diff options
27 files changed, 2165 insertions, 1568 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_cmake.yml b/.github/workflows/build_cmake.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f1e0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build_cmake.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+name: CMake Build for Doxygen
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build:
+ name: ${{ }}
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ config:
+ - {
+ name: "Ubuntu Latest GCC Release",
+ os: ubuntu-latest,
+ build_type: "Release", cc: "gcc", cxx: "g++",
+ build_gen: "Unix Makefiles"
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "Ubuntu Latest GCC Debug",
+ os: ubuntu-latest,
+ build_type: "Debug", cc: "gcc", cxx: "g++",
+ build_gen: "Unix Makefiles"
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "Ubuntu Latest Clang Release",
+ os: ubuntu-latest,
+ build_type: "Release", cc: "clang", cxx: "clang++",
+ build_gen: "Unix Makefiles"
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "Ubuntu Latest Clang Debug",
+ os: ubuntu-latest,
+ build_type: "Debug", cc: "clang", cxx: "clang++",
+ build_gen: "Unix Makefiles"
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "macOS Latest Release",
+ os: macos-latest,
+ build_type: "Release", cc: "clang", cxx: "clang++",
+ build_gen: "Unix Makefiles"
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "macOS Latest Debug",
+ os: macos-latest,
+ build_type: "Debug", cc: "clang", cxx: "clang++",
+ build_gen: "Unix Makefiles"
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "Windows Latest MSVC Debug",
+ os: windows-latest,
+ build_type: "Debug", cc: "cl", cxx: "cl",
+ build_gen: "NMake Makefiles"
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "Windows Latest MSVC Release",
+ os: windows-latest,
+ build_type: "Release", cc: "cl", cxx: "cl",
+ build_gen: "NMake Makefiles"
+ }
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v1
+ - name: Download MikTex (Windows)
+ run: |
+ $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
+ $maxAttempts=5;
+ $attemptCount=0;
+ Do {
+ $attemptCount++;
+ Try {
+ $wc.DownloadFile("","")
+ } Catch [Exception] {
+ Write-Host $_.Exception | format-list -force
+ }
+ } while (((Test-Path "") -eq $false) -and ($attemptCount -le $maxAttempts))
+ shell: pwsh
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - uses: suisei-cn/actions-download-file@v1
+ with:
+ url: ""
+ target: .
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Install LaTeX (Linux)
+ run: sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-generic-recommended texlive-extra-utils texlive-latex-extra texlive-font-utils
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
+ - name: Install LaTeX (MacOS)
+ run: |
+ brew install --cask mactex;
+ echo "/Library/TeX/texbin/" >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'macos-latest'
+ - name: Extract MikTex zip (Windows)
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ unzip
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Download MikTex packages (Windows)
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ ./miktexsetup --verbose \
+ --local-package-repository=C:/miktex-repository \
+ --remote-package-repository="" \
+ --package-set=essential \
+ download
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Install MikTex packages (Windows)
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ ./miktexsetup --local-package-repository=C:/miktex-repository \
+ --package-set=essential \
+ --shared \
+ install
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Setting MikTex paths (Windows)
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ echo "C:/Program Files/MiKTeX/miktex/bin/x64/" >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ export PATH="/c/Program Files/MiKTeX/miktex/bin/x64/:$PATH"
+ echo "Configuring MiKTeX to install missing packages on the fly"
+ initexmf --admin --verbose --set-config-value='[MPM]AutoInstall=1'
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Install Ghostscript (Linux)
+ run: sudo apt-get install ghostscript
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
+# - name: Install Ghostscript (Windows)
+# run: choco install ghostscript
+# if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Install xmllint (Linux)
+ run: sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
+ - name: Install xmllint (MacOS)
+ run: brew install libxml2
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'macos-latest'
+ - name: Install bison (MacOS)
+ run: |
+ brew install bison;
+ echo "/usr/local/opt/bison/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'macos-latest'
+ - name: Install bison/flex (Windows)
+ run:
+ choco install winflexbison
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+# - name: Install Perl (Windows)
+# run:
+# choco install activeperl
+# if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Setup VS Environment (Windows)
+ uses: seanmiddleditch/gha-setup-vsdevenv@master
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Refresh Env (Windows)
+ run:
+ refreshenv
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Check tool versions
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ echo "=== perl ===";
+ perl --version;
+ echo "=== python ===";
+ python --version;
+ echo "=== cmake ===";
+ cmake --version;
+ echo "=== latex ===";
+ latex --version;
+ echo "=== bibtex ===";
+ bibtex --version
+ echo "=== bison ===";
+ win_bison --version;
+ echo "=== flex ===";
+ win_flex --version;
+ if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
+ - name: Configure
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ set(ENV{CC} ${{ }})
+ set(ENV{CXX} ${{ matrix.config.cxx }})
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND cmake
+ -S .
+ -B build
+ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.config.build_type }}
+ -G "${{ matrix.config.build_gen }}"
+ -Dbuild_doc=YES
+ -Dbuild_app=YES
+ -Dbuild_parse=YES
+ -Dbuild_xmlparser=YES
+ )
+ if (NOT result EQUAL 0)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Bad exit status")
+ endif()
+ - name: Build
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ include(ProcessorCount)
+ ProcessorCount(N)
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND cmake --build build --parallel ${N}
+ )
+ if (NOT result EQUAL 0)
+ string(REGEX MATCH "FAILED:.*$" error_message "${output}")
+ string(REPLACE "\n" "%0A" error_message "${error_message}")
+ message("::error::${error_message}")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Build failed")
+ endif()
+ - name: Run tests
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ include(ProcessorCount)
+ ProcessorCount(N)
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND cmake --build build --target tests
+ )
+ if (NOT result EQUAL 0)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Running tests failed!")
+ endif()
+ - name: Generate documentation
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND cmake --build build --target docs
+ )
+ if (NOT result EQUAL 0)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Bad exit status")
+ endif()
+ if: matrix.config.os != 'windows-latest'
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index eb406c8..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-language: cpp
-os: linux
-dist: xenial
- - gcc
- - clang
- apt:
- update: true
- packages:
- - texlive
- - texlive-generic-recommended
- - texlive-extra-utils
- - texlive-latex-extra
- - texlive-font-utils
- - ghostscript
-linux-ppc64le: &linux-ppc64le
- os: linux-ppc64le
- env:
- - OS_NAME="linux-ppc64le"
- addons:
- apt:
- update: true
- packages:
- - texlive
- - texlive-generic-recommended
- - texlive-extra-utils
- - texlive-latex-extra
- - texlive-font-utils
- - ghostscript
- - libxml2-utils
- - cmake
- - cmake-data
-linux-s390x: &linux-s390x
- os: linux
- arch: s390x
- dist: bionic
- env:
- - OS_NAME="linux-s390x"
- addons:
- apt:
- update: true
- packages:
- - texlive
- - texlive-generic-recommended
- - texlive-extra-utils
- - texlive-latex-extra
- - texlive-font-utils
- - ghostscript
- - libxml2-utils
- - cmake
- - cmake-data
- - qt5-default
- include:
- - <<: *linux-ppc64le
- compiler: gcc
- - <<: *linux-ppc64le
- compiler: clang
- - <<: *linux-s390x
- compiler: gcc
- - <<: *linux-s390x
- compiler: clang
-# - os: osx
-# compiler: clang
-# addons:
-# homebrew:
-# packages:
-# - ghostscript
-# - bison
-# - flex
-# casks:
-# - mactex-no-gui
- - |
- if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ] && [ ! "${OS_NAME}" == "linux-ppc64le" ] && [ ! "${OS_NAME}" == "linux-s390x" ]; then
- printf "[requires]
- libxml2/2.9.9@bincrafters/stable
- libiconv/1.15@bincrafters/stable" >> conanfile.txt;
- fi;
- if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]; then
- printf "[requires]
- bzip2/1.0.8@bincrafters/stable
- libxml2/2.9.9@bincrafters/stable
- libiconv/1.15@bincrafters/stable
- qt/5.12.0@bincrafters/stable
- bison/3.3.2@bincrafters/stable
- [options]
- qt:shared=True" >> conanfile.txt;
- fi;
- - if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]; then
- pip install --quiet --user conan;
- fi;
- - if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]; then
- pip install --upgrade pip;
- pip install --quiet conan;
- curl -O -L;
- unzip;
- mkdir -p /Users/travis/Library/TeX/texbin/;
- mv epstopdf/ /Users/travis/Library/TeX/texbin/epstopdf;
- chmod a+x /Users/travis/Library/TeX/texbin/epstopdf;
- rm -rf epstopdf*;
- export CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="/usr/local/opt/flex/include;$CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH";
- export CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/opt/flex/lib;/usr/local/opt/bison/lib;$CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH";
- export PATH="/usr/local/opt/flex/bin:/usr/local/opt/bison/bin:/Users/travis/Library/TeX/texbin:/Library/TeX/texbin:$PATH";
- fi;
- - if [ ! "${OS_NAME}" == "linux-ppc64le" ] && [ ! "${OS_NAME}" == "linux-s390x" ]; then
- conan remote add bincrafters;
- conan install . -g virtualrunenv --build missing --update;
- source;
- fi;
- - mkdir build
- - cd build
- - cmake --version;
- - cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -Dbuild_doc=ON -Dbuild_wizard=ON ..
- - make
- - if [ ! "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ] && [ ! "${TRAVIS_COMPILER}" == "clang" ]; then
- make tests TEST_FLAGS="--xml --xmlxsd --xhtml --docbook --rtf" docs;
- fi;
- - if [ ! "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ] && [ "${TRAVIS_COMPILER}" == "clang" ]; then
- make docs;
- fi;
diff --git a/ b/
index 90b6be7..870d8ec 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ The latest binaries and source of Doxygen can be downloaded from:
-* Linux & macOS Build Status: <a href=""><img src=""/></a>
-* Windows Build Status: <a href=""><img src=""/></a>
+* Linux & Windows and MacOS Build Status: <a href=""><img alt="Github Actions Build Status" src=""></a>
* Coverity Scan Build Status: <a href=""> <img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status" src=""/> </a>
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/CMakeLists.txt b/addon/doxywizard/CMakeLists.txt
index 1ee8ed5..a6f65f8 100644
--- a/addon/doxywizard/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ wizard.h
qt_add_resources(doxywizard_RESOURCES_RCC doxywizard.qrc)
add_executable(doxywizard WIN32
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/config_doxyw.l b/addon/doxywizard/config_doxyw.l
index 71d48c9..38d9f38 100644
--- a/addon/doxywizard/config_doxyw.l
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/config_doxyw.l
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "inputstring.h"
-#include "doxywizard.h"
+#include "config_msg.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
@@ -93,48 +93,6 @@ static yy_size_t yyread(char *buf,yy_size_t maxSize)
-static QString warning_str = QString::fromLatin1("warning: ");
-static QString error_str = QString::fromLatin1("error: ");
-void config_err(const char *fmt, ...)
- QString msg = error_str;
- msg.append(QString::fromLatin1(fmt));
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- if (DoxygenWizard::debugFlag)
- {
- char debugOut[1000]; // this size should be sufficient
- vsnprintf(debugOut, 1000,qPrintable(msg), args);
- MainWindow::instance().outputLogText(QString::fromLatin1(debugOut));
- }
- else
- {
- vfprintf(stderr, qPrintable(msg), args);
- }
- va_end(args);
-void config_warn(const char *fmt, ...)
- QString msg = warning_str;
- msg.append(QString::fromLatin1(fmt));
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- if (DoxygenWizard::debugFlag)
- {
- char debugOut[1000];
- vsnprintf(debugOut, 1000,qPrintable(msg), args);
- MainWindow::instance().outputLogText(QString::fromLatin1(debugOut));
- }
- else
- {
- vfprintf(stderr, qPrintable(msg), args);
- }
- va_end(args);
static void substEnvVarsInStrList(QStringList &sl);
static void substEnvVarsInString(QString &s);
@@ -190,9 +148,8 @@ static void readIncludeFile(const QString &incName)
if (g_includeDepth==MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH)
- config_err("maximum include depth (%d) reached, %s is not included. Aborting...\n",
+ config_err("maximum include depth (%d) reached, %s is not included.",
- exit(1);
QString inc = incName;
@@ -230,7 +187,6 @@ static void readIncludeFile(const QString &incName)
config_err("@INCLUDE = %s: not found!\n",qPrintable(inc));
- exit(1);
@@ -495,9 +451,11 @@ static void readIncludeFile(const QString &incName)
<SkipComment>\n { BEGIN(Start); }
<SkipComment>\\[ \r\t]*\n { BEGIN(Start); }
+<SkipComment,SkipInvalid>. { }
<*>\\[ \r\t]*\n { }
+<*>[ \r\t] { }
+<*>. { config_warn("ignoring unknown character '%c' at line %d, file %s\n",yytext[0],yylineno,qPrintable(g_yyFileName)); }
@@ -607,10 +565,7 @@ bool parseConfig(
yylineno = 1;
- if (DoxygenWizard::debugFlag)
- {
- MainWindow::instance().outputLogStart();
- }
+ config_open();
QHashIterator<QString, Input*> i(options);
g_file = fopen(fileName.toLocal8Bit(),"r");
if (g_file==NULL) return false;
@@ -651,10 +606,7 @@ bool parseConfig(
- if (DoxygenWizard::debugFlag)
- {
- MainWindow::instance().outputLogFinish();
- }
+ config_finish();
return true;
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/config_msg.cpp b/addon/doxywizard/config_msg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f30e677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/config_msg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#include <QString>
+#include "config_msg.h"
+#include "doxywizard.h"
+static QString warning_str = QString::fromLatin1("warning: ");
+static QString error_str = QString::fromLatin1("error: ");
+void config_err(const char *fmt, ...)
+ QString msg = error_str;
+ msg.append(QString::fromLatin1(fmt));
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ if (DoxygenWizard::debugFlag)
+ {
+ char debugOut[1000]; // this size should be sufficient
+ vsnprintf(debugOut, 1000,qPrintable(msg), args);
+ MainWindow::instance().outputLogText(QString::fromLatin1(debugOut));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vfprintf(stderr, qPrintable(msg), args);
+ }
+ va_end(args);
+void config_term(const char *fmt, ...)
+ QString msg = error_str;
+ msg.append(QString::fromLatin1(fmt));
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ if (DoxygenWizard::debugFlag)
+ {
+ char debugOut[1000]; // this size should be sufficient
+ vsnprintf(debugOut, 1000,qPrintable(msg), args);
+ MainWindow::instance().outputLogText(QString::fromLatin1(debugOut));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vfprintf(stderr, qPrintable(msg), args);
+ }
+ va_end(args);
+ exit(1);
+void config_warn(const char *fmt, ...)
