path: root/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1424 deletions
diff --git a/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.cpp b/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b221530..0000000
--- a/addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1424 +0,0 @@
-#include <qlabel.h>
-#include <qhbox.h>
-#include <qvbox.h>
-#include <qlineedit.h>
-#include <qapplication.h>
-#include <qcheckbox.h>
-#include <qpushbutton.h>
-#include <qbuttongroup.h>
-#include <qradiobutton.h>
-#include <qlayout.h>
-#include <qcombobox.h>
-#include <qfiledialog.h>
-#include <qmessagebox.h>
-#include <qtextedit.h>
-#include <qprocess.h>
-#include <qtimer.h>
-#include <qstatusbar.h>
-#include <qfileinfo.h>
-#include <qpopupmenu.h>
-#include <qmenubar.h>
-#include <qtooltip.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
-#include <CoreFoundation/CFBundle.h>
-#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
-#undef check
-#include "doxywizard.h"
-#include "expert.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "version.h"
-const int messageTimeout = 5000; //!< status bar message timeout in millisec.
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
-QCString getResourcePath()
- // todo: use qApp->applicationDirPath()
- QCString result;
- CFURLRef pluginRef = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle());
- CFStringRef macPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(pluginRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
- result = CFStringGetCStringPtr(macPath, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
- result+="/Contents/Resources/";
- return result;
-#define GRAPHVIZ_PATH "/Applications/"
-#define DOT_PATH GRAPHVIZ_PATH "/Contents/MacOS"
-#define DOT_LOCATION DOT_PATH "/dot"
-bool checkIfDotInstalled()
- QFileInfo fi(GRAPHVIZ_PATH);
- if (fi.exists() && fi.isDir())
- {
- fi.setFile(DOT_LOCATION);
- if (fi.exists() && fi.isFile())
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-void setDotPath()
- if (checkIfDotInstalled())
- {
- Config_getString("DOT_PATH")=DOT_PATH;
- Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT")=TRUE;
- }
-Step1::Step1(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent,"Step1")
- QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- layout->setMargin(4);
- layout->setSpacing(8);
- layout->addWidget(new QLabel( "Provide some information "
- "about the project you are documenting",this));
- QWidget *w = new QWidget( this );
- QHBoxLayout *bl = new QHBoxLayout(w,10);
- QVBox *col1 = new QVBox( w );
- col1->setSpacing(8);
- (new QLabel("Project name:",col1))->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter);
- (new QLabel("Project version or id:",col1))->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter);
- QVBox *col2 = new QVBox( w );
- col2->setSpacing(8);
- m_projName = new QLineEdit(col2);
- m_projNumber = new QLineEdit(col2);
- bl->addWidget(col1);
- bl->addWidget(col2);
- layout->addWidget(w);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- QFrame *f = new QFrame( this );
- f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );
- layout->addWidget(f);
- layout->addWidget(new QLabel( "Specify the directory to "
- "scan for source code", this));
- QHBox *row = new QHBox( this );
- row->setSpacing(10);
- new QLabel("Source code directory:",row);
- m_sourceDir = new QLineEdit(row);
- m_srcSelectDir = new QPushButton("Select...",row);
- layout->addWidget(row);
- m_recursive = new QCheckBox("Scan recursively",this);
- m_recursive->setChecked(TRUE);
- layout->addWidget(m_recursive);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- f = new QFrame( this );
- f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );
- layout->addWidget(f);
- layout->addWidget(new QLabel(
- "Specify the directory where doxygen should "
- "put the generated documentation",this
- ));
- row = new QHBox( this );
- row->setSpacing(10);
- new QLabel("Destination directory:",row);
- m_destDir = new QLineEdit(row);
- m_dstSelectDir = new QPushButton("Select...",row);
- layout->addWidget(row);
- layout->addStretch(1);
- connect(m_srcSelectDir,SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this,SLOT(selectSourceDir()));
- connect(m_dstSelectDir,SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this,SLOT(selectDestinationDir()));
-void Step1::selectSourceDir()
- m_sourceDir->setText(QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(m_sourceDir->text(),this));
-void Step1::selectDestinationDir()
- m_destDir->setText(QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(m_destDir->text(),this));
-QString Step1::getProjectName() const
- return m_projName->text();
-QString Step1::getProjectNumber() const
- return m_projNumber->text();
-QString Step1::getSourceDir() const
