\"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits\"}\n"
+"MACRO {ieeetcad}\n"
+" {\"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits\"}\n"
"MACRO {ipl} {\"Information Processing Letters\"}\n"
"MACRO {jacm} {\"Journal of the ACM\"}\n"
"MACRO {jcss} {\"Journal of Computer and System Sciences\"}\n"
"MACRO {scp} {\"Science of Computer Programming\"}\n"
"MACRO {sicomp} {\"SIAM Journal on Computing\"}\n"
"MACRO {tocs} {\"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems\"}\n"
"MACRO {tods} {\"ACM Transactions on Database Systems\"}\n"
"MACRO {tog} {\"ACM Transactions on Graphics\"}\n"
"MACRO {toms} {\"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software\"}\n"
"MACRO {toois} {\"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems\"}\n"
"MACRO {toplas} {\"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems\"}\n"
"MACRO {tcs} {\"Theoretical Computer Science\"}\n"
@@ -1207,6 +1020,177 @@
" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION {format.lab.names}\n"
+"{ 's :=\n"
+" s num.names$ 'numnames :=\n"
+" numnames #1 =\n"
+" { s #1 \"{vv }{ll}\"$ }\n"
+" { numnames #2 =\n"
+" { s #1 \"{vv }{ll }and \"$ s #2 \"{vv }{ll}\"$ * }\n"
+" { s #1 \"{vv }{ll }\"$ \"et~al.\" * }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION {author.key.label}\n"
+"{ author empty$\n"
+" { key empty$\n"
+" { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }\n"
+" { key }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" { author format.lab.names }\n"
+" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label}\n"
+"{ author empty$\n"
+" { editor empty$\n"
+" { key empty$\n"
+" { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }\n"
+" { key }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" { editor format.lab.names }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" { author format.lab.names }\n"
+" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION {author.key.organization.label}\n"
+"{ author empty$\n"
+" { key empty$\n"
+" { organization empty$\n"
+" { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }\n"
+" { \"The \" #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" { key }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" { author format.lab.names }\n"
+" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION {editor.key.organization.label}\n"
+"{ editor empty$\n"
+" { key empty$\n"
+" { organization empty$\n"
+" { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }\n"
+" { \"The \" #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" { key }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" { editor format.lab.names }\n"
+" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION {}\n"
+" \"l\"$ #3 text.prefix$\n"
+" 's :=\n"
+" s \"jan\" = { #1 } {\n"
+" s \"feb\" = { #2 } {\n"
+" s \"mar\" = { #3 } {\n"
+" s \"apr\" = { #4 } {\n"
+" s \"may\" = { #5 } {\n"
+" s \"jun\" = { #6 } {\n"
+" s \"jul\" = { #7 } {\n"
+" s \"aug\" = { #8 } {\n"
+" s \"sep\" = { #9 } {\n"
+" s \"oct\" = { #10 } {\n"
+" s \"nov\" = { #11 } {\n"
+" s \"dec\" = { #12 } { #13 } % 13 if nothing matches\n"
+" if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$}if$\n"
+"INTEGERS { done c } \n"
+"FUNCTION { }\n"
+"{ month field.or.null 's :=\n"
+" \n"
+" % Strip out month name\n"
+" #0 'done := \n"
+" { s \"\" = not done not and }\n"
+" { s #1 #1 substring$ \" \" = 'done :=\n"
+" s #2 global.max$ substring$ 's :=\n"
+" }\n"
+" while$\n"
+" % Build up first number in t\n"
+" \"0\" 't :=\n"
+" #0 'done :=\n"
+" { s \"\" = not done not and }\n"
+" { s #1 #1 substring$$ 'c :=\n"
+" c #47 > c #58 < and\n"
+" { t c$ * 't := }\n"
+" { #1 'done := }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" s #2 global.max$ substring$ 's :=\n"
+" }\n"
+" while$\n"
+" t\n"
+"FUNCTION { sortify.fourdigit }\n"
+"{ 's :=\n"
+" s empty$\n"
+" { \"0000\" }\n"
+" { s\n"
+" }\n"
+" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION { sortify.twodigit }\n"
+"{ 's :=\n"
+" s empty$\n"
+" { \"00\" }\n"
+" { s\n"
+" #10 +$\n"
+" }\n"
+" if$\n"
+"FUNCTION {calc.label}\n"
+"{ type$ \"book\" =\n"
+" type$ \"inbook\" =\n"
+" or\n"
+" 'author.editor.key.label\n"
+" { type$ \"proceedings\" =\n"
+" 'editor.key.organization.label\n"
+" { type$ \"manual\" =\n"
+" 'author.key.organization.label\n"
+" 'author.key.label\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" duplicate$\n"
+" year empty$\n"
+" 'skip$\n"
+" { \", \" * }\n"
+" if$\n"
+" year field.or.null purify$ * % CHANGED - pfps - 15 Feb 1989\n"
+" 'label :=\n"
+" year field.or.null purify$\n"
+" #-1 #4 substring$ \n"
+" sortify.fourdigit \n"
+" \" \" *\n"
+" month field.or.null$ sortify.twodigit *\n"
+" \" \" * \n"
+"$ sortify.twodigit *\n"
+" \" \" *\n"
+" * sortify 'sort.label :=\n"
"FUNCTION {sort.format.names}\n"
"{ 's :=\n"
" #1 'nameptr :=\n"
@@ -1220,7 +1204,7 @@
" if$\n"
" s nameptr \"{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{ ff{ }}{ jj{ }}\"$ 't :=\n"
" nameptr numnames = t \"others\" = and\n"
-" { \"et al\" * }\n"
+" { \"et al.\" * }\n"
" { t sortify * }\n"
" if$\n"
" nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=\n"
@@ -1304,36 +1288,9 @@
" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {}\n"
-"{ type$ \"book\" =\n"
-" type$ \"inbook\" =\n"
-" or\n"
-" 'author.editor.sort\n"
-" { type$ \"proceedings\" =\n"
-" 'editor.organization.sort\n"
-" { type$ \"manual\" =\n"
-" 'author.organization.sort\n"
-" 'author.sort\n"
-" if$\n"
-" }\n"
-" if$\n"
-" }\n"
-" if$\n"
-" \" \"\n"
-" *\n"
-" year field.or.null sortify\n"
-" *\n"
-" \" \"\n"
-" *\n"
-" title field.or.null\n"
-" sort.format.title\n"
-" *\n"
-" #1 entry.max$ substring$\n"
-" 'sort.key$ :=\n"
-"FUNCTION {}\n"
-"{ year field.or.null sortify\n"
+"FUNCTION {presort}\n"
+"{ calc.label\n"
+" sort.label\n"
" \" \"\n"
" *\n"
" type$ \"book\" =\n"
@@ -1353,6 +1310,10 @@
" *\n"
" \" \"\n"
" *\n"
+" year field.or.null sortify\n"
+" *\n"
+" \" \"\n"
+" *\n"
" title field.or.null\n"
" sort.format.title\n"
" *\n"
@@ -1360,55 +1321,68 @@
" 'sort.key$ :=\n"
-"ITERATE {}\n"
+"ITERATE {presort}\n"
-"STRINGS { longest.label }\n"
+"STRINGS { longest.label last.sort.label next.extra }\n"
-"INTEGERS { number.label longest.label.width }\n"
+"INTEGERS { longest.label.width last.extra.num }\n"
"FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label}\n"
"{ \"\" 'longest.label :=\n"
-" #1 'number.label :=\n"
+" #0$ 'last.sort.label :=\n"
+" \"\" 'next.extra :=\n"
" #0 'longest.label.width :=\n"
+" #0 'last.extra.num :=\n"
+"FUNCTION {forward.pass}\n"
+"{ last.sort.label sort.label =\n"
+" { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num :=\n"
+" last.extra.num$ 'extra.label :=\n"
+" }\n"
+" { \"a\"$ 'last.extra.num :=\n"
+" \"\" 'extra.label :=\n"
+" sort.label 'last.sort.label :=\n"
+" }\n"
+" if$\n"
-"FUNCTION {longest.label.pass}\n"
-"{ number.label$ 'label :=\n"
-" number.label #1 + 'number.label :=\n"
+"FUNCTION {reverse.pass}\n"
+"{ next.extra \"b\" =\n"
+" { \"a\" 'extra.label := }\n"
+" 'skip$\n"
+" if$\n"
+" label extra.label * 'label :=\n"
" label width$ longest.label.width >\n"
" { label 'longest.label :=\n"
" label width$ 'longest.label.width :=\n"
" }\n"
" 'skip$\n"
" if$\n"
+" extra.label 'next.extra :=\n"
"EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label}\n"
-"ITERATE {longest.label.pass}\n"
+"ITERATE {forward.pass}\n"
+"REVERSE {reverse.pass}\n"
"FUNCTION {begin.bib}\n"
-"{ preamble$ empty$\n"
-" 'skip$\n"
-" { preamble$ write$ newline$ }\n"
-" if$\n"
-" %\"/** \\page bibref References\" write$ newline$\n"
-" newline$\n"
+" \"# label-style: default\" write$ newline$\n"
"EXECUTE {begin.bib}\n"
-"EXECUTE {init.urlbst.variables}\n"
"EXECUTE {init.state.consts}\n"