+ QString msg = warning_str;
+ msg.append(QString::fromLatin1(fmt));
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ if (DoxygenWizard::debugFlag)
+ {
+ char debugOut[1000];
+ vsnprintf(debugOut, 1000,qPrintable(msg), args);
+ MainWindow::instance().outputLogText(QString::fromLatin1(debugOut));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vfprintf(stderr, qPrintable(msg), args);
+ }
+ va_end(args);
+void config_open()
+ if (DoxygenWizard::debugFlag)
+ {
+ MainWindow::instance().outputLogStart();
+ }
+void config_finish()
+ if (DoxygenWizard::debugFlag)
+ {
+ MainWindow::instance().outputLogFinish();
+ }
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/config_msg.h b/addon/doxywizard/config_msg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8f1070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/config_msg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ifndef DOXYW_MSG_H
+#define DOXYW_MSG_H
+void config_err(const char *fmt, ...);
+void config_term(const char *fmt, ...);
+void config_warn(const char *fmt, ...);
+void config_open();
+void config_finish();
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.cpp b/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.cpp
index 7b6aeb0..c75279b 100755
--- a/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.cpp
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.cpp
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ void MainWindow::clearRecent()
for (int i=0;i<MAX_RECENT_FILES;i++)
- m_settings.setValue(QString::fromLatin1("recent/config%1").arg(i++),QString::fromLatin1(""));
+ m_settings.setValue(QString::fromLatin1("recent/config%1").arg(i),QString::fromLatin1(""));
@@ -753,14 +753,21 @@ bool MainWindow::discardUnsavedChanges(bool saveOption)
void MainWindow::outputLogStart()
+ m_outputLogTextCount = 0;
void MainWindow::outputLogText(QString text)
+ m_outputLogTextCount++;
void MainWindow::outputLogFinish()
+ if (m_outputLogTextCount > 0)
+ {
+ selectRunTab();
+ }
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.h b/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.h
index ff587aa..ccbd9b0 100755
--- a/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.h
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.h
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
QProcess *m_runProcess;
QTimer *m_timer;
QTabWidget *m_tabs;
+ int m_outputLogTextCount = 0;
bool m_running;
bool m_modified;
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/inputbool.cpp b/addon/doxywizard/inputbool.cpp
index 65e1d26..132658d 100644
--- a/addon/doxywizard/inputbool.cpp
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/inputbool.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "inputbool.h"
#include "helplabel.h"
+#include "config_msg.h"
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QTextStream>
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ void InputBool::updateDefault()
if (m_state==m_default || !m_lab->isEnabled())
- m_lab->setText(QString::fromLatin1("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromLatin1("</qt"));
+ m_lab->setText(QString::fromLatin1("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromLatin1("</qt>"));
@@ -91,16 +92,20 @@ QVariant &InputBool::value()
void InputBool::update()
QString v = m_value.toString().toLower();
- if (v==QString::fromLatin1("yes") || v==QString::fromLatin1("true") || v==QString::fromLatin1("1"))
+ if (v==QString::fromLatin1("yes") || v==QString::fromLatin1("true") ||
+ v==QString::fromLatin1("1") || v==QString::fromLatin1("all"))
m_state = true;
- else if (v==QString::fromLatin1("no") || v==QString::fromLatin1("false") || v==QString::fromLatin1("0"))
+ else if (v==QString::fromLatin1("no") || v==QString::fromLatin1("false") ||
+ v==QString::fromLatin1("0") || v==QString::fromLatin1("none"))
m_state = false;
+ config_warn("argument '%s' for option %s is not a valid boolean value."
+ " Using the default: %s!",qPrintable(m_value.toString()),qPrintable(m_id),m_default?"YES":"NO");
m_state = m_default;
m_cb->setChecked( m_state );
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/inputint.cpp b/addon/doxywizard/inputint.cpp
index d97f1b0..ce3fa02 100644
--- a/addon/doxywizard/inputint.cpp
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/inputint.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "inputint.h"
#include "helplabel.h"
+#include "config_msg.h"
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QGridLayout>
@@ -59,12 +60,19 @@ void InputInt::help()
void InputInt::setValue(int val)
- val = qMax(m_minVal,val);
- val = qMin(m_maxVal,val);
- if (val!=m_val)
+ int newVal = val;
+ newVal = qMax(m_minVal,newVal);
+ newVal = qMin(m_maxVal,newVal);
+ if (val != newVal)
- m_val = val;
- m_sp->setValue(val);
+ config_warn("argument '%d' for option %s is not a valid number in the range [%d..%d]!"
+ " Using the default: %d!\n",val,qPrintable(m_id),m_minVal,m_maxVal,m_default);
+ newVal = m_default;
+ }
+ if (newVal!=m_val)
+ {
+ m_val = newVal;
+ m_sp->setValue(newVal);
m_value = m_val;
@@ -75,7 +83,7 @@ void InputInt::updateDefault()
if (m_val==m_default || !m_lab->isEnabled())
- m_lab->setText(QString::fromLatin1("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromLatin1("</qt"));
+ m_lab->setText(QString::fromLatin1("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromLatin1("</qt>"));
@@ -101,7 +109,12 @@ void InputInt::update()
bool ok;
int newVal = m_value.toInt(&ok);
- if (!ok) newVal = m_default;
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ config_warn("argument '%s' for option %s is not a valid number in the range [%d..%d]!"
+ " Using the default: %d!\n",qPrintable(m_value.toString()),qPrintable(m_id),m_minVal,m_maxVal,m_default);
+ newVal = m_default;
+ }
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/inputstring.cpp b/addon/doxywizard/inputstring.cpp
index e7a2b5b..ac76342 100644
--- a/addon/doxywizard/inputstring.cpp
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/inputstring.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "inputstring.h"
#include "helplabel.h"
#include "doxywizard.h"
+#include "config_msg.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <QComboBox>
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ void InputString::updateDefault()
if (m_str==m_default || !m_lab->isEnabled())
- m_lab->setText(QString::fromLatin1("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromLatin1("</qt"));
+ m_lab->setText(QString::fromLatin1("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromLatin1("</qt>"));
@@ -268,5 +269,7 @@ QString InputString::checkEnumVal(const QString &value)
if (enumVal.toLower() == val) return enumVal;
+ config_warn("argument '%s' for option %s is not a valid enum value."
+ " Using the default: %s!",qPrintable(value),qPrintable(m_id),qPrintable(m_default));
return m_default;
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/inputstrlist.cpp b/addon/doxywizard/inputstrlist.cpp
index f92f3fe..fae45b5 100644
--- a/addon/doxywizard/inputstrlist.cpp
+++ b/addon/doxywizard/inputstrlist.cpp
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ void InputStrList::updateDefault()
if (isDefault() || !m_lab->isEnabled())
- m_lab->setText(QString::fromLatin1("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromLatin1("</qt"));
+ m_lab->setText(QString::fromLatin1("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromLatin1("</qt>"));
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7969be0..0000000
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-image: Visual Studio 2017
- - Release
- - Debug
- - x64
- - Win32
- matrix:
- - VSVERSION: "15 2017"
- - VSVERSION: "14 2015"
- - C:\Users\Appveyor\.conan -> appveyor.yml
- - c:\.conan -> appveyor.yml
- - '%LOCALAPPDATA%\pip\Cache -> appveyor.yml'
- - C:\miktex-repository -> appveyor.yml
- - cmake --version
- - perl --version
- - msbuild /version
- # Static url:
- # The setup is small enough, and does not need to be cached
- - appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile
- - 7z e
- - appveyor-retry miktexsetup.exe --local-package-repository=C:\miktex-repository --package-set=essential download
- - miktexsetup.exe --local-package-repository=C:\miktex-repository --package-set=essential --shared install
- - refreshenv
- - pip install conan
- - ps: |
- "[requires]
- libxml2/2.9.8@bincrafters/stable
- winflexbison/2.5.16@bincrafters/stable" | Out-File -Encoding ASCII -FilePath conanfile.txt
- - conan install . -g virtualrunenv --build missing
- - activate_run.bat
- - if "%platform%"=="Win32" ( set "CMAKE_GENERATOR_NAME=Visual Studio %VSVERSION%" )
- - if "%platform%"=="x64" ( set "CMAKE_GENERATOR_NAME=Visual Studio %VSVERSION% Win64")
- - mkdir build
- - cd build
- - cmake -G "%CMAKE_GENERATOR_NAME%" ..
- project: "build\\PACKAGE.vcxproj"
- parallel: false
- - msbuild "testing\tests.vcxproj" /logger:"C:\Program Files\AppVeyor\BuildAgent\Appveyor.MSBuildLogger.dll"
-# Disabled building document due to unreliable MikTeX installation
-# - cmake -G "%CMAKE_GENERATOR_NAME%" -D build_doc=ON ..
-# - msbuild "doc\docs.vcxproj" /logger:"C:\Program Files\AppVeyor\BuildAgent\Appveyor.MSBuildLogger.dll"
diff --git a/qtools/qcstring.h b/qtools/qcstring.h
index 0f3f932..75bdf29 100644
--- a/qtools/qcstring.h
+++ b/qtools/qcstring.h
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ inline char *cstrcpy( char *dst, const char *src )
inline char *qstrcpy( char *dst, const char *src )
{ return src ? strcpy(dst, src) : 0; }
-char * qstrncpy(char *src,const char *dst, uint len);
+char * qstrncpy(char *dst,const char *src, uint len);
inline int cstrcmp( const char *str1, const char *str2 )
{ return strcmp(str1,str2); }
diff --git a/qtools/ b/qtools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d26cc..0000000
--- a/qtools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-CONFIG = warn_on staticlib $extraopts
-HEADERS = qarray.h \
- qbuffer.h \
- qcache.h \
- qgcache.h \
- qcollection.h \
- qconfig.h \
- qcstring.h \
- qdatastream.h \
- qdatetime.h \
- qdict.h \
- qdir.h \
- qfeatures.h \
- qfile.h \
- qfiledefs_p.h \
- qfileinfo.h \
- qgarray.h \
- qfeatures.h \
- qgdict.h \
- qgeneric.h \
- qglist.h \
- qglobal.h \
- qgstring.h \
- qgvector.h \
- qintdict.h \
- qiodevice.h \
- qinternallist.h \
- qptrdict.h \
- qqueue.h \
- qregexp.h \
- qshared.h \
- qsortedlist.h \
- qstack.h \
- qstring.h \
- qstringlist.h \
- qstrlist.h \
- qstrvec.h \
- qtextstream.h \
- qtl.h \
- qvaluelist.h \
- qvector.h \
- qxml.h \
- qvaluestack.h \
- qmap.h \
- qmodules.h \
- qutfcodec.h
-SOURCES = qbuffer.cpp \
- qcollection.cpp \
- qcstring.cpp \
- qdatastream.cpp \
- qdatetime.cpp \
- qdir.cpp \
- qfile.cpp \
- qfileinfo.cpp \
- qgarray.cpp \
- qgcache.cpp \
- qgdict.cpp \
- qglist.cpp \
- qglobal.cpp \
- qgstring.cpp \
- qgvector.cpp \
- qiodevice.cpp \
- qregexp.cpp \
- qstring.cpp \
- qtextstream.cpp \
- qtextcodec.cpp \
- qstringlist.cpp \
- qxml.cpp \
- qmap.cpp \
- qutfcodec.cpp
-unix:SOURCES += qfile_unix.cpp \
- qdir_unix.cpp \
- qfileinfo_unix.cpp
-win32:SOURCES += qfile_win32.cpp \
- qdir_win32.cpp \
- qfileinfo_win32.cpp
-OBJECTS_DIR = ../objects/qtools
-DESTDIR = ../lib
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 4f4d132..912c67e 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ set(LEX_FILES scanner
+ xml
@@ -197,6 +198,7 @@ add_library(doxymain STATIC
+ ${GENERATED_SRC}/xml.l.h
@@ -212,6 +214,7 @@ add_library(doxymain STATIC
+ ${GENERATED_SRC}/xml.cpp
diff --git a/src/doctokenizer.l b/src/doctokenizer.l
index 69a511a..2f768e6 100644
--- a/src/doctokenizer.l
+++ b/src/doctokenizer.l
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ ATTRNAME [a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][:a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\-]*
ATTRIB {ATTRNAME}{WS}*("="{WS}*(("\""[^\"]*"\"")|("'"[^\']*"'")|[^ \t\r\n'"><]+))?