- return m_sourceDir->text();
-bool Step1::scanRecursively() const
- return m_recursive->isChecked();
-QString Step1::getDestinationDir() const
- return m_destDir->text();
-void Step1::setProjectName(const QString &name)
- m_projName->setText(name);
-void Step1::setProjectNumber(const QString &num)
- m_projNumber->setText(num);
-void Step1::setSourceDir(const QString &dir)
- m_sourceDir->setText(dir);
-void Step1::setRecursiveScan(bool enable)
- m_recursive->setChecked(enable);
-void Step1::setDestinationDir(const QString &dir)
- m_destDir->setText(dir);
-Step2::Step2(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent,"Step2")
- QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- layout->setSpacing(8);
- m_extractMode = new QButtonGroup("Select the desired extraction mode:",this);
- QGridLayout *gbox = new QGridLayout( m_extractMode, 4, 1, 8, 0 );
- gbox->addRowSpacing( 0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+2 );
- gbox->addWidget(new QRadioButton("Documented entities only",m_extractMode),1,0);
- gbox->addWidget(new QRadioButton("All entities",m_extractMode),2,0);
- gbox->addWidget(m_crossRef = new QCheckBox("Include cross-referenced source code in the output",m_extractMode),3,0);
- m_extractMode->setButton(0);
- layout->addWidget(m_extractMode);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- QFrame *f = new QFrame( this );
- f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );
- layout->addWidget(f);
- m_optimizeLang = new QButtonGroup("Select programming language to optimize the results for",this);
- gbox = new QGridLayout( m_optimizeLang, 4, 1, 8, 0 );
- gbox->addRowSpacing( 0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+2 );
- gbox->addWidget(new QRadioButton("Optimize for C++ output",m_optimizeLang),1,0);
- gbox->addWidget(new QRadioButton("Optimize for Java output",m_optimizeLang),2,0);
- gbox->addWidget(new QRadioButton("Optimize for C output",m_optimizeLang),3,0);
- m_optimizeLang->setButton(0);
- layout->addWidget(m_optimizeLang);
- layout->addStretch(1);
- connect(m_crossRef,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),
- parent,SLOT(changeCrossRefState(int)));
-bool Step2::crossReferencingEnabled() const
- //printf("Step2::crossReferencingEnabled()=%d\n",m_crossRef->isOn());
- return m_crossRef->isOn();
-void Step2::enableCrossReferencing()
- //printf("Step2::enableCrossReferencing()\n");
- m_crossRef->setChecked(TRUE);
-bool Step2::extractAll() const
- //printf("Step2::extractAll()=%d\n",m_extractMode->find(1)->isOn());
- return m_extractMode->find(1)->isOn();
-bool Step2::crossReferencing() const
- return m_crossRef->isChecked();
-OptLang Step2::optimizeFor() const
- switch (m_optimizeLang->selectedId())
- {
- case 0: return Lang_Cpp;
- case 1: return Lang_Java;
- case 2: return Lang_C;
- }
- return Lang_Cpp;
-void Step2::setExtractAll(bool enable)
- //printf("Step2::setExtractAll(%d)\n",enable);
- m_extractMode->setButton(enable?1:0);
-void Step2::setCrossReferencing(bool enable)
- //printf("Step2::setCrossReferencing(%d)\n",enable);
- m_crossRef->setChecked(enable);
-void Step2::setOptimizeFor(OptLang lang)
- switch (lang)
- {
- case Lang_Cpp: m_optimizeLang->setButton(0); break;
- case Lang_Java: m_optimizeLang->setButton(1); break;
- case Lang_C: m_optimizeLang->setButton(2); break;
- }
-Step3::Step3(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent,"Step3")
- QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- QButtonGroup *bg = new QButtonGroup("Output format(s) to generate",this);
- QGridLayout *gbox = new QGridLayout( bg, 8, 1, 8, 0 );
- gbox->addRowSpacing( 0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+2 );
- gbox->addWidget(m_htmlEnabled=new QCheckBox("HTML",bg),1,0);
- QWidget *w = new QWidget(bg);
- QHBoxLayout *bl = new QHBoxLayout(w);
- m_htmlOptions = new QButtonGroup(w);
- m_htmlOptions->hide();
- m_htmlOptionBox = new QVBox(w);
- m_htmlOptions->insert(new QRadioButton("plain HTML",m_htmlOptionBox));
- m_htmlOptions->insert(new QRadioButton("with frames and a navigation tree",m_htmlOptionBox));
- m_htmlOptions->insert(new QRadioButton("prepare for compressed HTML (.chm)",m_htmlOptionBox));
- m_htmlOptions->insert(m_searchEnabled=new QCheckBox("With search function (requires PHP enabled web server)",m_htmlOptionBox));
- bl->addSpacing(30);
- bl->addWidget(m_htmlOptionBox);
- m_htmlOptions->setButton(0);
- m_htmlOptionBox->setEnabled(TRUE);
- gbox->addWidget(w,2,0);
- gbox->addWidget(m_latexEnabled=new QCheckBox("LaTeX",bg),3,0);
- w = new QWidget(bg);
- bl = new QHBoxLayout(w);
- m_texOptions = new QButtonGroup(w);
- m_texOptions->hide();
- m_texOptionBox = new QVBox(w);
- m_texOptions->insert(new QRadioButton("as intermediate format for hyperlinked PDF",m_texOptionBox));