"ITERATE {call.type$}\n"
"FUNCTION {end.bib}\n"
"{ newline$\n"
-" %\"*/\" write$ newline$\n"
"EXECUTE {end.bib}\n"
diff --git a/src/filedef.cpp b/src/filedef.cpp
index 04ec5ae..dcc2c15 100644
--- a/src/filedef.cpp
+++ b/src/filedef.cpp
@@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ bool FileDef::isDocumentationFile() const
void FileDef::acquireFileVersion()
QCString vercmd = Config_getString("FILE_VERSION_FILTER");
- if (!vercmd.isEmpty() && filepath!="generated")
+ if (!vercmd.isEmpty() && !filepath.isEmpty() && filepath!="generated")
msg("Version of %s : ",;
QCString cmd = vercmd+" \""+filepath+"\"";
@@ -1518,9 +1518,8 @@ void FileDef::acquireFileVersion()
char buf[bufSize];
int numRead = fread(buf,1,bufSize,f);
- if (numRead > 0)
+ if (numRead>0 && !(fileVersion=QCString(buf,numRead).stripWhiteSpace()).isEmpty())
- fileVersion = QCString(buf,numRead).stripWhiteSpace();
@@ -1650,6 +1649,7 @@ bool FileDef::isLinkableInProject() const
return hasDocumentation() && !isReference() && showFiles;
+#if 0
bool FileDef::includes(FileDef *incFile,QDict<FileDef> *includedFiles) const
@@ -1687,4 +1687,4 @@ bool FileDef::includesByName(const QCString &fileName) const
return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/filedef.h b/src/filedef.h
index c34b633..6cecbdf 100644
--- a/src/filedef.h
+++ b/src/filedef.h
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ class FileDef : public Definition
QCString getOutputFileBase() const
{ return convertNameToFile(diskname); }
+ QCString anchor() const
+ { return QCString(); }
QCString getFileBase() const
{ return diskname; }
@@ -168,8 +170,8 @@ class FileDef : public Definition
void addListReferences();
bool isDocumentationFile() const;
- bool includes(FileDef *incFile,QDict<FileDef> *includedFiles) const;
- bool includesByName(const QCString &name) const;
+ //bool includes(FileDef *incFile,QDict<FileDef> *includedFiles) const;
+ //bool includesByName(const QCString &name) const;
MemberList *getMemberList(MemberList::ListType lt) const;
const QList<MemberList> &getMemberLists() const { return m_memberLists; }
diff --git a/src/fortranscanner.l b/src/fortranscanner.l
index d83fe85..ba0d6db 100644
--- a/src/fortranscanner.l
+++ b/src/fortranscanner.l
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ static void scanner_abort();
static void startScope(Entry *scope);
static bool endScope(Entry *scope, bool isGlobalRoot=FALSE);
static QCString getFullName(Entry *e);
-static bool isTypeName(QCString name);
+//static bool isTypeName(QCString name);
static void resolveModuleProcedures(QList<Entry> &moduleProcedures, Entry *current_root);
static int getAmpersandAtTheStart(const char *buf, int length);
static int getAmpOrExclAtTheEnd(const char *buf, int length);
@@ -669,10 +669,11 @@ private {
argType = QCString(yytext).simplifyWhiteSpace();
-^{BS}{PP_ID}{KIND}? { /* check for preprocessor symbol expand to type */
+ /* Dimitri: macro expansion should already be done during preprocessing not here!
+^{BS}{PP_ID}{KIND}? { // check for preprocessor symbol expand to type
QCString str = yytext;
str = str.stripWhiteSpace();
- DefineDict* defines = getGlobalDefineDict();
+ //DefineDict* defines = getGlobalDefineDict();
QCString name;
int index = str.find("(");
if (index != -1)
@@ -680,7 +681,7 @@ private {
name = str;
- Define *define = (*defines)[name];
+ Define *define = 0; //(*defines)[name];
if (define != 0 && isTypeName(define->definition))
argType = str;
@@ -692,6 +693,7 @@ private {
+ */
{ATTR_STMT}/{BS}"::" {
/* attribute statement starts */
@@ -1406,12 +1408,14 @@ void resolveModuleProcedures(QList<Entry> &moduleProcedures, Entry *current_root
+#if 0
static bool isTypeName(QCString name)
name = name.lower();
return name=="integer" || name == "real" ||
- name=="complex" || name == "logical";
+ name=="complex" || name == "logical";
/*! Extracts string which resides within parentheses of provided string. */
static QCString extractFromParens(const QCString name)
diff --git a/src/groupdef.h b/src/groupdef.h
index fef38de..effefac 100644
--- a/src/groupdef.h
+++ b/src/groupdef.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class GroupDef : public Definition
DefType definitionType() const { return TypeGroup; }
QCString getOutputFileBase() const;
+ QCString anchor() const { return QCString(); }
const char *groupTitle() const { return title; }
void setGroupTitle( const char *newtitle );
bool hasGroupTitle( ) { return titleSet; }
diff --git a/src/htmldocvisitor.cpp b/src/htmldocvisitor.cpp
index 8795bb4..e3e5b08 100644
--- a/src/htmldocvisitor.cpp
+++ b/src/htmldocvisitor.cpp
@@ -1408,32 +1408,30 @@ void HtmlDocVisitor::visitPre(DocParamSect *s)
if (m_hide) return;
- m_t << "<dl><dt><b>";
QCString className;
+ QCString heading;
case DocParamSect::Param:
- m_t << theTranslator->trParameters();
+ heading=theTranslator->trParameters();
case DocParamSect::RetVal:
- m_t << theTranslator->trReturnValues();
+ heading=theTranslator->trReturnValues();
case DocParamSect::Exception:
- m_t << theTranslator->trExceptions();
+ heading=theTranslator->trExceptions();
case DocParamSect::TemplateParam:
- /* TODO: add this
- m_t << theTranslator->trTemplateParam(); break;
- */
- m_t << "Template Parameters"; break;
+ heading="Template Parameters"; break; // TODO: translate me
- m_t << ":";
+ m_t << "<dl class=\"" << className << "\"><dt><b>";
+ m_t << heading << ":";
m_t << "</b></dt><dd>" << endl;
m_t << " <table class=\"" << className << "\">" << endl;
@@ -1698,7 +1696,8 @@ void HtmlDocVisitor::writeDotFile(const QCString &fn,const QCString &relPath,
-void HtmlDocVisitor::writeMscFile(const QCString &fileName,const QCString &relPath,
+void HtmlDocVisitor::writeMscFile(const QCString &fileName,
+ const QCString &relPath,
const QCString &context)
QCString baseName=fileName;
diff --git a/src/index.cpp b/src/index.cpp
index f244c47..fc400a1 100644
--- a/src/index.cpp
+++ b/src/index.cpp
@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ static const char search_script[]=
#include "search_js.h"
-//static const char navindex_script[]=
-//#include "navindex_js.h"
int annotatedClasses;
int annotatedClassesPrinted;
@@ -70,15 +67,11 @@ int documentedPages;
int documentedDirs;
static int countClassHierarchy();
-//static int countClassMembers(int filter=CMHL_All);
-//static int countFileMembers(int filter=FMHL_All);
static void countFiles(int &htmlFiles,int &files);
static int countGroups();
static int countDirs();
static int countNamespaces();
static int countAnnotatedClasses(int *cp);
-//static int countNamespaceMembers(int filter=NMHL_All);
-//static int countIncludeFiles();
static void countRelatedPages(int &docPages,int &indexPages);
void countDataStructures()
@@ -142,7 +135,7 @@ static MemberIndexList g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_Total][MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES]
static MemberIndexList g_fileIndexLetterUsed[FMHL_Total][MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES];
static MemberIndexList g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[NMHL_Total][MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES];
-static bool g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Total][256];
+//static bool g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Total][256];
const int maxItemsBeforeQuickIndex = MAX_ITEMS_BEFORE_QUICK_INDEX;
@@ -269,13 +262,13 @@ static void endQuickIndexItem(OutputList &ol)
if (fancyTabs) ol.writeString("</li>\n");
-static QCString fixSpaces(const QCString &s)
+// don't make this static as it is called from a template function and some
+// old compilers don't support calls to static functions from a template.