URLCHAR [a-z_A-Z0-9\!\~\,\:\;\'\$\?\@\&\%\#\.\-\+\/\=\x80-\xFF]
URLMASK ({URLCHAR}+([({]{URLCHAR}*[)}])?)+
-URLPROTOCOL ("http:"|"https:"|"ftp:"|"file:"|"news:"|"irc")
+URLPROTOCOL ("http:"|"https:"|"ftp:"|"ftps:"|"sftp:"|"file:"|"news:"|"irc:"|"ircs:")
FILESCHAR [a-z_A-Z0-9\\:\\\/\-\+&#@]
FILEECHAR [a-z_A-Z0-9\-\+&#@]
diff --git a/src/dotgfxhierarchytable.cpp b/src/dotgfxhierarchytable.cpp
index a47cde0..77620ed 100644
--- a/src/dotgfxhierarchytable.cpp
+++ b/src/dotgfxhierarchytable.cpp
@@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ void DotGfxHierarchyTable::addHierarchy(DotNode *n,const ClassDef *cd,ClassDefSe
if (it!=m_usedNodes.end()) // node already present
const auto &bn = it->second;
+ root = bn.get();
if (n->children()==0 || n->children()->findRef(bn.get())==-1) // no arrow yet
- root = bn.get();
//printf(" Adding node %s to existing base node %s (c=%d,p=%d)\n",
// n->label().data(),
// bn->label().data(),
diff --git a/src/index.cpp b/src/index.cpp
index dbd9770..c58cacb 100644
--- a/src/index.cpp
+++ b/src/index.cpp
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ static void writeDirTreeNode(OutputList &ol, DirDef *dd, int level, FTVHelp* ftv
else if (src)
- FALSE, convertToHtml(fd->name(),TRUE), 0,
+ FALSE, fd->name(), 0,
fd->getSourceFileBase(), 0, FALSE, TRUE, fd);
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ static void writeDirHierarchy(OutputList &ol, FTVHelp* ftv,bool addToIndex)
else if (src)
- FALSE, convertToHtml(fd->name(),TRUE), 0,
+ FALSE, fd->name(), 0,
fd->getSourceFileBase(), 0, FALSE, TRUE, fd.get());
@@ -4131,7 +4131,7 @@ static void writeGroupTreeNode(OutputList &ol, GroupDef *gd, int level, FTVHelp*
bool hasSections = pd->hasSections();
hasSubPages || hasSections,
- convertToHtml(pd->title(),TRUE),
+ pd->title(),
si ? si->label().data() : 0,
diff --git a/src/layout.cpp b/src/layout.cpp
index fd31803..a1a054e 100644
--- a/src/layout.cpp
+++ b/src/layout.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include "layout.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "language.h"
@@ -24,38 +28,60 @@
#include "doxygen.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "config.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <qxml.h>
-#include <qfile.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
-#include <qfileinfo.h>
-#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include "xml.h"
static const char layout_default[] =
#include "layout_default.xml.h"
-#define ADD_OPTION(langId,text) "|"+QCString().setNum(langId)+"="+text
+inline QCString compileOptions(const QCString &def)
+ return def;
-#define COMPILE_FOR_1_OPTION(def,langId1,text1) \
- def+ADD_OPTION(langId1,text1)
+inline QCString compileOptions(const QCString &def,SrcLangExt langId1,const QCString &value1)
+ return compileOptions(def)+"|"+QCString().setNum(langId1)+"="+value1;
-#define COMPILE_FOR_2_OPTIONS(def,langId1,text1,langId2,text2) \
- COMPILE_FOR_1_OPTION(def,langId1,text1)+ADD_OPTION(langId2,text2)
+inline QCString compileOptions(const QCString &def,SrcLangExt langId1,const QCString &value1,
+ SrcLangExt langId2,const QCString &value2)
+ return compileOptions(def,langId1,value1)+
+ "|"+QCString().setNum(langId2)+"="+value2;
-#define COMPILE_FOR_3_OPTIONS(def,langId1,text1,langId2,text2,langId3,text3) \
- COMPILE_FOR_2_OPTIONS(def,langId1,text1,langId2,text2)+ADD_OPTION(langId3,text3)
+inline QCString compileOptions(const QCString &def,SrcLangExt langId1,const QCString &value1,
+ SrcLangExt langId2,const QCString &value2,
+ SrcLangExt langId3,const QCString &value3)
+ return compileOptions(def,langId1,value1,langId2,value2)+
+ "|"+QCString().setNum(langId3)+"="+value3;
-#define COMPILE_FOR_4_OPTIONS(def,langId1,text1,langId2,text2,langId3,text3,langId4,text4) \
- COMPILE_FOR_3_OPTIONS(def,langId1,text1,langId2,text2,langId3,text3)+ADD_OPTION(langId4,text4)
+inline QCString compileOptions(const QCString &def,SrcLangExt langId1,const QCString &value1,
+ SrcLangExt langId2,const QCString &value2,
+ SrcLangExt langId3,const QCString &value3,
+ SrcLangExt langId4,const QCString &value4)
+ return compileOptions(def,langId1,value1,langId2,value2,langId3,value3)+
+ "|"+QCString().setNum(langId4)+"="+value4;
+inline QCString compileOptions(const QCString &def,SrcLangExt langId1,const QCString &value1,
+ SrcLangExt langId2,const QCString &value2,
+ SrcLangExt langId3,const QCString &value3,
+ SrcLangExt langId4,const QCString &value4,
+ SrcLangExt langId5,const QCString &value5)
+ return compileOptions(def,langId1,value1,langId2,value2,langId3,value3,langId4,value4)+
+ "|"+QCString().setNum(langId5)+"="+value5;
-#define COMPILE_FOR_5_OPTIONS(def,langId1,text1,langId2,text2,langId3,text3,langId4,text4,langId5,text5) \
- COMPILE_FOR_4_OPTIONS(def,langId1,text1,langId2,text2,langId3,text3,langId4,text4)+ADD_OPTION(langId5,text5)
-static bool elemIsVisible(const QXmlAttributes &attrib,bool defVal=TRUE)
+static bool elemIsVisible(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attrib,bool defVal=TRUE)
- QCString visible = attrib.value("visible").utf8();
+ QCString visible = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"visible");
if (visible.isEmpty()) return defVal;
if ('$' && visible.length()>1)
@@ -96,6 +122,8 @@ LayoutNavEntry *LayoutNavEntry::find(LayoutNavEntry::Kind kind,
return result;
QCString LayoutNavEntry::url() const
QCString url = baseFile().stripWhiteSpace();
@@ -132,762 +160,28 @@ QCString LayoutNavEntry::url() const
-class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
+class LayoutParser
- private:
- class StartElementHandler
- {
- typedef void (LayoutParser::*Handler)(const QXmlAttributes &attrib);
- public:
- StartElementHandler(LayoutParser *parent, Handler h)
- : m_parent(parent), m_handler(h) {}
- virtual ~StartElementHandler() {}
- virtual void operator()(const QXmlAttributes &attrib)
- {
- (m_parent->*m_handler)(attrib);
- }
- protected:
- StartElementHandler() : m_parent(0), m_handler(0) {}
- private:
- LayoutParser *m_parent;
- Handler m_handler;
- };
- class StartElementHandlerKind : public StartElementHandler
- {
- typedef void (LayoutParser::*Handler)(LayoutDocEntry::Kind kind,
- const QXmlAttributes &attrib);
- public:
- StartElementHandlerKind(LayoutParser *parent, LayoutDocEntry::Kind k,Handler h)
- : m_parent(parent), m_kind(k), m_handler(h) {}
- void operator()(const QXmlAttributes &attrib)
- {
- (m_parent->*m_handler)(m_kind,attrib);
- }
- private:
- LayoutParser *m_parent;
- LayoutDocEntry::Kind m_kind;
- Handler m_handler;
- };
- class StartElementHandlerSection : public StartElementHandler
- {
- typedef void (LayoutParser::*Handler)(LayoutDocEntry::Kind kind,
- const QXmlAttributes &attrib,
- const QCString &title);
- public:
- StartElementHandlerSection(LayoutParser *parent, LayoutDocEntry::Kind k,Handler h,
- const QCString &title)
- : m_parent(parent), m_kind(k), m_handler(h), m_title(title) {}
- void operator()(const QXmlAttributes &attrib)
- {
- (m_parent->*m_handler)(m_kind,attrib,m_title);
- }
- private:
- LayoutParser *m_parent;
- LayoutDocEntry::Kind m_kind;
- Handler m_handler;
- QCString m_title;
- };
- class StartElementHandlerMember : public StartElementHandler
- {
- typedef void (LayoutParser::*Handler)(const QXmlAttributes &attrib,
- MemberListType type,
- const QCString &title,
- const QCString &subtitle);
- public:
- StartElementHandlerMember(LayoutParser *parent,
- Handler h,
- MemberListType type,
- const QCString &tl,
- const QCString &ss = QCString()
- )
- : m_parent(parent), m_handler(h), m_type(type),
- m_title(tl), m_subscript(ss) {}
- void operator()(const QXmlAttributes &attrib)
- {
- (m_parent->*m_handler)(attrib,m_type,m_title,m_subscript);
- }
- private:
- LayoutParser *m_parent;
- Handler m_handler;
- MemberListType m_type;
- QCString m_title;
- QCString m_subscript;
- };
- class StartElementHandlerNavEntry : public StartElementHandler
- {
- typedef void (LayoutParser::*Handler)(LayoutNavEntry::Kind kind,
- const QXmlAttributes &attrib,
- const QCString &title);
- public:
- StartElementHandlerNavEntry(LayoutParser *parent,
- LayoutNavEntry::Kind kind,
- Handler h,
- const QCString &tl
- )
- : m_parent(parent), m_kind(kind), m_handler(h), m_title(tl) {}
- void operator()(const QXmlAttributes &attrib)
- {
- (m_parent->*m_handler)(m_kind,attrib,m_title);
- }
- private:
- LayoutParser *m_parent;
- LayoutNavEntry::Kind m_kind;
- Handler m_handler;
- QCString m_title;
- };
- class EndElementHandler
- {
- typedef void (LayoutParser::*Handler)();
- public:
- EndElementHandler(LayoutParser *parent, Handler h) : m_parent(parent), m_handler(h) {}
- void operator()() { (m_parent->*m_handler)(); }
- private:
- LayoutParser *m_parent;
- Handler m_handler;
- };
static LayoutParser &instance()
static LayoutParser *theInstance = new LayoutParser;
return *theInstance;
- void init()
+ // =========== XMLHandler events
+ void setDocumentLocator(const XMLLocator *locator)
+ {
+ m_locator = locator;
+ }
+ void error( const std::string &fileName,int lineNr,const std::string &msg)
- m_sHandler.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
- m_eHandler.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
- m_part = -1; // invalid
- m_rootNav = 0;
- //bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN);
- //bool vhdlOpt = Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL);
- //bool javaOpt = Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA);
- bool sliceOpt = Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_SLICE);
- // start & end handlers
- m_sHandler.insert("doxygenlayout",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startLayout));
- m_eHandler.insert("doxygenlayout",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endLayout));
- // class layout handlers
- m_sHandler.insert("navindex",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startNavIndex));
- m_sHandler.insert("navindex/tab",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startNavEntry));
- m_eHandler.insert("navindex/tab",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endNavEntry));
- m_eHandler.insert("navindex",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endNavIndex));
- // class layout handlers
- m_sHandler.insert("class",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startClass));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/briefdescription",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/detaileddescription",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/authorsection",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/includes",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::ClassIncludes,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/inheritancegraph",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::ClassInheritanceGraph,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/collaborationgraph",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::ClassCollaborationGraph,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/allmemberslink",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::ClassAllMembersLink,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/usedfiles",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::ClassUsedFiles,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/membergroups",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/nestedclasses",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::ClassNestedClasses,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trCompounds(),
- SrcLangExt_VHDL,theTranslator->trVhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,FALSE),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trDataTypes()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/services",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_services,theTranslator->trServices()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/interfaces",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_interfaces,theTranslator->trInterfaces()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/publictypes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pubTypes,theTranslator->trPublicTypes()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/publicslots",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pubSlots,theTranslator->trPublicSlots()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/signals",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_signals,theTranslator->trSignals()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/publicmethods",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pubMethods,
- theTranslator->trPublicMembers(),
- SrcLangExt_ObjC,theTranslator->trInstanceMethods(),
- SrcLangExt_Slice,theTranslator->trOperations()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/publicstaticmethods",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pubStaticMethods,
- theTranslator->trStaticPublicMembers(),
- SrcLangExt_ObjC,theTranslator->trClassMethods()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/publicattributes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pubAttribs,
- theTranslator->trPublicAttribs(),
- SrcLangExt_Slice,theTranslator->trDataMembers()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/publicstaticattributes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pubStaticAttribs,theTranslator->trStaticPublicAttribs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/protectedtypes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_proTypes,theTranslator->trProtectedTypes()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/protectedslots",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_proSlots,theTranslator->trProtectedSlots()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/protectedmethods",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_proMethods,theTranslator->trProtectedMembers()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/protectedstaticmethods",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_proStaticMethods,theTranslator->trStaticProtectedMembers()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/protectedattributes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_proAttribs,theTranslator->trProtectedAttribs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/protectedstaticattributes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_proStaticAttribs,theTranslator->trStaticProtectedAttribs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/packagetypes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pacTypes,theTranslator->trPackageTypes()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/packagemethods",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pacMethods,theTranslator->trPackageMembers()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/packagestaticmethods",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pacStaticMethods,theTranslator->trStaticPackageMembers()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/packageattributes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pacAttribs,theTranslator->trPackageAttribs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/packagestaticattributes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_pacStaticAttribs,theTranslator->trStaticPackageAttribs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/properties",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_properties,theTranslator->trProperties()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/events",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_events,theTranslator->trEvents()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/privatetypes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_priTypes,theTranslator->trPrivateTypes()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/privateslots",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_priSlots,theTranslator->trPrivateSlots()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/privatemethods",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_priMethods,theTranslator->trPrivateMembers()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/privatestaticmethods",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_priStaticMethods,theTranslator->trStaticPrivateMembers()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/privateattributes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_priAttribs,theTranslator->trPrivateAttribs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/privatestaticattributes",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_priStaticAttribs,theTranslator->trStaticPrivateAttribs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/friends",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_friends,theTranslator->trFriends()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdecl/related",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_related,theTranslator->trRelatedFunctions(),
- theTranslator->trRelatedSubscript()));
- m_eHandler.insert("class/memberdecl",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDef));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/inlineclasses",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::ClassInlineClasses,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trClassDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trTypeDocumentation()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/typedefs",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_typedefMembers,theTranslator->trMemberTypedefDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/enums",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_enumMembers,theTranslator->trMemberEnumerationDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/services",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_serviceMembers,theTranslator->trInterfaces()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/interfaces",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_interfaceMembers,theTranslator->trInterfaces()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/constructors",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_constructors,theTranslator->trConstructorDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/functions",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_functionMembers,
- theTranslator->trMemberFunctionDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_ObjC,theTranslator->trMethodDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran(),
- SrcLangExt_Slice,theTranslator->trOperationDocumentation()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/related",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_relatedMembers,theTranslator->trRelatedFunctionDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/variables",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_variableMembers,
- theTranslator->trMemberDataDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_Slice,theTranslator->trDataMemberDocumentation()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/properties",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_propertyMembers,theTranslator->trPropertyDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("class/memberdef/events",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_eventMembers,theTranslator->trEventDocumentation()));
- m_eHandler.insert("class/memberdef",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endMemberDef));
- m_eHandler.insert("class",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endClass));
- // namespace layout handlers
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startNamespace));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/briefdescription",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/detaileddescription",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/authorsection",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/nestednamespaces",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceNestedNamespaces,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trNamespaces(),
- SrcLangExt_Java,theTranslator->trPackages(),
- SrcLangExt_VHDL,theTranslator->trPackages(),
- SrcLangExt_IDL,theTranslator->trModules(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trModules(),
- SrcLangExt_Slice,(sliceOpt ?
