path: root/src/search_js.h
diff options
authordimitri <dimitri@afe2bf4a-e733-0410-8a33-86f594647bc7>2009-06-22 20:14:03 (GMT)
committerdimitri <dimitri@afe2bf4a-e733-0410-8a33-86f594647bc7>2009-06-22 20:14:03 (GMT)
commit7c0a46b50fad0925e47b78326f8c2e92e3829fb4 (patch)
tree2f918f7da3205101b2a8a300ee9afefe247b3f24 /src/search_js.h
parent7a3de4c3c8aac25c38b6e93bb0927de40cd1c650 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/search_js.h')
1 files changed, 456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/search_js.h b/src/search_js.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a401e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/search_js.h
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+"function convertToId(search)\n"
+" var result = '';\n"
+" for (i=0;i<search.length;i++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" var c = search.charAt(i);\n"
+" var cn = c.charCodeAt(0);\n"
+" if (c.match(/[a-z0-9]/))\n"
+" {\n"
+" result+=c;\n"
+" }\n"
+" else if (cn<16) \n"
+" {\n"
+" result+=\"_0\"+cn.toString(16);\n"
+" }\n"
+" else \n"
+" {\n"
+" result+=\"_\"+cn.toString(16);\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" return result;\n"
+"function getXPos(item)\n"
+" var x = 0;\n"
+" if (item.offsetWidth)\n"
+" {\n"
+" while (item && item!=document.body)\n"
+" {\n"
+" x += item.offsetLeft;\n"
+" item = item.offsetParent;\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" return x;\n"
+"function getYPos(item)\n"
+" var y = 0;\n"
+" if (item.offsetWidth)\n"
+" {\n"
+" while (item && item!=document.body)\n"
+" {\n"
+" y += item.offsetTop;\n"
+" item = item.offsetParent;\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" return y;\n"
+"/* A class handling everything associated with the search panel.\n"
+" Parameters:\n"
+" name - The name of the global variable that will be \n"
+" storing this instance. Is needed to be able to set timeouts.\n"
+" resultPath - path to use for external files\n"
+"function SearchBox(name, resultsPath, inFrame)\n"
+" if (!name || !resultsPath) { alert(\"Missing parameters to SearchBox.\"); }\n"
+" \n"
+" // ---------- Instance variables\n"
+" = name;\n"
+" this.resultsPath = resultsPath;\n"
+" this.keyTimeout = 0;\n"
+" this.keyTimeoutLength = 500;\n"
+" this.closeSelectionTimeout = 300;\n"
+" this.lastSearchValue = \"\";\n"
+" this.lastResultsPage = \"\";\n"
+" this.hideTimeout = 0;\n"
+" this.searchTopic = \"all\";\n"
+" this.searchActive = false;\n"
+" this.insideFrame = inFrame;\n"
+" // ----------- DOM Elements\n"
+" this.DOMSearchField = function()\n"
+" { return document.getElementById(\"MSearchField\"); }\n"
+" this.DOMSearchSelect = function()\n"
+" { return document.getElementById(\"MSearchSelect\"); }\n"
+" this.DOMSearchSelectWindow = function()\n"
+" { return document.getElementById(\"MSearchSelectWindow\"); }\n"
+" this.DOMPopupSearchResults = function()\n"
+" { return document.getElementById(\"MSearchResults\"); }\n"
+" this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow = function()\n"
+" { return document.getElementById(\"MSearchResultsWindow\"); }\n"
+" this.DOMSearchResultWindowClose = function()\n"
+" { return document.getElementById(\"MSearchResultsWindowClose\"); }\n"
+" this.DOMSearchBox = function()\n"
+" { return document.getElementById(\"MSearchBox\"); }\n"
+" // ------------ Event Handlers\n"
+" // Called when focus is added or removed from the search field.\n"
+" this.OnSearchFieldFocus = function(isActive)\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.Activate(isActive);\n"
+" }\n"
+" this.OnSearchSelectShow = function()\n"
+" {\n"
+" var searchSelectWindow = this.DOMSearchSelectWindow();\n"
+" var searchField = this.DOMSearchSelect();\n"
+" if (this.insideFrame)\n"
+" {\n"
+" var left = getXPos(searchField);\n"
+" var top = getYPos(searchField);\n"
+" left += searchField.offsetWidth + 6;\n"
+" top += searchField.offsetHeight;\n"
+" // show search selection popup\n"
+" left -= searchSelectWindow.offsetWidth;\n"
+" = left + 'px';\n"
+" = top + 'px';\n"
+" }\n"
+" else\n"
+" {\n"
+" var left = getXPos(searchField);\n"
+" var top = getYPos(searchField);\n"
+" top += searchField.offsetHeight;\n"
+" // show search selection popup\n"
+" = left + 'px';\n"
+" = top + 'px';\n"
+" }\n"
+" // stop selection hide timer\n"
+" if (this.hideTimeout) \n"
+" {\n"
+" clearTimeout(this.hideTimeout);\n"
+" this.hideTimeout=0;\n"
+" }\n"
+" return false; // to avoid \"image drag\" default event\n"
+" }\n"