- m_texOptions->insert(new QRadioButton("as intermediate format for PDF",m_texOptionBox));
- m_texOptions->insert(new QRadioButton("as intermediate format for PostScript",m_texOptionBox));
- bl->addSpacing(30);
- bl->addWidget(m_texOptionBox);
- m_texOptions->setButton(0);
- m_texOptionBox->setEnabled(FALSE);
- gbox->addWidget(w,4,0);
- gbox->addWidget(m_manEnabled=new QCheckBox("Man pages",bg),5,0);
- gbox->addWidget(m_rtfEnabled=new QCheckBox("Rich Text Format (RTF)",bg),6,0);
- gbox->addWidget(m_xmlEnabled=new QCheckBox("XML",bg),7,0);
- bg->setButton(0);
- layout->addWidget(bg);
- layout->addStretch(1);
- connect(m_latexEnabled,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),
- this,SLOT(latexStateChange(int)));
- connect(m_htmlEnabled,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),
- this,SLOT(htmlStateChange(int)));
-void Step3::latexStateChange(int state)
- if (state==QButton::On)
- {
- m_texOptionBox->setEnabled(TRUE);
- }
- else if (state==QButton::Off)
- {
- m_texOptionBox->setEnabled(FALSE);
- }
-void Step3::htmlStateChange(int state)
- if (state==QButton::On)
- {
- m_htmlOptionBox->setEnabled(TRUE);
- }
- else if (state==QButton::Off)
- {
- m_htmlOptionBox->setEnabled(FALSE);
- }
-bool Step3::htmlEnabled() const
- return m_htmlEnabled->isChecked();
-bool Step3::latexEnabled() const
- return m_latexEnabled->isChecked();
-bool Step3::manEnabled() const
- return m_manEnabled->isChecked();
-bool Step3::rtfEnabled() const
- return m_rtfEnabled->isChecked();
-bool Step3::xmlEnabled() const
- return m_xmlEnabled->isChecked();
-bool Step3::searchEnabled() const
- return m_searchEnabled->isChecked();
-HtmlStyle Step3::htmlStyle() const
- if (m_htmlOptions->find(0)->isOn())
- {
- return HS_Plain;
- }
- else if (m_htmlOptions->find(1)->isOn())
- {
- return HS_TreeView;
- }
- else if (m_htmlOptions->find(2)->isOn())
- {
- return HS_CHM;
- }
- // broken radio button logic
- return HS_Plain;
-TexStyle Step3::texStyle() const
- switch (m_texOptions->selectedId())
- {
- case 0: return TS_PDFHyper;
- case 1: return TS_PDF;
- case 2: return TS_PS;
- }
- return TS_PDFHyper;
-void Step3::setHtmlEnabled(bool enable)
- m_htmlEnabled->setChecked(enable);
-void Step3::setLatexEnabled(bool enable)
- m_latexEnabled->setChecked(enable);
-void Step3::setManEnabled(bool enable)
- m_manEnabled->setChecked(enable);
-void Step3::setRtfEnabled(bool enable)
- m_rtfEnabled->setChecked(enable);
-void Step3::setXmlEnabled(bool enable)
- m_xmlEnabled->setChecked(enable);
-void Step3::setSearchEnabled(bool enable)
- m_searchEnabled->setChecked(enable);
-void Step3::setHtmlStyle(HtmlStyle style)
- switch(style)
- {
- case HS_Plain: m_htmlOptions->setButton(0); break;
- case HS_TreeView: m_htmlOptions->setButton(1); break;
- case HS_CHM: m_htmlOptions->setButton(2); break;
- }
-void Step3::setTexStyle(TexStyle style)
- switch(style)
- {
- case TS_PDFHyper: m_texOptions->setButton(0); break;
- case TS_PDF: m_texOptions->setButton(1); break;
- case TS_PS: m_texOptions->setButton(2); break;
- }
-Step4::Step4(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent,"Step4")
- QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- m_diagramMode = new QButtonGroup("Diagrams to generate",this);
- QGridLayout *gbox = new QGridLayout( m_diagramMode, 5, 1, 8, 0 );
- gbox->addRowSpacing( 0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+2 );
- gbox->addWidget(new QRadioButton("No diagrams",m_diagramMode),1,0);
- gbox->addWidget(new QRadioButton("Use built-in class diagram generator",m_diagramMode),2,0);
- gbox->addWidget(new QRadioButton("Use dot tool from the GraphViz package to generate",m_diagramMode),3,0);
- QWidget *w = new QWidget(m_diagramMode);
- QHBoxLayout *bl = new QHBoxLayout(w);
- QButtonGroup *dotGroup = new QButtonGroup(w);
- dotGroup->hide();
- m_dotOptions = new QVBox(w);
- dotGroup->insert(m_dotClass=new QCheckBox("Class diagrams",m_dotOptions));
- dotGroup->insert(m_dotCollaboration=new QCheckBox("Collaboration diagrams",m_dotOptions));
- dotGroup->insert(m_dotInclude=new QCheckBox("Include dependency graphs",m_dotOptions));
- dotGroup->insert(m_dotIncludedBy=new QCheckBox("Included by dependency graphs",m_dotOptions));
- dotGroup->insert(m_dotInheritance=new QCheckBox("Overall Class hierarchy",m_dotOptions));
- dotGroup->insert(m_dotCall=new QCheckBox("Call graphs",m_dotOptions));
- bl->addSpacing(30);
- bl->addWidget(m_dotOptions);
- dotGroup->setButton(0);
- m_dotOptions->setEnabled(FALSE);
- gbox->addWidget(w,4,0);
- m_diagramMode->setButton(1);
- layout->addWidget(m_diagramMode);
- layout->addStretch(1);
- connect(m_diagramMode,SIGNAL(clicked(int)),
- this,SLOT(diagramModeChanged(int)));
- connect(m_dotCall,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),
- parent,SLOT(changeCallGraphState(int)));