- theTranslator->trModules() :
- theTranslator->trNamespaces()))));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/constantgroups",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceNestedConstantGroups,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trConstantGroups()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/interfaces",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceInterfaces,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trSliceInterfaces()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/classes",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceClasses,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trCompounds(),
- SrcLangExt_VHDL,theTranslator->trVhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,FALSE),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trDataTypes()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/structs",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceStructs,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trStructs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/exceptions",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceExceptions,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trExceptions()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/membergroups",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/typedefs",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decTypedefMembers,theTranslator->trTypedefs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/sequences",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decSequenceMembers,theTranslator->trSequences()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/dictionaries",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decDictionaryMembers,theTranslator->trDictionaries()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/enums",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decEnumMembers,theTranslator->trEnumerations()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/functions",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decFuncMembers,
- theTranslator->trFunctions(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprograms(),
- SrcLangExt_VHDL,theTranslator->trFunctionAndProc()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl/variables",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decVarMembers,
- sliceOpt ? theTranslator->trConstants() : theTranslator->trVariables()));
- m_eHandler.insert("namespace/memberdecl",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdef",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDef));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdef/inlineclasses",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceInlineClasses,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trClassDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trTypeDocumentation()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdef/typedefs",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docTypedefMembers,theTranslator->trTypedefDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdef/sequences",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docSequenceMembers,theTranslator->trSequenceDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdef/dictionaries",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docDictionaryMembers,
- theTranslator->trDictionaryDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdef/enums",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docEnumMembers,theTranslator->trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdef/functions",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docFuncMembers,
- theTranslator->trFunctionDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprogramDocumentation()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("namespace/memberdef/variables",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docVarMembers,
- sliceOpt ? theTranslator->trConstantDocumentation() :
- theTranslator->trVariableDocumentation()));
- m_eHandler.insert("namespace/memberdef",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endMemberDef));
- m_eHandler.insert("namespace",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endNamespace));
- // file layout handlers
- m_sHandler.insert("file",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startFile));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/briefdescription",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/detaileddescription",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/authorsection",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/includes",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludes,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/includegraph",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludeGraph,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/includedbygraph",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludedByGraph,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/sourcelink",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileSourceLink,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/membergroups",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/interfaces",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileInterfaces,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trSliceInterfaces()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/classes",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileClasses,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trCompounds(),
- SrcLangExt_VHDL,theTranslator->trVhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,FALSE),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trDataTypes()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/structs",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileStructs,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trStructs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/exceptions",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileExceptions,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trExceptions()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/namespaces",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileNamespaces,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trNamespaces(),
- SrcLangExt_Java,theTranslator->trPackages(),
- SrcLangExt_IDL,theTranslator->trModules(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trModules(),
- SrcLangExt_Slice,theTranslator->trModules()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/constantgroups",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileConstantGroups,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trConstantGroups()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/defines",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decDefineMembers,theTranslator->trDefines()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/typedefs",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decTypedefMembers,theTranslator->trTypedefs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/sequences",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decSequenceMembers,theTranslator->trSequences()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/dictionaries",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decDictionaryMembers,theTranslator->trDictionaries()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/enums",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decEnumMembers,theTranslator->trEnumerations()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/functions",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decFuncMembers,
- theTranslator->trFunctions(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprograms(),
- SrcLangExt_VHDL,theTranslator->trFunctionAndProc()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdecl/variables",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decVarMembers,
- sliceOpt ? theTranslator->trConstants() : theTranslator->trVariables()));
- m_eHandler.insert("file/memberdecl",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdef",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDef));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdef/inlineclasses",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::FileInlineClasses,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trClassDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trTypeDocumentation()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdef/defines",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docDefineMembers,theTranslator->trDefineDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdef/typedefs",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docTypedefMembers,theTranslator->trTypedefDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdef/sequences",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docSequenceMembers,theTranslator->trSequenceDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdef/dictionaries",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docDictionaryMembers,
- theTranslator->trDictionaryDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdef/enums",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docEnumMembers,
- theTranslator->trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdef/functions",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docFuncMembers,
- theTranslator->trFunctionDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprogramDocumentation()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("file/memberdef/variables",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docVarMembers,theTranslator->trVariableDocumentation()));
- m_eHandler.insert("file/memberdef",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endMemberDef));
- m_eHandler.insert("file",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endFile));
- // group layout handlers
- m_sHandler.insert("group",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startGroup));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/briefdescription",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/detaileddescription",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/authorsection",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/groupgraph",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::GroupGraph,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/membergroups",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/classes",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::GroupClasses,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trCompounds(),
- SrcLangExt_VHDL,theTranslator->trVhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,FALSE),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trDataTypes()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/namespaces",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::GroupNamespaces,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trNamespaces(),
- SrcLangExt_Java,theTranslator->trPackages(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trModules()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/dirs",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::GroupDirs,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trDirectories()
- ));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/nestedgroups",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::GroupNestedGroups,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trModules()
- ));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/files",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::GroupFiles,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trFile(TRUE,FALSE)
- ));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/defines",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decDefineMembers,theTranslator->trDefines()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/typedefs",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decTypedefMembers,theTranslator->trTypedefs()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/sequences",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decSequenceMembers,theTranslator->trSequences()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/dictionaries",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decDictionaryMembers,theTranslator->trDictionaries()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/enums",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decEnumMembers,theTranslator->trEnumerations()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/enumvalues",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decEnumValMembers,theTranslator->trEnumerationValues()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/functions",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decFuncMembers,
- theTranslator->trFunctions(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprograms(),
- SrcLangExt_VHDL,theTranslator->trFunctionAndProc()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/variables",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decVarMembers,theTranslator->trVariables()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/signals",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decSignalMembers,theTranslator->trSignals()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/publicslots",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decPubSlotMembers,theTranslator->trPublicSlots()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/protectedslots",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decProSlotMembers,theTranslator->trProtectedSlots()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/privateslots",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decPriSlotMembers,theTranslator->trPrivateSlots()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/events",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decEventMembers,theTranslator->trEvents()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/properties",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decPropMembers,theTranslator->trProperties()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdecl/friends",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,
- MemberListType_decFriendMembers,theTranslator->trFriends()));
- m_eHandler.insert("group/memberdecl",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDef));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/pagedocs",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::GroupPageDocs,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/inlineclasses",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::GroupInlineClasses,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trClassDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trTypeDocumentation()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/defines",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docDefineMembers,theTranslator->trDefineDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/typedefs",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docTypedefMembers,theTranslator->trTypedefDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/sequences",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docSequenceMembers,theTranslator->trSequenceDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/dictionaries",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docDictionaryMembers,
- theTranslator->trDictionaryDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/enums",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docEnumMembers,theTranslator->trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/enumvalues",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docEnumValMembers,theTranslator->trEnumerationValueDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/functions",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docFuncMembers,
- theTranslator->trFunctionDocumentation(),
- SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprogramDocumentation()
- )));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/variables",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docVarMembers,theTranslator->trVariableDocumentation()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/signals",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docSignalMembers,theTranslator->trSignals()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/publicslots",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docPubSlotMembers,theTranslator->trPublicSlots()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/protectedslots",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docProSlotMembers,theTranslator->trProtectedSlots()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/privateslots",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docPriSlotMembers,theTranslator->trPrivateSlots()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/events",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docEventMembers,theTranslator->trEvents()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/properties",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docPropMembers,theTranslator->trProperties()));
- m_sHandler.insert("group/memberdef/friends",
- new StartElementHandlerMember(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry,
- MemberListType_docFriendMembers,theTranslator->trFriends()));
- m_eHandler.insert("group/memberdef",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endMemberDef));
- m_eHandler.insert("group",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endGroup));
- // directory layout handlers
- m_sHandler.insert("directory",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startDirectory));
- m_sHandler.insert("directory/briefdescription",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("directory/detaileddescription",
- new StartElementHandlerSection(this,LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,
- theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()));
- m_sHandler.insert("directory/directorygraph",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::DirGraph,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("directory/memberdecl",
- new StartElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl));
- m_sHandler.insert("directory/memberdecl/dirs",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::DirSubDirs,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_sHandler.insert("directory/memberdecl/files",
- new StartElementHandlerKind(this,LayoutDocEntry::DirFiles,&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry));
- m_eHandler.insert("directory/memberdecl",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl));
- m_eHandler.insert("directory",
- new EndElementHandler(this,&LayoutParser::endDirectory));
+ ::warn(fileName.c_str(),lineNr,"%s",msg.c_str());
+ void startElement( const std::string &name, const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib );
+ void endElement( const std::string &name );
- void startSimpleEntry(LayoutDocEntry::Kind k,const QXmlAttributes &attrib)
+ void startSimpleEntry(LayoutDocEntry::Kind k,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attrib)
bool isVisible = elemIsVisible(attrib);
if (m_part!=-1 && isVisible)
@@ -897,11 +191,13 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startSectionEntry(LayoutDocEntry::Kind k,const QXmlAttributes &attrib,
+ // ============ Specific callbacks
+ void startSectionEntry(LayoutDocEntry::Kind k,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attrib,
const QCString &title)
bool isVisible = elemIsVisible(attrib);
- QCString userTitle = attrib.value("title").utf8();
+ QCString userTitle = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"title");
//printf("startSectionEntry: title='%s' userTitle='%s'\n",
if (userTitle.isEmpty()) userTitle = title;
@@ -913,13 +209,13 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startMemberDeclEntry(const QXmlAttributes &attrib,MemberListType type,
+ void startMemberDeclEntry(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attrib,MemberListType type,
const QCString &title,const QCString &subscript)
- //QCString visible = convertToQCString(attrib.value("visible"));
+ //QCString visible = convertToQCString(XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"visible"));
//bool isVisible = visible.isEmpty() || (visible!="no" && visible!="0");
- QCString userTitle = attrib.value("title").utf8();
- QCString userSubscript = attrib.value("subtitle").utf8();
+ QCString userTitle = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"title");
+ QCString userSubscript = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"subtitle");
if (userTitle.isEmpty()) userTitle = title;
if (userSubscript.isEmpty()) userSubscript = subscript;
//printf("memberdecl: %s\n",;
@@ -930,10 +226,10 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startMemberDefEntry(const QXmlAttributes &attrib,MemberListType type,
+ void startMemberDefEntry(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attrib,MemberListType type,
const QCString &title,const QCString &)
- QCString userTitle = attrib.value("title").utf8();
+ QCString userTitle = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"title");
if (userTitle.isEmpty()) userTitle = title;
//printf("memberdef: %s\n",;
if (m_part!=-1 /*&& isVisible*/)
@@ -943,15 +239,11 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startLayout(const QXmlAttributes &)
- {
- }
- void endLayout()
+ void startLayout(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &)
- void startNavIndex(const QXmlAttributes &)
+ void startNavIndex(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &)
m_rootNav = LayoutDocManager::instance().rootNavEntry();
@@ -970,7 +262,7 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startNavEntry(const QXmlAttributes &attrib)
+ void startNavEntry(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attrib)
static bool javaOpt = Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA);
static bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN);
@@ -1203,7 +495,7 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
LayoutNavEntry::Kind kind;
// find type in the table
int i=0;
- QString type = attrib.value("type");
+ QCString type = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"type");
while (mapping[i].typeStr)
if (mapping[i].typeStr==type)
@@ -1215,19 +507,20 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
if (mapping[i].typeStr==0)
+ std::string fileName = m_locator->fileName();
if (type.isEmpty())
- err("an entry tag within a navindex has no type attribute! Check your layout file!\n");
+ ::warn(fileName.c_str(),m_locator->lineNr(),"an entry tag within a navindex has no type attribute! Check your layout file!\n");
- err("the type '%s' is not supported for the entry tag within a navindex! Check your layout file!\n",;
+ ::warn(fileName.c_str(),m_locator->lineNr(),"the type '%s' is not supported for the entry tag within a navindex! Check your layout file!\n",;
QCString baseFile = mapping[i].baseFile;
- QCString title = attrib.value("title").utf8();
+ QCString title = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"title");
bool isVisible = elemIsVisible(attrib);
if (title.isEmpty()) // use default title
@@ -1238,12 +531,12 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
// this is mainly done to get compatible naming with older versions.
- QCString intro = attrib.value("intro").utf8();
+ QCString intro = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"intro");
if (intro.isEmpty()) // use default intro text
intro = mapping[i].intro;
- QCString url = attrib.value("url").utf8();
+ QCString url = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"url");
if (mapping[i].kind==LayoutNavEntry::User && !url.isEmpty())
@@ -1270,7 +563,7 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startClass(const QXmlAttributes &)
+ void startClass(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &)
@@ -1283,7 +576,7 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
m_part = -1;
- void startNamespace(const QXmlAttributes &)
+ void startNamespace(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &)
@@ -1296,7 +589,7 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
m_part = -1;
- void startFile(const QXmlAttributes &)
+ void startFile(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &)
@@ -1309,7 +602,7 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
m_part = -1;
- void startGroup(const QXmlAttributes &)
+ void startGroup(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &)
@@ -1322,7 +615,7 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
m_part = -1;
- void startDirectory(const QXmlAttributes &)
+ void startDirectory(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &)
@@ -1335,7 +628,7 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
m_part = -1;
- void startMemberDef(const QXmlAttributes &)
+ void startMemberDef(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &)
if (m_part!=-1)
@@ -1359,7 +652,7 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startMemberDecl(const QXmlAttributes &)
+ void startMemberDecl(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &)
if (m_part!=-1)
@@ -1383,95 +676,811 @@ class LayoutParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- // reimplemented from QXmlDefaultHandler
- bool startElement( const QString&, const QString&,
- const QString& name, const QXmlAttributes& attrib )
- {
- //printf("startElement [%s]::[%s]\n",,;
- StartElementHandler *handler = m_sHandler[m_scope+name.utf8()];
- if (handler)
- {
- (*handler)(attrib);
- }
- else
- {
- err("Unexpected start tag '%s' found in scope='%s'!\n",
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- bool endElement( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& name )
- {
- //printf("endElement [%s]::[%s]\n",,;
- EndElementHandler *handler;
- if (!m_scope.isEmpty() && m_scope.right(name.length()+1)==name.utf8()+"/")
- { // element ends current scope
- handler = m_eHandler[m_scope.left(m_scope.length()-1)];
- }
- else // continue with current scope
- {
- handler = m_eHandler[m_scope+name.utf8()];
- }
- if (handler)
- {
- (*handler)();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- bool startDocument()
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- LayoutParser() : m_sHandler(163), m_eHandler(17) { }
+ LayoutParser() { }
~LayoutParser() { delete m_rootNav; }
- QDict<StartElementHandler> m_sHandler;
- QDict<EndElementHandler> m_eHandler;
QCString m_scope;
- int m_part = 0;
+ int m_part = -1;
LayoutNavEntry *m_rootNav = 0;
bool m_invalidEntry = false;
static int m_userGroupCount;
+ const XMLLocator *m_locator = nullptr;
-int LayoutParser::m_userGroupCount=0;
-class LayoutErrorHandler : public QXmlErrorHandler
+struct ElementCallbacks
- public:
- LayoutErrorHandler(const char *fn) : fileName(fn) {}
- bool warning( const QXmlParseException &exception )
- {
- warn_uncond("at line %d column %d of %s: %s\n",
- exception.lineNumber(),exception.columnNumber(),,
- exception.message().data());
- return FALSE;
- }
- bool error( const QXmlParseException &exception )
- {
- err("at line %d column %d of %s: %s\n",
- exception.lineNumber(),exception.columnNumber(),,
- exception.message().data());
- return FALSE;
- }
- bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException &exception )
- {
- err("fatal: at line %d column %d of %s: %s\n",
- exception.lineNumber(),exception.columnNumber(),,
- exception.message().data());
- return FALSE;
- }
- QString errorString() { return ""; }
+ using StartCallback = std::function<void(LayoutParser&,const XMLHandlers::Attributes&)>;
+ using EndCallback = std::function<void(LayoutParser&)>;
+ StartCallback startCb;
+ EndCallback endCb;
+static ElementCallbacks::StartCallback startCb(void (LayoutParser::*fn)(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &))
+ return [fn](LayoutParser &parser,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attr) { (parser.*fn)(attr); };
+static ElementCallbacks::StartCallback startCb(void (LayoutParser::*fn)(LayoutDocEntry::Kind,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &),LayoutDocEntry::Kind kind)
+ return [fn,kind](LayoutParser &parser,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attr) { (parser.*fn)(kind,attr); };
+static ElementCallbacks::StartCallback startCb(void (LayoutParser::*fn)(LayoutDocEntry::Kind,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &,const QCString &),
+ LayoutDocEntry::Kind kind,
+ std::function<QCString()> title
+ )
+ return [fn,kind,title](LayoutParser &parser,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attr) { (parser.*fn)(kind,attr,title()); };
+static ElementCallbacks::StartCallback startCb(void (LayoutParser::*fn)(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &,MemberListType,const QCString &,const QCString &),
+ MemberListType type,
+ std::function<QCString()> title
+ )
+ return [fn,type,title](LayoutParser &parser,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attr) { (parser.*fn)(attr,type,title(),QCString()); };
+static ElementCallbacks::StartCallback startCb(void (LayoutParser::*fn)(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &,MemberListType,const QCString &,const QCString &),
+ MemberListType type,
+ std::function<QCString()> title,
+ std::function<QCString()> subtitle
+ )
+ return [fn,type,title,subtitle](LayoutParser &parser,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attr) { (parser.*fn)(attr,type,title(),subtitle()); };
+static ElementCallbacks::EndCallback endCb(void (LayoutParser::*fn)())
+ return [fn](LayoutParser &parser) { (parser.*fn)(); };
+static ElementCallbacks::EndCallback endCb()
+ return [](LayoutParser &){};
+static const std::map< std::string, ElementCallbacks > g_elementHandlers =
+ // path/name
+ { "doxygenlayout", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startLayout),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "navindex", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startNavIndex),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endNavIndex)
+ } },
+ { "navindex/tab", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startNavEntry),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endNavEntry)
+ } },
+ // class layout handlers
+ { "class", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startClass),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endClass)
+ } },
+ { "class/briefdescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry,LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/detaileddescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,
+ [](){ return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/authorsection", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry,LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/includes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry,LayoutDocEntry::ClassIncludes),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/inheritancegraph", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry,LayoutDocEntry::ClassInheritanceGraph),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/collaborationgraph", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry,LayoutDocEntry::ClassCollaborationGraph),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/allmemberslink", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry,LayoutDocEntry::ClassAllMembersLink),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/usedfiles", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry,LayoutDocEntry::ClassUsedFiles),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl)
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/membergroups", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry,LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/nestedclasses", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::ClassNestedClasses,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/*default*/ theTranslator->trCompounds(),
+ SrcLangExt_VHDL, theTranslator->trVhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,FALSE),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trDataTypes()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/services", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,MemberListType_services,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trServices()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/interfaces", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,MemberListType_interfaces,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trInterfaces()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/publictypes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,MemberListType_pubTypes,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPublicTypes()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/publicslots", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,MemberListType_pubSlots,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPublicSlots()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/signals", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry,MemberListType_signals,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSignals()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/publicmethods", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_pubMethods,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trPublicMembers(),
+ SrcLangExt_ObjC, theTranslator->trInstanceMethods(),
+ SrcLangExt_Slice,theTranslator->trOperations()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/publicstaticmethods", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_pubStaticMethods,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trStaticPublicMembers(),
+ SrcLangExt_ObjC, theTranslator->trClassMethods()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/publicattributes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_pubAttribs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trPublicAttribs(),
+ SrcLangExt_Slice,theTranslator->trDataMembers()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/publicstaticattributes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_pubStaticAttribs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trStaticPublicAttribs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/protectedtypes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_proTypes,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trProtectedTypes()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/protectedslots", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_proSlots,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trProtectedSlots()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/protectedmethods", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_proMethods,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trProtectedMembers()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/protectedstaticmethods", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_proStaticMethods,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trStaticProtectedMembers()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/protectedattributes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_proAttribs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trProtectedAttribs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/protectedstaticattributes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_proStaticAttribs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trStaticProtectedAttribs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/packagetypes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_pacTypes,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPackageTypes()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/packagemethods", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_pacMethods,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPackageMembers()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/packagestaticmethods", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_pacStaticMethods,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trStaticPackageMembers()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/packageattributes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_pacAttribs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPackageAttribs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/packagestaticattributes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_pacStaticAttribs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trStaticPackageAttribs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/properties", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_properties,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trProperties()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/events", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_events,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEvents()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/privatetypes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_priTypes,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPrivateTypes()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/privateslots", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_priSlots,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPrivateSlots()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/privatemethods", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_priMethods,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPrivateMembers()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/privatestaticmethods", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_priStaticMethods,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trStaticPrivateMembers()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/privateattributes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_priAttribs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPrivateAttribs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/privatestaticattributes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_priStaticAttribs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trStaticPrivateAttribs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/friends", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_friends,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trFriends()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdecl/related", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_related,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trRelatedFunctions()); },
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trRelatedSubscript()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDef),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endMemberDef)
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/inlineclasses", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::ClassInlineClasses,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trClassDocumentation(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trTypeDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/typedefs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_typedefMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trMemberTypedefDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/enums", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_enumMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trMemberEnumerationDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/services", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_serviceMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trInterfaces()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/interfaces", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_interfaceMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trInterfaces()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/constructors", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_constructors,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trConstructorDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/functions", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_functionMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trMemberFunctionDocumentation(), SrcLangExt_ObjC, theTranslator->trMethodDocumentation(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran(),
+ SrcLangExt_Slice, theTranslator->trOperationDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/related", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_relatedMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trRelatedFunctionDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/variables", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_variableMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trMemberDataDocumentation(),
+ SrcLangExt_Slice, theTranslator->trDataMemberDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/properties", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_propertyMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPropertyDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "class/memberdef/events", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_eventMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEventDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ // namespace layout handlers
+ { "namespace", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startNamespace),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endNamespace)
+ } },
+ { "namespace/briefdescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/detaileddescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/authorsection", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl)
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/nestednamespaces", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceNestedNamespaces,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trNamespaces(),
+ SrcLangExt_Java, theTranslator->trPackages(),
+ SrcLangExt_VHDL, theTranslator->trPackages(),
+ SrcLangExt_IDL, theTranslator->trModules(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trModules(),
+ SrcLangExt_Slice,(Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_SLICE) ?