+QCString fixSpaces(const QCString &s)
return substitute(s," ","&#160;");
void startTitle(OutputList &ol,const char *fileName,Definition *def)
@@ -540,71 +533,6 @@ static void writeClassTree(BaseClassList *cl,int level)
-#if 0
-/*! Generates HTML Help tree of classes */
-static void writeClassTreeNode(ClassDef *cd,bool &started,int level)
- //printf("writeClassTreeNode(%s) visited=%d\n",cd->name().data(),cd->visited);
- if (cd->isVisibleInHierarchy() && !cd->visited)
- {
- if (!started)
- {
- started=TRUE;
- }
- bool hasChildren = classHasVisibleChildren(cd);
- //printf("node: Has children %s: %d\n",cd->name().data(),hasChildren);
- if (cd->isLinkable())
- {
- Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),cd->anchor());
- }
- if (hasChildren)
- {
- if (cd->getLanguage()==SrcLangExt_VHDL)
- {
- writeClassTree(cd->baseClasses(),level+1);
- }
- else
- {
- writeClassTree(cd->subClasses(),level+1);
- }
- }
- cd->visited=TRUE;
- }
-static void writeClassTree(ClassList *cl,int level)
- if (cl==0) return;
- ClassListIterator cli(*cl);
- bool started=FALSE;
- for ( cli.toFirst() ; cli.current() ; ++cli)
- {
- cli.current()->visited=FALSE;
- }
- for ( cli.toFirst() ; cli.current() ; ++cli)
- {
- writeClassTreeNode(cli.current(),started,level);
- }
-static void writeClassTree(ClassSDict *d,int level)
- if (d==0) return;
- ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*d);
- bool started=FALSE;
- for ( cli.toFirst() ; cli.current() ; ++cli)
- {
- cli.current()->visited=FALSE;
- }
- for ( cli.toFirst() ; cli.current() ; ++cli)
- {
- writeClassTreeNode(cli.current(),started,level);
- }
static void writeClassTreeForList(OutputList &ol,ClassSDict *cl,bool &started,FTVHelp* ftv)
@@ -1129,6 +1057,7 @@ static void writeAnnotatedClassList(OutputList &ol)
ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
ClassDef *cd;
+#if 0
// clear index
int x,y;
for (y=0;y<CHL_Total;y++)
@@ -1174,6 +1103,7 @@ static void writeAnnotatedClassList(OutputList &ol)
for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli)
@@ -1298,7 +1228,6 @@ class AlphaIndexTableColumns : public QList<AlphaIndexTableRows>
// write an alphabetical index of all class with a header for each letter
static void writeAlphabeticalClassList(OutputList &ol)
- //ol.startAlphabeticalIndexList();
// What starting letters are used
bool indexLetterUsed[256];
memset (indexLetterUsed, 0, sizeof (indexLetterUsed));
@@ -1319,6 +1248,7 @@ static void writeAlphabeticalClassList(OutputList &ol)
+ // write quick link index (row of letters)
QCString alphaLinks = "<div class=\"qindex\">";
int l;
for (l=0; l<256; l++)
@@ -1332,7 +1262,6 @@ static void writeAlphabeticalClassList(OutputList &ol)
(char)l + "</a>";
alphaLinks += "</div>\n";
@@ -1341,9 +1270,8 @@ static void writeAlphabeticalClassList(OutputList &ol)
const int columns = Config_getInt("COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX");
int i,j;
- int totalItems = headerItems*2 + annotatedClasses; // number of items in the table (headers span 2 items)
+ int totalItems = headerItems*2 + annotatedClasses; // number of items in the table (headers span 2 items)
int rows = (totalItems + columns - 1)/columns; // number of rows in the table
- //int itemsInLastRow = (totalItems + columns -1)%columns + 1; // number of items in the last row
//printf("headerItems=%d totalItems=%d columns=%d rows=%d itemsInLastRow=%d\n",
// headerItems,totalItems,columns,rows,itemsInLastRow);
@@ -1422,7 +1350,7 @@ static void writeAlphabeticalClassList(OutputList &ol)
- ol.writeString("<table style=\"margin: 10px;\" align=\"center\" width=\"95%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n");
+ ol.writeString("<table style=\"margin: 10px; white-space: nowrap;\" align=\"center\" width=\"95%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n");
// generate table
for (i=0;i<=maxRows;i++) // foreach table row
@@ -1525,7 +1453,6 @@ static void writeAlphabeticalClassList(OutputList &ol)
delete colIterators[i];
delete[] colIterators;
- //delete[] colList;
@@ -1538,18 +1465,16 @@ static void writeAlphabeticalIndex(OutputList &ol)
LayoutNavEntry *lne = LayoutDocManager::instance().rootNavEntry()->find(LayoutNavEntry::ClassIndex);
QCString title = lne ? lne->title() : theTranslator->trCompoundIndex();
- //ol.parseText(/*Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" "+*/
- // (fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trCompoundIndexFortran() :
- // vhdlOpt ? VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitIndex() :
- // theTranslator->trCompoundIndex()
- // ));
- endFile(ol);
+ endFile(ol); // contains ol.endContents()
@@ -1572,15 +1497,13 @@ static void writeAnnotatedIndex(OutputList &ol)
if (lne==0) lne = LayoutDocManager::instance().rootNavEntry()->find(LayoutNavEntry::Classes); // fall back
QCString title = lne ? lne->title() : theTranslator->trCompoundList();
- //QCString longTitle = title;
- //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty())
- //{
- // longTitle.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
- //}
@@ -1589,7 +1512,7 @@ static void writeAnnotatedIndex(OutputList &ol)
- endFile(ol);
+ endFile(ol); // contains ol.endContents()
@@ -2862,17 +2785,16 @@ void writeJavascriptSearchIndex()
<< "class=\"SRSymbol\" ";
t << externalLinkTarget() << "href=\"" << externalRef("../",d->getReference(),TRUE);
t << d->getOutputFileBase() << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
- if (md)
+ QCString anchor = d->anchor();
+ if (!anchor.isEmpty())
- t << "#" << md->anchor();
+ t << "#" << anchor;
t << "\"";
static bool extLinksInWindow = Config_getBool("EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW");
if (!extLinksInWindow || d->getReference().isEmpty())
- t << " target=\"";
- /*if (treeView) t << "basefrm"; else*/ t << "_parent";
- t << "\"";
+ t << " target=\"_parent\"";
t << ">";
t << convertToXML(d->localName());
@@ -2943,17 +2865,16 @@ void writeJavascriptSearchIndex()
t << "href=\"" << externalRef("../",d->getReference(),TRUE);
t << d->getOutputFileBase() << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
- if (isMemberDef)