-void Step4::diagramModeChanged(int buttonId)
- m_dotOptions->setEnabled(buttonId==2);
-void Step4::disableCallGraphs()
- m_dotCall->setChecked(FALSE);
-bool Step4::callGraphEnabled() const
- return m_dotCall->isOn();
-DiagramMode Step4::diagramMode() const
- switch(m_diagramMode->selectedId())
- {
- case 0: return DM_None;
- case 1: return DM_Builtin;
- case 2: return DM_Dot;
- }
- return DM_None;
-bool Step4::classDiagram() const
- return m_dotClass->isChecked();
-bool Step4::collaborationDiagram() const
- return m_dotCollaboration->isChecked();
-bool Step4::includeGraph() const
- return m_dotInclude->isChecked();
-bool Step4::includedByGraph() const
- return m_dotIncludedBy->isChecked();
-bool Step4::inheritanceGraph() const
- return m_dotInheritance->isChecked();
-bool Step4::callGraph() const
- return m_dotCall->isChecked();
-void Step4::setDiagramMode(DiagramMode mode)
- switch(mode)
- {
- case DM_None: m_diagramMode->setButton(0); diagramModeChanged(0); break;
- case DM_Builtin: m_diagramMode->setButton(1); diagramModeChanged(1); break;
- case DM_Dot: m_diagramMode->setButton(2); diagramModeChanged(2); break;
- }
-void Step4::setClassDiagram(bool enable)
- m_dotClass->setChecked(enable);
-void Step4::setCollaborationDiagram(bool enable)
- m_dotCollaboration->setChecked(enable);
-void Step4::setIncludeGraph(bool enable)
- m_dotInclude->setChecked(enable);
-void Step4::setIncludedByGraph(bool enable)
- m_dotIncludedBy->setChecked(enable);
-void Step4::setInheritanceGraph(bool enable)
- m_dotInheritance->setChecked(enable);
-void Step4::setCallGraph(bool enable)
- m_dotCall->setChecked(enable);
-Wizard::Wizard(QWidget *parent=0) : QTabDialog(parent)
- addTab( m_step1 = new Step1(this),"Project");
- addTab( m_step2 = new Step2(this),"Mode");
- addTab( m_step3 = new Step3(this),"Output");
- addTab( m_step4 = new Step4(this),"Diagrams");
- setCancelButton();
-void Wizard::changeCallGraphState(int state)
- if (state==QButton::On && !m_step2->crossReferencingEnabled())
- {
- if (QMessageBox::question(this,"This option depends on another option",
- "The call graph option requires that cross-referencing "
- "of source code is enabled.\nDo you want to enable this "
- "option?",QMessageBox::Yes,QMessageBox::No)==QMessageBox::Yes)
- {
- m_step2->enableCrossReferencing();
- }
- else
- {
- m_step4->disableCallGraphs();
- }
- }
-void Wizard::changeCrossRefState(int state)
- if (state==QButton::Off && m_step4->callGraphEnabled())
- {
- if (QMessageBox::question(this,"Another option depends on this one",
- "The call graph option requires that cross-referencing "
- "of source code is enabled.\nDo you want to disable the call "
- "graph option?",QMessageBox::Yes,QMessageBox::No
- )==QMessageBox::Yes
- )
- {
- m_step4->disableCallGraphs();
- }
- else
- {
- m_step2->enableCrossReferencing();
- }
- }
-MainWidget::MainWidget(QWidget *parent)
- : QMainWindow(parent,"MainWidget")
- setCaption("Doxygen GUI frontend");
- // initialize config settings
- Config::instance()->init();
- Config::instance()->check();
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
- setDotPath();
- QWidget *w = new QWidget(this);
- setCentralWidget(w);
- QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(w);
- layout->setMargin(10);
- QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu(this);
- file->insertItem("Open...", this, SLOT(loadConfigFile()), CTRL+Key_O);
- file->insertItem("Save As...", this, SLOT(saveConfigFile()), CTRL+Key_S);
- m_recentMenu = new QPopupMenu;
- file->insertItem( "&Recent configurations", m_recentMenu );
- connect(m_recentMenu,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(openRecent(int)));
- file->insertItem("Set as default...",this,SLOT(saveDefaults()) );
- file->insertItem("Reset...",this,SLOT(resetConfig()) );
- file->insertItem("Quit", this, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q);
- QPopupMenu *help = new QPopupMenu(this);
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
- help->insertItem("Online manual", this, SLOT(manual()), Key_F1);
- help->insertItem("About", this, SLOT(about()) );
- menuBar()->insertItem("File",file);
- menuBar()->insertItem("Help",help);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- QVBox *heading = new QVBox(w);
- QLabel *l = new QLabel("Step 1: Configure doxygen",heading);
- QFrame *f = new QFrame( heading );
- f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );
- //f->setFixedSize(l->sizeHint().width(),f->sizeHint().height());
- layout->addWidget(heading);
- layout->addSpacing(10);
- l = new QLabel("Choose one of the following ways to configure doxygen",w);
- layout->addWidget(l);
- layout->addSpacing(5);
- QHBoxLayout *hbl = new QHBoxLayout(layout);
- hbl->setSpacing(8);
- m_wizard = new QPushButton("Wizard...",w);