+ theTranslator->trModules() :
+ theTranslator->trNamespaces())); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/constantgroups", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceNestedConstantGroups,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trConstantGroups()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/interfaces", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceInterfaces,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSliceInterfaces()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/classes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceClasses,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trCompounds(),
+ SrcLangExt_VHDL, theTranslator->trVhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,FALSE),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trDataTypes()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/structs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceStructs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trStructs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/exceptions", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceExceptions,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trExceptions()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/membergroups", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry,LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/typedefs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decTypedefMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trTypedefs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/sequences", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decSequenceMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSequences()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/dictionaries", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decDictionaryMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDictionaries()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/enums", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decEnumMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEnumerations()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/functions", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decFuncMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trFunctions(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprograms(),
+ SrcLangExt_VHDL, theTranslator->trFunctionAndProc()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdecl/variables", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decVarMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_SLICE) ?
+ theTranslator->trConstants() :
+ theTranslator->trVariables()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdef", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDef),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endMemberDef)
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdef/inlineclasses", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceInlineClasses,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trClassDocumentation(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trTypeDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdef/typedefs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docTypedefMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trTypedefDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdef/sequences", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docSequenceMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSequenceDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdef/dictionaries", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docDictionaryMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDictionaryDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdef/enums", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docEnumMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdef/functions", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docFuncMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trFunctionDocumentation(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprogramDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "namespace/memberdef/variables", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docVarMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_SLICE) ?
+ theTranslator->trConstantDocumentation() :
+ theTranslator->trVariableDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ // file layout handlers
+ { "file", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startFile),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endFile)
+ } },
+ { "file/briefdescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/detaileddescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/authorsection", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/includes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludes),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/includegraph", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludeGraph),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/includedbygraph", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludedByGraph),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/sourcelink", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::FileSourceLink),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/membergroups", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl)
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/interfaces", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::FileInterfaces,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSliceInterfaces()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/classes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::FileClasses,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trCompounds(),
+ SrcLangExt_VHDL, theTranslator->trVhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,FALSE),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trDataTypes()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/structs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::FileStructs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trStructs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/exceptions", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::FileExceptions,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trExceptions()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/namespaces", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::FileNamespaces,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trNamespaces(),
+ SrcLangExt_Java, theTranslator->trPackages(),
+ SrcLangExt_IDL, theTranslator->trModules(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trModules(),
+ SrcLangExt_Slice, theTranslator->trModules()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/constantgroups", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::FileConstantGroups,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trConstantGroups()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/defines", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decDefineMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDefines()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/typedefs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decTypedefMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trTypedefs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/sequences", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decSequenceMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSequences()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/dictionaries", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decDictionaryMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDictionaries()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/enums", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decEnumMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEnumerations()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/functions", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decFuncMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trFunctions(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprograms(),
+ SrcLangExt_VHDL, theTranslator->trFunctionAndProc()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdecl/variables", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decVarMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_SLICE) ?
+ theTranslator->trConstants() :
+ theTranslator->trVariables()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdef", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDef),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endMemberDef)
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdef/inlineclasses", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry,LayoutDocEntry::FileInlineClasses,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trClassDocumentation(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran, theTranslator->trTypeDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdef/defines", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docDefineMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDefineDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdef/typedefs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docTypedefMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trTypedefDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdef/sequences", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docSequenceMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSequenceDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdef/dictionaries", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docDictionaryMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDictionaryDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdef/enums", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docEnumMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdef/functions", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docFuncMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trFunctionDocumentation(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran, theTranslator->trSubprogramDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "file/memberdef/variables", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docVarMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trVariableDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ // group layout handlers
+ { "group", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startGroup),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endGroup)
+ } },
+ { "group/briefdescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/detaileddescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/authorsection", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/groupgraph", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::GroupGraph),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/membergroups", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl)
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/classes", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::GroupClasses,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trCompounds(),
+ SrcLangExt_VHDL, theTranslator->trVhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,FALSE),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran, theTranslator->trDataTypes()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/namespaces", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::GroupNamespaces,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trNamespaces(),
+ SrcLangExt_Java, theTranslator->trPackages(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran, theTranslator->trModules()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/dirs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::GroupDirs,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDirectories()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/nestedgroups", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::GroupNestedGroups,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trModules()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/files", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::GroupFiles,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trFile(TRUE,FALSE)); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/defines", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decDefineMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDefines()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/typedefs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decTypedefMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trTypedefs()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/sequences", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decSequenceMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSequences()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/dictionaries", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decDictionaryMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDictionaries()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/enums", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decEnumMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEnumerations()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/enumvalues", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decEnumValMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEnumerationValues()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/functions", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decFuncMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trFunctions(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprograms(),
+ SrcLangExt_VHDL, theTranslator->trFunctionAndProc()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/variables", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decVarMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trVariables()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/signals", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decSignalMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSignals()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/publicslots", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decPubSlotMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPublicSlots()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/protectedslots", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decProSlotMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trProtectedSlots()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/privateslots", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decPriSlotMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPrivateSlots()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/events", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decEventMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEvents()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/properties", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decPropMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trProperties()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdecl/friends", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDeclEntry, MemberListType_decFriendMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trFriends()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDef),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endMemberDef)
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/pagedocs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::GroupPageDocs),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/inlineclasses", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::GroupInlineClasses,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trClassDocumentation(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trTypeDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/defines", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docDefineMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDefineDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/typedefs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docTypedefMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trTypedefDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/sequences", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docSequenceMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSequenceDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/dictionaries", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docDictionaryMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDictionaryDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/enums", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docEnumMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/enumvalues", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docEnumValMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEnumerationValueDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/functions", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docFuncMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(/* default */ theTranslator->trFunctionDocumentation(),
+ SrcLangExt_Fortran,theTranslator->trSubprogramDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/variables", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docVarMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trVariableDocumentation()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/signals", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docSignalMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trSignals()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/publicslots", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docPubSlotMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPublicSlots()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/protectedslots", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docProSlotMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trProtectedSlots()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/privateslots", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docPriSlotMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trPrivateSlots()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/events", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docEventMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trEvents()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "group/memberdef/properties", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docPropMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trProperties()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } }, { "group/memberdef/friends", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDefEntry, MemberListType_docFriendMembers,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trFriends()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ // directory layout handlers
+ { "directory", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startDirectory),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endDirectory)
+ } },
+ { "directory/briefdescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "directory/detaileddescription", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSectionEntry, LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc,
+ []() { return compileOptions(theTranslator->trDetailedDescription()); }),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "directory/directorygraph", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::DirGraph),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "directory/memberdecl", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startMemberDecl),
+ endCb(&LayoutParser::endMemberDecl)
+ } },
+ { "directory/memberdecl/dirs", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::DirSubDirs),
+ endCb()
+ } },
+ { "directory/memberdecl/files", { startCb(&LayoutParser::startSimpleEntry, LayoutDocEntry::DirFiles),
+ endCb()
+ } },
- private:
- QString errorMsg;
- QString fileName;
+void LayoutParser::startElement( const std::string &name, const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib )
+ //printf("startElement [%s]::[%s]\n",,;
+ auto it = g_elementHandlers.find(m_scope.str()+name);
+ if (it!=g_elementHandlers.end())
+ {
+ it->second.startCb(*this,attrib);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string fileName = m_locator->fileName();
+ ::warn(fileName.c_str(),m_locator->lineNr(),"Unexpected start tag '%s' found in scope='%s'!\n",
+ }
+void LayoutParser::endElement( const std::string &name )
+ //printf("endElement [%s]::[%s]\n",,;
+ auto it=g_elementHandlers.end();
+ if (!m_scope.isEmpty() && m_scope.right(name.length()+1)==name+"/")
+ { // element ends current scope
+ it = g_elementHandlers.find(m_scope.left(m_scope.length()-1).str());
+ }
+ else // continue with current scope
+ {
+ it = g_elementHandlers.find(m_scope.str()+name);
+ }
+ if (it!=g_elementHandlers.end())
+ {
+ it->second.endCb(*this);
+ }
+int LayoutParser::m_userGroupCount=0;
class LayoutDocManager::Private
@@ -1481,35 +1490,32 @@ class LayoutDocManager::Private
LayoutNavEntry *rootNav;
+LayoutDocManager::LayoutDocManager() : d(std::make_unique<Private>())
- d = new Private;
int i;
for (i=0;i<LayoutDocManager::NrParts;i++)
d->rootNav = new LayoutNavEntry;
- LayoutParser::instance().init();
void LayoutDocManager::init()
- // parse the default layout
- LayoutErrorHandler errorHandler( "layout_default.xml" );
- QXmlInputSource source;
- source.setData( layout_default );
- QXmlSimpleReader reader;
- reader.setContentHandler( &LayoutParser::instance() );
- reader.setErrorHandler( &errorHandler );
- reader.parse( source );
+ LayoutParser &layoutParser = LayoutParser::instance();
+ XMLHandlers handlers;
+ handlers.startElement = [&layoutParser](const std::string &name,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attrs) { layoutParser.startElement(name,attrs); };
+ handlers.endElement = [&layoutParser](const std::string &name) { layoutParser.endElement(name); };
+ handlers.error = [&layoutParser](const std::string &fileName,int lineNr,const std::string &msg) { layoutParser.error(fileName,lineNr,msg); };
+ XMLParser parser(handlers);
+ layoutParser.setDocumentLocator(&parser);
+ parser.parse("layout_default.xml",layout_default);
delete d->rootNav;
- delete d;
LayoutDocManager & LayoutDocManager::instance()
@@ -1540,13 +1546,14 @@ void LayoutDocManager::clear(LayoutDocManager::LayoutPart p)
void LayoutDocManager::parse(const char *fileName)
- LayoutErrorHandler errorHandler(fileName);
- QXmlInputSource source;
- source.setData(fileToString(fileName));
- QXmlSimpleReader reader;
- reader.setContentHandler( &LayoutParser::instance() );
- reader.setErrorHandler( &errorHandler );
- reader.parse( source );
+ LayoutParser &layoutParser = LayoutParser::instance();
+ XMLHandlers handlers;
+ handlers.startElement = [&layoutParser](const std::string &name,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attrs) { layoutParser.startElement(name,attrs); };
+ handlers.endElement = [&layoutParser](const std::string &name) { layoutParser.endElement(name); };
+ handlers.error = [&layoutParser](const std::string &fn,int lineNr,const std::string &msg) { layoutParser.error(fn,lineNr,msg); };
+ XMLParser parser(handlers);
+ layoutParser.setDocumentLocator(&parser);