+ QCString anchor = d->anchor();
+ if (!anchor.isEmpty())
- t << "#" << ((MemberDef *)d)->anchor();
+ t << "#" << anchor;
t << "\"";
static bool extLinksInWindow = Config_getBool("EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW");
if (!extLinksInWindow || d->getReference().isEmpty())
- t << " target=\"";
- /*if (treeView) t << "basefrm"; else*/ t << "_parent";
- t << "\"";
+ t << " target=\"_parent\"";
t << ">";
bool found=FALSE;
@@ -4466,6 +4387,7 @@ static void writeIndexHierarchyEntries(OutputList &ol,const QList<LayoutNavEntry
case LayoutNavEntry::User:
+ Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,lne->title(),0,lne->baseFile(),0);
diff --git a/src/latexdocvisitor.cpp b/src/latexdocvisitor.cpp
index c7ca6d1..8d84c4d 100644
--- a/src/latexdocvisitor.cpp
+++ b/src/latexdocvisitor.cpp
@@ -1512,8 +1512,7 @@ void LatexDocVisitor::startMscFile(const QCString &fileName,
QCString outDir = Config_getString("LATEX_OUTPUT");
- QCString name = fileName;
- writeMscGraphFromFile(name,outDir,baseName,MSC_EPS);
+ writeMscGraphFromFile(fileName,outDir,baseName,MSC_EPS);
if (hasCaption)
m_t << "\n\\begin{DoxyImage}\n";
@@ -1568,7 +1567,7 @@ void LatexDocVisitor::writeMscFile(const QCString &baseName)
QCString outDir = Config_getString("LATEX_OUTPUT");
- writeMscGraphFromFile(baseName,outDir,shortName,MSC_EPS);
+ writeMscGraphFromFile(baseName+".msc",outDir,shortName,MSC_EPS);
m_t << "\n\\begin{DoxyImageNoCaption}"
" \\mbox{\\includegraphics";
m_t << "{" << shortName << "}";
diff --git a/src/latexgen.cpp b/src/latexgen.cpp
index c3b9c6f..fad1d01 100644
--- a/src/latexgen.cpp
+++ b/src/latexgen.cpp
@@ -701,6 +701,7 @@ static void writeDefaultStyleSheetPart3(FTextStream &t)
" \\begin{longtable}{|>{\\raggedleft\\hspace{0pt}}p{0.15\\textwidth}|%\n"
" p{0.15\\textwidth}|%\n"
" p{0.635\\textwidth}|}%\n"
+ //"\\hline{\\sf\\textbf{Type}} & {\\sf\\textbf{Name}} & {\\sf\\textbf{Description}}\\endhead%\n"
" \\hline%\n"
" \\end{longtable}%\n"
@@ -1772,7 +1773,7 @@ void LatexGenerator::startDoxyAnchor(const char *fName,const char *,
t << "\\hypertarget{";
if (fName) t << stripPath(fName);
if (anchor) t << "_" << anchor;
- t << "}{" << endl;
+ t << "}{";
@@ -1782,7 +1783,7 @@ void LatexGenerator::endDoxyAnchor(const char *fName,const char *anchor)
static bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX");
if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks)
- t << "}" << endl;
+ t << "}";
t << "\\label{";
if (fName) t << fName;
@@ -2112,19 +2113,23 @@ void LatexGenerator::endMemberList()
void LatexGenerator::startMemberGroupHeader(bool hasHeader)
if (hasHeader) t << "\\begin{Indent}";
- if (Config_getBool("COMPACT_LATEX"))
- {
- t << "\\subparagraph*{";
- }
- else
- {
- t << "\\paragraph*{";
- }
+ t << "{\\bf ";
+ // changed back to rev 756 due to bug 660501
+ //if (Config_getBool("COMPACT_LATEX"))
+ //{
+ // t << "\\subparagraph*{";
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ // t << "\\paragraph*{";
+ //}
void LatexGenerator::endMemberGroupHeader()
- t << "}" << endl;
+ // changed back to rev 756 due to bug 660501
+ t << "}\\par" << endl;
+ //t << "}" << endl;
void LatexGenerator::startMemberGroupDocs()
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 811b3a7..6c91435 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -258,7 +258,6 @@ win32:TMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -DQT_NODLL
win32-msvc:TMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Zm200
win32-g++:TMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
linux-g++:TMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
INCLUDEPATH += ../qtools
#INCLUDEPATH += ../libpng
INCLUDEPATH += ../libmd5
diff --git a/src/libdoxygen.t b/src/libdoxygen.t
index e2c17b7..e5a9e56 100644
--- a/src/libdoxygen.t
+++ b/src/libdoxygen.t
@@ -164,3 +164,7 @@ svgpan_js.h: svgpan.js
doxygen_bst.h: doxygen.bst
cat doxygen.bst | $(TO_C_CMD) >doxygen_bst.h
+ cat | $(TO_C_CMD) >bib2xhtml.h
diff --git a/src/memberdef.cpp b/src/memberdef.cpp
index b61e9d9..1439d0b 100644
--- a/src/memberdef.cpp
+++ b/src/memberdef.cpp
@@ -2522,7 +2522,7 @@ void MemberDef::writeDocumentation(MemberList *ml,OutputList &ol,
// strip scope and field name from the type
-// example: "struct N::S.v.c" will become "struct S.v"
+// example: "struct N::S.v.c" will become "struct v"
static QCString simplifyTypeForTable(const QCString &s)
QCString ts=removeAnonymousScopes(s);
@@ -2535,6 +2535,9 @@ static QCString simplifyTypeForTable(const QCString &s)
if (i!=-1) ts = ts.left(i);
+ i=ts.findRev('.');
+ if (i!=-1) ts = ts.right(ts.length()-i-1);
+ //printf("simplifyTypeForTable(%s)->%s\n",,;
return ts;
diff --git a/src/namespacedef.h b/src/namespacedef.h
index 4360fed..67cffaf 100644
--- a/src/namespacedef.h
+++ b/src/namespacedef.h
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class NamespaceDef : public Definition
DefType definitionType() const { return TypeNamespace; }
QCString getOutputFileBase() const;
+ QCString anchor() const { return QCString(); }
void insertUsedFile(const char *fname);
void writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol);
diff --git a/src/pagedef.h b/src/pagedef.h
index e6c9285..b0c24d4 100644
--- a/src/pagedef.h
+++ b/src/pagedef.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class PageDef : public Definition
// functions to get a uniform interface with Definitions
QCString getOutputFileBase() const;
+ QCString anchor() const { return QCString(); }
void findSectionsInDocumentation();
QCString title() const { return m_title; }
GroupDef * getGroupDef() const;
diff --git a/src/portable.cpp b/src/portable.cpp
index 7a78131..6dadcd1 100644
--- a/src/portable.cpp
+++ b/src/portable.cpp
@@ -121,6 +121,14 @@ int portable_system(const char *command,const char *args,bool commandHasConsole
+ // Because ShellExecuteEx can delegate execution to Shell extensions
+ // (data sources, context menu handlers, verb implementations) that
+ // are activated using Component Object Model (COM), COM should be
+ // initialized before ShellExecuteEx is called. Some Shell extensions
+ // require the COM single-threaded apartment (STA) type.
