path: root/src/dotgraph.cpp
diff options
authorThomas Haller <>2019-05-24 06:33:33 (GMT)
committerDimitri van Heesch <>2019-06-13 18:55:20 (GMT)
commit7bae1f4e7c1f7b38e205f158cc5cbe0e4b956b75 (patch)
tree5706bc2223336c5068366d74e8478efe268af634 /src/dotgraph.cpp
parent182a5e8af049289e8bdad30e5a25ad444d17dffd (diff)
refactoring dot.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotgraph.cpp')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotgraph.cpp b/src/dotgraph.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca6bcca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotgraph.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2019 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+* documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
+* granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
+* for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+* Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+* input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "index.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "dot.h"
+#include "dotrunner.h"
+#include "dotgraph.h"
+#include "dotnode.h"
+#define MAP_CMD "cmapx"
+QCString DotGraph::DOT_FONTNAME; // will be initialized in initDot
+int DotGraph::DOT_FONTSIZE; // will be initialized in initDot
+/*! Checks if a file "baseName".md5 exists. If so the contents
+* are compared with \a md5. If equal FALSE is returned.
+* The .md5 is created or updated after successful creation of the output file.
+static bool checkMd5Signature(const QCString &baseName,
+ const QCString &md5)
+ QFile f(baseName+".md5");
+ if (
+ {
+ // read checksum
+ QCString md5stored(33);
+ int bytesRead=f.readBlock(md5stored.rawData(),32);
+ md5stored[32]='\0';
+ // compare checksum
+ if (bytesRead==32 && md5==md5stored)
+ {
+ // bail out if equal
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ f.close();
+ return TRUE;
+static bool checkDeliverables(const QCString &file1,
+ const QCString &file2=QCString())
+ bool file1Ok = TRUE;
+ bool file2Ok = TRUE;
+ if (!file1.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QFileInfo fi(file1);
+ file1Ok = (fi.exists() && fi.size()>0);
+ }
+ if (!file2.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QFileInfo fi(file2);
+ file2Ok = (fi.exists() && fi.size()>0);
+ }
+ return file1Ok && file2Ok;
+static void removeDotGraph(const QCString &dotName)
+ if (Config_getBool(DOT_CLEANUP))
+ {
+ QDir d;
+ d.remove(dotName);
+ }
+static bool insertMapFile(FTextStream &out,const QCString &mapFile,
+ const QCString &relPath,const QCString &mapLabel)
+ QFileInfo fi(mapFile);
+ if (fi.exists() && fi.size()>0) // reuse existing map file
+ {
+ QGString tmpstr;
+ FTextStream tmpout(&tmpstr);
+ convertMapFile(tmpout,mapFile,relPath,FALSE);
+ if (!tmpstr.isEmpty())
+ {
+ out << "<map name=\"" << mapLabel << "\" id=\"" << mapLabel << "\">" << endl;
+ out << tmpstr;
+ out << "</map>" << endl;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE; // no map file yet, need to generate it
+QCString DotGraph::IMG_EXT;
+QCString DotGraph::imgName() const
+ return m_baseName + ((m_graphFormat == GOF_BITMAP) ?
+ ("." + IMG_EXT) : (Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX) ? ".pdf" : ".eps"));
+QCString DotGraph::writeGraph(
+ FTextStream& t, // output stream for the code file (html, ...)
+ GraphOutputFormat gf, // bitmap(png/svg) or ps(eps/pdf)
+ EmbeddedOutputFormat ef, // html, latex, ...
+ const char* path, // output folder
+ const char* fileName, // name of the code file (for code patcher)
+ const char* relPath, // output folder relativ to code file
+ bool generateImageMap, // in case of bitmap, shall there be code generated?