- QToolTip::add(m_wizard,"Quickly configure the most important settings");
- hbl->addWidget(m_wizard);
- m_expert = new QPushButton("Expert...",w);
- QToolTip::add(m_expert,"Determine all configuration settings in detail");
- hbl->addWidget(m_expert);
- m_load = new QPushButton("Load...",w);
- QToolTip::add(m_load,"Load the configuration settings from file");
- hbl->addWidget(m_load);
- hbl->addStretch(1);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- heading = new QVBox(w);
- l = new QLabel("Step 2: Save the configuration file",heading);
- f = new QFrame( heading );
- f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );
- //f->setFixedSize(l->sizeHint().width(),f->sizeHint().height());
- layout->addSpacing(15);
- layout->addWidget(heading);
- layout->addSpacing(5);
- QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(layout,1,2,10);
- m_save = new QPushButton("Save...",w);
- m_save->setFixedSize(m_save->sizeHint());
- grid->addWidget(m_save,0,0);
- grid->addWidget(m_saveStatus=new QLabel(w),0,1);
- m_saveStatus->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- heading = new QVBox(w);
- l = new QLabel("Step 3: Specify the directory from which to run doxygen",heading);
- f = new QFrame( heading );
- f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );
- //f->setFixedSize(l->sizeHint().width(),f->sizeHint().height());
- layout->addSpacing(15);
- layout->addWidget(heading);
- layout->addSpacing(5);
- QHBoxLayout *row = new QHBoxLayout( layout );
- row->setSpacing(10);
- row->addWidget(new QLabel("Working directory:",w));
- m_workingDir = new QLineEdit(w);
- m_selWorkingDir = new QPushButton("Select...",w);
- row->addWidget(m_workingDir,1);
- row->addWidget(m_selWorkingDir);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- heading = new QVBox(w);
- l = new QLabel("Step 4: Run doxygen",heading);
- f = new QFrame( heading );
- f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );
- //f->setFixedSize(l->sizeHint().width(),f->sizeHint().height());
- layout->addSpacing(15);
- layout->addWidget(heading);
- layout->addSpacing(5);
- row = new QHBoxLayout( layout );
- row->setSpacing(10);
- m_run = new QPushButton("Start",w);
- row->addWidget(m_run);
- row->addWidget(m_runStatus = new QLabel("Status: not running",w));
- row->addStretch(1);
- m_run->setEnabled(FALSE);
- m_runStatus->setEnabled(FALSE);
- m_saveLog = new QPushButton("Save log...",w);
- m_saveLog->setEnabled(FALSE);
- row->addWidget(m_saveLog);
- layout->addSpacing(8);
- layout->addWidget(m_outputHeading=new QLabel("Output produced by doxygen",w));
- grid = new QGridLayout(layout,1,1,3);
- m_outputLog = new QTextEdit(w);
- m_outputLog->setReadOnly(TRUE);
- m_outputLog->setMinimumWidth(600);
- grid->addWidget(m_outputLog,0,0);
- grid->setColStretch(0,1);
- grid->setRowStretch(0,1);
- m_outputLog->setEnabled(FALSE);
- m_outputHeading->setEnabled(FALSE);
- // make connections
- connect(m_wizard,SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this,SLOT(launchWizard()));
- connect(m_expert,SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this,SLOT(launchExpert()));
- connect(m_load,SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this,SLOT(loadConfigFile()));
- connect(m_save,SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this,SLOT(saveConfigFile()));
- connect(m_selWorkingDir,SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this,SLOT(selectWorkingDir()));
- connect(m_workingDir,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
- this,SLOT(updateRunnable(const QString&)));
- connect(m_run,SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this,SLOT(runDoxygen()));
- connect(m_saveLog,SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this,SLOT(saveLog()));
- // load default settings
- m_settings.setPath("","Doxygen GUI");
- bool ok;
- QString config = m_settings.readEntry("/doxywizard/config/default",QString::null,&ok);
- if (ok && !config.isEmpty())
- {
- Config::instance()->parseString("default settings",config);
- }
- QString workingDir = m_settings.readEntry("/doxywizard/config/workingdir",QString::null,&ok);
- if (ok && !workingDir.isEmpty())
- {
- m_workingDir->setText(workingDir);
- }
- setConfigSaved(FALSE);
- for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
- {
- QString entry = m_settings.readEntry(QString().sprintf("/doxywizard/recent/config%d",i));
- if (!entry.isEmpty())
- {
- addRecentFile(entry);
- }
- }
- m_runProcess = new QProcess;
- connect(m_runProcess,SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()),this,SLOT(readStdout()));
- connect(m_runProcess,SIGNAL(processExited()),this,SLOT(runComplete()));
- m_running = FALSE;
- m_timer = new QTimer;
- connect(m_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(readStdout()));