+ // For that case COM is initialized as follows
// gswin32 is a GUI api which will pop up a window and run
// asynchronously. To prevent both, we use ShellExecuteEx and
// WaitForSingleObject (thanks to Robert Golias for the code)
diff --git a/src/pre.h b/src/pre.h
index 3e566fb..cbb68ad 100644
--- a/src/pre.h
+++ b/src/pre.h
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
class BufStr;
-DefineDict* getGlobalDefineDict();
void initPreprocessor();
void cleanUpPreprocessor();
void addSearchDir(const char *dir);
diff --git a/src/pre.l b/src/pre.l
index b962711..ac1c51b 100644
--- a/src/pre.l
+++ b/src/pre.l
@@ -63,6 +63,178 @@ struct FileState
QCString fileName;
+/** @brief Singleton that manages the defines available while proprocessing files. */
+class DefineManager
+ class DefinesPerFile
+ {
+ public:
+ DefinesPerFile() : m_defines(257), m_includedFiles(17)
+ {
+ m_defines.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ }
+ virtual ~DefinesPerFile()
+ {
+ }
+ void addDefine(Define *def)
+ {
+ Define *d = m_defines.find(def->name);
+ if (d!=0) // redefine
+ {
+ m_defines.remove(d->name);
+ }
+ m_defines.insert(def->name,def);
+ }
+ void addInclude(const char *fileName)
+ {
+ m_includedFiles.insert(fileName,(void*)0x8);
+ }
+ void collectDefines(DefineDict *dict,QDict<void> &includeStack);
+ private:
+ DefineDict m_defines;
+ QDict<void> m_includedFiles;
+ };
+ public:
+ friend class DefinesPerFile;
+ static DefineManager &instance()
+ {
+ if (theInstance==0) theInstance = new DefineManager;
+ return *theInstance;
+ }
+ static void deleteInstance()
+ {
+ delete theInstance;
+ theInstance = 0;
+ }
+ void startContext()
+ {
+ //printf("DefineManager::startContext()\n");
+ m_contextDefines.clear();
+ }
+ void endContext()
+ {
+ //printf("DefineManager::endContext()\n");
+ m_contextDefines.clear();
+ }
+ void addFileToContext(const char *fileName)
+ {
+ if (fileName==0) return;
+ //printf("DefineManager::addFileToContext(%s)\n",fileName);
+ DefinesPerFile *dpf = m_fileMap.find(fileName);
+ if (dpf==0)
+ {
+ //printf("New file!\n");
+ dpf = new DefinesPerFile;
+ m_fileMap.insert(fileName,dpf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //printf("existing file!\n");
+ QDict<void> includeStack(17);
+ dpf->collectDefines(&m_contextDefines,includeStack);
+ }
+ }
+ void addDefine(const char *fileName,Define *def)
+ {
+ if (fileName==0) return;
+ //printf("DefineManager::addDefine(%s,%s)\n",fileName,def->;
+ DefinesPerFile *dpf = m_fileMap.find(fileName);
+ if (dpf==0)
+ {
+ dpf = new DefinesPerFile;
+ }
+ dpf->addDefine(def);
+ Define *d = m_contextDefines.find(def->name);
+ if (d!=0) // redefine
+ {
+ m_contextDefines.remove(d->name);
+ }
+ m_contextDefines.insert(def->name,def);
+ }
+ void addInclude(const char *fromFileName,const char *toFileName)
+ {
+ //printf("DefineManager::addInclude(%s,%s)\n",fromFileName,toFileName);
+ if (fromFileName==0 || toFileName==0) return;
+ DefinesPerFile *dpf = m_fileMap.find(fromFileName);
+ if (dpf==0)
+ {
+ dpf = new DefinesPerFile;
+ }
+ dpf->addInclude(toFileName);
+ }
+ Define *isDefined(const char *name) const
+ {
+ return m_contextDefines.find(name);
+ }
+ const DefineDict &defineContext() const
+ {
+ return m_contextDefines;
+ }
+ private:
+ static DefineManager *theInstance;
+ void collectDefinesForFile(const char *fileName,DefineDict *dict)
+ {
+ if (fileName==0) return;
+ DefinesPerFile *dpf = m_fileMap.find(fileName);
+ if (dpf)
+ {
+ QDict<void> includeStack(17);
+ dpf->collectDefines(dict,includeStack);
+ }
+ }
+ DefinesPerFile *find(const char *fileName) const
+ {
+ if (fileName==0) return 0;
+ return m_fileMap.find(fileName);
+ }
+ DefineManager() : m_fileMap(1009), m_contextDefines(1009)
+ {
+ m_fileMap.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ }
+ virtual ~DefineManager()
+ {
+ }
+ QDict<DefinesPerFile> m_fileMap;
+ DefineDict m_contextDefines;
+DefineManager *DefineManager::theInstance = 0;
+void DefineManager::DefinesPerFile::collectDefines(DefineDict *dict,QDict<void> &includeStack)
+ //printf("DefinesPerFile::collectDefines\n");
+ {
+ QDictIterator<void> di(m_includedFiles);
+ for (di.toFirst();(di.current());++di)
+ {
+ QCString incFile = di.currentKey();
+ DefinesPerFile *dpf = DefineManager::instance().find(incFile);
+ if (dpf && includeStack.find(incFile)==0)
+ {
+ //printf(" processing include %s\n",;
+ includeStack.insert(incFile,(void*)0x8);
+ dpf->collectDefines(dict,includeStack);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ QDictIterator<Define> di(m_defines);
+ Define *def;
+ for (di.toFirst();(def=di.current());++di)
+ {
+ Define *d = dict->find(def->name);
+ if (d!=0) // redefine
+ {
+ dict->remove(d->name);
+ }
+ dict->insert(def->name,def);
+ //printf(" adding define %s\n",def->;
+ }
+ }
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* scanner's state
@@ -92,8 +264,6 @@ static int g_inputBufPos;
static BufStr *g_outputBuf;
static int g_roundCount;
static bool g_quoteArg;
-static DefineDict *g_globalDefineDict = new DefineDict(10009);
-static DefineDict *g_fileDefineDict = new DefineDict(1009);
static DefineDict *g_expandedDict;
static int g_findDefArgContext;
static bool g_expectGuard;
@@ -118,10 +288,10 @@ static bool g_isSource;
static bool g_lexInit = FALSE;
-DefineDict* getGlobalDefineDict()
- return g_globalDefineDict;
+//DefineDict* getGlobalDefineDict()
+// return g_globalDefineDict;
static void setFileName(const char *name)
@@ -181,6 +351,7 @@ static void setCaseDone(bool value)
+#if 0
static bool macroIsAccessible(Define *def)
//printf("macroIsAccessible(%s) input=%s def=%s\n",
@@ -228,6 +399,7 @@ static Define *isDefined(const char *name)
return def;
static QDict<void> g_allIncludes(10009);
@@ -360,7 +532,13 @@ static QCString extractTrailingComment(const char *s)
while (i>0 && !(s[i-1]=='/' && s[i]=='*')) i--;
- if (i==0) return s; else return &s[i-1];
+ if (i==0)
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ // only /*!< or /**< are treated as a comment for the macro name,
+ // otherwise the comment is treated as part of the macro definition
+ return ((s[i+1]=='*' || s[i+1]=='!') && s[i+2]=='<') ? &s[i-1] : "";
@@ -835,7 +1013,7 @@ static void expandExpression(QCString &expr,QCString *rest,int pos)
if (g_expandedDict->find(macroName)==0) // expand macro
- Define *def=isDefined(macroName);
+ Define *def=DefineManager::instance().isDefined(macroName);
if (definedTest) // macro name was found after defined
if (def) expMacro = " 1 "; else expMacro = " 0 ";
@@ -1064,11 +1242,7 @@ QCString removeMarkers(const char *s)
- if (*p)
- {
- result+=c;
- p++;
- }
+ if (*p) result+=c,p++;
@@ -1082,6 +1256,7 @@ QCString removeMarkers(const char *s)
+ if (*p) result+=c,p++;
case '\'': // skip char literals
@@ -1094,6 +1269,7 @@ QCString removeMarkers(const char *s)
+ if (*p) result+=c,p++;
@@ -1275,6 +1451,8 @@ static void readIncludeFile(const QCString &inc)
//printf( "absIncFileName = %s\n", );
+ DefineManager::instance().addInclude(g_yyFileName,absIncFileName);
+ DefineManager::instance().addFileToContext(absIncFileName);
// findFile will overwrite g_yyFileDef if found
FileState *fs;
@@ -1356,7 +1534,14 @@ static void readIncludeFile(const QCString &inc)
if (Debug::isFlagSet(Debug::Preprocessor))
- msg("#include %s: not found or already included! skipping...\n",;
+ if (alreadyIncluded)
+ {