+" this.OnSearchSelectHide = function()\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.hideTimeout = setTimeout( +\".CloseSelectionWindow()\",\n"
+" this.closeSelectionTimeout);\n"
+" }\n"
+" // Called when the content of the search field is changed.\n"
+" this.OnSearchFieldChange = function()\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (this.keyTimeout) // kill running timer\n"
+" {\n"
+" clearTimeout(this.keyTimeout);\n"
+" this.keyTimeout = 0;\n"
+" }\n"
+" // strip whitespaces\n"
+" var searchValue = this.DOMSearchField().value.replace(/ +/g, \"\");\n"
+" if (searchValue != this.lastSearchValue) // search value has changed\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (searchValue != \"\") // non-empty search\n"
+" {\n"
+" // set timer for search update\n"
+" this.keyTimeout = setTimeout( + '.Search()',\n"
+" this.keyTimeoutLength);\n"
+" }\n"
+" else // empty search field\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display = 'none';\n"
+" this.lastSearchValue = '';\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" // Called when an search filter selection is made.\n"
+" // set item with index id as the active item\n"
+" this.OnSelectItem = function(id,topic)\n"
+" {\n"
+" var i,j=0;\n"
+" var win=this.DOMSearchSelectWindow(); \n"
+" for (i=0;i<win.childNodes.length;i++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" var child = win.childNodes[i]; // get span within a\n"
+" if (child.className=='SelectItem')\n"
+" {\n"
+" var node = child.firstChild;\n"
+" if (j==id)\n"
+" {\n"
+" // add a tickmark: see\n"
+" node.innerHTML='&bull;';\n"
+" } \n"
+" else\n"
+" {\n"
+" node.innerHTML='&nbsp;';\n"
+" }\n"
+" j++;\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" if (topic)\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.searchTopic = topic;\n"
+" var searchValue = this.DOMSearchField().value.replace(/ +/g, \"\");\n"
+" if (searchValue != \"\" && this.searchActive) // something was found -> do a search\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.Search();\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" else\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.Activate(false);\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" this.OnCloseHighlight = function(active)\n"
+" {\n"
+" var close = this.DOMSearchResultWindowClose();\n"
+" if (active)\n"
+" {\n"
+" close.firstChild.src = this.resultsPath + '/close_active.png';\n"
+" }\n"
+" else\n"
+" {\n"
+" close.firstChild.src = this.resultsPath + '/close.png';\n"
+" }\n"
+" return false;\n"
+" }\n"
+" // --------- Actions\n"
+" // Closes the results window.\n"
+" this.CloseResultsWindow = function()\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display = \"none\";\n"
+" this.Activate(false);\n"
+" }\n"
+" this.CloseSelectionWindow = function()\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.DOMSearchSelectWindow().style.display = \"none\";\n"
+" }\n"
+" // Performs a search.\n"
+" this.Search = function()\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.keyTimeout = 0;\n"
+" // strip leading whitespace\n"
+" var searchValue = this.DOMSearchField().value.replace(/^ +/, \"\");\n"
+" var code = searchValue.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0);\n"
+" var hexCode;\n"
+" if (code<16) \n"
+" {\n"
+" hexCode=\"0\"+code.toString(16);\n"
+" }\n"
+" else \n"
+" {\n"
+" hexCode=code.toString(16);\n"
+" }\n"
+" var resultsPage;\n"
+" var resultsPageWithSearch;\n"
+" var hasResultsPage;\n"
+" // indexSectionsWithContent is defined in searchdata.js\n"
+" if (indexSectionsWithContent[this.searchTopic].charAt(code-32) == '1')\n"
+" {\n"
+" resultsPage = this.resultsPath + '/' + this.searchTopic + '_' + hexCode + '.html';\n"
+" resultsPageWithSearch = resultsPage+'?'+escape(searchValue);\n"
+" hasResultsPage = true;\n"
+" }\n"
+" else // nothing available for this search term\n"
+" {\n"
+" resultsPage = this.resultsPath + '/nomatches.html';\n"
+" resultsPageWithSearch = resultsPage;\n"
+" hasResultsPage = false;\n"
+" }\n"
+" window.frames.MSearchResults.location.href = resultsPageWithSearch; \n"
+" var domPopupSearchResultsWindow = this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow();\n"
+" if (!=\"block\")\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (this.insideFrame)\n"
+" {\n"
+" var domSearchBox = this.DOMSearchBox();\n"
+" var domPopupSearchResults = this.DOMPopupSearchResults();\n"
+" this.DOMSearchResultWindowClose().style.textAlign = 'left';\n"
+" = 'relative';\n"
+" = 'block';\n"
+" var width = document.body.clientWidth - 8; // the -8 is for IE :-(\n"
+" = width + 'px';\n"