- statusBar()->message("Welcome to Doxygen",messageTimeout);
- delete m_runProcess;
-void MainWidget::selectWorkingDir()
- QString selectedDir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(m_workingDir->text());
- if (!selectedDir.isEmpty())
- {
- m_workingDir->setText(selectedDir);
- }
-void MainWidget::updateRunnable(const QString &newDirName)
- if (m_running) return;
- QFileInfo fi(newDirName);
- bool isRunnable = fi.exists() && fi.isDir() && m_configSaved;
- m_run->setEnabled(isRunnable);
- m_runStatus->setEnabled(isRunnable);
- m_outputHeading->setEnabled(isRunnable);
- m_outputLog->setEnabled(isRunnable);
- m_saveLog->setEnabled(isRunnable && !m_outputLog->text().isEmpty());
-void MainWidget::launchWizard()
- Wizard wizard(this);
- // -------- Initialize the dialog ----------------
- // step1
- wizard.setProjectName(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME"));
- wizard.setProjectNumber(Config_getString("PROJECT_NUMBER"));
- if (Config_getList("INPUT").count()>0)
- {
- QString dirName=Config_getList("INPUT").getFirst();
- QFileInfo fi(dirName);
- if (fi.exists() && fi.isDir())
- {
- wizard.setSourceDir(dirName);
- }
- }
- wizard.setRecursiveScan(Config_getBool("RECURSIVE"));
- wizard.setDestinationDir(Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"));
- // step2
- wizard.setExtractAll(Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL"));
- wizard.setCrossReferencing(Config_getBool("SOURCE_BROWSER"));
- if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA"))
- {
- wizard.setOptimizeFor(Lang_Java);
- }
- else if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C"))
- {
- wizard.setOptimizeFor(Lang_C);
- }
- else
- {
- wizard.setOptimizeFor(Lang_Cpp);
- }
- // step3
- wizard.setHtmlEnabled(Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML"));
- wizard.setLatexEnabled(Config_getBool("GENERATE_LATEX"));
- wizard.setManEnabled(Config_getBool("GENERATE_MAN"));
- wizard.setRtfEnabled(Config_getBool("GENERATE_RTF"));
- wizard.setXmlEnabled(Config_getBool("GENERATE_XML"));
- wizard.setSearchEnabled(Config_getBool("SEARCHENGINE"));
- if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTMLHELP"))
- {
- wizard.setHtmlStyle(HS_CHM);
- }
- else if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_TREEVIEW"))
- {
- wizard.setHtmlStyle(HS_TreeView);
- }
- else
- {
- wizard.setHtmlStyle(HS_Plain);
- }
- if (Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX"))
- {
- if (Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS"))
- {
- wizard.setTexStyle(TS_PDFHyper);
- }
- else
- {
- wizard.setTexStyle(TS_PDF);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- wizard.setTexStyle(TS_PS);
- }
- // step4
- if (Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT"))
- {
- wizard.setDiagramMode(DM_Dot);
- }
- else if (Config_getBool("CLASS_DIAGRAMS"))
- {
- wizard.setDiagramMode(DM_Builtin);
- }
- else
- {
- wizard.setDiagramMode(DM_None);
- }
- wizard.setClassDiagram(Config_getBool("CLASS_GRAPH"));
- wizard.setCollaborationDiagram(Config_getBool("COLLABORATION_GRAPH"));
- wizard.setIncludeGraph(Config_getBool("INCLUDE_GRAPH"));
- wizard.setIncludedByGraph(Config_getBool("INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH"));
- wizard.setInheritanceGraph(Config_getBool("GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY"));
- wizard.setCallGraph(Config_getBool("CALL_GRAPH"));
- // -------- Run the dialog ----------------
- if (wizard.exec()==QDialog::Accepted)
- {
- // -------- Store the results ----------------
- // step1
- Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")=wizard.getProjectName();
- Config_getString("PROJECT_NUMBER")=wizard.getProjectNumber();
- Config_getList("INPUT").clear();
- Config_getList("INPUT").append(wizard.getSourceDir());
- Config_getBool("RECURSIVE")=wizard.scanRecursively();
- Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY")=wizard.getDestinationDir();
- // step2
- if (wizard.extractAll())
- {
- Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL")=TRUE;
- Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE")=TRUE;
- Config_getBool("EXTRACT_STATIC")=TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL")=FALSE;
- Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE")=FALSE;
- Config_getBool("EXTRACT_STATIC")=FALSE;
- Config_getBool("HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS")=TRUE;
- Config_getBool("HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES")=TRUE;
- }
- if (wizard.crossReferencing())
- {
- Config_getBool("SOURCE_BROWSER")=TRUE;
- Config_getBool("VERBATIM_HEADERS")=TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- Config_getBool("SOURCE_BROWSER")=FALSE;
- }
- switch(wizard.optimizeFor())
- {
- case Lang_Cpp:
- break;
- case Lang_Java:
- break;