+ msg("#include %s: already included! skipping...\n",;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg("#include %s: not found! skipping...\n",;
+ }
//printf("error: include file %s not found\n",yytext);
if (g_curlyCount>0 && !alreadyIncluded) // failed to find #include inside { ... }
@@ -1523,8 +1708,8 @@ CHARLIT (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^'\\\n]{1,4}"'"))
(g_includeStack.isEmpty() || g_curlyCount>0) &&
g_macroExpansion &&
- (def=g_globalDefineDict->find(name)) &&
- macroIsAccessible(def) &&
+ (def=DefineManager::instance().isDefined(name)) &&
+ /*macroIsAccessible(def) &&*/
(!g_expandOnlyPredef || def->isPredefined)
@@ -1588,6 +1773,7 @@ CHARLIT (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^'\\\n]{1,4}"'"))
g_expectGuard = FALSE;
Define *def=0;
+ //def=DefineManager::instance().isDefined(yytext);
//printf("Search for define %s found=%d g_includeStack.isEmpty()=%d "
// "g_curlyCount=%d g_macroExpansion=%d g_expandOnlyPredef=%d "
// "isPreDefined=%d\n",yytext,def ? 1 : 0,
@@ -1596,8 +1782,8 @@ CHARLIT (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^'\\\n]{1,4}"'"))
// );
if ((g_includeStack.isEmpty() || g_curlyCount>0) &&
g_macroExpansion &&
- (def=g_globalDefineDict->find(yytext)) &&
- (def->isPredefined || macroIsAccessible(def)) &&
+ (def=DefineManager::instance().isDefined(yytext)) &&
+ /*(def->isPredefined || macroIsAccessible(def)) && */
(!g_expandOnlyPredef || def->isPredefined)
@@ -1624,9 +1810,9 @@ CHARLIT (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^'\\\n]{1,4}"'"))
Define *def=0;
if ((g_includeStack.isEmpty() || g_curlyCount>0) &&
g_macroExpansion &&
- (def=g_globalDefineDict->find(yytext)) &&
+ (def=DefineManager::instance().isDefined(yytext)) &&
def->nargs==-1 &&
- (def->isPredefined || macroIsAccessible(def)) &&
+ /*(def->isPredefined || macroIsAccessible(def)) &&*/
(!g_expandOnlyPredef || def->isPredefined)
@@ -1804,7 +1990,7 @@ CHARLIT (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^'\\\n]{1,4}"'"))
<UndefName>{ID} {
Define *def;
- if ((def=isDefined(yytext))
+ if ((def=DefineManager::instance().isDefined(yytext))
/*&& !def->isPredefined*/
&& !def->nonRecursive
@@ -1846,7 +2032,7 @@ CHARLIT (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^'\\\n]{1,4}"'"))
<DefinedExpr1,DefinedExpr2>\\\n { g_yyLineNr++; outputChar('\n'); }
<DefinedExpr1>{ID} {
- if (isDefined(yytext) || g_guardName==yytext)
+ if (DefineManager::instance().isDefined(yytext) || g_guardName==yytext)
g_guardExpr+=" 1L ";
g_guardExpr+=" 0L ";
@@ -1854,7 +2040,7 @@ CHARLIT (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^'\\\n]{1,4}"'"))
<DefinedExpr2>{ID} {
- if (isDefined(yytext) || g_guardName==yytext)
+ if (DefineManager::instance().isDefined(yytext) || g_guardName==yytext)
g_guardExpr+=" 1L ";
g_guardExpr+=" 0L ";
@@ -2320,19 +2506,20 @@ CHARLIT (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^'\\\n]{1,4}"'"))
- def=g_globalDefineDict->find(g_defName);
+ def=DefineManager::instance().isDefined(g_defName);
if (def==0) // new define
- //printf("new define!\n");
+ //printf("new define '%s'!\n",;
Define *nd = newDefine();
- g_globalDefineDict->insert(g_defName,nd);
+ DefineManager::instance().addDefine(g_yyFileName,nd);
// also add it to the local file list if it is a source file
- if (g_isSource && g_includeStack.isEmpty())
- {
- g_fileDefineDict->insert(g_defName,nd);
- }
+ //if (g_isSource && g_includeStack.isEmpty())
+ //{
+ // g_fileDefineDict->insert(g_defName,nd);
+ //}
- else if (def && macroIsAccessible(def))
+ else if (def /*&& macroIsAccessible(def)*/)
// name already exists
//printf("existing define!\n");
@@ -2534,6 +2721,7 @@ void cleanUpPreprocessor()
delete g_expandedDict; g_expandedDict=0;
delete g_pathList; g_pathList=0;
+ DefineManager::deleteInstance();
@@ -2556,7 +2744,12 @@ void preprocessFile(const char *fileName,BufStr &input,BufStr &output)
- g_fileDefineDict->clear();
+ //g_fileDefineDict->clear();
+ DefineManager::instance().startContext();
+ setFileName(fileName);
+ g_inputFileDef = g_yyFileDef;
+ DefineManager::instance().addFileToContext(g_yyFileName);
static bool firstTime=TRUE;
if (firstTime)
@@ -2627,7 +2820,7 @@ void preprocessFile(const char *fileName,BufStr &input,BufStr &output)
def->nonRecursive = nonRecursive;
def->fileDef = g_yyFileDef;
def->fileName = fileName;
- g_globalDefineDict->insert(def->name,def);
+ DefineManager::instance().addDefine(g_yyFileName,def);
//printf("#define `%s' `%s' #nargs=%d\n",
@@ -2658,7 +2851,7 @@ void preprocessFile(const char *fileName,BufStr &input,BufStr &output)
def->nonRecursive = nonRecursive;
def->fileDef = g_yyFileDef;
def->fileName = fileName;
- g_globalDefineDict->insert(def->name,def);
+ DefineManager::instance().addDefine(g_yyFileName,def);
@@ -2675,8 +2868,6 @@ void preprocessFile(const char *fileName,BufStr &input,BufStr &output)
g_yyLineNr = 1;
g_level = 0;
g_ifcount = 0;
- setFileName(fileName);
- g_inputFileDef = g_yyFileDef;
BEGIN( Start );
@@ -2692,16 +2883,16 @@ void preprocessFile(const char *fileName,BufStr &input,BufStr &output)
// remove locally defined macros so they can be redefined in another source file
- if (g_fileDefineDict->count()>0)
- {
- QDictIterator<Define> di(*g_fileDefineDict);
- Define *d;
- for (di.toFirst();(d=di.current());++di)
- {
- g_globalDefineDict->remove(di.currentKey());
- }
- g_fileDefineDict->clear();
- }
+ //if (g_fileDefineDict->count()>0)
+ //{
+ // QDictIterator<Define> di(*g_fileDefineDict);
+ // Define *d;
+ // for (di.toFirst();(d=di.current());++di)
+ // {
+ // g_globalDefineDict->remove(di.currentKey());
+ // }
+ // g_fileDefineDict->clear();
+ //}
if (Debug::isFlagSet(Debug::Preprocessor))
@@ -2717,7 +2908,17 @@ void preprocessFile(const char *fileName,BufStr &input,BufStr &output)
+ msg("Macros accessible in this file:\n");
+ msg("---------\n");
+ QDictIterator<Define> di(DefineManager::instance().defineContext());
+ Define *def;
+ for (di.toFirst();(def=di.current());++di)
+ {
+ msg("%s ",def->;
+ }
+ msg("\n---------\n");
+ DefineManager::instance().endContext();
void preFreeScanner()
diff --git a/src/pycode.l b/src/pycode.l
index 852d424..0116e80 100644
--- a/src/pycode.l
+++ b/src/pycode.l
@@ -730,10 +730,9 @@ static bool findMemberLink(CodeOutputInterface &ol,Definition *sym,const char *s
ClassDef *cd = (ClassDef*)sym->getOuterScope();
ClassDef *thisCd = (ClassDef *)g_currentDefinition;
- QCString anchor;
+ QCString anchor=sym->anchor();
if (sym->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember)
- anchor=((MemberDef *)sym)->anchor();
if (g_currentMemberDef)
diff --git a/src/rtfdocvisitor.cpp b/src/rtfdocvisitor.cpp
index 455611d..b66a9a8 100644
--- a/src/rtfdocvisitor.cpp
+++ b/src/rtfdocvisitor.cpp
@@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ void RTFDocVisitor::writeMscFile(const QCString &fileName)
QCString outDir = Config_getString("RTF_OUTPUT");
- writeMscGraphFromFile(fileName,outDir,baseName,MSC_BITMAP);
+ writeMscGraphFromFile(fileName+".msc",outDir,baseName,MSC_BITMAP);
if (!m_lastIsPara) m_t << "\\par" << endl;
m_t << "{" << endl;
m_t << rtf_Style_Reset;
diff --git a/src/scanner.l b/src/scanner.l
index cf07d47..cf6d538 100644
--- a/src/scanner.l
+++ b/src/scanner.l
@@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ static QCString idlProp;
static bool g_lexInit = FALSE;
static bool externC;
+static QCString g_hereDocId;
@@ -695,6 +696,8 @@ TYPEDEFPREFIX (("typedef"{BN}+)?)((("volatile"|"const"){BN}+)?)