+ parser.parse(fileName,fileToString(fileName));
@@ -1560,8 +1567,7 @@ void writeDefaultLayoutFile(const char *fileName)
err("Failed to open file %s for writing!\n",fileName);
- QTextStream t(&f);
- t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ FTextStream t(&f);
t << substitute(layout_default,"$doxygenversion",getDoxygenVersion());
diff --git a/src/layout.h b/src/layout.h
index b1facf5..68d5c6e 100644
--- a/src/layout.h
+++ b/src/layout.h
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- *
+ *
* Copyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
- * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
* for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#ifndef LAYOUT_H
#define LAYOUT_H
+#include <memory>
#include <qlist.h>
#include "types.h"
@@ -30,14 +31,14 @@ class QTextStream;
struct LayoutDocEntry
virtual ~LayoutDocEntry() {}
- enum Kind {
+ enum Kind {
// Generic items for all pages
MemberDeclStart, MemberDeclEnd, MemberDecl,
MemberDefStart, MemberDefEnd, MemberDef,
BriefDesc, DetailedDesc,
// Class specific items
ClassIncludes, ClassInlineClasses,
ClassInheritanceGraph, ClassNestedClasses,
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ struct LayoutDocEntry
// File specific items
FileClasses, FileInterfaces, FileStructs, FileExceptions, FileConstantGroups, FileNamespaces,
- FileIncludes, FileIncludeGraph,
+ FileIncludes, FileIncludeGraph,
FileIncludedByGraph, FileSourceLink,
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ private:
struct LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl: public LayoutDocEntry
LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl(MemberListType tp,
- const QCString &tl,const QCString &ss)
+ const QCString &tl,const QCString &ss)
: type(tp), m_title(tl), m_subscript(ss) {}
Kind kind() const { return MemberDecl; }
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ private:
/** @brief Represents of a member definition list with configurable title. */
struct LayoutDocEntryMemberDef: public LayoutDocEntry
- LayoutDocEntryMemberDef(MemberListType tp,const QCString &tl)
+ LayoutDocEntryMemberDef(MemberListType tp,const QCString &tl)
: type(tp), m_title(tl) {}
Kind kind() const { return MemberDef; }
@@ -116,44 +117,44 @@ private:
/** @brief Base class for the layout of a navigation item at the top of the HTML pages. */
-struct LayoutNavEntry
+struct LayoutNavEntry
- enum Kind {
- None = -1,
- MainPage,
+ enum Kind {
+ None = -1,
+ MainPage,
- Modules,
- Namespaces,
+ Modules,
+ Namespaces,
- ClassList,
- ClassIndex,
- ClassHierarchy,
+ ClassList,
+ ClassIndex,
+ ClassHierarchy,
- InterfaceList,
- InterfaceIndex,
- InterfaceHierarchy,
+ InterfaceList,
+ InterfaceIndex,
+ InterfaceHierarchy,
- StructList,
- StructIndex,
+ StructList,
+ StructIndex,
- ExceptionList,
- ExceptionIndex,
- ExceptionHierarchy,
- Files,
+ ExceptionList,
+ ExceptionIndex,
+ ExceptionHierarchy,
+ Files,
- LayoutNavEntry(LayoutNavEntry *parent,Kind k,bool vs,const QCString &bf,
- const QCString &tl,const QCString &intro,bool prepend=FALSE)
+ LayoutNavEntry(LayoutNavEntry *parent,Kind k,bool vs,const QCString &bf,
+ const QCString &tl,const QCString &intro,bool prepend=FALSE)
: m_parent(parent), m_kind(k), m_visible(vs), m_baseFile(bf), m_title(tl), m_intro(intro)
- { m_children.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ { m_children.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
if (parent) { if (prepend) parent->prependChild(this); else parent->addChild(this); }
LayoutNavEntry *parent() const { return m_parent; }
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ class LayoutDocManager
void clear(LayoutPart p);
- Private *d;
+ std::unique_ptr<Private> d;
friend class LayoutParser;
diff --git a/src/markdown.cpp b/src/markdown.cpp
index 33a471a..0cf8b87 100644
--- a/src/markdown.cpp
+++ b/src/markdown.cpp
@@ -1693,7 +1693,12 @@ static bool isCodeBlock(const char *data,int offset,int size,int &indent)
// search back 3 lines and remember the start of lines -1 and -2
while (i>0 && nl<3)
- if (data[i-offset-1]=='\n') nl_pos[nl++]=i-offset;
+ int j = i-offset-1;
+ int nl_size = isNewline(data+j);
+ if (nl_size>0)
+ {
+ nl_pos[nl++]=j+nl_size;
+ }
@@ -1717,8 +1722,8 @@ static bool isCodeBlock(const char *data,int offset,int size,int &indent)
// determine the indent of line -2
- //printf(">isCodeBlock local_indent %d>=%d+4=%d\n",
- // indent0,indent2,indent0>=indent2+4);
+ //printf(">isCodeBlock local_indent %d>=%d+%d=%d\n",
+ // indent0,indent,codeBlockIndent,indent0>=indent+codeBlockIndent);
// if the difference is >4 spaces -> code block
return indent0>=indent+codeBlockIndent;
@@ -2152,7 +2157,7 @@ int Markdown::writeCodeBlock(const char *data,int size,int refIndent)
int i=0,end;
//printf("writeCodeBlock: data={%s}\n",QCString(data).left(size).data());
- // no need for \ilinebr here as the prvious like was empty and was skipped
+ // no need for \ilinebr here as the previous line was empty and was skipped
int emptyLines=0;
while (i<size)
diff --git a/src/tagreader.cpp b/src/tagreader.cpp
index 62aadc3..d5f8d5f 100644
--- a/src/tagreader.cpp
+++ b/src/tagreader.cpp
@@ -21,17 +21,13 @@
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
+#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <qxml.h>
-#include <qfileinfo.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
+#include "xml.h"
#include "entry.h"
#include "doxygen.h"
#include "util.h"
@@ -47,32 +43,32 @@
class TagAnchorInfo
- TagAnchorInfo(const QCString &f,
- const QCString &l,
- const QCString &t=QCString())
+ TagAnchorInfo(const std::string &f,
+ const std::string &l,
+ const std::string &t=std::string())
: label(l), fileName(f), title(t) {}
- QCString label;
- QCString fileName;
- QCString title;
+ std::string label;
+ std::string fileName;
+ std::string title;
/** Container for enum values that are scoped within an enum */
class TagEnumValueInfo
- QCString name;
- QCString file;
- QCString anchor;
- QCString clangid;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string file;
+ std::string anchor;
+ std::string clangid;
/** Container for include info that can be read from a tagfile */
class TagIncludeInfo
- QCString id;
- QCString name;
- QCString text;
+ std::string id;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string text;
bool isLocal;
bool isImported;
@@ -81,13 +77,13 @@ class TagIncludeInfo
class TagMemberInfo
- QCString type;
- QCString name;
- QCString anchorFile;
- QCString anchor;
- QCString arglist;
- QCString kind;
- QCString clangId;
+ std::string type;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string anchorFile;
+ std::string anchor;
+ std::string arglist;
+ std::string kind;
+ std::string clangId;
std::vector<TagAnchorInfo> docAnchors;
Protection prot = Public;
Specifier virt = Normal;
@@ -104,8 +100,8 @@ class TagCompoundInfo
virtual ~TagCompoundInfo() {}
CompoundType compoundType() const { return m_type; }
std::vector<TagMemberInfo> members;
- QCString name;
- QCString filename;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string filename;
std::vector<TagAnchorInfo> docAnchors;
CompoundType m_type;
@@ -117,8 +113,8 @@ class TagClassInfo : public TagCompoundInfo
enum class Kind { None=-1, Class, Struct, Union, Interface, Exception, Protocol, Category, Enum, Service, Singleton };
TagClassInfo(Kind k) : TagCompoundInfo(CompoundType::Class), kind(k) {}
- QCString clangId;
- QCString anchor;
+ std::string clangId;
+ std::string anchor;
std::vector<BaseInfo> bases;
StringVector templateArguments;
StringVector classList;
@@ -139,7 +135,7 @@ class TagNamespaceInfo : public TagCompoundInfo
TagNamespaceInfo() :TagCompoundInfo(CompoundType::Namespace) {}
- QCString clangId;
+ std::string clangId;
StringVector classList;
StringVector namespaceList;
static TagNamespaceInfo *get(std::unique_ptr<TagCompoundInfo> &t)
@@ -173,7 +169,7 @@ class TagFileInfo : public TagCompoundInfo
TagFileInfo() : TagCompoundInfo(CompoundType::File) { }
- QCString path;
+ std::string path;
StringVector classList;
StringVector namespaceList;
std::vector<TagIncludeInfo> includes;
@@ -192,7 +188,7 @@ class TagGroupInfo : public TagCompoundInfo
TagGroupInfo() : TagCompoundInfo(CompoundType::Group) { }
- QCString title;
+ std::string title;
StringVector subgroupList;
StringVector classList;
StringVector namespaceList;
@@ -214,7 +210,7 @@ class TagPageInfo : public TagCompoundInfo
TagPageInfo() : TagCompoundInfo(CompoundType::Page) {}
- QCString title;
+ std::string title;
static TagPageInfo *get(std::unique_ptr<TagCompoundInfo> &t)
return dynamic_cast<TagPageInfo*>(t.get());
@@ -230,7 +226,7 @@ class TagDirInfo : public TagCompoundInfo
TagDirInfo() : TagCompoundInfo(CompoundType::Dir) {}
- QCString path;
+ std::string path;
StringVector subdirList;
StringVector fileList;
static TagDirInfo *get(std::unique_ptr<TagCompoundInfo> &t)
@@ -249,75 +245,33 @@ class TagDirInfo : public TagCompoundInfo
* memory. The method buildLists() is used to transfer/translate
* the structures to the doxygen engine.
-class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
+class TagFileParser
- enum State { Invalid,
- InClass,
- InFile,
- InNamespace,
- InGroup,
- InPage,
- InMember,
- InEnumValue,
- InPackage,
- InDir,
- InTempArgList
- };
- struct CompoundFactory
- {
- using CreateFunc = std::function<std::unique_ptr<TagCompoundInfo>()>;
- CompoundFactory(State s,CreateFunc f) : state(s), make_instance(f) {}
- State state;
- CreateFunc make_instance;
- };
TagFileParser(const char *tagName) : m_tagName(tagName) {}
- void setDocumentLocator ( QXmlLocator * locator )
+ void setDocumentLocator ( const XMLLocator * locator )
m_locator = locator;
- void setFileName( const QString &fileName )
- {
- m_inputFileName = fileName.utf8();
- }
- void warn(const char *fmt)
+ void startDocument()
- ::warn(m_inputFileName,m_locator->lineNumber(),"%s", fmt);
+ m_state = Invalid;
- void warn(const char *fmt,const char *s)
+ void startElement( const std::string &name, const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib );
+ void endElement( const std::string &name );
+ void characters ( const std::string & ch ) { m_curString+=ch; }
+ void error( const std::string &fileName,int lineNr,const std::string &msg)
- ::warn(m_inputFileName,m_locator->lineNumber(),fmt,s);
+ ::warn(fileName.c_str(),lineNr,"%s",msg.c_str());
- void startCompound( const QXmlAttributes& attrib )
- {
- m_curString = "";
- QString kind = attrib.value("kind");
- QString isObjC = attrib.value("objc");
- auto it = m_compoundFactory.find(kind.utf8().str());
- if (it!=m_compoundFactory.end())
- {
- m_curCompound = it->second.make_instance();
- m_state = it->second.state;
- }
- else
- {
- warn("Unknown compound attribute '%s' found!",;
- m_state = Invalid;
- }
- if (isObjC=="yes" && m_curCompound &&
- m_curCompound->compoundType()==TagCompoundInfo::CompoundType::Class)
- {
- TagClassInfo::get(m_curCompound)->isObjC = TRUE;
- }
- }
+ void dump();
+ void buildLists(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &root);
+ void addIncludes();
+ void startCompound( const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib );
void endCompound()
@@ -338,13 +292,13 @@ class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startMember( const QXmlAttributes& attrib)
+ void startMember( const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib)
m_curMember = TagMemberInfo();
- m_curMember.kind = attrib.value("kind").utf8();
- QCString protStr = attrib.value("protection").utf8();
- QCString virtStr = attrib.value("virtualness").utf8();
- QCString staticStr = attrib.value("static").utf8();
+ m_curMember.kind = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"kind");
+ std::string protStr = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"protection");
+ std::string virtStr = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"virtualness");
+ std::string staticStr = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"static");
if (protStr=="protected")
m_curMember.prot = Protected;
@@ -388,15 +342,15 @@ class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startEnumValue( const QXmlAttributes& attrib)
+ void startEnumValue( const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib)
if (m_state==InMember)
m_curString = "";
m_curEnumValue = TagEnumValueInfo();
- m_curEnumValue.file = attrib.value("file").utf8();
- m_curEnumValue.anchor = attrib.value("anchor").utf8();
- m_curEnumValue.clangid = attrib.value("clangid").utf8();
+ m_curEnumValue.file = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"file");
+ m_curEnumValue.anchor = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"anchor");
+ m_curEnumValue.clangid = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"clangid");
m_state = InEnumValue;
@@ -431,7 +385,7 @@ class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
case InMember:
case InPackage:
case InDir:
- if (QString(m_curString).startsWith("autotoc_md")) return;
+ if (m_curString.rfind("autotoc_md",0)==0) return;
warn("Unexpected tag 'docanchor' found");
@@ -541,15 +495,15 @@ class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startStringValue(const QXmlAttributes& )
+ void startStringValue(const XMLHandlers::Attributes& )
m_curString = "";
- void startDocAnchor(const QXmlAttributes& attrib )
+ void startDocAnchor(const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib )
- m_fileName = attrib.value("file").utf8();
- m_title = attrib.value("title").utf8();
+ m_fileName = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"file");
+ m_title = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"title");
m_curString = "";
@@ -587,13 +541,13 @@ class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startBase(const QXmlAttributes& attrib )
+ void startBase(const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib )
if (m_state==InClass && m_curCompound)
- QString protStr = attrib.value("protection");
- QString virtStr = attrib.value("virtualness");
+ std::string protStr = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"protection");
+ std::string virtStr = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"virtualness");
Protection prot = Public;
Specifier virt = Normal;
if (protStr=="protected")
@@ -628,13 +582,13 @@ class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startIncludes(const QXmlAttributes& attrib )
+ void startIncludes(const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib )
m_curIncludes = TagIncludeInfo();
- = attrib.value("id").utf8();
- = attrib.value("name").utf8();
- m_curIncludes.isLocal = attrib.value("local").utf8()=="yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
- m_curIncludes.isImported = attrib.value("imported").utf8()=="yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"id");
+ = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"name");
+ m_curIncludes.isLocal = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"local")=="yes";
+ m_curIncludes.isImported = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"imported")=="yes";
@@ -788,7 +742,7 @@ class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- void startIgnoreElement(const QXmlAttributes& )
+ void startIgnoreElement(const XMLHandlers::Attributes& )
@@ -796,134 +750,40 @@ class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- bool startDocument()
- {
- m_state = Invalid;
+ void buildMemberList(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &ce,const std::vector<TagMemberInfo> &members);
+ void addDocAnchors(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &e,const std::vector<TagAnchorInfo> &l);
- m_startElementHandlers.insert({
- { "compound", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startCompound, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "member", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startMember, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "enumvalue", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startEnumValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "name", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "base", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startBase, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "filename", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "includes", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startIncludes, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "path", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "anchorfile", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "anchor", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "clangid", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "arglist", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "title", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "subgroup", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "class", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "namespace", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "file", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "dir", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "page", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "docanchor", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startDocAnchor, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "tagfile", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startIgnoreElement,this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "templarg", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) },
- { "type", std::bind(&TagFileParser::startStringValue, this, std::placeholders::_1) }
- });
- m_endElementHandlers.insert({
- { "compound", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endCompound, this) },
- { "member", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endMember, this) },
- { "enumvalue", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endEnumValue, this) },
- { "name", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endName, this) },
- { "base", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endBase, this) },
- { "filename", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endFilename, this) },
- { "includes", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endIncludes, this) },
- { "path", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endPath, this) },
- { "anchorfile", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endAnchorFile, this) },
- { "anchor", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endAnchor, this) },
- { "clangid", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endClangId, this) },
- { "arglist", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endArglist, this) },
- { "title", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endTitle, this) },
- { "subgroup", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endSubgroup, this) },
- { "class" , std::bind(&TagFileParser::endClass, this) },
- { "namespace", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endNamespace, this) },
- { "file", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endFile, this) },
- { "dir", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endDir, this) },
- { "page", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endPage, this) },
- { "docanchor", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endDocAnchor, this) },
- { "tagfile", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endIgnoreElement,this) },
- { "templarg", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endTemplateArg, this) },
- { "type", std::bind(&TagFileParser::endType, this) }
- });
- return TRUE;
- }
- bool startElement( const QString&, const QString&,
- const QString&name, const QXmlAttributes& attrib )
- {
- //printf("startElement '%s'\n",;
- auto it = m_startElementHandlers.find(name.utf8().str());
- if (it!=std::end(m_startElementHandlers))
- {
- it->second(attrib);
- }
- else
- {
- warn("Unknown tag '%s' found!",;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- bool endElement( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& name )
+ enum State { Invalid,
+ InClass,
+ InFile,
+ InNamespace,
+ InGroup,
+ InPage,
+ InMember,
+ InEnumValue,
+ InPackage,
+ InDir,
+ InTempArgList
+ };
+ private:
+ void warn(const char *fmt)
- //printf("endElement '%s'\n",;
- auto it = m_endElementHandlers.find(name.utf8().str());
- if (it!=std::end(m_endElementHandlers))
- {
- it->second();
- }
- else
- {
- warn("Unknown tag '%s' found!",;
- }
- return TRUE;
+ std::string fileName = m_locator->fileName();
+ ::warn(fileName.c_str(),m_locator->lineNr(),"%s", fmt);
- bool characters ( const QString & ch )
+ void warn(const char *fmt,const char *s)
- m_curString+=ch.utf8();
- return TRUE;
+ std::string fileName = m_locator->fileName();
+ ::warn(fileName.c_str(),m_locator->lineNr(),fmt,s);
- void dump();
- void buildLists(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &root);
- void addIncludes();
- private:
- void buildMemberList(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &ce,const std::vector<TagMemberInfo> &members);
- void addDocAnchors(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &e,const std::vector<TagAnchorInfo> &l);
- std::vector< std::unique_ptr<TagCompoundInfo> > m_tagFileCompounds;
- std::map< std::string, std::function<void(const QXmlAttributes&)> > m_startElementHandlers;
- std::map< std::string, std::function<void()> > m_endElementHandlers;
- std::map< std::string, CompoundFactory > m_compoundFactory =
- {
- // kind tag state creation function
- { "class", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Class); } } },
- { "struct", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Struct); } } },
- { "union", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Union); } } },
- { "interface", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Interface); } } },
- { "enum", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Enum); } } },
- { "exception", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Exception); } } },
- { "protocol", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Protocol); } } },
- { "category", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Category); } } },
- { "service", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Service); } } },
- { "singleton", { InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Singleton); } } },
- { "file", { InFile, []() { return std::make_unique<TagFileInfo>(); } } },
- { "namespace", { InNamespace, []() { return std::make_unique<TagNamespaceInfo>(); } } },
- { "group", { InGroup, []() { return std::make_unique<TagGroupInfo>(); } } },
- { "page", { InPage, []() { return std::make_unique<TagPageInfo>(); } } },
- { "package", { InPackage, []() { return std::make_unique<TagPackageInfo>(); } } },
- { "dir", { InDir, []() { return std::make_unique<TagDirInfo>(); } } }
- };
+ //------------------------------------
+ std::vector< std::unique_ptr<TagCompoundInfo> > m_tagFileCompounds;
std::unique_ptr<TagCompoundInfo> m_curCompound;
TagMemberInfo m_curMember;
@@ -931,44 +791,149 @@ class TagFileParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
TagIncludeInfo m_curIncludes;
std::string m_curString;
- QCString m_tagName;
- QCString m_fileName;
- QCString m_title;
+ std::string m_tagName;
+ std::string m_fileName;
+ std::string m_title;
State m_state = Invalid;
std::stack<State> m_stateStack;
- QXmlLocator *m_locator = nullptr;
- QCString m_inputFileName;
+ const XMLLocator *m_locator = nullptr;
-/** Error handler for the XML tag file parser.