- case Lang_C:
- break;
- }
- // step3
- Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML")=wizard.htmlEnabled();
- Config_getBool("GENERATE_LATEX")=wizard.latexEnabled();
- Config_getBool("GENERATE_MAN")=wizard.manEnabled();
- Config_getBool("GENERATE_RTF")=wizard.rtfEnabled();
- Config_getBool("GENERATE_XML")=wizard.xmlEnabled();
- Config_getBool("SEARCHENGINE")=wizard.searchEnabled();
- if (wizard.htmlEnabled())
- {
- switch (wizard.htmlStyle())
- {
- case HS_Plain:
- break;
- case HS_TreeView:
- break;
- case HS_CHM:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (wizard.latexEnabled())
- {
- switch (wizard.texStyle())
- {
- case TS_PDFHyper:
- Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX")=TRUE;
- Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS")=TRUE;
- break;
- case TS_PDF:
- Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX")=TRUE;
- Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS")=FALSE;
- break;
- case TS_PS:
- Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX")=FALSE;
- Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS")=FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- // step4
- switch (wizard.diagramMode())
- {
- case DM_None:
- Config_getBool("CLASS_DIAGRAMS")=FALSE;
- Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT")=FALSE;
- break;
- case DM_Builtin:
- Config_getBool("CLASS_DIAGRAMS")=TRUE;
- Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT")=FALSE;
- break;
- case DM_Dot:
- Config_getBool("CLASS_DIAGRAMS")=FALSE;
- Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT")=TRUE;
- Config_getBool("CLASS_GRAPH")=wizard.classDiagram();
- Config_getBool("COLLABORATION_GRAPH")=wizard.collaborationDiagram();
- Config_getBool("INCLUDE_GRAPH")=wizard.includeGraph();
- Config_getBool("INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH")=wizard.includedByGraph();
- Config_getBool("GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY")=wizard.inheritanceGraph();
- Config_getBool("CALL_GRAPH")=wizard.callGraph();
- break;
- }
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
- if (Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT"))
- {
- setDotPath();
- }
- setConfigSaved(FALSE);
- }
-void MainWidget::loadConfigFromFile(const QString &fn)
- if (!Config::instance()->parse(fn))
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(0,"Warning",
- "Could not open or read config file "+fn+"!",
- "abort"
- );
- }
- else
- {
- Config::instance()->convertStrToVal();
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
- if (checkIfDotInstalled() &&
- qstricmp(Config_getString("DOT_PATH"),DOT_PATH)!=0
- )
- {
- Config_getString("DOT_PATH")=DOT_PATH;
- setConfigSaved(FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- setConfigSaved(TRUE);
- }
- setConfigSaved(TRUE);
- addRecentFile(fn);
- m_workingDir->setText(QFileInfo(fn).dirPath(TRUE));
- m_configFileName = fn;
- statusBar()->message("New configuration loaded",messageTimeout);
- }
-void MainWidget::loadConfigFile()
- QString fn = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(m_workingDir->text(),QString::null,this);
- if (!fn.isEmpty())
- {
- loadConfigFromFile(fn);
- // set current dir to where the config file is located
- QDir::setCurrent(QFileInfo(fn).dirPath(TRUE));
- }
-void MainWidget::launchExpert()
- Expert expert(this);
- expert.init();
- expert.exec();
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
- setDotPath();
- if (expert.hasChanged()) setConfigSaved(FALSE);
-void MainWidget::saveDefaults()
- if (QMessageBox::question(this,"Store settings as defaults",
- "Do you wish to use the "
- "current configuration settings as the default settings?",
- QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No)==QMessageBox::Yes)
- {
- QString newConfig;
- QTextStream t(&newConfig,IO_WriteOnly);
- Config::instance()->writeTemplate(t,TRUE,FALSE);
- m_settings.writeEntry("/doxywizard/config/default",newConfig);
- m_settings.writeEntry("/doxywizard/config/workingdir",m_workingDir->text());
- statusBar()->message("Current configuration saved as default",messageTimeout);
- }
-void MainWidget::saveConfigFile()
- QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(m_workingDir->text()+"/Doxyfile",QString::null,this);
- if (!fn.isEmpty())
- {
- QFile f(fn);
- if (
- {
- QTextStream t(&f);
- Config::instance()->writeTemplate(t,TRUE,FALSE);
- m_configFileName = fn;
- setConfigSaved(TRUE);
- addRecentFile(fn);
- statusBar()->message("Configuration saved",messageTimeout);
- }
- else
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(0,"Warning",
- "Cannot open file "+fn+" for writing. Nothing saved!","ok");
- }
- }
-void MainWidget::resetConfig()
- if (QMessageBox::question(this,"Reset settings to their defaults",
- "Do you wish to reset the "