%x CopyArgComment
%x CopyArgCommentLine
%x CopyArgVerbatim
+%x HereDoc
+%x HereDocEnd
%x IDLAttribute
%x IDLProp
@@ -1822,6 +1825,16 @@ TYPEDEFPREFIX (("typedef"{BN}+)?)((("volatile"|"const"){BN}+)?)
BEGIN( EndTemplate );
+<EndTemplate>"<<<" {
+ if (!insidePHP)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BEGIN(HereDoc);
+ }
+ }
<ClassTemplSpec,EndTemplate>"<<" {
// *currentTemplateSpec+=yytext;
@@ -1901,6 +1914,20 @@ TYPEDEFPREFIX (("typedef"{BN}+)?)((("volatile"|"const"){BN}+)?)
+<HereDoc>{ID} { // PHP heredoc
+ g_hereDocId = yytext;
+ BEGIN(HereDocEnd);
+ }
+<HereDoc>"'"{ID}/"'" { // PHP nowdoc
+ g_hereDocId = &yytext[1];
+ }
+<HereDocEnd>^{ID} { // id at start of the line could mark the end of the block
+ if (g_hereDocId==yytext) // it is the end marker
+ {
+ BEGIN(FindMembers);
+ }
+ }
+<HereDocEnd>. { }
<FindMembers>"Q_OBJECT" { // Qt object macro
<FindMembers>"Q_PROPERTY" { // Qt property declaration
@@ -2387,7 +2414,7 @@ TYPEDEFPREFIX (("typedef"{BN}+)?)((("volatile"|"const"){BN}+)?)
-<FindMembers,FindFields,ReadInitializer>"//"([!/]?){B}*{CMD}"}".*|"/*"([!*]?){B}*{CMD}"}".*"*/" {
+<FindMembers,FindFields,ReadInitializer>"//"([!/]?){B}*{CMD}"}".*|"/*"([!*]?){B}*{CMD}"}"[^*]*"*/" {
<FindMembers>"=" { // in PHP code this could also be due to "<?="
@@ -5537,7 +5564,14 @@ TYPEDEFPREFIX (("typedef"{BN}+)?)((("volatile"|"const"){BN}+)?)
<SkipCxxComment>.*"\\\n" { // line continuation
- yyLineNr++;
+ if (insideCS)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yyLineNr++;
+ }
<SkipCxxComment>.*/\n {
BEGIN( lastCContext ) ;
diff --git a/src/util.cpp b/src/util.cpp
index 62f8443..c18e65e 100644
--- a/src/util.cpp
+++ b/src/util.cpp
@@ -1494,6 +1494,7 @@ ClassDef *getResolvedClass(Definition *scope,
if (!mayBeHidden || !result->isHidden())
+ //printf("result was %s\n",result?result->name().data():"<none>");
result=0; // don't link to artificial/hidden classes unless explicitly allowed
@@ -1878,6 +1879,7 @@ void linkifyText(const TextGeneratorIntf &out,Definition *scope,
//printf(" -> nothing\n");
+ int m = matchWord.findRev("::");
QCString scopeName;
if (scope &&
(scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass ||
@@ -1887,13 +1889,19 @@ void linkifyText(const TextGeneratorIntf &out,Definition *scope,
+ else if (m!=-1)
+ {
+ scopeName = matchWord.left(m);
+ matchWord = matchWord.mid(m+2);
+ }
//if (!found) printf("Trying to link %s in %s\n",,;
if (!found &&
getDefs(scopeName,matchWord,0,md,cd,fd,nd,gd) &&
- (md->isTypedef() || md->isEnumerate() ||
- md->isReference() || md->isVariable()
- ) &&
+ //(md->isTypedef() || md->isEnumerate() ||
+ // md->isReference() || md->isVariable()
+ //) &&
(external ? md->isLinkable() : md->isLinkableInProject())
@@ -1902,6 +1910,7 @@ void linkifyText(const TextGeneratorIntf &out,Definition *scope,
// md->anchor(),word);
+ //printf("found symbol %s\n",;
@@ -6356,8 +6365,8 @@ SrcLangExt getLanguageFromFileName(const QCString fileName)
-/*! Returns true iff the given name string appears to be a typedef in scope. */
-bool checkIfTypedef(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,const char *n)
+MemberDef *getMemberFromSymbol(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,
+ const char *n)
if (scope==0 ||
(scope->definitionType()!=Definition::TypeClass &&
@@ -6370,11 +6379,11 @@ bool checkIfTypedef(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,const char *n)
QCString name = n;
if (name.isEmpty())
- return FALSE; // no name was given
+ return 0; // no name was given
DefinitionIntf *di = Doxygen::symbolMap->find(name);
if (di==0)
- return FALSE; // could not find any matching symbols
+ return 0; // could not find any matching symbols
// mostly copied from getResolvedClassRec()
QCString explicitScopePart;
@@ -6385,12 +6394,14 @@ bool checkIfTypedef(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,const char *n)
name = name.mid(qualifierIndex+2);
+ //printf("explicitScopePart=%s\n",;
int minDistance = 10000;
MemberDef *bestMatch = 0;
if (di->definitionType()==DefinitionIntf::TypeSymbolList)
+ //printf("multiple matches!\n");
// find the closest closest matching definition
DefinitionListIterator dli(*(DefinitionList*)di);
Definition *d;
@@ -6404,12 +6415,14 @@ bool checkIfTypedef(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,const char *n)
minDistance = distance;
bestMatch = (MemberDef *)d;
+ //printf("new best match %s distance=%d\n",bestMatch->qualifiedName().data(),distance);
else if (di->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember)
+ //printf("unique match!\n");
Definition *d = (Definition *)di;
int distance = isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(scope,fileScope,d,explicitScopePart);
@@ -6417,8 +6430,16 @@ bool checkIfTypedef(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,const char *n)
minDistance = distance;
bestMatch = (MemberDef *)d;
+ //printf("new best match %s distance=%d\n",bestMatch->qualifiedName().data(),distance);
+ return bestMatch;
+/*! Returns true iff the given name string appears to be a typedef in scope. */
+bool checkIfTypedef(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,const char *n)
+ MemberDef *bestMatch = getMemberFromSymbol(scope,fileScope,n);
if (bestMatch && bestMatch->isTypedef())
return TRUE; // closest matching symbol is a typedef
@@ -6426,6 +6447,7 @@ bool checkIfTypedef(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,const char *n)
return FALSE;
int nextUtf8CharPosition(const QCString &utf8Str,int len,int startPos)
int bytes=1;
@@ -6509,42 +6531,100 @@ QCString parseCommentAsText(const Definition *scope,const MemberDef *md,
static QDict<void> aliasesProcessed;
-static QCString replaceAliasArgument(const QCString &aliasValue,int paramNum,
- const QCString &paramValue);
+static QCString expandAliasRec(const QCString s);
+struct Marker
+ Marker(int p, int n,int s) : pos(p),number(n),size(s) {}
+ int pos; // position in the string
+ int number; // argument number
+ int size; // size of the marker
+/** Replaces the markers in an alias definition \a aliasValue
+ * with the corresponding values found in the comma separated argument
+ * list \a argList and the returns the result after recursive alias expansion.
+ */
static QCString replaceAliasArguments(const QCString &aliasValue,const QCString &argList)
- QCString result = aliasValue;
+ //printf("----- replaceAliasArguments(val=[%s],args=[%s])\n",,;
+ // first make a list of arguments from the comma separated argument list
QList<QCString> args;
- int p=0,i,c=1,l=(int)argList.length();
- // first count the number of arguments the command has
- // (= number of unescaped commas plus 1)
+ args.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ int i,l=(int)argList.length();
+ int s=0;
for (i=0;i<l;i++)
- if (',' && (i==0 ||!='\\')) c++;
+ if (',' && (i==0 ||!='\\'))
+ {
+ args.append(new QCString(argList.mid(s,i-s)));
+ s=i+1; // start of next argument
+ }
- // next we substitute the \<number> by the argument values, starting
- // with the last one. This is needed to avoid that \10 is treated as
- // a \1 followed by a 0 and already expanded as the first parameter.