- *
- * Basically dumps all fatal error to stderr using err().
- */
-class TagFileErrorHandler : public QXmlErrorHandler
+struct ElementCallbacks
- public:
- virtual ~TagFileErrorHandler() {}
- bool warning( const QXmlParseException & )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- bool error( const QXmlParseException & )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException &exception )
- {
- err("Fatal error at line %d column %d: %s\n",
- exception.lineNumber(),exception.columnNumber(),
- exception.message().data());
- return FALSE;
- }
- QString errorString() { return ""; }
+ using StartCallback = std::function<void(TagFileParser&,const XMLHandlers::Attributes&)>;
+ using EndCallback = std::function<void(TagFileParser&)>;
- private:
- QString errorMsg;
+ StartCallback startCb;
+ EndCallback endCb;
+ElementCallbacks::StartCallback startCb(void (TagFileParser::*fn)(const XMLHandlers::Attributes &))
+ return [fn](TagFileParser &parser,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attr) { (parser.*fn)(attr); };
+ElementCallbacks::EndCallback endCb(void (TagFileParser::*fn)())
+ return [fn](TagFileParser &parser) { (parser.*fn)(); };
+static const std::map< std::string, ElementCallbacks > g_elementHandlers =
+ // name, start element callback, end element callback
+ { "compound", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startCompound ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endCompound ) } },
+ { "member", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startMember ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endMember ) } },
+ { "enumvalue", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startEnumValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endEnumValue ) } },
+ { "name", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endName ) } },
+ { "base", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startBase ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endBase ) } },
+ { "filename", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endFilename ) } },
+ { "includes", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startIncludes ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endIncludes ) } },
+ { "path", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endPath ) } },
+ { "anchorfile", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endAnchorFile ) } },
+ { "anchor", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endAnchor ) } },
+ { "clangid", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endClangId ) } },
+ { "arglist", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endArglist ) } },
+ { "title", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endTitle ) } },
+ { "subgroup", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endSubgroup ) } },
+ { "class", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endClass ) } },
+ { "namespace", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endNamespace ) } },
+ { "file", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endFile ) } },
+ { "dir", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endDir ) } },
+ { "page", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endPage ) } },
+ { "docanchor", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startDocAnchor ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endDocAnchor ) } },
+ { "tagfile", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startIgnoreElement), endCb(&TagFileParser::endIgnoreElement) } },
+ { "templarg", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endTemplateArg ) } },
+ { "type", { startCb(&TagFileParser::startStringValue ), endCb(&TagFileParser::endType ) } }
+struct CompoundFactory
+ using CreateFunc = std::function<std::unique_ptr<TagCompoundInfo>()>;
+ CompoundFactory(TagFileParser::State s,CreateFunc f) : state(s), make_instance(f) {}
+ TagFileParser::State state;
+ CreateFunc make_instance;
+static const std::map< std::string, CompoundFactory > g_compoundFactory =
+ // kind tag state creation function
+ { "class", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Class); } } },
+ { "struct", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Struct); } } },
+ { "union", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Union); } } },
+ { "interface", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Interface); } } },
+ { "enum", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Enum); } } },
+ { "exception", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Exception); } } },
+ { "protocol", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Protocol); } } },
+ { "category", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Category); } } },
+ { "service", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Service); } } },
+ { "singleton", { TagFileParser::InClass, []() { return std::make_unique<TagClassInfo>(TagClassInfo::Kind::Singleton); } } },
+ { "file", { TagFileParser::InFile, []() { return std::make_unique<TagFileInfo>(); } } },
+ { "namespace", { TagFileParser::InNamespace, []() { return std::make_unique<TagNamespaceInfo>(); } } },
+ { "group", { TagFileParser::InGroup, []() { return std::make_unique<TagGroupInfo>(); } } },
+ { "page", { TagFileParser::InPage, []() { return std::make_unique<TagPageInfo>(); } } },
+ { "package", { TagFileParser::InPackage, []() { return std::make_unique<TagPackageInfo>(); } } },
+ { "dir", { TagFileParser::InDir, []() { return std::make_unique<TagDirInfo>(); } } }
+void TagFileParser::startElement( const std::string &name, const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib )
+ //printf("startElement '%s'\n",;
+ auto it = g_elementHandlers.find(name);
+ if (it!=std::end(g_elementHandlers))
+ {
+ it->second.startCb(*this,attrib);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warn("Unknown start tag '%s' found!",;
+ }
+void TagFileParser::endElement( const std::string &name )
+ //printf("endElement '%s'\n",;
+ auto it = g_elementHandlers.find(name);
+ if (it!=std::end(g_elementHandlers))
+ {
+ it->second.endCb(*this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warn("Unknown end tag '%s' found!",;
+ }
+void TagFileParser::startCompound( const XMLHandlers::Attributes& attrib )
+ m_curString = "";
+ std::string kind = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"kind");
+ std::string isObjC = XMLHandlers::value(attrib,"objc");
+ auto it = g_compoundFactory.find(kind);
+ if (it!=g_compoundFactory.end())
+ {
+ m_curCompound = it->second.make_instance();
+ m_state = it->second.state;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warn("Unknown compound attribute '%s' found!",kind.c_str());
+ m_state = Invalid;
+ }
+ if (isObjC=="yes" && m_curCompound &&
+ m_curCompound->compoundType()==TagCompoundInfo::CompoundType::Class)
+ {
+ TagClassInfo::get(m_curCompound)->isObjC = TRUE;
+ }
/*! Dumps the internal structures. For debugging only! */
void TagFileParser::dump()
@@ -1134,13 +1099,13 @@ void TagFileParser::addDocAnchors(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &e,const std::vec
for (const auto &ta : l)
- if (SectionManager::instance().find(ta.label)==0)
+ if (SectionManager::instance().find(ta.label.c_str())==0)
//printf("New sectionInfo file=%s anchor=%s\n",
// ta->,ta->;
SectionInfo *si=SectionManager::instance().add(
- ta.label,ta.fileName,-1,ta.title,
- SectionType::Anchor,0,m_tagName);
+ ta.label.c_str(),ta.fileName.c_str(),-1,ta.title.c_str(),
+ SectionType::Anchor,0,m_tagName.c_str());
@@ -1347,27 +1312,28 @@ void TagFileParser::buildLists(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &root)
const TagFileInfo *tfi = TagFileInfo::get(comp);
std::shared_ptr<Entry> fe = std::make_shared<Entry>();
- fe->section = guessSection(tfi->name);
- fe->name = tfi->name;
+ fe->section = guessSection(tfi->name.c_str());
+ fe->name = tfi->name.c_str();
fe->tagInfoData.tagName = m_tagName;
fe->tagInfoData.fileName = tfi->filename;
fe->hasTagInfo = TRUE;
- QCString fullName = m_tagName+":"+tfi->path+stripPath(tfi->name);
+ std::string fullName = m_tagName+":"+tfi->path+stripPath(tfi->name).str();
fe->fileName = fullName;
//printf("createFileDef() filename=%s\n",tfi->;
- std::unique_ptr<FileDef> fd { createFileDef(m_tagName+":"+tfi->path,
- tfi->name,m_tagName,
- tfi->filename) };
+ std::string tagid = m_tagName+":"+tfi->path;
+ std::unique_ptr<FileDef> fd { createFileDef(tagid.c_str(),
+ tfi->name.c_str(),m_tagName.c_str(),
+ tfi->filename.c_str()) };
FileName *mn;
- if ((mn=Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap->find(tfi->name)))
+ if ((mn=Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap->find(tfi->name.c_str())))
- mn = Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap->add(tfi->name,fullName);
+ mn = Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap->add(tfi->name.c_str(),fullName.c_str());
@@ -1451,7 +1417,7 @@ void TagFileParser::buildLists(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &root)
[&](const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &e) { return e->name == sg.c_str(); });
if (i!=children.end())
- (*i)->groups.push_back(Grouping(tgi->name,Grouping::GROUPING_INGROUP));
+ (*i)->groups.push_back(Grouping(tgi->name.c_str(),Grouping::GROUPING_INGROUP));
@@ -1465,7 +1431,7 @@ void TagFileParser::buildLists(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &root)
const TagPageInfo *tpi = TagPageInfo::get(comp);
std::shared_ptr<Entry> pe = std::make_shared<Entry>();
- bool isIndex = (stripExtensionGeneral(tpi->filename,getFileNameExtension(tpi->filename))=="index");
+ bool isIndex = (stripExtensionGeneral(tpi->filename.c_str(),getFileNameExtension(tpi->filename.c_str()))=="index");
pe->section = isIndex ? Entry::MAINPAGEDOC_SEC : Entry::PAGEDOC_SEC;
pe->name = tpi->name;
pe->args = tpi->title;
@@ -1486,7 +1452,7 @@ void TagFileParser::addIncludes()
const TagFileInfo *tfi = TagFileInfo::get(comp);
//printf("tag file tagName=%s path=%s name=%s\n",,tfi->,tfi->;
- FileName *fn = Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap->find(tfi->name);
+ FileName *fn = Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap->find(tfi->name.c_str());
if (fn)
for (const auto &fd : *fn)
@@ -1498,7 +1464,7 @@ void TagFileParser::addIncludes()
for (const auto &ii : tfi->includes)
- FileName *ifn = Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap->find(;
+ FileName *ifn = Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap->find(;
if (ifn)
@@ -1508,7 +1474,7 @@ void TagFileParser::addIncludes()
// ifd->getOutputFileBase().data(),ii->;
if (ifd->getOutputFileBase()==QCString(
- fd->addIncludeDependency(ifd.get(),ii.text,ii.isLocal,ii.isImported);
+ fd->addIncludeDependency(ifd.get(),ii.text.c_str(),ii.isLocal,ii.isImported);
@@ -1522,18 +1488,19 @@ void TagFileParser::addIncludes()
void parseTagFile(const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &root,const char *fullName)
- QFileInfo fi(fullName);
- if (!fi.exists()) return;
- TagFileParser handler( fullName ); // tagName
- handler.setFileName(fullName);
- TagFileErrorHandler errorHandler;
- QFile xmlFile( fullName );
- QXmlInputSource source( xmlFile );
- QXmlSimpleReader reader;
- reader.setContentHandler( &handler );
- reader.setErrorHandler( &errorHandler );
- reader.parse( source );
- handler.buildLists(root);
- handler.addIncludes();
- //handler.dump();
+ TagFileParser tagFileParser(fullName);
+ QCString inputStr = fileToString(fullName);
+ XMLHandlers handlers;
+ // connect the generic events handlers of the XML parser to the specific handlers of the tagFileParser object
+ handlers.startDocument = [&tagFileParser]() { tagFileParser.startDocument(); };
+ handlers.startElement = [&tagFileParser](const std::string &name,const XMLHandlers::Attributes &attrs) { tagFileParser.startElement(name,attrs); };
+ handlers.endElement = [&tagFileParser](const std::string &name) { tagFileParser.endElement(name); };
+ handlers.characters = [&tagFileParser](const std::string &chars) { tagFileParser.characters(chars); };
+ handlers.error = [&tagFileParser](const std::string &fileName,int lineNr,const std::string &msg) { tagFileParser.error(fileName,lineNr,msg); };
+ XMLParser parser(handlers);
+ tagFileParser.setDocumentLocator(&parser);
+ parser.parse(fullName,inputStr);
+ tagFileParser.buildLists(root);
+ tagFileParser.addIncludes();
+ //tagFileParser.dump();
diff --git a/src/util.cpp b/src/util.cpp
index 74e5226..4a35517 100644
--- a/src/util.cpp
+++ b/src/util.cpp
@@ -6686,7 +6686,10 @@ bool isURL(const QCString &url)
QCString loc_url = url.stripWhiteSpace();
return loc_url.left(5)=="http:" || loc_url.left(6)=="https:" ||
- loc_url.left(4)=="ftp:" || loc_url.left(5)=="file:";
+ loc_url.left(4)=="ftp:" || loc_url.left(5)=="ftps:" ||
+ loc_url.left(5)=="sftp:" || loc_url.left(5)=="file:" ||
+ loc_url.left(5)=="news:" || loc_url.left(4)=="irc:" ||
+ loc_url.left(5)=="ircs:";
/** Corrects URL \a url according to the relative path \a relPath.