+ int graphId) // number of this graph in the current code, used in svg code
+ m_graphFormat = gf;
+ m_textFormat = ef;
+ m_dir = QDir(path);
+ m_fileName = fileName;
+ m_relPath = relPath;
+ m_generateImageMap = generateImageMap;
+ m_graphId = graphId;
+ m_absPath = QCString(m_dir.absPath().data()) + "/";
+ m_baseName = getBaseName();
+ computeTheGraph();
+ m_regenerate = prepareDotFile();
+ if (!m_doNotAddImageToIndex) Doxygen::indexList->addImageFile(imgName());
+ generateCode(t);
+ return m_baseName;
+bool DotGraph::prepareDotFile()
+ if (!m_dir.exists())
+ {
+ err("Output dir %s does not exist!\n", m_dir.path().data()); exit(1);
+ }
+ QCString sigStr(33);
+ uchar md5_sig[16];
+ // calculate md5
+ MD5Buffer((const unsigned char*), m_theGraph.length(), md5_sig);
+ // convert result to a string
+ MD5SigToString(md5_sig, sigStr.rawData(), 33);
+ // already queued files are processed again in case the output format has changed
+ if (!checkMd5Signature(absBaseName(), sigStr) &&
+ checkDeliverables(absImgName(),
+ m_graphFormat == GOF_BITMAP && m_generateImageMap ? absMapName() : QCString()
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ // all needed files are there
+ removeDotGraph(absDotName());
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // need to rebuild the image
+ // write .dot file because image was new or has changed
+ QFile f(absDotName());
+ if (!
+ {
+ err("Could not open file %s for writing\n",;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ FTextStream t(&f);
+ t << m_theGraph;
+ f.close();
+ if (m_graphFormat == GOF_BITMAP)
+ {
+ // run dot to create a bitmap image
+ DotRunner * dotRun = DotManager::instance()->createRunner(absDotName(), sigStr);
+ dotRun->addJob(Config_getEnum(DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT), absImgName());
+ if (m_generateImageMap) dotRun->addJob(MAP_CMD, absMapName());
+ }
+ else if (m_graphFormat == GOF_EPS)
+ {
+ // run dot to create a .eps image
+ DotRunner *dotRun = DotManager::instance()->createRunner(absDotName(), sigStr);
+ if (Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX))
+ {
+ dotRun->addJob("pdf",absImgName());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dotRun->addJob("ps",absImgName());
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void DotGraph::generateCode(FTextStream &t)
+ if (m_graphFormat==GOF_BITMAP && m_textFormat==EOF_DocBook)
+ {
+ t << "<para>" << endl;
+ t << " <informalfigure>" << endl;
+ t << " <mediaobject>" << endl;
+ t << " <imageobject>" << endl;
+ t << " <imagedata";
+ t << " width=\"50%\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" scalefit=\"0\" fileref=\"" << m_relPath << m_baseName << "." << IMG_EXT << "\">";
+ t << "</imagedata>" << endl;
+ t << " </imageobject>" << endl;
+ t << " </mediaobject>" << endl;
+ t << " </informalfigure>" << endl;
+ t << "</para>" << endl;
+ }
+ else if (m_graphFormat==GOF_BITMAP && m_generateImageMap) // produce HTML to include the image
+ {
+ if (IMG_EXT=="svg") // add link to SVG file without map file
+ {
+ if (!m_noDivTag) t << "<div class=\"center\">";
+ if (m_regenerate || !writeSVGFigureLink(t,m_relPath,m_baseName,absImgName())) // need to patch the links in the generated SVG file
+ {
+ if (m_regenerate)
+ {
+ DotManager::instance()->addSVGConversion(absImgName(),m_relPath,FALSE,QCString(),m_zoomable,m_graphId);
+ }
+ int mapId = DotManager::instance()->addSVGObject(m_fileName,m_baseName,absImgName(),m_relPath);
+ t << "<!-- SVG " << mapId << " -->" << endl;
+ }
+ if (!m_noDivTag) t << "</div>" << endl;
+ }
+ else // add link to bitmap file with image map
+ {
+ if (!m_noDivTag) t << "<div class=\"center\">";
+ t << "<img src=\"" << relImgName() << "\" border=\"0\" usemap=\"#" << getMapLabel() << "\" alt=\"" << getImgAltText() << "\"/>";
+ if (!m_noDivTag) t << "</div>";
+ t << endl;
+ if (m_regenerate || !insertMapFile(t, absMapName(), m_relPath, getMapLabel()))
+ {
+ int mapId = DotManager::instance()->addMap(m_fileName, absMapName(), m_relPath, m_urlOnly, QCString(), getMapLabel());