+" = width + 'px';\n"
+" }\n"
+" else\n"
+" {\n"
+" var domSearchField = this.DOMSearchField();\n"
+" var domPopupSearchResults = this.DOMPopupSearchResults();\n"
+" var left = getXPos(domSearchField) + domSearchField.offsetWidth;\n"
+" var top = getYPos(domSearchField) + domSearchField.offsetHeight + 1;\n"
+" = 'block';\n"
+" left -= domPopupSearchResults.offsetWidth;\n"
+" = top + 'px';\n"
+" = left + 'px';\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" this.lastSearchValue = searchValue;\n"
+" this.lastResultsPage = resultsPage;\n"
+" }\n"
+" // -------- Activation Functions\n"
+" // Activates or deactivates the search panel, resetting things to \n"
+" // their default values if necessary. \n"
+" this.Activate = function(isActive)\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (isActive || // open it\n"
+" this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display == 'block' \n"
+" )\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.DOMSearchBox().className = 'MSearchBoxActive';\n"
+" var searchField = this.DOMSearchField();\n"
+" if (searchField.value == 'Search') // clear \"Search\" term upon entry\n"
+" { \n"
+" searchField.value = ''; \n"
+" this.searchActive = true;\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" else if (!isActive) // directly remove the panel\n"
+" {\n"
+" this.DOMSearchBox().className = 'MSearchBoxInactive';\n"
+" this.DOMSearchField().value = 'Search';\n"
+" this.searchActive = false;\n"
+" this.lastSearchValue = ''\n"
+" this.lastResultsPage = '';\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+"// -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+"// The class that handles everything on the search results page.\n"
+"function SearchResults(name)\n"
+" // The number of matches from the last run of <Search()>.\n"
+" this.lastMatchCount = 0;\n"
+" // Toggles the visibility of the passed element ID.\n"
+" this.Toggle = function(id)\n"
+" {\n"
+" var parentElement = document.getElementById(id);\n"
+" var element = parentElement.firstChild;\n"
+" while (element && element!=parentElement)\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (element.nodeName == 'DIV' && element.className == 'SRChildren')\n"
+" {\n"
+" if ( == 'block')\n"
+" { \n"
+" = 'none'; \n"
+" }\n"
+" else\n"
+" { \n"
+" = 'block'; \n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" if (element.nodeName == 'DIV' && element.hasChildNodes())\n"
+" { \n"
+" element = element.firstChild; \n"
+" }\n"
+" else if (element.nextSibling)\n"
+" { \n"
+" element = element.nextSibling; \n"
+" }\n"
+" else\n"
+" {\n"
+" do\n"
+" {\n"
+" element = element.parentNode;\n"
+" }\n"
+" while (element && element!=parentElement && !element.nextSibling);\n"
+" if (element && element!=parentElement)\n"
+" { \n"
+" element = element.nextSibling; \n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" // Searches for the passed string. If there is no parameter, \n"
+" // it takes it from the URL query.\n"
+" //\n"
+" // Always returns true, since other documents may try to call it \n"
+" // and that may or may not be possible.\n"
+" this.Search = function(search)\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (!search) // get search word from URL\n"
+" {\n"
+" search =;\n"
+" search = search.substring(1); // Remove the leading '?'\n"
+" search = unescape(search);\n"
+" }\n"
+" search = search.replace(/^ +/, \"\"); // strip leading spaces\n"
+" search = search.replace(/ +$/, \"\"); // strip trailing spaces\n"
+" search = search.toLowerCase();\n"
+" search = convertToId(search);\n"
+" var resultRows = document.getElementsByTagName(\"div\");\n"
+" var matches = 0;\n"
+" var i = 0;\n"
+" while (i < resultRows.length)\n"
+" {\n"
+" var row = resultRows.item(i);\n"
+" if (row.className == \"SRResult\")\n"
+" {\n"
+" var rowMatchName =;\n"
+" rowMatchName = rowMatchName.replace(/^sr\\d*_/, ''); // strip 'sr123_'\n"
+" if (search.length<=rowMatchName.length && \n"
+" rowMatchName.substr(0, search.length)==search)\n"
+" {\n"
+" = \"block\";\n"
+" matches++;\n"
+" }\n"
+" else\n"
+" { \n"
+" = \"none\"; \n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" i++;\n"
+" }\n"
+" document.getElementById(\"Searching\").style.display=\"none\";\n"
+" if (matches == 0) // no results\n"
+" { \n"
+" document.getElementById(\"NoMatches\").style.display=\"block\"; \n"
+" }\n"
+" else // at least one result\n"
+" { \n"
+" document.getElementById(\"NoMatches\").style.display=\"none\"; \n"
+" }\n"
+" this.lastMatchCount = matches;\n"
+" return true;\n"
+" }\n"