- "current configuration settings to their factory defaults?",
- QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No)==QMessageBox::Yes)
- {
- // initialize config settings
- Config::instance()->init();
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
- setDotPath();
- m_configFileName = "";
- setConfigSaved(FALSE);
- statusBar()->message("Configuration settings reset to their defaults",messageTimeout);
- }
-void MainWidget::setConfigSaved(bool enable)
- m_configSaved=enable;
- if (m_configSaved)
- {
- m_saveStatus->setText("Status: saved");
- }
- else
- {
- m_saveStatus->setText("Status: <font color=\"red\">not saved</font>");
- }
- updateRunnable(m_workingDir->text());
-void MainWidget::runDoxygen()
- if (!m_running)
- {
- QString doxygenPath;
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
- doxygenPath = getResourcePath();
- // TODO: get the right value if not in the search path
- //printf("Trying to run doxygen from path %s\n",;
- m_runProcess->setCommunication(QProcess::Stdout|
- QProcess::Stderr|
- QProcess::DupStderr
- );
- m_runProcess->setWorkingDirectory(QDir(m_workingDir->text()));
- m_runProcess->clearArguments();
- m_runProcess->addArgument(doxygenPath+"doxygen");
- m_runProcess->addArgument("-b");
- m_runProcess->addArgument(m_configFileName);
- m_outputLog->clear();
- if (!m_runProcess->start())
- {
- m_outputLog->append(QString("*** Failed to run doxygen\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- m_running=TRUE;
- m_run->setText("Cancel");
- m_runStatus->setText("Status: running");
- m_timer->start(1000);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_running=FALSE;
- m_run->setText("Start");
- m_runStatus->setText("Status: not running");
- m_runProcess->kill();
- m_timer->stop();
- updateRunnable(m_workingDir->text());
- }
-void MainWidget::readStdout()
- m_outputLog->append(QString(m_runProcess->readStdout()));
-void MainWidget::runComplete()
- if (m_running)
- {
- m_outputLog->append(QString("*** Doxygen has finished\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- m_outputLog->append(QString("*** Cancelled by user\n"));
- }
- m_run->setText("Start");
- m_runStatus->setText("Status: not running");
- m_running=FALSE;
- updateRunnable(m_workingDir->text());
-void MainWidget::about()
- QString msg;
- QTextStream t(&msg,IO_WriteOnly);
- t << QString("<qt><center>A tool to configure and run doxygen version ")+versionString+
- " on your source files.</center><p><br>"
- "<center>Written by<br> Dimitri van Heesch<br>&copy; 2000-2005</center><p>"
- "</qt>";
- QMessageBox::about(this,"Doxygen GUI",msg);
-void MainWidget::manual()
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
- const char *urlBytes = "";
- CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithBytes (
- NULL, // allocator
- (UInt8*)urlBytes, // bytes
- strlen(urlBytes), // length
- kCFStringEncodingASCII, // encoding
- NULL // baseURL
- );
- LSOpenCFURLRef(url,0);
- CFRelease(url);
-void MainWidget::addRecentFile(const QString &file)
- QStringList::Iterator it = m_recentFiles.find(file);
- if (it!=m_recentFiles.end())
- {
- // already found => move to top
- m_recentFiles.remove(it);
- m_recentFiles.prepend(file);
- }
- else
- {
- // not found
- if (m_recentFiles.count() < 10) // append
- {
- m_recentFiles.prepend(file);
- }
- else // add + drop last item
- {
- m_recentFiles.remove(m_recentFiles.last());
- m_recentFiles.prepend(file);
- }
- }
- m_recentMenu->clear();
- int i=0;
- for ( it = m_recentFiles.begin(); it != m_recentFiles.end(); ++it, ++i )
- {
- m_recentMenu->insertItem(*it);
- m_settings.writeEntry(QString().sprintf("/doxywizard/recent/config%d",i),*it);
- }
-void MainWidget::openRecent(int id)
- loadConfigFromFile(m_recentMenu->text(id));
-void MainWidget::quit()
- if (!m_configSaved &&
- QMessageBox::warning( this, "DoxyWizard", "Quit and lose changes?",
- QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No)==QMessageBox::No
- ) return; // Quit cancelled by user
- qApp->quit();
-void MainWidget::saveLog()
- QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(m_workingDir->text()+"/doxygen_log.txt",QString::null,this);
- if (!fn.isEmpty())
- {
- QFile f(fn);
- if (
- {
- QTextStream t(&f);
- t << m_outputLog->text();
- statusBar()->message("Output log saved",messageTimeout);
- }
- else
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(0,"Warning",
- "Cannot open file "+fn+" for writing. Nothing saved!","ok");
- }
- }
-int main(int argc,char **argv)
- QApplication a(argc,argv);
- MainWidget main;
- if (argc==2 && argv[1][0]!='-') // name of config file as an argument
- {
- main.loadConfigFromFile(argv[1]);
- }
- else if (argc>1)
- {
- printf("Usage: %s [config file]\n",argv[0]);
- exit(1);
- }
- a.setMainWidget(&main);
- return a.exec();