- p = l;
- for (i=l-1;i>=0;i--)
+ if (l>s) args.append(new QCString(argList.right(l-s)));
+ //printf("found %d arguments\n",args.count());
+ // next we look for the positions of the markers and add them to a list
+ QList<Marker> markerList;
+ markerList.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ l = aliasValue.length();
+ int markerStart=0;
+ int markerEnd=0;
+ for (i=0;i<l;i++)
- if (',' && (i==0 ||!='\\'))
+ if (markerStart==0 &&'\\') // start of a \xx marker
- result = replaceAliasArgument(result,c,argList.mid(i+1,p-i-1));
- p=i;
- c--;
+ markerStart=i+1;
+ }
+ else if (markerStart>0 &&>='0' &&<='9')
+ {
+ // read digit that make up the marker number
+ markerEnd=i+1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (markerStart>0 && markerEnd>markerStart) // end of marker
+ {
+ int markerLen = markerEnd-markerStart;
+ markerList.append(new Marker(markerStart-1, // include backslash
+ atoi(aliasValue.mid(markerStart,markerLen)),markerLen+1));
+ //printf("found marker at %d with len %d and number %d\n",
+ // markerStart-1,markerLen+1,atoi(aliasValue.mid(markerStart,markerLen)));
+ }
+ markerStart=0; // outside marker
+ markerEnd=0;
- // special case for the first argument, whose value is not preceded by a ,
- if (p>0)
+ // then we replace the markers with the corresponding arguments in one pass
+ QCString result;
+ int p=0;
+ for (i=0;i<(int)markerList.count();i++)
- result = replaceAliasArgument(result,c,argList.left(p));
+ Marker *m =;
+ result+=aliasValue.mid(p,m->pos-p);
+ //printf("part before marker %d: '%s'\n",i,aliasValue.mid(p,m->pos-p).data());
+ if (m->number>0 && m->number<=(int)args.count()) // valid number
+ {
+ result+=*>number-1);
+ //printf("marker index=%d pos=%d number=%d size=%d replacement %s\n",i,m->pos,m->number,m->size,
+ //>number-1)->data());
+ }
+ p=m->pos+m->size; // continue after the marker
+ result+=aliasValue.right(l-p); // append remainder
+ //printf("string after replacement of markers: '%s'\n",;
+ // expand the result again
+ result = substitute(result,"\\{","{");
+ result = substitute(result,"\\}","}");
+ result = expandAliasRec(substitute(result,"\\,",","));
return result;
-QCString expandAliasRec(const QCString s)
+static QCString expandAliasRec(const QCString s)
QCString result;
static QRegExp cmdPat("[\\\\@][a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*");
@@ -6596,39 +6676,6 @@ QCString expandAliasRec(const QCString s)
return result;
-static QCString replaceAliasArgument(const QCString &aliasValue,int paramNum,
- const QCString &paramValue)
- QCString result;
- QCString paramMarker;
- paramMarker.sprintf("\\%d",paramNum);
- int markerLen = paramMarker.length();
- int p=0,i;
- while ((i=aliasValue.find(paramMarker,p))!=-1) // search for marker
- {
- result+=aliasValue.mid(p,i-p);
- //printf("Found marker '%s' at %d len=%d for param '%s' in '%s'\n",
- //,i,markerLen,,;
- if (i==0 ||!='\\') // found unescaped marker
- {
- result += paramValue;
- p=i+markerLen;
- }
- else // ignore escaped markers
- {
- result += aliasValue.mid(i,markerLen);
- p=i+1;
- }
- }
- result+=aliasValue.right(aliasValue.length()-p);
- result = substitute(result,"\\{","{");
- result = substitute(result,"\\}","}");
- result = expandAliasRec(substitute(result,"\\,",","));
- //printf("replaceAliasArgument('%s',%d,'%s')->%s\n",
- //,paramNum,,;
- return result;
int countAliasArguments(const QCString argList)
int count=1;
diff --git a/src/util.h b/src/util.h
index 07030b3..fd8c54e 100644
--- a/src/util.h
+++ b/src/util.h
@@ -354,6 +354,8 @@ bool updateLanguageMapping(const QCString &extension,const QCString &parser);
SrcLangExt getLanguageFromFileName(const QCString fileName);
void initDefaultExtensionMapping();
+MemberDef *getMemberFromSymbol(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,
+ const char *n);
bool checkIfTypedef(Definition *scope,FileDef *fileScope,const char *n);
ClassDef *newResolveTypedef(FileDef *fileScope,MemberDef *md,
diff --git a/src/xmlgen.cpp b/src/xmlgen.cpp
index 764ab71..886e921 100644
--- a/src/xmlgen.cpp
+++ b/src/xmlgen.cpp
@@ -495,12 +495,18 @@ void writeXMLCodeBlock(FTextStream &t,FileDef *fd)
ParserInterface *pIntf=Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(fd->getDefFileExtension());
XMLCodeGenerator *xmlGen = new XMLCodeGenerator(t);
- pIntf->parseCode(*xmlGen,
- 0,
+ pIntf->parseCode(*xmlGen, // codeOutIntf
+ 0, // scopeName
- 0,
- fd);
+ FALSE, // isExampleBlock
+ 0, // exampleName
+ fd, // fileDef
+ -1, // startLine
+ -1, // endLine
+ FALSE, // inlineFragement
+ 0, // memberDef
+ TRUE // showLineNumbers
+ );
delete xmlGen;
@@ -543,20 +549,21 @@ static void stripQualifiers(QCString &typeStr)
static QCString classOutputFileBase(ClassDef *cd)
- static bool inlineGroupedClasses = Config_getBool("INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES");
- if (inlineGroupedClasses && cd->partOfGroups()!=0)
- return cd->getXmlOutputFileBase();
- else
- return cd->getOutputFileBase();
+ //static bool inlineGroupedClasses = Config_getBool("INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES");
+ //if (inlineGroupedClasses && cd->partOfGroups()!=0)
+ return cd->getOutputFileBase();
+ //else
+ // return cd->getOutputFileBase();
static QCString memberOutputFileBase(MemberDef *md)
- static bool inlineGroupedClasses = Config_getBool("INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES");
- if (inlineGroupedClasses && md->getClassDef() && md->getClassDef()->partOfGroups()!=0)
- return md->getClassDef()->getXmlOutputFileBase();
- else
- return md->getOutputFileBase();
+ //static bool inlineGroupedClasses = Config_getBool("INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES");
+ //if (inlineGroupedClasses && md->getClassDef() && md->getClassDef()->partOfGroups()!=0)
+ // return md->getClassDef()->getXmlOutputFileBase();
+ //else
+ // return md->getOutputFileBase();
+ return md->getOutputFileBase();
diff --git a/tmake/lib/macosx-c++/tmake.conf b/tmake/lib/macosx-c++/tmake.conf
index 01f036d..3c2cd24 100755
--- a/tmake/lib/macosx-c++/tmake.conf
+++ b/tmake/lib/macosx-c++/tmake.conf
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ TMAKE_CFLAGS_SHLIB = -fPIC
TMAKE_CFLAGS_YACC = -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses
diff --git a/tmake/lib/macosx-uni-c++/tmake.conf b/tmake/lib/macosx-uni-c++/tmake.conf
index 2c34161..4f2f0c2 100644
--- a/tmake/lib/macosx-uni-c++/tmake.conf
+++ b/tmake/lib/macosx-uni-c++/tmake.conf
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ TMAKE_CFLAGS_SHLIB = -fPIC
TMAKE_CFLAGS_YACC = -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses
-TMAKE_CXXFLAGS = $$TMAKE_CFLAGS -D__FreeBSD__=6 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5
+TMAKE_CXXFLAGS = $$TMAKE_CFLAGS -D__FreeBSD__=6 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -DYY_TYPEDEF_YY_SIZE_T -Dyy_size_t=int