* Returns the corrected URL. For absolute URLs no correction will be done.
diff --git a/src/xml.h b/src/xml.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..add95f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xml.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#ifndef XML_H
+#define XML_H
+#include <memory>
+#include <functional>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+/*! @brief Event handlers that can installed by the client and called while parsing a XML document.
+ */
+class XMLHandlers
+ public:
+ using Attributes = std::unordered_map<std::string,std::string>;
+ using StartDocType = void();
+ using EndDocType = void();
+ using StartElementType = void(const std::string &,const Attributes &);
+ using EndElementType = void(const std::string &);
+ using ErrorType = void(const std::string,int,const std::string &);
+ using CharsType = void(const std::string &);
+ std::function<StartDocType> startDocument; /**< handler invoked at the start of the document */
+ std::function<EndDocType> endDocument; /**< handler invoked at the end of the document */
+ std::function<StartElementType> startElement; /**< handler invoked when an opening tag has been found */
+ std::function<EndElementType> endElement; /**< handler invoked when a closing tag has been found */
+ std::function<CharsType> characters; /**< handler invoked when content between tags has been found */
+ std::function<ErrorType> error; /**< handler invoked when the parser encounters an error */
+ static std::string value(const Attributes &attrib,const std::string &key)
+ {
+ auto it = attrib.find(key);
+ if (it!=attrib.end())
+ {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+class XMLLocator
+ public:
+ virtual ~XMLLocator() {}
+ virtual int lineNr() const = 0;
+ virtual std::string fileName() const = 0;
+/*! Very basic SAX style parser to parse XML documents. */
+class XMLParser : public XMLLocator
+ public:
+ /*! Creates an instance of the parser object. Different instances can run on different
+ * threads without interference.
+ *
+ * @param handlers The event handlers passed by the client.
+ */
+ XMLParser(const XMLHandlers &handlers);
+ /*! Destructor */
+ ~XMLParser();
+ /*! Parses a file gives the contents of the file as a string.
+ * @param fileName the name of the file, used for error reporting.
+ * @param inputString the contents of the file as a zero terminated UTF-8 string.
+ */
+ void parse(const char *fileName,const char *inputString);
+ private:
+ virtual int lineNr() const override;
+ virtual std::string fileName() const override;
+ struct Private;
+ std::unique_ptr<Private> p;
diff --git a/src/xml.l b/src/xml.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace35d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xml.l
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2020 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+ * Minimal flex based parser for XML
+ ******************************************************************************/
+%option never-interactive
+%option prefix="xmlYY"
+%option reentrant
+%option extra-type="struct xmlYY_state *"
+%option 8bit noyywrap
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "xml.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#define YY_NO_INPUT 1
+#define YY_NO_UNISTD_H 1
+struct xmlYY_state
+ std::string fileName;
+ int lineNr = 1;
+ const char * inputString = 0; //!< the code fragment as text
+ yy_size_t inputPosition = 0; //!< read offset during parsing
+ std::string name;
+ bool isEnd = false;
+ bool selfClose = false;
+ std::string data;
+ std::string attrValue;
+ std::string attrName;
+ XMLHandlers::Attributes attrs;
+ XMLHandlers handlers;
+ int cdataContext;
+ int commentContext;
+ char stringChar;
+ std::vector<std::string> xpath;
+static const char *stateToString(int state);
+static yy_size_t yyread(yyscan_t yyscanner,char *buf,yy_size_t max_size);
+static void initElement(yyscan_t yyscanner);
+static void addCharacters(yyscan_t yyscanner);
+static void addElement(yyscan_t yyscanner);
+static void addAttribute(yyscan_t yyscanner);
+static void countLines(yyscan_t yyscanner, const char *txt,yy_size_t len);
+static void reportError(yyscan_t yyscanner, const std::string &msg);
+static std::string processData(yyscan_t yyscanner,const char *txt,yy_size_t len);
+#undef YY_INPUT
+#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(yyscanner,buf,max_size);
+NL (\r\n|\r|\n)
+SP [ \t\r\n]+
+OPEN {SP}?"<"
+CLOSE ">"{NL}?
+NAMESTART [:A-Za-z\200-\377_]
+NAMECHAR [:A-Za-z\200-\377_0-9.-]
+ESC "&#"[0-9]+";"|"&#x"[0-9a-fA-F]+";"
+COLON ":"
+PCDATA [^<]+
+STRING \"([^"&]|{ESC})*\"|\'([^'&]|{ESC})*\'
+%option noyywrap
+%s Initial
+%s Content
+%s CDataSection
+%s Element
+%s Attributes
+%s AttributeValue
+%s AttrValueStr
+%s Prolog
+%s Comment
+ {SP} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); }
+ {DOCTYPE} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); }
+ {OPENSPECIAL} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); BEGIN(Prolog); }
+ {OPEN} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng);
+ initElement(yyscanner);
+ BEGIN(Element); }
+ {COMMENT} { yyextra->commentContext = YY_START;
+ BEGIN(Comment);
+ }
+ {CDATA} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng);
+ yyextra->cdataContext = YY_START;
+ BEGIN(CDataSection);
+ }
+ {PCDATA} { yyextra->data += processData(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); }
+ {OPEN} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng);
+ addCharacters(yyscanner);
+ initElement(yyscanner);
+ BEGIN(Element);
+ }
+ {COMMENT} { yyextra->commentContext = YY_START;
+ countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng);
+ BEGIN(Comment);
+ }
+ "/" { yyextra->isEnd = true; }
+ {NAME} { yyextra->name = yytext;
+ BEGIN(Attributes); }
+ {CLOSE} { addElement(yyscanner);
+ countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng);
+ yyextra->data = "";
+ BEGIN(Content);
+ }
+ {SP} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); }
+ "/" { yyextra->selfClose = true; }
+ {NAME} { yyextra->attrName = yytext; }
+ "=" { BEGIN(AttributeValue); }
+ {CLOSE} { addElement(yyscanner);
+ countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng);
+ yyextra->data = "";
+ BEGIN(Content);
+ }
+ {SP} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); }
+ {SP} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); }
+ ['"] { yyextra->stringChar = *yytext;
+ yyextra->attrValue = "";
+ BEGIN(AttrValueStr);
+ }
+ . { std::string msg = std::string("Missing attribute value. Unexpected character `")+yytext+"` found";
+ reportError(yyscanner,msg);
+ unput(*yytext);
+ BEGIN(Attributes);
+ }
+ [^'"\n]+ { yyextra->attrValue += processData(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); }
+ ['"] { if (*yytext==yyextra->stringChar)
+ {
+ addAttribute(yyscanner);
+ BEGIN(Attributes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yyextra->attrValue += processData(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng);
+ }
+ }
+ \n { yyextra->lineNr++; yyextra->attrValue+=' '; }
+ {ENDCDATA} { BEGIN(yyextra->cdataContext); }
+ [^]\n]+ { yyextra->data += yytext; }
+ \n { yyextra->data += yytext;
+ yyextra->lineNr++;
+ }
+ . { yyextra->data += yytext; }
+ {CLOSESPECIAL} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng);
+ BEGIN(Initial);
+ }
+ [^?\n]+ { }
+ \n { yyextra->lineNr++; }
+ . { }
+ {COMMENTEND} { countLines(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng);
+ BEGIN(yyextra->commentContext);
+ }
+ [^\n-]+ { }
+ \n { yyextra->lineNr++; }
+ . { }
+\n { yyextra->lineNr++; }
+. { std::string msg = "Unexpected character `";
+ msg+=yytext;
+ msg+="` found";
+ reportError(yyscanner,msg);
+ }
+static yy_size_t yyread(yyscan_t yyscanner,char *buf,size_t max_size)
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+ yy_size_t inputPosition = yyextra->inputPosition;
+ const char *s = yyextra->inputString + inputPosition;
+ yy_size_t c=0;
+ while( c < max_size && *s)
+ {
+ *buf++ = *s++;
+ c++;
+ }
+ yyextra->inputPosition += c;
+ return c;
+static void countLines(yyscan_t yyscanner, const char *txt,yy_size_t len)
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+ for (yy_size_t i=0;i<len;i++)
+ {
+ if (txt[i]=='\n') yyextra->lineNr++;
+ }
+static void initElement(yyscan_t yyscanner)
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+ yyextra->isEnd = false; // true => </tag>
+ yyextra->selfClose = false; // true => <tag/>
+ yyextra->name = "";
+ yyextra->attrs.clear();
+static void checkAndUpdatePath(yyscan_t yyscanner)
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+ if (yyextra->xpath.empty())
+ {
+ std::string msg = "found closing tag '"+yyextra->name+"' without matching opening tag";
+ reportError(yyscanner,msg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string expectedTagName = yyextra->xpath.back();
+ if (expectedTagName!=yyextra->name)
+ {
+ std::string msg = "Found closing tag '"+yyextra->name+"' that does not match the opening tag '"+expectedTagName+"' at the same level";
+ reportError(yyscanner,msg);
+ }
+ else // matching end tag
+ {
+ yyextra->xpath.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+static void addElement(yyscan_t yyscanner)
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+ if (!yyextra->isEnd)
+ {
+ yyextra->xpath.push_back(yyextra->name);
+ if (yyextra->handlers.startElement)
+ {
+ yyextra->handlers.startElement(yyextra->name,yyextra->attrs);
+ }
+ if (yy_flex_debug)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%d: startElement(%s,attr=[",yyextra->lineNr,yyextra->;
+ for (auto attr : yyextra->attrs)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s='%s' ",attr.first.c_str(),attr.second.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"])\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (yyextra->isEnd || yyextra->selfClose)
+ {
+ if (yy_flex_debug)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%d: endElement(%s)\n",yyextra->lineNr,yyextra->;
+ }
+ checkAndUpdatePath(yyscanner);
+ if (yyextra->handlers.endElement)
+ {
+ yyextra->handlers.endElement(yyextra->name);
+ }
+ }
+static std::string trimSpaces(const std::string &str)
+ const int l = static_cast<int>(str.length());
+ int s=0, e=l-1;
+ while (s<l && isspace( s++;
+ while (e>s && isspace( e--;
+ return str.substr(s,1+e-s);
+static void addCharacters(yyscan_t yyscanner)
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+ std::string data = trimSpaces(yyextra->data);
+ if (yyextra->handlers.characters)
+ {
+ yyextra->handlers.characters(data);
+ }
+ if (!data.empty())
+ {
+ if (yy_flex_debug)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"characters(%s)\n",data.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+static void addAttribute(yyscan_t yyscanner)
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+ yyextra->attrs.insert(std::make_pair(yyextra->attrName,yyextra->attrValue));
+static void reportError(yyscan_t yyscanner,const std::string &msg)
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+ if (yy_flex_debug)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Error '%s'\n",yyextra->fileName.c_str(),yyextra->lineNr,msg.c_str());
+ }
+ if (yyextra->handlers.error)
+ {
+ yyextra->handlers.error(yyextra->fileName,yyextra->lineNr,msg);
+ }
+static const char *entities_enc[] = { "amp", "quot", "gt", "lt", "apos" };
+static const char entities_dec[] = { '&', '"', '>', '<', '\'' };
+static const int num_entities = 5;
+// replace character entities such as &amp; in txt and return the string where entities
+// are replaced
+static std::string processData(yyscan_t yyscanner,const char *txt,yy_size_t len)
+ std::string result;
+ result.reserve(len);
+ for (yy_size_t i=0; i<len; i++)
+ {
+ char c = txt[i];
+ if (c=='&')
+ {
+ const int maxEntityLen = 10;
+ char entity[maxEntityLen+1];
+ entity[maxEntityLen]='\0';
+ for (yy_size_t j=0; j<maxEntityLen && i+j+1<len; j++)
+ {
+ if (txt[i+j+1]!=';')
+ {
+ entity[j]=txt[i+j+1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entity[j]=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bool found=false;
+ for (int e=0; !found && e<num_entities; e++)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(entity,entities_enc[e])==0)
+ {
+ result+=entities_dec[e];
+ i+=strlen(entities_enc[e])+1;
+ found=true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ std::string msg = std::string("Invalid character entity '&") + entity + ";' found\n";
+ reportError(yyscanner,msg);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result+=c;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+struct XMLParser::Private
+ yyscan_t yyscanner;
+ struct xmlYY_state xmlYY_extra;
+XMLParser::XMLParser(const XMLHandlers &handlers) : p(new Private)
+ xmlYYlex_init_extra(&p->xmlYY_extra,&p->yyscanner);
+ p->xmlYY_extra.handlers = handlers;
+ xmlYYlex_destroy(p->yyscanner);
+void XMLParser::parse(const char *fileName,const char *inputStr)
+ yyscan_t yyscanner = p->yyscanner;
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+#ifdef FLEX_DEBUG
+ xmlYYset_debug(1,p->yyscanner);
+ if (inputStr==nullptr || inputStr[0]=='\0') return; // empty input
+ printlex(yy_flex_debug, true, __FILE__, fileName);
+ BEGIN(Initial);
+ yyextra->fileName = fileName;
+ yyextra->lineNr = 1;
+ yyextra->inputString = inputStr;
+ yyextra->inputPosition = 0;
+ xmlYYrestart( 0, yyscanner );
+ if (yyextra->handlers.startDocument)
+ {
+ yyextra->handlers.startDocument();
+ }
+ xmlYYlex(yyscanner);
+ if (yyextra->handlers.endDocument)
+ {
+ yyextra->handlers.endDocument();
+ }
+ if (!yyextra->xpath.empty())
+ {
+ std::string tagName = yyextra->xpath.back();
+ std::string msg = "End of file reached while expecting closing tag '"+tagName+"'";
+ reportError(yyscanner,msg);
+ }
+ printlex(yy_flex_debug, false, __FILE__, fileName);
+int XMLParser::lineNr() const
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)p->yyscanner;
+ return yyextra->lineNr;
+std::string XMLParser::fileName() const
+ struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)p->yyscanner;
+ return yyextra->fileName;
+#include "xml.l.h"