+ t << "<!-- MAP " << mapId << " -->" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (m_graphFormat==GOF_EPS) // produce tex to include the .eps image
+ {
+ if (m_regenerate || !writeVecGfxFigure(t,m_baseName,absBaseName()))
+ {
+ int figId = DotManager::instance()->addFigure(m_fileName,m_baseName,absBaseName(),FALSE /*TRUE*/);
+ t << endl << "% FIG " << figId << endl;
+ }
+ }
+void DotGraph::writeGraphHeader(FTextStream &t,const QCString &title)
+ t << "digraph ";
+ if (title.isEmpty())
+ {
+ t << "\"Dot Graph\"";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t << "\"" << convertToXML(title) << "\"";
+ }
+ t << endl << "{" << endl;
+ if (Config_getBool(INTERACTIVE_SVG)) // insert a comment to force regeneration when this
+ // option is toggled
+ {
+ t << " // INTERACTIVE_SVG=YES\n";
+ }
+ t << " // LATEX_PDF_SIZE\n"; // write placeholder for LaTeX PDF bounding box size repacement
+ if (Config_getBool(DOT_TRANSPARENT))
+ {
+ t << " bgcolor=\"transparent\";" << endl;
+ }
+ t << " edge [fontname=\"" << DOT_FONTNAME << "\","
+ "fontsize=\"" << DOT_FONTSIZE << "\","
+ "labelfontname=\"" << DOT_FONTNAME << "\","
+ "labelfontsize=\"" << DOT_FONTSIZE << "\"];\n";
+ t << " node [fontname=\"" << DOT_FONTNAME << "\","
+ "fontsize=\"" << DOT_FONTSIZE << "\",shape=record];\n";
+void DotGraph::writeGraphFooter(FTextStream &t)
+ t << "}" << endl;
+void DotGraph::computeGraph(DotNode *root,
+ GraphType gt,
+ GraphOutputFormat format,
+ const QCString &rank, // either "LR", "RL", or ""
+ bool renderParents,
+ bool backArrows,
+ const QCString &title,
+ QGString &graphStr)
+ //printf("computeMd5Signature\n");
+ QGString buf;
+ FTextStream md5stream(&buf);
+ writeGraphHeader(md5stream,title);
+ if (!rank.isEmpty())
+ {
+ md5stream << " rankdir=\"" << rank << "\";" << endl;
+ }
+ root->clearWriteFlag();
+ root->write(md5stream, gt, format, gt!=CallGraph && gt!=Dependency, TRUE, backArrows);
+ if (renderParents && root->parents())
+ {
+ QListIterator<DotNode> dnli(*root->parents());
+ const DotNode *pn;
+ for (dnli.toFirst();(pn=dnli.current());++dnli)
+ {
+ if (pn->isVisible())
+ {
+ root->writeArrow(md5stream, // stream
+ gt, // graph type
+ format, // output format
+ pn, // child node
+ pn->edgeInfo()->at(pn->children()->findRef(root)), // edge info
+ FALSE, // topDown?
+ backArrows // point back?
+ );
+ }
+ pn->write(md5stream, // stream
+ gt, // graph type
+ format, // output format
+ TRUE, // topDown?
+ FALSE, // toChildren?
+ backArrows // backward pointing arrows?
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ writeGraphFooter(md5stream);
+bool DotGraph::writeVecGfxFigure(FTextStream &out,const QCString &baseName,
+ const QCString &figureName)
+ int width=400,height=550;
+ if (Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX))
+ {
+ if (!DotRunner::readBoundingBox(figureName+".pdf",&width,&height,FALSE))
+ {
+ //printf("writeVecGfxFigure()=0\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!DotRunner::readBoundingBox(figureName+".eps",&width,&height,TRUE))
+ {
+ //printf("writeVecGfxFigure()=0\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("Got PDF/EPS size %d,%d\n",width,height);
+ int maxWidth = 350; /* approx. page width in points, excl. margins */
+ int maxHeight = 550; /* approx. page height in points, excl. margins */
+ out << "\\nopagebreak\n"
+ "\\begin{figure}[H]\n"
+ "\\begin{center}\n"
+ "\\leavevmode\n";
+ if (width>maxWidth || height>maxHeight) // figure too big for page
+ {
+ // c*width/maxWidth > c*height/maxHeight, where c=maxWidth*maxHeight>0
+ if (width*maxHeight>height*maxWidth)
+ {
+ out << "\\includegraphics[width=" << maxWidth << "pt]";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out << "\\includegraphics[height=" << maxHeight << "pt]";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out << "\\includegraphics[width=" << width << "pt]";
+ }
+ out << "{" << baseName << "}\n"
+ "\\end{center}\n"
+ "\\end{figure}\n";
+ //printf("writeVecGfxFigure()=1\n");
+ return TRUE;